Philosophy New Books Catalogue Apr-Jun 2023

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The Bloomsbury Academic Podcast is more than just a book talk. Each episode is its own unique forum, bringing Bloomsbury authors and experts to the front of the conversation and tackling key issues in today’s culture, both in academia and beyond. This show is for everyone interested in expanding their learning outside the classroom and exploring the dif cult discussions taking place in society every day.

Season three is available on our website, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


World Philosophies 3

Social & Political Philosophy 3 Philosophy of Art & Aesthetics 4

Continental Philosophy 5 Ethics 7


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Philosophy of Religion 8 Metaphysics

Analytic Philosophy 9 Epistemology 9

Philosophy of Language 10 Philosophy of Mind 10 History of Philosophy 11

Ancient Philosophy 11 Ancient & Medieval Philosophy 12 Modern & 20th-Century Philosophy 12 Representatives, Agents and Distributors � � � � � � � � � � 14

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Cover image is from the book Imagining the Celtic Past in Modern Fantasy (Bloomsbury Academic, 2023)

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Title by Title

Bloomsbury Introductions to World Philosophies


Takeshi Morisato, KU Leuven, Belgium; Pascah Mungwini, University of South Africa; Mickaella Perina, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA; Omar Rivera, Texas A&M University, USA; Georgina Stewart, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

The Philosophy of the Yogasutra An Introduction

Karen O'Brien-Kop, University of Roehampton, UK

Karen O'Brien-Kop's introduction to the Yogsutra restores its status as a significant work of philosophy Approaching the Yogsutra as living philosophy, it provides a new conception of yoga, recognises the logical structure the Sutras follow and explains the rules and principles sustaining Patañjali’s system of thought for centuries Covering reality, self, ethics, language, knowledge and aesthetics, Patañjali’s philosophies come to the fore Carefully-selected extracts from the primary text are translated for those unfamiliar with Sanskrit, and accessible commentaries run throughout the book

UK May 2023 US May 2023 208 pages

PB 9781350286160 £16 99 / $22 95 HB 9781350286153 £50 00 / $68 00

ePub 9781350286184 • £15 29 / $21 97

ePdf 9781350286177 • £15 29 / $21 97

Series: Bloomsbury Introductions to World Philosophies • Bloomsbury Academic

The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Emotions in Classical Indian Philosophy

Edited by Maria Heim, Amherst College, USA, Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, Lancaster University, UK & Roy Tzohar, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Drawing on a rich variety of Indian texts across multiple traditions, this collection explores how emotional experience is framed, evoked and theorized Chapters showcase the unique literary texture, philosophical reflections and theoretical paradigms that classical Indian sources provide, revealing the diversity of the phenomena encompassing the English term ‘emotion’ and contributing towards a more comparative and pluralistic conception of human experience

UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 346 pages

PB 9781350234819

• £39 95 / $54 95

Previously published in HB 9781350167773

ePub 9781350167797

• £117 00 / $162 12

ePdf 9781350167780 • £117 00 / $162 12

Series: Bloomsbury Research Handbooks in Asian Philosophy Bloomsbury Academic

'Twilight of the Idols' and Nietzsche’s Late Philosophy

Toward a Revaluation

of Values

Thomas H. Brobjer, Uppsala University, Sweden

Thomas H Brobjer revisits Nietzsche’s Twilight of the Idols (1888) and positions it as a rich and stimulating work that contains and summarizes much of Nietzsche’s late philosophy, especially his unfinished magnum opus, The Revaluation of All Values Brobjer reveals more of what Nietzsche was reading as well as outlining influences on him at the time of his writing The Twilight of the Idols, providing a comprehensive commentary that explores both German and English language scholarship Detailed analyses of the moral, religious, and scientific underpinnings of the text enable a new interpretation that is rooted in the project’s core philosophy

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 272 pages

HB 9781350329409

• £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350329423

ePdf 9781350329416

Bloomsbury Academic

The Life and Thought of H. Odera Oruka

Pursuing Justice in Africa

Gail M. Presbey, University of Detroit Mercy, USA Henry Odera Oruka was one of the most influential figures in 20th-century African philosophy. Taking us through his early life, scholarly training, and way of transforming the field of philosophy as it was taught in Kenya, this is a critical biography of both the man himself and African philosophy in the context of changing times Through archival material, personal interviews and primary texts, this book is the first to shine a light on Oruka's monumental contribution to African philosophy and global justice

UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 272 pages

PB 9781350303867 • £16 99 / $22 95 • HB 9781350303850 • £50 00 / $68 00

ePub 9781350303881 • £15 29 / $21 97

ePdf 9781350303874 £15 29 / $21 97

Series: Bloomsbury Introductions to World Philosophies Bloomsbury Academic

A Ch’ixi World is Possible

Essays from a Present in Crisis

Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, UMSA, Bolivia

A Ch’ixi World is Possible (Un Mundo Ch’ixi es posible) is an illuminating manifesto by one of the founders of decolonial theory, Silvia Riveria Cusicanqui It presents an inventive and urgent cartography of diverse worlds around which a decolonial reality can emerge For Cusicanqui, the concept of ch’ixi is a figure with which to elaborate an argument about the mixing of cultures that come together but retain distinct aspects This book makes vivid propositions for many contemporary debates around power, race and the decolonial and offers practicable ways to co-exist without sacrificing difference to the globalized capitalist economy and culture

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 192 pages

PB 9781350263895 £14 99 / $19 95 HB 9781350263888 £45 00 / $61 00

ePub 9781350263918 £13 49 / $19 22

ePdf 9781350263901 £13 49 / $19 22

Series: Lines • Bloomsbury Academic World English

• £76 50 / $105 78

• £76 50 / $105 78 • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477


PHILOSOPHY –World Philosophies / Social & Political Philosophy
Kirloskar-Steinbach, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands; Leah Kalmanson, University of North Texas, USA; Nader El-Bizri, American University of Beirut, Lebanon; James Madaio, Charles University, Czech Republic; Sarah A. Mattice, University of North Florida, USA;

–Philosophy of Art & Aesthetics


Thinking Film

Philosophy at the Movies

Edited by Richard Kearney, Boston College, USA & Murray Littlejohn, University of New Brunswick, Canada

According to Stanley Cavell, film was a place where 1930s and 1940s America did its thinking, a tradition that was taken up and enriched throughout world cinema. Can film indeed think? That is, can film do the work of philosophy? Thinking Film: Philosophy at the Movies argues that it can Bringing together an array of thinkers from across the analytic and continental traditions, this volume features work by established philosophers of film, such as Cavell and Deleuze, and contemporary thinkers, including Stephen Mulhall, Vivian Sobchack, Sandra Laugier, and Stephanie Rumpza

UK June 2023

• US June 2023 • 480 pages

PB 9781350113466 • £28 99 / $34 95 • HB 9781350113459 • £90 00 / $100 00

ePub 9781350113473 • £26 09 / $37 08

ePdf 9781350113442 • £26 09 / $37 08

Bloomsbury Academic World English

Architecture After Deleuze and Guattari

Chris L. Smith, University of Sydney, Australia

This study illuminates the complex interplay between philosophy and architecture through Deleuze and Guattari’s core philosophical concepts in architecture Their wide-ranging impact on 20th- and 21st-century architecture is presented in 16 chapters which each focus on a core Deleuzo-Guattarian philosophical concept and one key work of architecture which evokes it. Challenging the idea that a concept or theory defines, then produces the physical work and not vice versa, Chris Smith positions the relationship between Deleuze and Guattari’s practical philosophy and the field of architecture as one that is mutually substantiating and constitutive

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 256 pages

HB 9781350168497 • £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350168510 £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350168503 £76 50 / $105 78

Series: Deleuze and Guattari Encounters

• Bloomsbury Academic

Gaga Aesthetics

Art, Fashion, Popular Culture, and the Up-Ending of Tradition

Taking Adorno and Horkheimer’s ‘The Culture Industry’ as a crucial departure point, this book explores the dialectic of high and low that forms the foundation of Adornian aesthetics as well as those in his wake In the tradition of philosophical aesthetics that Adorno began with Lukács, it considers the ever-urgent notion that high culture has become deeply enmeshed with popular culture This is “Gaga Aesthetics”, aesthetics that are no longer confined to fine art, but can be found in phenomena such as fashion and music video

UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 224 pages

PB 9781350272385 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781350102699

ePub 9781350102712 £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9781350102705 £76 50 / $105 78

