2014 Film & Media Supplement

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The Subject of Film and Race

Lighting for Cinematography

Darkness in the Bliss-Out

Retheorizing Politics, Ideology, and Cinema

David Landau, Lecturer in Lighting and Cinematography, Fairleigh Dickinson University, USA

A Reconsideration of the Films of Steven Spielberg

Gerald Sim, Assistant Professor of Film Studies, Florida Atlantic University, USA

This is the first comprehensive intervention into how film critics and scholars have tried to understand cinema's relationship to racial ideology. While presenting theoretical ideas in an accessible way, Sim's historical materialist approach uniquely triangulates the critical insights of well-known work by Edward Said, in addition to Neo-Marxian writing about film by Theodor Adorno and Fredric Jameson. UK August 2014 • US July 2014 240 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches • 30 bw illus PB 9781623567538 £19.99 • $29.95 HB 9781623561840 £80.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781623563479 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781623561352 £14.99 • $25.99 Bloomsbury Academic

James Kendrick, Associate Professor of Film and Digital Media, Baylor University, USA

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Lighting for Cinematography, the first volume in the new CineTech Guides to the Film Crafts series, is the indispensable guide for film and video lighting. Written by veteran gaffer and cinematographer David Landau, the book helps the reader create lighting that supports the emotional moment of the scene, contributes to the atmosphere of the story and can augment an artistic style. Structured to mimic a 14-week semester, the chapters cover specific genres and lighting conditions and include key advice from the field. The glossary, full colour examples and companion website add much-needed tools for students to practice both in class and on their own. UK July 2014 • US May 2014 336 Pages • 187 x 235mm • 7.375 x 9.25 inches • 200 illus PB 9781628926927 £19.99 • $29.95 HB 9781628922981 £80.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781628923629 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781628924749 £14.99 • $25.99 Series: CineTech Guides to the Film Crafts Bloomsbury Academic

Contributing to the ongoing project of reevaluating Spielberg's place in cinema history, this is a reconsideration of Spielberg's most popular films as ideologically and aesthetically complex works, best defined by an uneasy balance between light and dark. Through close analysis of a wide range of Spielberg's films, the work demonstrates that they are only reassuring on the surface, and that their depths embody a complex and sometimes contradictory view of the human condition. UK July 2014 • US May 2014 240 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781441146045 £17.99 • $29.95 HB 9781441188953 £55.00 • $100.00 Library eBook 9781441193070 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781441112507 £14.99 • $25.99 Bloomsbury Academic

Bloomsbury Academic & Professional Bookseller Academic, Educational & Professional Publisher of the Year 2013 IPG Independent Publisher and Academic & Professional Publisher of the Year 2013

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Bloomsbury New Media Series Digital Arts



An Introduction to New Media

Cat Hope, Head of Composition and Music Technology, Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia

Jo Pierson, Senior Researcher, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium & Joke Bauwens, Associate Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Digital Arts presents an introduction to new media art framed through current debates, and includes case studies derived from the most contemporary research in the field. • The first book to address digital art as a whole, including underrepresented forms such as sound art and theatre • Synthesises the current practice in the digital arts, referencing key artists and their works • Provides the first broad, integrated text to meet the needs of contemporary students of the arts • Bullet point summaries and further reading sections are provided with each chapter UK July 2014 • US June 2014 224 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches • 15 illus PB 9781780933238 £17.99 • $29.95 HB 9781780933207 £55.00 • $100.00 Library eBook 9781780933290 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781780933214 £14.99 • $25.99 Series: Bloomsbury New Media Series Bloomsbury Academic

With an international range of case studies, Digital Broadcasting introduces students to the issue of how the classic notion of 'broadcasting' has evolved, and is being reinterpreted due to the far-reaching effects of digitisation, while also demonstrating how this has implications for other new media. It also looks at current developments in television and radio broadcasting at the level of regulation and policy, industries and economics, production and content, and consumption and use practices. UK August 2014 • US October 2014 192 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781847887405 £19.99 • $34.95 HB 9781847887412 £50.00 • $99.95 Library eBook 9781472517265 £60.00 • $96.00 Individual eBook 9781472517272 £19.99 • $30.99 Series: Bloomsbury New Media Series Bloomsbury Academic

