I.B. Tauris Middle East Studies Catalogue April-December 2019

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I.B. Tauris Middle East Studies

New Books Catalogue

April-December 2019


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Hoopoe Fiction............................................................1

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American University in Cairo Press..............................1

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History.........................................................................3 Medieval & Early Modern History...............................4

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Islamic World...............................................................4 Modern History...........................................................5 Library of Modern Middle East Studies.......................5 Turkey and the Ottoman Empire.................................9 Iran............................................................................10 Persian Literature.......................................................11

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Guard of the Dead

Translated by Kay Heikkinen, University of Chicago

George Yarak Translated by Raphael Cohen

Ibrahim Abdel Meguid

In the 1970s, once-cosmopolitan Alexandria was at the forefront of the clash between Nasser’s socialistera principles and the burgeoning fundamentalist movement. Five idealistic students find themselves caught up in this tangled web, as their leftist activism makes them a target both from government surveillance and the Islamist groups seeking to curtail the city’s social life. The group of friends’ participation in the explosive ‘bread riots’ is swiftly followed by the crushing experience of prison, and the course of their young lives changes irrevocably. The final part in Ibrahim Abdel Meguid’s Alexandria trilogy conjures up this turbulent era in rich detail. This story of young love, aspiration for social change, disillusionment and frustration will resonate with readers today. UK April 2019 • 320 pages PB 9789774168673 • £11.99 Hoopoe World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA) Not available from Bloomsbury in North America or Egypt

Truths and Lies in the Middle East

Memoirs of a Veteran Journalist, 1952–2012 Eric Rouleau Eric Rouleau was one of the most celebrated journalists of his generation, a status he owed to his extraordinary career, which began when Hubert Beuve-Méry, director of Le Monde, charged him with covering the Near and Middle East. Writing between Cairo and Jerusalem, Rouleau was a chief witness to the wars of 1967 and 1973, narrating their events from behind the scenes. He was to meet all the major players, including Nasser, Levi Ashkol, Moshe Dayan, Golda Meir, Yasser Arafat, Ariel Sharon, and Anwar Sadat, painting striking portraits of each. More than a memoir, his book presents a history, lived from the inside, of the Israel– Palestine conflict. UK May 2019 • 320 pages HB 9789774169069 • £22.95 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA) Not available from Bloomsbury in North America or Egypt

Analyzing Collapse

The Rise and Fall of the Old Kingdom Miroslav Barta This book explores the long-term trends in the development of what was the first complex civilization in history, the Old Kingdom of Egypt (c. 2650–2200 BC), the period that saw the construction of eternal monuments such as Djoser’s Step Pyramid complex in Saqqara, the pyramids of the great Fourth Dynasty kings in Giza, and spectacular tombs of high officials throughout Egypt. The present study aims to show that the historical trajectory of the period was marked by specific processes that characterize most of the world’s civilizations: the role of the ruling elite, the growth of bureaucracy, the proliferation of interest groups, and adaptation to climate change, to name but a few—and the way that these processes held the germ of ultimate collapse. The case is made that the rise and fall of the Old Kingdom state is of relevance to the study of the anatomy of development of any complex civilization. UK May 2019 • 288 pages HB 9789774168383 • £59.95 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA) Not available from Bloomsbury in North America or Egypt

A Novel

Abir scrapes a living in a Beirut hospital morgue by night, stealing from both the bodies he tends and his bosses. But he has a dark history that continues to haunt him. Earlier in the civil war, he fled his village for Beirut and, lost in the big city, joined a political party to survive. When he is kidnapped from the hospital, he knows he has not escaped his past and the many crimes he witnessed. But what or who is still chasing him? UK April 2019 • 244 pages PB 9789774169106 • £10.99 Hoopoe World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA) Not available from Bloomsbury in North America or Egypt

Tahrir's Youth

Leaders of a Leaderless Revolution Rusha Latif January 25, 2011 was a watershed moment for Egypt and a transformative experience for the young men and women who changed the course of their nation’s history. Tahrir’s Youth tells the story of the organized youth behind the mass uprising that brought about the spectacular collapse of the Mubarak regime. Who were these activists? What did they want? How did the movement they unleashed shape them as it unfolded and why did it fall short of its goals? Drawing on first-hand testimonies, this study offers rich insight into the hopes, successes, failures, and disillusionments of the movement’s leaders. Rusha Latif follows the trajectory of the movement over a fouryear period from the perspective of the Revolutionary Youth Coalition (RYC), the first revolutionary body to announce itself from Tahrir Square. She argues that the existence of the RYC and the political organizing undertaken by its members before January 25 demonstrates that the uprising was not entirely spontaneous, leaderless, or rooted in social media, but led by young activists with a history of engagement before the revolution. UK August 2019 • 274 pages HB 9789774168819 • £29.95 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA) Not available from Bloomsbury in North America or Egypt

Writing a Watertight Thesis

A Guide to Successful Structure and Defence Mike Bottery, University of Hull, UK & Nigel Wright, University of Hull, UK Writing a Watertight Thesis provides students with a framework for developing a sound structure for their thesis, which will ultimately make it watertight and defensible. The authors show that the key to making a thesis watertight lies in selecting the central research question and the sub-research questions that together collectively answer this main one. They draw on their extensive experience of supervising research students throughout, and include examples of how successful theses have been made watertight along with questions to enable readers to do the same thing to their own thesis. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 200 pages • 10 bw illus PB 9781350046948 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781350046955 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350046962 Library eBook 9781350046986 Bloomsbury Academic

www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com

M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – Ame rican Un ive rsity in Ca i ro P re ss/ F I C T I O N – H o op oe

Clouds over Alexandria


M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – Hi ghl i ghts

Persia Reframed

The Modern and Contemporary Art of Iran Fereshteh Daftari Modern and contemporary Iranian art is often understood as decorative or ethnic. At a scholarly level it is characterised as a comment on the socio-political context of the country: repressed inside Iran and focused on identity in diaspora. Viewing Iranian art as neither a commodity, nor an illustration of theory, Fereshteh Daftari approaches modern Iranian art as an arena where different styles and ideas can thrive. Covering the late 19th century into the contemporary world, Persia Reframed comments on modernism in a non-Western environment. UK April 2019 • US May 2019 • 288 pages • 122 col illus, 30 bw illus HB 9781788315364 • £44.99 / $61.00 Individual eBook 9781786726025 Library eBook 9781786736079 I.B.Tauris

Churchill and the Islamic World Orientalism, Empire and Diplomacy in the Middle East

Captain Gill’s Walking Stick

The True Story of the Sinai Murders Saul Kelly The sale at auction in Edinburgh in 2010 of an old walking stick belonging to a British officer, Captain Gill, shed new light on one of the mysterious crimes of the Victorian era. Captain William Gill and his companions, the noted Arabist Professor Edward Palmer of Cambridge University and a young naval lieutenant, Harold Charrington, were killed in an ambush by Bedouin in the Sinai Desert in 1883. The trio had been tasked with informal diplomacy in the region, specifically to prevent the Arab sheikhs from joining the Egyptian rebels and to secure their non-interference with the Suez Canal. The gruesome murders shocked late-Victorian Britain, and led to pressure from the Queen, Parliament and the Press for the British government to launch a manhunt for the killers in a vast desert area, with mountainous terrain. This book traces the story behind the murder of the three men, uncovering the reason for their journey to the desert, the story of the murder itself as well as the backlash back home in England. UK May 2019 • US June 2019 • 240 pages HB 9781784533410 • £20.00 / $27.00 Individual eBook 9781786726087 Library eBook 9781786736154 I.B.Tauris