Series: Aesthetics and Contemporary Art • Bloomsbury Academic

Architectural Aesthetics

Appreciating Architecture As An Art

Edward Winters, University of Westminster, UK

Identifying the problems with the rival values architecture enjoys, Winters reconciles intrinsic value, as a fine art, with extrinsic value, as shelter, security and comfort, to argue why architecture is a fine art. Without collapsing into the modernist conception of Functionalism, he draws on the Apollonian and the Dionysian to resolve the apparent conflict: the former identified as requiring contemplative, detached reflection, the latter an engaged, embodied entanglement with the festive mood inspired by the immediate situation Architecture, Winters claims, is to be regarded as functional; but this functionality is subsumed under the intrinsic aesthetic value of living well

UK May 2023 US May 2023 240 pages 25 bw illus

PB 9781350211001 • £19 99 / $26 95 • HB 9781350210998 • £65 00 / $90 00

ePub 9781350211025 • £17 99 / $24 72

ePdf 9781350211018 • £17 99 / $24 72

Series: Bloomsbury Aesthetics • Bloomsbury Academic

Andean Aesthetics and Anticolonial Resistance

A Cosmology of Unsociable Bodies

Omar Rivera, Texas A&M University, USA

From pre-Columbian Inca stone architecture to 21st-century Andean photography and painting, Omar Rivera uncovers a lineage of conceptions of cosmologies as they have been expressed aesthetically in Andean philosophical traditions In doing so, he manifests a conception of the cosmos that is organized according to elemental orders and that underlies social forms Connecting pre-Columbian cosmologies with contemporary thinkers such as María Lugones, Linda Martín Alcoff and Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, Rivera's original approach introduces us to the living, evolving and aesthetic alternatives to coloniality of power and of knowledge, overhauling our understanding of decolonial theory

UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 248 pages • 10 bw illus

PB 9781350273221 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781350173750 ePub 9781350173774 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350173767 • £76 50 / $105 78

Series: Bloomsbury Studies in World Philosophies • Bloomsbury Academic • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692


Adam Geczy, University of Sydney, Australia & Vicki Karaminas, Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

The Stuff of Life

Timothy Morton, Rice University, USA

In The Stuff of Life, Timothy Morton chooses the objects that have shaped and punctuated their life to tell the story of who they are These objects are 'things' in the richest sense They are non-human beings that have a presence and force of their own From Battersea Power Station to a packet of anti-depressants, Morton explores why 'stuff' matters and why the life of these things have so powerfully impinged upon their own Their realization, through a concealer stick, that they identify as non-binary reveals the strange and wonderful ways that objects can form our worlds

UK June 2023

• US June 2023 • 192 pages

PB 9781350240483

• £14 99 / $19 95 • HB 9781350240476 • £45 00 / $61 00

ePub 9781350240506 • £13 49 / $19 22

ePdf 9781350240490 • £13 49 / $19 22

Bloomsbury Academic

Philosophy and Psychedelics

Frameworks for Exceptional Experience

Edited by Christine Hauskeller, University of Exeter, UK & Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes, University of Exeter, UK

What do psychedelics reveal about consciousness?

What impact have psychedelics had on philosophy?

Christine Hauskeller and Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes offer the first volume to explore the many connections between philosophy and psychedelics The chapters respond to questions concerning aesthetics, ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, politics, and religion from Western and non-Western perspectives In the midst of the surge of psychedelic scientific research, public debate, and rapidly-changing legal orders, this book offers a pivotal philosophic intervention

UK March 2023

• US March 2023 • 280 pages

PB 9781350373419 • £19 99 / $26 95

Previously published in HB 9781350231610 ePub 9781350231634 • £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9781350231627 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

Schizoanalytic Applications

Deleuze, Guattari and Schizoanalysis of the Global Pandemic

Revolutionary Praxis and Neoliberal Crisis

Edited by Saswat Samay Das, Indian Institute of Technology, India & Ananya Roy Pratihar, Institute of Management and Information Science, Odisha, India

A vital response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this volume connects the neoliberal underpinnings of the pandemic to the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari By positioning the worst outcomes of the pandemic in terms of neoliberal normativity, Deleuzo-Guattarian attention towards non-human life finds new meaning in the context of the virus, and our understanding of what constitutes life and inorganic life� Reading crisis, capitalism, and revolution anew through the pandemic and core Deleuzo-Guattarian concepts helps to situate new models of mutual aid, sustainability, and care in the context of anti-capitalist critique

UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 240 pages

HB 9781350276918

Albert Camus and the Philosophy of the Ordinary

Raymond D. Boisvert, Siena College, USA

The standard interpretation keeps repeating that Camus is the prototypical “absurdist” thinker Such a reading freezes Camus at the stage at which he wrote The Stranger and The Myth of Sisyphus. By taking seriously both how Camus was always searching and the rest of his corpus, Raymond D Boisvert corrects the one-sided, and thus faulty, depiction of Camus as committed to a philosophy of absurdism His guiding project, which he explicitly acknowledged, was an attempt to get beyond nihilism Tracing this project via Camus’s works, Boisvert offers a new lens for thinking about the well-known author

UK February 2023 • US February 2023 • 272 pages

HB 9781350347915 • £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350347939 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350347922 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic World English

Queer and Deleuzian Temporalities

Toward a Living Present

Rachel Loewen Walker, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Rachel Loewen Walker draws on the notion of nonlinear time in Deleuze’s work to advance a conception of ‘the living present’ as a critical juncture through which new meanings and activism in the fields of feminism, environment, and queerness may be realised Using literary texts by Jeanette Winterson, and philosophical texts by Julia Kristeva and Luce Irigaray, Walker reflects on monomythic stories about gender, sexuality, and identity in the context of rapid climate change, and posthumanist politics to pinpoint the importance of feminist and queer theory to a critical re-evaluation of time

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 216 pages PB 9781350185494 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781350184343 ePub 9781350184367 £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350184350 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

• £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350277410

• £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9781350277403 • £76 50 / $105 78

Series: Schizoanalytic Applications

• Bloomsbury Academic

Deleuze, Guattari and the Schizoanalysis of Postmedia

Edited by Joff P. N. Bradley, Teikyo University, Tokyo, Japan, Alex Taek-Gwang Lee, Kyung Hee University, South Korea & Manoj N.Y., Centre for Culture, Media and Governance, Jamia Millia Islamia, India

Breaking new ground for contemporary understandings of technology and capitalism, this volume connects critical postmedia studies to the work of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari It applies the key philosophical concept of schizoanalysis to postmedia studies together with delving into the ecological sphere, the field of Anthropocene studies, and post-human subjectivities. Authors from Australia, UK, Japan, US, India, South Korea, China, Argentina and Canada explore ecological philosophy as it connects to new media, technologies of the self, the power of algorithms, and technologies of resistance

UK January 2023 US January 2023 264 pages

HB 9781350180505 £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350180529

ePdf 9781350180512

• £76 50 / $105 78

• £76 50 / $105 78

Series: Schizoanalytic Applications

• Bloomsbury Academic

5 • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477


PHILOSOPHY –Continental Philosophy
Ian Buchanan & Marcelo Svirsky, University of Wollongong, Australia; David Savat, University of Western Australia


The Ontology of Death

The Philosophy of the Death Penalty in Literature

Aaron Aquilina, Lancaster University, UK

Through examination of the death penalty in literature, Aaron Aquilina proposes a new theory of the subject Reading Sophocles, Dickens, Nabokov, and others, Aquilina demonstrates how portrayals of capital punishment uncover not only the state of non-being that comes with a death sentence, but also, given the pervasiveness of sovereignty and alterity, how this state exists beyond death row Contesting Heidegger’s being-towards-death, this book argues that, living on with death severs the subject’s relation to itself, the other and political sociality, rendering the human less a recognisable ‘being’ than an anonymous ‘living corpse’, a human thing

UK May 2023

• US May 2023 • 256 pages

HB 9781350339484 • £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350339507 • £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9781350339491 £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

Günther Anders’ Philosophy of Technology

From Phenomenology to Critical Theory

Babette Babich, Fordham University, USA

This is the first exploration of the work of Gunther Anders, whose philosophy has become increasingly prescient in our technological age as his work predicts the prevalence of social media, ubiquitous surveillance and the turn to big data Anders' ouevre also explored the technologies of nuclear power and the biotech concerns for the human and transhuman condition which have become so central to contemporary theory Anders' relationship with key philosophers like Hannah Arendt and Walter Benjamin is also explored with a focus on the deep impact he made on his peers