Adaptation Theory and Criticism

Stop-motion Animation

Postmodern Literature and Cinema in the USA

Frame by Frame Filmmaking with Puppets and Models

Gordon E. Slethaug, Professor, University of Waterloo, Canada Slethaug explores and accessibly dissects US film adaptations, supplementations, and citations through a postmodern methodology. The work includes several case studies of major Hollywood productions and small studio films, some of which have been discussed before (Age of Innocence, Gangs of New York, and Do the Right Thing) and some that have received less consideration (Six Degrees of Separation, Smoke, Smoke Signals, Broken Flowers, and various Snow White narratives including Enchanted, Mirror Mirror, and Snow White and the Huntsman).




Barry Purves, Animator, Director and Writer of Puppet Animation Television and Cinema and Theatre Designer and Director, primarily for the Altrincham Garrick Playhouse in Manchester, UK “This is the must-have book for the stop-motion animator who wants to learn what it is to be a professional.” Pike Baker, www.stopmotionmagazine.com • Teaches beginner animation students the essential skills for producing great stop-motion animation

Useful for both film and literary studies students, Adaptation Theory and Criticism cogently combines the existing scholarship and uses previous theories to engage readers to think about the current state of American literature and film.

• Packed with beautiful examples from stop-motion pioneers and contemporary animators from all over the world

UK July 2014 • US June 2014 256 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches • 12 bw illus PB 9781623564407 £23.99 • $34.95 HB 9781623560287 £80.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781623560584 £69.00 • $106.00 Individual eBook 9781623562014 £17.99 • $30.99 Bloomsbury Academic

• Explores camerawork, characterisation, colour, lighting, editing, music and storytelling in stop-motion animation

Amateur Filmmaking

• The new edition includes an extended project to help readers produce their own one-minute movie

UK July 2014 • US August 2014 208 Pages • 230 x 160mm • 9.1 x 6.3 inches • 200 colour illus PB 9781472521903 £23.99 • $41.95 Library eBook 9781472539434 £72.00 • $116.00 Series: Basics Animation Fairchild Books

The Home Movie, the Archive, the Web

Merchants of Menace

Edited by Laura Rascaroli & Gwenda Young with Barry Monahan, Lecturers in Film Studies, University College Cork, Ireland

Edited by Richard Nowell, Lecturer, Charles University, Czech Republic

This is the first comprehensive survey on amateur filmmaking, from home movies of Imperial India and film diaries of life in contemporary China to the work of leading auteurs, including Joseph Morder and Peter Forgács. Amateur Filmmaking highlights the importance of amateur cinema as a core object of critical interest across an array of disciplines.


Digital Broadcasting

An Introduction to New Media

The Business of Horror Cinema

A ground-breaking collection on the business of horror cinema, including early zombie pictures, Civil Rights-Era marketing, Hollywood's literary adaptations, ‘tortureporn’ Auteurs, and 21st-century remakes.

The book includes contributions on the role of the archive, on YouTube, and on the impact of new technologies on amateur filmmaking.

The work explains the relationships between economics and film genre and includes an impressive lineup of contributors in film studies, media history and horror cinema.

