I.B. Tauris Middle East Studies New Books Catalogue
January-June 2020
Contents Media and Literature ����������������������������������������������������� 1
EBooks Ebook availability is indicated under each book entry:
Medieval Studies / Islamic Studies ��������������������������������� 2
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Gender and Queer Studies ������������������������������������������� 4
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Iran ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 Turkey and the Ottoman Empire ����������������������������������� 6 North Africa ������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Israel and Palestine ��������������������������������������������������������� 8 Armenia ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9 Middle East Politics ������������������������������������������������������� 9 Modern History ������������������������������������������������������������ 10 Foreign Policy ��������������������������������������������������������������� 10 Middle East Fiction / Hoopoe ������������������������������������� 12 Middle East Literature ������������������������������������������������� 13 Arabic Language Learning ������������������������������������������� 14 Egypt / Architecture ����������������������������������������������������� 15 Egypt / Culture and History ����������������������������������������� 16 New in Paperbacks ������������������������������������������������������� 18 Major Reference Works ����������������������������������������������� 18
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Creative Radicalism in the Middle East
Media, Public Space and Temporality
Caroline Rooney, University of Kent, UK
Edited by Tarik Sabry & Joe F. Khalil
In the face of oppression and years of authoritarian and neoliberal ideology, how did the left assert itself during the Arab Uprisings? Caroline Rooney here outlines the importance of aesthetic strategies and creative expression in the left’s critique of authoritarian and Islamic extremist discourse during the revolutions.
In this revealing new study, Tarik Sabry and Joe Khalil preside over an original new exploration of Arab culture. They employ subjects as varied as anthropology, media studies, philosophy, political economy and cultural studies to illuminate the relationship between culture, time and publics in an Arab context, whilst also laying the foundations for a much more nuanced picture of Arab society. Providing a grounded orientation to key debates on time and what can be defined as public in modern Arab cultures, Sabry and Khalil address teachers, students and those concerned about the delicate structures that underpin the upheavals of the modern Arab world. UK April 2019 • US May 2019 • 224 pages • 10 b&w integrated images; 3 maps; PB 9781788311922 • £22.99 / $30.95 • HB 9781788311915 • £70.00 / $95.00 Individual eBook 9781786725424 Library eBook 9781786735423 I.B. Tauris
Beirut, Imagining the City
Space and Place in Lebanese Literature Ghenwa Hayek, University of Chicago, USA Ghenwa Hayek here explores how anxieties over the past, present and future of Beirut have been articulated through a sense of dislocation present in Lebanese writing since the 1960s. Drawing on theories of cultural studies, geography and history, and examining a wide range of modern and contemporary literature, the author uses an interdisciplinary framework to explore the role that spaces - from rural to urban - have played in the defining, and re-defining, of national identity in the seventy years since the creation of the Lebanese nation state. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 288 pages • 5 bw integrated PB 9781838607067 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784530150 Individual eBook 9780857736703 Library eBook 9780857725325 Series: Written Culture and Identity • I.B. Tauris
Culture and the Arab Left after the Uprisings
Using a wide array of texts and sources, the book engages affect theory to show how a poetics of disappointment, despair and distrust, to dignity, solidarity and reconfigured senses of the sacred, offered a way for the left to reclaim ethical, ‘radical’ values co-opted by political leaders and extremists in the Middle East. UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 272 pages PB 9781838601522 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781838601164 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9781838601171 Library eBook 9781838601195 Series: Written Culture and Identity • I.B. Tauris
Documenting Syria
Film-making, Video Activism and Revolution Josepha Ivanka Wessels, Malmö University, Sweden Syria is now one of the most important countries in the world for the documentary film industry. Since the 1970s, Syrian film-makers played a defining role in political dissent. This book is the first history of documentary filmmaking in the country based on extensive media ethnography and in-depth interviews with Syrian film-makers in exile. The book offers an archival analysis of the documentary work by masters of Syrian cinema, such as Nabil Maleh, Ossama Mohammed and Mohammed Malas, and traces how these film-makers became iconic for a new generation. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 336 pages • 13 bw illus. PB 9781838604349 • £24.99 / $34.95 • HB 9781788311731 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781788316163 I.B. Tauris
M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – Media and Literature
Culture, Time and Publics in the Arab World
The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyam A New Translation from the Persian Omar Khayyam Translated by Juan R.I. Cole, University of Michigan, USA A repository of subversive, melancholic and existentialist themes and ideas, the rubáiyát (quatrains) that make up the collected poems attributed to the 12th century Persian astronomer Omar Khayyam have enchanted readers for centuries. In this modern translation, Juan Cole elegantly renders the verse for contemporary readers. The critical introduction provides crucial context for the dubious provenance of the poem, and explain how the Rubáiyát came to such fame in West. UK March 2020 • US March 2020 • 224 pages PB 9780755600519 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9780755600526 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9780755600540 Library eBook 9780755600557 I.B. Tauris
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – Medieval Studies / Islamic Studies
Shi'i Islam and Sufism
Classical Views and Modern Perspectives Edited by Denis Hermann & Mathieu Terrier Offering new perspectives on the relationship between Shi'is and Sufis in modern and pre-modern times, this book challenges the supposed opposition between these two esoteric traditions in Islam by exploring what could be called "Shi'i Sufism" and "Sufi-oriented Shi'ism" at various points in history. With contributions from leading scholars in Shi'ism and Sufism Studies, the book is the first to reveal the mutual influences and connections between Shi'ism and Sufism, which until now have been little explored. UK December 2019 • US February 2020 • 400 pages • 20 b&w images PB 9780755602315 • £24.99 / $34.95 • HB 9780755602278 • £75.00 / $100.00 Individual eBook 9780755602308 Library eBook 9780755602292 Series: Shi'i Heritage Series • I.B. Tauris
Intellectual Interactions in the Islamic World The Ismaili Thread
Edited by Orkhan Mir-Kasimov, The Institute of Ismaili Studies, UK How has the Ismaili branch of Shi‘i Islam interacted with other Islamic communities throughout history? While scholarship has analysed many branches of Islam in isolation, the exchanges and mutual influences between them have not been sufficiently recognised. This book traces the interactions between Ismaili intellectual thought and the philosophies of other Islamic groups to shed light on the complex and interwoven nature of Islamic civilisation. Based on primary sources from the early medieval to the late nineteenth century, the book brings together different disciplines within Islamic Studies to cover polemical and doctrinal literature, law, mysticism, rituals and philosophy. UK November 2019 • US December 2019 • 520 pages PB 9781838604882 • £24.99 / $39.95 • HB 9781838604851 • £75.00 / $100.00 Individual eBook 9781838604875 Library eBook 9781838604868 Series: Shi'i Heritage Series • I.B. Tauris World English
The Master and the Disciple An Early Islamic Spiritual Dialogue Edited by James W. Morris This volume includes a fully annotated translation and Arabic critical edition of one of the earliest surviving Ismaili Shi'i writings, by the Yemeni author Ja'far Ibn Mansur al-Yaman. In addition to being a key source for pre-Fatimid Ismaili history, The Master and the Disciple is important as the most elaborate example of the narrated dramatic dialogue form in Arabic. It also illustrates the processes by which early esoteric Shi'i ideas and institutions eventually contributed to the evolution of more familiar forms of Sufism in the Islamic West. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 464 pages PB 9780755602629 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781860647819 Individual eBook • £31.00 / $34.76 Library eBook 9780857714657 Series: Ismaili Texts and Translations • I.B. Tauris
Gender and Succession in Medieval and Early Modern Islam Bilateral Descent and the Legacy of Fatima
Alyssa Gabbay, University of North California, USA Through the lens of Fatima, and drawing on a host of texts including Qur’an commentaries, hadith, historical chronicles, court records and poetry taken from India to Morocco, and everywhere in between, Alyssa Gabbay here reconsiders various episodes from the medieval Islamic world in which individuals or societies acknowledged bilateral descent. In the process, Gabbay sheds important light onto gender roles in the pre-modern world and beliefs and practices on lineage and bilateral descent, as well as considering Fatima as a ‘feminist icon’ and her resounding (and long-lasting) influence throughout the medieval Islamic world more generally. UK March 2020 • US March 2020 • 288 pages • 3 bw illus. HB 9781838602314 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838602338 Library eBook 9781838602345 Series: Early and Medieval Islamic World • I.B. Tauris
Cross Veneration in the Medieval Islamic World
Christian Identity and Practice under Muslim Rule Charles Tieszen, Fuller Theological Seminary, USA How and why did medieval Eastern Christian communities continue to venerate crosses in the face of confusion and hostility in Islamic majority lands? Charles Tieszen here looks at every known apologetic or polemical text written between the eighth and fourteenth centuries, with sources taken from across the Mediterranean basin, Egypt, Syria and Palestine, to examine this key theological debate, which lay at the heart of these communities' religious identities. Considering the perspectives of both Muslim and Christian authors, the book also raises important questions concerning cross-cultural debate and exchange, and the development of Christianity and Islam in the medieval period. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 240 pages PB 9780755601257 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784536626 Individual eBook 9781786721587 Library eBook 9781786731586 Series: Early and Medieval Islamic World • I.B. Tauris
Arab Conquests and Early Islamic Historiography
The Futuh al-Buldan of al-Baladhuri Ryan J. Lynch, Columbus State University, USA Al-Baladhuri’s Kitab Futuh al-buldan (The Book of the Conquest of Lands) is one of the most important sources on 7th and 8th century Islamic history. Questions over the text’s construction, purpose, and reception, however, have been overlooked in current scholarship. This is despite the text’s important historical material and its early date of creation. It is commonplace for researchers to turn to the Futuh for information on a specific location or topic, but to ignore questions over the text’s creation and limitation. This book corrects these gaps in knowledge by investigating the form, construction, content, and early reception history of al-Baladhuri’s text. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 272 pages • 6 bw illus HB 9781838604394 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838604400 Library eBook 9781838604417 I.B. Tauris
