61 minute read
African Philosophy
Emancipation and Practice
Pascah Mungwini, University of South Africa, South Africa Pascah Mungwini connects African philosophy and decolonial philosophy, treating African thought as having a unique identity, rooted in its place while having always been in dialogue with the world. He charts the controversies and contestations around the contemporary practice of philosophy as an academic enterprise in Africa, examining some of African philosophy’s gravest mistakes, omissions, and failures. Covering the history of African philosophy's development and trajectory, Mungwini focuses on the struggle for intellectual liberation and reveals that true liberation begins by first understanding one’s own world, an essential point for anyone beginning to explore another philosophical tradition on its own terms.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 224 pages PB 9781350196506 • £16.99 / $22.95 • HB 9781350196490 • £50.00 / $68.00 ePub 9781350196513 • £15.29 / $20.83 ePdf 9781350196520 • £15.29 / $20.83 Series: Bloomsbury Introductions to World Philosophies • Bloomsbury Academic
Sikh Philosophy
Exploring gurmat Concepts in a Decolonizing World
Arvind-Pal Singh Mandair, University of Michigan, USA Sikhism, one of the major religious-philosophical traditions of India, is often missing from discussions of cross-cultural philosophy. In this introduction, Arvind-Pal Singh Mandair, an internationally acknowledged expert in Sikh studies, provides the first rigorous engagement with Sikh philosophy. Mandair explores the Sikh vision of life, asking what their concepts tell us about the nature of reality, the nature of mind, self, ego, and the peculiarity of its logic and ontology. Through this muchneeded introduction we understand the place of Sikh philosophy within modern Sikh studies and why the philosophical quest became marginalized in contemporary Sikh studies.
UK July 2022 • US July 2022 • 240 pages PB 9781350202252 • £16.99 / $22.95 • HB 9781350202269 • £50.00 / $68.00 ePub 9781350202283 • £15.29 / $20.83 ePdf 9781350202276 • £15.29 / $20.83 Series: Bloomsbury Introductions to World Philosophies • Bloomsbury Academic
The Zen Buddhist Philosophy of D. T. Suzuki
Strengths, Foibles, Intrigues, and Precision
Rossa Ó Muireartaigh, Aichi Prefectural University, Japan Beginning with a biography and his influences, this introduction to Suzuki's theories of self, knowledge and the world follows Suzuki to the conclusions he wrought from a Zen view of consciousness and discusses his views of language and religion. We come to understand why Suzuki’s description of Zen attracted the attention of many leading intellectuals and helped it become a household name in the English-speaking world. This book is the first complete overview of Suzuki’s approach, reputation and legacy as a philosopher and is for anyone interested in the philosophical relevance and development of Mahayana Buddhism today.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 224 pages PB 9781350246133 • £16.99 / $22.95 • HB 9781350246126 • £50.00 / $68.00 ePub 9781350246157 • £15.29 / $20.83 ePdf 9781350246140 • £15.29 / $20.83 Series: Bloomsbury Introductions to World Philosophies • Bloomsbury Academic
The Philosophy of the Brahmasutra
An Introduction
Aleksandar Uskokov, Yale University, USA The Brahma-sutra, attributed to Badaraya (ca. 400 CE), is the canonical book of Vedanta, the philosophical tradition which became the doctrinal backbone of modern Hinduism. This is the first introduction to concentrate on the text and its ideas, rather than its reception and interpretation in the different schools of Vedanta. Covering the epistemology, ontology, theory of causality and psychology of the Brahma-sutra and its characteristic theodicy, it also provides a comprehensive account of its doctrine of meditation, draws the contours of Brahma-sutra’s intellectual biography and contextualises its teachings against the background of its main collocutors.
UK August 2022 • US August 2022 • 256 pages PB 9781350150003 • £16.99 / $22.95 • HB 9781350150010 • £50.00 / $68.00 ePub 9781350150034 • £15.29 / $20.83 ePdf 9781350150027 • £15.29 / $20.83 Series: Bloomsbury Introductions to World Philosophies • Bloomsbury Academic
A Cross-Cultural Approach
Edited by Lydia Azadpour, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK, Sarah Flavel, Bath Spa University, UK & Russell Re Manning, Bath Spa University, UK Differences in Identity in Philosophy and Religion explores the constitutive role alterity plays in identity formation in Western and Eastern traditions. Contributors examine the significance of difference in conceptions of identity across major philosophical and religious traditions in a global and comparative context, considering European, Ancient Greek, Egyptian, Japanese, Chinese and Islamic philosophies.
UK October 2021 • US October 2021 • 216 pages PB 9781350290174 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350076501 ePub 9781350076525 • £26.09 / $35.17 ePdf 9781350076518 • £26.09 / $35.17 Bloomsbury Academic
Readings in Chinese Women’s Philosophical and Feminist Thought
From the Late 13th to Early 21st Century
Edited and translated by Ann A. Pang-White, University of Scranton, USA This collection gathers original writings on women in China from the Yuan dynasty through to the Republic, when women’s learning blossomed as a result of economic prosperity, the development of commercial printing and the interaction between the East and the West. Selections are made from canonical texts, plays, poetry, novels, essays, and revolutionary writings that illuminate the lived experience of women and the perception of gender. With many texts translated into English for the first time, this reader provides the groundwork needed to understand them.
UK July 2022 • US July 2022 • 288 pages PB 9781350046122 • £22.99 / $30.95 • HB 9781350046139 • £70.00 / $95.00 ePub 9781350046146 • £20.69 / $27.35 ePdf 9781350046153 • £20.69 / $27.35 Bloomsbury Academic
Critique, Subversion, and Chinese Philosophy
Edited by Hans-Georg Moeller, University of Macau, China & Andrew K. Whitehead, Kennesaw State University, USA This collection shows how Chinese philosophical discourses unfolded through innovation and the subversion of dominant forms of thinking. It explains how the Daoist tradition provided alternatives to prevailing Confucian master narratives and discusses how in Buddhist theory and practice, the subversion of unquestioned beliefs has been a prime methodological and therapeutic device. By drawing attention to unorthodox voices and subversion as a method, it reveals the diversity and subtlety found in the numerous discourses constituting the history of Chinese philosophy.
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 240 pages PB 9781350191402 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350115842 ePub 9781350115866 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350115859 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Studies in World Philosophies
Chinese and Indian Ways of Thinking in Early Modern European Philosophy
The Reception and the Exclusion
Selusi Ambrogio, University of Macerata, Italy This is a study of what happened to the European understanding of China and India between the 17th century and the late 18th-century. It reveals the origin of the Eurocentric understanding of Philosophy as a Greek-European prerogative and highlights how this narrowing and exclusion of non-Western ways of thought was a result of ignorance and personal prejudice. In doing so, it provides a new way of thinking about the place of Asian philosophical traditions.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 256 pages PB 9781350191419 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350153554 ePub 9781350153578 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350153561 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in World Philosophies • Bloomsbury Academic
Comparing Husserl’s Phenomenology and Chinese Yogacara in a Multicultural World
A Journey Beyond Orientalism
Jingjing Li, Leiden University, the Netherlands While phenomenology and Yogacara Buddhism are both known for their investigations of consciousness, there exists a core tension between them: phenomenology affirms the existence of essence, whereas Yogacara Buddhism argues that everything is empty of essence (svabhava). How is constructive cultural exchange possible when traditions hold such contradictory views? This book details the process of finding a middle ground between the two traditions, demonstrating how both can survive and thrive together in order to overcome Orientalism.