Warren Dockter Overturning the widely-accepted consensus that Churchill was indifferent to, and even contemptuous of, matters concerning the Middle East, this book unravels Churchill's nuanced understanding of the edges of the British Empire. Warren Dockter analyses Churchill’s work as Colonial Under-Secretary in the early 1900s, his relations with the Ottomans and conduct during the Dardanelles Campaign of 1915-16, his arguments with David Lloyd- George over Turkey, and his pragmatic support of Syria and Saudi Arabia during World War II. Dockter suggests that his policy making in the Middle East was often more informed and relatively progressive when compared to the Orientalist prejudices of many of his contemporaries. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 392 pages • 14 bw in 8pp plates PB 9781788319249 • £19.99 / $26.95 Previously published in HB 9781780768182 Individual eBook 9780857737144 Library eBook 9781786739858 I.B.Tauris

Beyond the Mosque

Diverse Spaces of Muslim Worship

The Jews of Iran

The History, Religion and Culture of a Community in the Islamic World Edited by Houman M. Sarshar Living continuously in Iran for over 2700 years, Jews have played an integral role in the history of the country. This book examines the ancient texts, objects and art from a wide range of times and places throughout Iranian history, as well as the medieval trade routes along which these would have travelled, to understand the material and visual culture of this community. The book also explores modern novels and the implications of fictional representations of the Jews of Iran. Providing a long view of the Jewish cultural influence on Iran's development, this book is a unique contribution to Judeo-Iranian studies. UK February 2019 • US November 2019 • 264 pages • 25 bw illus PB 9781788319263 • £25.99 / $30.00 Previously published in HB 9781780768885 Individual eBook 9780857737106 Library eBook 9780857727657 Series: International Library of Iranian Studies • I.B.Tauris

Rizwan Mawani In this book, Rizwan Mawani encounters diverse communities and their sites of worship, from the mosque and husayniya to the khanaqah and jamatkhana. Readers are introduced to a variety of Muslim spaces, modest and elaborate – their distinct structures and the rituals practised within them, as well as the purposes they serve as community centres and markers of identity. Beyond the Mosque reveals architectural responses to evolving community needs and local environments, from Senegal and China to Iran and India. This illuminating survey celebrates the significant pluralism that characterises the living Muslim tradition today. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 128 pages • 30 colour illus. PB 9781788315272 • £12.99 / $17.95 Individual eBook 9781786726568 Library eBook 9781786736628 Series: World of Islam • I.B.Tauris World All Languages (except South Asian/Central Asian/Persian)


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A History of the Tajiks Iranians of the East Richard Foltz A comprehensive and up to date history, spanning the Sogdian to the post-Soviet period, in this book, Richard Foltz traces the complex linguistic, cultural and political history of the Tajiks. In eight chapters, the author explores the revitalisation of Persian culture under the Samanid Empire in the Tajik heartlands of historical Khorasan and Transoxiana; the evolution of the politics of Tajik identity; and traces the history of the ethnic Tajik diaspora today. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 240 pages HB 9781784539559 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781788316514 Library eBook 9781788316521 Series: Library of Middle East History • I.B.Tauris

The Travels of Ibn Jubayr

A Medieval Journey from Cordoba to Jerusalem Translated by Ronald Broadhurst Ibn Jubayr's classic narrative of his travels across the Islamic Mediterranean is an important source for historians of the 13th century Muslim Caliphates. Ronald Joseph Callender Broadhurst's translation is here reissued, with a new introduction by Robert Irwin. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 464 pages HB 9781788318228 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781786726599 Library eBook 9781788318235 Series: Library of Middle East History • I.B.Tauris

Crime, Poverty and Survival in the Middle East and North Africa The 'Dangerous Classes' Since 1800 Edited by Stephanie Cronin The concept of the "dangerous classes" was born in mid-nineteenth century Europe and became famous in 1872 after the publication of a book with the same title in New York. But how does the notion of "dangerous classes" relate to the context of the Middle East and North Africa? This book examines this question by analysing the lives of non-elite, "subaltern" groups in the region from 1800 to the present day. The book re-interprets history by putting marginal social groups and classes in the spotlight and restoring their sense of agency. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 304 pages HB 9781788313711 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook Library eBook Series: Library of Middle East History • I.B.Tauris

The Making of the Israeli Far-Right

Abba Ahimeir and Zionist Ideology Peter Bergamin This book traces the early ideological development of the Maximalist Revisionist Zionist leader Abba Ahimeir, and positions him more accurately within the contexts of the Zionist Right, the period of his political activity, and the Zionist movement in general. Ahimeir was a controversial figure who advocated, at times, some rather controversial ideas. Highly educated and a Zionist from a young age, Ahimeir was one of the first to object to the manner in which the British were administering the Mandate for Palestine, calling them ‘foreign occupiers’ and ‘Perfidious Albion’, already in the late 1920s. He formed the first anti-British resistance group in the Jewish settlements in Mandate Palestine, and was a prolific and acerbic journalist, who refused to accept any compromise with regard to the foundation of a Jewish State. His career as a political activist came to an early end, when he was arrested in connection with the murder of the Labour Zionist leader, Chaim Arlosoroff. Although acquitted, Ahimeir nonetheless went to prison for his involvement as a political activist. Ahimeir’s ideological trajectory is traced from an examination of his doctoral thesis on Oswald Spengler and first publications, to his notorious ‘Notebook of a Fascist’ articles that he penned only a few years after arriving in Mandate Palestine. A study of previously unknown archival material highlights Ahimeir’s stint as a leader of the Revisionist Zionist Youth Group Betar and instructor in its Leadership Training School. A ‘Revolutionary’ who used Fascism merely as a modus operandi in the service of his revolution, Ahimeir’s particularistic ideological outlook was best exemplified in his resistance group, Brit HaBiryonim. As the first intellectual biography of one of the most influential figures on the Zionist Right, this book rights some historical wrongs that exist within Revisionist- and Labour-Zionist myths, and indeed, Israeli collective memory.

