History New Books Catalogue
January-June 2020
Contents Historiography ��������������������������������������������������������������� 1
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International History ������������������������������������������������������� 1
Individual eBook: available for your e-reader
World History ����������������������������������������������������������������� 2
Library eBook: available for institution-wide access and also for pdf sale to individuals
European History ����������������������������������������������������������� 3 British History ����������������������������������������������������������������� 7 Irish History ������������������������������������������������������������������� 10 Russian History ������������������������������������������������������������� 11 Asian History ����������������������������������������������������������������� 14 Middle East, African and Imperial History ������������������� 17 Medieval History ����������������������������������������������������������� 18 Early Modern History ��������������������������������������������������� 19 Latin American History ������������������������������������������������� 19 US History ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 20 History of War ��������������������������������������������������������������� 20 Social History ��������������������������������������������������������������� 22 Gender History ������������������������������������������������������������� 22 Major Reference Works ����������������������������������������������� 23 Representatives, Agents & Distributors ����������������������� 28
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Theories of History
Edited by Stefan Berger, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, Heiko Feldner, Cardiff University, UK & Kevin Passmore, Cardiff University, UK
Edited by Michael J. Kelly, State University of New York at Binghamton, USA & Arthur Rose, University of Durham, UK
Theory and Practice
Writing History (3rd Edition) provides students and teachers with a comprehensive overview of how the study of history is informed by a broader intellectual and analytical framework, exploring the emergence and development of history as a discipline and the major theoretical developments that have informed historical writing. This thoroughly updated edition includes new chapters on postcolonial, environmental and transnational history; an expanded preface; and new introductions to each of the book's 3 thematic parts. UK February 2020 • US March 2020 • 512 pages PB 9781474255882 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781474262798 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781474255899 Library eBook 9781474255905 Series: Writing History • Bloomsbury Academic
History Read across the Humanities
In a unique approach to historical representations, the central question of this book is ‘what is history?’ This collection considers new insights into historical thinking and historiography across the humanities. Essays in this volume discuss music history, linguistics, dance studies, paintings, film and archaeology. This book is essential reading for those interested in the practice of history, philosophy and the humanities more broadly. As such, Theories of History opens up for the first time a truly crossdisciplinary dialogue on history and is a unique intervention in the study of historical representation. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 264 pages • 11 bw illus PB 9781350142992 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781474271301 Individual eBook 9781474271325 Library eBook 9781474271318 Bloomsbury Academic
History and International Relations
The First Age of Industrial Globalization
Howard LeRoy Malchow, Tufts University, USA
Maartje Abbenhuis, University of Auckland, New Zealand & Gordon Morrell, Nipissing University, Canada
From the Ancient World to the 21st Century In light of recent turbulent events on the international stage, this updated and enhanced second edition of History and International Relations charts the historical foundations, development and evolution of international relations. The world has changed since 2015 in ways that are important to IR practice and theory; the perceived American ‘decline’, emerging fissures in the European Union and the growth of powers such as Russia, China and India. These developments require the reframing and reconsideration of the history of international relations. UK March 2020 • US March 2020 • 400 pages PB 9781350111646 • £27.99 / $37.95 • HB 9781350111653 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350111660 Library eBook 9781350111677 Bloomsbury Academic
Globalizing the U.S. Presidency Postcolonial Views of John F. Kennedy
Edited by Cyrus Schayegh, Institute of Geneva, Switzerland Using John F. Kennedy as a central figure and reference point, this volume explores how postcolonial citizens viewed the US president when peak decolonization met the Cold War. Exploring how their appropriations blended with their own domestic and regional realities, the chapters span sources, cases and languages from Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe to explore the history of US and third world relations in a way that pushes beyond US-centric themes. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 304 pages • 20 bw illus HB 9781350118508 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350118522 Library eBook 9781350118515 Series: New Approaches to International History • Bloomsbury Academic
An International History 1815-1918
H I S T O R Y – Historiography / International History
Writing History
This book offers an accessible and lively survey of the global history of the age of industrialization and globalization that arose in the wake of the Napoleonic Wars and collapsed in the maelstrom of the First World War. Through a combination of industrialization, technological innovation and imperial expansion, the industrializing powers of the world helped to create inter-connected global space that left few regions untouched. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 264 pages • 15 bw illus PB 9781474267090 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781474267106 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781474267113 Library eBook 9781474267120 Series: New Approaches to International History • Bloomsbury Academic
Public Opinion and 20th-Century Diplomacy A Global Perspective
Daniel Hucker, University of Nottingham, UK Public Opinion and 20th-Century Diplomacy explores both the influence of public opinion on diplomatic decision making in international history, and its emergence as a legitimate field of study for international historians. The book uses five case studies to examine the impact of public opinion on the "high" politics of diplomacy: British policy at the Paris Peace Conference; French policy in the era of 1930s appeasement; Policy choices of the US during the Vietnam War; global responses to apartheid-era South Africa; and public attitudes across the EU regarding European integration. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 224 pages HB 9781472524881 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781472533098 Library eBook 9781472527165 Series: New Approaches to International History • Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
H I S T O R Y – World History
Debating Nationalism
The Global Spread of Nations Florian Bieber, University of Graz, Austria This concise introduction offers an overview of the global rise and spread of nationalism since the late 18th century. Reflecting on key themes and existing scholarship it presents case studies and primary sources to track the emergence of the modern nation, and understand how nationalism has given rise to phenomena such as identity-based conflict, authoritarian politics and populist movements. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 240 pages PB 9781350098107 • £17.99 / $24.95 • HB 9781350098114 • £55.00 / $74.00 Individual eBook 9781350098121 Library eBook 9781350098138 Series: Debates in World History • Bloomsbury Academic
The Practice of Global History European Perspectives
Edited by Matthias Middell, University of Leipzig, Germany This volume reflects the vibrant state of global history scholarship in Europe and examines to what extent global history is practiced and conceptualised distinctively within Europe. Drawing together contributions from scholars from France, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the UK, the book offers a sweeping overview of the state of the field. In particular, the contributors look at histories of colonialism and imperial expansion, knowledge circulation and mobility across borders. This book reflects the diversity of current scholarship on global and transnational history and will offer important insights for anyone interested in these fields. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 232 pages HB 9781474292153 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781474292160 Library eBook 9781474292177 Bloomsbury Academic
Britain and the United States in Greece
Anglo-American Relations and Origins of the Cold War Spero Simeon Z. Paravantes, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Britain, the US and Greece after World War II provides an in-depth analysis of Anglo-American diplomacy in Greece from 1946 to 1950. This book reveals how the relationship between Britain and the US developed in this formative period, arguing that Britain used the escalating tensions of the Cold War to direct US policy in Greece and encourage the Americans to take a more active role in the region. In the process, Paravantes sheds new light on how the American experience in Greece contributed to the formulation of the Truman Doctrine, the infamous NSC-68 document and the birth of the Cold War. UK October 2020 • US October 2020 • 288 pages HB 9781788310413 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350142022 Library eBook 9781350142015 Bloomsbury Academic
The US, the EC and World Trade From the Kennedy Round to the Start of the Uruguay Round Giuseppe La Barca, University of Swansea, UK "[C]ompelling and informative... The book has the great merit of illustrating the relations between the domestic and international sides of trade negotiations and trade policy-making, clearly showing how the two sides influence and shape each other." Lucia Coppolaro, University of Padova, Italy Giuseppe La Barca provides a comprehensive account of trade between the close of the Kennedy Round and the opening of the Uruguay Round developments, drawing a wider picture of international trade policy-making during the period. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 296 pages PB 9781350147935 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781474257824 Individual eBook 9781474257855 Library eBook 9781474257862 Bloomsbury Academic
A Global History of Convicts and Penal Colonies Edited by Clare Anderson, University of Leicester, UK
This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com Between 1415 and the 1960s, global powers transported millions of convicts to forts, penal settlements and penal colonies all over the world. A Global History of Convicts and Penal Colonies builds on specific regional archives and literatures to write the first global history of penal transportation. The chapters explore the idea of penal transportation as an engine of global change, investigate the varied and interconnected routes convicts took to penal sites across the world, and consider the lived worlds of convicts, including work, culture, religion and intimacy, and convict experience and agency. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 408 pages • 30 bw illus PB 9781350149946 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350000674 Individual eBook 9781350000698 Library eBook 9781350000681 Bloomsbury Academic
Orientalism, Philology, and the Illegibility of the Modern World Henning Trüper, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Finland
Orientalism, Philology, and the Illegibility of the Modern World discusses how European orientalism has influenced the modern understanding of how language accesses reality. It offers a critical reinterpretation of orientalism, ontology and modernity, challenging received understandings of the intellectual genealogies of oriental scholarship and its practices. This ground-breaking study is a meaningful contribution to current debates about philology and significantly adds to our understanding about the relationship between discursive practices, cultural agendas, and political systems. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 384 pages • 11 bw illus HB 9781350117372 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350117396 Library eBook 9781350117389 Series: Europe’s Legacy in the Modern World • Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
The Crimean War
Gavin Murray-Miller, Cardiff University, UK
Winfried Baumgart, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
Politics, Community and Culture in Transnational Context, 1775-1922 Revolutionary Europe is an original examination of radical political movements during Europe’s long 19th century. Rather than assessing revolution as a purely theoretical, socially-driven force or a structural phenomenon, the book presents revolution as a process of community building and cultural identification born from instances of acute social and political crisis. It employs both national and transnational contexts, incorporating new debates in Atlantic history, empire studies and cultural history to give a comprehensive narrative of the period from 1775 to 1922. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 368 pages • 21 bw illus PB 9781350019997 • £22.99 / $31.95 • HB 9781350020009 • £70.00 / $94.00 Individual eBook 9781350020023 Library eBook 9781350020016 Bloomsbury Academic
This expanded and fully updated 2nd edition of Winfried Baumgart’s masterful history of the Crimean War explores: * The origins and diplomacy of the Crimean War * The war aims and attitudes of Russia, France, Britain, Austria, Prussia, the United States and others * Global and pan-European contexts * The characteristics and capabilities of the armies involved * The nature of the fighting itself With 19 images, 13 maps and additional tables, as well as a brand new chapter on ‘the war from below’, this book remains the definitive study of one of the most important wars in modern history.
H I S T O R Y – European History
Revolutionary Europe
UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 312 pages • 19 bw illus PB 9781350083431 • £29.99 / $40.95 • HB 9781350083448 • £95.00 / $130.00 Individual eBook 9781350083462 Library eBook 9781350083455 Series: Modern Wars • Bloomsbury Academic
Religion and Society at the Dawn of Modern Europe
Christianity Transformed, 1750-1850 Rudolf Schlögl, University of Konstanz, Germany Translated by Helen Imhoff This book reveals how, in confrontation with secularity, various new forms of Christianity evolved during the time of Europe's crisis of modernisation. Rudolf Schlögl provides a comprehensive overview of the development of religious institutions and piety in Protestant and Catholic Europe between 1750 and 1850; at the same time, he offers a detailed exposition of contemporary philosophical, theological and sociotheoretical thought on the nature and function of religion; this allows us to understand the importance of religion in the self-defining of European society during a period of great change and upheaval. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 384 pages HB 9781350099579 • £90.00 / $122.00 Individual eBook 9781350099593 Library eBook 9781350099586 Series: Cultures of Early Modern Europe • Bloomsbury Academic World English
A Short History of the Renaissance in Northern Europe Malcolm Vale, University of Oxford, UK
The concept of a ‘Renaissance’ in the arts, in thought, and in more general culture North of the Alps often evokes the idea of a cultural transplant which was not indigenous to, or rooted in, the society from which it emerged. Yet there were certainly differences, divergences and dichotomies between North and South which have to be addressed. Here, Malcolm Vale argues for a Northern Renaissance which, while cognisant of Italian developments, displayed strong continuities with the indigenous cultures of northern Europe. But it also contributed novelties and innovations which often tended to stem from, and build upon, those continuities. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 232 pages PB 9781780763859 • £14.99 / $19.95 • HB 9781780763842 • £45.00 / $61.00 Individual eBook 9781350145610 Library eBook 9781350145634 Series: Short Histories • Bloomsbury Academic
The Comforts of Home in Western Europe, 1700-1900
Edited by Jon Stobart, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Jon Stobart leads an international cast of contributors to discuss the ways in which architectural and spatial innovations created comfortable homes in early modern Europe. This volume illustrates how people made use of and responded to the technological improvements and the emotional assemblage of objects which made the home comfortable. The Comforts of Home in Western Europe, 1700 - 1900 offers a fresh contribution to the study of comfort in the early modern home and will be vital reading for academics and students interested in early modern history, material culture and the history of interior architecture. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 272 pages • 28 bw illus HB 9781350092952 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350092976 Library eBook 9781350092969 Bloomsbury Academic
The Art of the Poor
The Aesthetic Material Culture of the Lower Classes in Europe 1300-1600 Edited by Rembrandt Duits, Deputy-Curator of the Photographic Collection at the Warburg Institute, UK Bringing together thought-provoking ideas from art historians, historians, anthropologists and museum curators, The Art of the Poor will introduce new themes and raise new research questions through a series of thematically grouped short case studies, giving impetus to a new field on the cusp of Art History, Social History, Urban Archaeology, and Historical Anthropology. This field can help us reassess the very concept of ‘art’ and its function in society. UK August 2020 • US August 2020 • 304 pages HB 9781788316750 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781786726179 Library eBook 9781786736239 Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
H I S T O R Y – European History
Historians at the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial Their Role as Expert Witnesses Mathew Turner The Frankfurt Auschwitz trial saw the engagement of four of the nation's leading historians as expert witnesses - Martin Broszat, Hans Buchheim, Helmut Krausnick, and Hans-Adolf Jacobsen. Following the trial, the reports of these historians were published in a bestselling book. Mathew Turner here investigates the relationship between the trial and this publication. Based on original research in several German archives and first-hand interviews, Turner addresses these connections through a study of West Germany's most famous trial and the monumental work of history produced from the engagement of historical expertise in court. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 256 pages PB 9780755606689 • £28.99 / $39.95 • HB 9781350151499 • £72.00 / $99.00 Individual eBook 9781838608651 Library eBook 9781838608668 Bloomsbury Academic
Educating the Germans
People and Policy in the British Zone of Germany, 1945–1949 David Phillips, University of Oxford, UK Educating the Germans examines the role of the British in the 'reconstruction' of education in occupied Germany from 1945 to 1949. It covers war-time planning for a future role in overseeing education at all levels in Germany, looks at policy and its implementation, describes the British personnel involved and their interaction with German authorities, and assesses the lasting effects of the British effort in securing the future development of education from kindergarten to university in the emerging Federal Republic. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 392 pages • 35 bw illustrations PB 9781350145740 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781472509550 Individual eBook 9781472511164 Library eBook 9781472511539 Bloomsbury Academic
Transforming Occupation in the Western Zones of Germany Politics, Everyday Life and Social Interactions, 1945-55
Edited by Camilo Erlichman, Leiden University, The Netherlands & Christopher Knowles, Kings College London, UK This book provides an in-depth transnational study of power politics, daily life and social interactions in the Western Zones of occupied Germany during the aftermath of the Second World War. Adopting a history from below approach, the volume explores the personal memories and the spatial and environmental history of marginalised groups in occupied zones, highlighting regime change, nation building, transitional justice, reconstruction, and the multifaceted relationship between the occupiers and the occupied. It also provides a new perspective on the impact and legacy of German occupation, one focusing on German occupation as a shared experience.