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 288 pages HB 9781350256903 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350256927 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350256910 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Michael Slote Encountering Chinese Philosophy
A Cross-Cultural Approach to Ethics and Moral Philosophy
Edited by Yong Huang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong By creating a two-way dialogue between philosophers specializing in Chinese philosophy and Michael Slote, a central thinker from the Anglo-American tradition, this volume brings cross-cultural philosophy to life. From his early contributions in ethics, metaethics, philosophy of mind, moral psychology and epistemology to his recent investigations into the relationship between Western philosophy and Chinese philosophy, an international team of scholars of Chinese philosophy cover Slote’s sentimentalism, his understanding of Chinese concepts Yin and Yang and explores the role early Confucianism and Neo-Confucianism can play in his work.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 272 pages PB 9781350184008 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350129849 ePub 9781350129863 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350129856 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Fudan Studies in Encountering Chinese Philosophy • Bloomsbury Academic
Chinese Philosophy of History
From Ancient Confucianism to the End of the Eighteenth Century
Dawid Rogacz, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland Challenging the Euro-centric misconception that the philosophy of history is a Western invention, this book provides the first systematic treatment of classical Chinese philosophy of history. Dawid Rogacz charts the development from pre-imperial Confucian philosophy of history, the Warring States period and the Han dynasty through to the neoConfucian philosophy of the Tang and Son era and finally to the Ming and Qing dynasties. He provides insight into original texts and the ideas of over 40 lesser-known Chinese philosophers, opening new lines of inquiry and directions for comparative study.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 264 pages PB 9781350215344 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350150096 ePub 9781350150119 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350150102 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in World Philosophies • Bloomsbury Academic
Practice in Everyday Life
Yuriko Saito, Rhode Island School of Design, USA From fussing over your personal appearance to digging in the garden, Yuriko Saito shows us how we can improve the quality of everyday life by sharpening our aesthetic sensibility. Introducing us to the unseen assumptions and ideals guiding our daily actions and routines, Saito redirects our aesthetic focus back on objects, environments, and activities and away from the fine arts that have dominated Western discussions, opening the door to Chinese and Japanese ways of thinking about aesthetics.
UK July 2022 • US July 2022 • 256 pages • 15 bw illus PB 9781350134201 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350134195 • £65.00 / $90.00 ePub 9781350134188 • £17.99 / $23.44 ePdf 9781350134218 • £17.99 / $23.44 Series: Bloomsbury Aesthetics • Bloomsbury Academic
Adorning Bodies
Meaning, Evolution, and Beauty in Humans and Animals
Marilynn Johnson, University of San Diego, USA Drawing on evolutionary theory and philosophy to think about art, beauty, and aesthetics, Marilynn Johnson explores first how the ways we use our bodies are similar — yet at other times different — to animals. She then examines the work of evolutionary theorists, philosophers of language, and cultural theorists to explore both natural and non-natural meanings of bodies and clothes, and how both systems of meaning signify relevant information to other humans. As well as considering how the body can express natural meanings, Johnson shows that how we dress could negatively influence the way our bodies are read.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 240 pages HB 9781350104259 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350104273 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350104266 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Therapeutic Aesthetics
Performative Encounters in Moving Image Artworks
Maria Walsh, Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts London, UK Using the concept of the pharmakon, the Greek term for drug which means both remedy and poison, Walsh examines the conflict between the curative and the harmful in relation to moving image artworks by artists such as Omer Fast, Liz Magic Laser, Leigh Ledare and Gillian Wearing. Engaging with a range of thinkers, including Bernard Stiegler, Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi, Félix Guattari and Eva Illouz, she argues that artworks act as transitional spaces enabling the toleration of anxiety and conflict that may offer another kind of aesthetic selfcultivation than the subjection to biopolitical governance in cognitive capitalism.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 240 pages PB 9781350189430 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350093157 ePub 9781350093140 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350093133 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Radical Aesthetics-Radical Art • Bloomsbury Academic Edited by Elisabeth Schellekens Dammann, Uppsala University, Sweden & Davide Dal Sasso, University of Turin, Italy What is the future of conceptualism? What expressions can it take in the 21st century? Is there a new role for aesthetic experience in art and, if so, what is that role exactly? A team of international philosophers, curators and art historians illustrates how one of this generation’s most important and influential artists epitomizes the very best that the art world has to offer today and provides a glimpse of the future both of art and aesthetic discourse.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 208 pages HB 9781350009257 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350009240 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350009264 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Aesthetics and Contemporary Art • Bloomsbury Academic
Scandalous Times
Contemporary Creativity and the Rise of State-Sanctioned Controversy
Alex Ling, Western Sydney University, Australia We live in scandalous times. Every day new scandals demand our attention. Some people see them in revelatory terms, whilst others regard them as the strategic face of contemporary capitalism. Yet there exists today another, more insidious form of scandal, which mimics the disruptive effects of radical creation, to produce its very opposite: stasis. What we are now experiencing is the simulacrum of novelty, which aims to replace – and neutralise – the threat of real creation. From Trump to Kanye West, Scandalous Times explores how art, advertising, and social media contribute to this ‘static’ fabrication of controversy.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 208 pages PB 9781350068568 • £19.99 / $26.95 Previously published in HB 9781350068551 ePub 9781350068575 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350068544 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Practical Aesthetics
Edited by Bernd Herzogenrath, University of Frankfurt, Germany This collection brings together artists and theoreticians to provide the first anthology of a new field: practical aesthetics. It presents different ways of thinking with forms of art, as well as new types of aesthetic research such as media philosophy, the audiovisual essay, and fictocriticism. In doing so, it reveals how writing about art can itself become ‘artistic’ or ‘poetic’: not only writing about artistic effects, but producing them. This takes art not as an object of analysis, but as a subject with knowledge in its own right, creating a co-composing 'conceptual interference pattern' between theory and practice.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 280 pages • 16 bw illus PB 9781350185524 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350116108 ePub 9781350116122 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350116115 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Thinking in the World • Bloomsbury Academic World English
Sam Cowling, Denison University, USA & Wesley Cray, Texas Christian University, USA Exploring some of the peculiar features of comics, cartoons, and graphic novels, Sam Cowling and Wesley Cray chart a path through the field of the philosophy of comics. Using examples from a diverse range of comic genres and informed by case studies of classics such as Watchmen and The Flash, they tackle a variety of ethical, metaphysical, and aesthetic puzzles. At a time of rapidly growing interest in graphic storytelling, this is an ideal introduction to the philosophy of comics and some of its most familiar and important questions.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 352 pages • 12 bw illus PB 9781350098459 • £18.99 / $25.95 • HB 9781350098442 • £60.00 / $80.00 ePub 9781350098480 • £17.09 / $23.44 ePdf 9781350098466 • £17.09 / $23.44 Bloomsbury Academic
Chance, Phenomenology and Aesthetics
Heidegger, Derrida and Contingency in Twentieth Century Art
Ian Andrews, University of New South Wales, Australia In drawing upon the work of Jacques Derrida, Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger and aligning it with a new trend in interdisciplinary phenomenology, Ian Andrews provides a unique and refreshing book. His account of how the composer John Cage and other avant-garde creatives such as Marcel Duchamp, Tristan Tzara, Sol LeWitt and Ed Ruscha used chance in their work to question the structures of experience and prompt a new engagement with these phenomena makes a truly important contribution to continental philosophy.