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
A Tenth-Century Treatise on ArabByzantine Relations Maria Vaiou
Arab messengers played a vital role in the medieval Islamic world and its diplomatic relations with foreign powers. An innovative treatise from the 10th Century - 'Rusul al-Muluk' or 'Messengers of Kings' - is perhaps the most important account of the diplomacy of the period, and it is here translated into English for the first time. 'Rusul al-Muluk' is an extraordinarily important and original contribution to our understanding of the early Islamic world and the field of International Relations and Diplomatic History. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 376 pages • 10 bw integrated, 2 maps PB 9781788313520 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781845116521 Individual eBook 9781786724458 Library eBook 9781786734457 I.B. Tauris
Political Quietism in Islam
Sunni and Shi’i Practice and Thought Edited by Saud al-Sarhan, King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies, Saudi Arabia This book is the first to analyze the history and meaning of political quietism in Islamic societies. It takes an innovative cross-sectarian approach, investigating the phenomenon and practice across both Sunni and Shi’i communities. Contributors deconstruct and introduce the various forms of political quietisms from the time of the prophetic revelations through to the contemporary era. Chapters cover issues ranging from the politics of public piety among the women preachers in Saudi Arabia, through to the legal discourses in the Caucasus, the different Shi’i communities in Iran, Lebanon, Iraq and Pakistan, and the Gülen movement in Azerbaijan. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 240 pages HB 9781838602192 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838607661 Library eBook 9781838607654 Series: King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies Series • I.B. Tauris
On Muslim Unity
Orthodoxy and Conflict from the Classical Tradition to the Present Day Tajul Islam, University of Leeds, UK Throughout Islamic history Muslims have sought the guidance of systematic theology to unite upon broad principles. This book provides a detailed mapping of the theological debates and conflicts that have surrounded the struggle to define ‘orthodoxy’ within Sunni Islam. Beginning with the demise of the Prophet and the question of succession, the book takes the reader through the Mongol invasions, to the emergence of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hezbollah, and into contemporary Muslim diaspora politics. The book draws on original empirical research from Arabic, Urdu and English sources. UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 272 pages HB 9781838606893 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838606916 Library eBook 9781838606923 I.B. Tauris
Middle Eastern Politics and Historical Memory
Martyrdom, Revolution and Forging National Identities Jacob Lassner, Northwestern University, USA How is the complex history of the ancient Near East and Islamic World brought to bear in contemporary political discourse? In this book, Medieval Near Eastern historian Jacob Lassner explores the resonance of ancient and medieval history in the political disputes that dominate the contemporary period. From identification with ancient forbears as a method of legitimization and nation-building, to tracing the deep history of the concept of revolution in the Arab world, this book probes the historical foundations of modern conflicts in the region. UK April 2020 • US April 2020 • 272 pages PB 9780755602094 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781838607265 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9781838607289 Library eBook 9781838607296 I.B. Tauris
Islamism and Intelligence in South Asia Militancy, Politics and Security
Prem Mahadevan, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Prem Mahadevan demonstrates here how over several decades, radical Islamists, sometimes with the tacit support of parts of the military establishment, have weakened democratic governance in Pakistan and acquired progressively larger influence over policy-making. Mahadevan traces this history back to the anti-colonial Deobandi movement, which was born out of the post-partition political atmosphere and a rediscovery of the thinking of Ibn Taymiyyah. Using Pakistani media and academic sources for the bulk of its raw data, the book tracks Pakistan's trajectory towards a 'soft' Islamic revolution. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 288 pages PB 9780755600717 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784534646 Individual eBook 9781838608774 Library eBook 9781838608781 I.B. Tauris
The Architecture of a Deccan Sultanate
M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – Medieval Studies / Islamic Studies
Diplomacy in the Early Islamic World
Courtly Practice and Royal Authority in Late Medieval India Pushkar Sohoni This book provides the first analysis of the architecture of the Nizam Shahs - one of the first Deccan sultanates to emerge from the edifice of the Bahmani Empire. Pushkar Sohoni examines the critical relationship between architectural production, courtly practice and royal authority in a period when the aspirations and politics of the kingdom were articulated through architectural expression. Based on new primary research from key urban sites and material artefacts, Sohoni offers a vivid depiction of sixteenth-century South Asia, and a revised understanding of the cultural importance of the Nizam Shahs and their place in the Indian Ocean world. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 320 pages • 121 bw integrated PB 9780755606795 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784537944 Individual eBook 9781838609276 Library eBook 9781838609283 Series: Library of Islamic South Asia • I.B. Tauris
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – Gender and Queer Studies
Female Sexuality in the Early Medieval Islamic World
Queer Muslims in Europe
Pernilla Myrne, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Wim Peumans, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
Gender and Sex in Arabic Literature
Pernilla Myrne here explores Arabic erotic compendia and sex manuals, examining a range of Arabic literature to shed fresh light onto the complexities of female sexuality under the Abbasids and the Buyids. Based on an impressive array of neglected medical, religious-legal, literary and entertainment sources, Myrne elucidates the tension between depictions of women’s strong sexual agency and their subordinated social role in various contexts. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 240 pages HB 9781838605018 • £90.00 / $120.00 Individual eBook 9781838605032 Library eBook 9781838605025 Series: Early and Medieval Islamic World • I.B. Tauris
Writing Queer Identities in Morocco
Abdellah Taïa and Marginal Sexualities in Moroccan Literature Tina Dransfeldt Christensen, Roskilde University, Denmark This book explores queer identity in Morocco through the work of author and LGBT activist Abdellah Taïa, who defied the country’s anti-homosexuality laws by publicly coming out in 2006. Placing key novels such as Salvation Army and Infidels in dialogue with Moroccan writers including Driss Chraïbi and Abdelkebir Khatibi, the author shows how Taïa draws upon a long tradition of politically committed art in Morocco to subvert traditional notions of heteronormativity. By foregrounding silenced or otherwise marginalised voices, she shows how his writings offer a powerful critique of discourses of class, authenticity, culture and nationality in Morocco and North Africa. UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 272 pages HB 9781788315852 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781788315869 Library eBook 9781788315876 I.B. Tauris
Belgium has an elaborate legal system for protecting the rights of LGBT individuals, particularly LGBT asylum seekers. But it has been criticized for its 'homonationalism' where some queer subjects - such as ethnic, racial and religious minorities - are excluded from the dominant discourse on LGBT rights. This book foregrounds the lived experiences of queer Muslims who migrated to Belgium because of their sexuality and queer Muslims who are the children of economic migrants. Based on extensive fieldwork, Wim Peumans examines how these Muslims negotiate silence and disclosure around their sexuality and interpret their religious beliefs. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 304 pages • 4 bw PB 9780755600731 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781788310789 Individual eBook 9781786723062 Library eBook 9781786733061 Series: Gender and Islam • I.B. Tauris
Sexual and Gender Diversity in the Muslim World
History, Law and Vernacular Knowledge Vanja Hamzic, SOAS, University of London, UK Combining first-hand ethnographic accounts with new archival research, this book provides a unique mapping of Islamic jurisprudence, court practice and social developments in the Muslim world. Hamzic provides a comprehensive look at the ways in which sexually diverse and gendervariant Muslims are seen, and see themselves, within the context of the Islamic legal tradition. UK March 2020 • US March 2020 • 352 pages PB 9781788315081 • £24.99 / $34.95 Previously published in HB 9781784533328 Individual eBook 9780857728838 Library eBook 9780857728180 Series: Library of Islamic South Asia • I.B. Tauris
Pregnancy and Miscarriage in Qatar
Women and Equality in Iran
Susie Kilshaw
Leila Alikarami, SOAS, University of London, UK
Women, Reproduction and the State
As the bearers of the next generation in one of the richest countries in the world, the social status of Qatari women is closely linked to their procreation potential. At the same time, women play a central role as representatives of the modernising Qatari nation-state; one that fuses respect for traditional values with new opportunities in public life. Based on original interviews and ethnographic research, this book looks to the topic of miscarriage to explore the contradictions and tensions emerging from Qatar’s shifting social relations. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 272 pages HB 9781838607340 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838607364 Library eBook 9781838607357 I.B. Tauris
Sexuality, Religion and Migration in Belgium
Law, Society and Activism
The most important international instrument for ensuring women’s rights is the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), yet Iran is not yet a party to this. Leila Alikarami examines here the extent to which the actions of women’s rights activists since 1979 has led to a significant and tangible change in the legal status of women in Iran. Alikarami is a lawyer and human rights advocate and was a participant and activist in many of the events she describes. UK May 2019 • US July 2019 • 360 pages HB 9781784533168 • £85.00 / $110.00 Individual eBook 9781788318860 Library eBook 9781788318877 I.B. Tauris
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
Edited by Sussan Babaie
This new volume in “The Idea of Iran” series follows the complexities surrounding the cultural reinvention of Iran after the Mongol invasions. The book is unique in capturing not only the effects of Mongol rule but also the period following the collapse of Mongol-based Ilkhanid rule. Analysing the fourteenth century in its own right, Sussan Babaie and her fellow contributors capture the cultural complexity of an era that produced some of the most luminous masterpieces in Persian literature and the most significant new building work in Tabriz, Yazd, Herat and Shiraz. Featuring contributions by leading scholars, this is a wide-ranging treatment of an under-researched period and the volume will be essential reading for scholars of Iranian Studies and Middle Eastern History.
