Drama & Performance Studies Catalogue 2018/19

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Drama & performance stuDies new Books catalogue



Taking you from page to stage Arden Performance Editions are designed with the practical needs of actors and drama students in mind, while providing the trustworthy scholarship of the Arden Shakespeare.

9781474253888 432pp • 216x138mm

9781474280143 360pp • 216x138mm

9781474245197 264pp • 216x138mm

9781474272094 344pp • 216x138mm

All £6.99/ $9.95

9781474272346 408pp • 216x138mm


“The Arden Performance Editions so far represent a much-needed and important contribution. In such a crowded market, it is remarkable to see editions that feel so fresh, relevant, and necessary.” Studies in Theatre and Performance


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Contents Drama and Performance Studies Theatre Studies...................................................2 Performance Studies...........................................8

This year, Bloomsbury Academic celebrates our 10th anniversary In our short history, we’ve become an award-winning publisher across the humanities, social sciences and visual arts and combined the incredible publishing histories of Methuen Drama, The Arden Shakespeare, T&T Clark and Fairchild Books in one place. And we’re still growing: I.B. Tauris, a leading publisher in Middle East Studies, International Studies, History, Politics and Visual Culture joined Bloomsbury in 2018!


Individual eBook: available for your e-reader

Performance Practice........................................10 Theatre Practice.................................................13

Library eBook: available for institution-wide access and also for pdf sale to individuals See the website for details of vendors, or to purchase individual eBooks direct. Library eBook prices are available from your supplier.

Modern Drama - Modern Plays.........................17 Modern Drama - Play Collections.....................24 Shakespeare and Early Modern Drama.........26 Major Reference Works..................................35 Representatives and Agents..............................38 Editorial Contacts..............................................39

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Bloomsbury Revelations Bringing together books and thinkers that have opened up startling new ways of looking at the world, the Bloomsbury Revelations series celebrates the originality and excellence of Bloomsbury's non-fiction publishing. Including books by the likes of Winston Churchill, Slavoj Zizek, Ferdinand de Saussure, Ronald Dworkin, Constantin Stanislavski and Gilles Deleuze, this is an essential library of the thinkers who have fundamentally shaped the way we see the modern world.

Brecht on Performance

Brecht On Theatre

Bertolt Brecht

Edited by Marc Silberman, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, Steve Giles, University of Nottingham, UK & Tom Kuhn, St Hugh's College, Oxford University, UK

Messingkauf and Modelbooks Edited by Tom Kuhn, St Hugh's College, Oxford University, UK, Steve Giles, University of Nottingham, UK & Marc Silberman, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA "Brecht on Performance is a vital aid to English speakers in understanding Brecht as a theatre practitioner as well as what constitutes Brechtian performance. For the first time, a full edition of the unfinished Messingkauf"— translated as Buying Brass — is available in English. [This book] will allow Anglophone scholars and performance practitioners to revisit Brecht’s influence as a writer, theoretician, and theatre maker specifically, but also — more generally — the relationship between political thought and aesthetics, and between the theory and the practice of making art." TDR: The Drama Review UK October 2018 • US October 2018 • 328 pages • 50 bw illus PB 9781350077065 • £19.99 / $26.95 Individual eBook 9781350077072 Library eBook 9781350077089 Series: Bloomsbury Revelations • Bloomsbury Academic World English


"The new Brecht on Theatre improves on John Willett’s original version, introducing some enlightening texts that were not previously accessible to an English-speaking readership ... Finely conceived and beautifully edited." Modern Language Review Charting the development of Brecht’s thinking over four decades, the volume demonstrates how the theories of Epic Theatre and Verfremdung evolved, and contains notes and essays on the staging of The Threepenny Opera, Mahagonny, Mother Courage, Puntila, Galileo, and many other plays. UK October 2018 • 392 pages • 39 bw illus PB 9781350068902 • £19.99 Individual eBook 9781350068919 Library eBook 9781350068926 Series: Bloomsbury Revelations • Bloomsbury Academic World English (excluding USA)

The Shifting Point

Improvisation and the Theatre

Forty Years of Theatrical Exploration, 1946–87

Keith Johnstone

Peter Brook

In this landmark work, now available in the Bloomsbury Revelations series, Keith Johnstone provides a revelatory guide to rediscovering and unlocking the imagination. Admired for its clarity and zest, Impro lays bare the techniques and exercises used to foster spontaneity and narrative skill for actors. Divided into four sections, 'Status', 'Spontaneity', 'Narrative Skills' and 'Masks and Trance', arranged more or less in the order a group might approach them, the book sets out the specific approaches which Johnstone has himself found most useful and most stimulating. The result is a fascinating exploration of the nature of spontaneous creativity. UK October 2018 • 208 pages PB 9781350069039 • £14.99 Individual eBook 9781350069046 Library eBook 9781350069053 Series: Bloomsbury Revelations • Bloomsbury Academic World English (excluding USA)


Bertolt Brecht

Brook's account covers many of the groundbreaking productions that cemented his reputation as 'one of the artistic geniuses of our time' (San Franciso Herald): his controversial productions of King Lear and Romeo and Juliet; the 3-month period in Africa which culminated in The Conference of the Birds; Marat/Sade; filming King Lear and Lord of the Flies, and the epic The Mahabharata. With Brook's reflections on the problems of Shakespeare and opera, and on a range of modern theatre artists including Grotowski, Gordon Craig and Samuel Beckett, The Shifting Point provides a uniquely revealing account of 4 decades of artistic exploration. UK October 2018 • 232 pages PB 9781350069428 • £18.99 Individual eBook 9781350069435 Library eBook 9781350069442 Series: Bloomsbury Revelations • Bloomsbury Academic World All Languages (excluding USA)

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Reader in Tragedy

Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune, USA

Edited by Marcus Nevitt, University of Sheffield, UK & Tanya Pollard, Brooklyn College, The City University of New York, USA

Broadway and American Society from 'Angels in America’ to ‘Hamilton’ Organized chronologically, this lively and readable work tells the story of Broadway’s renaissance from the darkest days of the AIDS crisis, via the disaster that was Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark through the unparalleled financial, artistic and political success of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton. Chris Jones was in the theatres when and where it mattered. He takes readers from the moment when Tony Kushner’s angel crashed (quite literally) through the ceiling of prejudice and religious intolerance to the triumph of Hamilton, with the coda of the Broadway cast addressing a new Republican vice-president from the stage. UK November 2018 • US November 2018 • 240 pages PB 9781350071933 • £17.99 / $24.95 Individual eBook 9781350071940 Library eBook 9781350071957 Methuen Drama

An Anthology of Classical Criticism to Contemporary Theory

This unique anthology presents the most important historical essays on tragedy, ranging from antiquity to the present, divided into historical periods and arranged chronologically. Across its span it traces the development of theories and philosophies of tragedy, enabling readers to consider the ways in which different varieties of environmentalist, feminist, leftist and postcolonial thought have transformed the status of tragedy, and the idea of the tragic, for recent generations of artists, critics and thinkers. Students of literature and theatre will find this collection an invaluable and accessible guide to writing from Plato and Aristotle through to 21st-century theorists.


Rise Up!

UK February 2019 • US March 2019 • 336 pages PB 9781474270427 • £28.99 / $39.95 • HB 9781474270434 • £90.00 / $122.00 Individual eBook 9781474270441 Library eBook 9781474270458 Methuen Drama World English

Theory for Theatre Studies Series Editors: Kim Solga, Western University, Canada & Susan Bennett, University of Calgary, Canada

Theory for Theatre Studies meets the need for accessible, mid-length volumes that unpack key words that lie at the core of the discipline. Aimed primarily at undergraduate students and secondarily at postgraduates and researchers, these volumes feature both background material historicizing the term, and forward-looking research into intersecting theoretical trends in the field. Case studies ground volumes in praxis, and additional online resources ensure readers are equipped with the necessary skills and understanding to move deeper into the discipline.

Theory for Theatre Studies: Sound

Susan Bennett, University of Calgary, Canada

Theory for Theatre Studies: Space Kim Solga, Western University, Canada

Sound provides the first overview of relevant critical theory for students and researchers in theatre and performance studies. Exploring areas such as music, speech and soundscape, this volume will open up the study of theatrical production and live performance to engage more effectively its aural dimensions. By way of developed case studies, readers will access new methodologies and approaches for their own exploration of 'sound' as a performance component. In an engagement with the burgeoning interdisciplinary field of sound studies, this book will alert theatre and performance studies scholars and students to new work important to our fields.

This book provides the first overview for students and researchers of relevant critical theory relating to this fundamental aspect of theatre and performance. It examines the 'spatial turn' in 20th-century theatre and performance making – and criticism – and establishes 5 frameworks for thinking through the spatial turn. A range of case studies from the contemporary world of theatre and performance demonstrate how these frameworks continue to shape and impact the ways in which space emerges as a topic of critical discussion today. The volume also explores new trends and theatre's engagement with the spaces of work, labour and capital.

UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 144 pages PB 9781474246477 • £12.99 / $19.95 • HB 9781474246460 • £45.00 / $60.00 Individual eBook 9781474246484 Library eBook 9781474246453 Series: Theory for Theatre Studies • Methuen Drama

UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 208 pages PB 9781350006065 • £12.99 / $17.95 • HB 9781350006072 • £45.00 / $60.00 Individual eBook 9781350006089 Library eBook 9781350006096 Series: Theory for Theatre Studies • Methuen Drama

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Critical Companions Series Editors: Patrick Lonergan, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland & Kevin J. Wetmore, Loyola Marymount University, USA

Ranging across the 20th and 21st centuries, Methuen Drama's Critical Companions series covers playwrights, theatre makers, movements and periods of international theatre and performance. Drawing on original research, each volume provides a critical survey and analysis of a body of work by one author, giving attention to both text and performance.

Irish Drama and Theatre Since 1950

Patrick Lonergan, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland Drawing on major new archival discoveries and recent research, Patrick Lonergan presents an innovative, highly readable and informative account of Irish drama and theatre since 1950. The book focuses on the many Irish dramatists who have achieved international prominence during that period, starting with Beckett and Brendan Behan in the 1950s, continuing with Brian Friel and Tom Murphy in the 1960s, and concluding with the many great dramatists who emerged in the late 1990s – including Martin McDonagh, Enda Walsh, Conor McPherson and Marina Carr. UK March 2019 • US March 2019 • 288 pages • 15 bw illus PB 9781474262651 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781474262644 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781474262668 Library eBook 9781474262675 Series: Critical Companions • Methuen Drama

The Theatre of Anthony Neilson Trish Reid, Kingston University, London, UK

"Significant to the field of theatre and performance because of its status as the first fulllength study of the playwright, but its importance is intensified by its deep thought, rigorous research and superb prose." Studies in Theatre and Performance This volume provides the first full-length study of both Neilson’s plays and his innovative rehearsal methodology. As well as providing a detailed account of each play Trish Reid includes an extensive new interview with Neilson and with many of his key collaborators. UK July 2018 • US July 2018 • 224 pages PB 9781472570291 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781472570307 Individual eBook 9781472570314 Library eBook 9781472570321 Series: Critical Companions • Methuen Drama

The Theatre of Tom Murphy Playwright Adventurer

Nicholas Grene, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland "The best and most complete [book on Murphy] that anyone has yet produced and all future scholars and critics will use it as a diving board from which to plunge into Murphy's deep and turbulent waters." Fintan O’Toole, The Irish Times Tom Murphy shot to fame with the London production of A Whistle in the Dark in 1961, establishing him as the outstanding Irish playwright of his generation. The international success of DruidMurphy in 2012–13 served to underline his continuing appeal and importance. This provides an overview of all his work and a detailed reading of his most significant texts. UK December 2018 • US December 2018 • 272 pages PB 9781472568106 • £21.99 / $29.95 Previously published in HB 9781472568113 Individual eBook 9781472568120 Library eBook 9781472568137 Series: Critical Companions • Methuen Drama

The Drama and Theatre of Sarah Ruhl Amy Muse, University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

This study provides a clear and accessible analysis of Sarah Ruhl's ouevre, giving readers an experience of her plays, not just an explanation of them. Through a finely-grained, dimensional account of each play, readers are immersed in Ruhl’s unique idiom; in themes of love and death, mourning and loss, intimacy and faith, and in inventive stagecraft to articulate consciousness onstage. Enriched by engaging essays by three scholars, a roundtable discussion with female directors of her generation, this is a companionable guide for students of American literature and theatre studies. UK July 2018 • US July 2018 • 232 pages HB 9781350007819 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350007826 Library eBook 9781350007802 Series: Critical Companions • Methuen Drama

The Theatre and Films of Conor McPherson Conspicuous Communities

Eamonn Jordan, University College Dublin, Ireland This book offers a vibrant and detailed critical analysis of the plays and films of Conor McPherson. It considers issues of gender, class, violence, wealth and the supernatural in relation to the conditions and expressions of agency in the cultural, political and contexts in which the work is written and performed. Supplemented by a number of contributed critical and performance perspectives, including an interview with Conor McPherson, the volume provides readers with a clear analysis of the work and accounts for its popular and critical success. UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350051218 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350051225 Library eBook 9781350051232 Series: Critical Companions • Methuen Drama


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Series Editors: Michael Balfour, Griffith University, Australia & Sheila Preston, University of East London, UK

The Applied Theatre series brings together leading international scholars who engage with and advance the field. Volumes offer a theoretical framework and introductory survey of the field addressed, combined with a range of case studies illustrating, and critically engaging with, practice.

Applied Theatre: Creative Ageing

Sheila McCormick, University of Salford, UK Applied Theatre: Creative Ageing examines the complex social, political and cultural needs of older adults and asks how contemporary applied theatre responds to those needs. This publication allows an examination of innovative national and international practice in applied theatre that responds to the needs of older adults to encourage outcomes such as wellbeing and social inclusion. The volume also questions how we, as a society, wish to respond to the complex needs of older adults and the process of ageing and how applied theatre practices can help us do so in a way that is both positive and inclusive. UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 272 pages • 6 bw illus PB 9781474233828 • £19.99 / $34.95 Previously published in HB 9781474233835 Individual eBook 9781474233842 Library eBook 9781474233859 Series: Applied Theatre • Methuen Drama

Applied Theatre: Women and the Criminal Justice System Caoimhe McAvinchey, Queen Mary University London, UK

This provides the first sustained critical enquiry into applied theatre practice with women affected by the criminal justice system. Drawing on a range of international case studies, interviews with practitioners and participants and original documentation from applied theatre projects, the book articulates new understanding about the cultural representations of women who offend, how government policy inscribes social, economic and political values upon these bodies and how applied theatre practice negotiates ideas of identity, agency, authority and representation. UK March 2019 • US March 2019 • 288 pages HB 9781474262552 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474262569 Library eBook 9781474262576 Series: Applied Theatre • Methuen Drama

Applied Theatre: Economies

Edited by Molly Mullen, University of Auckland, New Zealand Applied Theatre: Economies addresses a notoriously problematic area of applied theatre, asking: Is it all about the money? Are the aims and forms of applied theatre inevitably determined by the economic conditions in which it is produced? Will applied theatre makers always, ultimately, align with the agendas of the donors on which they depend? Are there sustainable ways to finance or resource applied theatre that do not undermine its social and artistic values or conflict with the interests of participants?