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 240 pages PB 9781350187122 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350148468 ePub 9781350148482 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350148475 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Philosophical Filmmakers
Costica Bradatan, Texas Tech University, USA
Alfred Hitchcock
Filmmaker and Philosopher
Mark W. Roche, University of Notre Dame, USA Hitchcock was a masterful director, critically acclaimed both during and after his long career. What may have been sensed by many viewers but not fully articulated until now is the extent to which his works subtly engage philosophical themes: What is evil, and how does it shield and reveal itself? What is at stake when one knows the truth but cannot speak of it? Roche unlocks Hitchcock’s engagement with philosophical issues, and does so in a way that appeals to the novice and the seasoned philosopher, as well as enthusiastic admirers of Hitchcock’s films.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 224 pages PB 9781474221306 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781474221313 • £65.00 / $90.00 ePub 9781474221337 • £17.99 / $23.44 ePdf 9781474221320 • £17.99 / $23.44 Series: Philosophical Filmmakers • Bloomsbury Academic A Formalist Theory
Michalle Gal, Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art, Israel Metaphors have traditionally been understood as a linguistic or conceptual phenomenon. This book challenges existing theories and places a new emphasis on how we experience rather than understand metaphors. Moving away from linguistic and cognitive theories, Michalle Gal looks beyond semantic mechanism and broad meaning to draw on analytic aesthetics. Proposing a new theory that takes into account that humans are visual no less than cognitive creatures, Gal responds to the visual turn that is taking place in literature and the media, demanding that the pictorial become a site of philosophical analysis.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 256 pages HB 9781350127715 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350127739 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350127722 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
The Philosophy of Curatorial Practice
Between Work and World
Sue Spaid, Independent Scholar, USA This book walks us through the process of how artworks eventually get their meaning. Using notions of belonging and membership and applying analytic perspectives, it shows us how curated exhibitions invite audience members to infer an exhibition’s narrative threads, giving artworks their contents and discursive sense. By drawing on a range of case studies from impressionism, dada, and surrealism to more contemporary exhibitions such as Maurizio Cattelan’s “All” and “Damien Hirst”, this is a new reading of exploration, conceptualisation, presentation, and reception, informing and illuminating current debates in curatorial practice.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 280 pages • 19 bw illus PB 9781350184015 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350114890 ePub 9781350114913 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350114906 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Luchino Visconti
Filmmaker and Philosopher
Joan Ramon Resina, Stanford University, USA Luchino Visconti was one of Europe’s most prestigious filmmakers. Famous for his elegant lifestyle, his vibrant technicolour dramas are also known for their decadence and stunning display of aesthetic mastery and sensory pleasure. Looking beyond this colourful façade, however, Resina explores the philosophical implications of decadence with a particular focus on Damned (1969), Death in Venice (1971), and Ludwig (1972). From the incestuous relationship between decadence and power to decadence as an outcome of straining toward formal perfection, Resina uncovers the unity and philosophical cohesiveness of these films that deal with different subjects and historical periods.
UK February 2022 • US February 2022 • 224 pages PB 9781350185777 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781350185760 • £65.00 / $90.00 ePub 9781350185791 • £19.79 / $26.05 ePdf 9781350185784 • £19.79 / $26.05 Series: Philosophical Filmmakers • Bloomsbury Academic
On Philosophy and Fashion
Gwenda-lin Kaur Grewal, The New School for Social Research, USA This book seeks to explode fashion, and with it, the stigma in philosophy against fashion’s superficiality. Using ancient Greek texts, alongside allusions to fashion and pop culture, Grewal examines the rift between fashion and philosophy, and challenges the claim that fashion is modern. Fashion’s quarrel with philosophy may be as ancient as that infamous quarrel between philosophy and poetry. And the quest for fashion’s origins – for a neutrally-outfitted self, stripped of the self-awareness that comes with thinking – prompts questions about human agency and time. In the silhouettes of clothes and words, fashion emerges as philosophy’s most underestimated doppelgänger.
UK July 2022 • US July 2022 • 272 pages PB 9781350201460 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781350201453 • £65.00 / $90.00 ePub 9781350201484 • £19.79 / $26.05 ePdf 9781350201477 • £19.79 / $26.05 Bloomsbury Academic
Tragic Novels, René Girard and the American Dream
Sacrifice in Suburbia
Carly Osborn, University of Adelaide, Australia This book draws on the philosopher René Girard to argue that three 20th-century American novels (Jeffrey Eugenides’s The Virgin Suicides, Rick Moody’s The Ice Storm, and Richard Yates’s Revolutionary Road) are tragedies. In deploying a plethora of tragic tropes, including plagues of envy and hatred, contagions, disrupted holy rites, and monstrous women, these novels participate in a deep-rooted American tragic tradition, which Carly Osborn extends to consider the American Dream itself as a tragic idea and ideal, ending in violence.
UK November 2021 • US November 2021 • 216 pages PB 9781350294530 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350083486 ePub 9781350083509 • £26.09 / $35.17 ePdf 9781350083493 • £26.09 / $35.17 Series: Violence, Desire, and the Sacred • Bloomsbury Academic
Edited by Lee A. McBride III, College of Wooster, USA & Erin McKenna, University of Oregon, USA A contemporary appraisal of the breadth, significance, and legacy of the work of Charlene Haddock Seigfried, this book brings together writings focused on pragmatist feminism/feminist pragmatism, contemporary pragmatism, William James and the reconstruction of philosophy, education and American philosophy in the 21st century. Seigfried is a looming figure in American thought who coined the phrase 'pragmatist feminist' which has become an increasingly important concept in contemporary philosophy. This book explores and pushes this theory and brings it into conversation with some of the most vibrant strands of current philosophy.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 368 pages HB 9781350201507 • £130.00 / $175.00 ePub 9781350201521 • £117.00 / $153.74 ePdf 9781350201514 • £117.00 / $153.74 Bloomsbury Academic Essays on Romanticism, Subjectivity, and Truth
John Koethe, University of WisconsinMilwaukee, USA This collection brings together a chronology of John Koethe’s thoughts on the connections between poetry and philosophy and makes a significant contribution to unsettling the oppositions that separate them. The essays traverse the philosophical conception of the self in modern poetry and locate connections between poets including William Wordsworth, Wallace Stevens, and John Ashberry alongside philosophers including Wittgenstein, Kant, and Schopenhauer. Using an associative and impressionistic style to write philosophically about poetry, Koethe defends his own approach that such writing cannot and should not aim for the rigor of philosophical argumentation.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 208 pages HB 9781350262447 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350262461 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350262454 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Philosophy and Poetry • Bloomsbury Academic
Vegetal Sex
Philosophy of Plants
Stella Sandford, Kingston University London, UK This book introduces the exciting field of plant philosophy and takes it in a new direction, asking what does it mean to say that plants are sexed? Do ‘male’ and ‘female’ really mean the same when applied to humans, trees and algae? Sandford addresses these questions through a detailed analysis of major moments in the history of plant sex, from Aristotle to today. Tracing the transformations in the analogy between animals and plants that characterize this history, she shows how the analogy still functions in contemporary botany and asks: what would a non-zoocentric, plantcentred philosophy of vegetal sex look like?
UK July 2022 • US July 2022 • 256 pages • 15 bw illus PB 9781350274938 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350274921 • £65.00 / $90.00 ePub 9781350274952 • £17.99 / $23.44 ePdf 9781350274945 • £17.99 / $23.44 Bloomsbury Academic
On Christology, Anthropology, Cognitive Science and the Human Body
Martin Claes, Tilburg University, the Netherlands This book reads texts of Augustine on the topic of the human body in the context of contemporary debates in philosophical theology and relevant authors from the cognitive science of religion. Martin Claes focuses particularly on Augustine’s special position in the intellectual discourses of Western philosophy (free will, theodicy), theology (grace, incarnation) and humanities (anthropology, political sciences, law), arguing that his written work is an excellent point of departure for a multidimensional scholarly approach.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 152 pages PB 9781350296084 • £24.99 / $34.95 • HB 9781350296091 • £75.00 / $100.00 ePub 9781350296114 • £22.49 / $29.96 ePdf 9781350296107 • £22.49 / $29.96 Series: Reading Augustine • Bloomsbury Academic Rupert Read, University of East Anglia, UK Climate change and the destruction of the earth is the most urgent issue of our time. Rupert Read's unflinchingly honest account asks us to face up to the fate of the planet and provides a vital reading for those who want their philosophy to deal with reality and their climate concern to be more than a displacement activity. Read argues that an acceptance of the actual horror of climate change and making space for climate grief gives us the opportunity to create a grounded response that is hopeful without offering shallow optimism.
UK August 2022 • US August 2022 • 240 pages PB 9781350212015 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350212022 • £65.00 / $90.00 ePub 9781350212046 • £17.99 / $23.44 ePdf 9781350212039 • £17.99 / $23.44 Series: Why Philosophy Matters • Bloomsbury Academic
The History and Ethics of Authenticity
Meaning, Freedom, and Modernity
Kyle Michael James Shuttleworth, Queen's University Belfast, UK Kyle Michael James Shuttleworth traces the historical development of the ethics of authenticity in relation to the rise of social freedom and individualism. Traversing the German idealists, Habermas, Foucault, and MacIntyre, Shuttleworth proposes a socio-existential account of ethical authenticity, using Taylor and Sartre. Moving beyond virtue ethics, discourse ethics and Foucauldian notions of self-care, The History and Ethics of Authenticity constructs a practical ethics of authenticity which makes use of contemporary reference points, including the rise of social media, capitalist branding, and competing appeals to identity, resulting in a presentation of the ethics of authenticity as an achievable ethical ideal.