The Timurid Century The Idea of Iran Vol.9
Edited by Charles Melville, University of Cambridge, UK The century after the conquests of Timur witnessed the division of eastern and western Iran between his Turko-Mongol successors, and a flowering of Persian culture in the great cities of Herat, Samarqand and Tabriz among others. In this, the ninth volume in The Idea of Iran series, leading scholars analyse the ways that Timurid contemporaries viewed their traditions and their environment, asking questions such as: what was the view of outsiders, and how does modern scholarship define the distinctive aspects of the period? UK May 2020 • US May 2020 • 192 pages PB 9781838606886 • £24.99 / $34.95 • HB 9781838606138 • £75.00 / $100.00 Individual eBook 9781838606145 Library eBook 9781838606152 Series: The Idea of Iran • I.B. Tauris
UK May 2019 • US June 2019 • 320 pages • 15 b&w HB 9781788315289 • £39.50 / $54.95 Individual eBook 9781786725974 Library eBook 9781786736017 Series: The Idea of Iran • I.B. Tauris
The Jews of Iran
The History, Religion and Culture of a Community in the Islamic World Edited by Houman M. Sarshar, Center for Iranian Jewish Oral History, USA Living continuously in Iran for over 2700 years, Jews have played an integral role in the history of the country. This book examines the ancient texts, objects and art from a wide range of times and places throughout Iranian history, as well as the medieval trade routes along which these would have travelled, to understand the material and visual culture of this community. The book also explores modern novels and the implications of fictional representations of the Jews of Iran. Providing a long view of the Jewish cultural influence on Iran's development, this book is a unique contribution to Judeo-Iranian studies. UK November 2019 • US August 2019 • 264 pages • 25 integrated black and white illustrations PB 9781788314152 • £20.00 / $35.95 Previously published in HB 9781780768885 Individual eBook 9780857737106 Library eBook 9780857727657 I.B. Tauris
Persia in Crisis
Safavid Decline and the Fall of Isfahan Rudi Matthee, University of Delaware, USA The decline and fall of Safavid Iran is traditionally seen as the natural outcome of the unrelieved political stagnation and moral degeneration which characterised late Safavid Iran. Persia in Crisis challenges this view. In this ground-breaking new book, Rudi Matthee revisits traditional sources and introduces new ones to take a fresh look at Safavid Iran in the century preceding the fall of Isfahan in 1722, which brought down the dynasty and ushered in a long period of turbulence in Iranian history. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 416 pages • 4 maps, 8pp colour plates PB 9781838607074 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781845117450 Individual eBook 9780857731814 Library eBook 9780857720948 I.B. Tauris
Attar and the Persian Sufi Tradition
Iran and the West
L. Lewisohn & C. Shackle
Edited by Margaux Whiskin, University of Warwick, UK & David Bagot, Newcastle-underLyme College, UK
The Art of Spiritual Flight
Edited by L. Lewisohn & C. Shackle Farid al-Din 'Attar (d. 1221) was the principal Muslim religious poet of the second half of the twelfth century. His pithy and paradoxical poems and statements are still known by heart and sung by minstrels throughout Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and wherever Persian is spoken or understood. The essays in the volume are grouped in three sections, and feature contributions by sixteen scholars from North America, Europe and Iran, which illustrate, from a variety of critical prespectives, the full range of 'Attar's monumental achievement. They show how and why 'Attar's poetical work, as well as his mystical doctrines, came to wield such tremendous and formative influence over the whole of Persian Sufism. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 384 pages PB 9780755602551 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781845111489 Individual eBook 9781786720184 Library eBook 9781786730183 I.B. Tauris
M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – Iran
Iran After the Mongols
Cultural Perceptions from the Sasanian Empire to the Islamic Republic
Since the age of the Sasanian Empire (224-651 AD), Iran and the West have time and again appeared to be at odds. Iran and the West charts this contentious and complex relationship by examining the myriad ways the two have perceived each other, from antiquity to today. Contributors consider literary, imagined, mythical, visual, filmic, political and historical representations of the 'other' and the ways in which these have been constructed in, and often in spite of, their specific historical contexts. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 368 pages • 9 bw illus PB 9781838607050 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784538569 Individual eBook 9781838608750 Library eBook 9781838608767 I.B. Tauris
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – Iran / Turkey and the Ottoman Empire
A History of the Tajiks Iranians of the East Richard Foltz In this comprehensive and up-to-date history, spanning the Sogdian to the post-Soviet period, Richard Foltz traces the complex linguistic, cultural and political history of the Tajiks. Across eight chapters, the author explores the revitalisation of Persian culture under the Samanid Empire in the Tajik heartlands of historical Khorasan and Transoxiana; the evolution of the politics of Tajik identity; and traces the history of the ethnic Tajik diaspora today. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 256 pages PB 9781838604462 • £22.99 / $30.95 • HB 9781784539559 • £70.00 / $95.00 Individual eBook 9781788316514 Library eBook 9781788316521 I.B. Tauris
International and Regional Engagement in the Middle East Marianna Charountaki The foreign policies of Turkey and Iran seem increasingly to dictate the course of events in the Middle East. In this book, Marianna Charountaki examines these states' politics and policies since 1979. Using material gathered from interviews with leading political figures from Turkey, Iran and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, the book examines the impact of both external and internal factors on foreign policy and how the interaction between state and non-state actors informs political decisions. Charountaki places these issues in a theoretical framework to pioneer a new conceptual map within International Relations. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 368 pages • 3 maps, 2 figures PB 9781838604714 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781788311809 Individual eBook 9781786723802 Library eBook 9781786733801 I.B. Tauris
The British in the Levant
Trade and Perceptions of the Ottoman Empire in the Eighteenth Century Christine Laidlaw For more than two centuries following its formation in 1581, the Levant Company enjoyed a monopoly of British trade with the Ottoman Empire and provided Britain's diplomatic representation at the Sultan's court. Rather than focusing on 'the Turkey trade' itself, Christine Laidlaw examines the supporting cast of Britons - officials, clergymen, physicians and accompanying family members - who lived and worked alongside the merchants at the Company's three principal trading posts at Istanbul, Izmir and Aleppo during the eighteenth century. This unique perspective will be invaluable for historians of the eighteenth century and the Ottoman Empire. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 288 pages • 10 bw integrated PB 9780755600618 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781848853355 Library eBook 9780857711106 I.B. Tauris
European Revolutions and the Ottoman Balkans Nationalism, Violence and Empire in the Long Nineteenth-Century Balkans Dimitris Stamatopoulos Rejecting traditional Orientalist narratives, this work examines Balkan nationalist movements in the Ottoman Empire within their broader western European historical contexts. Drawing on a range of unused archival research, contributors variously consider the complex roles played by Europe’s internal geo-political ruptures in forming the Balkan states, and demonstrate how the Balkan intelligentsia drew inspiration from, and interacted with, contemporary European thought. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 288 pages HB 9781788311045 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9780755603282 Library eBook 9780755603275 Series: The Ottoman Empire and the World • I.B. Tauris
Empire and Education under the Ottomans
Gender Politics in Turkey and Russia
Emine O. Evered, Michigan State University, USA
Both Turkey and Russia were pioneering examples of “state feminism” in the early 20th Century, when the Republican and Bolshevik states embraced the ideology of women’s equality. But more recently sexism in these countries has dramatically intensified. This book explores the historical and contemporary parallels between Turkey and Russia, and how the state perpetuates and benefits from the subjugation of women. The research is based on analysis of legal documents, statistical data and reports, as well as in-depth interviews with experts, activists and public officials.