Applied Theatre

UK September 2018 • US September 2018 • 280 pages HB 9781350001701 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350001718 Library eBook 9781350001725 Series: Applied Theatre • Methuen Drama

Popular Performance

Edited by Adam Ainsworth, Kingston University, London, UK, Oliver Double, University of Kent, UK & Louise Peacock, University of Hull, UK Popular Performance defines and surveys varieties of performance where the main purpose is to entertain. Contributions by new and established scholars focus particularly on how it is made, explaining the techniques of performance and production that make it so appealing to audiences. With sections examining how popular performance works in a range of historical and contemporary examples, readers will gain insights into the variety tradition; performance forms associated with circus; issues relating to the identity of the performer in burlesque and pantomime, and issues relating to venue and audience in contemporary street theatre, stand-up, and live sketch comedy. UK October 2018 • US October 2018 • 304 pages • 8 bw illus PB 9781350089686 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781474247344 Individual eBook 9781474247351 Library eBook 9781474247337 Methuen Drama

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Tennessee Williams in Sweden and France, 1945–1965

Cultural Translations, Sexual Anxieties and Racial Fantasies Dirk Gindt, Stockholm University, Sweden This volume provides a critical study of the processes of production and reception of American playwright Tennessee Williams’ works on Swedish and French stages at the height of his commercial popularity between 1945 and 1965. With each chapter focusing on stage productions of one of the major plays and considering issues of embodiment, performance and visual culture, Dirk Gindt charts and analyses the patterns of migration and cultural translation of Williams’ plays. Readers are provided with a nuanced understanding of the transnational impact of one of the 20th century’s most influential playwrights. UK January 2019 • US January 2019 • 288 pages • 30 bw illus HB 9781350022072 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350022089 Library eBook 9781350022065 Methuen Drama

Nomadic Theatre

Mobilizing Theory and Practice on the European Stage Liesbeth Groot Nibbelink, Utrecht University, The Netherlands


Puppets and Cities

Articulating Identities in Southeast Asia Jennifer Goodlander, Indiana University, USA The book addresses how puppetry complements and combines with urban spaces to articulate present and future cultural and national identities. Puppetry in Southeast Asia is one of the oldest and most dynamic genres of performance. Bangkok, Jakarta, Phnom Penh, and other dynamic cities are expanding and rapidly changing. Performance brings people together, offers opportunities for economic growth, and bridges public and private spheres. Whether it is a traditional shadow performance borrowing from Star Wars or giant puppets parading down the street, this book examines how puppets operate as objects and in performance to make culture come alive. UK December 2018 • US December 2018 • 240 pages • 26 bw illus HB 9781350044418 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350044425 Library eBook 9781350044432 Methuen Drama

George Farquhar

A Migrant Life Reversed David Roberts, Birmingham City University, UK

This study introduces the concept of ‘nomadic theatre’ as a tool for analyzing mobile performances and performative installations. It includes detailed analysis of contemporary performance practices by leading European artists, including Rimini Protokoll, Dries Verhoeven, Ontroerend Goed and Signa, and demonstrates how mobile performances radically rethink the conditions of the stage and alter our understanding of spectatorship. Nomadic Theatre takes an integrated approach to theory and practice, instigates connections across disciplinary fields, and feeds dramaturgical analysis with insights derived from media theory, urban philosophy, cartography, architecture and game studies.

"This captivating biography, full of previously undiscovered material, tells the story of Restoration playwright George Farquhar (1677– 1707) in reverse: from his death in poverty, through the success of The Beaux Stratagem and A Recruiting Officer, and ending with his birth in Londonderry. Essential reading not only for those interested in Farquhar or 18thcentury theatre, but also in the literature of the dispossessed, it is the first study to combine elegant readings of Farquhar’s plays with migrancy criticism. Farquhar, it shows, was more modern than any other writer of the period." Tiffany Stern, The Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham, UK

UK March 2019 • US March 2019 • 288 pages • 12 bw illus HB 9781350051034 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350051041 Library eBook 9781350051058 Series: Thinking through Theatre • Methuen Drama

UK July 2018 • US July 2018 • 240 pages • 1 bw illus HB 9781350057067 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350057074 Library eBook 9781350057081 Series: Cultural Histories of Theatre and Performance • Methuen Drama

www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk

Series Editors: Mark Taylor-Batty, Workshop Theatre, University of Leeds, UK & Enoch Brater, The University of Michigan, USA Methuen Drama Engage offers original reflections about key practitioners, movements and genres in the fields of modern theatre and performance. Each volume challenges mainstream critical thought through the introduction of original and interdisciplinary perspectives.

Authenticity in Contemporary Theatre and Performance

Fiery Temporalities in Theatre and Performance

Daniel Schulze, Theater Konstanz, Germany

Maurya Wickstrom, City University of New York, USA

Make it Real

This study analyses the ‘culture of authenticity’ as it relates to theatre and establishes a theoretical framework for analysis. It examines three types of performances that exemplify this structure of feeling: intimate theatre seen in Forced Entertainment productions such as Quizoola!, as well as one-on-one performances, such as Oentroerend Goed’s Internal; immersive theatres as illustrated by Punchdrunk’s shows The Masque of the Red Death and The Drowned Man; and documentary theatre, through various examples such as Robin Soan’s Talking to Terrorists and Edmund Burke’s Black Watch. UK September 2018 • US September 2018 • 296 pages PB 9781350086654 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350000964 Individual eBook 9781350000971 Library eBook 9781350000988 Series: Methuen Drama Engage • Methuen Drama

Ecologies of Precarity in TwentyFirst Century Theatre Politics, Affect, Responsibility

Marissia Fragkou, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK Presenting a critical investigation of the reinvigoration of the political in contemporary British theatre, Marissia Fragkou's study provides a fresh understanding of how theatre has engaged with issues of human vulnerability and responsibility in the last two decades. By focusing on the spiralling of uncertainty in the new millennium, the study makes a case for reading precarity as a political theatrical trope which carries the potential to re-animate our understanding of the ‘human’ and communal responsibility for the lives of others. UK September 2018 • US September 2018 • 248 pages HB 9781474267144 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474267168 Library eBook 9781474267151 Series: Methuen Drama Engage • Methuen Drama

Social Housing in Performance The English Council Estate on and off Stage Katie Beswick, University of Exeter, UK Katie Beswick explores how council estates have been represented in England across a range of performance forms. Drawing on examples from mainstream, site-specific and socially engaged performance works, including work by SPID Theatre Company, Jordan McKenzie, Bola Agbaje, Andrea Dunbar and The National Youth Theatre, it considers the political potential of contemporary performance practices concerned with the council estate. Representations of the council estate are brought into dialogue with North American cultural products, beside cultural representations of social housing elsewhere in Northern Europe and South Africa, to uncover the features of the British context and situate the work globally. UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 272 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781474285216 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474285193 Library eBook 9781474285209 Series: Methuen Drama Engage • Methuen Drama

The Initiation of History

"In a wonderful book that sets itself compellingly against death, against tragedy, against the closures and comforts of (theatrical) repetition, Maurya Wickstrom designates the theatre she loves as the source of an irruptive force of initiation. An initiation that is not against anything, that is not mere resistance, but insists instead upon being for something, for something before the end, for revolution, perhaps. Its bold claims are sustained through illuminating attention to the experience of a contemporary theatre that wrestles with its own contemporaneity." Nicholas Ridout, Queen Mary, University of London, UK


Methuen Drama Engage

UK June 2018 • US June 2018 • 264 pages HB 9781474281690 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474281706 Library eBook 9781474281713 Series: Methuen Drama Engage • Methuen Drama

Robert Lepage / Ex Machina Revolutions in Theatrical Space

James Reynolds, Kingston University London, UK Robert Lepage and Ex Machina’s theatricality is interdisciplinary and intercultural, and, characterized by intense hybridity. Robert Lepage / Ex Machina: Revolutions in Theatrical Space reads against the grain of criticism, providing readers with a fresh, practice-based and critical perspective by arguing that these aesthetic practices operate simultaneously as positive cultural principles. Drawing directly on case studies of process, a wide range of productions and in-depth interviews, this book intertwines theoretical and practical concerns, weighing them in balance, and, in doing so, produces a new critical perspective on Robert Lepage and Ex Machina. UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 288 pages HB 9781474276092 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474276580 Library eBook 9781474276597 Series: Methuen Drama Engage • Methuen Drama

Postdramatic Theatre and Form Edited by Michael Shane Boyle, Queen Mary University of London, UK, Matt Cornish, Ohio University, USA & Brandon Woolf, New York University, USA

This collection of essays brings together scholars, critics and artists to examine the stakes of continuing to use postdramatic theatre as a lens for studying contemporary performance. In addition to introducing key debates in contemporary performance and documenting recent developments in European and North American theatre making, this collection insists that postdramatic theatre is a formal category of performance. Contributors draw on literary studies, art history, film studies and philosophy to interrogate the aesthetic outputs of theatre as much as its material conditions such as funding. UK March 2019 • US March 2019 • 304 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781350043169 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350043176 Library eBook 9781350043183 Series: Methuen Drama Engage • Methuen Drama

www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com



Thinking Through Theatre and Performance

Edited by Maaike Bleeker, Utrecht University, Netherlands, Adrian Kear, Wimbledon College of Arts, University of the Arts London, UK, Joe Kelleher, Roehampton University, UK & Heike Roms, University of Exeter, UK

Dance, Kinaesthesia and the Arts in Revolutionary Russia

Irina Sirotkina, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia & Roger Smith, Lancaster University, UK, and Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

This radical new textbook introduces an innovative approach to the study of performance. Emphasizing the need to re-engage with the materiality of theatre-making processes and to articulate the knowledge of performance located within the practice of theatre, Thinking Through Theatre and Performance examines the ways in which performance – and performance studies – is itself practised through enquiry-driven logics of creative invention and critical investigation.

"This book is a treasure chest of personages and practices— everyone from Kandinsky to Blok, from Scriabin to Shklovsky, and multiple souls in between; everything from Dalcroze Eurythmics to the Foxtrot. It offers dynamic new ways to view the cultural history of this time." The Russian Review

UK February 2019 • US March 2019 • 384 pages • 30 bw illus PB 9781472579607 • £24.99 / $33.95 • HB 9781472579614 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781472579621 Library eBook 9781472579638 Series: Thinking through Theatre • Methuen Drama

This book turns to history to show just how significant movement and the sense of movement were to pioneers of modernism at the turn of the 20th century. It makes history vivid through a picture of movement in the lives of an extraordinary generation of Russian artists, writers, theatre people and dancers.

Clowning as Social Performance in Colombia Ridicule and Resistance

Barnaby King, Edge Hill University, UK "King delivers a volume that blends an insider’s view of the evolution of clowning practice in Colombia with a critical analysis of the social, political, and economic forces that have helped to shape that evolution … Throughout the book, King’s insider understanding of the art of clowning and his participation in some of the acts provide keen insight and cogent argumentation … King offers a compelling and vibrant contribution that illuminates the ways in which clown performance intersects with everyday Colombian life." Modern Drama UK June 2018 • US June 2018 • 296 pages • 6 bw illus PB 9781350076396 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781474249270 Individual eBook 9781474249287 Library eBook 9781474249294 Methuen Drama

Performing Psychologies

Imagination, Creativity and Dramas of the Mind Edited by Nicola Shaughnessy, University of Kent, UK & Philip Barnard, University of Cambridge, UK


The Sixth Sense of the AvantGarde

UK December 2018 • US December 2018 • 232 pages • 15 bw illus PB 9781350087408 • £21.99 / $29.95 Previously published in HB 9781350014312 Individual eBook 9781350014329 Library eBook 9781350014336 Methuen Drama World English

The Bloomsbury Companion to Dance Studies

Edited by Sherril Dodds, Temple University, USA The volume brings together leading international dance scholars to offer a comprehensive guide to the field of dance research, and the contemporary theories and methods that underpin its scholarship. Graduate students and students undertaking dissertation research will find it an essential guide to the various sub-disciplines, research methodologies and new directions in dance scholarship and research. The dances under investigation range from experimental conceptual concert dance through to underground street dance practices and dance on the digital screen, and the geographic reach encompasses dance-making from European, South Asian, North American, Australian and African-Caribbean contexts. UK March 2019 • US March 2019 • 448 pages • 15 bw illus HB 9781350024465 • £130.00 / $176.00 Individual eBook 9781350024472 Library eBook 9781350024496 Series: Bloomsbury Companions • Methuen Drama

Exploring Television Acting

Edited by Tom Cantrell, University of Westminster, UK & Christopher Hogg, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Performing Psychologies offers new perspectives on drama and psychology, demonstrating the value of theatre and performance to scientific understanding of the mind. Encompassing a range of conditions (including autism, dementia and schizophrenia), the book challenges stereotypes of disability, madness and creativity, bringing arts and science into dialogue, with contributions from psychologists, theatre scholars and practitioners. The book demonstrates how performance practices offer insights into mental processes, engaging with emotion, memory and psychological experiences in ways that complement and enhance scientific approaches.

This is the first book to bring together scholarly and practitioner perspectives on acting for television. In 15 new essays by internationally distinguished researchers and actor-trainers, and the most exciting early-career scholars, this collection analyses the acting processes and resulting performances of some of the most acclaimed television actors such as Hugh Bonneville, Viola Davis, Philip Glenister, Hugh Laurie, Maxine Peake and Jason Watkin.

UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 288 pages • 9 bw illus HB 9781474260855 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474260862 Library eBook 9781474260879 Series: Performance and Science: Interdisciplinary Dialogues • Methuen Drama

UK May 2018 • US May 2018 • 208 pages HB 9781474248587 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474248570 Library eBook 9781474248594 Methuen Drama

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Michael Chekhov’s Acting Technique A Practitioner’s Guide

Sinéad Rushe, Central School of Speech and Drama, UK Michael Chekhov's Acting Technique provides a complete overview of Chekhov's whole acting method, illuminating his principles through a wide range of practical exercises that illustrate how they can be applied to dramatic texts. After outlining Chekhov's basic principles, Rushe charts a journey through the foundational psychophysical exercises that can orient an actor's training and be applied to the development of a role. Rushe then explores specific methods of scene work, characterisation and the art of transformation. The book illustrates Chekhov’s approach by referring to productions of 'Diary of a Madman' and Othello; Sarah Kane's Blasted and television drama Breaking Bad. UK January 2019 • US January 2019 • 304 pages PB 9781408156889 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781350090033 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781472503473 Library eBook 9781472503466 Series: Performance Books • Methuen Drama

Russian Theatre in Practice The Director's Guide

Edited by Amy Skinner, University of Hull, UK Strongly practical in its approach, Russian Theatre in Practice equips readers with an understanding of the varying approaches of each director, and through the practical exercises gives them the opportunity to participate and explore ideas in practice, thereby honing their own directing skills. Each chapter focuses on one director, combining an examination of their directing theory and technique with practical exercises for use in classroom or rehearsal settings. UK March 2019 • US March 2019 • 288 pages • 25 bw illus PB 9781474284417 • £24.99 / $33.95 • HB 9781474284424 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474284431 Library eBook 9781474284448 Series: Performance Books • Methuen Drama

A Director’s Guide to the Art of Stand-up Chris Head, Freelance director and comedy coach, UK

This is the first book to give the director’s perspective on developing stand-up from club sets to full-length shows. Drawing on his own experience of directing stand-up alongside speaking to comedians and their directors, Chris Head produces a revealing perspective on the comic’s persona, their material, the structuring of shows and delivering a performance. For stand-up readers the book offers directorial insights and a fresh perspective on their work and will serve as a resource that will inspire as well as provide practical tips. For directors, coaches and writers it offers numerous tools and approaches for working with comics. UK July 2018 • US July 2018 • 200 pages • 2 bw illus PB 9781350035522 • £18.99 / $25.95 Individual eBook 9781350035539 Library eBook 9781350035546 Series: Performance Books • Methuen Drama

The Singer Acts/The Actor Sings

A Practical Guide to Living Through Song Glenn Seven Allen, Yale School of Drama, USA A practical workbook and video for musical theatre. Structured in three sections it allows readers to combine acting and singing technique for storytelling. Section One helps readers to understand song from a dramaturgical perspective. Section Two analyses singing and the psycho-physiological effect it has on audiences. Section Three combines these approaches into a holistic model for combining acting and singing technique. It is an essential workbook for all actors and singers, whether in training or in the profession, who are interested in telling great stories through great songs. UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 256 pages PB 9781350043077 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350043060 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350043084 Library eBook 9781350043053 Series: Performance Books • Methuen Drama

The Theatre of the Oppressed in Practice Today An Introduction to the Work and Principles of Augusto Boal

Ali Campbell, Queen Mary, University of London, UK This book provides an introduction to the political and artistic principles Augusto Boal's techniques are founded upon and traces their legacy today through examples of exemplary practice from around the globe. Authored by one of the key exponents of the Theatre of the Oppressed working today who was mentored by Boal, the volume equips readers with a clear grounding in the universal, transferable principles of Boal’s work. Using detailed contemporary case histories, Ali Campbell demonstrates how the underlying principles of Boal's practice have been adapted in the work of some of the most influential Applied Performance groups operating internationally today. UK March 2019 • US March 2019 • 256 pages • 15 bw illus PB 9781350031418 • £16.99 / $22.95 • HB 9781350031425 • £50.00 / $68.00 Individual eBook 9781350031401 Library eBook 9781350031432 Series: Performance Books • Methuen Drama

Performer Training Reconfigured Post-psychophysical Perspectives for the Twenty-first Century Frank Camilleri, University of Malta, Malta Performer Training Reconfigured rethinks the phenomenon of training for theatre and performance in the light of 21st-century developments, technologies and conditions. Stemming from the author's extensive practice and incorporating a review of current practices and theories, it advances different perspectives on how material circumstances shape and affect processes of training, devising, rehearsing and performing. Frank Camilleri puts forward the 'post-psychophysical' as a more extended form of psychophysical discursivity and practices that emerged and dominated in the 20th century. It offers invaluable introductions to a wide range of theories that can be applied to other areas of theatre, dance and performance. UK January 2019 • US January 2019 • 272 pages HB 9781350060180 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350060197 Library eBook 9781350060210 Series: Performance Books • Methuen Drama


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From Shakespeare to David Bowie Edited by Susan Bennett, University of Calgary, Canada & Sonia Massai, King's College London, UK Featuring a Foreword by Ivo van Hove and an original interview with him about his process, this book provides a wealth of resources and critical analysis of van Hove's renowned theatre, opera and musical productions. With discussion of his productions ranging from Antigone to The Crucible, La Clemenza di Tito to Brokeback Mountain and from The Taming of the Shrew to The Fountainhead, this richly illustrated book presents the full diversity of van Hove’s work and explores his directorial process through interviews, director’s notes and critical reviews. Contributors are international, field-leading scholars, distinguished theatre professionals and van Hove’s closest collaborators. UK July 2018 • US July 2018 • 264 pages • 16 colour and 30 bw illus PB 9781350031548 • £26.99 / $36.95 • HB 9781350031531 • £80.00 / $108.00 Individual eBook 9781350031555 Library eBook 9781350031524 Series: Performance Books • Methuen Drama

Applied Improvisation

Leading, Collaborating, and Creating Beyond the Theatre Edited by Theresa Robbins Dudeck, Freelance practitioner and scholar, USA & Caitlin McClure, Freelance practitioner, USA "Applied Improvisation is a world-class textbook for those who want to learn how to teach corporate and nonprofit groups improvisation skills. It's also an inspiring idea book for anyone who wants to bring the magic of theatre to their organization. After reading this remarkable work, you'll be eager to start on your own improv adventure." Daniel H. Pink, author of To Sell Is Human, Drive, and A Whole New Mind UK April 2018 • US April 2018 • 320 pages • 19 bw illus PB 9781350014367 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781350014350 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350014381 Library eBook 9781350014398 Methuen Drama

A Life-coaching Approach to Screen Acting Daniel Dresner, Freelance, UK

Combining life-coaching and screen-acting techniques in one accessible handbook, this guide empowers actors to overcome personal inhibitions and approach their work, characters and careers with confidence to produce real and believable acting on screen. Structured to build absolute confidence and understanding of yourself before you take on a new role and play someone else, this book employs life-coaching techniques to give you the conviction to face a fulfilling but potentially daunting career as an actor. After mentoring you towards self-assurance, Dresner moves on to examine essential elements of a screen actor’s craft, such as emotions, imagination, nerves, listening and line-learning.

The Dramatic Text Workbook and Video

Practical Tools for Actors and Directors David Carey, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA & Rebecca Clark Carey, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA A textbook which explores the expressive potential of language, and how actors can develop their verbal skills to release that potential. A follow-up to The Verbal Arts Workbook, and now including a revised introduction, updated reading lists and a comprehensive revision of the major exercises within the book, it is supported by over 90 minutes of online video workshops, exploring the key techniques and tactics explored in the book. UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 304 pages PB 9781350055056 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781350055049 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350055063 Library eBook 9781350055070 Series: Theatre Arts Workbooks • Methuen Drama


Ivo van Hove

Laban's Efforts in Action

A Movement Handbook for Actors with Online Video Resources Vanessa Ewan, Central School of Speech and Drama, UK & Kate Sagovsky, Theatre practitioner, UK Laban's Efforts in Action is the first book to document Rudolf Laban's Efforts of Action Drive, which provide understanding of movement (strength, timing and control) in terms of inner intention, in a practical, focused and detailed way for the actor. Following years of research, this new text now makes the process widely available and accessible to the actor. Written using experience-based examples, it offers a greater depth of coverage than any other text and a new creative process for the actor with practical exercises, video examples, case studies and theoretical background. UK October 2018 • US October 2018 • 320 pages PB 9781472533241 • £24.99 / $33.95 • HB 9781472528162 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781472524522 Library eBook 9781472532428 Methuen Drama

The Actor's Survival Guide

How to Make Your Way in Hollywood Jon S. Robbins, Actor and blogger, USA From the experience of relocating to LA to the casting process, to identifying (and finding work with) the key players in the film and television industry, The Actor's Survival Guide offers a business-centered road map through the pitfalls and wrong turns that derail too many promising careers and frustrate even the most dedicated of actors, and – for those who have the skills and determination to persevere – provides an extra competitive edge and experience and know-how. This updated and revised edition includes new sections on new media and contracts. UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 224 pages • 20 bw illus PB 9781350039384 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350039377 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350039391 Library eBook 9781350039360 Methuen Drama

UK October 2018 • US October 2018 • 176 pages PB 9781350039438 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350039421 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350039445 Library eBook 9781350039414 Methuen Drama

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The Actor's Career Bible

Auditioning, Networking, Survival & Success Rob Ostlere, Actor, UK This print and digital handbook is the go-to resource for career guidance and support. This book is based on over 100 hundred interviews with working actors and industry professionals and is filled with a huge range of inside knowledge from actors of all backgrounds (at every level of the profession), industry experts, key organisations, casting directors, agents, producers, directors and many others. This depth of research means that readers can tailor the advice to suit the own career stage. UK March 2019 • US March 2019 • 192 pages PB 9781472585318 • £19.99 / $26.95 Individual eBook 9781472585325 Library eBook 9781472585332 Methuen Drama

Actors and Performers Yearbook 2019 Essential Contacts for Stage, Screen and Radio Edited by Lloyd Trott, RADA, UK "An essential tool for all actors" Christine Payne, Equity This well-established and respected directory supports actors in their search for work on stage, screen and radio. It is the only directory to provide detailed information for each listing and specific advice on how to approach companies and individuals, saving hours of further research. From agents and casting directors to producing theatres, showreel companies, photographers and much more, this essential reference book editorially selects only the most relevant and reputable contacts for the actor. UK October 2018 • US October 2018 • 504 pages PB 9781350067943 • £14.99 / $20.95 Individual eBook 9781350067967 Library eBook 9781350067950 Methuen Drama

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From detailed guides on very specific areas of make-up, props and sets, to handbooks for stage managers, amateur dramatic groups and directors of musicals, here you'll find a practical range of books for planning your production behind the scenes.

Performance Lighting Design

How to Light for the Stage, Concerts and Live Events Nick Moran, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, UK A practical guide to the art and technique of lighting for the stage, this book explains the complex mixture of craft, collaboration and creativity behind successful lighting design. This handbook for professional practice walks you through how to achieve this, from first concept to development of design ideas, planning to realisation and, finally, public performance. Now fully revised, this second edition has been brought up to date with Moran introducing new concepts and ways of working, a section on analysing the finished design, and discussion of recent research into contemporary lighting practice, addressing emerging trends, particularly for drama. UK September 2018 • US September 2018 • 288 pages • 75 colour illus PB 9781350017085 • £25.99 / $35.95 • HB 9781350017078 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350017092 Library eBook 9781350017061 Series: Backstage • Methuen Drama

The Art of Theatrical Sound Design A Practical Guide

Victoria Deiorio, DePaul Universtiy, USA Emphasizing the artistry behind the decisions made by theatrical sound designers, this guide is for anyone seeking to understand the nature of sound and how to apply it to the stage. Through tried-and-tested advice and lessons this book explores, theoretically, how human beings perceive the vibration of sound; offers exercises to develop support for storytelling by creating an emotional journey for the audience; considers how to collaborate and communicate as a theatre artist; and discusses how to create a cohesive sound design for the stage.



UK September 2018 • US September 2018 • 240 pages PB 9781474257800 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781474257794 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781474257817 Library eBook 9781474257848 Series: Backstage • Methuen Drama

Collaborating Backstage

Breaking Barriers for the Creative Network

Staging Musicals An Essential Guide

Matthew White, Actor/Director, UK Staging Musicals describes all the elements involved in putting on a musical production, including: choosing the right show, creating budgets and schedules, auditions, rehearsals and performances, set and costume design, lighting and publicity. Drawing on the author's own experience, as well as on interviews with other producers, choreographers and designers in the UK and the US, Staging Musicals is structured as a step by step reference detailing every stage of the work. It is a must-have text for any would-be impresarios planning their first production. UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 208 pages PB 9781474247726 • £25.99 / $35.95 • HB 9781474247719 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474247733 Library eBook 9781474247740 Series: Backstage • Methuen Drama

Timo Niermann, Freelance Director, Austria This practical handbook describes the skills and resources that a stage production’s network and their culturally diverse members have to offer. It teaches how to bring people together to work to the same goal, support an international exchange and improve the overall creative process. With 20 years of performing and directing in over 40 countries, Timo Niermann has a strong practical base underpinned by theories of performance, creativity and communication. Including many backstage examples, this is an easyto-read guide that enables theatre professionals to make the most of their creative, multi-cultural team from the outset. UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 192 pages • 30 bw illus PB 9781350072831 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350072848 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350073098 Library eBook 9781350073081 Series: Backstage • Methuen Drama

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Introductions to Theatre Series Editor: Jim Volz, California State University, Fullerton, USA

This series of textbooks provides practical introductions to core areas of theatre and performance and has been designed to support semester teaching plans. Each book offers case studies and international examples of practice and will equip undergraduate students and emerging theatre professionals with the understanding and skills necessary to succeed – whether in study or in the entertainment industry.

Directing Professionally

A Practical Guide to Developing a Successful Career in Today’s Theatre Kent Thompson, Denver Center for the Performing Arts, USA How do you develop the craft of directing as well as a professional career in freelance directing in today's theatre industry? Drawing on his own extensive experience, and that of other theatre professionals from the US and UK, Kent Thompson illuminates a pathway from training, apprenticeship and assistant directing to an established career as a director. It lays out paths for aspirant directors to train, grow and succeed as directors, then advises freelance directors on how to establish and accelerate their professional careers. It also reveals the most significant ways those directors become artistic directors today. UK January 2019 • US January 2019 • 272 pages PB 9781474288767 • £18.99 / $25.95 • HB 9781474288774 • £60.00 / $82.00 Individual eBook 9781474288781 Library eBook 9781474288750 Series: Introductions to Theatre • Methuen Drama

Introduction to the Art of Stage Management A Practical Guide to Working in the Theatre and Beyond

Michael Vitale, Los Angeles Philharmonic, USA "Michael Vitale’s new stage management text covers crucial processes and venues heretofore unmentioned in the few previous, often somewhat dated books on the market. His experience in professional theatre, opera, philharmonic and dance, including working with The Hollywood Bowl’s international assemblage of the world’s best conductors, actors, singers and musicians, makes this a must-have book for any serious stage manager." Dr. Jim Volz, Author, Producer, Educator, Theatre Critic UK March 2019 • US March 2019 • 240 pages PB 9781474257206 • £23.99 / $32.95 • HB 9781474257190 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474257213 Library eBook 9781474257220 Series: Introductions to Theatre • Methuen Drama

Music Fundamentals for Musical Theatre Christine Riley, Marymount Manhattan College, USA

This book offers a series of lessons in music fundamentals, including theory, sight-singing and aural tests, giving readers the skills to navigate music and all that is demanded of them, without having had a formal music training. Throughout the book, each musical concept is laid out clearly and simply with helpful hints and reminders. By introducing a theoretical idea and then putting it into practice with sight-singing and ear-training, the students gain a much deeper and more integrated understanding of the material, and are able to retain it and use it in voice lessons, performance classes and their professional lives. UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 304 pages PB 9781350001756 • £24.99 / $33.95 • HB 9781350001794 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350001770 Library eBook 9781350001763 Methuen Drama World English

Puppetry in Theatre and Arts Education Head, Hands and Heart

Johanna Smith, California State University, San Bernardino, USA A textbook for students and teachers of theatre in education, schoolteachers, teaching artists outside of traditional school environments and puppetry enthusiasts, showing how puppetry can enliven classrooms, offering educational strategies and lesson plans to open out any syllabus and unlock new methods of learning. It provides fun and inexpensive interdisciplinary puppetry activities for educators and artists. Written in accessible language, and featuring exercises and essential advice, it is a core text for theatre education courses as well as an essential addition to any teacher’s arsenal of teaching strategies. UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 160 pages • 77 bw illus PB 9781350012912 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350012905 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350012929 Library eBook 9781350012899 Methuen Drama

The History and Theory of Environmental Scenography Second Edition

Arnold Aronson, Columbia University, USA A classic work of theatre history and criticism when first published, Arnold Aronson's formative study surveyed the phenomenon known as environmental theatre, charting its development from the middle ages to the late 20th century. Now updated in this richly illustrated second edition to reflect developments and practice since the 1980s, it offers readers the most comprehensive study of the theatre practice which has evolved from the avant-garde to become the dominant mode of much contemporary innovative performance. New chapters examine how the 'transformed spaces' of earlier work have become the interactive and immersive productions that characterize the productions of companies today. UK June 2018 • US June 2018 • 272 pages • 47 bw illus PB 9781474283960 • £24.99 / $33.95 • HB 9781474283977 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474283984 Library eBook 9781474283991 Series: Performance and Design • Methuen Drama


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The Theatre Makers series celebrates and draws together the work of many of the most seminal theatre makers. Volumes in the series provide an unprecedented insight into the philosophies and methods of the practitioners that have shaped – and continue to define – what theatre is today.