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 224 pages PB 9781350186408 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350163423 ePub 9781350163454 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350163461 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Philosophies of Work in the Platonic Tradition
A History of Labor and Human Flourishing
Jeffrey Hanson, Harvard University, USA In this historical survey of the Platonic tradition, Jeffrey Hanson draws on the work of its major thinkers to explain why our contemporary vocabulary for appraising labor and its rewards is too narrow. By tracing out the Platonic lineage of work, Hanson argues why we should be explaining the value in appraising it as an element of a happy and flourishing human life, quite apart from its financial rewards. This original study of Plato and his inheritors’ ideas provides practical suggestions for how to approach work in a socially responsible manner in the 21st century and reveals the benefits of linking work and morality.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 304 pages HB 9781350150935 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350150966 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350150959 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Machiavelli and the Problems of Military Force
A War of One’s Own
Sean Erwin, Barry University, USA This book argues that the distinction between arma propriis and arma alienis poses a central problem to Niccolò Machiavelli’s case for why modern political institutions offer modes of political existence that ancient ones did not. Starting from the influence of Lucretius and Aelianus Tacticus on the Arte della guerra, the book examines Machiavelli’s criticism of mercenary, auxiliary and mixed forces. Erwin also engages with Deleuze, Foucault and Spinoza to demonstrate how Machiavelli’s political philosophy continues to have contemporary relevance.
UK July 2022 • US July 2022 • 256 pages HB 9781350115712 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350115736 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350115729 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Exploring the Philosophy of R. G. Collingwood
From History and Method to Art and Politics
Peter Skagestad, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA This study of Collingwood and his work covers the full range and reach of his philosophical thought. Following Collingwood’s education and his Oxford career, Skagestad considers his relationship with prominent Italian philosophers Croce and De Ruggiero and the British idealists. Taking Collingwood’s publications in order, he explains under what circumstances they were produced and the reception of his work by his contemporaries and by posterity. Most importantly, Skagestad reveals Collingwood’s relevance today, through his concept of barbarism as a perceptive diagnosis of totalitarianism and his prescient warning of the rise of populism in the 21st century.
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 216 pages PB 9781350189232 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350152908 ePub 9781350152922 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350152915 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Between Tradition and Innovation 1820-1930
Edited by Lukas M. Verburgt, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, Netherlands & Matteo Cosci, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice Lukas Verburgt and Matteo Cosci focus on a key period of rupture for syllogism from 1820-1930. This volume reveals how syllogism continued to play a part in the thought of logicians including Boole, Frege, and Peirce. A natural follow up to The Aftermath of Syllogism, this book brings together a group of major international experts in the Aristotelian tradition and the history of modern logic to shed new light on the emergence of modern logic and the roots of analytic philosophy.
UK July 2022 • US July 2022 • 256 pages HB 9781350228849 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350228863 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350228856 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in the Aristotelian Tradition • Bloomsbury Academic World English
The Legacy of Aristotelian Enthymeme
Proof and Belief in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Edited by Fosca Mariani Zini, University of Tours, France This book provides a historical-logical analysis of Aristotle’s rhetorical syllogism, the enthymeme, through its medieval and Renaissance interpretations. Bringing together notions of credibility and proof, contributors highlight the fierce debates around this form of argumentation during two key periods for Aristotle’s beliefs. As a method for achieving the standards for proof and credibility that persist across diverse fields of study today including the law, politics, medicine and morality, this book takes in Latin and Persian interpretations of enthymeme and casts contemporary argumentation in a new historical light.
UK February 2023 • US February 2023 • 256 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781350248809 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350248823 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350248816 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in the Aristotelian Tradition • Bloomsbury Academic
Eros in Neoplatonism and its Reception in Christian Philosophy
Dimitrios A. Vasilakis, King’s College London, UK Vasilakis examines the notion of Eros in the key texts of Neoplatonic philosophers: Plotinus, Proclus, and Dionysius the Areopagite. The book outlines the interplay between Plotinus, Proclus, and Dionysius’ ideas on love and hierarchy in relation to both the earthly and the divine and traces a historical line between pagan Neoplatonism and early Christian philosophy.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 232 pages PB 9781472985217 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350163850 ePub 9781350163874 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350163867 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh, Babson College, USA and Lucian Stone, The University of North Dakota, USA
Revolutionary Bodies
Technologies of Gender, Sex, and Self in Contemporary Iran
K. S. Batmanghelichi, University of Oslo, Norway
"An unparalleled account of the role and the centrality of female citizens in the political imaginations of both the current Iranian regime and the Pahlavi monarchy it unseated, this is a work of original and interestingly sourced scholarship, and of thoughtful analysis." Homa Hoodfar, Professor of Anthropology, Emerita, Concordia University, Canada
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 256 pages • 22 bw illus PB 9781350195387 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350050020 ePub 9781350050044 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350050037 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Suspensions: Contemporary Middle Eastern and Islamicate Thought • Bloomsbury Academic
Contesting Islam, Constructing Race and Sexuality
The Inordinate Desire of the West
Sunera Thobani, The University of British Columbia, Canada Sunera Thobani examines how Islam has contributed to the formation of Western identity at critical points in history such as the Crusades, the Reconquista and the colonial period. She explores how masculinity and femininity are formed at such pivotal junctures and what role feminism plays in the fight against ‘radical’ Islam. Thobani examines how the return of ‘religion’ has created the racial, gender and sexual politics by which Western society defines itself, and more specifically defines itself against Islam.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 272 pages PB 9781350198715 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350148093 ePub 9781350148116 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350148109 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Suspensions: Contemporary Middle Eastern and Islamicate Thought • Bloomsbury Academic
The Politics of Immortality in Rosenzweig, Barth and Goldberg
Theology and Resistance Between 19141945
Mårten Björk, Oxford University, UK Highlighting the central importance of theological configurations of immortality and eternal life from 1914-1945, Mårten Björk explores the key writings of Franz Rosenzweig, Karl Barth, and Oskar Goldberg to situate their ideas in relation to the political turmoil of the period, including the rise of social Darwinism, nationalism and fascism. By exposing the identification of life with material facts, and the break between life and death as insufficient, Björk makes important connections between the theological and ecological considerations of the posthuman, both creaturely and spiritual, situating the direct political consequences of theological and metaphysical theories of immortality and eternal life.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 272 pages HB 9781350228221 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350228245 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350228238 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
The Absolute and the Event
Schelling after Heidegger
Emilio Carlo Corriero, University of Turin, Italy What does Heidegger’s controversial notion of the Event mean? Is it a historical prophecy connected to his political affinity with Nazism? And how does this concept relate to a new beginning for Western philosophy after Schelling and Nietzsche? Here, Emilio Carlo Correiro highlights the theoretical link between Schelling’s speculations and Heidegger’s later theories. He shows students and scholars of Heidegger, European and German philosophy and idealism how, thanks to the concept of being’s intimate link to time, Heidegger’s later theories culminated in a historical philosophy and a definition of the post-metaphysical Absolute that is beyond any form of ontotheology.
UK October 2021 • US October 2021 • 192 pages PB 9781350279155 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350111431 ePub 9781350111691 • £26.09 / $35.17 ePdf 9781350111684 • £26.09 / $35.17 Bloomsbury Academic
Biopolitics After Neuroscience
Morality and the Economy of Virtue
Edited by Jeffrey Bishop, Saint University, USA, M. Therese Lysaught, Loyola University Chicago, USA & Andrew Michel, Vanderbilt University, USA Challenging the contemporary neuroscience of morality, this provocative analysis connects moral philosophy to neoclassical economics and criticises the assumptions made about human behavior via contemporary neuroscientific claims. This rigorous new take by leading bioethicists argues that neuroscience does not discover the source of morality in the brain, as it claims to, but instead participates in an understanding of human behavior that serves the vested interests of contemporary political economy.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 272 pages HB 9781350288447 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350288461 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350288454 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Arguing from Cognitive Science of Religion
Is Religious Belief Debunked?