M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – History

Library of Middle East History

UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 288 pages HB 9781788314534 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook Library eBook Series: Library of Middle East History • I.B.Tauris

Empire and Tribe in the Afghan Frontier Region

Custom, Conflict and British Strategy in Waziristan until 1947 Hugh Beattie Waziristan, a region on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, has in recent years become a flash point in the so-called ‘War on Terror’. Hugh Beattie looks at the history of this region, examining British attempts to manage the tribes from 1849 until Pakistan’s declaration of independence in 1947. He analyses British attempts to divide the frontier region into separate British and Afghan spheres of influence and highlights the ramifications of their various policy initiatives. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 288 pages • 12 bw illus. HB 9781848858961 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838600846 Library eBook 9781838600853 Series: Library of Middle East History • I.B.Tauris

www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com


M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – M e dieval and Earl y M oder n Hi story / Isl a mi c Worl d

Early and Medieval Islamic World Persian Christians at the Chinese Court The Xi'an Stele and the Early Medieval Church of the East R. Todd Godwin The Xi'an Stele, erected in Tang China's capital in 781, describes in both Syriac and Chinese the existence of Christian communities in northern China. While scholars have so far considered the Stele exclusively in relation to the Chinese cultural and historical context, Godwin demonstrates that it can only be fully understood by reconstructing the complex connections that existed between the Church of the East, Sasanian aristocratic culture and the Tang Empire (617-907) between the fall of the Sasanian Persian Empire (225-651) and the birth of the Abbasid Caliphate (7621258). Through close textual re-analysis of the Stele and by drawing on ancient sources in Syriac, Greek, Arabic and Chinese, Godwin demonstrates that Tang China (617-907) was a cosmopolitan milieu where multiple religious traditions, namely Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism and Christianity, formed zones of elite culture. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 320 pages PB 9781838600136 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784538804 Individual eBook 9781786723161 Library eBook 9781786733160 Series: Library of Medieval Studies • I.B.Tauris

A Mission to the Medieval Middle East The Travels of Bertrandon de la Brocquière to Jerusalem and Constantinople Bertrandon de la Broquiere Edited by Robert Irwin Translated by Thomas Johnes Bertrandon de la Broquiere was esquire to Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy. Philip had plans for a new Crusade to the Holy Land and as part of this plan he persuaded Bertrandon to undertake a pilgrimage to the Holy Land to gather intelligence. The resulting account of his travels, translated into English by Thomas Johnes in 1807, provides invaluable information on the region, including the military tactics of the Turks and the early use of gunpowder by the Mamluks. It is also one of the key documents for the history of the Crusades in the late medieval period. UK May 2019 • US July 2019 • 384 pages • 1 map HB 9781780764320 • £79.00 / $120.00 Individual eBook 9781838607944 Library eBook 9781838607951 I.B.Tauris

Jewish Morocco

A History from Pre-Islamic to PostColonial Times Emily Benichou Gottreich The history of Morocco cannot be told without the history of its Jewish inhabitants. Their presence in Northwest Africa pre-dates the rise of Islam and continues to the present day, combining elements of Berber (Amazigh), Arab, Sephardi and European culture. Emily Gottreich examines the history of Jews in Morocco from the preIslamic period to post-colonial times, drawing on newly acquired evidence from archival materials in Rabat. Providing an important reassessment of the impact of the French protectorate over Morocco, the author overturns widely accepted views on Jews' participation in Moroccan nationalism and Jewish involvement in the istiqlal and its aftermath. UK October 2019 • US November 2019 • 256 pages • 10 integrated bw HB 9781780768496 • £72.00 / $99.00 • I.B.Tauris


Writing History in the Medieval Islamic World The Value of Chronicles as Archives Fozia Bora Using Sunni Mamluk historian Ibn al-Furat’s chronicle History of Dynasty and Kings, Fozia Bora maps the survival of historiographical narratives from late Fatimid Egypt after Salah al-Din’s alleged destruction of the Fatimid literary corpus. She demonstrates that Mamluk historical works offer historiographical documentation of past eras of Islamic history through textual witnesses that are not otherwise extant. She argues for a more objective use of chronicles as documents that go beyond sectarian polemics to act as ‘archives’ of now lost material. This book is essential for all scholars working on the written culture and history of the medieval Islamic world. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 234 pages • 8 bw illus. HB 9781784537302 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781786726056 Library eBook 9781786736116 Series: Early and Medieval Islamic World • I.B.Tauris

The Eastern Frontier

Limits of Empire in Late Antique and Early Medieval Central Asia Robert Haug In this book, Robert Haug argues for a pre-modern Central Asia with a discrete identity, a frontier region that is not just a transitory space or the far-flung corner of empires, but its own historical entity. From this perspective the book takes the reader on a 900-year tour of the area, from Sasanian control, through the Umayyads and Abbasids, to the quasi-independent dynasties of the Tahirids and the Samanids. Drawing on literary, numismatic and archaeological sources, Haug reveals the unique and varied challenges the eastern frontier presented to imperial powers that strove to integrate the area into their greater systems. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 336 pages HB 9781788310031 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781788317221 Library eBook 9781786736147 Series: Early and Medieval Islamic World • I.B.Tauris

Narrating Muslim Sicily

War and Peace in the Medieval Mediterranean World William Granara In 902 the last Byzantine stronghold in Sicily fell, and the island would remain under Muslim control until the arrival of the Normans in the eleventh century. William Granara here focuses on the ways in which medieval Arab historians, geographers, jurists and philologists imagined and articulated their identities in this turbulent period. Granara considers and translates a vast range of primary sources - from the chronicles of Ibn al-Athir and Ibn Khaldun to biographical dictionaries, geographical works, legal treatises and poetry - and modern scholarship not available in English. He charts the shift from Sicily as 'warrior outpost' to vital and productive hub that transformed the medieval Islamic world, and the entire Mediterranean. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 256 pages • 4 colour in 4pp plates HB 9781788313063 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781786726070 Library eBook 9781786736130 Series: Early and Medieval Islamic World • I.B.Tauris

www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk

Commerce and Culture in Nineteenth Century Persia William Richard Holmes On the Shores of the Caspian is the product of the author's journey through the Caspian region as part of an expedition headed by his cousin James Brant, the British Consul at Erzeroum. It provides a wonderfully intimate portrait of the country and a wealth of detail on the towns, climate, trade, military, people and culture. This very scarce volume is here published with a new Introduction by the leading scholar of China and Central and Inner Asia, Professor Morris Rossabi. UK May 2019 • US July 2019 • 448 pages HB 9781784531515 • £85.00 / $135.00 Individual eBook 9781838608941 Library eBook 9781838608958 I.B.Tauris

Democracy in Afghanistan

The Golden Era of Reform and the Roots of Modern Conflict Bahar Jalali The decade of democratic reforms in Afghanistan, 1963-1973, is often viewed as a 'golden era' of stability and progress. Bahar Jalali demonstrates, however, that the roots of Afghanistan's turbulent recent history can be traced back to precisely this period. In research based on primary sources, interviews with key figures (including the royal family and the former king), and work in contemporary Afghanistan, Jalali raises timely questions regarding the politics and impact of Western-authored democratic reforms and addresses various historiographical and contemporary misconceptions. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 336 pages HB 9781784538286 • £72.00 / $99.00 Individual eBook • I.B.Tauris