Nazi Buildings, Cold War Traces and Governmentality in PostUnification Berlin Clare Copley, University of Central Lancashire, UK
This study reflects on post-unification responses to iconic Nazi architecture to reveal insights into power, legitimacy and memory politics in the Berlin Republic. Analysing public debates, physical interventions into the buildings and the structuring of the memory landscapes around them, the book demonstrates that memory politics impact not just upon the built environment of the post-dictatorship city, but upon the way decisions about it are made. In doing so, it makes the case for conceiving of a specifically ‘post-authoritarian’ governmentality and uses the responses to constructions like Goering’s Aviation Ministry and the Olympic complex to explore its features. UK May 2020 • US May 2020 • 304 pages • 30 bw illus HB 9781350081536 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350081550 Library eBook 9781350081543 Bloomsbury Academic
The Family in Modern Germany Edited by Lisa Pine, London South Bank University, UK
This cutting-edge edited collection examines the impact of political and social change upon the modern German family. By analysing different family structures, gender roles, social class aspects and children' socialization, The Family in Modern Germany provides a comprehensive and well-balanced overview of how different political systems have shaped modern conceptualizations of the family, from the buorgeois family ideal right up to recent trends like cohabitation and same-sex couples. This book is an excellent resource for scholars, postgraduates and advanced undergraduates studying modern German history, sociology and social policy. UK April 2020 • US April 2020 • 272 pages • 20 bw illus HB 9781350047709 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350047723 Library eBook 9781350047716 Bloomsbury Academic
Fear in the German Speaking World, 1600-2000
Edited by Thomas Kehoe, University of New England, Australia & Michael Pickering, Trinity College, Melbourne, Australia This book addresses the nature and role of fear in the German world from the early modern period through to the 20th century. Offering the first collection that centres fear in the historical analysis of Central Europe since 1600, these essays demonstrate the importance of emotional experience to the study of the past. In doing so, the chapters reveal a complex, evolving construction of fear that is likely universally human, but also dependent upon its cultural and historical context. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 256 pages • 14 bw illus HB 9781350150478 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350150492 Library eBook 9781350150485 Bloomsbury Academic
UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 320 pages • 14 bw illus PB 9781350151321 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350049222 Individual eBook 9781350049246 Library eBook 9781350049239 Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
Holocaust Perpetrators of the German Police Battalions
Julia Sneeringer, Queens College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York, USA
Ian Rich, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Hamburg from Burlesque to The Beatles, 1956-69
The Mass Murder of Jewish Civilians, 1940-1942
A Social History of Early Rock ‘n’ Roll in Germany explores the people and spaces of Hamburg's rock'n'roll scene in the 1960s. Sneeringer weaves together the histories of youth culture, sex, gender, and the media, to reveal that transnational encounters in the St. Pauli district produced a musical style that provided emotional and physical liberation, and challenged powerful forces of conservatism and conformity with effects that transformed the world for decades to come.
Holocaust Perpetrators of the German Police Battalions examines the structures and actions of two previously unstudied German police battalions in Poland and Ukraine between 1940 to 1942. Using these case studies, Ian Rich draws attention to the actions and motivations of individual lower-ranking policemen who participated in the mass murder of Jews during the Holocaust. He illuminates their pivotal roles as organizers, educators and role models, and the ways they were able to influence their subordinates to carry out these atrocities.
UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 304 pages • 16 bw illus PB 9781350139534 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350034389 Individual eBook 9781350034396 Library eBook 9781350034402 Bloomsbury Academic
UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 256 pages PB 9781350139510 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350038028 Individual eBook 9781350038035 Library eBook 9781350038042 Bloomsbury Academic
Juvenile Crime and Dissent in Nazi Vienna, 1938-1945
Evan Burr Bukey, University of Arkansas, USA Drawing on a wealth of archival sources, Evan Burr Bukey offers the definitive account of juvenile crime in Nazi-era Vienna. This book explores the impact the Juvenile Criminal Code had on the Viennese youth who were brought before the bench for deviant behaviour and, in analysing the records of juvenile delinquency in Vienna during the Anschluss era, addresses one key question: to what extent did Nazi rule constitute a rupture in the Austrian juvenile justice system? UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 208 pages HB 9781350132603 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350132627 Library eBook 9781350132610 Bloomsbury Academic
State and Society in Communist Czechoslovakia
Transforming the Everyday from WWII to the Fall of the Berlin Wall Roman Krakovsky, University of Geneva, Switzerland
H I S T O R Y – European History
A Social History of Early Rock ‘n’ Roll in Germany
Modern Vienna A History
Egbert Klautke, University College London, UK Modern Vienna provides a concise history of the capital city of Vienna in modern times. It includes a comprehensive outlook on the development of the city in social, economic, and cultural terms. It focuses on the period between the AustroHungarian settlement in 1867 and the end of the Second World War, and in particular the fin de siècle around 1900. The book combines approaches to the cultural and social history of Vienna with its political history, and presents a reliable introduction to students of the Habsburg Empire and an important case study for readers interested in urban history. UK September 2020 • US September 2020 • 256 pages • 15 bw illus HB 9781474249720 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781474249744 Library eBook 9781474249737 Bloomsbury Academic
Censorship in Czech and Hungarian Academic Publishing, 1969-1989 Snakes and Ladders
Libora Oates-Indruchová, University of Graz, Austria
Ranging from WWII to the fall of the Berlin Wall, Roman Krakovsky's innovative analysis considers the impact of Stakhanovism, the impossible-to-achieve production targets intended to assert socialism's future potential; the attempt to replace Sunday's Christian attributes with socialist ones; and the profound changes brought about to the public and private spheres, including the culture of informing and the ways this was circumvented. Across a wide range of case studies, State and Society in Communist Czechoslovakia demonstrates both the far-reaching extent of the communist vision and the inherent flaws and contradictions that gradually destabilised it.
Drawing on primary source material from the Editorial Board of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and policy state documents, Libora Oates-Indruchová explores to what extent scholarly publishing in state-socialist Czechoslovakia and Hungary was affected by censorship. This book provides a fascinating insight into the ambivalent beneficial and detrimental effects of censorship on scholarly work from the Prague Spring of 1968 to the Velvet Revolution of 1989, as well as reflecting on the cultural significance of scholarly publishing in the light of current debates on the neoliberal academia and the future of the humanities.
UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 352 pages • 40 black and white illustrations PB 9780755600137 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784539146 Individual eBook 9781838609108 Library eBook 9781838609115 Bloomsbury Academic World English
UK March 2020 • US March 2020 • 416 pages • 8 bw illus HB 9781350106642 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350106666 Library eBook 9781350106659 Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
H I S T O R Y – European History
Warsaw Pact Intervention in the Third World Aid and Influence in the Cold War
Edited by Philip E. Muehlenbeck, George Washington University, USA & Natalia Telepneva, University College London, UK This important book examines the agency of Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania during the 'discovery' of the 'Third World' from the 1950s to the 1970s. Drawing from a diverse range of overlooked archival sources, contributors study the diplomacy of the eastern and central European communist states to reveal their myriad motivations and goals which were, importantly, often in direct conflict with Soviet directives. This work, the first revisionist review of the role of the junior members as a whole, will be of interest to all scholars of the Cold War.
The Fall of the House of Speyer The Story of a Banking Dynasty
George W. Liebmann, Independent Scholar, USA George W. Liebmann here tells the dramatic tale of the plight of the Speyers, a German family of Jewish descent that owned the 3rd largest investment banking firm in the United States. Shedding new light on the protagonists of this remarkable dynasty and how it came undone through the vicissitudes of the early-20th century, this book recounts the a story surprisingly little known today. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 256 pages • 45 bw illus PB 9781838606732 • £21.99 / $29.95 Previously published in HB 9781784531768 Individual eBook 9780857729286 Library eBook 9780857727244 I.B. Tauris
UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 368 pages PB 9780755600120 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781788310550 Individual eBook 9781838609849 Library eBook 9781838609856 Bloomsbury Academic
State, Nationalism, and the Jewish Communities of Modern Greece Evdoxios Doxiadis, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Education and Political Manipulation in the British Empire Antigone Heraclidou
Based on the evidence of numerous Greek consular reports, speeches, memoirs, political interviews and coverage of the status and treatment of the communities by the international Jewish press, State, Nationalism, and the Jewish Communities of Modern Greece sketches a detailed picture of the Greek political elite and the state’s bureaucratic view of the various Jewish communities. By focusing on the state, though not ignoring popular attitudes, the book successfully argues that the Greek state followed policies that did not conform, and often were in opposition to, popular attitudes when it came to minorities and the Jews in particular.
Imperial Control in Cyprus charts the cultural and educational aspects of British colonial rule in Cyprus and analyses what these policies reveal about internal struggles on the island between 1931 and 1960. Cyprus had been under British occupation since 1878, but it was in the 1930s that educational policies acquired a strong political significance. Gradually, the education system reflected the shifting political developments in colonial Cyprus and by the start of the 1950s, schools had become a breeding ground for discontent. Antigone Heraclidou provides a new dimension to understandings of the deadlock that was to prove one of the most intractable in the final years of the British Empire.
UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 272 pages • 7 bw illus PB 9781350143760 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781474263467 Individual eBook 9781474263481 Library eBook 9781474263474 Bloomsbury Academic
UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 336 pages • 11 bw illus PB 9780755602766 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784539528 Individual eBook 9781786722515 Library eBook 9781786732514 Bloomsbury Academic
Vichy France and Everyday Life Confronting the Challenges of Wartime, 1939-1945 Edited by Lindsey Dodd, University of Huddersfield, UK & David Lees, University of Warwick, UK This wide-ranging volume brings together a blend of experienced and emerging scholars to examine the texture of everyday life for different parts of the wartime French population. It explores the systems of coping, means of helping one another other, confrontations with people or events and the challenges posed to and by Vichy’s National Revolution during a difficult period in France and indeed Europe’s history. The book focuses on human interactions at the micro level, highlighting lived experience within the complex social networks of this era. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 264 pages • 2 bw illus PB 9781350143791 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350011595 Individual eBook 9781350011618 Library eBook 9781350011601 Bloomsbury Academic
Imperial Control in Cyprus
Special Operations in Norway SOE and Resistance in World War II Ian Herrington Between 1940 and 1945, Britain’s Special Operations Executive (SOE) carried out sabotage and organised resistance across occupied Europe. Over 5 years, SOE sent over 500 agents into Norway to carry out a range of operations from sabotage and assassination to attempts to organise an underground guerrilla army. This book is the first multi-archival, international academic analysis of SOE’s policy and operations in Norway and the influences that shaped them, challenging previous interpretations of the relationship between this organisation and both the Norwegian authorities and the Milorg resistance movement. UK April 2019 • US May 2019 • 392 pages • 24 b&w HB 9781788312622 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781786725646 Library eBook 9781786735645 Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
The Decline of the Congress System
Clashing with Fascism
Miroslav Šedivý, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Louie Dean Valencia-García, Texas State University, USA
In The Decline of the Congress System, Mirolsav Šedivý analyses Austrian Chancellor Metternich’s policy towards the pre-united Italian states from 1830 to 1848. With an emphasis on geopolitics and international law and drawing attention to the unsettled role of the Italian states within European diplomacy in the period, this book explains why the Italian peninsula never developed into the stable region that Metternich hoped to establish at the heart of the Congress System.
