4 minute read
School Library Connection

October 2022, 294pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Paperback: 978-1-4408-6203-8 $75.00, £56.00, €65,00 eBook: 978-1-4408-6204-5
Copyright and Course Reserves
Legal Issues and Best Practices for Academic Libraries
“Myers provides an excellent comprehensive review and analysis of the complex and confusing world of copyright and reserves. What sets this work apart from others on the topic is the chapter on copyright workflow as well as the chapter addressing accessibility issues. These chapters in particular offer readers pragmatic, useful and necessary information for successful course reserves programs.”
—Donna L. Ferullo, Director, University Copyright Office, Purdue University, April 20, 2022
• Cataloguing • Collection
Development • Copyright Policy • Electronic Reserves
• Fair Use • Literacy Standards • Media Reserves
• Open Access Resources
• Print Reserves • Public Domain
CARLA S. MYERS is assistant professor and coordinator of scholarly communications for the Miami University Libraries, Ohio. She is a recipient of the Robert L. Oakley Memorial Scholarship. This useful resource for academic librarians, circulation staff, and library administrators who offer course reserve services will help to ensure that these services are offered legally.
Many academic libraries offer print and electronic course reserve services that encourage learning by connecting students and faculty with less expensive and supplementary educational materials. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions regarding how U.S. copyright law affects course reserve services; as a result, many academic libraries restrict the scope of the services they provide or refrain from pursuing new options, such as media reserves, out of fear of violating the law or being sued for copyright infringement.
Copyright and Course Reserves addresses this problem, providing authoritative advice for making print, electronic, and media course reserves available in compliance with U.S. copyright law. It explains options for implementing and sustaining media reserve services through which students and faculty can access online music, sound recordings, and film. Additionally, short examples from a wide range of libraries explore real-world scenarios and current issues related to course reserve services to help readers better understand and apply the information found in the book.
• Covers the legal issues that are relevant to print, electronic, and media course reserve services • Offers best practices for ensuring compliance with the law • Includes tips and strategies for implementing and expanding reserve services in a cost-effective manner • Provides practical solutions for managing and marketing reserve services
From At-Risk to At-Promise
Academic Libraries Supporting Student Success
As the demographics of student populations change, many students require additional or different support to be successful in their college careers. Meanwhile, higher education is under pressure to reduce budgets and serve more students within certain areas of the university, including the library, academic advising, and other student services. Academic librarians and student success administrators can collaborate to create additional pathways for students who struggle to succeed.
Authors Vecchione and McGraw provide a roadmap for library employees and student success administrators to initiate and develop discussions on college campuses to define and address these emergent student needs. Through a selection of case studies and historical context, readers will learn how to define what student success looks like and how to design custom services to address student barriers to that success. Library employees and student success professionals both serve students at the margins. These readers will acquire skills to enhance student success initiatives and strengthen collaborations with one another.
• Identify the barriers that limit undergraduate students’ success in higher education • Develop a plan for collaboration and partnership between library workers and student success administrators at any institution
December 2022, 141pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Paperback: 978-1-4408-7635-6 $65.00, £49.00, €57,00 eBook: 978-1-4408-7636-3
AMY E. VECCHIONE is a professor at Albertsons Library and assistant director of research and innovation at eCampus Center, Boise State University. CATHLENE E. MCGRAW is an academic advisor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.
Practical Marketing for the Academic Library
In an age in which federal funding for libraries is being cut, libraries of every size and type must prove their value. Practical Marketing for the Academic Library offers academic librarians approachable methods for marketing to students, faculty, and administration, and it also inspires them to attempt new structures for marketing initiatives, including encouraging existing staff to form teams with wide ranges of skills. Librarians from all academic libraries, including at community colleges, can incorporate these ideas even when budgets are tight and staff is limited.
While there are many books on library marketing, few specifically cover the diversity within academic institutions and the student body as well as how to target marketing to faculty and administrations. Villamor and Shotick approach library marketing from diverse perspectives and teach readers how to increase student engagement, assess library programs, and connect library marketing to the goals of the overall institution.
• Provides practical applications of marketing techniques that can be implemented even without a designated “marketing librarian” on staff • Provides ideas and inspiration for expanding beyond traditional library marketing of academic services and into marketing to a student as a whole person
May 2022, 137pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Paperback: 978-1-4408-7222-8 $60.00, £45.00, €52,00 eBook: 978-1-4408-7223-5
STEPHANIE ESPINOZA VILLAMOR is an eLearning librarian at the College of Southern Nevada. She leads the library’s marketing initiatives and coordinates communication and outreach among all three campus libraries. KIMBERLY SHOTICK is the student success librarian and an assistant professor at Northern Illinois University. She has published on universal design for learning.