UK April 2014 • US February 2014 320 Pages • 156 x 235mm • 6.125 x 9.25 inches • 50 illus PB 9781441191496 £19.99 • $34.95 HB 9781441139054 £65.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781441101938 £69.00 • $106.00 Individual eBook 9781441106810 £17.99 • $30.99 Bloomsbury Academic

UK June 2014 • US April 2014 336 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches • 20 bw illus PB 9781623564209 £21.99 • $34.95 HB 9781623568795 £70.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781623563943 £69.00 • $106.00 Individual eBook 9781623569853 £17.99 • $30.99 Bloomsbury Academic

A History of Video Art


Chris Meigh-Andrews, Emeritus Professor of Electronic and Digital Art at the University of Central Lancashire, UK

Poitier Revisited



“Covering both video art many other related media technologies and art forms of the second part of the 20th century, this book is a fantastic and unique resource. I highly recommend to anybody interested in the history, aesthetics, and social context of media art.” – Lev Manovich, Professor, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, USA This revised and expanded textbook extends the scope of the first edition, incorporating a wider range of artists and works from across the globe and explores and examines developments in the genre of artists’ video from the mid 1990s up to the present day. In addition, the new edition expands and updates the discussion of theoretical concepts and ideas which underpin contemporary artists’ video. UK November 2013 • US January 2014 408 pages • 246 x 189 mm PB 9780857851789 £22.99 • $39.95 HB 9780857851772 £70.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9780857851888 £69.00 • $111.00 Individual eBook 9780857851895 £22.99 • $34.99 Bloomsbury Academic

Reconsidering a Black Icon in the Obama Age Ian Gregory Strachan, Associate Professor of English at the College of The Bahamas. Mia Mask, Associate Professor of Film, Vassar College, USA Sidney Poitier remains one of the most recognizable black men in the world. Widely celebrated but at times criticized for the roles he played during a career that spanned 60 years, there can be no comprehensive discussion of black men in American film, and no serious analysis of 20th century American film history that excludes him. Poitier Revisited offers a fresh interrogation of the social, cultural and political significance of the Poitier oeuvre. The contributions explore the broad spectrum of critical issues summoned up by Poitier's iconic work as actor, director and filmmaker. Despite his stature, Poitier has actually been underexamined in film criticism generally. This work reconsiders his pivotal role in film and American race relations, by arguing persuasively, that even in this supposedly 'post-racial' moment of Barack Obama, the struggles, aspirations, anxieties, and tensions Poitier's films explored are every bit as relevant today as when they were first made. UK January 2015 • US November 2014 224 pages • 25 bw illus HB 9781623564919 £65.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781623562977 £242.00 • $369.00 Individual eBook 9781623569235 £62.99 • $107.99 Bloomsbury Academic

International Texts in Critical Media Aesthetics 3D

When the Machine Made Art

History, Theory and Aesthetics of the Transplane Image

The Troubled History of Computer Art

Jens Schröter, Theory and Practice of Multimedia Systems, University of Siegen, Germany Appearing for the first time in English, Schroeter's comprehensive study of the aesthetics of the 3D image is a major scholarly addition to this evolving field. Citing case studies from the history of both technology and the arts, this wide-ranging and authoritative book charts the development in the theory and practice of threedimensional images. UK March 2014 • US January 2014 352 Pages • 216 x 138mm • 8.5 x 5.4 inches • 65 illus PB 9781441167262 £22.99 • $39.95 HB 9781441194084 £70.00 • $130.00 Library eBook 9781441129994 £60.00 • $96.00 Individual eBook 9781441148162 £20.99 • $34.99 Series: International Texts in Critical Media Aesthetics Bloomsbury Academic

Projected Art History Biopics, Celebrity Culture, and the Popularizing of American Art Doris Berger, Curator, Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles, USA Berger bridges a gap between art history, film studies and popular culture by investigating how the film genre of biopics adapts written biographies and projects art history for a mass audience. With an analytical approach, the book concentrates on two case studies Basquiat (1996) and Pollock (2000). A translation from the original German, this is the first book to identify the functionality of the biopic film genre and showcase its implication for a popular art history that is projected on the big screen. UK July 2014 • US May 2014 336 Pages • 140 x 216mm • 5.5 x 8.5 inches • 100 illus HB 9781623560324 £75.00 • $140.00 Library eBook 9781623567347 £282.00 • $431.00 Individual eBook 9781623566500 £73.99 • $125.99 Series: International Texts in Critical Media Aesthetics Bloomsbury Academic