Politics, Reform and Resistance from the Tanzimat to the Young Turks
Of all the institutions of the Ottoman Empire, few have had more lasting impact than its schools and educational policies. Through a focus on the regional impact of decrees from Istanbul, Emine O. Evered here demonstrates how educational changes devised as part of wider reforms to strengthen the Empire in fact hastened its demise. This book is the first history of education in the Ottoman Middle East to evaluate policies in the context of local responses and resistance, and includes the first published English translation of the watershed 1869 Ottoman Education Law. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 360 pages • 8 bw integrated, 2 maps PB 9780755600625 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781780761091 Individual eBook 9780857732606 Library eBook 9780857721860 I.B. Tauris
Iran and Turkey
From State Feminism to Authoritarian Rule
Gökten Huriye Dogangün, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 208 pages HB 9781838604356 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838604370 Library eBook 9781838604363 I.B. Tauris
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
The 'People's Houses', the State and the Citizen Alexandros Lamprou From 1924 to 1946 the Republic of Turkey was in effect ruled as an authoritarian single-party regime. During these years the state embarked upon an extensive reform programme of modernisation and nation-building. Alexandros Lamprou here offers an alternative understanding of social change and state-society relations in Turkey, shifting the focus from the state as the prime instigator of change to the population's participation in the process of reform. Using previously unpublished archival material, Lamprou analyses how ordinary people experienced, negotiated and resisted the reforms in the 1930s and 1940s and how this process contributed to the shaping of social identities. This book will be essential reading for students and scholars of nation-building, sociocultural change and state-society relations in modern Turkey. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 320 pages PB 9781788313940 • £25.00 / $45.00 Previously published in HB 9781780768762 Individual eBook 9780857737311 Library eBook 9781786739407 I.B. Tauris
The Young Turk Revolution and the Ottoman Empire The Aftermath of 1908
Noemi Levy-Aksu & François Georgeon, CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research), France The Young Turk Revolution and the Ottoman Empire provides a new analysis of the 1908 revolution in the Balkans and the Anatolian provinces, outlining the transition from revolutionary euphoria to increasing tensions at local and central levels. Focusing on the compromises, successes and failures in the immediate aftermath of 1908, and based on new primary material and Ottoman-Turkish sources, this book represents an essential contribution to our understanding of late Ottoman and modern Turkey. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 336 pages • 10 bw integrated PB 9780755601233 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784536008 Individual eBook 9781786720214 Library eBook 9781786730213 I.B. Tauris
The Struggle for Modern Turkey Justice, Activism and a Revolutionary Female Journalist Sabiha Sertel Edited by Tia O'Brien & Nur Deris Translated by David Selim Sayers & Evrim EmirSayers Sabiha Sertel was born into revolution in 1895 as an independent Turkey rose out of the dying Ottoman Empire. The nation’s first professional female journalist, her unrelenting push for democracy and social reforms ultimately cost Sertel her country and freedom. Shortly before her death in 1968, Sertel completed her autobiography Roman Gibi (Like a Novel), which was written during her forced exile in the Soviet Union. Translated here into English for the first time, and complete with a new introduction and comprehensive annotations, it offers a rare perspective on Turkey’s history as it moved to embrace democracy, then violently recoiled. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 288 pages PB 9781838604448 • £24.99 / $34.95 • HB 9781788313575 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781788315999 Library eBook 9781788316002 I.B. Tauris
An Economic Geography Aksel Ersoy, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Turkey's economy is a complex mix of modern industry, a traditional agricultural sector, and a rapidly growing private sector. To date, many of the policy interventions adopted have been based on models drawn from developed economies and the outcome has raised a number of concerns. Are policy interventions drawn from advanced economies appropriate for transitional economies such as Turkey? Aksel Ersoy's book is the first work to explore the dynamics of local and regional development in Turkey. In addition, he offers a new theoretical framework for understanding the local and regional dynamics of emerging and transitional economies more generally. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 208 pages • 27 bw integrated figures and tables PB 9781838604691 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784536060 Individual eBook 9781838609795 Library eBook 9781786733375 I.B. Tauris
The Foreign Policy of Modern Turkey
Conspiracy Theory in Turkey
Ozgur Tufekci, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Julian de Medeiros, University of Kent, UK
Power and the Ideology of Eurasianism
M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – Turkey and the Ottoman Empire
Nation-Building in Modern Turkey
Politics and Protest in the Age of 'PostTruth'
Ozgur Tufekci argues that Eurasianist ideology has been fundamental to Turkish foreign policy and continues to have influence today. The author first explores the historical roots of Eurasianism in the 19th century, comparing this to Neo-Eurasianism and Pan-Slavism. The Ozal era (1983-1993), the Cem era (1997-2002) and Davutoglu era (since 2003) are then examined to reveal how foreign policy making has been informed by discourses of Eurasianism, and how Eurasianist ideas were implemented through internal and external socio-economic and political factors.
Turkey is witnessing an era of political upheaval. Julian de Medeiros here analyses the many unfolding challenges of Erdogan's New Turkey, and shows how a fixedly Turkish-style of 'posttruth' has taken root. Examining the relationship between conspiracy theory and 'post-truth', this book sheds light on the strategies of political paranoia that threaten to undermine the success of Turkey's democratic model. De Medeiros argues that both the Gezi protests and the failed coup attempt need to be considered alongside the emerging anti-democratic and conspiratorial tendencies of an increasingly authoritarian Turkish government.
UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 256 pages • 20 bw integrated, 4 tables PB 9780755601240 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784537425 Individual eBook 9781786721174 Library eBook 9781786731173 I.B. Tauris
UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 224 pages PB 9780755600724 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781788311670 Individual eBook 9781838608187 Library eBook 9781838608194 I.B. Tauris
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – North Africa / Israel and Palestine
Libya's Fragmentation
Structure and Process in Violent Conflict Wolfram Lacher, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Germany
Gender, Politics and the Sahrawi
Konstantina Isidoros, University of Oxford, UK
This book analyzes the forces that have shaped Libya's trajectory into political fragmentation since 2011. Questioning widely held assumptions about the role of Libya’s tribes in the revolution, Wolfram Lacher sheds new light on the complex community rifts between the revolutionaries and loyalists, and shows why Khalifa Haftar has been able to consolidate his sway over the northeast. Based on hundreds of interviews with key actors in the conflict, Lacher advances a new approach to the study of civil wars, placing the social ties of actors at the centre of analysis and exploring the link between violent conflict and social cohesion.
Today the Sahrawi are admired as soldier-statesmen and refugee-diplomats. Konstantina Isidoros provides a rich ethnographic portrait of this unique desert society's life in one of Earth's most extreme ecosystems. Her extensive anthropological research, conducted over nine years, illuminates an Arab-Berber Muslim society in which men wear full face veils and are matrifocused toward women, who are the propertyholders of tent households forming powerful matrilocal coalitions. Isidoros offers new analytical insights on gender relations, strategic tribe-to-state symbiosis and the tactical formation of 'tent-cities'.