This book explores the role of young people in shaping a democratic Spain, focusing on their urban performances of dissent, their consumption of various forms of censored literature, and their involvement in a newly developed punk scene. This antiauthoritarian youth culture reflected a mixture of sexual liberation, a rejection of the perceived 'backwardness' of dictatorship, a reinvention of native Iberian pluralistic traditions and a burgeoning global youth culture that connected the USA, Britain, France and Spain. Antiauthoritarian Youth Culture in Francoist Spain offers a fascinating account of Madrid's youth culture and its role in the transition to democracy.
Metternich, Italy and European Diplomacy
UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 368 pages PB 9780755602254 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784538521 Individual eBook 9781786724038 Library eBook 9781786734037 Bloomsbury Academic
UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 272 pages • 18 bw illus PB 9781350139527 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350038479 Individual eBook 9781350038493 Library eBook 9781350038486 Bloomsbury Academic
Modern Italy's Founding Fathers
Jeremy Dummett
Steven F. White, Mount St. Mary's University, USA
Island of Beauty and Conflict With settlers from early tribes to the Greeks and Romans, through the Arabs, Normans, French, Spanish and finally Italians, the island’s culture has been changed dramatically by each of the foreign powers. In this book, Jeremy Dummett writes an engrossing history of the entire island, through excess of power, cultural prosperity and flourishing art, to extreme poverty and oppression in times of war and invasion. Dummett delves into the stories and personalities that make up this extraordinary island, with a great cathedral and temples built to impress but never finished; Sicily uncovers the background behind the island’s beauty. UK May 2020 • US September 2020 • 288 pages HB 9781838602161 • £18.99 / $27.00 Individual eBook 9780755601905 Library eBook 9780755601912 Tauris Parke
The Anglo-Florentines
The British in Tuscany, 1814-1860 Diana Webb & Tony Webb This book gives a fuller picture than has hitherto been attempted of the variety of Britons who became residents of Florence between the end of the Napoleonic wars and the absorption of Tuscany into the kingdom of Italy. Many of them were leisured, and some aristocratic; a few were writers or artists; the British clergy and physicians who ministered to them were gentlemen. Many others were shopkeepers, merchants and even engineers. Some achieved a more profound knowledge of the country (and its language) than others, but all were affected to some degree by the momentous events which led to Italian unification. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 560 pages PB 9781350133617 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350122796 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9781350136021 Library eBook 9781350136007 Bloomsbury Academic
H I S T O R Y – European / British History
Antiauthoritarian Youth Culture in Francoist Spain
The Making of a Postwar Republic
This book offers a fresh perspective on the genesis of the Italian republic as viewed through the efforts of its three most influential leaders: Christian Democrat Alcide De Gasperi, Socialist Pietro Nenni and Communist Palmiro Togliatti. The author demonstrates how De Gasperi and his fellow statesmen’s shared experience of Fascist oppression, belief in popular sovereignty and ability to compromise despite ideological differences enabled the creation of Italy’s postwar republic. Drawing on personal papers, speeches and writings as well as governmental and party archives, he shows how these leaders' political practices and customs continue to define Italian parliamentary life today. UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 256 pages • 15 bw illus HB 9781474215497 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781474215510 Library eBook 9781474215503 Bloomsbury Academic
Britain, France and Europe, 1945-1975 Almost Allies
Anthony Adamthwaite, University of California, Berkeley, USA In the aftermath of the Second World War, France seized the initiative in European construction, gaining ascendancy in Western Europe; Britain became the sick man. How and why did the French outsmart their arch-rivals? Drawing on American, British and French official records, together with private papers and interviews, Anthony Adamthwaite explores the reasons for French success. As well as reassessing Britain’s membership bids for the European Community, the comparative study evaluates key influences: the mentality of decision makers; leadership styles; the post-1945 international system; policy making machinery; the ‘democratic deficit’ in British and French politics and public opinion. UK April 2020 • US April 2020 • 272 pages HB 9781441156525 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781441129178 Library eBook 9781441100627 Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
H I S T O R Y – British History
British Flag Officers in the French Wars, 1793-1815
Photographing Crime Scenes in 20th-Century London
John Morrow, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Alexa Neale, Sussex University, UK
Admirals' Lives
British Flag Officers in the French Wars, 1793-1815 considers the professional lives of well-known and more obscure admirals, vice-admirals and rear-admirals. It examines the demands of naval command, flag officers’ understanding of their authority and their approach to exercising it, their ambitions and failures, their professional interactions, and their lives afloat and onshore. In exploring these themes, it draws on a wide range of correspondence and other primary source material. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 352 pages • 17 bw illus PB 9781350127777 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781474277679 Individual eBook 9781474277686 Library eBook 9781474277693 Bloomsbury Academic
The Making of England
A New History of the Anglo-Saxon World Mark Atherton, Oxford University, UK During the 10th century England began to emerge as a distinct country with an identity that was both part of, yet separate from, 'Christendom'. Here, Mark Atherton shows how the stories, legends, biographies and chronicles of Anglo-Saxon England reflected both this exciting time of innovation as well as the myriad lives, loves and hates of the people who wrote them. Bringing a volatile age to vivid and muscular life, Atherton argues that it was the vernacular of Alfred the Great, as much as Viking war, that truly forged the nation. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 352 pages • 43 bw illus PB 9781838604035 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784530051 Individual eBook 9781786721549 Library eBook 9781786731548 Series: Library of Medieval Studies • Bloomsbury Academic
With 10 case studies and 30 images, this book will take you inside the homes that were murder crime scenes to read their geographical and symbolic meanings in the light of the development of crime scene photography, forensic analysis and psychological testing. In doing so, it reveals how photographs of domestic objects and spaces were often used to recreate a motive for the murder based on the defendant's identity rather than to prove if they committed the crime at all. UK May 2020 • US May 2020 • 240 pages • 30 bw illus HB 9781350089419 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350089433 Library eBook 9781350089426 Series: History of Crime, Deviance and Punishment • Bloomsbury Academic
Female Philanthropy in the Interwar World Between Self and Other
Eve Colpus, University of Southampton, UK Focusing on the stories of four remarkable Britishborn women - Evangeline Booth; Lettice Fisher; Emily Kinnaird; and Muriel Paget – Eve Colpus explores the social, cultural and political influence of women's philanthropy upon practices of social activism. This book is not only a new history of women's civic agency in the interwar period, but also a study of how female philanthropists explored approaches to identification and cultural difference that emphasized friendship in relation to interwar modernity. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 312 pages • 15 bw illus PB 9781350127784 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781474259682 Individual eBook 9781474259699 Library eBook 9781474259705 Bloomsbury Academic
The Second World War and the 'Other British Isles'
Peace and Power in Cold War Britain
Daniel Travers, Laurentian University, Canada
Christopher R. Hill, Birmingham City University, UK
Memory and Heritage in the Isle of Man, Orkney and the Channel Islands In this remarkable contribution to British Island Studies, Daniel Travers pursues these histories and their commemoration across numerous local sites of memory: museums, heritage sites, public spaces. He examines the way these island identities assert their own distinctiveness over the British wartime story, and ultimately the way they fit into the ongoing discourse about how the memory of the Second World War has been constructed since 1945. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 248 pages • 10 bw illus PB 9781350145801 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350006942 Individual eBook 9781350006959 Library eBook 9781350006966 Bloomsbury Academic
Microhistories of Domestic Murder
Media, Movements and Democracy, c.1945-68
Peace and Power in Cold War Britain is the first account to discuss peace movements such as the anti-nuclear and anti-Vietnam War movements in a single, in-depth narrative, thus showing the evolution of radicalism in Britain over a longer period of time. It also demonstrates the links between the organisational and political histories of these movements and the wider social and cultural changes which they helped to pioneer. This book is an important contribution to the literature on post-war Britain and the social and cultural history of the Cold War. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 320 pages • 20 bw illus PB 9781350151031 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781474279345 Individual eBook 9781474279352 Library eBook 9781474279369 Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
Seeking Love in Modern Britain
Rosemary Cresswell, University of Hull, UK
Zoe Strimpel, University of Sussex, UK
Health and Humanitarianism
Rosemary Cresswell tells the story of the British Red Cross (BRC) within politics and society. She illustrates how major episodes in modern British political and military history are integral to the BRC's story, covering a diverse range of case studies, from the 2nd wave of European colonialism, the South African War, the 2 World Wars and IRA and Al-Qaida terror attacks. UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 368 pages • 20 b&w images PB 9781350030015 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781350027961 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9781350027985 Library eBook 9781350027978 Bloomsbury Academic
Gender, Dating and the Rise of ‘the Single’
Seeking Love in Modern Britain charts the emergence of the modern British single through an account of the dating industry that sprang up to serve her and him from the 1970s onwards. It shows how – amid a period of unprecedented sexual and social change – ‘the single’ became a key unisex identity and lifestyle. Refuting the widespread idea that the Internet invented modern dating, this book uses an eclectic and engaging range of first-person accounts and snapshots from the time to show that the story of contemporary romance, mediated courtship and singleness began in a time long before Tinder.