UK April 2023 US April 2023 320 pages

PB 9781350228627 £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781350228580

ePub 9781350228603 • £81 00 / $112 65

ePdf 9781350228597 • £81 00 / $112 65

Bloomsbury Academic

Force and Understanding

Writings on Philosophy and Resistance

Howard Caygill, Kingston University, UK

Edited by Stephen Howard, KU Leuven, Belgium

For the first time, this volume gathers together Howard Caygill’s most significant philosophical essays, the majority of which are not freely available and many of which are previously unpublished Revealing the philosophical backdrop to Caygill’s acclaimed study of political resistance, On Resistance: A Philosophy of Defiance (2015), whilst also presenting Caygill’s continuing work on the subject through wide-ranging analyses of contemporary culture, this collection introduces readers to the orienting themes of Caygill’s thought In doing so, it provides the opportunity to engage with one of the most astute, learned, and critical philosophical minds around

UK September 2022 US September 2022 504 pages

PB 9781350366374 £39 99 / $54 95

Previously published in HB 9781350107861

ePub 9781350107885 • £35 99 / $49 45

ePdf 9781350107854

Bloomsbury Academic

Maurice Blanchot on Poetry and


Ethics of the Image

Kevin Hart, University of Virginia, USA

Blanchot and his writings on three major poets, Mallarmé, Hölderlin, and Char, provide a decisive new point of departure for English language criticism of his philosophical writings on narrative in this study by leading Blanchot scholar, Kevin Hart Connecting his work to later leading figures of 20th-century French philosophy, including Emmanuel Levinas, Simone Weil, and Jacques Derrida, Hart highlights the importance of Jewish philosophy and political thought to his overall conception of literature By fully discussing Blanchot’s elusive concept of “the Outside” for the first time, this book brings the entire body of his work into sharper focus

UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 288 pages

HB 9781350349056 £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350349070 £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350349063 £76 50 / $105 78 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Philosophy and Poetry • Bloomsbury Academic

Adorno's 'Minima Moralia' in the 21st Century

Fascism, Work, and


Edited by Caren Irr, Brandeis University, USA

This interdisciplinary volume revisits Adorno’s lesserknown work, Minima Moralia, and makes the case for its application to the most urgent concerns of the 21st century Contributing authors situate Adorno at the heart of contemporary debates on the current ecological crisis, the changing nature of work, the idea of utopia, and the renewed rise of fascism These new and timely readings of Adorno’s Minima Moralia teach us to adapt, and make space for the small, poetic, and feral qualities of life and being in the environment to open spaces and borders between us in the spirit of Adorno’s lifelong project

UK June 2023 US June 2023 200 pages

PB 9781350198937 £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781350198838 ePub 9781350198852 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350198845 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

Future Theory

A Handbook to Critical Concepts

Edited by Patricia Waugh, Durham University, UK & Marc Botha, Durham University, UK

Future Theory interrogates the terms and concepts most central to the urgent task of examining cultural change as a process of dynamic transition The volume approaches the question of transition from multiple perspectives, demonstrating how the highly politicized spheres of cultural production, scientific invention and intellectual discourse are entangled in the contemporary world The volume gathers specially commissioned essays, organized into five clusters of concepts - change, boundaries, ruptures, assemblages, horizons - by leading and emerging thinkers in the arts, humanities and social sciences, and spanning fields including geography, literary studies, cultural theory, philosophy, and politics

UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 480 pages • 5 mono images

PB 9781472567345 • £39 99 / $54 95

• £35 99 / $49 45

Previously published in HB 9781472567352 ePub 9781472567376 • £117 00 / $162 12 ePdf 9781472567369 • £117 00 / $162 12

Bloomsbury Academic • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •

–Continental Philosophy

Capitalism and the New Political Unconscious

A Philosophy of Immanence

Edited by Fabio Vighi, Cardiff University, UK & Riccardo Panattoni, Verona University, Italy

Taking seriously Lacan’s claim that “the unconscious is politics”, this volume interrogates the assumption that contemporary capitalism functions by tapping into people’s forms of unconscious enjoyment rather than providing transcendental conditions for the articulation of political meaning Written by leading international scholars, including Roberto Esposito and Slavoj Žižek, each chapter reflects on contemporary power structures and inspires consideration of new political potentialities, which our focus on politics in transcendental rather than immanent terms has thus far obscured In so doing, this volume uncovers the centrality of both psychoanalysis and the philosophy of immanence to an up-to-date understanding of the political

UK April 2023

• US April 2023

• 256 pages

HB 9781350240247 £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350240278 £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9781350240261 £76 50 / $105 78

