Bloomsbury Digital Resources 2021 Global Catalog

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“ Offering tons of unique content, it’s highly recommended for institutions with design studies, architecture, and visual arts and ­culture programs” —Library Journal


roviding unrivalled coverage of global design and crafts from 1500 BCE to the present day, this authoritative resource is the ideal research and learning tool for design studies and other visual arts.

Content Highlights • Definitive reference works including the Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design, Victor Margolin’s renowned World History of Design, and exclusive volumes from the Encyclopedia of Asian Design • More than 100 eBooks by scholars including Tony Fry, John Heskett, and Penny Sparke • Exclusive Subject Guides, Lesson Plans, and Bibliographic Guides to direct teachers and learners to key content, bolster course teaching, and introduce core readings on a particular topic • Over 100 Designer Pages providing essential details and further reading on key figures from William Morris to Lucienne Day • 3000+ object images supplemented with rich metadata from Museum of Arts and Design, (NY), Philadelphia Museum of Art and the National Archives (UK) • Exhibition pages with key details and images from design exhibits at the Designmuseum Danmark, and the Museum of Craft and Design, San Francisco

Features and Benefits for Research and Learning • Enhance contextual understanding with an interactive timeline offering an illustrated overview of global design history • Navigate seamlessly between relevant designers, places, and periods using the powerful search function and taxonomy • Discover regular content updates every year, including new reference articles, image collections, and exhibitions from an expanding number of museum partners

Available via Subscription or Perpetual Access Images courtesy of Museum of Arts and Design, New York; Getty Images; Designmuseum Danmark 19

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