H I S T O R Y – British History
The History of the British Red Cross, 1870-2020
UK March 2020 • US March 2020 • 256 pages PB 9781350099395 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350095915 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9781350095939 Library eBook 9781350095922 Bloomsbury Academic
British Children's Literature and the First World War Representations since 1914
David Budgen, University of Kent, UK Using novels, school textbooks, comics and story papers, as well as publishers’ archives, social surveys, Department of Education files and other primary documents, this book examines developments in understandings of the First World War throughout the 20th century. Budgen raises important questions about the presentation of history: are modern children’s books about the past more accurate than their forebears? Why do children’s authors want to write about the war? Do they successfully represent the reality of the past, and is accuracy important? UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 256 pages PB 9781350142985 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781474256858 Individual eBook 9781474256865 Library eBook 9781474256872 Bloomsbury Academic
The Revolt of British Conservatives against Democracy and Political Modernity (1929-1939) Bernhard Dietz, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Germany The danger to British democracy in the interwar period came from a different source to that which has thus far been assumed: from a network of radical Conservatives who challenged the political system and sought to replace it with an authoritarian corporate state. In this book this network is systematically analysed for the first time and its members are given a name: Neo-Tories. With strong links to the European right, yet a minority back home, this group of British Conservatives are all the more fascinating today because it is on their ultimate failure that the success of British democracy rested. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 328 pages PB 9781350143005 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781472570024 Individual eBook 9781472570048 Library eBook 9781472570031 Bloomsbury Academic
Leisure, Voluntary Action and Social Change in Britain, 18801939 Robert Snape, University of Bolton, UK
'A fascinating account of how a wide range of different groups and individuals saw and promoted leisure as a means of reforming society for better.' Martin Johnes, Swansea University, UK This book documents the cultural shift from aristocratic charitable philanthropy to the social service of the masses, and it teases out the intellectual influences underpinning the movement from figures like Matthew Arnold, John Ruskin, and William Morris. Leisure, as Robert Snape demonstrates, has been a central and poorly recognised organizing force in British communities, from its developments at the grassroots and neighbourhood level to its rise in social pillars like the YMCA & YWCA, Working-men's Clubs, and the National Council of Social Service. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 256 pages • 10 bw illus PB 9781350136083 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350003019 Individual eBook 9781350003026 Library eBook 9781350003033 Bloomsbury Academic
Britannia's Zealots, Volume I
Tradition, Empire and the Forging of the Conservative Right N.C. Fleming, University of Worcester, UK Britannia's Zealots is the first book-length study to examine the Tory Right from the late19th century to the present day. Neil Fleming explores the overlooked ways in which Tory Right parliamentarians have shaped their party’s policies and propaganda, in and out of office, and their relationships with the press and ordinary activists. It demonstrates that this influence could be circumscribing, and on occasion highly disruptive, with consequences which remain relevant for today’s Conservative party. UK April 2020 • US April 2020 • 336 pages • 12 bw illus PB 9781474237840 • £27.99 / $37.95 Previously published in HB 9781474237833 Individual eBook 9781474237857 Library eBook 9781474237864 Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
H I S T O R Y – British and Irish History
Capital and Labour in Victorian England Manufacturing Consensus
Donna Loftus, The Open University, UK Capital and Labour in Victorian England explores how accounts of industrial society evolved in the 19th century and how they inspired reform movements designed to accommodate the conflicts and contradictions that were a feature of industrial capitalism. It traces the rise of capitalist utopianism in the mid-century and looks at how such visions fell apart in the face of industrial unrest, organised labour and more aggressive forms of capitalism. This book reveals and challenges how certain understandings of the past were accepted and offers new interventions by drawing on a range of sources. UK May 2020 • US May 2020 • 208 pages HB 9781441196583 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781441126368 Library eBook 9781441126832 Series: New Directions in Social and Cultural History • Bloomsbury Academic
The WRNS in Wartime
The Women's Royal Naval Service 19171945 Hannah Roberts, Godalming College, UK The Women's Royal Naval Service (WRNS) was created in 1917, re-formed in 1938 and maintained after 1945. This book determines for the first time the reasons for the expansion and contraction of the service, the impact of key individuals, and in turn, the influence the service had on its members. Hannah Roberts offers new insights into a previously under-studied British military institution, which celebrated its centenary in 2017. She shows how political and military decision-making within the fluctuating national security situation, coupled with the growing cultural acceptability of women taking on military roles, allowed for the unprecedented growth of the service in World War II. Using 21 new oral histories and a multitude of archived personal documents, this book demonstrates the vital importance of the Women's Royal Naval Service in both the world wars. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 288 pages • 10 black and white illustrations in an 8-page plates section, 1 figure and 6 tables PB 9780755601981 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781788310017 Individual eBook 9781786723253 Library eBook 9781786733252 Bloomsbury Academic
Imaging the Great Irish Famine Representing Dispossession in Visual Culture Niamh Ann Kelly The depiction of historical humanitarian disasters in art exhibitions, news reports, monuments and heritage landscapes has framed the harrowing images we currently associate with dispossession. In a reappraisal of the viewer's role in representations of displacement, Niamh Ann Kelly examines a wide range of commemorative visual culture from the mid-nineteenth-century Great Irish Famine. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 320 pages • 64 bw illus PB 9781350145689 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784537104 Individual eBook 9781838608712 Library eBook 9781838608729 Bloomsbury Academic
Warrior Generation 1865-1885
Militarism and British Working Class Boys Richard Fulton, Washington State University, USA Richard Fulton's Warrior Generation fundamentally rethinks the efficacy of an institutional drive among influential middle-class opinion leaders to militarize lower-class boys in Victorian Britain. He contends that instead of engendering this desired militarism, as has been commonly argued, their push had merely contributed to a fastdeveloping culture of adventure and masculinity. UK May 2020 • US May 2020 • 288 pages • 12 bw illus HB 9781350138759 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350138773 Library eBook 9781350138766 Bloomsbury Academic
Youth and Popular Culture in 1950s Ireland
Eleanor O’Leary, Institute of Technology, Carlow, Ireland Focusing on a decade in Irish history which has been largely overlooked, Youth and Popular Culture in 1950s Ireland provides the most complete account of the 1950s in Ireland, through the eyes of the young people who contributed, slowly but steadily, to the social and cultural transformation of Irish society. Examining the 1950s through the unique prism of youth culture and reconnecting the decade to the process of social and cultural transition in the second half of the 20th century, this book is a valuable contribution to the literature on 20th-century Irish history. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 256 pages • 12 bw illus PB 9781350136076 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350015890 Individual eBook 9781350015906 Library eBook 9781350015883 Bloomsbury Academic
Ireland and the Great War A Social and Political History
Niamh Gallagher, St Catharine’s College at the University of Cambridge, UK In Ireland and the Great War Niamh Gallagher draws upon a formidable array of original research to offer a radical new reading of Irish involvement in the world’s first total war. Exploring the ‘home front’ and Irish diasporic communities in Canada, Australia, and Britain, Gallagher reveals that substantial support for the Allied war effort continued largely unabated not only until November 1918, but afterwards as well. Often this was a joint effort between Protestants and Catholics, who collaborated in various ways to support an international cause they both believed in. Rich in social texture and with fascinating new case studies of Irish participation in the conflict, this book has the makings of a major rethinking of Ireland’s twentieth century. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 272 pages HB 9781788314626 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781786726148 Library eBook 9781786736208 Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
The History of the Russian Worker
Elizabeth White, University of the West of England, UK
Alice Pate, Kennesaw State University, USA
From the Late Imperial Period to the Collapse of the Soviet Union
A Modern History of Russian Childhood examines the changes and continuities in ideas about Russian childhood during the 19th and 20th centuries. It looks at how children were thought about and treated in Russian and Soviet culture, and what this tells us about the societies they lived in, and how radical social and economic changes affected these children. This book is key reading for anyone wanting to understand the history of modern Russia from a social perspective or the nature and history of childhood in modern Europe. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 256 pages PB 9781474240215 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781474240222 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781474240246 Library eBook 9781474240239 Series: The Bloomsbury History of Modern Russia Series • Bloomsbury Academic
Law and the Russian State
Russia’s Legal Evolution from Peter the Great to Vladimir Putin William E. Pomeranz, Georgetown University, USA This book examines Russia’s legal evolution from Peter the Great to Vladimir Putin, addressing the continuities and disruptions of Russian law during the imperial, Soviet, and post-Soviet periods along the way. It covers key themes, including law and empire, law and modernization, the politicization of law, the role of intellectuals and dissidents in mobilizing the law, the evolution of Russian legal institutions, the struggle for human rights and the rule-of-law, and the quest to establish the law-based state. The book will also analyze legal culture and how Russians understand and use the law. UK May 2020 • US May 2020 • 256 pages PB 9781474224215 • £19.99 / $26.95 Previously published in HB 9781474224222 Individual eBook 9781474224246 Library eBook 9781474224239 Series: The Bloomsbury History of Modern Russia Series • Bloomsbury Academic
Life and Change from Peter the Great to Vladimir Putin Examining the history of workers in Russia from the time of Peter the Great to the present, this book analyzes Russia’s labour history in the global context of a modernizing world; it ensures that the history of workers in Russia can be understood in relation to that of the rest of Europe and beyond. Alice Pate explains the social and political forces that shaped workers lives, such as urbanization, modernization, state and society, globalization and state formation. UK October 2020 • US October 2020 • 256 pages PB 9781474290913 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781474290920 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781474290937 Library eBook 9781474290906 Series: The Bloomsbury History of Modern Russia Series • Bloomsbury Academic
Library of Modern Russia The Fate of the Bolshevik Revolution Illiberal Liberation, 1917-41
Edited by Lara Douds, Northumbria University, UK, James Harris, University of Leeds, UK & Peter Whitewood, York St. John University, UK How did a regime that promised ultimate liberation descend into terror and tyranny? Drawing from long-ignored archival sources and combining political, social, and cultural approaches to Russian history, The Fate of the Bolshevik Revolution brings together an international team of leading scholars to reconsider one of the most important and controversial questions of 20th-century history: how to explain the rise of the repressive Stalinist dictatorship. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 328 pages PB 9781350117891 • £24.99 / $34.95 • HB 9781350117907 • £75.00 / $100.00 Individual eBook 9781350117921 Library eBook 9781350117914 Series: Library of Modern Russia • Bloomsbury Academic
The Old Believers in Imperial Russia
Myth Making in the Soviet Union and Modern Russia
Peter T. De Simone, Utica College, USA
Vicky Davis, Independent Scholar, UK
Oppression, Opportunism and Religious Identity in Tsarist Moscow While scholars have commonly painted the history of the Old Believers as one of survival in the face of persistent persecution, Peter De Simone offers a more nuanced picture. Based on research into extensive, yet mostly unknown, archival materials in Moscow, he shows the Old Believers as versatile and opportunistic, and demonstrates that they actively engaged with, and even challenged, the very notion of the spiritual and ideological place of Moscow in Imperial Russia. Ranging in scope from Peter the Great to Lenin, this book will be of use to all scholars of Russian and Orthodox Church history. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 288 pages • 25 bw illus PB 9780755601325 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784538927 Individual eBook 9781838609535 Library eBook 9781838609542 Series: Library of Modern Russia • Bloomsbury Academic
H I S T O R Y – Russian History
A Modern History of Russian Childhood
Remembering World War II in Brezhnev’s Hero City The 1943 battle to free the Soviet Black Sea port of Novorossiisk from German occupation was fought from the beach head of Malaia Zemlia, where the young Colonel Leonid Brezhnev saw action. Through the prism of this provincial Russian town, Vicky Davis sheds light on the character of Brezhnev as perceived by his people, and on the process of memory for the ordinary Russian citizen. This book represents a much-needed departure from the study of myth and memory in larger cities of the former Soviet Union, adding nuance to the existing portrait of Brezhnev and demonstrating the continued importance of war memory in Russia today. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 368 pages • 35 bw illus PB 9780755602735 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784539481 Individual eBook 9781786722737 Library eBook 9781786732736 Series: Library of Modern Russia • Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
H I S T O R Y – Russian History
Library of Modern Russia Publishing in Tsarist Russia A History of Print Media from Enlightenment to Revolution
Edited by Yukiko Tatsumi, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan & Taro Tsurumi, The University of Tokyo, Japan This transnational examination of Russian publishing from the 18th to 20th centuries demonstrates the important and complex role the popular press played in Imperial Russia due to the franca lingua nature of the Russian language at this time. This exciting international team provides a much-needed fresh take on the history of Russian publishing and contribute to our understanding of print media, language, and empire. Publishing in Tsarist Russia is therefore a vital resource for scholars of Russian history, comparative nationalism, and publishing studies. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 272 pages • 16 bw illus HB 9781350109339 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350109353 Library eBook 9781350109346 Series: Library of Modern Russia • Bloomsbury Academic
Russia in the Time of Cholera
Disease under Romanovs and Soviets John P. Davis, Hopkinsville Community College, Kentucky, USA Drawing on extensive archival research and the so-called 'material turn' in historiography, John P. Davis demonstrates that Romanov-era physicians' environmental approach to disease was not ill-grounded but born of pragmatic scientific considerations. The physicians confronted cholera in a broad and sophisticated way, essentially laying the foundations for the system of public health that the Soviets successfully used to defeat cholera during the New Economic Policy (1922-1928). By focusing for the first time on the conclusion of the cholera epoch in Russia, Davis adds an indispensable layer of nuance to the existing conception of Romanov Russia and its complicated legacy in the Soviet period. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 336 pages • 8 bw illus PB 9781350130111 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781788311687 Individual eBook 9781786723659 Library eBook 9781786733658 Series: Library of Modern Russia • Bloomsbury Academic
Writing History in Late Imperial Russia Scholarship and the Literary Canon
Frances Nethercott, University of St. Andrews, UK Grounding its analysis in the works of historians Timofei Granovskii, Vasilii Klyuchevskii, and Ivan Grevs, Writing History in Late Imperial Russia explores how Russian thinkers--being sensitive to the social, cultural, and psychological resonances of creative writing--drew on the literary canon as a valuable resource for understanding the past. The result is a novel and nuanced discussion of the influences of literature on the development of Russian historiography, which shines new light both on late Imperial attitudes to historical investigation and considers the legacy of such historical practice on Russia today. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 288 pages HB 9781350130401 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350130425 Library eBook 9781350130418 Series: Library of Modern Russia • Bloomsbury Academic
The Communist Party in the Russian Civil War A Political History
Gayle Lonergan, Higher School of Economics, Russia This book challenges the traditional historical view that the communist party in-fighting during the Russian civil war was a dualistic struggle between Trotsky’s democratically inclined party and the bureaucratic Stalinist version. Rather, what emerges from Lonergan’s meticulous research is a party in constant flux, whose unstable membership in many ways actually pushed the leadership into an increasingly authoritarian stance. Examining the six party congresses that took place during the civil war and drawing from the political and personal archives of various party members, this book is a much-needed re-assessment of the Soviet Union’s formative political years. UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 240 pages • 0 HB 9781350115248 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350115262 Library eBook 9781350115255 Series: Library of Modern Russia • Bloomsbury Academic
Soviet Americana
The Cultural History of Russian and Ukrainian Americanists Sergei Zhuk, Ball State University, USA Drawing on a wide range of understudied archival documents as well as more than 100 exclusive interviews with prominent Americanists, this book takes readers from the post-war origins of American studies to Putin's Russia. From John Wayne to Miles Davis, Sergei Zhuk explores the personal histories of prominent Soviet Americanists and sheds new light on the cultural influences that shaped identities, careers and academic interests. As such, Soviet Americana provides a comprehensive insight into shifting attitudes towards the US throughout the 20th century and an essential resource for all Soviet and Cold War historians. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 352 pages • 20 bw illus PB 9781350130128 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784539108 Individual eBook 9781786723031 Library eBook 9781786733030 Series: Library of Modern Russia • Bloomsbury Academic
Translating England into Russian
The Politics of Children's Literature in the Soviet Union and Modern Russia Elena Goodwin, Independent Scholar, UK Looking through the lens of translated children’s literature and grounded in translation theory, Translating England into Russian explores of ideas of censorship, politics and ideology as well as shedding new light on Anglo-Russian relations from the Russian Revolution to the present day. In doing so, Elena Goodwin provides the first analysis of the role of translated children’s literature in modern Russian history. This ground-breaking book will therefore be a vital resource for both those studying the social and political history of Russia and literary scholars interested in the history of translation. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 272 pages • 14 bw illus HB 9781350133990 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350134010 Library eBook 9781350134003 Series: Library of Modern Russia • Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
Gender and Survival in Soviet Russia
Nomads and Soviet Rule
A Life in the Shadow of Stalin’s Terror
Alun Thomas, Staffordshire University, UK
Ludmila Miklashevskaya
The nomads of Central Asia were already well accustomed to life under the power of a distant capital when the Bolsheviks fomented revolution on the streets of Petrograd. Yet after the fall of the Tsar, the nature, ambition and potency of that power would change dramatically, ultimately resulting in the near eradication of Central Asian nomadism. Based on extensive primary source work in Almaty, Bishkek and Moscow, Nomads and Soviet Rule charts the development of this volatile and brutal relationship and challenges the often repeated view that events followed a linear path of gradually escalating violence.
