loomsbury Medieval Studies combines high-quality secondary content with visual primary sources, a brand new reference work and curated pedagogical resources in a one-stop digital resource that supports students and scholars across this rich field of study.
Content Highlights • Fully-searchable access to a broad range of over 175 scholarly books including primary texts, research monographs, companions and more • Leading texts from Bloomsbury and other top publishers in the field such as I.B. Tauris, Arc Humanities Press and Amsterdam University Press • The Encyclopedia of the Global Middle Ages, a new and exclusive reference work written by international scholars which combines thematic and regional overviews, primary source analyses, and core case studies • Exceptional visual sources, including newlydigitized and rare incunabula from Senate House Library, high-resolution medieval maps from the British Library, and over 1000 images from the Metropolitan Museum of Art • A growing selection of study resources including carefully curated Lesson Plans and exclusive Primary Source Commentary articles written by major scholars • An interactive timeline with a global focus which places image and text content from across the resource within their time and geographical region
Features and Benefits for Research and Learning • Enhances research with a unique combination of global primary and secondary material, including visual sources to boost student engagement • Draws out regional interconnectivity and differences through the innovative and internationally-authored articles in the Encyclopedia of the Global Middle Ages • Brings the period to life with material culture object images, illuminated manuscript pages and other artwork which deepen understanding and give substance to key themes • Supports undergraduate study across disciplines covering the medieval period, as a one-stop resource with consolidated, searchable material Available via Subscription or Perpetual Access
www.bloomsburymedievalstudies.com Images courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York