Series: Political Theory and Contemporary Philosophy

• Bloomsbury Academic

Politics of the Many

Contemporary Radical Thought and the Crisis of Agency

Edited by Benjamin Halligan, University of Wolverhampton, UK, Alexei Penzin, University of Wolverhampton, UK, Stefano Pippa, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy & Rebecca Carson, Royal College of Art, London, UK Protests in the 21st century are arranged around collectives as centreless, leaderless assemblages This tendency towards proliferation has been theorized through the concept of multitude, most famously put forward by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri This book problematizes the concept of multitude, exploring its strengths and weaknesses and assessing its relevance to contemporary movements within anti-globalization and anti-capitalist politics and activism

UK April 2023

• US April 2023

PB 9781350268081

• 248 pages

• £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781350105645 ePub 9781350105669 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350105638 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

Joan Didion and the Ethics of Memory

Matthew R. McLennan, Saint Paul University, Canada

For Matthew McLennan, Joan Didion’s writing is unified by the ‘ethics of memory’ – themes linked to memory: witnessing and grieving, nostalgia, and the paradoxically amnesiac qualities of our increasingly documented lives explored in famous texts like Blue Nights and The Year of Magical Thinking

In a book suitable for students of ethics and moral philosophy, American literature and American studies, McLennan frames Didion as a serious if iconoclastic philosopher of time and memory Through her encounters with the past, the lauded writer offers lessons for the future in an increasingly unsettled world

UK May 2023

Political Theology Today

100 Years after Carl Schmitt

Edited by Mitchell Dean, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, Lotte List, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark & Stefan Schwarzkopf, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

100 years have passed since Carl Schmitt declared that ‘all significant concepts of the modern theory of the state are secularized theological concepts’ in his now classic Political Theology (1922) The book appeared anachronistic at the time, going against Max Weber’s popular thesis defining secularization as a disenchantment of the world characteristic of modern societies Nevertheless, the concept of political theology has seen a revival in recent years and this centenary volume investigates this elusive concept as an object of study, an analytical tool and a field of research It asks the question: what to do with political theology today?

UK February 2023 • US February 2023 • 256 pages • 10 bw illus

HB 9781350344518 • £85 00 / $115 00 ePub 9781350344532 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350344525 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

The Ethics of Water

From Commodification to Common


Cameron Fioret, University of Michigan, USA

The ethics of water commodification provide the stimulus in this global approach to climate change and freshwater access Cameron Fioret argues that communities who are subject to water commodification suffer a form of political domination that demands reform Five main case studies including Detroit, Cochabamba, and Kerala span four continents to convey the global and local scope of normative water issues These examples draw on contemporary water justice movements to explore how anti-water-commodification struggles can utilize water recommoning practices to make water governance processes more deeply democratic

UK June 2023

• US June 2023 • 208 pages

HB 9781350348806 • £85 00 / $115 00 ePub 9781350348820 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350348813 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

• US May 2023

• 208 pages

PB 9781350271869 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781350149571

ePub 9781350149601 £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9781350149595 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

• USA, Canada, Latin America

• 888-330-8477



PHILOSOPHY –Continental Philosophy / Ethics

–Philosophy of Religion


Expanding Philosophy of Religion

Collective Intentionality and the Study of Religion

Social Ontology and Empirical Research

Andrea Rota, University of Bern, Switzerland

In this open access book, Andrea Rota makes the case for philosophical, theoretical and empirical approaches to the study of religion, drawing on the ongoing debate and challenging individualist and reductionist perspectives Applying this framework, Rota analyses the collective agency of Jehovah’s Witnesses, focusing on the role that the media plays in structuring communicative processes that are conducive to collective intentions and commitments

The ebook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on Open access was funded by University of Bern Swiss National Science Foundation.