Library of Modern Middle East Studies Foreign Policy in Iran and Saudi Arabia

Economics and Diplomacy in the Middle East Robert Mason Saudi Arabia, with its abundance of oil dollars, has a very different economic story to that of Iran, which despite enormous natural gas reserves, has been hit hard by economic, trade, scientific and military sanctions since its 1979 revolution. Robert Mason looks at the effect that economic considerations (such as oil, gas, sanctions, trade and investment) have had on foreign policy decision-making processes and diplomatic activities. By examining the foreign policies of Saudi Arabia and Iran towards each other, and towards the wider Middle East and beyond, Mason seeks to highlight how oil policy, including oil production, pricing and security of supply and demand, is the paramount economic factor which drives the diplomacy and rivalry of these two pivotal regional powers. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 288 pages PB 9781788314435 • £14.99 / $19.50 Previously published in HB 9781780767215 Individual eBook 9780857738981 Library eBook 9780857725202 Series: Library of Modern Middle East Studies • I.B.Tauris

Stateless in the Gulf

Migration, Nationality and Society in Kuwait Claire Beaugrand The Kuwaiti population includes around 100,000 people - 10% of Kuwaiti nationals - whose legal status is contested. Often considered 'stateless', they have come to be known in Kuwait as biduns. The biduns claim that they are entitled to Kuwaiti nationality but since 1986 the State of Kuwait has considered them 'illegal residents'. Beaugrand argues that the position of the biduns is of central importance to the understanding of state formation processes in the Gulf countries, and the ways in which identity and the boundaries of nationality are negotiated and enacted. UK May 2019 • 336 pages PB 9781788318020 • £25.99 Previously published in HB 9781780765662 Individual eBook 9781786723239 Library eBook 9781786733238 Series: Library of Modern Middle East Studies • I.B.Tauris

Israel, Palestine and the Politics of Race

Exploring Identity and Power in a Global Context Yasmeen Abu-Laban & Abigail B. Bakan As the situation in Israel/Palestine seems to become ever more intractable and protracted, the need for new ways of looking at recent developments and its historical roots is more pressing than ever. Bearing this in mind, Yasmeen Abu-Laban and Abigail Bakan discuss the historic and contemporary developments in Israel/Palestine, and their international reverberations, from the unique vantage point of 'race', racialization, racism and anti-racism. They therefore offer close analysis of the 'idea' of Israel and the 'absence' of Palestine by examining the concepts of race and identity in the region. With fresh coverage of themes relating to gender, indigeneity, the environment , surveillance and the war on terror, Israel, Palestine and the Politics of Race will appeal to scholars in political science, sociology and Middle East studies. UK October 2019 • US March 2019 • 256 pages • 4 integrated bw illus PB 9781780765334 • £15.99 / $29.00 • HB 9781780765327 • £72.00 / $99.00 Individual eBook 9781838608798 Library eBook 9781838608804 Series: Library of Modern Middle East Studies • I.B.Tauris

Culture and Crisis in the Arab World

Art, Practice and Production in Spaces of Conflict Edited by Richard Jacquemond & Felix Lang Drawing on critical readings of Bourdieu’s Field Theory, this book explores the production of culture in Arab social spaces in ‘crisis’. Contributors examine a range of countries and conflicts, from Algeria to the Arab countries of the Gulf, discussing, among other things, the impact of Western public diplomacy organisations on the arts scene in post-revolutionary Cairo and the consequences of dwindling state support for literary production in Yemen. The book breaks new ground in adapting Bourdieu’s theory to the particularities of cultural production in the Middle East and North Africa. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 272 pages • 20 bw illus HB 9781788314244 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781786726322 Library eBook 9781786736383 Series: Library of Modern Middle East Studies • I.B.Tauris

www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com

M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – M ode r n History / Libra r y of M od er n M i d d le E a st S tud i es

On the Shores of the Caspian


M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – Li bra ry of M oder n M i ddl e Ea st Studi es

Library of Modern Middle East Studies continued Space Science and the Arab World Astronauts, Observatories and Nationalism in the Middle East Jörg Matthias Determann When Sultan bin Salman left Earth on the shuttle Discovery in 1985, he became the first Arab, first Muslim and first member of a royal family in space. Twentyfive years later, the discovery of a planet by the Qatar Exoplanet Survey evidenced the cutting-edge space science projects taking place across the Middle East. This book identifies the individuals, institutions and national ideologies that enabled astronomers and researchers to gain support when Middle East governments lacked interest. The book shows that the conquest of space became associated with national prestige, security, economic growth and the idea of an `Arab renaissance'. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 272 pages • 8 bw PB 9781838600150 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781788310147 Individual eBook 9781786723529 Library eBook 9781786733528 Series: Library of Modern Middle East Studies • I.B.Tauris

Gender, Politics and Nation-Building Huda Al-Tamimi

This book is the first full-length study of women’s political representation in Iraq. Based on interviews with politicians and substantial media analysis, Huda Al-Tamimi outlines the political, sectarian and cultural constraints facing female Members of Parliament, and the ways in which individual women and women’s organizations are actively challenging barriers to their political influence. The book offers new and critical perspectives on the evolution of Iraqi politics, a subject that remains of high priority for a region and international community interested in the nation’s reconstruction. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 328 pages HB 9781788312806 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781788316231 Library eBook 9781788316224 Series: Library of Modern Middle East Studies • I.B.Tauris

Sceptics of Islam

Revisionist Religion, Agnosticism and Disbelief in the Modern Arab World

The End of Empire in the Gulf

From Trucial States to United Arab Emirates Tancred Bradshaw With the end of the British Raj in 1947, the Foreign Office replaced the Government of India as the department responsible for the Persian Gulf, and would proceed to manage relations with the Trucial States (now the United Arab Emirates, UAE) until British withdrawal in 1971. This work is a comprehensive history of British policy in the region during that period, for the first time in its broad historical and political context. Tancred Bradshaw – an academic historian with extensive experience in the region – sheds light onto the discovery of oil in Abu Dhabi in the 1950s, Foreign Office attempts to instigate a long-term development policy in the region, the slow end of the British Empire, the origins of the UAE and – most importantly – the British legacy in this geopolitically crucial region today. The book relies on 40,000 pages of archival material, much of it previously unused, and will be of interest to Imperial historians, as well as anyone working on the history and politics of the Middle East and the Persian Gulf. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 256 pages • 15 bw illus HB 9781784538880 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838600792 Library eBook 9781838600877 Series: Library of Modern Middle East Studies • I.B.Tauris

Saudi Arabia and Indonesian Networks Migration, Education and Islam Sumanto Al Qurtuby UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 240 pages HB 9781838602208 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838602239 Library eBook 9781838602222 Series: Library of Modern Middle East Studies • I.B.Tauris


Women and Democracy in Iraq

Edited by Ralph M. Coury Arab debates about the critical relationship between religion and modernity began in the early nineteenth century. Such debates are now integral to the struggle for power between a variety of political groups and their opponents, and are vital to understanding the modern Middle East. This unique volume introduces writings of Arab Christian and Muslim revisionist and radical "free thinkers" who have tried to redefine the relationship. It challenges the deeply entrenched idea that the contemporary Islamic world has been impermeable to a critique of religious ideas and practices. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 272 pages PB 9781838602055 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784533373 Individual eBook 9781786723628 Library eBook 9781786733627 Series: Library of Modern Middle East Studies • I.B.Tauris