Hans Van Eyghen, VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands This book considers whether recent ideas in cognitive science of religion (CSR) imply a negative verdict on the epistemic status of religious belief. After introducing the key theories in this area, Hans Van Eyghen explores some of the questions surrounding CSR, including: is CSR is incompatible with the truth of religious belief? How might CSR show that religious belief is unreliably formed? And, finally, does CSR undermine the justification of religious belief by religious experiences? In asking these questions, Van Eyghen argues that CSR does not undermine the epistemic bases for religious belief.
UK November 2021 • US November 2021 • 208 pages PB 9781350290181 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350100299 ePub 9781350100312 • £26.09 / $35.17 ePdf 9781350100305 • £26.09 / $35.17 Bloomsbury Academic
In Exile
Geography, Philosophy and Judaic Thought
Jessica Dubow, University of Sheffield, UK In this book, Jessica Dubow situates exile in a new context in which it holds both critical capacity and political potential. She not only outlines the origin of the relationship between geography and philosophy in the Judaic intellectual tradition, but also makes secular claims out of Judaism’s theological sources. Analysing key Jewish intellectual figures such as Walter Benjamin, Isaiah Berlin and Hannah Arendt, Jessica Dubow makes an argument for viewing exile as a form of thought and action and for reconceiving the attachments of identity, history, time and territory.
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 240 pages PB 9781350191778 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350154254 ePub 9781350154285 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350154278 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Philosophy in a Technological World
Gods and Titans
James Tartaglia, Keele University, UK As the largely unreflected belief-system it has now become, materialism continues to steer the direction of technological development, while making us think this direction is inevitable. By drawing on neglected idealist traditions of philosophy, Tartaglia argues for a new way of looking at reality which asserts our freedom to choose, reaffirms and builds upon our ordinary, everyday understanding, and motivates us to convert technological innovation into a process driven by public rationality and consent.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 224 pages PB 9781350185012 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350070103 ePub 9781350070127 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350070110 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Marginality in Philosophy and Psychology
The Limits of Psychological Explanation
George Tudorie, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania Psychology often resorts to overambitious theorizing due to a perceived pressure to justify its scientific credentials. Analysing case studies of preverbal children and mentally ill patients, this book shows that applying overarching and unifying explanations to marginal subjects is problematic, arguing instead that those at the margins should be given their proper explanatory autonomy. Drawing on canonical theories by Dilthey, Collingwood, Wittgenstein, Foucault, Susan Carey and Michael Tomasello, the book is an important contribution to ongoing debates on marginality among psychiatrists, psychologists, social scientists and philosophers.
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 288 pages • 3 bw illus HB 9781350155121 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350155145 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350155138 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
The Philosophy of Being in the Analytic, Continental, and Thomistic Traditions
Divergence and Dialogue
Joseph P. Li Vecchi, University of Akron, USA, Frank Scalambrino, Duquesne University, USA & David K. Kovacs, Loyola Marymount University,
USA This book shows how being can be very differently understood across the different traditions of continental, analytic and Thomistic philosophy, with the aim of providing a synthetic, comprehensive overview of this area of metaphysics. It fosters mutual comprehension and dialogue between philosophers and provides readers with the opportunity to learn about these traditions.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 208 pages PB 9781350213579 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350103320 ePub 9781350103344 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350103337 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Material Objects in Confucian and Aristotelian Metaphysics
The Inevitability of Hylomorphism
James Dominic Rooney, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong While contemporary accounts of hylomorphism appeal to structure, advocating that material substances can have other substances as parts, James Dominic Rooney highlights the flaws in this Neo-Aristotelian way of thinking. Instead, he draws on Thomas Aquinas’ account of form and the Song dynasty Confucian thinker Zhu Xi’s hylomorphic intuitions to put forward that the unity of material objects depends on special immaterial parts, or ‘forms’, enabling hylomorphism to remain a plausible framework. Demonstrating the far-reaching points of theoretical contact between Western and Confucian thought, this book shines new light on a classic problem in contemporary metaphysics.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 240 pages HB 9781350276345 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350276369 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350276352 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Edited by Dina Mendonça, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, Manuel Curado, University of Minho, Portugal & Steven S. Gouveia, University of Minho, Portugal Offering a complete guide to the philosophical implications of predictive processing, this volume’s contributors come from disciplines including philosophy, neuroscience and psychology. Together they explore the many philosophical applications of predictive processing, including mental health, cognitive science and neuroscience. These approaches are brought together by an introduction that provides an outline of this topic suitable for newcomers to the field, identifying the nuances of the topic.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 256 pages PB 9781350197299 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350099753 ePub 9781350099777 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350099760 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
The Structure of the Human Mind
Explorations in Language, Music, Cartesian Sign
Nirmalangshu Mukherji, Indian Council of Philosophical Research, India The Cartesian conception of language and mind has governed theories of language for the last 50 years. But while it accounts for our language capacity, to what extent can it account for our creation and cognition of musical expression? Drawing on textual evidence and contemporary research, The Structure of the Human Mind examines Descartes’ doctrines and reveals a formal relationship between language and music.
UK July 2022 • US July 2022 • 256 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781350062689 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350062702 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350062696 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Erich Fromm's Critical Theory
Hope, Humanism, and the Future
Edited by Kieran Durkin, University of York, UK & Joan Braune, Gonzaga University, USA As a Marxist, sociologist, psychoanalytic theorist, and public intellectual, the unique normativehumanist thrust of Erich Fromm’s writings provides a critical reference point for those seeking to understand and transcend the societal pathologies of our age. The essays in this volume retrieve, revive, and expand upon Fromm’s central insights and contributions. Offering a critical theory of culture, the self, psychology, and society, the different chapters demonstrate the pan-disciplinary potential of Fromm's work. Beyond this, they bring his ideas into dialogue with contemporary cultural, political, and economic developments, in order to helps us understand and face the challenges of our times.
UK October 2021 • US October 2021 • 248 pages PB 9781350279148 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350087019 ePub 9781350087033 • £26.09 / $35.17 ePdf 9781350087002 • £26.09 / $35.17 Bloomsbury Academic
Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Free Will and Responsibility
Edited by Thomas Nadelhoffer, College of Charleston, USA & Andrew Monroe, Ivy Research Council (IRC) in Denver, Colorado, USA This volume brings together leading researchers from psychology and philosophy to present new findings and ideas about human agency and moral responsibility. Chapters include topics such as motivated cognition and free will beliefs, folk intuitions about manipulation and agency and the role played by mental control in assessments of responsibility. Blending cutting-edge research from philosophy with methods from psychology, this collection is a compelling example of the value of interdisciplinary approaches and contributes to our understanding of how we think about agency and responsibility.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 240 pages HB 9781350188082 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350188105 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350188099 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Advances in Experimental Philosophy • Bloomsbury Academic
Adorno and Marx
Edited by Werner Bonefeld, University of York, UK & Chris O’Kane, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA While Adorno has tended to be read as a critic of the administered world and the consumer industry rather than a Marxist, Adorno and Marx establishes Adorno’s negative dialectics as fundamental for understanding Marx’s critique of political economy. It highlights the intersection between Adorno’s critical theory and Marx’s critique of political economy that produces a critical theory moving beyond Marxian economics and Adornoian social theory. Written by an international team of leading thinkers in Marxism and critical theory, this volume addresses the central topics for engaging with the global political economy, as well as critical social theory and practice.
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 272 pages HB 9781350193635 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350193659 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350193642 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Critical Theory and the Critique of Society • Bloomsbury Academic
Simulated Selves
The Undoing of Personal Identity in the Modern World
Andrew Spira, Independent Scholar, UK The notion of a personal self took centuries to evolve, reaching the pinnacle of autonomy with Descartes’ ‘I think, therefore I am’ in the 17th century. This ‘personalisation’ of identity thrived for another hundred years before it began to be questioned, subject to the emergence of broader, more inclusive forms of agency. This book addresses the ‘constructed’ notion of personal identity in the West and how it has been eclipsed by the development of new technological, social, art historical and psychological infrastructures over the last two centuries.