Edited and Translated by Elaine MacKinnon, University of West Georgia, USA Accompanied by a translator’s introduction and historical explanatory notes, Gender and Survival in Soviet Russia sheds new light on the relationship between power, gender, and society in 20th-century Russia. From her Jewish upbringing in Odessa to her exile and false imprisonment in a labour camp, this book tells the important story of Ludmila Miklashevskaya’s persecution in Soviet Russia and provides insight into Soviet artistic, intellectual, and political life set against the tumultuous backdrop of revolutions, wars, and repressive regimes. It is thus a vital primary resource for scholars of modern Russian history and gender studies. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 336 pages HB 9781350139206 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350139237 Library eBook 9781350139213 Series: Library of Modern Russia • Bloomsbury Academic World English
Criminal Subculture in the Gulag Prisoner Society in the Stalinist Labour Camps Mark Vincent, Independent Scholar, UK From Gulag journals to tattoo drawings, Mark Vincent draws on a range of archival materials from the Moscow Criminological Bureau to reconstruct a fuller picture of Gulag daily life. In thematic chapters, Criminal Subculture in the Gulag maps the ‘penal arc’ of prisoners across initiation tests, means of communication, the importance of card playing, punishment rituals and the notorious 1948-52 cyka (‘bitches’) internal prison war between military veterans and vory-v-zakone. This interdisciplinary volume is important reading for all scholars of modern Russia as well as those interested in international criminality and penology.
Central Asia under Lenin and Stalin
UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 272 pages • 2 bw illus PB 9781350143685 • £28.99 / $39.95 • HB 9781350143340 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838608927 Library eBook 9781838608934 Series: Library of Modern Russia • Bloomsbury Academic
H I S T O R Y – Russian History
Library of Modern Russia
New Drama in Russian
Performance, Politics and Protest Edited by J.A.E. Curtis, University of Oxford, UK In New Drama in Russian, Julie Curtis brings together an international team of leading scholars and practitioners to analyse the role of New Drama in the post-soviet era. Since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, theatres, dramatists, and critics have used the genre as a lens through which to explore a wide topics from human rights and crime to sexuality and racism. Through providing analytical surveys of the transnational and outspoken genre alongside case-studies of plays and interviews with playwrights, this volume sheds much-needed light on the key issues of performance, politics, and protest in the post-Soviet world. UK April 2020 • US April 2020 • 288 pages HB 9781788313506 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350142480 Library eBook 9781350142473 Series: Library of Modern Russia • Bloomsbury Academic
UK May 2020 • US May 2020 • 272 pages • 30 bw illus HB 9781788311892 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350142749 Library eBook 9781350142732 Series: Library of Modern Russia • Bloomsbury Academic
Russian-Turkmen Encounters Modernity, Domesticity and Temporality in Russia Time at Home
Rebecca Friedman, Florida International University, USA Modernity, Domesticity and Temporality in Russia: Time at Home explores how Russian domestic space embodies modern concepts of time. Rebecca Friedman is the first to examine Russian domesticity through a temporal lens, and the result is a unique and nuanced account of how Russians revolutionised domestic space according to contemporary conventions of timeliness and how these shifts play their part in larger drive for utopian communal dreams of the Soviet Union. UK July 2020 • US July 2020 • 272 pages • 15 bw illus HB 9781350112438 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350112452 Library eBook 9781350112445 Bloomsbury Academic
The Caspian Frontier before the Great Game S. Peter Poullada Translated by Claora E. Styron In the mid-18th century the Russian tsar sent two expeditions across the Caspian Sea in response to an plea for assistance from the recently subjugated Kalmyk Khan. The official journals of these expeditions, here translated into English for the first time, record the encounters of Captains Tebelev and Kopitovskii with the Turkmen tribes of the Caspian frontier zone. Together they form the basis for Peter Poullada's study of the relationship between the expanding Russian empire and the tribal peoples of Central Asia over a period of more than 200 years. Russian-Turkmen Encounters provides a valuable new resource that will lead to a deeper understanding of Russia's imperial expansion and its involvement with the major political groups in Central Asia. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 192 pages • 2 bw and 7 colour illus PB 9780755602742 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784537012 Individual eBook 9781786722348 Library eBook 9781786732347 Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
H I S T O R Y – Asian History
The China Journals
Ideology and Intrigue in the 1960s Hugh Trevor-Roper Edited by Richard Davenport-Hines Hugh Trevor-Roper visited China for three weeks in 1965 under the auspices of the Society for AngloChinese Understanding. Subsequently he was the leading protagonist in a publicly-fought battle over the clandestine finances, communist affiliations, ideological propaganda and organisational mismanagement of SACU, which he indicted as a front for Maoist agents of influence. Two years later he visited Taiwan, Thailand and Cambodia. His detailed diaries offer insight into the secret policing, oppression and fears inside Mao's China in 1965, as well as exploring Trevor-Roper's relationship with the British security services. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 272 pages HB 9781350136052 • £25.00 / $35.00 Individual eBook 9781350136038 Library eBook 9781350136045 Bloomsbury Academic
Gender, Slavery and Abolition in the British Straits Settlements, 1795-1841 Shawna Herzog, Washington State University, USA
Shawna Herzog explores the ways sex and gender complicated the enforcement of colonial antislavery policies, the challenges local officials faced in identifying slave populations, and how European reclassification of slave labor to systems of indenture, or ‘free,’ labor created a new illicit trade for women and girls to the Strait Settlements of Southeast Asia. This book provides an important new perspective for scholars of slavery interested in Southeast Asia, British imperialism in the Indian Ocean world and Asia, the East India Company in the Straits, and gender and sexuality in the context of empire. UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 240 pages HB 9781350073203 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350073227 Library eBook 9781350073210 Bloomsbury Academic
The Collapse of British Rule in Burma The Civilian Evacuation and Independence
Michael D. Leigh, SOAS, University of London, UK In May 1942 colonial Burma was in a state of military, economic and constitutional collapse, while thousands of evacuees attempted trek out of Burma to India amidst perilous conditions. Drawing on diverse and previously unpublished accounts, Michael D. Leigh analyses the experiences of evacuees in both Burma and India and critically examines the impact of evacuation on colonial and Burmese politics in the lead-up to independence in 1948. This study will be of particular interest to students and scholars of Burmese history, 20th-century imperialism and the global reach of the Second World War. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 304 pages • 15 bw illus PB 9781350147577 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781472589736 Individual eBook 9781472589750 Library eBook 9781472589743 Bloomsbury Academic
Literature and Cultural Identity during the Korean War Comparing North and South Korean Writing
Jerôme de Wit, University of Tübingen, Germany Literature and Cultural Identity during the Korean War considers the similarities and differences in the way that writers from both North and South Korea perceived and experienced the conflict. Jerôme de Wit examines the social impact of major themes in the output of these writers, such as the notion of collaboration, the portrayal of the enemy and heroes, and the role of women during war, to further our understanding of the wartime identities that were constructed by the two Koreas. The result is a nuanced and enlightening study which provides a base to explore the role of culture in the formation of North and South Korea. UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 208 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781350106529 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350106543 Library eBook 9781350106536 Series: War, Culture and Society • Bloomsbury Academic
The Postcolonial Moment in South and Southeast Asia
Edited by Gyan Prakash, Princeton University, USA, Nikhil Menon, University of Notre Dame, USA & Michael Laffan, Princeton University, USA "This wonderfully creative work should stimulate more serious scholarship exploring the questions left open here: did the 'post-colonial moment' ever end?" David Ludden, New York University, USA The book places key postcolonial moments - a struggle for citizenship, anxious constitution making, mass education and land reform - against the aftermath of the Second World War and within a global framework, relating them to the global transformation in political geography from empire to nation. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 304 pages PB 9781350127760 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350038639 Individual eBook 9781350038653 Library eBook 9781350038646 Bloomsbury Academic
The Dutch East India Company in Early Modern Japan Gift Giving and Diplomacy
Michael Laver, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA Michael Laver examines how the giving of exotic gifts in early modern Japan facilitated Dutch trade by ascribing legitimacy to the shogunal government and by playing into the shogun’s desire to create a worldview centered on a Japanese tributary state. The book reveals how formal and informal gift exchange also created a smooth working relationship between the Dutch and the Japanese bureaucracy, allowing the politically charged issue of foreign trade to proceed relatively uninterrupted for over two centuries. UK April 2020 • US April 2020 • 208 pages • 20 bw illus HB 9781350126039 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350126053 Library eBook 9781350126046 Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
Religion, Rebels and Jihad
Ilyse R. Morgenstein Fuerst, University of Vermont, USA While jihad has been the subject of countless studies in the wake of recent terrorist attacks, scholarship on the topic has so far paid little attention to South Asian Islam and, more specifically, its place in South Asian history. Seeking to address these gaps, Ilyse R. Morgenstein Fuerst examines the 1857 Rebellion, and explores how interpretations of the Rebellion as jihad shaped subsequent discourses, definitions and codifications of Islam in the region. Drawing on extensive primary source analysis, this unique take on Islamic identities in South Asia will be invaluable to scholars working on British colonial history, India and the Raj, as well as to those studying Islam in the region and beyond. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 240 pages PB 9780755603794 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784538552 Individual eBook 9781786722379 Library eBook 9781786732378 Bloomsbury Academic
Art and History
Texts, Contexts and Visual Representations in Ancient and Early Medieval India Edited by R Mahalakshmi, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India With contributions from historians and art historians seeking to unravel the interface between art and history, this volume dwells on the significance of visual representations in specific regional historical contexts, the range of symbolic signification attached to these and the mythologies and textual prescriptions that contribute to the codification and use of representational forms. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 304 pages HB 9789388414302 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9789388414319 Bloomsbury Academic India World All Languages (excluding India/Indian subcontinent)
Testimonies of Enslavement
Sources on Slavery from the Indian Ocean World Matthias van Rossum, International Institute of Social History and University of Leiden, the Netherlands Drawing on the rich archives of the Court of Justice of Cochin, a main settlement of the Dutch East India Company, this book presents ten court cases that deal with themes of enslavement and ‘enslaveability’. Offering detailed insights into interrogations and testimonies, they paint a unique picture of the complex historical realities in which processes of enslavement and relations of slavery were shaped. Through these cases the reader is able to understand the dynamics of bondage, caste and social control from sources that have remained all but unstudied by historians. UK April 2020 • US April 2020 • 288 pages HB 9781350122352 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350122376 Library eBook 9781350122369 Bloomsbury Academic
Water and the Environmental History of Modern India
Velayutham Saravanan, Jamia Millia Islamia, India This important new historical study investigates the competing demand for water in the Bhavani and Noyyal River basins of south India since 1800, expanding the horizon of environmental history in the process. Until now, agriculture, industry and domestic water supply and their consequences for ecology, the environment and livelihoods have been given scant attention. Velayutham Saravanan’s comprehensive account of both the colonial and post-colonial periods corrects this shortcoming in the field’s literature and provides a holistic understanding of the problem and its full historical roots.