UK March 2020 • US March 2020 • 304 pages PB 9780755600816 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9780755600809 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9780755600830 Library eBook 9780755600823 I.B. Tauris
UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 304 pages • 10 black and white integrated illustrations PB 9781838604721 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781788311403 Individual eBook 9781786723642 Library eBook 9781786733641 I.B. Tauris
Imperial Perceptions of Palestine British Influence and Power in Late Ottoman Times Lorenzo Kamel, University of Turin, Italy *WINNER OF THE PALESTINE BOOK AWARD 2016* In the first book focused on modern and contemporary Palestine to provide a top-down and a bottomup perspective on the process of simplification of the region and its inhabitants under British influence, Lorenzo Kamel offers a comprehensive outlook based on primary sources from 17 archives. It spans a variety of cultural and social boundaries, including local identities, land tenure, toponymy, religious and political charges, institutions and borders. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 312 pages • 13 bw integrated PB 9781788313537 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784531294 Individual eBook 9780857729194 Library eBook 9780857727145 I.B. Tauris
Dialogue in Palestine
The People-to-People Diplomacy Programme and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Nadia Naser-Najjab, University of Exeter, UK Since 1993, various international donors have poured money into a People-to-People (P2P) diplomacy programme in Palestine. This grassroots initiative – still funded by prominent external donors today – seeks to foster public engagement through contact and therefore remove deeply embedded barriers. This book examines the limited nature of this ‘contact’ and explains why the P2P framework ultimately served to reinforce conflict and power relations. The book is based on the author’s own experience of the solidarity activities during the First Intifada and her first-hand involvement as a coordinator of the P2P projects. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 256 pages HB 9781838603847 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838603861 Library eBook 9781838603854 Series: SOAS Palestine Studies • I.B. Tauris
The Palestinian Refugees after 1948
Exiled from Jerusalem
Marte Heian-Engdal, Norwegian Centre for Conflict Resolution, Norway
Edited by Walid Khalidi
The Failure of International Diplomacy
After almost seventy years, the Palestinian refugee problem remains unsolved. But if a deal ever could have been reached involving the repatriation of Palestinian refugees, it should have been in the early years of the Arab-Israeli conflict. So why didn’t this happen? This book is the first comprehensive study of the international community’s earliest efforts to solve the refugee problem. Based on a wide range of international primary sources from Israeli, US, UK and UN archives, it presents new evidence to reveal the major proposals to solve the conflict between 1948 and 1968, and to understand why these failed. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 240 pages HB 9781788312264 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9780755601837 Library eBook 9780755601820 I.B. Tauris
Nomads and Nation-Building in the Western Sahara
The Diaries of Hussein Fakhiri al-Khalidi Elected mayor of Jerusalem in 1935, Dr Hussein Fakhri al-Khalidi played a leading role in the Palestinian Rebellion of the next year, with profound consequences for the future of Palestinian resistance and British colonial rule. Deported as a result of the uprising, it was in British-imposed exile in the Seychelles Islands that al-Khalidi began his diaries, which provide a historical and personal lens into Palestinian political life in the late 1930s, a period critical to understanding the catastrophic 1948 exodus and dispossession of the Palestinian people. UK April 2020 • US April 2020 • 400 pages PB 9781838605407 • £28.99 / $39.95 • HB 9781838605391 • £90.00 / $120.00 Individual eBook 9781838605421 Library eBook 9781838605438 I.B. Tauris
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
A Minority in Late Imperial Russia Onur Önol, TED University, Turkey Drawing on new archival material and secondary sources published in English, French, Russian and Turkish, this is the first English-language study of Russo-Armenian relations in the early twentieth century. Onur Önol analyses the imperial Russian authorities and their relationship with the Armenian Church, the Armenian bourgeoisie and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutiun) to explore the changing relationship between Russia and the Caucasus, exploring political questions such as the Russian revolutionary movement, Russia's nationalities question, Tsarist fears of pan-Islamism, the path to World War I and the influence of key characters in Russian policy making, from Pyotr Stolypin to Illarion Vorontsov-Dashkov. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 288 pages PB 9781838607043 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784537968 Individual eBook 9781786722317 Library eBook 9781786732316 Series: Library of Modern Russia • I.B. Tauris
The British Empire and the Armenian Genocide
Humanitarianism and Imperial Politics from Gladstone to Churchill Michelle Tusan, University of Nevada, USA The Armenian question emerged as one of the most popular humanitarian causes in British society, capturing the imagination of philanthropists, politicians and the press. For liberals, it was seen as the embodiment of the humanitarian ideals espoused by their former leader (and four-time Prime Minister), W.E. Gladstone. For conservatives, as articulated most clearly by Winston Churchill, it proved a test case for British imperial power. In looking at the British response to the events in Anatolia, Michelle Tusan provides a new perspective on the genocide and sheds light on one of the first ever international humanitarian campaigns. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 320 pages • 20 integrated bw PB 9780755601264 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784533854 Individual eBook 9781786721235 Library eBook 9781786731234 I.B. Tauris
Democracy in Lebanon
Policy-Making in the GCC
Abbas Assi, Lebanese University
Edited by Neil Quilliam, Chatham House, UK & Mark C. Thompson, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
Political Parties and the Struggle for Power Since Syrian Withdrawal The 'Cedar Revolution' in Lebanon, sparked by the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri on 14 February 2005, was seen by many as an opportunity for Lebanon's fragile political system to move towards a more stable form of democracy. But contrary to these expectations, in the years since Syrian military withdrawal in April 2005, Lebanon has been plagued with sectarian and political unrest and conflict. Abbas Assi here explores the obstacles that impeded the democratic transition process and how subsequent events since 2005 have bolstered this trend. Assi examines how the intersection of the influence of external factors and powers with domestic conflicts has shaped the behaviour of political parties and has had implications on their ability to reach compromises and initiate democratic reforms. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 264 pages PB 9781788319782 • £19.99 / $26.95 Previously published in HB 9781784530938 Individual eBook 9781786720047 Library eBook 9781786730046 I.B. Tauris
The Makers of Modern Syria
The Rise and Fall of Syrian Democracy 1918-1958 Sami Moubayed In the aftermath of World War I, Syria paved a path towards democracy. Initially as part of the French mandate in the Middle East and latterly as an independent republic, Syria put in place the instruments of democratic government that it was hoped would lead to a stable future. This book tells the story of Syria's formative years, using previously-unseen material from the personal papers of Ahmad Sharabati, a prominent nationalist who served in different capacities during colonial times and early independence, first as minister of defense and then as minister of education. His experiences and those of his contemporaries tell the story of Syria's short-lived democratic years, up to the union with Egypt as the United Arab Republic between 1958 and 1961. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 320 pages • 17 black and white in 8-page plates PB 9780755606580 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784538637 Individual eBook 9781838609474 Library eBook 9781838609481 I.B. Tauris
State, Citizens and Institutions
Despite the rise in prominence of individual Gulf states and the growth of the GCC as a collective entity, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the actual mechanics of policy-making in the region. In this book contributors assess the changing relationship between state and citizen and evaluate the role that formal and informal institutions play in mediating change and informing policy. With chapters from both academics and practitioners, the book shows how academic, social and economic institutions are responding to the increasingly complex process of decision-making in the region. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 368 pages PB 9781838607029 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784538842 Individual eBook 9781786722447 Library eBook 9781786732453 I.B. Tauris
M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – Armenia / Middle East Politics
The Tsar's Armenians
The Kurds of Northern Syria Governance, Diversity and Conflicts
Harriet Allsopp & Wladimir van Wilgenburg Based on unprecedented access to Kurdishgoverned areas of Syria, including exclusive interviews with administration officials and civilian surveys, this book sheds light on the socio-political landscape of this minority group and the various political factions vying to speak for them. The first English-language book to capture the momentous transformations that have occurred since 2011, the authors move beyond idealized images of Rojava and the Kurdish PYD (Democratic Union Party) to provide a nuanced assessment of the Kurdish autonomous experience and the prospects for self-rule in Syria. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 264 pages PB 9781838604455 • £24.99 / $34.95 • HB 9781788314831 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781788315975 Library eBook 9781788315982 Series: Kurdish Studies • I.B. Tauris
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / I . B . T A U R I S – Modern History / Foreign Policy
Redrawing the Middle East
Sir Mark Sykes, Imperialism and the Sykes-Picot Agreement
C. Brad Faught, Tyndale University College, Canada
Michael Berdine here examines the life of Sir Mark Sykes, the young British aristocrat who helped formulate many of Britain's policies in the Middle East that are responsible for much of the instability that has affected the region ever since.
Edmund Allenby, Viscount Allenby of Megiddo and Felixstowe, as he became later, was the principal British military figure in the region from 1917 to 1919. He fulfilled a similar proconsular role in Egypt from the latter year until 1925. In these two roles Allenby’s eight years in the Middle East were of great impact, and in probing his life an especially revealing window can be found through which to observe closely and understand more fully the history that has resulted in the terminal roil afflicting the Middle East and international affairs today.
Berdine shows that the general impression given of Sykes is at variance with the facts. He supported Zionist ambitions as part of a pro-British post-war Middle East peace settlement, although he was not himself a Zionist. Likewise, far from championing the Arab cause, the book reveals much evidence that he routinely exhibited a complete lack of empathy with the Arabs
Brad Faught’s biography of Allenby explores the events and actions of Allenby’s life, as well as to examine his thinking on both the British Empire and the post-World War I international order. Faught brings clarity to Allenby’s decisive impact on British imperial policy in the making of the modern Middle East, and thereby on the long arc of the region’s continuing and controversial place in world affairs.