Grant D. Taylor, Associate Professor of Art History, Lebanon Valley College, Pennsylvania, USA This book examines the cultural and critical response to computer art, by identifying the destabilising forces that affect, shape, and eventually fragment the computer art movement. It traces the heated debates between art and science, since the emergence of computer art in 1963. Taylor also covers the understudied period of the origination of digital art. UK June 2014 • US April 2014 224 Pages • 216 x 138mm • 8.5 x 5.4 inches • 50 bw illus PB 9781623568849 £19.99 • $29.95 HB 9781623567958 £74.00 • $110.00 Library eBook 9781623565619 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781623562724 £14.99 • $25.99 Series: International Texts in Critical Media Aesthetics Bloomsbury Academic

Movie Stunts & Special Effects

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A Comprehensive Guide to Planning and Execution Andrew Lane, Assistant Professor of Directing, Dodge College of Film and Media Arts, Chapman University, USA • Empowers the reader to plan and organize the execution of stunts and special effects with efficiency, safety and competency • Informs readers of the numerous hidden dangers and pitfalls that commonly occur on set • Creates a means of communication between filmmakers and practitioners of stunts and special effects • Lane surveys fights, use of weapons, cars and vehicles, falls, the use of pyrotechnics, atmospheric effects, bullet hits, wounds and blood, among many other categories UK December 2014 • US October 2014 256 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches • 25 bw illus PB 9781623563660 £17.99 • $29.95 HB 9781623563073 £55.00 • $100.00 Library eBook 9781623561765 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781623562748 £14.99 • $25.99 Bloomsbury Academic


Magazine Movements Women's Culture, Feminisms and Media Form

The Comic Offense from Vaudeville to Contemporary Comedy

Laurel Forster, Senior Lecturer in Media Studies, University of Portsmouth, UK

Larry David, Tina Fey, Stephen Colbert, and Dave Chappelle

This book offers the first comprehensive exploration of the scope of the women's magazine as a media form. Each chapter provides a case study of a different kind of magazine: different in media form or style of presentation or audience connection, or all three. Forster not only extends our definition of a magazine, but most importantly, unearths the connections between women’s cultures, specific magazines and the implied reader. UK October 2014 • US August 2014 240 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches • 30 bw illus PB 9781441177452 £18.99 • $32.95 HB 9781441172631 £60.00 • $110.00 Library eBook 9781441117816 £69.00 • $99.00 Individual eBook 9781441106018 £16.99 • $28.99 Bloomsbury Academic

DesRochers explores the legacy of the offensive and subversive in comedy performance from the vaudeville aesthetic of the early 20th century to contemporary comedic writer/performers. The work analyses stand-up and improvisational comedy writing/performing in the work of Larry David, Tina Fey, Stephen Colbert and Dave Chappelle. He grounds these choices by examining their evolution as they developed signature characters and sketches for their respective shows Curb Your Enthusiasm, 30 Rock, The Colbert Report and Chappelle's Show. UK September 2014 • US July 2014 224 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches • 25 bw illus PB 9781441160874 £17.99 • $29.95 HB 9781441132321 £55.00 • $100.00 Library eBook 9781441167187 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781441161932 £14.99 • $25.99 Bloomsbury Academic

Cinematic Chronotopes

Cinema and Agamben

Here, Now, Me

Ethics, Biopolitics and the Moving Image

Pepita Hesselberth, Associate Professor in Cultural Theory and Film, Leiden University, the Netherlands

Edited by Henrik Gustafsson, Film Scholar and Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Bergen, Norway & Asbjørn Grønstad, Professor of Visual Culture, University of Bergen, Norway

Cinematic Chronotopes traces the thickening of time across four different spatio-temporal configurations of the non-traditional 'cinematic', like the 'fast-forward' and handheld aesthetic tropes. Only by juxtaposing these cases and by looking at what they have in common can we grasp the complexity of the changes that the cinematic is currently undergoing. UK August 2014 • US June 2014 224 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches • 85 bw illus HB 9781623567668 £74.00 • $110.00 Library eBook 9781623569501 £222.00 • $339.00 Individual eBook 9781623566470 £57.99 • $98.99 Bloomsbury Academic