H I S T O R Y – Asian History
Indian Muslim Minorities and the 1857 Rebellion
UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 256 pages HB 9781350130821 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350130845 Library eBook 9781350130838 Bloomsbury Academic
Debating Women's Citizenship in India, 1930–1960 Annie Devenish, University of KwaZuluNatal, South Africa
Exploring the agency of Indian feminists and nationalists whose careers straddle the transition from colonialism to independence, this book focuses on leading members of the All India Women's Conference (AIWC) and the National Federation of Indian Women (NFIW). Drawing on the richness and depth of life histories through autobiography and oral interviews, together with archival research, it excavates the mental products of these women’s lives, their ideas, their writings and their discourse, to develop a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the feminist political personas of this generation, and how these personas negotiated the political and social terrains of their time. UK June 2019 • US August 2019 • 288 pages HB 9789388271943 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9789388271967 Bloomsbury Academic India World All Languages (excluding India/Indian subcontinent)
ReOrienting Histories of Medicine
Encounters along the Silk Roads Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK ReOrienting Histories of Medicine takes a crosscultural approach that provides a re-appraisal of the ‘globalised' character of early medicine. It re-orients medical history, and emphasizes the role of the transmission of medical ideas and practices between European and Asian cultures. Using original research taken from the medical findings of Dunhuang, Turpan and Cairo Genizah, this book contextualises the history of Euro-Asian medical encounters, from Greco-Indic early contacts to the present adoptions of mindfulness in psychotherapy. UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 192 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781472512574 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781472512499 Library eBook 9781472507181 Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
H I S T O R Y – Asian History
SOAS Studies in Modern and Contemporary Japan Series Editor: Christopher Gerteis, University of Tokyo, Japan and SOAS University of London, UK
Imperial Japan and Defeat in the Second World War
Overcoming Empire in PostImperial East Asia
Peter Wetzler, Ostasieninstitut, Germany
Edited by Barak Kushner, University of Cambridge, UK & Sherzod Muminov, University of East Anglia, UK
The Collapse of an Empire
Imperial Japan and Defeat in the Second World War offers an account of Japan's defeat in the Second World War and the collapse of Japan's Empire from a Japanese perspective. Drawing from various archives, Wetzler makes available to readers vital primary and secondary Japanese sources; most notably, this book provides the first English translation of the recently-released Actual Record of the Showa Emperor. This study presents a nuanced and sensitive account and offers a muchneeded corrective to traditional Western scholarship on Japan and the Second World War. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 272 pages HB 9781350120815 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350120839 Library eBook 9781350120822 Series: SOAS Studies in Modern and Contemporary Japan • Bloomsbury Academic
Mass Media, Consumerism and National Identity in Postwar Japan Martyn David Smith, SOAS, University of London, UK
Martyn Smith addresses Japan’s evolving nationalism and national identity in relation to its newly rising consumerism through a study of the transformation of the print media and the market for weekly and monthly magazines. Examining housewife magazines, news magazines and publications aimed at young people, Smith shows how the relationship of nationalism to everyday life is best understood by taking into account the changing nature of consumption. By presenting an alternative to the traditional ‘topdown’ narrative of state-driven economic nationalism, this book makes a unique contribution to the study of postwar Japanese history and Japanese nationalism. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 192 pages PB 9781350134348 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350030787 Individual eBook 9781350030794 Library eBook 9781350030770 Series: SOAS Studies in Modern and Contemporary Japan • Bloomsbury Academic
Japan’s Occupation of Java in the Second World War A Transnational History
Ethan Mark, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Repatriation, Redress and Rebuilding
In Overcoming Empire in Post-Imperial Asia, Barak Kushner and Sherzod Muminov bring together an international team of leading scholars to explore the post-imperial history of East Asia. From postwar cinema to chemical warfare, this collection focuses on the aftermath of Japan’s aggressive warfare and the new international strategies which Japan, China, Taiwan, North and South Korea utilised following the collapse of Japan’s empire. The result is a nuanced analysis of the transformation of postwar national identities, colonial politics, and the reordering of society in East Asia. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 264 pages • 4 bw illus HB 9781350127050 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350127074 Library eBook 9781350127067 Series: SOAS Studies in Modern and Contemporary Japan • Bloomsbury Academic
Gathering for Tea in Modern Japan
Class, Culture and Consumption in the Meiji Period Taka Oshikiri, University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica By examining the custom of consuming matcha tea in the Meiji period, this book investigates the interactions between Tokugawa customs and conventions and the incoming influences of Western ideas, material cultures and institutions. It explores the construction of Japan’s modern cultural identity, highlighting the development of new social classes, cultural practices and changes in production-consumption networks of the modern era. Taka Oshikri uses a wealth of Japanese source material, including diaries, newspapers, journal articles, maps, exhibition catalogues and official records. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 208 pages • 2 bw illus PB 9781350143784 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350014015 Individual eBook 9781350014039 Library eBook 9781350014008 Series: SOAS Studies in Modern and Contemporary Japan • Bloomsbury Academic
Engineering Asia
Technology, Colonial Development, and the Cold War Order Edited by Hiromi Mizuno, University of Minnesota, USA, Aaron S. Moore, Arizona State University, USA & John DiMoia, Seoul National University, South Korea
Drawing upon written and oral Japanese, Indonesian, Dutch and English-language sources from both wartime and the postwar period, this book narrates the Japanese occupation of Indonesia as a transnational intersection between two complex Asian societies. It places this narrative in a larger wartime context of domestic, regional, and global crisis that was not only military, but also social, cultural, and economic: a crisis of imperial and liberal capitalist modernity itself. Breaking new ground interpretatively as well as thematically and narratively, Mark’s monumental study is vital for students and scholars of modern Asian history.
Weaving together chapters on Imperial Japan’s wartime mobilization, Asia's first wave of postwar decolonization and Cold War geopolitical conflict, Engineering Asia demonstrates how Asia’s present prosperity was born not of a so-called ‘economic miracle’ but of violent and dynamic eras of the 20th century. The book argues that what continued to operate throughout these tumultuous eras were engineering networks of technology and it highlights how these networks helped shape Asia’s contemporary economic landscape.
UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 368 pages • 5 bw illus PB 9781350144064 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350022201 Individual eBook 9781350022218 Library eBook 9781350022195 Series: SOAS Studies in Modern and Contemporary Japan • Bloomsbury Academic
UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 272 pages PB 9781350150676 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350063921 Individual eBook 9781350063945 Library eBook 9781350063938 Series: SOAS Studies in Modern and Contemporary Japan • Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
Karen Radner
Much of our perception of Babylon in the West is filtered through the poignant echoes of loss and longing that resonate in the Hebrew Bible. The lamenting exiles of Judah craved a return to their lost homeland after the sack of Jerusalem in 587 BC and their forcible removal by Nebuchadnezzar to the alien floodlands of the Euphrates. But to see Babylon only as an adjunct to Old Testament history (while it may be fascinating for the correspondences between – for example – Hammurabi’s famous law code and the Book of Deuteronomy, or the biblical story of the Flood and the Epic of Gilgamesh), is misleading. By the time ill-fated Judaean ruler Hezekiah rebelled against his Babylonian overlord, and was blinded, bound and hustled off to captivity in the city that the Book of Revelation portrays as an epicentre of depravity and harlotry, Babylon had already, for fifteen hundred years, enjoyed a rich and independent history. A Short History of Babylon explores the everchanging city that shaped world history for two millennia. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 224 pages • 40 bw illus PB 9781838601706 • £14.99 / $19.95 • HB 9781838601690 • £45.00 / $61.00 Individual eBook 9781350138278 Library eBook 9781350138285 Series: Short Histories • Bloomsbury Academic
The Wiriyamu Massacre An Oral History, 1960-1974
Mustafah Dhada, California State University, USA Using primary oral narratives, this book shines a light on the infamous Portuguese massacre of Wiriyamu in colonial Mozambique in 1972. Fifteen carefully curated testimonies are presented, covering Portugal’s last colonial war in Mozambique and the nationalist response that led to the massacre. Survivors share their escape from Wiriyamu, while data collectors and journalists tell of their struggle to collect evidence and defend the truth about the killings in the international press. The Wiriyamu Massacre contextualizes the unique importance of oral evidence and reveals the in-depth interview methods used to gather the testimonies and subsequently curate the transcript into engaging narratives. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 272 pages • 16 bw illus PB 9781350119963 • £22.99 / $30.95 • HB 9781350119932 • £70.00 / $95.00 Individual eBook 9781350120006 Library eBook 9781350119987 Bloomsbury Academic
Gender, Power and Sexual Abuse in the Pacific
Rev. Simpson’s “Improper Liberties” Emily J. Manktelow, University of Kent, UK In 1843 on the island of Tahiti, the evangelical missionary Rev. Alexander Simpson was accused of taking ‘improper liberties’ with several of the female students under his care. Exploring Rev. Simpson's case, this book provides insights into the gender, power and racial dynamics of a case of sexual abuse on the frontiers of European colonialism. In so doing it explores the social and sexual context of clerical abuse, considers the hierarchies of gender and power that determined how the case was handled, and investigates the nature of colonialism, gender and abuse in the 19th century. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 256 pages • 10 bw illus PB 9781350147638 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781474276351 Individual eBook 9781474276368 Library eBook 9781474276375 Bloomsbury Academic
The End of Empire in Uganda
Decolonization and Institutional Reform, 1945-79 Spencer Mawby, Nottingham University, UK
H I S T O R Y – Middle East, African and Imperial History
A Short History of Babylon
'A brilliant study.' - Christopher Prior, University of Southampton, UK The negative legacy of the British empire is often thought of in terms of war and economic exploitation, while the positive contribution is associated with the establishment of good governance and effective, modern institutions. In this new analysis of the end of empire in Uganda, Spencer Mawby challenges these preconceptions by explaining the many difficulties which arose when the British attempted to impose western institutional models on Ugandan society. UK May 2020 • US May 2020 • 272 pages • 5 bw illus HB 9781350051799 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350051812 Library eBook 9781350051805 Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
H I S T O R Y – Medieval History
The Women of the Viking World Jóhanna Katrín Friðriksdóttir, Yale University, USA Valkyries: the female supernatural beings that choose who dies and who lives on the battlefield. They protect some, but guide spears, arrows and sword blades into the bodies of others. The fateful agency of women is widespread in Norse sources. Norse sagas and viking myths tell stories of war and strife, loyalty and betrayal, murder and revenge, privation and success. Valkyrie will introduce readers to the diverse and fascinating texts recorded in medieval Iceland, a culture able to imagine women in all kinds of roles carrying power, not just in this world, but pulling the strings in the other-world, too. UK April 2020 • US April 2020 • 272 pages • 16 colour illus HB 9781788314770 • £20.00 / $27.00 Individual eBook 9781350137127 Bloomsbury Academic
Women, Writing and Religion in England and Beyond, 650–1100 Diane Watt, University of Surrey, UK
Women’s literary histories usually start in the later Middle Ages, but recent scholarship has shown that actually women were at the heart of the emergence of the English literary tradition. Women, Writing and Religion in England and Beyond, 650–1100 focuses on the period before the so-called ‘Barking Renaissance’ of women’s writing in the 12th century. By examining the surviving evidence of women’s authorship, as well as the evidence of women’s engagement with literary culture more widely, Diane Watt argues that early women’s writing was often lost, suppressed, and deliberately destroyed. This book provides a much-needed look at women’s writing in the early medieval period that is crucial to understanding women’s literary history more broadly. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 256 pages • 6 bw illus HB 9781474270625 • £70.00 / $94.00 Individual eBook 9781474270649 Library eBook 9781474270656 Series: Studies in Early Medieval History • Bloomsbury Academic
County and Nobility in Norman Italy Power and Authority in the Kingdom of Sicily Hervin Fernández-Aceves, Leeds Humanities Research Institute, UK Whilst it is often seen as centralised and administratively advanced, the genesis and social structures of the Norman Kingdom of Sicily were constantly fraught between the forces of royal power and local aristocracy authority. This book is the result of thorough research conducted on the vast source material for the history of this fascinating 12th century world. Starting with the activities of Norman counts and the configuration of the counties, it explores how social control operated in these nodes of regional authority, and argues that the Sicilian monarchy relied on the counties (and the counts' authority) to keep the realm united and exercise control. UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 304 pages HB 9781350133228 • £90.00 / $120.00 Individual eBook 9781350138339 Library eBook 9781350138315 Bloomsbury Academic
The Irish Scholarly Presence at St. Gall Networks of Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages
Sven Meeder, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands The Carolingian period represented a Golden Age for the abbey of St Gall, an Alpine monastery in modern-day Switzerland. Among its books are several of Irish origin, while others contain works of learning originally written in Ireland. This study explores the practicalities of the spread of this Irish scholarship to St. Gall and the reception it received once there. In doing so, this book for the first time investigates a part of the network of knowledge that fed this important centre of learning with scholarship and offers a new viewpoint on the spread and reception of Irish learning in the Carolingian period. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 200 pages • 6 bw illus PB 9781350129405 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350038677 Individual eBook 9781350038691 Library eBook 9781350038684 Series: Studies in Early Medieval History • Bloomsbury Academic
Cultures of Compunction in the Medieval World Edited by Graham Williams, University of Sheffield, UK & Charlotte Steenbrugge, University of Sheffield, UK
Cultures of Compunction explores how emotion could be expressed, experienced and performed using a range of disciplinary approaches, from history, philosophy, art history, literary studies, performance studies and linguistics. By bringing together expertise across disciplines and medieval languages, this book aims to demonstrate the ubiquity and impact of compunction for medieval life and make wider connections between devotional, secular and quotidian areas of experience. UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 240 pages HB 9781788313445 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350150393 Library eBook 9781350150379 Series: New Directions in Medieval Studies • Bloomsbury Academic
Writing Battles
New Perspectives on Warfare and Memory in Medieval Europe Edited by Máire Ní Mhaonaigh, University of Cambridge, UK, Rory Naismith, King's College London, UK & Elizabeth Ashman Rowe, University of Cambridge, UK Battles have long featured prominently in historical consciousness, as moments when the balance of power was seen to have tipped, or when aspects of collective identity were shaped. But how have perspectives on warfare changed? How similar are present day ideologies of warfare to those of the Medieval period? Looking back over a thousand years of British, Irish and Scandinavian battles, Writing Battles examines how different times and cultures have reacted to war, considering the changing roles of religion and technology in the experience and memorialisation of conflict. UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 256 pages HB 9781788316743 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781786726193 Library eBook 9781786736253 Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
A History of Sorcery and Treason
Francis Young, Independent Scholar, UK Magic as a Political Crime in Medieval and Early Modern England offers the first concerted historical analysis of allegations of the use of magic to either harm or kill the monarch, or else manipulate the course of political events in England, between the 14th century and the dawn of the Enlightenment. This book addresses a subject usually either passed over or elided within the study of witchcraft. It argues that, while charges of treasonable magic certainly were used to destroy reputations or to ensure the convictions of undesirables, magic was also perceived as a genuine threat by English governments into the Civil War era and beyond. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 272 pages PB 9780755602759 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781788310215 Individual eBook 9781786722911 Library eBook 9781786732910 Bloomsbury Academic
