2 minute read
Ancient Drama
The Classics in South America
Five Case Studies
Germán Campos Muñoz, Appalachian State University, USA This volume examines the long and complex Greco-Roman tradition in South America, arguing that the classics has played a crucial, though often overlooked, role in the ongoing history of self defi nition in the New World. Chronicling and theorizing this history through a detailed analysis of fi ve key moments, chosen from the early and late colonial period, the emancipatory era, and the 20th and 21st centuries, it also examines an eclectic selection of both literary and cinematographic works and artefacts such as maps, coins, letters, photographs, and monuments.
UK May 2021 • US May 2021 • 272 pages • 4 bw illus HB 9781350170254 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350170278 • £76.50 / $94.85 ePdf 9781350170261 • £76.50 / $94.85 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Classical Reception • Bloomsbury Academic
Performing Gods in Classical Antiquity and the Age of Shakespeare
Dustin W. Dixon, Grinnell College, USA & John S. Garrison, Grinnell College, USA This book explores the portrayal of deities on the stages of ancient Athens and Rome as well on those of Renaissance England to shed new light on theatrical performance. The authors reveal how gods appear onstage both to astound and to dramatize the very machinations by which theatrical performance operates. Offering an array of case studies featuring both canonical and lesser-studied texts, this volume discusses work of Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, and Plautus as well as Beaumont, Heywood, Jonson, Marlowe, and Shakespeare. This volume will appeal to students and enthusiasts of literature, classics, theater, and performance studies.
UK June 2021 • US June 2021 • 208 pages • 7 bw illus HB 9781350098145 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350098169 • £76.50 / $94.85 ePdf 9781350098152 • £76.50 / $94.85 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Classical Reception • Bloomsbury Academic
Greeks and Romans on the Latin American Stage
Edited by Rosa Andújar, King's College London, UK & Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos, Saint Joseph’s University, USA The fi rst comprehensive treatment in English of the rich and varied afterlife of classical drama across Latin America, this volume explores the myriad ways in which ancient Greek and Roman texts have been adapted, invoked, and re-worked in notable modern theatrical works across North and South America and the Caribbean, while also paying particular attention to the national and local context of each play. Fourteen case studies demonstrate a strong connection to the ancient text and comment upon the important socio-political crises in the modern history of Latin America.
UK July 2021 • US July 2021 • 312 pages • 12 bw illus PB 9781350193888 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350125612 ePub 9781350125636 • £85.50 / $105.94 ePdf 9781350125629 • £85.50 / $105.94 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Classical Reception • Bloomsbury Academic