Critical Theory and Film

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Fabio Vighi, Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University, UK “Fabio Vighi continues to be one of the finest thinkers today when it comes to cinematic theorizing. Coming from a firm grasp of Lacanian psychoanalysis, Vighi applies his formidable insights to cinema, this time to rethink the legacy of critical theory when it comes to film, reminding us of its importance as well as its limitations.” Jan Jagodzinski, Professor of Visual art and Media Education, University of Alberta, Canada UK March 2014 • US January 2014 184 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781623567095 £19.99 • $29.95 Library eBook 9781441139122 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781441124937 £14.99 • $25.99 Previously published in HB 9781441111425 Series: Critical Theory and Contemporary Society Bloomsbury Academic

This is the first collection of original essays that brings together a group of established and emerging scholars of film and visual culture for an innovative study of contemporary film theory and philosophy. Refracting current conceptions of the moving image through the influential work of Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben, these essays enable a unique multidisciplinary conversation that fundamentally rethinks the theory and praxis of cinema. UK March 2014 • US January 2014 256 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches • 16 bw illus HB 9781623564360 £70.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781623563714 £242.00 • $369.00 Individual eBook 9781623561253 £62.99 • $107.99 Bloomsbury Academic

Rethinking Ideology Through Film Noir


Rick DesRochers, Associate Professor of Theatre, Long Island University Post, USA

Beyond the Bottom-Line The Producer in Film and Television Studies Edited by Andrew Spicer, Reader in Cultural History, University of the West of England, UK, Anthony McKenna, Research Associate, Michael Klinger Research Project & Christopher Meir, Lecturer in Film, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

This is the first collection of original critical essays devoted to exploring the misunderstood, neglected and frequently caricatured role played by the film producer. The collection is divided into three sections where detailed individual essays explore a broad range of different producers working in different historical, geographical and industrial contexts. Overall, this ground-breaking collection challenges several of the conventional orthodoxies of film studies, providing a new approach that will become required reading for scholars and students. UK September 2014 • US July 2014 272 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches • 30 bw illus HB 9781441172365 £70.00 • $130.00 Library eBook 9781441125125 £262.00 • $400.00 Individual eBook 9781441162885 £68.99 • $116.99 Bloomsbury Academic

Thinking Cinema Afterlives Allegories of Film and Mortality in Early Weimar Germany Steve Choe, Assistant Professor, Department of Cinema and Comparative Literature, University of Iowa, USA Afterlives analyses films and philosophical texts, all produced in the early Weimar period, in order to reflect on the time-based ontology of the film medium. Combining close readings of individual films with detailed interpretations of philosophical texts, all produced in Weimar Germany immediately following the Great War, Choe shows how these films teach viewers about living and dying within a modern, mass mediated context. UK August 2014 • US July 2014 272 Pages • 228 x 156mm • 8.9 x 5.9 inches • 40 bw illus HB 9781441175380 £65.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781441186454 £242.00 • $369.00 Individual eBook 9781441145208 £62.99 • $107.99 Series: Thinking Cinema Bloomsbury Academic

Kubrick's Total Cinema Philosophical Themes and Formal Qualities

Deleuze, Japanese Cinema, and the Atom Bomb David Deamer, Associate Lecturer in Film, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Deamer explores how Japanese films responded to and were transformed by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. From the early days of American ocupation political censorship through to the social and cultural freedom of the 1960s and beyond, the book examines how images of the event permeate post-war Japanese cinema. Each chapter begins by focusing upon one of three key themes: taxonomy, history or thought, before going on to explore a broad selection of films from 1945 to the present day. UK August 2014 • US July 2014 288 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches • 15 illus HB 9781441178152 £65.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781441149091 £242.00 • $369.00 Individual eBook 9781441145895 £62.99 • $107.99 Series: Thinking Cinema Bloomsbury Academic