The Decline of Liberalism in Israel

Yossi Beilin and the Politics of the Peace Process Avi Shilon Yossi Beilin was a seminal figure during the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. As deputy foreign minister in the second Rabin government, he was responsible for leading the Oslo process, which was the most important attempt to end the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. This book is the first to tell the story of the left wing and the peace process based on the private archive of Beilin himself. The thousands of documents – shared exclusively with the author - reveal a far more complete picture of Israel’s political-diplomatic history in the late 20th century and provide new information on key events. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 320 pages HB 9781838601126 • £90.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838601140 Library eBook 9781838601157 Series: Library of Modern Middle East Studies • I.B.Tauris World All Languages (except Hebrew)

Bloomsbury and I.B. Tauris In May 2018 Bloomsbury acquired I.B. Tauris. Founded in London in 1983, I.B. Tauris has long been recognised as one of the leading publishers on the Middle East and the Islamic World and has a major presence in Classics and Ancient History, History, Politics and International Relations, Philosophy, Religion, Film and Visual Culture. Formerly distributed by IBT, Bloomsbury is pleased to distribute* The American University in Cairo Press and the Hoopoe imprint, The Classical Press of Wales, and Egypt Exploration Society. * outside N. America (and Egypt for AUCP/Hoopoe)

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M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – Li bra ry of M oder n M i ddl e Ea st Studi es

Library of Modern Middle East Studies continued The Israeli Peace Movement

Documenting Syria

Leonie Fleischmann

Joshka Wessels

Anti-Occupation Activism and Human Rights after the Second Intifada The Israeli peace movement has been in decline since the 2000s. However, despite the stagnation around the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process, this book argues that other important groups have emerged that present new ways to challenge the status quo. These are radical groups that act in solidarity with the Palestinians as well as human rights groups that focus on revealing the realities of the occupation and want to hold the government to account. This book covers the history of these groups since 1967 and the reasons for the decline of the liberal Zionist movement. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 208 pages HB 9781838600976 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838600983 Library eBook 9781838600990 Series: Library of Modern Middle East Studies • I.B.Tauris

The Chaldeans

Politics and Identity in Iraq and the American Diaspora Yasmeen Hanoosh Modern Chaldeans are an Aramaic speaking Catholic Syriac community from northern Iraq, not to be confused with the ancient Mesopotamian civilization of the same name. First identified as ‘Chaldean’ by the Catholic Church in the sixteenth century, this misnomer persisted, developing into a distinctive and unique identity. Yasmeen Hanoosh explores these ancient-modern inflections in contemporary Chaldean identity discourses, the use of history as a collective commodity for developing and sustaining a positive community image in the present, and the use of language revival and monumental symbolism to reclaim association with Christian and preChristian traditions. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 328 pages • 25 bw illus HB 9781788313698 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781786725967 Library eBook 9781786736000 Series: Library of Modern Middle East Studies • I.B.Tauris

Revolts and the Military in the Arab Spring Popular Uprisings and the Politics of Repression Sean Burns Through detailed exploration of events in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, Syria and Yemen, Sean Burns here breaks down the concept of professionalism within the armed forces into its component parts and demonstrates how variation in military structures determines their behaviour. In so doing, and by emphasising historical context and drawing on a wide range of political science theories, Burns sheds fresh light onto the ways in which military structure affects the potential for democratic transition or the course of civil war. With this book he presents a wide-ranging study of the Middle East which provides key tools to understanding the opportunities for democratisation, both during the Arab Spring and beyond, and which is therefore essential reading for anyone working on the Middle East, popular uprisings and the politics of repression. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 384 pages PB 9781838600143 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784538934 Individual eBook 9781786723192 Library eBook 9781786733191 Series: Library of Modern Middle East Studies • I.B.Tauris


Film-making, Video Activism and Revolution Since the 1970s, Syrian cinema masters played a defining role in avant-garde filmmaking and political dissent against authoritarianism. This book is the first history of documentary filmmaking in the country. Based on extensive media ethnography and in-depth interviews with Syrian filmmakers in exile, the book offers an archival analysis of the documentary work by masters of Syrian cinema, such as Nabil Maleh, Ossama Mohammed, Mohammed Malas, Hanna Ward and Omar Amiralay. Joshka Wessels traces how the works of these filmmakers became iconic for a new generation and maps the radical change in the documentary landscape after the revolution of 2011. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 336 pages • 13 bw illus HB 9781788311731 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781788316156 • £91.80 Library eBook 9781788316163 Series: Library of Modern Middle East Studies • I.B.Tauris

The Future of Oil in Lebanon

Energy, Politics and Economic Growth Edited by Sami Atallah & Bassam Fattouh What is the future of the oil and gas sector in Lebanon? Following the recent discovery of these valuable resources in the southern Mediterranean, this collection of essays addresses the major challenges and opportunities that accompany the country’s hope to join the petroleum club. Addressing the key policy issues - from Lebanon’s susceptibility to the oil curse to the environmental risks of production - this book brings together expert analysis to offer prescriptive answers at the institutional level. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 368 pages HB 9781788311717 • £85.00 / $115.00 Library eBook 9781788318501 Series: Library of Modern Middle East Studies • I.B.Tauris

Violent Radical Movements in the Arab World The Ideology and Politics of Non-State Actors Edited by Peter Sluglett Violent non-state actors have become almost endemic to political movements in the Middle East and the Horn of Africa. This book examines why they play such a key role and the different ways in which they have developed. Individual chapters are dedicated to: The Muslim Brotherhood, The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, Hamas, Hizbullah, al-Shabab and the Huthis. By looking at these groups together, the book shows that these organizations are at once a new phenomenon, but also relate to key factors including the ‘unfinished business’ of the colonial and postcolonial eras and tacit encouragement of the Wahhabi/Salafi/jihadi da‘wa by some regional powers. Their diversity means they elude simple classification, ranging from ‘national’, ‘transnational’, religious and political movements. Yet by examining their origins, their supporters and their motivations, this book helps explain their ubiquity in the region. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 240 pages PB 9781788319768 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781788314312 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9781786726308 Library eBook 9781786736369 Series: Library of Modern Middle East Studies • I.B.Tauris

www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk

The Ottomans and Eastern Europe

Social History in the Early Modern World Suraiya Faroqhi

Ottoman historians typically study the Ottoman Empire and its constituent regions as entities insulated from the outside world, except when it came to ‘campaigns and conquests’ on the one hand, and ‘incorporation into the European-dominated world economy’ on the other. However, now many scholars accept that the Ottoman Empire was one of the few long-lived ‘world empires’ that have emerged in history. This social history compares the Ottoman to another of the great world empires, the Mughals in the Indian subcontinent, exploring source criticism, diversities in the linguistic and religious fields as political problems, and the fates of ordinary subjects including merchants, artisans, women and slaves. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 352 pages • 16 bw illus. HB 9781788313667 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781788318723 Library eBook 9781788318730 Series: Library of Ottoman Studies • I.B.Tauris