Michael D. Berdine
UK September 2019 • 328 pages PB 9781838604677 • £28.99 Previously published in HB 9781788311946 Individual eBook 9781786724069 Library eBook 9781786734068 I.B. Tauris
UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 256 pages • 8 bw illus PB 9781350136472 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781788312400 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9780755600595 Library eBook 9780755600588 I.B. Tauris
America's Forgotten Middle East Initiative
Lady Anne Blunt in the Middle East
Andrew Patrick, Tennessee State University, USA
Lisa McCracken Lacy
The King-Crane Commission of 1919 Here, in the first book-length analysis of the KingCrane report in nearly 50 years, Andrew Patrick chronicles the history of early US involvement in the region, and challenges extant interpretations of the turbulent relationship between the United States and the Middle East. In particular, it explores the King-Crane Commission's controversial dismissal of claims by Zionist representatives like David Ben-Gurion on their 'right to Palestine', which proved particularly divisive, with some historians labeling it prophetic and accurate, and others arguing that Commission members were biased and ill-informed. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 320 pages PB 9781788314558 • £24.99 / $34.95 Previously published in HB 9781784532741 Individual eBook 9780857737588 Library eBook 9780857727008 I.B. Tauris
America and the Making of Modern Turkey
Science, Culture and Political Alliances Ali Erken US aid organizations had a huge impact on political and economic thought in Turkey - acting as a form of 'soft power' for US national interests throughout the 20th Century. Robert College, originally a missionary school founded by US benefactors, has been responsible for educating two Turkish Prime Ministers, writers such as Orhan Pamuk and a huge number of influential economists, politicians and journalists. This book is an essential contribution to the history of US-Turkish relations, and the influence of the West in Turkish political thought. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 240 pages PB 9781838604684 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781788311700 Individual eBook 9781786723932 Library eBook 9781786733931 I.B. Tauris
Travel, Politics and the Idea of Empire
Lady Anne Blunt was a woman ahead of her time. After marrying the poet Wilfrid Scawen Blunt in 1869, the pair travelled extensively in the Middle East, developing an especial fondness for the region and its people. With a broad knowledge of the Arab world, she challenged prevailing assumptions and, as a result of her aristocratic heritage, exerted strong influence in British political circles. Her extensive journeys in the Mediterranean region, North Africa, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, Iraq and Persia formed the basis of her knowledge about the Middle East. She pursued an intimate knowledge of Bedouin life in Arabia, the town culture of Syria and Mesopotamia and the politics of nationalism in Egypt. In this book, Lisa Lacy explores the life, travels and political ideas of Lady Anne. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 288 pages • 9 bw in 8pp plates, 13 colour in 8pp plates, 1 map PB 9780755600946 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784531379 Individual eBook 9780857738332 Library eBook 9781786739711 I.B. Tauris
Italy and the Middle East
Geopolitics, Dialogue and Power during the Cold War Edited by Paolo Soave, University of Bologna, Italy & Luciano Monzali, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy Italy played a vital role in the Cold War dynamics that shaped the Middle East in the latter part of the 20th century. Italy and the Middle East brings together a range of experts on Italian international relations to analyse, for the first time in English, the country’s foreign policy and diplomatic relationships during this defining period. Chapters cover a range of defining twentieth century events - from the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Lebanese Civil War to the Iranian Revolution and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 272 pages HB 9781838606930 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838606954 Library eBook 9781838606961 I.B. Tauris
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
Bloomsbury and I.B. Tauris I.B. Tauris is an imprint of Bloomsbury, acquired in 2018. Founded in London in 1983, I.B. Tauris has long been recognised as one of the preeminent publishers on the Middle East & the Islamic World, and has world-leading lists on Politics & International Relations and Current Affairs. Books from the American University in Cairo Press and Hoopoe Fiction complement I.B. Tauris’ Middle East publishing, with titles on Egypt, and Arabic literature in translation. All of these imprints are accessible via www.bloomsbury.com, and through the Bloomsbury Academic sales team.
M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / H O O P O E – Middle East Fiction
The Egyptian Assassin
Huzama Habayeb
Ezzedine C. Fishere
Translated by Kay Heikkinen, University of Chicago, USA
Translated by Jonathan Wright
A Novel
Hawa is a child of the grinding hardship of a Palestinian refugee camp. She had to survive the camp itself, as well as the humiliation and destruction of an abusive family life. But now something most unexpected has happened: she has fallen in love. Velvet unfolds over a day in Hawa’s life, as she makes plans for a new beginning that may take her out of the camp. She sifts back through her memories: the stories of her family, her childhood, and her beloved mentor, who invited her into the glamorous world of the rich women of Amman. UK August 2019 • 312 pages PB 9789774169304 • £10.99 Hoopoe World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
A Novel
A lifetime ago, Fakhreddin had been an idealistic young lawyer, seeking to fight corruption from his modest quarter of Cairo. Then, a botched attempt on his life forced him to flee the country, propelling him on a wild journey that would lead to Afghanistan’s jihadi training camps. He was transformed into a trained killer, and never once lost sight of his goal: revenge. But did he lose sight of the only person that really mattered to him, his son, Omar? UK November 2019 • 368 pages PB 9789774169311 • £9.99 Hoopoe World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
The Hashish Waiter
Cairo Swan Song
Khairy Shalaby
Mekkawi Said
Translated by Adam Talib
Translated by Adam Talib
A Novel
A Novel
Tucked away in a rundown quarter, just out of sight of downtown Cairo, a group of intellectuals gather regularly to smoke hashish in Hakeem’s den. The den is the center of their lives, both a refuge and a stimulus, and at the center of the den is the remarkable man who keeps their hashish bowls topped up—Rowdy Salih. While his former life is a mystery to his loyal clientele of writers, painters, film directors, and even window dressers, each sees himself reflected in Salih; but without his humor, humility, or insight, or his occasional passions fueled by hootch.
In the shadows of great wealth, and among Cairo’s famous monuments, runs a world of street children. Mustafa, a former student radical who never really believed in the slogans, sets out to tell their story through a documentary he is making with his American girlfriend, Marcia. Alienated from a corrupt and corrupting society, Mustafa watches as the Cairo he cherishes crumbles around him. His former leftist comrades are now all either capitalists or Islamists, while his friends and acquaintances struggle to find lovers worthy of their love and causes worthy of their sacrifice.
UK August 2019 • 302 pages PB 9789774169359 • £10.99 Hoopoe World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
UK August 2019 • 324 pages PB 9789774169366 • £11.99 Hoopoe World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
A Shimmering Red Fish Swims with Me A Novel
Youssef Fadel Translated by Alexander E. Elinson In 1980s Casablanca, Farah arrives from her small town life with big dreams: she wants to sing. She meets Outhman, but he longs to leave the city, to seek his fortune elsewhere. They fall in love, but trouble brews on the horizon. A bitter struggle rages over construction of the monumental Hassan II Mosque—it will destroy their neighborhood but the government insist this is a necessary sacrifice for the good of Morocco. The two young lovers find themselves caught up in events beyond their control, and in a world that seems to work against their happiness at every turn. UK November 2019 • 440 pages PB 9789774169373 • £11.99 Hoopoe World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
Arabian Nights and Days
Naguib Mahfouz
Translated by Denys Johnson-Davies
Dweller in Truth Translated by Tagreid Abu-Hassabo In Akhenaten, Dweller in Truth, Nobel laureate Naguib Mahfouz tells with remarkable insight the story of the ‘heretic’ pharaoh whose iconoclastic and controversial career has such resonance with modern sensibilities. Years after the king’s death, a young man with a passion for the truth questions the pharaoh’s contemporaries— including his closest friends, his bitterest enemies, and his enigmatic wife Nefertiti—in an effort to discover what really happened in those strange, dark days at Akhenaten’s court. UK November 2019 • 120 pages PB 9789774169410 • £9.99 The American University in Cairo Press Middle East (excluding Afghanistan/Cyprus/Egypt/Turkey)
Naguib Mahfouz
Drawing on the characters and the spirit of the classic A Thousand and One Nights, Arabian Nights and Days is a significant departure for Nobel laureate Naguib Mahfouz. Though it is set in an Islamic city in medieval times, the modern reader will find much in this novel that is surprisingly familiar. It depicts a city plagued by widespread corruption among its most powerful citizens, and a pervasive sense of social unrest and insecurity. The chief of police is kept particularly busy dealing with the underground activities of various religious sects that are intent on changing the unscrupulous regime. Amid all of this, as in the Thousand and One Nights, genies appear out of bottles accidentally opened by innocent individuals, affecting their lives in exciting, sometimes detrimental ways. UK November 2019 • 424 pages PB 9789774169427 • £9.99 The American University in Cairo Press Middle East (excluding Afghanistan/Cyprus/Egypt/Turkey)
Sugar Street
Palace of Desire
Translated by William M. Hutchins & Angele Botros Samaan
Translated by William M. Hutchins, Lorne Kenny & Olive E. Kenny
In this final volume of Naguib Mahfouz's masterpiece trilogy, alSayyid Ahmad is aging, ill, and confined behind the mashrabiya that once confined his wife. But in his grandsons we see a modern Egypt emerging: one becomes a communist activist, another a Muslim fundamentalist, both working for what they believe will be a better world. And a third launches a promising political career abetted by a homosexual relationship with a prominent politician.