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Philip Kuberski, Professor of English, Wake Forest University, USA “Philip Kuberski's review of Kubrick's films, Kubrick's Total Cinema masterfully links the grandest themes of those films to the most intimate of physical details. He shows us Kubrick as the great poet of cinema who shapes his medium to take his viewers ever-deeper into the filmic event of sound, image, and music… This book, couched in Kuberski's lucid prose, will please the fan of Kubrick's films, reward the scholar, and seduce the skeptic.” Dennis A. Foster, Professor of English, Southern Methodist University, USA UK April 2014 • US February 2014 208 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781628929478 £19.95 • $29.95 Library eBook 9781441149565 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781441165916 £14.99 • $25.99 Previously published in HB 9781441156877 Bloomsbury Academic

Terrence Malick Film and Philosophy

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Thomas Deane Tucker, Professor of Humanities, Chadron State College, USA & Stuart Kendall, Lecturer in Critical Studies, California College of the Arts, USA “Terrence Malick provides a wonderfully stimulating range of approaches to Malick's films, unlocking the philosophical depths of the most thoughtful auteur of recent decades…this book is at the cutting edge of recent developments in film-philosophy, and is essential reading for anyone interested in the subject. It is also a superb exploration of Malick's most important films as writer and director, from Badlands to The New World.” David Martin-Jones, Professor of Film Studies, University of Glasgow, UK UK March 2014 • US January 2014 240 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781628928419 £26.95 • $39.95 Library eBook 9781441140272 £84.00 • $120.00 Individual eBook 9781441148957 £20.99 • $34.99 Previously published in HB 9781441150035 Bloomsbury Academic

Cinematic Homecomings

China's iGeneration

Exile and Return in Transnational Cinema

Cinema and Moving Image Culture for the Twenty-First Century

Edited by Rebecca Prime, Professor of the Humanities, Hood College, Maryland, USA

Edited by Matthew D. Johnson, Assistant Professor of East Asian History, Grinnell College, USA, Keith B. Wagner, Assistant Professor of Film Studies, Hongik University in Seoul, South Korea, Kiki Tianqi Yu, Assistant Professor in Film and Television Studies, University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China & Luke Vulpiani, PhD candidate, King’s College London, UK

A collection of essays that addresses the topic of cinema after exile in contexts ranging from classical Hollywood to contemporary global cinema. With a geographically diverse selection of chapters by American and European scholars, this is the first collection to provide a wideranging comparative approach to this understudied phenomenon. With an afterword by Hamid Naficy — the leading expert in Cinema and Television in the Middle East. UK January 2015 • US November 2014 256 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches • 30 bw illus HB 9781441124470 £70.00 • $130.00 Library eBook 9781441101075 £262.00 • $400.00 Individual eBook 9781441106933 £68.99 • $116.99 Bloomsbury Academic

With a new interpretation of how both 'cinema' and 'generation' are terms that have been redefined by iGeneration filmmakers, films, and audiences, this book solidifies mainland China as becoming a dominant player in the Northeast Asian film market. UK July 2014 • US May 2014 352 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches • 10 illus HB 9781623565954 £75.00 • $140.00 Library eBook 9781623563127 £282.00 • $431.00 Individual eBook 9781623568474 £73.99 • $125.99 Bloomsbury Academic


Topics and Issues in National Cinema Cypriot Cinemas

Ecology and Contemporary Nordic Cinemas From Nation-building to Ecocosmopolitanism Pietari Kääpä, Research Fellow, University of Helsinki, Finland This book challenges the traditional socio-political rhetoric of national cinema by providing an ecocritical examination of Nordic cinema. Using a range of analytical approaches to interrogate how the national paradigm can be rethought through ecosystemic concerns, the book explores a range of Nordic films as national and transnational, regional and local texts, all with significant global implications. UK June 2014 • US April 2014 208 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches HB 9781441192790 £65.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781441143211 £242.00 • $369.00 Individual eBook 9781623569143 £62.99 • $107.99 Series: Topics and Issues in National Cinema Bloomsbury Academic