The Circassians of Turkey

Politics and Borders in the Early Modern World Michal Wasiucionek Drawing on Ottoman, Polish and Romanian sources, This book explores the complex interplay between regional politics and the rise of factionalism in the disputed lands of 17th century Moldavia and Wallachia, focusing on cross-border patronage between Ottoman, Polish-Lithuanian and Moldavian elites. By approaching the history of the region from a factional, rather than state-centred perspective, it investigates an alternative geography of power, defined by personal interactions that straddled religious, political and social boundaries between the elites. Wasiucionek reveals the way in which these interactions not only shaped the Ottoman-Polish rivalry over Moldavia, but also influenced political culture throughout the region. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 288 pages • 7 bw illus HB 9781788318471 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781788318587 Library eBook 9781788318570 Series: The Ottoman Empire and the World • I.B.Tauris

War, Violence and Nationalism from the Ottomans to Atatürk

Capitalism in the Ottoman Balkans

Caner Yelbasi This book reveals the complex and important role played by the Circassians of Turkey in the chaotic years after 1918. It shows that the Circassians played an important role in the establishment of the early republic and how the Turkification policies of the Kemalist regime in the two decades following 1918 disrupted their world. Using a wide variety of primary source material, including Ottoman and Republican archives - as well as memoirs, the press and secondary literature - this book sheds light on a minority who, unlike the Kurds or Armenians, are yet to receive scholarly attention in Turkish Studies. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 256 pages • 15 bw illus & 2 maps. HB 9781788314473 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838600181 Library eBook 9781838600174 Series: Library of Ottoman Studies • I.B.Tauris

The Kurds and the Politics of Turkey Agency, Territory and Religion

Industrialisation and Modernity in Macedonia Costas Lapavitsas & Pinar Çakiroglu-Bournos The story of Ottoman Macedonian capitalism was nearly forgotten in the century that followed the demise of the Empire. This book pieces it together by unearthing Ottoman archival materials combined with Greek sources and field research. It offers a fresh perspective on late Ottoman economic history and will be an invaluable resource for scholars of Ottoman, Greek and Turkish history. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 256 pages • 20 bw illus HB 9781788314336 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781788316606 Library eBook 9781788316590 I.B.Tauris World All Languages (except Greek and Turkish)

The Struggle for Modern Turkey

Deníz Çifçi

Justice, Activism and a Revolutionary Female Journalist

Since the 1990s, new Kurdish parties have formed within Turkey which have a variety of ideologies and demands that go beyond, and differ in opinion on, the question of independence. This book provides nuance and depth to the current debate on Kurdish political agency and presence in Turkey by considering the diversity within the Kurdish community - the intertwining of tribal, ethnic and national identity and differences in their language, religion and ideology. By explaining variation among the Kurds’ political demands through close analysis of existing and emerging parties, it challenges deterministic approaches to the Kurds which currently dominate the discourse.

Sabiha Sertel

UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 256 pages • 6 bw illus. HB 9781784539955 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781788316378 Library eBook 9781788316385 Series: Kurdish Studies • I.B.Tauris

M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – Tu rke y an d th e O ttoma n E mp i re

The Ottoman and Mughal Empires

Edited by Tia O'Brien & Nur Deris Translated by David Selim Sayers & Evrim Emir-Sayers Sabiha Sertel was born into revolution in 1895 as an independent Turkey rose out of the dying Ottoman Empire. The nation’s first professional female journalist, her unrelenting push for democracy and social reforms ultimately cost Sertel her country and freedom. Shortly before her death in 1968, Sertel completed her autobiography Roman Gibi (Like a Novel), which was written during her forced exile in the Soviet Union. Translated here into English for the first time, and complete with a new introduction and comprehensive annotations, it offers a rare perspective on Turkey’s history as it moved to embrace democracy, then violently recoiled. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781788313575 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781788315999 Library eBook 9781788316002 Series: Library of Middle East History • I.B.Tauris

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M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – Turkey a nd the Ottoma n Empi re / Ira n

The End of the Ottomans

The Genocide of 1915 and the Politics of Turkish Nationalism

Conflict and Religion in the Safavid and Ottoman Worlds

Edited by Hans-Lukas Kieser, Margaret Lavinia Anderson, Seyhan Bayraktar & Thomas Schmutz In 1915, as part of an increasing nationalism, Turkey enacted a genocide against its Armenian citizens. In this new study, Hans-Lukas Kieser marshals a dazzling array of scholars to re-evaluate the approach and legacy of the Young Turks – whose eradication of the Armenians from Asia Minor would have far-reaching consequences. Kieser argues that genocide led to today's crisis-ridden Middle East and set in place a rigid state system whose effects are still felt in Turkey today. Featuring new and ground-breaking work on the role of bureaucracy, the actors outside of Istanbul and re-centring Armenian agency in the genocide. UK April 2019 • US July 2019 • 384 pages • 12 bw illus HB 9781788312417 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781786725981 Library eBook 9781786736048 Series: Library of Ottoman Studies • I.B.Tauris

Giovanni-Tommaso Minadoi Translated by Abraham Hartwell This reissue provides a detailed and lively account of the war between the Ottoman and Safavid dynasties in the late sixteenth century, when Ottoman sultan, Murad III, sought to extend his sphere of influence at the expense of the Safavids under Shah Mohammad Khodabandeh. There are very few western accounts of the conflict and Minadoi’s is both highly informative and reliable and provides a valuable addition to non-western sources. Now rare, this edition is published with a new introduction from one of the foremost authorities on the history of Iran, Rudi Matthee. UK May 2019 • US June 2019 • 392 pages HB 9781780769523 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781786725844 Library eBook 9781786735843 I.B.Tauris

Animals and the Environment in Turkish Culture

Contested Spaces in Contemporary Turkey

Ecocriticism and Transnational Literature

Environmental, Urban and Secular Politics

Kim Fortuny

Edited by Fatma Müge Göçek

This book examines representations of and attitudes toward land and animals in selected Turkish literary texts and cultural contexts. Informed by global debates in ecocriticism, ecopoetics and animal studies, Kim Fortuny explores literary and arts activism, as well as environmental interventions in the Turkish cultural sphere in light of ongoing ecological degradation in Turkey. Writers from the Turkish canon such as Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar and Nâzim Hikmet are explored alongside American and English texts to reveal common transnational environmental and ecological concerns across these distinct literary cultures. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 208 pages HB 9781788318181 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781786726575 Library eBook 9781786736635 I.B.Tauris

Russians in Iran

Diplomacy and Power in the Qajar Era and Beyond Edited by Rudi Matthee & Elena Andreeva Russians in Iran seeks to challenge the traditional narrative regarding Russian involvement in Iran and to show that whilst Russia's historical involvement in Iran is longstanding it is nonetheless much misunderstood. Russia's influence in Iran between 1800 and the middle of the twentieth century is not simply a story of inexorable intrusion and domination: rather, it is a complex and interactive process of mostly indirect control and constructive engagement. Drawing on fresh archival material, the contributors provide a window into the power and influence wielded in Iran not just by the Russian government through its traditional representatives but by Russian nationals operating in Iran in a variety of capacities, including individuals, bankers, and entrepreneurs. Russians in Iran reveals the multifaceted role that Russians have played in Iranian history and provides an original and important contribution to the history and international relations of Iran, Russia and the Middle East. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 336 pages PB 9781838600129 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784538996 Individual eBook 9781786723369 Library eBook 9781786733368 I.B.Tauris