Julius Caesar and Me

Exploring Shakespeare's African Play Paterson Joseph, Actor, UK In this book, Joseph opens up the process of rehearsing and preparing for the RSC's acclaimed 2012 production of Julius Caesar and, by doing so, brings a greater understanding to the play's characters; its rhetoric and the power of rhetoric in general, both in drama and real life; its setting and political context and how this can be interpreted and refreshed for the 21st century. In addition, it offers an unparalleled insight into an actor's preparations for a role and Joseph's own thoughts on, and philosophy of, the theatre. UK April 2018 • US April 2018 • 168 pages PB 9781350011182 • £18.99 / $25.95 • HB 9781350011229 • £60.00 / $82.00 Individual eBook 9781350011205 Library eBook 9781350011199 Series: Theatre Makers • Methuen Drama World English

Contemporary Women Stage Directors Conversations on Craft

Paulette Marty, Appalachian State University, USA This book features interviews with the most influential female theatre directors today, including Vicky Featherstone, Polly Findlay, Leah Gardiner, Blanche McIntyre and Paulette Randall. Through these interviews, the reader is offered in-depth insights into how these directors select projects; how they engage with scripts and concepts; how they conceptualize their work; the process of collaboration; building a career for themselves; navigating gender, race and ethnicity; and where theatre is now and where it's going. The book includes an introduction by editor Paulette Marty. UK March 2019 • US March 2019 • 272 pages PB 9781474268530 • £17.99 / $24.95 • HB 9781474268578 • £55.00 / $74.00 Individual eBook 9781474268554 Library eBook 9781474268547 Series: Theatre Makers • Methuen Drama World English

Julie Hesmondhalgh: A Working Diary Julie Hesmondhalgh, Actor, UK

Julie Hesmondhalgh: A Working Diary looks at an incredible year as a jobbing actor and theatre maker. It explores her personal and political growth within the Manchester-based grassroots political theatre company Take Back, which Hesmondhalgh co-runs, creating protest theatre in response to seismic changes in the UK's political climate. In addition, it considers her work with Arts Emergency, supporting young artists from working-class backgrounds. And it considers her own identity post-Coronation Street, confronting the need to both break with this household identity and also acknowledge its significance. A rich insight into one of the foremost actors of today.


Theatre Makers

UK January 2019 • US January 2019 • 224 pages PB 9781350025691 • £16.99 / $22.95 Individual eBook 9781350025714 Library eBook 9781350025707 Series: Theatre Makers • Methuen Drama

Life as a Playwright A Survival Guide

Jon Klein, Catholic University of America, USA Life as a Playwright addresses the questions central to any playwright's career and very identity. What is a playwright's life like? What should an aspiring playwright expect? What are the danger zones? How can you stand out from the crowd? In addition, the author looks at situations that the emerging playwright is bound to encounter: handling rehearsals, workshops, castings, re-writing, venues, reviews, successes and failure. Essentially, it's a practical and constructive guide to how to survive an incredible, but - at times near-impossible, career as a dramatic writer. UK May 2018 • US May 2018 • 192 pages PB 9781474285094 • £17.99 / $24.95 Individual eBook 9781474285117 Library eBook 9781474285100 Methuen Drama World English

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The Modern Plays series is world-famous for containing the work of many of the finest contemporary playwrights. Established in 1959 with the publication of Shelagh Delaney's A Taste of Honey, it remains a series synonymous with the very best in new writing for the stage. All Modern Plays are available on inspection / as exam copies on our website.

Agnes Colander

All But Gone

"A bona fide revelation." Telegraph

"Refreshingly uncynical exploration of the tragedy of lost love and the enduring hope of survival." The Stage

Harley Granville Barker

Matthew Trevannion

It is three years since Agnes left her unfaithful husband Henry. Now he writes to her in her Kensington studio begging to reunite, but Agnes married young; her innocence has gone and her ambition and independence is growing. As she travels from London to France, Agnes finds herself torn between Otho, a worldly Danish artist and Alec, an infatuated younger suitor, between a longing to paint and be an independent woman and a yearning to be loved. This witty exploration of love and independence was written in 1900 and unearthed a century later.

Owen may live in the present but his mind remains lodged firmly in the past. As he's forced into a relationship with a teenager with emotional behavioural problems he blurs aspects of his current life with the memories of what might have been and the opportunities and relationships that could have changed his world. Riddled with regret over the man he loved and the chance to flee rural Wales, he's unable to detach himself from past mistakes.

UK March 2018 • US April 2018 • 80 pages PB 9781350077553 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350077577 Library eBook 9781350077560 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

UK March 2018 • US April 2018 • 96 pages PB 9781350077140 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350077287 Library eBook 9781350077157 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English


Brief Encounter

"Eldridge combines a hugely sympathetic sensibility with rare dramatic power, and one leaves this exceptional play rejoicing in his talent and impatient for his next." Telegraph

Adapted by Emma Rice

David Eldridge

Every story starts somewhere. It’s the early hours of the morning and Danny’s the last straggler at Laura’s party. The flat’s in a mess. And so are they. One more drink? David Eldridge (Festen, Market Boy)'s sharp and astute two-hander takes an intimate look at the first fragile moments of risking your heart and taking a chance. UK October 2017 • US October 2017 • 96 pages PB 9781350061262 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350061286 Library eBook 9781350061279 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

M O D E R N D R A M A - M O D E R N P L AY S

Modern Plays

Noël Coward

Noël Coward’s Brief Encounter is remembered as one of the most haunting love stories on screen ever. Drawing on the characteristic wit and musicality of Kneehigh, Emma Rice, former Joint Artistic Director of the Company, has adapted Coward’s classic 1945 screenplay, and the one-act play Still Life on which it was based, into a richly theatrical, imaginative and vibrant piece of theatre. Kneehigh’s production received its world premiere in 2008. This edition is published to coincide with the production’s run at the Empire Cinema in London’s West End for 2018, co-produced by Steve and Jenny Wiener and The Old Vic. UK March 2018 • US March 2018 • 72 pages PB 9781350083578 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350083608 Library eBook 9781350083585 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

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M O D E R N D R A M A - M O D E R N P L AY S

Child of the Divide


Summer 1947. Sixteen million people are on the move between India and the newly-formed Pakistan. Amid the violent political upheaval, young Pali’s fingers slip from his father’s hand, and his destiny changes forever.

As another summer season on the seafront gets underway Ella is turning up the heat in a high stakes game to get as far away as possible. Whilst Ruby keeps the café going and Dean mans the ice cream kiosk Ella learns there’s no fast track to success.

Lost, dispossessed and alone, Pali is saved by a Muslim family and given a new name, a new faith and a new life. Seven years later his real father returns to claim him and Pali is forced to decide who he is: the Hindu boy he was born to be, the Muslim boy he has become, or simply a child of the divide.

Judy Upton's coming of age drama first exploded onto the stage in 1998 at the Birmingham Rep. This new edition has been published to coincide with Boundless Theatre's 20th anniversary revival at the Southwark Playhouse in May 2018.

Sudha Bhuchar

UK September 2017 • US October 2017 • 96 pages PB 9781350059405 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350059429 Library eBook 9781350059412 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English


Simon Stephens, Scott Graham & Karl Hyde Fatherland is a bold, ambitious play about contemporary fatherhood in all its complexities and contradictions. This daring collage of words, music and movement confronts the complexities and contradictions of contemporary fatherhood. A vivid, urgent and deeply personal portrait of 21stcentury England at the crossroads of past, present and future, the play is inspired by conversations with fathers and sons from the writers' home towns in the heart of the country. Tender and tough, honest and true, Fatherland is a vital and necessary show about what we were, who we are and what we’d like to become. UK May 2018 • US June 2018 • 80 pages PB 9781350091504 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350091535 Library eBook 9781350091511 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

Frogman: a coming-of-age play using live theatre and Virtual Reality curious directive

Summer 1995, the Great Barrier Reef. Police divers hover, looking for traces of Ashleigh by torchlight. Meera is eleven. It's her first sleepover with Lily and Shaun. Cassette recordings from the radio, Sega Mega Drive, and the ‘coral club’ descends into theories about Ashleigh. Outside over the reef, the Frogman hovers, looking for traces of a missing child. As police search lights refract through the ocean, the annual coral bloom is due, creating an underwater snowstorm. Time is running out. Frogman is a coming-of-age thriller exploring the fragility of the childhood imagination. A ground-breaking Virtual Reality / live theatre hybrid.

Judy Upton

UK May 2018 • US June 2018 • 112 pages PB 9781350087453 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350087477 Library eBook 9781350087460 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English


James Phillips "A visually stunning, and deeply moving, drama about belonging" The Stage One day it starts to rain and no-one knows why. And it doesn’t stop. Far out on the North Sea a fisherman raises a girl in his net, miraculously alive from the deep sea. Is she one of the migrants now washing up on English shores? Or someone sent for some higher purpose? This epic collaboration is the culmination of a year-long community project. Four parts told across three different mediums, this complete text includes four dramas that ask fundamental questions about our future, communities and our collective responsibilities. UK August 2017 • US October 2017 • 208 pages PB 9781350060128 • £14.99 / $20.95 Individual eBook 9781350060555 Library eBook 9781350060562 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

Glengarry Glen Ross David Mamet

Winner of the 1984 Pulitzer Prize for Drama Lies. Greed. Corruption. It’s business as usual. Set in an office of cut-throat Chicago salesmen, four increasingly desperate employees will do anything, legal or otherwise, to sell the most real estate. Pitched in a high-stakes competition against each other, as time and luck start to run out the mantra is simple: close the deal and you've won a Cadillac; blow the lead and you're f****d. This new edition of the 1983 Olivier Award-winning Best Play was published to coincide with a new 2017 West End revival starring Christian Slater. UK November 2017 • 80 pages PB 9781350067370 • £10.99 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama Commonwealth (excluding Canada)/UK/Open Market

UK April 2018 • US April 2018 • 80 pages PB 9781350086838 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350086852 Library eBook 9781350086845 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English


www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk

Grimly Handsome

Tom Crowley

2013 Obie Award for Best New American Play

a Twenty-First-Century Adaptation In this modern day re-imagining of Charles Dickens' classic story, Pip is a boy from a council estate with no money, and no hope for the future. His life is changed forever after he meets mysterious fugitive Magwycz, the beautiful but troubled Estella and the fearsome, wounded Miss Havisham. Catapulting Dickens' beloved characters into the 21st century, Tom Crowley's adaption captures all the humour, humanity and adventure of the original with its timeless themes of unrequited love, the divide between the rich and the poor, and what it means to be ‘good'. UK December 2017 • US January 2018 • 120 pages PB 9781350073449 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350073463 Library eBook 9781350073456 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English


Simon Longman Winner of the George Devine Award for Most Promising Playwright On a farm in the middle of nowhere, sisters Becky and Anna try to hold their family together after the death of their mother. Time is always moving somewhere – but here it’s very quiet. When they discover a stranger wandering aimlessly across the land, the three establish an unlikely partnership in their determination to survive. Simon Longman's Royal Court debut premiered at the Jerwood Theatre Upstairs in February 2018. UK January 2018 • US February 2018 • 128 pages PB 9781350068773 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350068797 Library eBook 9781350068780 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

Heisenberg: The Uncertainty Principle

Julia Jarcho

Last night I woke up and found that I was not at home. And I was not wearing my own clothes. In an unnamed American city, two strangers sell Christmas trees on the sidewalk; two cops work to solve a killing spree; and a young woman finds herself transforming in ways she could never have imagined. A darkly comic thriller exploring the margins of a city and the violent fantasies they inspire. Published alongside the UK premiere at the Royal Court Theatre. UK December 2017 • US December 2017 • 80 pages PB 9781350066366 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350066380 Library eBook 9781350066373 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

Hard Times

Deborah McAndrew & Charles Dickens "Deborah McAndrew puts an intelligent new slant on a classic novel" The Observer Imagine a world where imagination is forbidden. Coketown is such a place. Thomas Gradgrind will not permit fanciful thoughts in his school or his home. But what effect will this policy have on his own children? How can he protect them from corrupting influences – especially when the circus comes to town? Dark satanic mills, interrupted by the colour and vibrancy of Sleary’s Circus, set the stage for a sweeping tale of suppressed love, seduction and social mores, peopled with exaggerated characters Dickens is celebrated for. UK February 2018 • US March 2018 • 112 pages PB 9781350083103 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350083127 Library eBook 9781350083110 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

How to Disappear

Simon Stephens

Morna Pearson

"Wondrously stealthy play" New York Times

Winner of the Catherine Johnson Award for Best Play

In this uncertain world, who can predict what brings people together? When two strangers meet by chance amidst the bustle of a crowded London train station, their lives are changed forever. Brimming with blazing theatrical life it explores the uncertain and often comical sparring match that is human connection. Heisenberg: The Uncertainty Principle made its UK premiere in the West End in a thrilling production starring Kenneth Cranham and Anne Marie Duff, directed by Marianne Elliot. UK October 2017 • US October 2017 • 64 pages PB 9781350064850 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350064874 Library eBook 9781350064867 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

M O D E R N D R A M A - M O D E R N P L AY S

Great Expectations

When Helen Daniels from Neighbours died, Robert shut his door on the world. And he’s not opened it since. Now his only connection to the outside world is through his younger sister Isla, who looks after them both whilst their father is away in Ibiza on ‘business’. With only a strange menagerie of creatures to keep them company, each day looks pretty much the same as the last until their quiet lives are interrupted by a visit from Jessica, a benefit assessor, determined to prove that Robert is fit for work. UK December 2017 • US December 2017 • 88 pages PB 9781350075672 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350075696 Library eBook 9781350075689 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com


M O D E R N D R A M A - M O D E R N P L AY S



Agnes and her daughter Kelly have walked the same stretch of Skegness beach every day for fifteen years. They devour ice cream, hunt for crabs and watch as things mysteriously vanish along the shoreline. But when Kelly meets Neil, their cosy world soon begins to unravel.

"A compelling work with a bold political heart." The Stage

Ben Weatherill

Oli Forsyth

With her mum struggling to understand the needs of a maturing daughter with Down’s Syndrome, Kelly and Neil have to fight for their right to be together. Jellyfish is the story of a first kiss, chips by the beach and coming of age in modern Britain.

Bess and Hannah are waiting. Sleeping rough on the streets of London they’re hoping for help to arrive and for life to change, but they’ve been waiting for a long time. Until, that is, they meet Caz, a young woman who's not content to sit quietly, she’s far more interested in taking what she needs. As Bess and Hannah get drawn further into this new way of thinking they discover a power in their position that opens up a world of change.