In this second volume of The Cairo Trilogy, the master storyteller spins a sensual, provocative tale, following the al-Jawad family into the awakening world of the 1920s, where increased freedoms prove as troubling as domination and repression once did. Like Palace Walk, Palace of Desire affords a fascinating look at a period of modern Egyptian history by lovingly and painstakingly examining the day-today lives of a single family.
UK November 2019 • 320 pages PB 9789774169434 • £9.99 The American University in Cairo Press Middle East (excluding Afghanistan/Cyprus/Egypt/Turkey)
UK November 2019 • 472 pages PB 9789774169441 • £10.99 The American University in Cairo Press Middle East (excluding Afghanistan/Cyprus/Egypt/Turkey)
Naguib Mahfouz
Naguib Mahfouz
M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S – Middle East Literature
The Day the Leader Was Killed Naguib Mahfouz
Translated by Malak Hashem Mahfouz traces the life of a middle-class Cairene family living in the early 1980s under President Sadat. It was an era of transition in Egypt, a time of acute crisis, as everywhere ordinary people were being pushed into the ‘’abyss of Infitah.’’ In the mad rush, there was a sense of an ending, a feeling of panic as the innocent helplessly watched their world rapidly disintegrating. A whole way of life with its age-old traditions and values was simply falling apart, making way for a merciless new materialism in ‘’the kingdom of the corrupt,’’ where survival had indeed to be for the fittest. UK November 2019 • 68 pages PB 9789774169458 • £8.99 The American University in Cairo Press Middle East (excluding Afghanistan/Cyprus/Egypt/Turkey)
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S / A M E R I C A N U N I V E R S I T Y I N C A I R O P R E S S – Arabic Language Learning 14
Alif 38
Translation and the Production of Knowledges Edited by Mona Baker The point of departure for this special issue of Alif is that knowledge is 'produced' rather than 'discovered,' and that translation is a core mechanism for the production and circulation of all forms of knowledge. This topic has received relatively limited attention in translation studies to date, and even less in related disciplines such as cultural studies and the history of ideas. UK July 2019 • 600 pages PB 9789774168734 • £40.00 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
Advanced Arabic through Discussion
16 Lessons on Contemporary Topics with Integrated Skills and Fluency-building Activities for MSA Learners Nevenka Korica Sullivan Advanced Arabic through Discussion is a classroomtested Advanced Arabic course. It uses an inquiry-based approach to challenge advanced learners of Arabic by engaging them in thoughtprovoking discussions about social, ethical, and legal issues related to advertising, censorship, dress-codes, environment, rap music, extreme sports, GMOs, and other topics.
Alif 39: Transnational Drama Theater and Performance Edited by Ferial Ghazoul This issue of Alif explores drama in its many manifestations — textual plays, performances, folk drama, choreographed story-telling, staged poetry recitals, and protest songs — as well as presenting modes of directing and production, comparative dramaturgy, specialized theater journals, experimental and independent troupes, testimonies and interviews. The issue covers dramatic works from eighteenth-century France to twenty-first century Britain, and spans geographically from Senegal to Lebanon, the US to China, while highlighting major dramatists from Egypt, Syria, and Morocco. UK August 2019 • 464 pages PB 9789774169397 • £40.00 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
20 Egyptian Songs to Learn and Sing An Easy Way to Learn Egyptian Colloquial Arabic
Bahaa Ed-Din Ossama & Tessa Grafen Aimed at beginner learners of Egyptian Colloquial Arabic and fans of Arab popular music, 20 Egyptian Songs to Learn and Sing is a motivational and highly enjoyable approach to learning Egyptian Arabic. UK December 2019 • 240 pages PB 9789774169052 • £22.50 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
UK November 2019 • 240 pages PB 9789774168826 • £35.00 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
Keda Mazbuut
Dina El Dik & Emad Iskander
Mona Kamel Hassan
Let's Learn Egyptian Colloquial Arabic Verbs
A Grammar Book of Egyptian Colloquial Arabic with Exercises
Mastering the conjugation of Egyptian Colloquial Arabic (ECA) verbs is an essential part of the student’s learning process, and it is equally challenging for instructors to ensure that the student has internalized them correctly. Yalla! is a practical tool to help both students and teachers of Arabic in the classroom. The book presents the three hundred most frequently used verbs in ECA, each one categorized according to ECA verb patterns, which are based on those used in Modern Standard Arabic.
This easy-to-use beginner’s level guide to Egyptian Colloquial Arabic (ECA) grammar is the ideal supplement for students of ECA as a foreign language. Keda Mazbuut is divided into twentyfive lessons, each devoted to a key grammatical rule, with examples to illustrate usage followed by a variety of exercises. With its clear, user-friendly structure, it is designed to encourage students to work through grammatical rules at home, allowing them to devote more class time to the speaking activities that reinforce those rules.
UK November 2019 • 180 pages PB 9789774169090 • £25.00 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
UK November 2019 • 240 pages PB 9789774169236 • £29.95 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
Cairo Inside Out
Mohamed Elshahed
Trevor Naylor
An Architectural Guide The city of a thousand minarets is also the city of eclectic modern constructions, turn-of-thecentury revivalism and romanticism, concrete expressionism, and modernist design. This is the first comprehensive architectural guide to the constructions that have shaped and continue to shape the Egyptian capital since the early twentieth century. UK September 2019 • 240 pages • 330 b/w illus PB 9789774168697 • £29.95 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
Expanded Edition
Cairo is a city of splendour and spectacle, long celebrated as much for its warmth and bustling street life as for the legacy of its tumultuous past. Yet for the countless visitors who fall under its spell, the prolonged din of its crowds and traffic can seem overwhelming at times, tempting them out of the city’s open spaces into its shadow light, the cooler, quieter interiors of restaurants, homes, hotels, and terraces. Cairo Inside Out evokes the light and moods of this great metropolis with stunning photographs shot from the city’s indoor havens. UK October 2019 • 184 pages • 150 colour photos PB 9789774169229 • £24.95 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
Egypt Inside Out Trevor Naylor
In Egypt Inside Out, Trevor Naylor and photographer Doriana Dimitrova escape the crowds and clamor to take us a on a lyrical exploration of place, bringing us the country in all its captivating regional diversity: the wistfulness of Alexandria, the serenity of Aswan, the energy of Cairo, the lushness of Fayoum, the magic of Siwa, the haunting purity of river and desert. UK October 2019 • 224 pages HB 9789774169045 • £29.95 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
Abdelhalim Ibrahim Abdelhalim An Architecture of Collective Memory James Steele James Steele provides an informative and compelling analysis of one of Egypt’s foremost contemporary architects, Abdelhalim Ibrahim Abdelhalim, and his work during a period of Egypt’s attempts at constructing an identity and cultural legitimacy within the post–Second World War world order. UK September 2019 • 216 pages HB 9789774168901 • £45.00 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
Building Modern Egypt Boxed Set
Edited by Sherif Boraie This handsome boxed set brings together five delightfully individual books, each beautifully illustrated with archival images and postcards, on some of Egypt’s most iconic institutions and landmarks.
M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S – Egypt / Architecture
Cairo since 1900
UK September 2019 • 480 pages • 390 colour illus HB 9781733552707 • £100.00 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
The Architecture of Ramses Wissa Wassef
Conchita Anorve-Tschirgi & Ehsan Abushadi The pioneering Egyptian architect and teacher Ramses Wissa Wassef (1911–74) is best known for his founding in 1951 of the Ramses Wissa Wassef Art Centre in Harraniya, a small village near the Giza Pyramids in Greater Cairo. This generously illustrated volume is the first comprehensive survey of Wassef’s architectural works shedding light on his legacy and significant engagement with vernacular and contemporary Egyptian architecture. It reveals a profuse architectural oeuvre, which spanned private villas and rural houses, as well as public buildings, such as churches, schools, and museums, highlighting his rich contribution to Egypt’s architectural heritage. UK October 2019 • 272 pages • 300 bw and 50 colour illus HB 9789774169243 • £39.95 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S – Egypt / Culture and History
Wholefood Recipes from Egypt, Lebanon, and Morocco Yasmine Elgharably & Shewekar Elgharably Middle Eastern cuisine is renowned the world over for its sophistication, variety, and flavor. Bilhana (Egyptian for 'bon appétit') brings a contemporary twist to traditional Middle Eastern dishes with the use of healthy cooking methods and the freshest ingredients the region has to offer. Spanning the vast area south of the Mediterranean from the East (Lebanon and Egypt) to the West (Morocco), from simple mezze or breakfast dishes to elaborate stews and roasts, the recipes in this book showcase the vibrant colors and immense variety of Middle Eastern cooking as well as being easy to follow.