The War Between the Turks and the Persians

This book examines the emergence and consequences of neoliberalism in Turkey. Of particular importance to the study are the contested spaces - those sites of struggle and protest - where the impact of this economic system is challenged or negotiated. The contributors look beyond the neoliberal cities of the West - Istanbul and Ankara - to take into account the rest of the country and the groups that are most negatively affected: such as the Kurds, women and migrants. Chapters consider the complexity of neoliberalism in Turkey, where the power of the market, the agenda of the state, and significantly, the country's past, are shown to have shaped current economic practices and policies. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 448 pages • 21 bw illus, 2 maps, 2 tables PB 9781838600167 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784536107 Individual eBook 9781786722287 Library eBook 9781786732286 Series: Library of Modern Turkey • I.B.Tauris

Pahlavi Iran and the Politics of Occidentalism

The Shah and the Coming of the Iranian Revolution Zhand Shakibi This study analyses the politics of Occidentalism in the late-Pahlavi period, focusing on the clash between the pro-Western Shah and the anti-Western Islamic forces which eventually led to the Islamic Revolution. Zhand Shakibi presents a new interpretation of the political and social dynamics of the last decade of the Shah’s rule by drawing attention to the Pahlavi state’s reaction to societal backlash against cultural and political Occidentalism in its last decade. Drawing on archival sources, this book presents the multi-faceted relationship of the Pahlavi state to the West and the institutions that were created to manage this. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 416 pages • 8 illus HB 9781788317368 • £90.00 / $120.00 Individual eBook 9781786726247 Library eBook 9781786736307 I.B.Tauris

www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk

The Masnavi of Rumi, Vol 2

Jalal al-Din Rumi

Jalal al-Din Rumi

Translated by Alan Williams

Translated by Alan Williams

In Book 1 of the Masnavi, the first of six volumes, Rumi explores the problem of the lower, carnal self which must be resisted if one is to attain a higher spiritual understanding. Adam William’s authoritative new translation is rendered in highly readable blank verse and includes the original Persian text for reference. True to the spirit of Rumi’s poem, this new translation establishes the Masnavi as one of the world’s great literary achievements for a global readership.

In Book 2 of the Masnavi, the second of six volumes, we travel with Rumi toward an understanding of the deeper truth and reality, beyond the limits of the self. Adam William’s authoritative new translation is rendered in highly readable blank verse and includes the original Persian text for reference. True to the spirit of Rumi’s poem, this new translation establishes the Masnavi as one of the world’s great literary achievements for a global readership.

Translated and edited with an introduction, notes and Persian text by Alan Williams

Translated and edited with an introduction, notes and Persian text by Alan Williams

UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 448 pages • 20 bw & 8 pp colour plates HB 9781788311458 • £40.00 / $55.00 Individual eBook 9781786725943 Library eBook 9781786735980 I.B.Tauris

UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 368 pages • 20 bw and 8pp colour plates HB 9781788313148 • £40.00 / $55.00 Individual eBook 9781786726094 Library eBook 9781786736024 I.B.Tauris

A New Annotated Edition and Translation

Alexander the Great in the Persian Tradition

History, Myth and Legend in Medieval Iran Haila Manteghi Alexander the Great (356-333 BC) was transformed into a legend by all those he met, leaving an enduring tradition of romances across the world. Aside from its penetration into every language of medieval Europe, the Alexander romance arguably had its greatest impact in the Persian language. Haila Manteghi here offers a complete survey of that deep tradition, ranging from analysis of classical Persian poetry to popular romances and medieval Arabic historiography. She explores how the Greek work first entered the Persian literary tradition and traces the development of its influence, before revealing the remarkable way in which Alexander became as central to the Persian tradition as any other hero or king. And, importantly, by focusing on the oftenoverlooked early medieval Persian period, she also demonstrates that a positive view of Alexander developed in Arabic and Persian literature before the Islamic era. Drawing on an impressive range of sources in various languages - including Persian, Arabic and Greek - Manteghi provides a profound new contribution to the study of the Alexander romances. Beautifully written and with vibrant literary motifs, this book is important reading for all those with an interest in Alexander, classical and medieval Persian history, the early Islamic world and classical reception studies. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 272 pages • 11 colour illus in 8pp plates PB 9781838602062 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781788310307 Individual eBook 9781786723666 Library eBook 9781786733665 Series: Library of Medieval Studies • I.B.Tauris

A New Annotated Edition and Translation

History of Persian Literature Persian Lyric Poetry in the Classical Era, 800-1500: Ghazals, Panegyrics and Quatrains A History of Persian Literature Vol. II

This multi-volume, authoritative survey reflects the stature and significance of Persian literature as the single most important accomplishment of the Iranian nation. Prominent scholars in the field bring a fresh critical approach to bear on this important topic and each volume includes representative samples of this literature. The second volume surveys the most significant lyric poetry of Classical Persian literature. UK December 2019 • 650 pages HB 9781788318242 • £85.00 / $99.00 Individual eBook 9781786726605 Library eBook 9781786736666 Series: History of Persian Literature • I.B.Tauris World All Languages (except Persian)

M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – Pe rs ian Lite ratu re

The Masnavi of Rumi, Vol 1

Persian Narrative Poetry in the Classical Era, 800-1500: Romantic and Didactic Genres A History of Persian Literature, Vol III

The third volume in this ground-breaking series explores mainly the poems written in the couplet form (mathnavi) including narrative mathnavis, allegorical mathnavis such as Conference of the Birds by Attâr as well as didactive mathnavis such as Sa’di’s Bustân and Rumi’s Mathnavi-ye Ma’navi. UK December 2019 • US January 2020 • 656 pages HB 9781845119041 • £85.00 / $99.00 Individual eBook 9781786726582 Library eBook 9781786736642 Series: History of Persian Literature • I.B.Tauris World All Languages (except Persian)

www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com


M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – Isl a mi c Studi es / Gender

Muslim Identity Politics

The Hindu Sufis of South Asia

Khadijah Elshayyal, University of Edinburgh, UK

Michel Boivin

Islam, Activism and Equality in Britain This is the first book to chart critically the national and global factors influencing the political mobilisation of British Muslim activists as Muslims. Khadijah Elshayyal traces the changes of thought, direction and method within Muslim identity politics after 1960, noting key organisations and turning points such as the Rushdie Affair, the 9/11 attacks, the 7/7 bombings and the current conflict in Syria. The book argues that the Rushdie Affair prompted new debate around the subject of freedom of expression, which has continued to be a point of contention ever since. Providing a history of the interaction between Muslim advocacy groups and the state, and the impact of state policy on Muslim communities, Muslims Identity Politics shows that that Muslim citizens continue to experience an 'equality gap' and recommends where transformation and progress can be made. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 336 pages PB 9781838602048 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784537791 Individual eBook 9781786723536 Library eBook 9781786733535 Series: Library of European Studies • I.B.Tauris