UK June 2018 • US July 2018 • 128 pages PB 9781350091993 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350092013 Library eBook 9781350092006 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

UK October 2017 • US October 2017 • 112 pages PB 9781350062085 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350062108 Library eBook 9781350062092 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

Labour of Love

Mood Music

Winner of the 2018 Olivier Award for Best New Comedy

"A fine play that raises a host of issues without ever trying to resolve them." Guardian

James Graham

Labour MP David Lyons cares about modernisation and "electability"... his constituency agent, Jean Whittaker cares about principles and her community. Set away from the Westminster bubble in the party's traditional northern heartlands, this is a clash of philosophy, culture and class against the backdrop of the Labour Party over 25 years, as it moves from Kinnock through Blair into Corbyn... and beyond? This razor-sharp political comedy from James Graham was produced by Michael Grandage Company and Headlong andreceived its world Premiere at the Noël Coward Theatre in September 2017. UK September 2017 • US October 2017 • 128 pages PB 9781350063679 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350063693 Library eBook 9781350063686 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

National Theatre Connections 2018

The Blue Electric Wind; The Changing Room; The Free9; The Ceasefire Babies; These Bridges; When They Go Low; Want; The Sweetness of a Sting; Dungeness Brad Birch, Chinonyerem Odimba, Alice Birch, Chris Bush, In-Sook Chappell, Fiona Doyle, Phoebe Éclair Powell, Natalie Mitchell & Barney Norris Drawing together the work of nine leading playwrights, National Theatre Connections 2018 features work by some of the most exciting contemporary playwrights. Gathered together in one volume, the plays offer young performers an engaging selection of material to perform, read or study. From friends building bridges and siblings breaking down walls; girls making their voice heard and boys searching for home; and not forgetting a band of unlikely action heroes taking control of the weather.

Joe Penhall

In a top London recording studio, Cat, a young songwriter, her producer Bernard, their lawyers and psychotherapists go to battle over who owns a hit song. Amidst a gathering storm of bitter complaints and brutal recriminations Cat and Bernard inflict a devastating toll on each other in a war that only one of them can win. A sly, wry exploration of the dark side of the music industry by the multi-Olivier Award-winning writer of Sunny Afternoon and Blue/ Orange, Joe Penhall. UK April 2018 • US May 2018 • 96 pages PB 9781350089914 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350089938 Library eBook 9781350089921 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

Not Talking Mike Bartlett

If I don’t want to tell anyone, it’s up to me, right? Lucy knows James has avoided the battle. Mark knows Amanda has fought for her life. But speaking the truth could bring everything crashing down. What happens if we live a life of not talking? Olivier Award-winning writer Mike Bartlett's gripping and lyrical first play unlocks a culture of silence, and gives voice to the human casualties when things are easier done than said. This edition was published to coincide with a new production at the Arcola Theatre and features an introduction by the author. UK April 2018 • US May 2018 • 72 pages PB 9781350089723 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350089747 Library eBook 9781350089730 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

The anthology contains nine play scripts along with imaginative production notes and exercises, as well as a short introduction to the writing process. UK June 2018 • US July 2018 • 656 pages PB 9781350066243 • £19.99 / $26.95 Individual eBook 9781350066267 Library eBook 9781350066250 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English


www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk

James Graham April 2003. Army Major Charles Ingram, his wife and coughing accomplice are convicted for cheating on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? The evidence is damning. The nation is gripped by the sheer audacity of the plot to snatch the £1,000,000 jackpot. But was he really guilty? It’s time for you to decide. Question everything you think you know in James Graham’s provocative new play. Olivier Award-winning James Graham returns with a sharp, fictional imagination of one of the most famous quiz show controversies to date. UK April 2018 • US April 2018 • 112 pages PB 9781350069299 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350069312 Library eBook 9781350069305 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English


Simon Longman Mike is a 16 year old with a bully of a brother and a mum who doesn’t speak. Sarah is a weed smoking teen who can’t wait to get out of their dead-end town. One hot summer their lives collide in a blur of hormones, loneliness and dreaming as they discover that growing up is just as confusing as they say. Funny, poignant, and sharply reminiscent of the joy, pain and confusion of growing up, Rails explores what it means to feel lonely in a forgotten and isolated corner of the world. UK May 2018 • US June 2018 • 112 pages PB 9781350089303 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350089327 Library eBook 9781350089310 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

Saint George and the Dragon Rory Mullarkey

Rita, Sue and Bob Too Andrea Dunbar

"Dunbar’s play is as fresh as a stiff northerly wind off the Pennines. The story is bursting with a gutsy vitality." London Evening Standard Best friends Rita and Sue get a lift home from married Bob after babysitting his kids. When he takes the scenic route and offers them a bit of fun, the three start a fling each of them think they control. Andrea Dunbar’s semi-autobiographical play, written in 1982, is a vivid portrait of girls caught between brutal childhood and an unpromising future, both hungry for adult adventure. UK September 2017 • US October 2017 • 96 pages PB 9781350061460 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350061477 Library eBook 9781350061484 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

"There are ticklish jokes and moments of enjoyable mischief." Evening Standard A village. A dragon. A damsel in distress. Into the story walks George: wandering knight, freedom fighter, enemy of tyrants the world over. One epic battle later and a nation is born.

M O D E R N D R A M A - M O D E R N P L AY S


As the village grows into a town, and the town into a city, the myth of Saint George which once brought a people together, threatens to divide them. A new retelling of the popular British folk tale for our 'uncertain' nation. UK October 2017 • US November 2017 • 144 pages PB 9781350064430 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350064454 Library eBook 9781350064447 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

Snow in Midsummer Silk Road (How to Buy Drugs Online) and Rules for Being a Man Alex Oates

"This is new writing at its best" Public Reviews Silk Road: Bruce is 19, unemployed and living with his Nan. A struggling young Geordie tech-head, he’s the unlikeliest international criminal mastermind you can imagine. Sucked into an underworld dark-web of new-age pirates, local gangsters and tea-cosies, it isn’t long before Bruce discovers how easy it is to buy narcotics online. Rules For Being a Man: a stirring new play that uses silent disco technology to create a vivid soundscape and take the audience into the heads of three generations of men as they struggle with mental health issues and contemplate suicide.

Frances Ya-Chu Cowhig

"Gripping and affecting… graceful and impassioned." Times Executed for a murder she did not commit, young widow Dou Yi vows that if she is innocent snow will fall in midsummer and a catastrophic drought will strike. Three years later, a businesswoman visits the parched, locust-plagued town to take over an ailing factory. When her young daughter is tormented by an angry ghost, the new factory owner must expose the injustices Dou Yi suffered before the curse destroys every living thing. Snow in Midsummer premiered at Stratford-Upon-Avon in 2017 and has been republished to coincide with the American premiere. UK February 2018 • US February 2018 • 112 pages PB 9781350068063 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350068087 Library eBook 9781350068070 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

UK January 2018 • US February 2018 • 64 pages PB 9781350079595 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350079618 Library eBook 9781350079601 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com


M O D E R N D R A M A - M O D E R N P L AY S

The Cherry Orchard Anton Chekhov

Translated by Rory Mullarkey "Rory Mullarkey’s translation is supple and authoritative." The Observer The tide of change is coming. Madam Ranyevskaya's liberal world of privilege and pleasure is beginning to show cracks, but she and her family live on in denial. Lopakhin wants to rescue Ranyevskaya. The hard-working son of one of her family's serfs, his new-found wealth can offer shelter and security to the woman he has loved since boyhood, but it will come at a high price. Meanwhile, revolution hangs in the air, the poor and hungry are pushing at the doors, and tutor Trofimov predicts a tumultuous change for everybody. UK March 2018 • US March 2018 • 88 pages PB 9781350086029 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350086043 Library eBook 9781350086050 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

The Culture - a Farce in Two Acts James Graham

"Juggles satire and farce in a knockabout celebration of Hull’s tenure as UK city of culture." Guardian January 2018, and a busy day at the offices of Hull 2017. Today is the ceremonial handover to ambassadors from the next UK City of Culture. Meanwhile, the monitoring and evaluation team have to present The Audit – a measurement of the impact ‘the culture’ has had on the city. Can their logic models, outcome evaluations and statistical analyses really measure its impact on the people of Hull? The visiting Minister certainly expects so. What could go wrong? UK January 2018 • US February 2018 • 104 pages PB 9781350080140 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350080164 Library eBook 9781350080157 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer & Henry Shields "Thrilling and daringly inventive...This lungbustingly funny play is just what the therapist ordered." Guardian Written by Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer and Henry Shields of Mischief Theatre, creators of the Olivier Award-winning Best New Comedy The Play That Goes Wrong and Peter Pan Goes Wrong, The Comedy About A Bank Robbery is the latest adventure in mishap, mistimed exits and entrances, and disaster unfolding in front of the audience's eyes. This new edition contains the full up-to-date script to match the West End production. UK October 2017 • US October 2017 • 112 pages PB 9781350063082 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350063105 Library eBook 9781350063099 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

The Firm Roy Williams

In a pub in London ‘The Firm’ reunite for the first time in twelve years. Back in their misspent youth they were a notorious criminal gang; these days they’re older, wiser, and their lives have changed beyond recognition. But when an uninvited guest turns up to the party with an intriguing proposition and an explosive secret it’s clear they might be tempted to try their hands at one last job. Will they escape their past unscathed? Roy Williams’ gripping new play is a tale of growing up, lifelong loyalties and how sometimes, it is possible to choose your own family. UK October 2017 • US November 2017 • 96 pages PB 9781350065444 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350065468 Library eBook 9781350065451 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

The Great Wave

The Greatest Play in the History of the World

Francis Turnly

Ian Kershaw

"This truth-based story of abduction is an urgent, resonant piece of theatre" Financial Times

A man wakes in the middle of the night to discover that the world has stopped.

On a Japanese beach, teenage sisters Hanako and Reiko are caught up in a storm. Reiko survives while Hanako is lost to the sea. Their mother, however, can’t shake the feeling her missing daughter is still alive, and soon family tragedy takes on a global political dimension. This major new play, winner of the Catherine Johnson Best Play Award, premiered at the National Theatre in Spring 2018. UK March 2018 • US March 2018 • 136 pages PB 9781350076259 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350076273 Library eBook 9781350076266 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English


The Comedy About a Bank Robbery

Through the crack in his bedroom curtains he can see no signs of life at all...other than a light in the house opposite where a woman in an oversized Bowie T-shirt stands, looking back at him. The Greatest Play in the History of the World is a beautifully constructed love story, set on Preston Road and also in space and in time. Presented as a monologue, it asks profound questions with deep sincerity whilst simultaneously balancing the human quest for meaningful connections. UK July 2018 • US August 2018 • 64 pages PB 9781350089648 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350089662 Library eBook 9781350089655 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk

The Secret Theatre

Adapted by Simon Stephens

"Lustgarten is a fierce writer whose activism blends intellectual curiosity and idealism" Evening Standard

Anton Chekhov

Anders Lustgarten

"An incisive 21st-century version of Chekhov" Guardian Chekhov’s celebrated masterpiece is given vibrant new life in this dynamic new version by Olivier award-winning playwright Simon Stephens. Switching effortlessly between the ridiculous and the profound The Seagull forensically examines the transcendence and destructiveness of love. The burning need to create art and how harshly that need can be crushed permeates throughout the play. Simon Stephens' new adaption of The Seagull received its premiere at the Lyric Hammersmith, London on 3 October 2017.

Spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham oversees a vast surveillance network from the heart of Elizabeth I’s court. As the nation’s relationship with Europe deteriorates and civil unrest grows, Walsingham adopts ever more extreme tactics to keep his queen and country safe. But does he risk losing control of the apparatus he has created and destroying the lives of those closest to him? And can such safety ever be achieved? Shot through with moments of the blackest humour, this is a smart, tense thriller. UK November 2017 • US December 2017 • 80 pages PB 9781350065277 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350066229 Library eBook 9781350066212 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

UK October 2017 • US October 2017 • 112 pages PB 9781350064393 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350064416 Library eBook 9781350064409 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English


Black and She's Leaving Home

Brad Birch

Once our lives are touched by tragedy, can we ever truly move on? Sophie and Tom’s relationship fell apart in the aftermath of a catastrophe. Four years on and as they come face to face once again, the aftershocks of that fateful day can still be felt. Tremor is a play about now. It’s about how we choose to see things and live our lives in a world riven with tension, anxiety and division. This thrilling new play by Brad Birch, recipient of the Harold Pinter Commission, offers a taught, intense and thrilling two-hander. UK April 2018 • US May 2018 • 72 pages PB 9781350087828 • £10.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781350087842 Library eBook 9781350087835 Series: Modern Plays • Methuen Drama World English

Keith Saha

M O D E R N D R A M A - M O D E R N P L AY S

The Seagull

With bracing insight into the worlds of two young women with very different struggles, Black and She’s Leaving Home force the issues of modern Britain to take centre stage. Black: Nikki doesn’t think her dad is a racist. But when a Zimbabwean family move in over the road, the dog won’t stop barking, the local kids start lobbing stones, and her dad starts laying down the law. She's Leaving Home: At 15, Kelsey has her whole life in front of her. As the years roll by she realises that leaving home to fulfill her dreams isn’t as easy as she imagined. UK April 2018 • US April 2018 • 88 pages PB 9781350085190 • £12.99 / $17.95 Individual eBook 9781350085213 Library eBook 9781350085206 Series: Plays for Young People • Methuen Drama World English

OBJECTLESSONS Explore the hidden lives of ordinary things O B J E C T L E S S O N S













Visit www.bloomsbury.com/objectlessons to browse the entire series

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M O D E R N D R A M A - P L AY C O L L E C T I O N S

Contemporary Dramatists The Contemporary Dramatists series celebrates the work of individual writers, bringing together into single volumes a number of plays from their oeuvre. Each volume includes a chronology of the writer's work and an introduction to the plays featured. Taken as a whole, it represents an index of great contemporary playwriting.

Birch Plays: 1

Where the Shot Rabbits Lay; Even Stillness Breathes Softly Against a Brick Wall; The Brink; Black Mountain Brad Birch

Might is Right; Free Woman to Free Man; A Woman's Influence; Press Cuttings; Woman This and Women That; The Twelve Pound Look; For One Night Only; Her Will; Su L'Pave; Which; 10 Clowning Street; Anti Suffrage Waxworks Edited by Naomi Paxton Featuring a wide variety of short pieces and one-act plays written by female and male suffragist writers between 1908-1914.

"Brad Birch is a courageous writer, tackling complex ideas with a wit and deftness and challenging our notion of the stories which make us feel comfortable." Vicky Featherstone, Artistic Director of the Royal Court

Spanning different styles and genres they explore many issues that interested feminist and suffragist campaigners such as: the value of women’s work; domestic and economic inequality; visibility in public space; direct action and its consequences; sexual double standards; and the influence of the media on public opinion.

Birch Plays: 1 celebrates the work of Welsh writer Brad Birch. Winner of the 2016 Harold Pinter Commission, Birch's work has been produced around the world in Russia, the USA and Europe. This remarkable collection includes Where the Shot Rabbits Lay; Even Stillness Breathes Slowly Against a Brick Wall; The Brink; and Black Mountain along with an introduction by the author.

Edited and introduced by Dr Naomi Paxton, the anthology is brimming with in-depth knowledge, photographs and contextual information making for an informative and inspirational volume that’s perfect for both performance and study.