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 288 pages • 6 bw illus

HB 9781350303744 • £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350303768 • £0 00 / $0 00

ePdf 9781350303751 • £0 00 / $0 00

Series: Expanding Philosophy of Religion • Bloomsbury Academic

Philosophical Perspectives on Existential Gratitude

Analytic, Continental, and Religious

Edited by Joshua Lee Harris, The King’s University, Canada, Kirk Lougheed, LCC International University, Lithuania & Neal DeRoo, The King’s University, Canada

Existential gratitude is pervasive across the most influential human, cultural and religious traditions Weaving together analytic and continental, as well as non-western and historical philosophical perspectives, this volume explores the nexus of gratitude, existence and God as an inter-subjective phenomenon Chapters mark out new territory in philosophical inquiry, addressing whether and in what sense we ought to be grateful for our very existence By analysing gratitude, this collection makes a novel contribution to the discourse on moral emotions, phenomenology, anti-natalism and theology

UK April 2023 US April 2023 224 pages

HB 9781350289123 £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350289147

• £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9781350289130 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

Errant Affirmations

On the Philosophical Meaning of Kierkegaard's Religious Discourses

David J. Kangas

Errant Affirmations not only opens up a new reading of Kierkegaard but elucidates his "religious" texts and places them organically within his philosophy as a whole Through close and clear readings, David Kangas argues that contemporary philosophical themes - gift, temporality, language, death, nothingness, economy and selfhood- are evident in these "religious" works The book argues that Kierkegaard’s “ontology,” fully emerges only in these discourses, which are organized around an “errant” kind of affirmation: an affirmation of existence that is without conditions, capable of affirming life even amidst its finitude and suffering.

UK August 2022 • US August 2022 • 208 pages

PB 9781350366367 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781350020054

ePub 9781350020061 • £26 09 / $37 08

ePdf 9781350020047 • £26 09 / $37 08

Bloomsbury Academic

Diversifying Philosophy of Religion

Critiques, Methods, and Case Studies

Edited by Nathan R. B. Loewen, University of Alabama, USA & Agnieszka Rostalska, Ghent University, Belgium

This exciting collection develops models for exploring global diversity in order to bring philosophical studies of religion into the globalized 21st century Drawing on a wide range of critical theories and methodologies, and incorporating ethnographic, feminist, computational, New Animist and cognitive science approaches, an international team of contributors outline the methods and aims of global philosophy of religion Each chapter demonstrates how expertise in different methods can be applied to various geographical regions, building constructive options for philosophical reflections on religion. This book raises important questions regarding who speaks for and represents religious traditions

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 384 pages

HB 9781350264007 • £130 00 / $175 00

ePub 9781350264021 • £117 00 / $162 12

ePdf 9781350264014 • £117 00 / $162 12

Series: Expanding Philosophy of Religion • Bloomsbury Academic

Why God Must Do What is Best A Philosophical Investigation of

Theistic Optimism

Justin J. Daeley, University of Northwestern - St. Paul, USA

This book articulates the rationale for what Justin J Daeley terms Theistic Optimism: the idea that God, as the most perfect being, creates the best possible world necessarily Extending the conversation beyond the well-covered issue of divine freedom, Daeley argues that Theistic Optimism is also consistent with divine aseity, divine gratitude and our typical modal intuitions In doing so, he provides a vigorous defence against the charge that it deviates from the Christian tradition

UK April 2023 US April 2023 208 pages

PB 9781350268463 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781350109896 ePub 9781350109919 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350109902 • £76 50 / $105 78

Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Philosophy of Religion • Bloomsbury Academic • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692


J. Aaron Simmons, Furman University, USA & Kevin Schilbrack, Appalachian State University, USA

Wittgenstein and the Problem of Metaphysics

Aesthetics, Ethics and Subjectivity

Michael Smith, Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts, USA

Exploring the rupture between Wittgenstein’s early and late phases, Michael Smith provides an original re-assessment of metaphysics in Wittgenstein’s works Showing how his criticism of metaphysics typically invoked the very thing he was seeking to erase, the ‘problem of metaphysics’ becomes the organising principle of Wittgenstein’s thought Smith further outlines Wittgenstein’s preoccupation with ethics and aesthetics to re-assess his legacy using an analysis of Nietzsche’s critique of Kantian aesthetics and Kant’s ‘judgments of taste’ to reflect the limits and possibilities of metaphysics, aesthetics, and ethics and the task of the philosopher more generally

UK May 2023

• US May 2023 • 232 pages

PB 9781350188730 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781350183421

ePub 9781350183445 £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9781350183438 £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

A Philosophy of Comparisons

Theory, Practice and the Limits of Ethics

In the first philosophical analysis of the practice and ethics of comparative procedures, Hartmut von Sass expands on the significance of comparison. Elucidating the ramified structure of comparing, he suggests a typology of comparisons before introducing the notion of comparative injustice and the limits of comparisons He elaborates on comparing as practice by relating comparing to three relative practices – describing, orienting, and giving examples. This approach allows von Sass to clarify the idea of the incomparable, distinguish between different versions of incomparability and shed light on important ethical aspects of comparisons today