Egyptian Flavors 50 Recipes Dyna Eldaief A charming, pocket-sized collection of recipes is the perfect introduction to Egyptian cooking. Dyna Eldaief offers 50 easy-to-follow recipes that are rich with the vegetables, legumes, and meats that are central to Egyptian cooking, calling forth the sunbaked land of the Nile and inviting expert and novice alike to bring exciting new flavors to their home kitchen. UK November 2019 • 160 pages • 25 colour HB 9789774169274 • £14.95 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
UK October 2019 • 224 pages • 130 colour photos HB 9789774169076 • £24.95 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
Modernism on the Nile
Art in Egypt between the Islamic and the Contemporary Alex Dika Seggerman Analyzing the modernist art movement that arose in Cairo and Alexandria from the late nineteenth century through the 1960s, Alex Dika Seggerman reveals how the visual arts were part of a multifaceted transnational modernism. While the work of diverse, major Egyptian artists during this era may have appeared to be secular, she argues, it reflected the subtle but essential inflection of Islam, as a faith, history, and lived experience, in the overarching development of Middle Eastern modernity. UK November 2019 • 296 pages • 74 bw and 24 colour HB 9789774169496 • £35.00 The American University in Cairo Press Middle East (excluding Afghanistan/Cyprus/Egypt/Turkey)
A History of Arab Graphic Design Bahia Shehab & Haytham Nawar
Arab graphic design emerged in the early twentieth century out of a need to influence, and give expression to, the far-reaching economic, social, and political changes that were taking place in the Arab world at the time. This book examines the work of over eighty key designers from Morocco to Iraq, covering the period from pre-1900 to the end of the twentieth century. Shehab and Nawar chart the development of design in the region, beginning with Islamic art and Arabic calligraphy, and their impact on Arab visual culture, through to the digital revolution and the arrival of the Internet. UK January 2020 • 360 pages • 360 colour illus PB 9789774168918 • £35.00 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
A History of Egypt
The American University in Cairo
Jason Thompson
Andrew Humphreys & Gadi Farfour
From Earliest Times to the Present This cohesive account of Egypt’s millennia-long past offers readers a sure guide through the corridors of Egypt’s past, from the mysterious predynastic kingdoms to the nation-state of the twenty-first century. The author addresses central issues such as how Egyptian history can be treated as a whole and how the west has shaped prevailing images of it, both through direct contact and through the lens of western scholarship. This updated paperback edition contains new material on the 25 January Revolution, the rise and fall of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the new era of President Sisi.
100 Years, 100 Stories
In 2019, the American University in Cairo celebrates its centenary. Utilizing a rich array of photographs, documents, and objects, this book presents one hundred short stories about the life and legacy of this unique and remarkable institution. UK October 2019 • 352 pages • 250 colour and 50 b/w PB 9789774168888 • £30.00 • HB 9789774168840 • £40.00 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
UK June 2019 • 494 pages PB 9789774169038 • £16.95 Previously published in HB 9789774160912 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
Alexander Kitroeff
The Greeks and the Making of Modern Egypt is the first account of the modern Greek presence in Egypt from its beginnings during the era of Muhammad Ali to its final days under Nasser. It casts a critical eye on the reality and myths surrounding the complex and ubiquitous Greek community in Egypt by examining the Greeks’ legal status, their relations with the country’s rulers, their interactions with both elite and ordinary Egyptians, their economic activities, their contacts with foreign communities, their ties to their Greek homeland, and their community life, which included a rich and celebrated literary culture. UK May 2019 • 256 pages HB 9789774168581 • £35.00 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
Cairo's Ultras
Resistance and Revolution in Egypt’s Football Culture Ronnie Close The history of Cairo’s football fans is one of the most poignant narratives of the 25 January 2011 Egyptian uprising. The Ultras Al-Ahly and the Ultras White Knights fans, belonging to the two main teams, Al-Ahly F.C. and Zamalek F.C respectively, became embroiled in the street protests that brought down the Mubarak regime. Tracing these social movements to explore their role in the uprising and the political dimension of soccer in Egypt, Ronnie Close provides a vivid, intimate sense of the Ultras’ unique subculture. UK September 2019 • 200 pages • 21 bw illus HB 9789774169212 • £24.95 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
Manhood Is Not Easy
Women in Revolutionary Egypt
Karin van Nieuwkerk
Shereen Abouelnaga
Egyptian Masculinities through the Life of Sayyid Henkish In this in-depth ethnography, Karin van Nieuwkerk takes the autobiographical narrative of Sayyid Henkish, a musician from a long family tradition of wedding performers in Cairo, as a lens through which to explore changing notions of masculinity in an Egyptian community over the course of a single lifetime. UK August 2019 • 224 pages HB 9789774168895 • £39.95 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
Gender and the New Geographics of Identity
Women in Revolutionary Egypt takes the uprising as the point of departure for an exploration of how gender in post-Mubarak Egypt came to be rethought, reimagined, and contested. It examines key areas of tension between national and gender identities, including gender empowerment through art and literature, particularly graffiti and poetry, the disciplining of the body, and the politics of history and memory. UK November 2019 • 160 pages PB 9789774169281 • £19.95 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
Abu Simbel and the Nubian Temples
The Mulid of al-Sayyid al-Badawi of Tanta
With over 80 new photographs, diagrams, and maps, and packed with fascinating insights, Abu Simbel and the Nubian Temples is an ideal introduction to one of the world’s great regions of archaeological splendor.
Catherine Mayeur-Jaouen
Nigel Fletcher-Jones
UK October 2019 • 190 pages HB 9789774168789 • £24.95 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S – Egypt / Culture and History
The Greeks and the Making of Modern Egypt
Egypt's Legendary Sufi Festival Translated by Colin Clement
Every year, in the heart of the Nile Delta, a festival takes place that was for centuries the biggest in the Muslim world: the mulid of al-Sayyid Ahmad al-Badawi of Tanta. This book tells for the first time the history of a mulid that for long overshadowed even the pilgrimage to Mecca. UK August 2019 • 264 pages HB 9789774168925 • £40.00 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S - New in Paperback / M A J O R R E F E R E N C E
Farewell Shiraz
The Last Ottoman Princess Murat Bardakçi
An Iranian Memoir of Revolution and Exile
Translated by Meyzi Baran
Cyrus Kadivar
Twice a princess, twice exiled, Neslishah Sultan had an eventful life. Based on original documents and extensive personal interviews, this account of one woman’s extraordinary life is also the story of the end of two powerful dynasties thirty years apart. UK August 2019 • 376 pages • 105 bw illus PB 9789774169298 • £19.95 Previously published in HB 9789774168376 Individual eBook 9781617978449 Library eBook 9781617978456 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
In Farewell Shiraz, Kadivar tells the story of his family and childhood against the tumultuous backdrop of twentieth-century Iran, from the 1905–1907 Constitutional Revolution to the fall of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, before presenting accounts of his meetings with key witnesses to the Shah’s fall and the rise of Khomeini. Each of the people interviewed provides a richly detailed picture of the momentous events that took place and the human drama behind them. UK August 2019 • 440 pages • 30 bw illus PB 9789774169328 • £19.95 Previously published in HB 9789774168260 Individual eBook 9781617977954 Library eBook 9781617977961 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
Coptic Christians and Muslims in Egypt Two Communities, One Nation
Fikry Andrawes & Alison Orr-Andrawes For the most part of their shared history, Coptic Christians and Muslims have experienced bouts of sectarian tension alternating with peaceful coexistence in Egypt. Coptic Christians and Muslims in Egypt tells the story of Muslim–Christian relations in Egypt from the coming of Islam to the aftermath of the January 2011 revolution. It provides an engaging and highly readable account of communal relations through key points in Egyptian history. UK April 2019 • 300 pages PB 9789774168703 • £29.95 The American University in Cairo Press World English (excluding Canada/Egypt/USA)
Foreign Office Handbooks The Middle East 3-Volume Set
Sir George Prothero (1848 – 1922) Introduced by William Roger Louis, University of Texas, Austin Prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office, the aim of these handbooks was to provide British delegates to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 with detailed information on the geographical, economic, historical and political aspects of the countries concerned. This three-volume set covers the countries and issues relating to the Middle East and North Africa including Turkey, Syria, Persia and the Persian Gulf, Palestine, Mesopotamia and Armenia. This edition which is thematically arranged for the first time, is introduced by William Roger Louis, a leading authority on the British Empire and Commonwealth and decolonization. UK February 2020 • US March 2020 • 3 vols • c. 1,664 pages HB Pack 9781788310581 • £295.00 / $400.00 3 bw illus Bloomsbury Academic
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