UK April 2018 • US May 2018 • 296 pages PB 9781350075306 • £18.99 / $25.95 Individual eBook 9781350075344 Library eBook 9781350075320 Series: Contemporary Dramatists • Methuen Drama World English

Mullarkey Plays: 1

UK July 2018 • US July 2018 • 272 pages PB 9781350082984 • £18.99 / $25.95 Individual eBook 9781350083004 Library eBook 9781350082991 Series: Play Anthologies • Methuen Drama World English

Brecht and the Writer's Workshop

Single Sex; Tourism; Cannibals; The Wolf From the Door; Each Slow Dusk

Fatzer and Other Dramatic Projects

Rory Mullarkey

Edited by Tom Kuhn, St Hugh's College, Oxford University, UK

"A remarkable writer – an original fresh voice, with a sharp political edge." Vicky Featherstone, Artistic Director, Royal Court British writer Rory Mullarkey is the winner of the Harold Pinter Commission, the James Tait Black Prize for Drama and the George Devine Award for most promising playwright. His original work has been staged at the Royal Court Theatre, the National Theatre, Manchester Royal Exchange and Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. His first play collection brings together three previously published plays with two unpublished works. A writer of “considerable talent” (Telegraph), this is a powerful and diverse collection from an established contemporary voice. UK July 2018 • US August 2018 • 304 pages PB 9781350090774 • £19.99 / $27.95 Individual eBook 9781350090798 Library eBook 9781350090781 Series: Contemporary Dramatists • Methuen Drama World English


The Methuen Drama Book of Suffrage Plays: Taking the Stage

Bertolt Brecht

This volume collects some of the most important theatrical projects and fragments of Bertolt Brecht's that were always to remain ‘works in progress’. The collection features the famous Fatzer as well as The Bread Store and Judith of Shimoda, along with other texts that have never before been available in English. Alongside the familiar, ‘completed’ plays, Brecht worked on many ideas and plans which he never managed to work up for print or stage. In pieces like Fleischhacker, Büsching and Jacob Trotalong we see how such projects were abandoned or interrupted or became proving grounds for ideas and techniques. UK January 2019 • US January 2019 • 384 pages PB 9781474273282 • £25.99 / $35.95 • HB 9781474273329 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474273305 Library eBook 9781474273299 Series: World Classics • Methuen Drama World English

www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk

The Selected Works of Yussef El Guindi Back of the Throat / Our Enemies: Lively Scenes of Love and Combat / Language Rooms / Pilgrims Musa and Sheri in the New World / Threesome Yussef El Guindi Edited by Michael Malek Najjar, University of Oregon, USA The first collected works anthology of the plays of prolific Arab American playwright Yussef El Guindi features five plays, as well as El Guindi's essay "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Meet Abdallah and Ahmed: Musings about Arabs and Muslims in American Theatre" and an annotated timeline of his work. UK January 2019 • US January 2019 • 432 pages • 10 bw illus PB 9781350057173 • £27.99 / $37.95 • HB 9781350093782 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350093775 Library eBook 9781350057166 Methuen Drama World English

Contemporary Plays by African Women

Niqabi Ninja; Not That Woman; I Want to Fly; Silent Voices; Unsettled; Mbuzeni; Bonganyi Sophia Kwachuh Mempuh, JC Niala, Adong Judith, Thembelihle Moyo, Koleka Putuma, Sara Shaarawi & Tosin Jobi-Tume Edited by Yvette Hutchison & Amy Jephta These plays, which are selected from writers across the continent, together give a rich portrait of identity, politics, culture and society in contemporary Africa. The editors of the volume have also provided biographies and the writers' own artistic statements; production histories; and a critical contextualisation of the theatre from which each woman is writing. UK January 2019 • US January 2019 • 352 pages PB 9781350034518 • £24.99 / $33.95 • HB 9781350034525 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350034549 Library eBook 9781350034532 Methuen Drama World English

Founded in 1949, Calder Publications is an imprint of Alma Books. Each volume under the Calder imprint is accurately translated and carefully edited. All editions contain an extensive section on the author's life and works, a selected bibliography and extensive notes on the text.

The Bérenger Plays

The Killer, Rhinocerous, Exit the King, Strolling in the Air Eugene Ionesco Translated by Donald Watson & Derek Prouse This collection brings together the four plays that feature Ionesco’s everyman protagonist Jean Bérenger. While each play in the Bérenger cycle is unique, they are all prime examples of Ionesco’s conception of the theatre of the absurd, and touch on themes that preoccupied Ionesco throughout his career, such as mortality, alienation, freedom and the evils of Fascism. This volume constitutes a perfect introduction to one of the twentieth century’s most original and influential playwrights and it is fully annotated. UK September 2018 • 288 pages PB 9780714548487 • £9.99 Calder Publications World English (excluding USA/Canada)

Six Plays

Six Characters in Search of an Author, Henry IV, Caps and Bells, Right You Are (if You Think You Are), The Jar, The Patent

M O D E R N D R A M A - P L AY C O L L E C T I O N S

Calder Publications

Luigi Pirandello Translated by Felicity Firth, Robert Rietty, John Wardle, Bruce Penman & Carlo Ardito This selection of plays by Luigi Pirandello contains some of his bestknown works: Six Characters in Search of an Author, Henry IV, Caps and Bells, Right You Are (if You Think You Are), The Jar, The Patent This edition is fully annotated. UK September 2018 • 384 pages PB 9780714548494 • £9.99 Calder Publications World English

Plays by Women from the Contemporary American Theatre Festival

20th Century Blues; The Niceties; Gidion’s Knot; Dead and Breathing; Memoirs of a Forgotten Man Susan Miller, Eleanor Burgess, Johnna Adams & Chisa Hutchinson Edited by Peggy McKowen & Ed Herendeen This anthology represents the voices of women who range from twotime Obie Award-winning authors to emerging writers just beginning their careers. One of the Festival's core values is "to tell diverse stories". This play anthology represents the success of that value by identifying some of the most current work in the theater today - all of which have had subsequent productions since their premiere at the Contemporary American Theater Festival. UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 336 pages PB 9781350084810 • £21.99 / $29.95 Individual eBook 9781350084834 Library eBook 9781350084827 Methuen Drama

www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com



Arden Early Modern Drama Othello: Arden Performance Editions William Shakespeare

Edited by Paul Prescott, University of Warwick, UK Arden Performance Editions are ideal for anyone engaging with a Shakespeare play in performance. With clear facing-page notes giving definitions of words, easily accessible information about key textual variants, lineation, metrical ambiguities and pronunciation, each edition has been developed to open the play’s possibilities and meanings to actors and students. Designed to be used and to be useful, each edition has plenty of space for personal annotations and the well-spaced text is easy to read and to navigate. UK July 2018 • US July 2018 • 408 pages PB 9781474272346 • £6.99 / $9.95 Individual eBook 9781474272353 Library eBook 9781474272360 Series: Arden Performance Editions • The Arden Shakespeare

All's Well That Ends Well Third Series

William Shakespeare Edited by Suzanne Gossett, Loyola University Chicago, USA & Helen Wilcox, University of Bangor, UK The comprehensive introduction to this new, fullyillustrated Arden edition takes a transformative look at the play’s critical and performance history by offering fresh perspectives on the conundrum of genre, sexuality and the moral dilemmas, together with masculinity and the structures of family. The authoritative play text is amply annotated to clarify its language and allusions, and two appendices debate the play’s authorship and review its casting. Offering students and scholars alike a wealth of insight and new research, this edition maintains the rigorous standards of the Arden Shakespeare. UK November 2018 • US November 2018 • 440 pages • 15 bw illus PB 9781904271208 • £10.99 / $14.95 • HB 9781904271192 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781408151921 Library eBook 9781408151914 Series: The Arden Shakespeare Third Series • The Arden Shakespeare

Series Editors: Suzanne Gossett, Loyola University Chicago, USA; John Jowett, Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham, UK & Gordon McMullan, King's College London, UK

Arden Early Modern Drama accompanies and complements the Arden Shakespeare Third Series, offering editions of non-Shakespearean Renaissance and Restoration drama from the period 1500-1700. Modelled on the Third Series in appearance and style, Arden Early Modern Drama editions offer high-quality textual scholarship, together with an accessible, student-friendly introduction.

The Dutch Courtesan John Marston

Edited by Karen Britland, University of WisconsinMadison, USA This riotous tragicomedy explores the delights and perils afforded by Jacobean London. While Freevill, an educated young Englishman and the play's nominal hero, frolics in the city's streets, taverns and brothels, Franceschina, his cast-off mistress and the Dutch courtesan of the play's title, laments his betrayal and plots revenge. Juxtaposing Franceschina's vulnerable financial position against the unappealing marital prospects available to gentry women, the play undermines the language of romance, revealing it to be rooted in the commerce and commodification. Marston's commentary on financial insecurity and the hypocritical repudiation of foreignness makes the play truly a document for our time. UK April 2018 • US April 2018 • 296 pages • 19 bw illus PB 9781472568960 • £12.99 / $17.95 • HB 9781472568984 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781472568977 Library eBook 9781472568953 Series: Arden Early Modern Drama • The Arden Shakespeare

The White Devil John Webster

Edited by Benedict S. Robinson, Stony Brook University, USA A completely new Arden Early Modern Drama edition of Webster's violent and fascinating revenge tragedy, featuring a clear and authoritative text, detailed on-page commentary notes, a comprehensive, illustrated introduction and a bibliography of references and further reading. UK December 2018 • US December 2018 • 344 pages PB 9781904271741 • £11.99 / $16.95 • HB 9781408130032 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781408140208 Library eBook 9781408140192 Series: Arden Early Modern Drama • The Arden Shakespeare


www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk

Series Editors: William C. Carroll, Boston University, USA & Tiffany Stern, The Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham, UK

New Mermaids is a series of over 50 modernized and fully annotated classic plays, with an active programme of new editions. New Mermaids are edited and updated by experienced teachers who are internationally recognized as authorities in their field. They are ideal for, and accessible to, actors, theatre-goers and students and are printed in a clear, easy-to-use format, with annotations below the text and a comprehensive introduction.

The Man of Mode George Etherege

Doctor Faustus Christopher Marlowe

Edited by Paul Menzer, Mary Baldwin College, USA This fully re-edited, modernised play text is accompanied by commentary notes, while its lively introduction will guide you through the fume of fact and legend that has accompanied the play across the centuries, from its premiere in the late 16th century to its most recent incarnation on stage and film. UK November 2018 • US November 2018 • 160 pages PB 9781474295178 • £9.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781474295161 Library eBook 9781474295154 Series: New Mermaids • Methuen Drama

Edited by Michael Neill, University of Kent, UK The most perfectly poised of Restoration comedies, The Man of Mode is a finished exercise in dramatic sprezzatura, matching the beguiling ‘easiness’ and ‘complaisance’ of its central character. Its seemingly casual construction and breaches of comic decorum mask an artistic control designed to upset the complacency of our moral, social and aesthetic assumptions, luring us into sympathy for a character whose dangerous ‘wildness’ we should deplore. The modernised play text is accompanied by incisive commentary notes, while the introduction unpacks the complexity of the Restoration’s political and theatrical context, analyses the play’s performance history and demonstrates Etherege’s linguistic artistry. UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 176 pages PB 9781474289535 • £9.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781474289528 Library eBook 9781474289511 Series: New Mermaids • Methuen Drama

The Changeling Revised Edition

Thomas Middleton & William Rowley Edited by Michael Neill, University of Kent, UK The Changeling’s vivid tale of sexual appetite, repulsion, betrayal and lunacy remains one of the most compelling tragedies of the 17th century. This newly revised edition, edited by world-class scholar Michael Neill, will enable you to appreciate and interpret it afresh for yourself. This edition is supplemented by a plot summary, annotated bibliography and a companion website providing thought-provoking podcasts, production images, useful web links and sample questions and essay ideas. UK January 2019 • US January 2019 • 160 pages PB 9781474290272 • £9.99 / $14.95 Individual eBook 9781474290265 Library eBook 9781474290258 Series: New Mermaids • Methuen Drama World English

Shakespeare in Action

30 Theatre Makers on their Practice Jaq Bessell, Guildford School of Acting, UK Comprising accounts from 30 actors and creatives - including directors, choreographers, musical directors and scenic designers - describing their approach to performing and staging Shakespeare, this is a unique book about how theatre practice impacts and informs productions of Shakespeare's works. Filled with personal insights, anecdotes and practical guidance, this book will give readers a critical toolkit with which to study the plays as performance and one that will inform their own theatre practice. UK January 2019 • US January 2019 • 224 pages • 10 bw illus PB 9781408171738 • £18.99 / $25.95 • HB 9781350033504 • £60.00 / $82.00 Individual eBook 9781474229753 Library eBook 9781474229760 The Arden Shakespeare


New Mermaids

The Arden Introduction to Reading Shakespeare Close Reading and Analysis

Jeremy Lopez, University of Toronto, Canada A close-reading handbook for undergraduates studying Shakespeare: it provides a wide range of vivid and practical examples of both how Shakespeare’s language works and how literary critics look at Shakespeare’s language. This is an ideal teaching text for introductory courses on Shakespeare, offering a welcome return to close textual analysis and showing students how to read and analyse the plays in close detail to build sustained critical readings of their own. UK September 2018 • US November 2018 • 176 pages PB 9781472581020 • £17.99 / $24.95 • HB 9781472581044 • £55.00 / $74.00 Individual eBook 9781472581037 Library eBook 9781472581051 The Arden Shakespeare

www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com



ShakesFear and How to Cure It

Shakespeare's Acts of Will

Ralph Alan Cohen, Mary Baldwin College, USA

Gary Watt, University of Warwick, UK

The Complete Handbook for Teaching Shakespeare

For teachers and lovers of Shakespeare, this book provides a comprehensive approach to the challenges and rewards of teaching Shakespeare, giving both an overview of each of Shakespeare’s 38 plays and specific classroom tools for teaching it. Written by a celebrated teacher, scholar, and director of Shakespeare, it shows how to use the text to make the words and the moments come alive. For the general reader it refutes the idea that Shakespeare’s language is difficult and provides a survey of the plays by someone who has lived intimately with them on the page and on the stage. UK May 2018 • US May 2018 • 400 pages PB 9781474228718 • £24.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781474228725 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474228732 Library eBook 9781474228749 The Arden Shakespeare

Performing Hamlet

Actors in the Modern Age Jonathan Croall, Theatre Historian, UK Some of the finest of modern Hamlets have been seen on stage during the present century. Acclaimed theatre writer and scholar Jonathan Croall brings together extended essays on seven very different, original and acclaimed performances during these years, based on interviews with the actors and their directors. The essays are complemented by a series of pen-portraits of many other leading actors who have taken on the role during the last 65 years. Key actors covered include David Tennant, Maxine Peake, Simon Russell Beale, Mark Rylance, Jude Law and Rory Kinear. UK August 2018 • US August 2018 • 208 pages • 8 bw illus PB 9781350030756 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781350030763 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350030749 Library eBook 9781350030732 The Arden Shakespeare

Queering the Shakespeare Film Gender Trouble, Gay Spectatorship and Male Homoeroticism

Anthony Guy Patricia, Concord University, West Virginia, USA This study critiques the various representations of the queer – broadly understood as that which is at odds with what has been deemed to be the normal, the legitimate, and the dominant, particularly – but not exclusively – as regards sexual matters, in the Shakespeare film. Analysing the work of directors such as Max Reinhardt, William Dieterle, George Cukor, Franco Zeffirelli, Trevor Nunn, Baz Luhrmann, Michael Hoffman, Michael Radford, Orson Welles, Laurence Olivier and Oliver Parker, the volume presents an alternative and complementary critical history of the Shakespeare film genre. UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 320 pages PB 9781350084469 • £24.99 / $33.95 Previously published in HB 9781474237031 Individual eBook 9781474237048 Library eBook 9781474237055 The Arden Shakespeare