The Child in Film and Media

Edited by Oliver C. Speck, Assistant Professor of Film Studies, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA Django Unchained is certainly Quentin Tarantino's most commercially successful film and is arguably also his most controversial. The collected essays in this book examine the topic (slavery and revenge), the setting (a few years before the Civil War) and the intentionally provocative generic roots in Spaghetti Western and Blaxploitation. UK September 2014 • US July 2014 272 Pages • 140 x 216mm • 5.5 x 8.5 inches • 20 bw illus PB 9781628926606 £19.99 • $29.95 HB 9781628928396 £80.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781628926552 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781623567804 £14.99 • $25.99 Bloomsbury Academic

new in PB

“Documenting Racism presents a scholarly and illuminating study of representations of AfricanAmericans in some key documentaries released by the US Department of Agriculture. Since these films are little-known, Winn provides important contextualization of once much seen and influential documentaries and strong criticism of the racism embedded in these films.” Douglas Kellner, UCLA, USA


Alexander N. Howe, Associate Professor of English, University of the District of Columbia, USA & Wynn Yarbrough, Assistant Professor of English and Codirector of the MFA Program at the University of the District of Columbia, USA A scholarly collection, generated by a University of the District of Columbia conference in 2008, examining a variety of media produced for and about children. The book will assist readers in understanding the complexity of the current popular and scholarly works about children and provides a variety of methods for reading representations of children and childhood across media. UK March 2014 • US January 2014 192 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches HB 9781623560560 £50.00 • $100.00 Library eBook 9781623560546 £202.00 • $308.00 Individual eBook 9781623561208 £52.99 • $89.99 Bloomsbury Academic

J. Emmett Winn, Professor of Film Studies, Auburn University, USA

UK January 2014 • US November 2013 168 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781623561390 £19.95 • $29.95 Library eBook 9781441172938 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781441124234 £14.99 • $25.99 Previously published in HB 9780826405555 Bloomsbury Academic

With an interdisciplinary and comparative approach, this book explores the work of a new generation of filmmakers striving to engage with Cyprus' traumatic legacies, such as anti-colonial struggles and post-colonial instability. Beginning from the cinema of the 1960s, the collection covers filmmakers currently exploring issues of conflict, memory, identity, nationalism, migration and gender, as well as those who chose to cooperate across the ethnic divide and the younger generation of Cypriot filmmakers.

Kidding Around

The Continuation of Metacinema

African Americans in US Department of Agriculture Documentaries, 1921-42

Edited by Costas Constandinides, Assistant Professor of Communications, University of Nicosia, Cyprus & Yiannis Papadakis, Associate Professor of Social and Political Sciences, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

UK January 2015 • US November 2014 224 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches • 15 illus HB 9781623561314 £65.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781623564605 £242.00 • $369.00 Individual eBook 9781623560027 £62.99 • $107.99 Series: Topics and Issues in National Cinema Bloomsbury Academic

Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained

Documenting Racism

Memory, Conflict and Identity in the Margins of Europe

Guillermo del Toro Film as Alchemic Art Keith McDonald, Senior Lecturer in Literature, Film and Media, York St John University, UK & Roger Clark, formerly Senior Lecturer in Literature Studies, York St John University, UK A critical exploration of one of the most exciting, original and influential figures to emerge in contemporary film. The book offers an in-depth discussion of Del Toro's output and locates and investigates key ideas, recurrent motifs and subtle links between his movies. As well as extensive close textual analysis, the authors consider Del Toro's considerable influence on wider popular culture, including a discussion of his role as a producer, as an ambassador for ‘geek' culture and as a figurehead in new international cinema. UK April 2014 • US February 2014 208 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches • 50 bw illus HB 9781441124494 £55.00 • $110.00 Library eBook 9781441184023 £222.00 • $339.00 Individual eBook 9781623560133 £57.99 • $98.99 Bloomsbury Academic