Food, Religion and Communities in Early Modern Europe Christopher Kissane, London School of Economics & Political Science, UK
Food, Religion and Communities in Early Modern Europe employs three key case studies in Castile, Zurich and Shetland to explore what food can reveal about the wider social and cultural history of early modern communities undergoing religious upheaval. Christopher Kissane uses a three-part structure focused on the major historical subjects of the Inquisition, the Reformation and witchcraft to examine issues of identity, culture, gender, symbolism, and community. This is an important study for food historians and anyone seeking to understand the significant issues and events in early modern Europe from a fresh perspective. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 240 pages • 23 bw illus PB 9781350143777 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350008465 Individual eBook 9781350008489 Library eBook 9781350008472 Series: Cultures of Early Modern Europe • Bloomsbury Academic
Childhood and Modernity in Cold War Mexico City
Eileen Ford, California State University, Los Angeles, USA Childhood and Modernity in Cold War Mexico City traces the transformations that occurred between 1934 and 1968 in Mexico through the lens of childhood. Eileen Ford uses a wealth of primary sources, ranging from oral histories to photojournalism, to reconstruct the reality of childhood in Mexico City during a period of changing global attitudes towards childhood and well-being. She analyses children’s presence on the silver screen, in radio and in print media to examine the way that children were constructed within public discourse in comparison to their actual experiences, paying particular attention to the influence of the 1968 student movement. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 240 pages • 11 bw illus PB 9781350127753 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350040021 Individual eBook 9781350040038 Library eBook 9781350040045 Bloomsbury Academic
Trade and Cultural Exchange in the Early Modern Mediterranean Braudel's Maritime Legacy
Edited by Maria Fusaro, University of Exeter, UK, Colin Heywood, SOAS, UK & Mohamed-Salah Omri, University of Oxford, UK The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II" by Fernand Braudel revolutionised the study of Mediterranean history on its publication in 1949. Now, 60 years 'after Braudel', this book brings together work by area specialists and the latest research on the sea itself in the early modern period, the maritime trade that flourished there, the ships which travelled it and the men who sailed them. It opens up the subject to English-speaking readers interested in maritime history, naval history, the history of the early modern world and the historiographical legacy of Braudel. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 336 pages • 3 maps, 20 bw integrated PB 9781838606749 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781848851634 Library eBook 9780857718174 I.B. Tauris
Insurgency, Counter-insurgency and Policing in Centre-West Mexico, 1926-1929 Fighting Cristeros
Mark Lawrence, University of Kent, UK Waged between 1926 and 1929, The Cristero War (also known as The Cristero Rebellion or La Cristiada) resulted from a religious insurrectionary movement, which formed in protest of the Mexican Revolution’s anticlerical constitution of 1917. Filling in major gaps in our understanding of the conflict, Mark Lawrence explores both combatant and civilian experiences in the centre-west Mexican state of Zacatecas and its borderlands. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 256 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781350095458 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350095472 Library eBook 9781350095465 Bloomsbury Academic
H I S T O R Y – Medieval and Early Modern History / Latin American History
Magic as a Political Crime in Medieval and Early Modern England
Social Difference in NineteenthCentury Spanish America An Intellectual History
Francisco A. Ortega, National University of Colombia, Colombia This book explores the transformation of political culture in northwest Spanish America during the age of the Atlantic revolutions and the subsequent period of nation building. It examines these transformations by focusing on the meaning and intellectual importance of social difference, both as a resource and as an obstacle, for diverse political and intellectual actors. Following key political debates, this book discusses the powerful independent projects and ambitious institutional efforts within these spheres and shows how they draw from a shared EuroAmerican history in order to respond to the post-colonial challenge of constructing representative republics with heterogeneous populations. UK November 2021 • US November 2021 • 304 pages HB 9781474254472 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781474254496 Library eBook 9781474254489 Series: Europe’s Legacy in the Modern World • Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
H I S T O R Y – US History / History of War
America's Political Inventors The Lost Art of Legislation
George W. Liebmann, Independent Scholar, USA Liebmann brings to light little-known facts concerning the growth of practices and institutions that Americans take for granted. From, among others, John Winthrop and his foundation of New England towns to John Locke and the creation of Southern plantations to Thomas Jefferson and his scheme for the organization of Northwestern townships and American territories and states and Joseph Pulitzer and the origins of municipal home rule. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 208 pages • 23 bw illus PB 9781838606725 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781788311243 Individual eBook 9781786723017 Library eBook 9781786733016 Bloomsbury Academic
John William McCormack A Political Biography
Garrison Nelson, University of Vermont, USA In the first biography of U.S. House Speaker John W. McCormack, author Garrison Nelson uncovers previously forgotten FBI files, birth and death records, and correspondence long thought lost or buried. For such an influential figure, McCormack tried to dismiss the past, almost erasing his legacy from the public’s mind. John William McCormack: A Political Biography sheds light on the behind-the-curtain machinations of American politics and the origins of the modern-day Democratic party, facilitated through McCormack’s triumphs. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 928 pages PB 9781350143234 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781628925166 Individual eBook 9781628925180 Library eBook 9781628925173 Bloomsbury Academic
POWs and Sexual Desire in the United States during the Second World War Matthias Reiss, University of Exeter, UK This is the first book to examine the nature, extent and impact of the sexual activities of Axis prisoners of war in the United States during the Second World War. Matthias Reiss argues that fraternisation among captors and captives in America led to sexual relationships which caused significant tensions in American society. By focusing on the fight against fraternisation and same-sex activities, this study treads new ground. It highlights the transnational impact of fraternisation, and argues that the prisoners’ sojourn in the United States also influenced American society as captivity became a site for non-violent encounters in times of war. UK December 2019 US December 2019 240 pages 6 bw illus PB 9781350145733 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350060616 Individual eBook 9781350060630 Library eBook 9781350060623 Bloomsbury Academic
The General Survey of British North America Alex Johnson, Independent Scholar, USA
The First Mapping of America tells the story of the General Survey, the remarkable maps, and the men who made them. The commanding and professional Samuel Holland, Surveyor-General in the North, and brilliant but mercurial William Gerard De Brahm, Surveyor-General in the South, battled physical and political obstacles seeking to establish their place in the firmament of the British hierarchy. Supported by previously unpublished maps, Alex Johnson’s book is the first to combine cartographic scholarship with the machinations of high politics, bureaucracy and commercial greed. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 352 pages • 41 bw illus, 16 colour illus PB 9780755603787 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781780764429 Individual eBook 9781786723215 Library eBook 9781786733214 Series: Tauris Historical Geographical Series • Bloomsbury Academic
The Lost Cause of the Confederacy and American Civil War Memory David J. Anderson, Swansea University, UK
This book examines the ways in which white and black southerners used historical material to define and understand themselves. Taking as its thematic starting point the Confederacy's defeat in 1865, it builds on the idea that memories are produced out of experience before reshaping it. Using diaries, letters, reminiscences, magazines, fiction and film, this study illustrates how the creation of the Lost Cause was at once political and emotional, not only reflecting the political, economic and racial interests it served, but also reflecting the genuine desire to compensate for what had been loved and lost. UK October 2020 • US October 2020 • 192 pages HB 9781780938059 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781780936840 Library eBook 9781780935751 Series: War, Culture and Society • Bloomsbury Academic
Controlling Sex in Captivity
The First Mapping of America
General Lord Rawlinson From Tragedy to Triumph
Rodney Atwood, Independent Scholar, UK In this biography Rodney Atwood details the life of General Lord Rawlinson of Trent (1864-1925), a distinguished British soldier serving in the Victorian colonial wars in Burma, the Sudan and South Africa. His career provides a lens through which to examine British imperial history from the late-19th to early-20th century in India, Burma and the Sudan, during the First World War and into the post-war world. Drawing extensively on archival material including Rawlinson’s own engagingly-written letters and diaries, this examination of his life will be of great interest to those studying British imperial history, military history and the First World War. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 328 pages • 12 bw illus PB 9781350151130 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781474246989 Individual eBook 9781474246996 Library eBook 9781474247009 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Military History • Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
Film and History
Nicole Beth Wallenbrock, University of Tennessee, USA The Algerian War of Independence is a powerful symbol for both the former empire and its last colony. Cinema played an active role in representing and re-forming the public’s understanding of the conflict. In The Franco-Algerian War through a Twenty-First Century Lens, Wallenbrock uses production details, box office figures, and narrative analogy to probe this cinematic discourse to shed light on topics such as immigration and national identity as shown in recent depictions of the war from both sides of the Mediterranean. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 240 pages • 12 bw illus HB 9781474262804 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781474262828 Library eBook 9781474262811 Series: War, Culture and Society • Bloomsbury Academic
War, Law and Humanity
The Campaign to Control Warfare, 18531914 James Crossland, Liverpool John Moores University, UK War, Law and Humanity tells the story of the transatlantic campaign to either mitigate the destructive forces of the battlefield, or prevent wars from being waged altogether, in the decades prior to the disastrous summer of 1914. Starting with the Crimean War of the 1850s, James Crossland traces this campaign to control warfare from the scandalous barracks of Scutari to the shambolic hospitals of the American Civil War, from the bloody sieges of Paris and Erzurum to the combative conference halls of Geneva and The Hague, uncovering the intertwined histories of a generation of humanitarians, surgeons, pacifists and utopians who were shocked into action by the barbarism and depravities of war. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 280 pages • 16 bw illus PB 9781350145757 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350041219 Individual eBook 9781350041226 Library eBook 9781350041233 Bloomsbury Academic
Croatia and the Rise of Fascism The Youth Movement and the Ustasha During WWII Goran Miljan, Uppsala University, Sweden During World War II, Croatia became a fascist state under the control of the Ustasha Movement - allied with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Here, Goran Miljan examines and analyzes for the first time the ideology, practices, and international connections of the Ustasha Youth organization. This is a little studied part of the history of World War II and of Fascism, and will be essential reading for scholars of Central Europe and the Holocaust. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 288 pages • 15 bw illus PB 9780755600014 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781788312097 Individual eBook 9781838608286 Library eBook 9781838608293 Series: Library of World War II Studies • Bloomsbury Academic
Nations, Identities and the First World War Shifting Loyalties to the Fatherland
Edited by Nico Wouters, Centre for War and Contemporary Society, Belgium & Laurence van Ypersele, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium This study examines the significance of ‘the fatherland’ notion during the First World War and its aftermath. The book combines chapters on broad topics like patriotism, nation, and minorities at war with more specific case studies in order to deepen our understanding of how this nationalist concept remained an essential building block of the culture of total war in Europe at this time. This transnational volume also reveals and develops a range of insightful connections between the themes it covers, as well as between different groups, countries and regions within Europe.
H I S T O R Y – History of War
The Franco-Algerian War through a Twenty-First Century Lens
UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 320 pages PB 9781350146211 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350036437 Individual eBook 9781350036451 Library eBook 9781350036444 Bloomsbury Academic
World War I in Central and Eastern Europe
Politics, Conflict and Military Experience Edited by Judith Devlin, University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland, John Paul Newman, NUI Maynooth, Republic of Ireland & Maria Falina, University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland In the English language World War I has largely been analysed through the lens of the Western Front. This book examines wartime experiences and the memory of war in the East. Analysing soldiers' letters and diaries to discover the nature and impact of displacement and refugee status on memory, this volume offers a basis for comparison between experiences in these two areas. It also provides intra-regional comparisons that are missing from current research. Was the war in the East wholly 'other'? Were soldiers in this region as alienated as those in the West? Did they see themselves as citizens and was there continuity between their civilian and military identities? How did soldiers and citizens in this region experience and react to the traumas and upheavals of war and with what consequences for the post-war era? In seeking to answer these questions and others, this volume significantly adds to our understanding of World War I as experienced in Central and Eastern Europe. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 352 pages • integrated PB 9780755602261 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781788311878 Individual eBook 9781838609924 Library eBook 9781838609931 Bloomsbury Academic
The Jazz War
Radio, Nazism and the Struggle for the Airwaves in World War II Will Studdert, Independent Scholar, UK Labelled degenerate by Hitler's cultural apparatus, jazz was adopted by the Allies to win the hearts and minds of the German public; it was also used by the Nazi Minister for Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, to deliver a message of Nazi cultural and military superiority. Here, Will Studdert shows how jazz both helped and hindered the Allied cause. As such, this book will appeal to students of the history of jazz and broadcasting, cultural studies, and the history of World War II. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 256 pages • 19 bw illus PB 9780755601974 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784538583 Individual eBook 9781838609436 Library eBook 9781838609443 Series: Library of World War II Studies • Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
H I S T O R Y – Social History / Gender History
Approaching Facial Difference Past and Present
Edited by Patricia Skinner, Swansea University, UK & Emily Cock, Swansea University, UK What is a face and how does it relate to personhood? Approaching Facial Difference offers an interdisciplinary exploration of the many ways in which faces have been represented in the past and present. By examining the main linguistic, visual and material approaches to the face from antiquity to contemporary times, contributors place facial diversity at the heart of our historical and cultural narratives. This cutting-edge collection of essays will be an invaluable resource for humanities scholars working across history, literature and visual culture, as well as modern practitioners in education and psychology. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 264 pages • 15 bw illus PB 9781350142978 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350028296 Individual eBook 9781350028302 Library eBook 9781350028319 Series: Facialities: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Human Face • Bloomsbury Academic
Cinema and Unconventional Warfare in the Twentieth Century Insurgency, Terrorism and Special Operations Paul B. Rich, Independent scholar, UK This ground-breaking study provides a muchneeded examination of global unconventional warfare in 20th-century filmmaking, with case studies from the United States, Britain, Ireland, France, Italy and Israel. Paul B. Rich examines Hollywood's treatment of counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency in the United States, British post-colonial insurgencies in Malaya and Kenya and many other case studies. Whilst only a small number of films on these conflicts have been able to rise above stereotyping insurgents and terrorists, this book stresses the positive political gains to be derived from humanizing terrorists and terrorist movements.