Partition, Shrine Culture and the Sindhis in India Within the complex religious landscape of modern India, the community of Sindh stands out as a powerful example of interfaith relations. This Hindu community moved to India and practiced Sufism following Sindh’s inclusion to Pakistan in the 1947 partition. Drawing on a close analysis of literature and poetry, interviews with key informants, and a reading of historic rituals and architectures, Michel Boivin demonstrates that this active religious minority has managed to retain its unique Hindu-Sufi identity amidst the rigidification of official religions in both India and Pakistan. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 256 pages • 12 bw illus. HB 9781788315319 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781788319560 Library eBook 9781788319577 Series: Library of Islamic South Asia • I.B.Tauris

The Renaissance of Islam

History, Culture and Society in the 10th Century Muslim World Adam Mez

Contesting Islamophobia

Anti-Muslim Prejudice in Media, Culture and Politics Edited by Peter Morey, Alaya Forte & Amina Yaqin This book reveals the way in which Islamophobia’s pervasive power is everywhere being met with responses which challenge it and the worldview on which it rests. The volume moves beyond others by outlining the characteristics of contemporary Islamophobia across a range of public discourses in both Europe and the United States. Chapters examine issues such as how anti-Muslim prejudice facilitates the questionable foreign and domestic policies of Western governments; the operation of anti-Muslim bias in media and the arts; attempts to challenge Islamophobia in education; and forms of Muslim self-fashioning in popular culture and new media to oppose stereotypes. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 296 pages HB 9781788311632 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781788316149 Series: Library of Modern Religion • I.B.Tauris

Mainstreaming the Headscarf

Islamist Politics and Women in the Turkish Media Ezra Ozcan Turkey has gone through an enormous transformation in the last decade under the rule of the AKP, including more restrictive gender policies. This book looks at conservative gender politics through the prism of images of women’s headscarves in secular and Islamic news media after 2002. Conservative women as political actors have rarely been studied in any country, and this book is the first analysis of the transformation of visual culture under the AKP governments. As well as examining women’s roles and political activity, the book provides a deeper understanding of the current politics and emerging authoritarianism in Turkey.

In this important study, Adam Mez draws upon a vast range of sources to produce a detailed account of all aspects of Islamic culture and society in the tenth century - finance, religion, geography, industry and trade, law, morals, navigation, etc. The result is a lucid and engaging work that even today remains a key resource for researchers and students alike. The original edition is now very rare. This new edition, introduced by Hugh Kennedy, one of the leading scholars of the period, makes the work available once again and includes a bibliography and index specially prepared for this edition. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 560 pages HB 9781784538910 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook Library eBook I.B.Tauris World English

Activism and Women's NGOs in Turkey Civil Society, Feminism and Politics Asuman Özgür Keysan Civil society is often seen as male, structured in a way that excludes women from public and political life. But scholars and activists are currently trying to update this view by looking at women’s positions in civil society and women’s activism. This book is based on interviews with women activists from ten women’s organizations in Turkey. Foregrounding the voices of women, the book answers the question "How do women’s NGOs contribute to civil society in the Middle East?". UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 224 pages HB 9781788310130 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781786726315 Library eBook 9781786736376 Series: Library of Modern Turkey • I.B.Tauris

UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 272 pages • 4 bw images HB 9781788314015 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838600815 Library eBook 9781838600808 Series: Gender and Islam • I.B.Tauris


www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk

The Kurds of Northern Syria

Social Media and Networks after the Arab Spring

Harriet Allsopp & Wladimir van Wilgenburg

Albana Dwonch

Based on unprecedented access to Kurdish-governed areas of Syria, including exclusive interviews with administration officials and civilian surveys, this book sheds light on the socio-political landscape of this minority group and the various political factions vying to speak for them. The first English-language book to capture the momentous transformations that have occurred since 2011, the authors move beyond idealized images of Rojava and the Kurdish PYD (Democratic Union Party) to provide a nuanced assessment of the Kurdish autonomous experience and the prospects for self-rule in Syria.

Drawing on extensive fieldwork composed of interviews with leading Palestinian activists in the West Bank and Gaza as well as detailed analysis of social media patterns, this book offers a fresh reading of Palestinian youth and their central online and offline role in popular protests against both Israeli and Palestinian power structures. The author focuses on the 15 March movement in Gaza, the Palestinians for Dignity movement in the West Bank, and the Prawer movement of young Palestinians in Israel. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 240 pages HB 9781838600631 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838600662 Library eBook 9781838600648 Series: SOAS Palestine Studies • I.B.Tauris

Governance, Diversity and Conflicts

UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 248 pages HB 9781788314831 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781788315975 Library eBook 9781788315982 Series: Kurdish Studies • I.B.Tauris

Terrorist Movements and the Recruitment of Arab Foreign Fighters

Building Migrant Cities in the Gulf

Roger Warren

Ashraf M. Salama & Florian Wiedmann

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Consumerist Orientalism

Richard Burton, T.E. Lawrence and the Culture of Homoerotic Desire

The Convergence of Arab and American Popular Culture in the Age of Global Capitalism M. Keith Booker & Isra Daraiseh This book explores the ways in which Edward Said's concept of Orientalism is manifested in contemporary Arab and American culture. Analyzing music, film, television and other forms of popular cultural production, it argues that a specific form of 'consumerist' Orientalism arose in 20th century American culture, linked but distinct from European forms of colonial and romantic Orientalism. It further shows how this has in turn fed in to contemporary cultural production in the Arab World. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 272 pages • 30 bw illus. HB 9781838600679 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838600693 Library eBook 9781838600686 I.B.Tauris

Kurdish Nationalism on Stage

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Orientalist Depictions of Arab Sexuality Feras Alkabani Notions of 'respectability', 'propriety' and 'sexual morality' were being transformed in literary and cultural discourses, a shift that was related to the gradual rise in anti-Ottoman Arab nationalism. However, contemporary Orientalists such as Sir Richard Burton and T.E. Lawrence were oblivious to certain aspects of this process of cultural reconfiguration. While accounts of male-love poetry (ghazal al-mudhakkar) were being gradually expurgated from the Arab literary heritage, elaborate narratives of Oriental homoerotic desire distinctively characterise the encounters of both Burton and Lawrence with the Arab East. By comparing their autobiographical accounts of the Arab Orient with contemporary Arabic literature, Feras Alkabani is able to expose this critical disparity in cross-cultural portrayals of sexual morality and homoerotic desire. Alkabani relates the conflicting agendas of contemporary Orientalists and Arab scholars to the shifts in international imperial power relations and the eventual collapse of the Ottoman Empire. His detailed comparative study reveals the significance of homoerotic desire within Orientalist and Arab literary discourses at a time when the meaning and connotations of poetic male-love were undergoing a critical change in Arab culture and literature. It will prove invaluable for those researching nationalism, imperialism and manifestations of homoerotic desire in the fin-de-siecle Middle East. UK October 2019 • US December 2019 • 304 pages HB 9781784535698 • £72.00 / $99.00 I.B.Tauris

Street Art in the Middle East Sabrina de Turk

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