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 360 pages • 165 col illus PB 9781350286535 • £39.99 / $54.95 Previously published in HB 9781350091092 ePub 9781350091108 • £117.00 / $153.74 ePdf 9781350091085 • £117.00 / $153.74 Bloomsbury Academic Diane Enns, Ryerson University, Canada By reflecting on the experience of loneliness through the author's own life, the biographies of others and theories from Hannah Arendt and Olivia Laing to 'Bifo' Beradi, Thinking Through Loneliness explores the ambiguities of being alone. It takes seriously the need to defy the reductionist tendencies of the current loneliness experts and looks beyond loneliness as a collective health crisis to reflect on what it tells us about our great need for one another and what happens when we fail to meet this need.
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 240 pages PB 9781350279742 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350279735 • £65.00 / $90.00 ePub 9781350279766 • £17.99 / $23.44 ePdf 9781350279759 • £17.99 / $23.44 Bloomsbury Academic
Should a Liberal State Ban the Burqa?
Reconciling Liberalism, Multiculturalism and European Politics
Brandon Robshaw, Open University, UK Explaining the ideas of giants of the liberal tradition including Locke, Mill, and Rawls as well as contemporary thinkers like Nussbaum, Kymlicka and Oshana, this book considers a variety of conceptions of liberalism and how they affect the response to the practice of face-veiling. Covering the role of multiculturalism, gender issues and feminism, this comprehensive philosophical study of a major political question gets to the heart of whether a ban could be justified in principle, and also questions whether any such ban could prove efficacious in achieving its end.
UK December 2021 • US December 2021 • 264 pages PB 9781350301993 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350125056 ePub 9781350125070 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350125063 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
A New Philosophy of Discourse
Language Unbound
Joshua Kates, Indiana University, USA Calling into question all structural rules and principles relating to language, Joshua Kates presents a radical new path for interpreting this every day, taken-for-granted tool of communication. Traversing theory, literary criticism, philosophy, and the philosophy of language, the book speaks to contemporary debates on analytical and humanistic modes of inquiry. Language and texts are thought of as active ‘events’, replete with allusions to history, context and tradition that are always in the making. This emphasis makes the case for a rigorous inquiry of text and talk in all their forms, bridging the continental and analytical divide in the process.
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 232 pages PB 9781350186958 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350163621 ePub 9781350163645 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350163638 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Matias Slavov, Tampere University, Finland This book contextualizes David Hume’s philosophy of physical science, exploring both Hume’s background in the history of early modern natural philosophy and its subsequent impact on the scientific tradition. Drawing on topics including experimentalism, causation, laws of nature, metaphysics of forces, mathematics’ relation to nature, and the concepts of space and time, it deepens our understanding of Hume’s relation to natural philosophy. It also situates Hume's thought within the context of other major philosophers and scientists, including Descartes, Locke, Boyle, Kant, Newton, and Leibniz.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 216 pages PB 9781350185036 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350087866 ePub 9781350087880 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350087873 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
The Philosophy of Anne Conway
God, Creation and the Nature of Time
Jonathan Head, Keele University, UK Exploring all of the major aspects of Anne Conway’s thought, this book presents a valuable guide to her contribution to the history of philosophy and her legacy as an early-modern female philosopher. Through a close reading of the Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy, it considers her intellectual context and addresses some of the outstanding interpretive issues concerning her philosophy. Contrasting her position with that of contemporaries such as Henry More, Franciscus Mercurius van Helmont and George Keith it examines her critique of the prominent philosophical schools of the time, including Cartesian dualism and Hobbesian materialism.
Johann Bernhard Basedow and the Transformation of Modern Education
Educational Reform in the German Enlightenment
Robert B. Louden, University of Southern Maine, USA Best known for the progressive school he founded in Dessau during the 18th century, Johann Bernhard Basedow was a central thinker in the German Enlightenment. In this first English intellectual biography, Robert B. Louden answers questions that continue to surround Basedow and provides a much-needed examination of his intellectual legacy. Assessing the impact of his ideas and theories on subsequent educational movements, Louden argues that Basedow is the unacknowledged father of the progressive education movement and reveals the enormous debt that Kant owes to him in his philosophy of education, history, and religion.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 240 pages • 10 bw illus PB 9781350194090 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350163669 ePub 9781350163683 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350163676 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 256 pages PB 9781350191303 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350134522 ePub 9781350134546 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350134539 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Kant’s Sources in Translation
Pablo Muchnik, Emerson College, USA and Lawrence Pasternack, Oklahoma State University, USA
Excerpt from the Doctrine of Reason
Georg Friedrich Meier Translated by Aaron Bunch, Independent Scholar, USA, Axel Gelfert, National University of Singapore, Singapore & Riccardo Pozzo, University of Verona, Italy Published in 1752, Excerpt from the Doctrine of Reason [Auszug aus der Vernunftlehre] was widely adopted by many 18th-century German instructors, but most notably by Immanuel Kant. For 40 years Kant used the Excerpt as the basis of his lectures on logic. This complete English translation of Meier’s influential textbook is introduced by Riccardo Pozzo and enhanced by a glossary and a concordance correlating Meier’s arguments to Kant’s logic lectures. This valuable translation presents the richest source of information available on Meier and his 18th-century work.
Natural Law
A Translation of the Textbook for Kant’s Lectures on Legal and Political Philosophy
Gottfried Achenwall Edited by Pauline Kleingeld, University of Groningen, The Netherlands Translated by Corinna Vermeulen This complete first English translation of volumes I and II is based on the 1763 edition and Kant’s personal copy. Featuring a concordance correlating the Jus Naturae to the Feyerabend notes and Reflexionen on Natural Law, this translation also includes Kant's short reflections referring to Achenwall and an Introduction by Paul Guyer outlining how Achenwall was responsible for shaping the legal and political philosophy found in Kant’s Doctrine of Right.
UK October 2021 • US October 2021 • 216 pages • 1 bw illus PB 9781350276598 • £39.99 / $54.95 Previously published in HB 9781474229319 ePub 9781474229326 • £35.99 / $46.89 ePdf 9781474229340 • £35.99 / $46.89 Series: Kant’s Sources in Translation • Bloomsbury Academic UK October 2021 • US October 2021 • 296 pages PB 9781350276628 • £39.99 / $54.95 Previously published in HB 9781350022843 ePub 9781350022850 • £35.99 / $46.89 ePdf 9781350022867 • £35.99 / $46.89 Series: Kant’s Sources in Translation • Bloomsbury Academic
Care for the Soul
Jan Patocka Edited by Erin Plunkett, University of Hertfordshire, UK & Ivan Chvatík, Charles University, Czech Republic Translated by Alex Zucker, Independent Translator, USA Jan Patocka’s contribution to phenomenology and the philosophy of history mean that he is considered one of the most important philosophers of the 20th century. Yet, his writing is not widely available in English. This new book of essential Patocka texts, of which the majority have been translated from the original Czech for the first time, provides readers with a general introduction to the key tenets of his philosophy. This includes his thoughts on the relationship between philosophy and political engagement, freedom, political participation and responsibility, and what constitutes a European identity.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 432 pages PB 9781350139091 • £24.99 / $34.95 • HB 9781350139107 • £75.00 / $100.00 ePub 9781350139121 • £22.49 / $29.96 ePdf 9781350139114 • £22.49 / $29.96 Bloomsbury Academic World English
A New Historical Materialism
Duy Lap Nguyen, University of Houston, USA Exploring the connections between Walter Benjamin’s philosophy of history and a Marxian critique of political economy, Duy Lap Nguyen analyses Benjamin’s early writings and their development into a specific theory of historical materialism. Benjamin’s own theory of revolution and redemption in capitalist society is understood in relation to the materialist critique of progress he advanced. Essential to this critique is the potential to overturn the political and economic catastrophes which historically characterise capitalism and enable fascism to thrive. Nguyen combines this critique with other aspects of Benjamin's historical materialism to demonstrate his unique contribution to Western Marxism.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 256 pages HB 9781350180420 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350180444 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350180437 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Critical Theory and the Critique of Society • Bloomsbury Academic
The Logic of Gilles Deleuze
Basic Principles
Corry Shores, Middle Eastern Technical University, Ankara University, Turkey French philosopher Gilles Deleuze wrote two ‘logic’ books: Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation and The Logic of Sense. However, in neither of these books nor in any other works does Deleuze articulate in a formal way the features of the logic he employs. In this book, Corry Shores examines the applicability of three non-classical logics to Deleuze’s philosophy, by building from the philosophical and logical writings of Graham Priest, the world’s leading proponent of dialetheism. Through so doing, Shores argues that Deleuze’s logic is best understood as a dialetheic, paraconsistent, many-valued logic.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 312 pages • 30 bw illus PB 9781350185548 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350062269 ePub 9781350062276 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350062252 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy • Bloomsbury Academic The Politics of Pedagogy
Edited by Dennis Johannßen, Lafayette College, USA & Dominik Zechner, Rutgers University, USA Bringing Walter Benjamin into dialogue with the urgent issues facing educational institutions today, this is the first comprehensive exploration of his philosophy of education. In recent years, there has been much debate around the practice of pedagogy, from “deplatforming” to digital learning. But where do we go from here? This volume argues that Benjamin’s writing offers critical tools to rethink the purposes of education and its institutional forms. For Benjamin, education was not an institutional task subject to a scientific discipline, but rather an activity in which the experience of youth should always be at the centre of considerations.
