4 minute read
Media Law / Medical Law & Ethics / Private International Law
Comparative Commentary on the AVMSD and National Implementation
Edited by Mark D Cole, University of Luxembourg & Jenny Metzdorf, University of Luxembourg This commentary sets out, article-by-article, the original provisions contained in the Audiovisual Media Services Directive before analysing domestic transpositions. National measures are grouped in order to reveal similarities and differences and examined for compliance with the Directive. This comparative perspective contributes to the discussions on reforms of the Directive or the EU’s approach to new media services.
UK November 2021 • US December 2021 • 1008 pages HB 9781849467858 • £200.00 / $270.00 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)
Studies in Private International Law
Paul Beaumont, University of Stirling, UK
The Hague Judgments Convention and Commonwealth Model Law
A Pragmatic Perspective
Abubakri Yekini, Lagos State University, Nigeria This book undertakes a systematic analysis of the 2019 Hague Judgments Convention, the 2005 Hague Choice of Court Convention 2005, and the 2017 Commonwealth Model Law on recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments from a pragmatic perspective. It is built on the concept of pragmatism in private international law within the context of recognition and enforcement of judgments. By demonstrating the practical application of legal pragmatism by setting up a toolbox (pragmatic goals and methods) that will assist courts and policymakers in developing an effective and efficient judgments’ enforcement scheme at national, bilateral and multilateral levels.
UK August 2021 • US August 2021 • 336 pages HB 9781509947072 • £80.00 / $110.00 ePub 9781509947089 • £72.00 / $95.11 ePdf 9781509947096 • £72.00 / $95.11 Series: Studies in Private International Law • Hart Publishing
Place of Performance
A Comparative Analysis
Chukwuma Okoli, TMC Asser Institute, The Netherlands, and PC Mbadiwe & Co, Nigeria This book provides an unprecedented analysis of the place of performance. The book challenges the approach of the European legislator for not explicitly giving special significance to the place of performance in determining the applicable law in the absence of choice for commercial contracts. It also contains an analogy to matters of foreign country mandatory rules, and the coherence between jurisdiction and choice of law. It concludes by proposing a revised Article 4 of Rome I Regulation, which could be used as an international solution for those who wish to reform their choice of law rules.
UK November 2021 • US November 2021 • 312 pages PB 9781509943852 • £41.99 / $57.95 Previously published in HB 9781509936205 ePub 9781509936212 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781509936229 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Studies in Private International Law • Hart Publishing
Healthcare Law and Ethics and the Challenges of Public Policy Making
Selected Essays
Ian Kennedy, University College London, UK (Emeritus) Drawing on Sir Ian Kennedy’s extensive experience in healthcare law, ethics and public policy-making, this book explores vital issues in the law surrounding healthcare and regulation. The book contains published and unpublished essays and speeches with the addition of commentaries by the author that bring the pieces up to the present day. Those who want to understand developments, from transplants to confidentiality, from COVID-19 to public inquiries to regulation will find a rich seam of rigorous, informed analysis. Those involved in or with an interest in law, moral philosophy, and public policy will find much food for thought.
UK September 2021 • US September 2021 • 464 pages HB 9781509950447 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781509950454 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781509950461 • £76.50 / $100.32 Hart Publishing
Informed Consent in Europe
Edited by Nikolaus Forgó, University of Hannover, Germany This book provides a comprehensive overview of the legal and ethical issues related to "informed consent". "Informed Consent" as a declaration of consent after previous medical education is a central component of human self-determination. For the patient, this means the right to make his decisions on the basis of comprehensive information. The information process must be as clear, precise, clear and personalised as possible.
UK December 2021 • US January 2022 • 400 pages HB 9781849464871 • £125.00 / $168.00 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)
Private International Law in Nigeria
Chukwuma Okoli, TMC Asser Institute, The Netherlands, and PC Mbadiwe & Co, Nigeria & Richard Oppong, Thompson Rivers University, Canada This instructive and practical book examines the rules, principles, and doctrines in Nigerian law for resolving cases involving cross-border issues. It is the first booklength treatise devoted to the full spectrum of private international law issues in Nigeria. Drawing on over 500 Nigerian cases, relevant statutes, and academic commentaries, the book examines jurisdiction in interstate and international disputes, choice of law, the enforcement of foreign judgments and international arbitral awards, domestic remedies affecting foreign proceedings, and international judicial assistance in the service of legal processes and taking of evidence.
UK December 2021 • US December 2021 • 528 pages PB 9781509945368 • £54.99 / $74.95 Previously published in HB 9781509911134 ePub 9781509911141 • £99.00 / $130.29 ePdf 9781509911165 • £99.00 / $130.29 Series: Studies in Private International Law • Hart Publishing