Media and Translation

Real Lives and Celebrity Stories

An Interdisciplinary Approach

Narratives of Ordinary and Extraordinary People Across Media

Edited by Dror Abend-David, Lecturer, University of Florida, USA This is the first collection on media and translation to merge theories in translation and communications studies, creating tools for more collaborative research in this emerging area. The work favours theoretical work on translation and communications of various forms and through various media, and also discusses ‘also’ media such as news-casting, commercials, video games, web pages and electronic street signs. UK September 2014 • US July 2014 288 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches HB 9781623566463 £65.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781623561017 £242.00 • $369.00 Individual eBook 9781623565367 £62.99 • $107.99 Bloomsbury Academic

Edited by Bronwen Thomas & Julia Round, Senior Lecturers, Media School, Bournemouth University, UK Real Lives and Celebrity Stories collects research from published and experienced professionals, practitioners and scholars who discuss narratives of real people across cultures and history and in multiple media. By bringing together different disciplines it offers a theory of the production(s) of self in public spaces such as music, literature, fanfic, television, cinema, comics, news media, journalism and politics. UK March 2014 • US January 2014 224 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches • 20 illus HB 9781441102386 £65.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781441146182 £242.00 • $369.00 Individual eBook 9781441197153 £62.99 • $107.99 Bloomsbury Academic

Virtual Reality

Fun and Software

Representations in Contemporary Media

Exploring Pleasure, Paradox, and Pain in Computing

Melanie Chan, Lecturer, York St John University, UK

Edited by Olga Goriunova, Assistant Professor, Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick, UK

This timely study challenges distorted ideas about transcendence and productively contribute to debates about embodiment and technology. It delivers an overview of the film and literature charting the experience of immersion in virtual realities. UK March 2014 • US January 2014 208 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches HB 9781441175311 £55.00 • $110.00 Library eBook 9781628921472 £222.00 • $339.00 Individual eBook 9781623564742 £57.99 • $98.99 Bloomsbury Academic

In Fun and Software, software is taken out of its 'remote' professional corner to be looked at as a field of practice guided by emotion, experiment and paradox. This is the first collection detailing the attention to the cultural significance and social implications of software, and includes contributions from Lev Manovich and Matthew Fuller, the originating scholars in the field. UK October 2014 • US August 2014 256 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches • 15 bw illus HB 9781623560942 £86.00 • $130.00 Library eBook 9781623568870 £262.00 • $400.00 Individual eBook 9781623567569 £68.99 • $116.99 Bloomsbury Academic

Beyond the Screen


Emerging Cinema and Engaging Audiences

Virtual Media and Children's Everyday Play

Sarah Atkinson, Principal Lecturer in Broadcast Media, University of Brighton, UK

Seth Giddings, Senior Lecturer in Digital Media & Critical Theory and Programme Manager, Media Culture & Practice, University of the West of England, UK

With unique readings of the most up-to-date pioneering case studies, Atkinson addresses the effect of convergence and transmediation upon multi-platform fictional storytelling and audiovisual drama, providing new insights and proposing new theoretical frameworks. UK June 2014 • US April 2014 256 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches • 30 illus HB 9781623566371 £65.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781623568238 £242.00 • $369.00 Individual eBook 9781623569242 £62.99 • $107.99 Bloomsbury Academic

Using microethnography as an innovative method for describing and theorising digital play, Giddings explores the nature of play in the virtual worlds of videogames and how this relates, and crosses over, into everyday play in the actual world. The book includes a website showing live game play, corresponding to the case studies in the text. UK October 2014 • US August 2014 192 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches • 16 bw illus HB 9781623566326 £74.00 • $110.00 Library eBook 9781623563899 £222.00 • $339.00 Individual eBook 9781623568023 £57.99 • $98.99 Bloomsbury Academic


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