UK September 2022 • US September 2022 • 256 pages HB 9781350274167 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350274181 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350274174 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Walter Benjamin Studies • Bloomsbury Academic
Lyotard and Critical Practice
Edited by Kiff Bamford, Leeds Beckett University, UK & Margret Grebowicz, Goucher College, USA By engaging with the philosophy of Jean-Francois Lyotard, this volume addresses the current crisis in the production and value of knowledge in the humanities. Following Lyotard’s Postmodern Fables, the essays chase ‘the same force of lightness’ that Lyotard saw in the arts and the sciences, minimizing jargon and literature review and forging new architectures for interdisciplinarity, critical practice and creative academic work. Alongside short texts by Lyotard himself, some translated here for the first time, international scholars and artists explore how Lyotard’s thought urges us to question, disrupt and find alternatives to the established programme of the humanities today.
UK September 2022 • US September 2022 • 272 pages • 4 bw illus HB 9781350192027 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350192041 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350192034 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
The Late Foucault
Ethical and Political Questions
Marta Faustino, Nova Institute of Philosophy (IFILNOVA), Portugal & Gianfranco Ferraro, Nova Institute of Philosophy (IFILNOVA), Portugal Marta Faustino and Gianfranco Ferraro present a collection of essays by esteemed academics on the ethical and political questions present in Michel Foucault’s late work. As one of the most important and controversial thinkers of the 20th century, the philosopher’s last works are at the centre of much current academic research and debate. Comprising 15 essays written by specialists on Foucault’s thought from 10 different countries, the perspectives offered by the contributors and the thinker himself can help us to unravel modernity and give us the tools to understand and transform our present, both ethically and politically.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 296 pages PB 9781350196773 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350134355 ePub 9781350134379 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350134362 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Re-inventing Philosophy as a Way of Life • Bloomsbury Academic
Michel Serres and French Philosophy of Science
Materiality, Ecology and Quasi-Objects
Massimiliano Simons, Ghent University, Belgium This is the first systematic study of Serres’ work in the context of late 20th-century French philosophy of science that proposes new readings of his philosophy. Massimiliano Simons creates a synthesis between Serres' predecessors, Gaston Bachelard, Georges Canguilhem, and Louis Althusser as well as contemporary Francophone philosophers of science such as Bruno Latour and Isabelle Stengers. Michel Serres and French Philosophy of Science takes in themes of materiality, religiosity, modernity and ecology to show how Serres’ philosophy can serve as a normative approach to science, and technology in contemporary life.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 272 pages HB 9781350247864 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350247888 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350247871 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Michel Serres and Material Futures • Bloomsbury Academic
A Phenomenology of Virtual Technology
Perception and Imagination in a Digital Age
Daniel O'Shiel, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile Daniel O'Shiel provides the first comprehensive phenomenology of virtual technology in order to show how the previously well-established experiential lines and structures between three basic categories of phenomenal experience – our everyday perceptions of reality; our everyday fantasies of irreality; and our everyday engagements with external images, not least digital ones – are becoming blurred, inverted or are even collapsing in a new era where a specific type of virtuality is coming to the fore. O’Shiel examines in depth just what this means for the phenomenology behind it, as well as the concrete practical consequences going forward.
UK August 2022 • US August 2022 • 256 pages HB 9781350245501 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350245525 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350245518 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Poetics of Deconstruction
On the threshold of differences
Lynn Turner, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK This book places Derrida’s philosophy, especially his work on the animal question, into dialogue with continental feminist philosophy. This dialogue tests Derrida’s affirmation that animal and sexual differences breach the idealised masculine figure of the human, and draws out specific feminist questions: some hospitable to deconstruction (Hélène Cixous, Donna Haraway), others antipathetic (Luce Irigaray, Julia Kristeva). Drawing its argument from contemporary independent or artistmade films, this book provokes reflection on concepts seemingly at home in feminist theory and the humanities, which nevertheless benefit from, even if they are challenged by, this timely exposure to deconstruction and animal studies.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 224 pages • 16 bw illus PB 9781350185531 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350128590 ePub 9781350128613 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350128606 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic Somatechnics and Posthuman Embodiment
Margrit Shildrick, Stockholm University, Sweden In the postmodern era, when the interface of bodies, biologies and technologies increasingly challenges the very notion of what counts as human, Margrit Shildrick proposes innovative understandings of the limits and possible extensions of posthuman embodiment. Broadening our understanding of prostheses to include visceral organic prostheses, which involve any cellular material that cannot be identified with the self – including organ transplantation and the physiological process of microchimerism – Shildrick rejects both genetic and existential singularity. She argues that prostheticised bodies should no longer be understood as irregular forms of normative embodiment, but as the irreducible experience of posthuman entanglements.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 288 pages HB 9781350176492 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350176515 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350176508 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Theory in the New Humanities • Bloomsbury Academic
Derrida on Exile and the Nation
Reading Fantom of the Other
Herman Rapaport, Wake Forest University, USA In a time when our understanding of nationalism is critically important, Herman Rapaport brings together an original analysis of philosophical nationalism via Derrida’s vital lecture series on the subject. Taking society as the core entry point from which all meaningful social relations emerge, enables an explication of Derrida on race, gender, sex, and family. Key 20th-century philosophers’ writings on nationalism are revisited through Derrida and reveal themselves anew in light of current polarising debates between universalism and tribalism.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 248 pages PB 9781350233294 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350163096 ePub 9781350169807 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350169814 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
The Invention of the Self
Personal Identity in the Age of Art
Andrew Spira, Independent Scholar, UK This book proposes that the notion of personal identity is a psycho-social construction that has evolved over many centuries. While this idea has been widely discussed in recent years, Andrew Spira approaches it from a completely new point of view. Rather than relying on the thinking subject’s attempts to identify itself consciously and verbally, it focuses on the traces that the self-sense has unconsciously left in the fabric of its environment in the form of non-verbal cultural conventions. Covering a millennium of western European cultural history, it amounts to an ‘anthropology of personal identity in the West’.