Law, Testament and Properties of Performance

Drawing on years of experience delivering rhetoric workshops for the Royal Shakespeare Company and as a prize-winning teacher of law, Gary Watt shows that Shakespeare is playful with legal technicality rather than obedient to it. The author demonstrates how Shakespeare transformed lawyers’ manual book rhetoric into powerful drama through a stirring combination of word, metre, movement and physical stage material, producing a mode of performance that was truly testamentary in its power to engage the witnessing public. UK January 2018 • US January 2018 • 304 pages PB 9781350059573 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781474217859 Individual eBook 9781474217866 Library eBook 9781474217873 The Arden Shakespeare

Queer Shakespeare Desire and Sexuality

Edited by Goran Stanivukovic, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada Queer Shakespeare draws together 13 essays, which offer a major reassessment of criticism on desire and sexuality in Shakespeare. Bringing together some of the most prominent critics working at the intersection of Shakespeare studies and queer criticism, this collection shows that queer Shakespeare studies is an especially vibrant scholarly field. Taken together, these essays treat Shakespeare as the key object of analysis producing concepts and ideas that draw power from a focussed study of language and objects as embodiments of queerness. UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 424 pages PB 9781350084476 • £24.99 / $33.95 Previously published in HB 9781474295246 Individual eBook 9781474295260 Library eBook 9781474295277 The Arden Shakespeare

Shakespeare and Greece

Edited by Alison Findlay, Lancaster University, UK & Vassiliki Markidou, University of Athens, Greece Inverting Jonson’s claim that Shakespeare had ‘small Latin and less Greek’, this book argues that there is actually more Greek and less Latin in a significant group of Shakespeare’s texts: a group whose generic hybridity exemplifies the hybridity of Greece in the early modern imagination. Focusing on Venus and Adonis, The Comedy of Errors, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Love's Labour’s Lost, Troilus and Cressida, Timon of Athens, King Lear, Pericles, The Winter’s Tale, The Tempest, and The Two Noble Kinsmen, the volume considers how Shakespeare’s use of Greek myth intersects with early modern perceptions of the country and its empire. UK July 2018 • US July 2018 • 304 pages PB 9781350079960 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781474244251 Individual eBook 9781474244268 Library eBook 9781474244275 The Arden Shakespeare

www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk

Series Editors: Andrew Hiscock, Bangor University, UK & Lisa Hopkins, University of Sheffield Hallam, UK

Arden Early Modern Drama Guides offer students and academics practical and accessible introductions to the critical and performance contexts of key Elizabethan and Jacobean plays. Essays from leading international scholars give invaluable insight into the text by presenting a range of critical perspectives, making the books ideal companions for study and research.

King Henry V: A Critical Reader

Edited by Line Cottegnies, Sorbonne Universite, France & Karen Britland, University of WisconsinMadison, USA Moving through to five new critical essays, the guide opens up fresh perspectives on this much studied work, including a particularly provocative and timely analysis of the intersection between war and religion, as well as essays on British identity, non-Anglophone responses to King Henry V, and criminality and heroism. The fifth essay focuses on the history and nature of filmic adaptations of Shakespeare’s King Henry V, including the iconic productions of Olivier and Branagh, as well as more recent versions, such as that featured in The Hollow Crown series. UK October 2018 • US October 2018 • 352 pages HB 9781474280105 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474280112 Library eBook 9781474280129 Series: Arden Early Modern Drama Guides • The Arden Shakespeare

Troilus and Cressida: A Critical Reader Edited by Efterpi Mitsi, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Troilus and Cressida: A Critical Reader offers an accessible and thought-provoking guide to this complex problem play, surveying its key themes and evolving critical preoccupations. Considering its generic ambiguity and experimentalism, it also provides a uniquely detailed and up-to-date history of the play’s stage performance from Dryden’s rewriting up to Mark Ravenhill and Elizabeth LeCompte’s controversial 2012 production for the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Wooster Group. UK January 2019 • US January 2019 • 304 pages • 2 bw illus HB 9781350014190 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350014183 Library eBook 9781350014176 Series: Arden Early Modern Drama Guides • The Arden Shakespeare

The Changeling: A Critical Reader

Edited by Mark Hutchings, University of Reading, UK This volume offers an accessible and thoughtprovoking guide to this major Renaissance tragedy, surveying its key themes and evolving critical preoccupations. It provides a uniquely detailed and up-to-date history of the play’s rich stage performance, while critical essays open up fresh perspectives, including an exploration of the characters’ mechanical psychology, the influence of Spanish literature and its treatment of virginity and rape on the construction of Middleton and Rowley’s plot, and recent theatre-makers’ handling of the play’s dramaturgy. It finishes with a guide to critical, web-based, audio and video resources, discussing the ways in which they can be used in the classroom.


Arden Early Modern Drama Guides

UK March 2019 • US March 2019 • 288 pages HB 9781350011403 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350011397 Library eBook 9781350011380 Series: Arden Early Modern Drama Guides • The Arden Shakespeare

Shakespearean Character

Shakespeare and Domestic Life

Jelena Marelj, Sheridan College, Ontario, Canada

Sandra Clark, University of London, UK

Language in Performance

Jelena Marelj's study examines five linguistically self-conscious characters drawn from the genres of history, tragedy and comedy, which continue to be subjects of extensive critical debate: Falstaff, Cleopatra, Henry V, Katherine from The Taming of the Shrew, and Hamlet. Using theories drawn from linguistic pragmatics, it claims that our impression of characters as real people is an effect arising from characters’ pragmatic use of language in combination with the historical and textual meanings that Shakespeare conveys to his audience by dramatic and meta-dramatic means. UK January 2019 • US January 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350061385 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350061392 Library eBook 9781350061408 Series: Arden Shakespeare Studies in Language and Digital Methodologies The Arden Shakespeare

A Dictionary

This dictionary explores the language of domestic life found in Shakespeare’s work and demonstrates the meanings he attaches to it through his uses of it in particular contexts. "Domestic life" covers a range of topics: the language of the household, clothing, food, family relationships and duties; household practices, the architecture of the home, and all that conditions and governs the life of the home. The dictionary draws on recent cultural materialist research to provide in-depth definitions of the domestic language and life in Shakespeare's works, creating a richly rewarding and informative reference tool for upper level students and scholars. UK May 2018 • US May 2018 • 456 pages • 5 bw illus HB 9781472581808 • £130.00 / $176.00 Individual eBook 9781472581815 Library eBook 9781472581822 Series: Arden Shakespeare Dictionaries • The Arden Shakespeare

www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com



Arden Shakespeare: The State of Play Series Editors: Professor Ann Thompson, King's College London, UK; Professor Lena Orlin, Georgetown University, USA

Each volume in the series is an expedition to discover the ‘state of play’ with respect to Shakespeare’s major plays. Featuring ten or more newly commissioned essays written by world-class Shakespeareans, each volume presents a detailed engagement with a single play, focusing on current issues in teaching, performance and research.

Titus Andronicus: The State of Play

Edited by Farah Karim-Cooper, Shakespeare's Globe, London, UK Titus Andronicus: The State of Play is a collection of new essays from leading international scholars that showcases current critical approaches to Shakespeare’s earliest tragedy. This study explores how the revitalized critical responses to early modern and contemporary performance histories has had a significant impact upon the wider reception of this play. UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350027398 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350027404 Library eBook 9781350027411 Series: Arden Shakespeare: The State of Play • The Arden Shakespeare

Early Modern Theatre and the Figure of Disability Genevieve Love, Colorado College, USA

A critical analysis of key early modern plays including Doctor Faustus and Richard III, revealing how physical disability operates as a metaphor for both theatrical personation and textual forms. The first part considers the relationship between actor and character: prosthetic disabled figures with names like Cripple and Stump capture the simultaneous presence of the imaginative world of the fiction and the material, embodied world of the theatre. The second part considers the relationship between plays in their theatrical and in their textual forms, a relationship that has been understood in part through an appeal to disability. UK October 2018 • US October 2018 • 232 pages HB 9781350017207 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350017214 Library eBook 9781350017221 Series: Arden Studies in Early Modern Drama • The Arden Shakespeare

Directing Shakespeare in America Historical Perspectives

Charles Ney, Texas State University, USA

Elizabethan Narrative Poems: The State of Play

Edited by Lynn Enterline, Vanderbilt University, USA Shakespeare saw only two poems through to publication: Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece. This volume traces the larger conversation that took place in the 1590s within the vogue for minor epic narratives as Shakespeare and a coterie of Ovidian imitators composed and published erotic epyllia to, for, and against one another. These poems take place in imagined worlds far removed from urban world of London and these classicizing narratives are deeply engaged in wide-ranging critiques of 16th century norms for masculine conduct – whether professional, poetic, economic, legal, emotional, or sexual. UK March 2019 • US March 2019 • 256 pages • 5 bw illus HB 9781350073364 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350073371 Library eBook 9781350073388 Series: Arden Shakespeare: The State of Play • The Arden Shakespeare

"Charles Ney’s book is a revelation—the research is impeccable and the anecdotes, directing lessons, visions, egos, mistakes and inspiration are brilliant as tools for seasoned or aspiring Shakespeareans." Dr. Jim Volz, Editor, Shakespeare Theatre Association’s Quarto, USA Historical Perspectives reviews key American directors, their productions and their approaches to directing Shakespeare, from the late 19th to the end of the 20th centuries. Among the directors covered are Augustin Daly, David Belasco, Arthur Hopkins, Orson Welles, B. Iden Payne, Angus Bowmer, William Ball, Margaret Webster, Tyronne Guthrie, Joseph Papp, John Houseman, Gerald Freedman, Michael Kahn, Craig Noel, Tina Packer and Julie Taymor. UK November 2018 • US November 2018 • 256 pages • 12 bw illus HB 9781474289696 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474289702 Library eBook 9781474289719 The Arden Shakespeare

Performing Shakespeare's Women Playing Dead

Paige Martin Reynolds, University of Central Arkansas, USA Shakespeare's female characters die often, both onstage and off. But what does it mean for the actor portraying these roles to to play dead? And what obstacles in playing dead are the same for women actors playing alive? This book addresses both current scholarship and the practical and ethical problems facing the female actor of Shakespeare’s plays today to explore what those deaths signify and suggest about playing female parts on the contemporary stage and in a post-feminist world. UK December 2018 • US December 2018 • 224 pages HB 9781350002593 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350002616 Library eBook 9781350002609 The Arden Shakespeare


www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk

Series Editor: Evelyn Gajowski, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA

This series provides a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical developments that have dominated Shakespeare studies since the advent of postmodernism, as well as those that are emerging at the moment.

Shakespeare and Posthumanist Theory Karen Raber, University of Mississippi, USA

Shakespeare and Posthumanist Theory charts challenges in the field of Shakespeare studies to the assumption that the category “human” is real, stable, or worthy of privileging in discussions of the playwright’s work. Drawing on a variety of methodologies - cognitive theory, systems theory, animal studies, ecostudies, the new materialisms - the volume investigates the world of Shakespeare’s plays and poems in order to represent more thoroughly its variety, its ethics of inclusion, and its resistance to human triumphalism and exceptionalism. UK April 2018 • US April 2018 • 216 pages • 5 bw illus HB 9781474234436 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474234450 Library eBook 9781474234467 Series: Shakespeare and Theory • The Arden Shakespeare

Shakespeare and Queer Theory Melissa E. Sanchez, University of Pennsylvania, USA

This provides both an indispensable guide and an intervention in the ongoing critical debates about queer method both within and beyond Shakespeare and early modern studies. Clearly elucidating the central ideas of the theory and its history, it also illuminates current debates about historicism and embodiment. Through a series of original readings of texts including As You Like It, Othello, Macbeth and Venus and Adonis, as well as recent film adaptations including Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet and Ralph Fiennes’ Coriolanus, it illustrates the value of queer theory to Shakespeare scholarship, and the value of Shakespearean texts to queer theory. UK January 2019 • US January 2019 • 240 pages HB 9781474256674 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474256698 Library eBook 9781474256704 Series: Shakespeare and Theory • The Arden Shakespeare

Shakespeare and Film Theory

Scott Hollifield, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA A wide variety of filmmakers including Orson Welles and Alfred Hitchcock, Jean-Luc Godard and Akira Kurosawa, Julie Taymor and Quentin Tarantino have tapped into the possibilities Shakespeare's work inspires. This study considers Shakespeare’s impact on our experience of words and the images they conjure and considers how this leads to a greater understanding of Shakespeare and the possibilities of cinema and adaptation. UK March 2019 • US March 2019 • 224 pages HB 9781472572493 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781472572509 Library eBook 9781472572516 Series: Shakespeare and Theory • The Arden Shakespeare

Shakespeare: Actors and Audiences

Edited by Fiona Banks, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, UK

New Places: Shakespeare and Civic Creativity

Edited by Paul Edmondson, The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, UK & Ewan Fernie, University of Birmingham, UK


Shakespeare and Theory

New Places documents and analyses a range of innovative projects which take Shakespeare beyond the worlds of education and even the theatre, in an attempt to make a difference in the wider world. Mixing critical reflection on the social value of Shakespeare and creative writing, the volume presents Carol Ann Duffy’s Shakespeare Ode for 2016, the first ever open-air performance of The Merchant of Venice in that city’s original Jewish Ghetto, a new Shakespeare-inspired liturgy, civic-minded opera and ballet, international Shakespeare clubs and societies, and a creative practice of rehabilitating soldiers returned from war through Shakespeare. UK April 2018 • US April 2018 • 320 pages HB 9781474244558 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474244565 Library eBook 9781474244572 The Arden Shakespeare

400 years on from Shakespeare’s death, Shakespeare: Actors and Audiences shines a spotlight on the role of the audience at Shakespeare’s plays. Exploring the relationship that has kept Shakespeare’s name and work alive through four centuries, scholars, audiences, actors and directors reflect on the role of the audience and provide fresh insights into the relationship that lies at the heart of Shakespeare in performance. UK November 2018 • US November 2018 • 256 pages HB 9781474257930 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474257947 Library eBook 9781474274005 The Arden Shakespeare

www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com



Shakespeare in the Theatre Series Editors: Bridget Escolme, Queen Mary, University of London, UK, Farah Karim-Cooper, King's College London, UK & Peter Holland, University of Notre Dame, USA Pointing to the range of people, artistic practices and cultural phenomena that make meaning in the theatre, Shakespeare in the Theatre de-centres Shakespeare from within Shakespeare studies, and provides an unrivalled way of perceiving the performance of his work.