Life Courses of Young Convicts Transported to Van Diemen's Land Emma D. Watkins, Middlesex University, UK
Drawing on digital criminal records, this book traces the life courses of young convicts who were sentenced at the Old Bailey and transported to Van Diemen's Land in the early 19th century. It explores the everyday lives of the convicts pre- and post-transportation, focusing on their crimes, punishments, education, employment and family life right up to their deaths. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 240 pages • 3 bw illus HB 9781350081260 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350081284 Library eBook 9781350081277 Series: History of Crime, Deviance and Punishment • Bloomsbury Academic
Women’s Activism and "Second Wave" Feminism Transnational Histories
Edited by Barbara Molony, Santa Clara University, USA & Jennifer Nelson, University of Redlands, USA Women’s Activism and "Second Wave" Feminism situates late 20th-century feminisms within a global framework of women’s activism. Its chapters, written by leading international scholars, demonstrate how issues of heterogeneity, transnationalism, and intersectionality have transformed understandings of historical feminism. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 344 pages • 11 bw illus PB 9781350127708 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781474250511 Individual eBook 9781474250528 Library eBook 9781474250535 Bloomsbury Academic
UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 280 pages • 3 bw illus PB 9781350151192 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350055698 Individual eBook 9781350055711 Library eBook 9781350055704 Bloomsbury Academic
New Perspectives on the History of Gender and Empire
Women Warriors and National Heroes
Edited by Ulrike Lindner, University of Cologne, Germany & Dörte Lerp, University of Cologne, Germany
Edited by Boyd Cothran, Joan Judge, York University, Canada & Adrian Shubert, York University, Canada
Comparative and Global Approaches
New Perspectives on the History of Gender and Empire extends our understanding of the gendered workings of empires, colonialism and imperialism, taking up recent impulses from gender history, new imperial history and global history. The authors discuss historical case studies around the globe to redefine the complex relationship between gender and empire and develop a truly global view of political, social and cultural processes within empires. They deal with key themes such as intimacy, sexuality and female education from a global and comparative perspective.
A Global History
This volume presents women warriors and hero cults from a number of cultures since the early modern period. The first truly global study of women warriors, individual chapters examine figures such as Joan of Arc in Cairo, revenging daughters in Samurai Japan, a transgender Mexican revolutionary and WWII Chinese spies. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 288 pages • 21 bw illus HB 9781350121133 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350121157 Library eBook 9781350121140 Bloomsbury Academic
UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 320 pages • 9 bw illus PB 9781350150775 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350056312 Individual eBook 9781350056336 Library eBook 9781350056329 Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
6-Volume Set
Edited by Andrew McConnell Stott, University of Southern California, USA and Eric Weitz, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland 55 experts, 48 chapters and c. 1,824 pages in six volumes add to our understanding of the evolution and reception of comedy in society from antiquity to the present day. Themes and chapter titles are: Form; Theory; Praxis; Identities; The Body; Politics and Power; Laughter; and Ethics. UK June 2020 • US May 2020 • 6 vols • c. 1,824 pages HB Pack 9781350000827 • £395.00 / $550.00 250 bw illus The Cultural Histories series • Bloomsbury Academic
A Cultural History of Peace 6-Volume Set
A Cultural History of Comedy
Edited by Ronald Edsforth, Dartmouth College, USA A Cultural History of Peace presents an authoritative survey from ancient times to the present. The set of six volumes covers a span of 2,500 years, tracing how different cultures and societies have thought about, struggled for, developed and sustained peace in different ways and at different times. Themes and chapter titles are: Definitions of Peace; Human Nature, Peace and War; Peace, War and Gender; Peace, Pacifism and Religion; Representations of Peace; Peace as Integration; Peace Movements; Peace, Security and Deterrence. UK March 2020 • US March 2020 • 6 vols • c. 1,728 pages HB Pack 9781474241359 • £395.00 / $550.00 300 bw illus The Cultural Histories series • Bloomsbury Academic
Foreign Office Handbooks The Middle East 3-Volume Set
Sir George Prothero (1848 – 1922) Introduced by William Roger Louis, University of Texas, Austin Prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office, the aim of these handbooks was to provide British delegates to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 with detailed information on the geographical, economic, historical and political aspects of the countries concerned. This three-volume set covers the countries and issues relating to the Middle East and North Africa including Turkey, Syria, Persia and the Persian Gulf, Palestine, Mesopotamia and Armenia. This edition which is thematically arranged for the first time, is introduced by William Roger Louis, a leading authority on the British Empire and Commonwealth and decolonization. UK February 2020 • US March 2020 • 3 vols • c. 1,664 pages HB Pack 9781788310581 • £295.00 / $400.00 3 bw illus Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
England as a Maritime Power 5-Volume Set
Sir Julian Corbett (1854 – 1922) Introduced by Andrew Lambert, King's College London, UK Sir Julian Corbett (1854-1922) was a pioneer in the analysis of naval affairs and in examining naval strategy within the wider context of national policy. This five-volume set covers the period from 1550 to 1715, bringing together the first three of Corbett's five major studies of England's naval history. This set includes an extensive new introduction by leading naval historian, Andrew Lambert, which considers Corbett's life and work within the geostrategical context of his own times. UK April 2019 • US May 2019 • 5 vols • c. 1,981 pages HB Pack 9781780764412 • £450.00 / $610.00 57 bw illus Bloomsbury Academic
Naval and Military Operations of Great Britain Foundations of a New Naval Strategy 6-Volume Set Robert Beatson LLD (1742 – 1818) Introduced by Andrew Lambert, King's College London, UK Naval and Military Operations of Great Britain is the single most important contemporary account of the Royal Navy in the 18th century. Its six volumes present a new approach to naval strategy. By addressing the specific causes of the disaster, the author, Robert Beatson, hoped to render both the navy and the nation wiser for the future. This edition contains a substantial new introduction by leading naval scholar, Andrew Lambert (King's College London). UK June 2019 • US July 2019 • 6 vols • c. 3,408 pages HB Pack 9781784532987 • £495.00 / $795.00 Bloomsbury Academic
Kerr’s Voyages Series 4
Captain Cook and the Southern Hemisphere 6-Volume Set Robert Kerr (1755 – 1813) Introduced by Glyn Williams, Queen Mary, University of London, UK Kerr's Voyages is an extensive account of sea and land voyages covering 1,000 years of exploration from the 9th to the 18th centuries. It provides a rich collection of voyages by Captain James Cook, together with journeys of discovery in the Southern Oceans by other key figures such as Commodore Byron and Captains Wallis, Carteret, Clerke and Gore. The six-volume set contains, in addition, an extensive new Introduction by Glyn Williams, one of the leading experts on Captain Cook and his contemporaries. UK June 2019 • US July 2019 • 6 vols • c. 3,100 pages HB Pack 9781848857117 • £570.00 / $768.00 I.B. Tauris
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
A History from Within 10-Volume Set John G Nicolay (1832 – 1901) John Hay (1838 – 1905) Introduced by Jonathan White, Christopher Newport University, USA This magisterial biography of one of America’s best known presidents is a definitive source on the man and his time. Written by John G. Nicolay and John Hay, two of the president’s ever-loyal private secretaries, the 10-volume set offers a detailed and engaging account that presents a rich and revealing treatment of the figures and problems of the period. It is regarded as one of the best historical works on Lincoln and is an essential reference point for scholars and students of the 16th President. This edition includes a new introduction by Jonathan W. White, a leading scholar of Lincoln. UK May 2020 • US July 2020 • 10 vols • c. 4,900 pages HB Pack 9781784534943 • £900.00 / $1,200.00 282 bw illus Bloomsbury Academic
Abraham Lincoln
The Fan-Qui in China
Everyday Life in 19th Century China 3-Volume Set Charles Toogood Downing Introduced by Peter C. Perdue, Yale University, USA This three-volume set presents one of the most detailed descriptions of early 19th century China by a Western visitor, Charles Toogood Downing. Written in the years immediately preceding the British invasion and the First Opium War (1839-42), The Fan-qui in China reveals the perspective of a foreigner trying, in difficult circumstances, to gain a sympathetic understanding of Chinese society and civilization. With a new introduction by Peter C. Perdue, these rare volumes will be welcomed by all those interested in the history, commerce and culture of China and its relations with other countries. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 3 vols • c. 1,024 pages HB Pack 9781784535865 • £250.00 / $395.00 Bloomsbury Academic
Travel and Studies in the Shadow of Ararat 2-Volume Set Henry Finnis Blosse Lynch (1862 – 1913) Introduced by Simon Payaslian, Boston University, USA Henry Finnis Blosse Lynch came from a prominent Anglo-Irish family. Family interests in the Middle East, together with his mother's Armenian ancestry, led him in the 1890s to undertake a number of extensive journeys to Armenia which form the basis of this work. Together with the geographical, statistical and political information he included, these two volumes remain one of the most definitive accounts in English. This edition is illustrated and includes a new introduction by Simon Payaslian. UK April 2019 • US May 2019 • 2 vols • c. 1,232 pages HB Pack 9781784531072 • £250.00 / $340.00 211 bw illus I.B. Tauris
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
A History of Ancient Geography
Among the Greeks and Romans from the Earliest Ages Till the Fall of the Roman Empire 2-Volume Set Sir Edward Herbert Bunbury (1811 – 95) Introduced by Duane Roller, Ohio State University, USA First published in 1879, Sir Edward Bunbury’s A History of Ancient Geography remains the seminal work in English on its subject. In two substantial volumes of outstanding scholarship the author surveys the development of geography in ancient times from its beginnings to the fall of the Roman Empire. This edition contains a new introduction by Duane Roller. UK February 2020 • US March 2020 • 2 vols • c. 1,400 pages HB Pack 9781350132467 • £250.00 / $340.00 20 bw illus Bloomsbury Academic
Jewel of Reflection on the Truth about Epistemology A Complete and Annotated Translation of the Tattva-cintā-maṇi 3-Volume Set Gaṅgeśa Upadhyaya Translated by Stephen Phillips, University of Texas, USA This is the first complete English translation of one of the most important Sanskrit treatises in classical Indian philosophy. The Tattva-cintā-maṇi is a masterpiece of world philosophy, impacting in classical India not only philosophy but also literary criticism, jurisprudence, and medical theory for centuries. In this landmark translation, Stephen Phillips provides an Englishspeaking audience all four parts with readable translations and running commentary. UK May 2020 • US May 2020 • 3 vols • c. 2,400 pages HB Pack 9781350066533 • £495.00 / $668.00 Bloomsbury Academic
The Great Public Buildings of London
Historical and descriptive account of each edifice, with illustrations 2-Volume Set John Britton (1771 – 1857) Auguste Charles Pugin (1762 – 1832) Introduced by Stephen Daniels, University of Nottingham, UK This two-volume work, comprising of 70 entries, which was first published in 1825-8 presents London's most important buildings at a time of rapid urban transformation. Edited by John Britton, a leading topographical authority of the period, and Auguste Charles Pugin, an AngloFrench architectural draughtsman, the volumes contain 146 engravings of selected buildings and including interior scenes as well as external plans. This new edition includes an extended introduction by Stephen Daniels. UK February 2020 • US March 2020 • 2 vols • c. 850 pages HB Pack 9781784538439 • £200.00 / $270.00 146 bw illus Bloomsbury Visual Arts
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
Critical Readings 4-Volume Set
Edited by Michael Bronski, Harvard University, USA Across 1,600 pages and four volumes, this set presents 64 of the most seminal essays on LGBT history from the last half century, tracing both the intellectual arc and theoretical implications of the field, including Queer Theory. Truly global in scope, the works features vital theoretical pieces on topics like sex, gender, race, identity, relationships, community and politics. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 4 vols • c. 1,600 pages HB Pack 9781350059474 • £660.00 / $890.00 Special introductory price of £595.00 / $804.00 valid for 3 months after publication Critical and Primary Sources • Bloomsbury Academic
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