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 416 pages • 213 col illus PB 9781350286528 • £39.99 / $54.95 Previously published in HB 9781350091054 ePub 9781350091061 • £117.00 / $153.74 ePdf 9781350091047 • £117.00 / $153.74 Bloomsbury Academic
Frameworks for Exceptional Experience
Edited by Christine Hauskeller, University of Exeter, UK & Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes, University of Exeter, UK What do psychedelics reveal about consciousness? What impact have psychedelics had on philosophy? Christine Hauskeller and Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes offer the first volume to explore the many connections between philosophy and psychedelics. The chapters respond to questions concerning aesthetics, ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, politics, and religion from Western and non-Western perspectives. In the midst of the surge of psychedelic scientific research, public debate, and rapidly-changing legal orders, this book offers a pivotal philosophic intervention.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 288 pages HB 9781350231610 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350231634 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350231627 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Hans-Herbert Kögler’s Critical Hermeneutics
Edited by Kurt C. M. Mertel, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates & L'ubomír Dunaj, University of Vienna, Austria This is the first volume to expand upon and critique Hans-Herbert Kögler’s distinctive approach to critical theory: critical hermeneutics. The relevance and fruitfulness of Kögler’s work has never been greater, as he fuses the philosophies of Ricoeur, Gadamer and his mentor, Habermas, in order to respond to the contemporary political, social and environmental world crises. Building upon his theories of selfhood as reflexive, international contributors explore the methodological, theoretical and applicative scope of critical hermeneutics and, in doing so, address some of the most pressing problems facing global society, from multilingual education to the urgent need for intercultural dialogue.
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 304 pages HB 9781350228634 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350228658 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350228641 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic World All Languages (except German)
German Stoicisms
From Hegel to Sloterdijk
Edited by Kurt Lampe, University of Bristol, UK & Andrew Benjamin, University of Technology Sydney, Australia Addressing the need for a synoptic study of the diverse reception that stoicism has received in German philosophy, this volume assesses how modern German philosophers have incorporated ancient resources in the context of their philosophy. Chapters in this volume are devoted to philosophical giants such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Walter Benjamin, Hannah Arendt, and Peter Sloterdijk; amongst the Stoics, focus is on texts by Seneca and Epictetus, as well as others neglected by nonspecialists. This book brings ancient texts into new dialogues with up-to-date scholarship, facilitating increased understanding, critical evaluation, and creative innovation within the continental response to stoicism.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 272 pages PB 9781350195462 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350081864 ePub 9781350081888 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350081871 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Sartre’s Existential Psychoanalysis
Knowing Others
Mary Edwards, Cardiff University, UK Integrating for the first time Sartre’s existential psychoanalysis into his overarching philosophical project, this book demonstrates how Sartre’s determination to solve the long-standing philosophical conundrum of the problem of other minds drove him not only to incorporate insights from Descartes, Husserl, Freud and Marx into his existential philosophy, but also to develop a psychoanalytic method rooted in that philosophy. Uncovering the great, yet overlooked philosophical significance of Sartre’s psychoanalysis, Mary Edwards explores the role it played in the development of his existentialism, whilst bringing Sartre’s existential psychoanalysis into a new and productive dialogue with current philosophical and psychological debates.
UK September 2022 • US September 2022 • 256 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781350173477 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350173484 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350173491 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Luther and Philosophies of the Reformation
Edited by Boris Gunjevic, University of Cambridge, UK A multi-disciplinary, critical assessment of the Reformation discourse, taking into consideration Luther’s rediscovering of the Scripture, this book contains original and relevant essays on the Reformation written by the world renowned authors. Considering Luther and the Reformation philosophically, rather than theologically or historically, is original and points to the continued relevance of Luther’s thought.
UK October 2022 • US October 2022 • 272 pages HB 9781350214057 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350214064 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350214040 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Hans Jonas
Life, Technology and the Horizons of Responsibility
Lewis Coyne, University of Exeter, UK Hans Jonas was one of the most important German-Jewish philosophers of the 20th century, who advanced the fields of phenomenology, existentialism and practical ethics in ways that are still not fully appreciated. Using new sources, Lewis Coyne combines Jonas’ philosophy of nature, political theory and bioethics to offer the most comprehensive account of Jonas’ work to date. Coyne shows how Jonas tackles issues at a fundamental level and how his ontology validates the purposefulness of life, while demonstrating the dignity of nature and formulating a technologically sound ethic. For Coyne, Jonas’ mission was to save modern humanity from itself.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 248 pages PB 9781350216662 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350102392 ePub 9781350102415 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350102408 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic
Joy and Laughter in Nietzsche’s Philosophy
Alternative Liberatory Politics
Edited by Michael J. McNeal, University of Denver, USA & Paul E. Kirkland, Carthage College, USA This volume analyses the importance of cheerfulness, joy, and laughter in Nietzsche’s thought. The 11 essays collected chart the importance of attending to his many references to festivity, cheerfulness, laughter, and joy, as well as his use of riddles, to reveal a version of Nietzsche who is far from the caricature of hopeless nihilism and instead is the unrealised champion of an alternative liberatory politics. The political potential of this aesthetic finds full articulation in this distinctive volume that markedly advances Nietzsche studies, generating new directions through highlighting the ludic in the formerly nihilist.
UK August 2022 • US August 2022 • 256 pages HB 9781350225237 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350225251 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350225244 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic World English
Nietzsche and the Earth
Biography, Ecology, Politics
Henk Manschot, University of Humanistic Studies, the Netherlands Friedrich Nietzsche loved nature and his daily walks heavily influenced his philosophical work. By following Nietzsche on these ramblings and reflecting on Zarathustra’s (Nietzsche’s alter ego) interactions with the animals he meets, Henk Manschot illustrates how these experiences are reflected in the philosopher’s thinking on the relationship between humans and the Earth. Presenting key Nietzschean concepts as the foundations of an ecological ‘art of living’ for the 21st century, Manschot introduces the concept of ‘terrasophy’, combining the notions of terra (earth) and sophy (wisdom), to contend that humans should reimagine themselves as in a reciprocal relationship with the planet.
UK May 2022 • US May 2022 • 200 pages PB 9781350189423 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350134393 ePub 9781350134416 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350134409 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic World English
Apperception and SelfConsciousness in Kant and German Idealism
Dennis Schulting, Independent Scholar, the Netherlands Dennis Schulting examines the themes of reflexivity, self-consciousness, representation and apperception in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant and German Idealism more widely. In a rigorous text, he establishes the historical roots of Kant’s thought and traces it through to his immediate successors Karl Leonhard Reinhold, Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Schulting specifically examines the cognitive role of self-consciousness and its relation to idealism and places it in a clear and coherent history of rationalist philosophy.
UK April 2022 • US April 2022 • 256 pages PB 9781350213401 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350151390 ePub 9781350151413 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350151406 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic Edited by Vinod Acharya, Seattle University, USA & Ryan J. Johnson, Elon University, USA This volume explores Nietzsche’s decisive encounter with the ancient philosopher, Epicurus, in whom he saw the embodiment of the practice of philosophy as an art of existing. Through two overarching themes – nature and ethics – the collected essays offer original and illuminating perspectives on the centrality of Epicurus to Nietzsche’s philosophical project. Uncovering the nature of Nietzsche’s reception of, relation to, and movement beyond Epicurus, contributors provide insights into a variety of topics, including health and philosophy in both thinkers; practices of eating and thinking; the practice of the gay science; and Epicureanism and politics.
UK October 2021 • US October 2021 • 264 pages PB 9781350279162 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350086302 ePub 9781350086326 • £26.09 / $35.17 ePdf 9781350086319 • £26.09 / $35.17 Bloomsbury Academic
Kielmeyer and the Organic World
Texts and Interpretations
Edited by Lydia Azadpour, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK & Daniel Whistler, University of Liverpool, UK Carl Friedrich Kielmeyer (1765-1844) was the ‘father of philosophy of nature’ owing to his profound influence on German idealist and romantic Naturphilosophie. This exciting new book contains the first ever English translations of Kielmeyer’s key texts, along with contextual essays by leading scholars expert in the philosophy of nature and the formation of the life sciences. Topics covered include: the laws of nature, the meaning of ‘organism’, Kielmeyer and ecology, sexual differentiation in animal life and Kielmeyer’s relationship to Kant, Schelling and Hegel. As such these essays provide a comprehensive English reference to Kielmeyer’s historical and contemporary significance.
UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 248 pages PB 9781350196711 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350143463 ePub 9781350143487 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350143470 • £76.50 / $100.32 Bloomsbury Academic