Shakespeare in the Theatre: Peter Sellars

Ayanna Thompson, The George Washington University, USA The first in-depth look at Peter Sellars, the avantgarde director whose Shakespeare productions have polarized communities and critics. Through extensive interviews and archival work, leading Shakespearean Ayanna Thompson takes readers on a journey through experimental theatre and the tensions that arise between innovation and accessibility. An iconoclastic figure who inspires strong reactions both personally and professionally, Peter Sellars continues to amaze and confound. This book takes readers inside his world for the first time. UK May 2018 • US May 2018 • 208 pages • 15 bw illus HB 9781350021747 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350021754 Library eBook 9781350021761 Series: Shakespeare in the Theatre • The Arden Shakespeare

Shakespeare in the Theatre: Trevor Nunn

Russell Jackson, University of Birmingham, UK Trevor Nunn is one of the most significant and influential directors of modern times. This book provides the first critical overview of his work as a director, including detailed discussions of representative productions during his artistic directorship of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre and the National Theatre. The book explores too the wider context of his productions in the sometimes fraught debates on the cultural politics of Britain’s theatrical institutions in the 20th and 21st centuries. The book draws on archive material, reviews and other published commentary, including that of actors who have worked with him. UK November 2018 • US November 2018 • 256 pages • 6 bw illus HB 9781474289580 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474289597 Library eBook 9781474289603 Series: Shakespeare in the Theatre • The Arden Shakespeare

Shakespeare in the Theatre: Cheek by Jowl

Peter Kirwan, University of Nottingham, UK With 17 productions of Shakespeare's plays, Cheek by Jowl is one of the world’s most critically acclaimed touring classical theatre companies. Drawing on the company’s work in English, Russian and French, the book uses key productions as case studies to interrogate the company’s unique style and build an argument for the distinctive insights offered by Cheek by Jowl’s approach. Informed by new interviews with creative and administrative company members from the full span of Cheek by Jowl’s history, as well as a full appraisal of the Cheek by Jowl archives, this book is the first scholarly overview of the company’s work. UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 224 pages HB 9781474223294 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474223300 Library eBook 9781474223317 Series: Shakespeare in the Theatre • The Arden Shakespeare


Shakespeare in the Theatre: The National Theatre, 1963–1975 Olivier and Hall

Robert Shaughnessy, University of Surrey, UK The National Theatre’s years at the Old Vic were the most Shakespearean period in its history, one which included Laurence Olivier’s Othello and Shylock, a radical all-male As You Like It, the Berliner Ensemble’s Coriolanus and Tom Stoppard’s classic offshoot, Rosencrantz and Guildernstern are Dead. Drawing extensively upon the company archives, this book tells the interlinked stories of the National’s relationship with Shakespeare through a series of production case studies. Together, these stories illuminate Olivier’s significance as actor and director, the National’s pioneering accommodation of European theatre practitioners, and its ways of engaging Shakespeare with the contemporary. UK May 2018 • US May 2018 • 264 pages • 5 bw illus HB 9781474241045 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474241052 Library eBook 9781474241069 Series: Shakespeare in the Theatre • The Arden Shakespeare

Shakespeare in the Theatre: Peter Hall

Stuart Hampton-Reeves, University of Central Lancashire, UK Peter Hall was one of the most influential directors of Shakespeare’s work of modern times. Through both his own work and the management of two national theatre companies, the National Theatre and the RSC, Hall promoted Shakespeare as a writer who can comment incisively on the modern world. His best productions exemplified this approach: Coriolanus (1959), The Wars of the Roses (1963) and Hamlet (1965) established his reputation as a directorable to bring Shakespeare to the heart of contemporary politics. UK February 2019 • US February 2019 • 224 pages • 6 bw illus HB 9781472587077 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781472587091 Library eBook 9781472587107 Series: Shakespeare in the Theatre • The Arden Shakespeare

Shakespeare in the Theatre: The King's Men Lucy Munro, King's College London, UK

The King’s Men reappraises the company as theatre artists, analysing in detail the performance practices, cultural contexts and political pressures that helped to shape and reshape Shakespeare’s plays between 1603 and 1642. Reconsidering casting and acting styles, staging and playing venues, audience response, influence and popularity, and local, national and international politics, the book presents case-studies of performances of Macbeth, The Tempest, The Winter’s Tale, Richard II, Henry VIII, Othello and Pericles alongside a broader reappraisal of the repertory of the company and the place of Shakespeare’s plays within it. UK June 2019 • US August 2019 • 224 pages HB 9781474262613 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474262620 Library eBook 9781474262637 Series: Shakespeare in the Theatre • The Arden Shakespeare

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Edited by Pascale Aebischer, University of Exeter, UK, Susanne Greenhalgh, University of Roehampton, UK & Laurie Osborne, Colby College, USA "This brilliant collection of pieces sets the parameters for our consideration of the phenomenon for years to come, exploring examples of reception round the world and investigating the technologies that are creating such exhilarating new ways to watch live and once-live theatre by an ever-increasing array of theatre companies." Peter Holland, University of Notre Dame, USA This is the first collection of essays to concentrate exclusively on the phenomenon of how Shakespeare has, in the 21stC, been experienced as a “live” or “as-live” theatre broadcast by audiences around the world. UK July 2018 • US July 2018 • 264 pages • 20 bw illus HB 9781350030466 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350030473 Library eBook 9781350030480 The Arden Shakespeare

Shakespeare on the Record Researching an Early Modern Life

Edited by Hannah Leah Crummé, Lewis & Clark College, USA Shakespeare on the Record is a guide to major Shakespeare discoveries and the archival insight that made them possible. Compiled by experts at The National Archives, the Folger Shakespeare Library and leading universities, the volume explores and explains the bureaucratic processes and governmental practices that shaped life and records in Renaissance England – making it a key resource for both Shakespeare scholars and researchers of early modern lives. The National Archives hold a rich collection of over 120 documents relating to Shakespeare’s life – several of which are profiled here for the first time. UK January 2019 • US January 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350003514 • £80.00 / $108.00 Individual eBook 9781350003521 Library eBook 9781350003538 The Arden Shakespeare

The Shakespeare Hut Screening the Royal Shakespeare Company A Critical History

John Wyver, Independent Scholar, UK No theatre company has been involved in such a broad range of adaptations for television and film as the Royal Shakespeare Company. Drawing on interviews with actors and directors, this is the first book to explore the remarkable history of collaborations between stage and screen and considers key questions about adaptation that concern all those involved in theatre, film and television. Written by John Wyver, a broadcasting historian and the television producer of Hamlet as well as of RSC Live from Stratford-upon-Avon, the book provides a vivid, detailed and fascinating account of the RSC’s television and film productions. UK March 2019 • US March 2019 • 256 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781350006584 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350006591 Library eBook 9781350006607 The Arden Shakespeare

Shakespeare and the Gods

Virginia Mason Vaughan, Clark University, USA Shakespeare and the Gods is a major new critical work exploring the scope and meaning of Shakespeare’s allusions to major Roman deities such as Jupiter, Venus, Diana and Hercules. Each chapter surveys early modern mythographic writing on the god in question, surveys Shakespeare’s references to particular myths in which the god is involved, discusses allusive patterns that repeat throughout the canon, and concludes with a focused discussion of one or two plays in which the god becomes much more than an allusion, shaping in powerful ways our response to the action and characters.

A Story of Memory, Performance and Identity, 1916-1923 Ailsa Grant Ferguson, Brighton University, UK The story of the Shakespeare Hut, built in Bloomsbury in 1916, is a unique case study in cultural memory and performance of Shakespeare; one extraordinary building brings together Shakespeare’s place in First World War theatre, in emerging new postcolonial identities and in the struggle for women’s suffrage.


Shakespeare and the 'Live' Theatre Broadcast Experience

UK December 2018 • US December 2018 • 272 pages • 8 bw illus HB 9781474295840 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474295857 Library eBook 9781474295864 The Arden Shakespeare

Shakespeare in the Global South

Transcolonial Solidarities across Oceans of Difference Sandra Young, University of Cape Town, South Africa Shakespeare in the Global South proposes the critical frame provided by the idea of a Global South in order to theorize cultural difference. It looks sideways across the Atlantic and Indian Oceans to a variety of non-­traditional centres of Shakespeare theatre-­making to explore the solidarities and affinities not as evident in Stratford’s Shakespeare. It takes its lead from innovative theatre practice in Mauritius, Cape Verde, north India, and post-apartheid South Africa, to assess the value for cultural theory of conceptualising the transformation of Shakespeare across the world as indigenisation, creolisation, Africanisation, and localisation of endlessly transforming iterations of Shakespeare’s work. UK March 2019 • US March 2019 • 240 pages HB 9781350035744 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350035751 Library eBook 9781350035768 The Arden Shakespeare

UK January 2019 • US January 2019 • 256 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781474284271 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781474284288 Library eBook 9781474284295 The Arden Shakespeare

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The Cultural Histories are multi-volume sets offering comprehensive surveys of the social and cultural construction of specific subjects across six historical periods: Antiquity; The Medieval Age; The Renaissance; The Enlightenment; The Age of Empire; and The Modern Age. Each volume discusses the same themes in its chapters so that readers may gain a broad understanding of a period by reading an entire volume, or follow a theme through history by reading the relevant chapter in each volume. Titles are also available as part of a fully-searchable digital library available to institutions by annual subscription or on perpetual access (see www.bloomsburyculturalhistory.com).

A Cultural History of the Emotions Six-Volume Set

Edited by Susan Broomhall, University of Western Australia, Australia, Jane W. Davidson, University of Western Australia, Australia & Andrew Lynch, University of Western Australia, Australia A thematic reference work covering the cultural history of the emotions from antiquity to the 21st century. Themes and chapter titles are: Medical and Scientific Understandings; Religion and Spirituality; Music and Dance; Drama; The Visual Arts; Literature; In Private: The Individual and the Domestic Community; and In Public: Collectivities and Polities. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 6 vols. • c.1,920 pages HB Pack 9781472515063 • £395.00 / $550.00 270 bw illus • Series: The Cultural Histories Series • Bloomsbury Academic


Cultural Histories Series

A Cultural History of Disability Six-Volume Set

Edited by David Bolt, Liverpool Hope University, UK & Robert McRuer, George Washington University, USA Over 50 experts, 48 chapters and around 2,000 pages add to our understanding of disability from antiquity to the present day. Themes and chapter titles are: Atypical Bodies; Mobility Impairment; Chronic Pain and Illness; Blindness; Deafness; Speech; Learning Difficulties; and Mental Health. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 6 vols. • c.1,920 pages HB Pack 9781350029538 • £395.00 / $550.00 Series: The Cultural Histories Series • Bloomsbury Academic

A Cultural History of Theatre Six-Volume Set

Edited by Christopher B. Balme, University of Munich, Germany & Tracy C. Davis, Northwestern University, USA The first comprehensive overview of theatre in culture and culture in theatre throughout history. Themes and chapter titles are: Institutional Frameworks; Social Functions; Sexuality and Gender; The Environment of Theatre; Circulation; Interpretations; Communities of Production; Repertoire and Genres; Technologies of Performance; and Knowledge Transmission: Media and Memory. UK September 2017 • US November 2017 • 6 vols. • c.1,760 pages HB Pack 9781472585844 • £395.00 / $550.00 270 bw illus • Series: The Cultural Histories Series • Bloomsbury Academic

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A Cultural History of Tragedy Six-Volume Set

Edited by Rebecca Bushnell, University of Pennsylvania, USA 55 experts, 48 chapters and around 1,800 pages add greatly to our understanding of the influence of tragedy on society from antiquity to the present day. Themes and chapter titles are: Forms and Media; Sites of Performance and Circulation; Communities of Production and Consumption; Philosophy and Social Theory; Religion, Ritual and Myth; Politics of City and Nation; Society and Family; and Gender and Sexuality. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 6 vols. • c1,824 pages HB Pack 9781474288149 • £395.00 / $550.00 300 bw illus • Series: The Cultural Histories Series • Bloomsbury Academic

The Great European Stage Directors Two Four-Volume Sets

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Eight-Volume Set Playwriting from the 1930s to 2009

Edited by Brenda Murphy, University of Connecticut, USA & Julia Listengarten, University of Central Florida, USA A comprehensive study of the theatre produced in each decade from the 1930s to 2009, each volume equips readers with a detailed understanding of the context from which work emerged, as well as a thorough survey of the companies, dramatists, new movements and developments in theatre. The work of the four most prominent playwrights from each decade receives in-depth analysis, and a final section brings together original documents. UK January 2018 • US January 2018 • 8 vols. • c.2,816 pages HB Pack 9781472572646 • £465.00 / $628.00 Methuen Drama

Literature and the Environment Four-Volume Set Critical and Primary Sources


Decades of Modern American Drama

Edited by Stephanie LeMenager, University of Oregon, USA & Teresa Shewry, University of California Santa Barbara, USA Bringing together 100 essential critical articles, this set is a comprehensive collection of the most important academic writings on ecocriticism and literature’s engagement with environmental crisis. With texts by key scholars, creative writers and activists, the articles in these four volumes follow the development and history of environmental criticism, including work by writers such as: Stacy Alaimo, Jonathan Bate, Rosi Braidotti, Jacques Derrida, Ursula K. Heise, Bruno Latour, Rob Nixon, Arundati Roy, Ken Saro-Wiwa, William Shakespeare, Leslie Marmon Silko, Henry David Thoreau, E.O. Wilson, Cary Wolfe and William Wordsworth. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 4 vols. • c.1,280 pages HB Pack 9781350026315 • £660.00 / $890.00 Special introductory price of £595.00 / $804.00 valid until 3 months after publication Series: Critical and Primary Sources Bloomsbury Academic

The International Encyclopedia of Surrealism Three-Volume Set

Edited by Michael Richardson, Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK Surrealism is one of the most influential and popular art forms of the last century. It has shaped painting, literature, film, photography, music, theatre, architecture, fashion and design, as well as thinking about politics and culture. The Encyclopedia presents the first comprehensive and systematic overview of surrealism internationally, from its beginnings to the present day. UK February 2019 • US April 2019 • 3 vols. • c.1,872 pages HB Pack 9781474226936 • £550.00 / $742.00 Special introductory price of £495.00 / $668.00 valid until 3 months after publication 100 colour & 410 bw illus • Bloomsbury Visual ArtsThe Great European Stage Directors Set 1 UK October 2018 • US November 2018 • 4 vols. • c.1, 904pp HB Pack 9781474254113 • £300.00 / $406.00 Special introductory price of £270.00 / $365.00 available until 3 months after publication 69 bw illus • Series: Great Stage Directors Methuen Drama

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Best Interface — The Charleston Advisor Innovation Excellence Award — Stationer’s Livery Company “Drama Online is a welldesigned and easy-to-use database that succeeds admirably in making the texts of plays available online in an environment that will enhance their use for study and performance.” — The Charleston Advisor

Drama Online is an award-winning digital library and fast growing study resource which now features over 2,300 playtexts from 800 playwrights, almost 400 audio plays, 260 hours of video, and 300 scholarly books from leading theatre publishers and companies, offering a complete multimedia experience of theatre. Content Highlights • Playtext: Core Collection, Nick Hern Books, Playwrights Canada Press, Aurora Metro Books • Audio Plays: L.A. Theatre Works • Video: Shakespeare’s Globe on Screen (2008–2015), Shakespeare’s Globe on Screen 2 (2016–2018), The Royal Shakespeare Company Live, The Hollow Crown, BBC Drama Films and Documentaries, Maxine Peake’s Hamlet the Film, Shakespeare in the Present, Stage on Screen, and Shakespeare’s Heroes and Villains • Criticism and Scholarship: Critical Studies and Performance Practice Features and Benefits • Interactive Transcript Player—Full transcripts for video plays, realtime tracking of lines spoken, automatic text scrolling, hyperlinked text throughout for navigation to the relevant timestamp, and a ‘search transcript’ function • Intuitive eReader—The seamless eReader includes in-text annotations and citations, with page numbers and line numbers that match up exactly with print editions • Play Finder and Monologue Search—Select plays based on cast size, gender of roles, word count, period, and playwright and find monologues by keyword, gender, and word count • Related Content—All content on Drama Online is linked by genre, period, and theme keywords, making it easy to discover and compare and contrast works for projects and research • Character Grid and Words and Speeches Graph—Each play includes a character grid and bar graph showing character appearances by part and scene and the number of words in each scene by total or by individual character

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Image: The Tempest, The Royal Shakespeare Company Live

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