2 minute read
Contract, Tort & Restitution Law / Energy, Environmental & Natural Resources Law
Essays in Honour of Peter Cane
Edited by James Goudkamp, University of Oxford, UK, Mark Lunney, King’s College London, UK & Leighton McDonald, Australian National University This book celebrates the scholarship of Peter Cane, one of the world’s leading legal scholars of the present age. The book is comprised of essays written by admirers of Cane’s scholarship. The essays probe a wide range of issues, especially in administrative law and tort law, that have long concerned him. Consistently with the international prominence that Cane’s research has enjoyed, the contributors are drawn from across the common law world. Their essays will be of value to anyone who is interested in Cane’s unique contribution to private and public law scholarship.
UK December 2021 • US December 2021 • 352 pages HB 9781509940721 • £90.00 / $120.00 ePub 9781509940738 • £81.00 / $106.83 ePdf 9781509940745 • £81.00 / $106.83 Hart Publishing
Judicial Review of Commercial Contracts
Edited by Hannes Wais, Heidelberg University, Germany & Thomas Pfeiffer, Heidelberg University, Germany This book presents a broad survey of standards for the judicial control of B2B contract terms in different legal systems. Each chapter analyses in great detail the regulatory framework and the general principles that govern the judicial control of B2B contracts in a specific country. The book provides first-hand information with a focus on practical relevance from authors who specialise in the judicial control of contracts in their respective legal systems. The list of countries covered includes Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden and Taiwan.
UK October 2021 • US November 2021 • 300 pages HB 9781509931781 • £200.00 / $270.00 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)
Economic Torts and Economic Wrongs
Edited by John Eldridge, University of Sydney, Australia, Michael Douglas, University of Western Australia & Claudia Carr, Herbert Smith Freehills This book explores contemporary issues in respect of causes of action which operate to protect a plaintiff’s economic interests. It examines the question from across the spectrum of private law. Focusing mainly on common law principles, it looks in particular at the treatment of such causes of action in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Singapore as well as other common law jurisdictions. Addressing both theoretical and doctrinal issues, this important book will appeal to both private law scholars and practitioners.
UK December 2021 • US December 2021 • 448 pages HB 9781509934751 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781509934768 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781509934775 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Hart Studies in Private Law • Hart Publishing
Natural Resources and International Law
Developments and Challenges
Edited by Michael Lysander Fremuth, University of Vienna, Austria, Jörn Griebel, University of Siegen, Germany & Robert Heinsch, Leiden University, The Netherlands International law is increasingly applied in the field of natural resources. This reflects the current and challenging problem of mankind, namely how should increasingly rare natural resources or commodities be explored and exploited. This collection brings together experts in the field to explore areas such as mining and human rights; national resources and investment law; and authority over natural resources. Contributors ask specific questions from different sectors whilst keeping the big picture in mind.
UK November 2021 • US December 2021 • 208 pages HB 9781509952830 • £110.00 / $150.00 Nomos/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)