UK April 2023 US April 2023 264 pages

PB 9781350185517 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781350184381

ePub 9781350184404 • £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9781350184398 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

Quine’s Epistemic Norms in Practice

Undogmatic Empiricism

Michael Shepanski, Charles Sturt University, Australia

In this illuminating study of W V Quine, Michael Shepanski investigates epistemic norms, the criteria by which one decides whether a theory is rationally justified. It features a case study in which Shepanski develops a theory of the propositional attitudes by the method of formulating inferences to behaviour Finally, there are critiques of popular alternative views, including foundationalism, the centrality of knowledge, and Quine’s own epistemological naturalism By reassessing Quine’s normative epistemology, Shepanski advances our understanding of Quine’s philosophy whilst providing a guide for our own theorizing

UK July 2023 US July 2023 224 pages

• £85 00 / $115 00

HB 9781350304260

ePub 9781350304284 • £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9781350304277 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

Bergson's Scientific Metaphysics

Matter and Memory Today

Edited by Yasushi Hirai, University of Fukuoka, Japan

This multi-contributed volume brings Bergson’s key ideas from Matter and Memory into dialogue with contemporary themes on memory and time in science, across analytic and continental philosophy Focusing on the application of Bergson’s ideas to cognitive science, the circuit between perception and memory receives full explication in 15 different essays The relevance of philosophies of mind and memory sit alongside the role of a metaphysics of time in exploring connections to psychology, biology, and physics Led by leading Bergson scholars from France and Japan, Bergson’s contemporary relevance and the historical context of his ideas meet in this singular volume

UK May 2023 US May 2023 288 pages

HB 9781350341975 £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350341999 £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350341982 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic



Writings of Eva Picardi


Wittgenstein to American NeoPragmatism

Eva Picardi

Edited by Annalisa Coliva, University of California, USA

Eva Picardi (1948-2017) was an influential Italian analytic philosopher. Bringing together Picardi’s contributions to the history of analytic philosophy, this collection includes her papers on Wittgenstein and major 20th-century American neo-pragmatist figures such as Willard v O Quine, Donald Davidson, Richard Rorty and Robert Brandom By considering key contributions made by Gadamer and Adorno and contrasting them with Davidson and Rorty’s proposals, Picardi is able to bridge the analytic and continental divide With an introduction by Annalisa Coliva and new translations of previously unpublished papers, this collection emphasizes the significance of Picardi's work for a new generation of readers

UK November 2022 US November 2022 464 pages

PB 9781350375697 • £39 99 / $54 95

Previously published in HB 9781350101098 ePub 9781350101104 • £35 99 / $49 45 ePdf 9781350101081 • £35 99 / $49 45

Bloomsbury Academic

The Failure of Philosophical Knowledge

Why Philosophers are not Entitled to their Beliefs

János Tozsér, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungary

What should we do with our philosophical beliefs in the light of philosophy’s epistemic failure? In this open access book, János Tozsér develops four possible answers to this question into comprehensive metaphilosophical visions and argues that we cannot find peace either by committing ourselves to one of these visions or by abandoning our philosophical beliefs

The ebook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on Open access was funded by the Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungary.

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 240 pages

HB 9781350340046

• £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350340060

ePdf 9781350340053

Bloomsbury Academic

• £0 00 / $0 00

• £0 00 / $0 00

9 • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477


PHILOSOPHY –Metaphysics / Analytic Philosophy / Epistemology

Speaking Philosophically

Communication at the Limits of Discursive Reason

Thomas Sutherland, University of Lincoln, UK

Western philosophy has often claimed for itself not just a distinct sphere of knowledge, but a distinct form of communication, set against ordinary speech Thomas Sutherland proposes that for some philosophers, authentic philosophizing demands a specific manner of speaking or writing, adoption of which enables one to gesture toward truths that propositional speech will never grasp Drawing on a variety of thinkers – Heraclitus, Plato, Kant, Fichte, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Weil, Foucault, and Irigaray – Sutherland argues this emphasis on the form of philosophical communication can function as an exclusionary mechanism, determining who is deemed capable of speaking philosophically

UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 256 pages

HB 9781350160828 • £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350160842 £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9781350160835 £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

The Babylonian Planet Culture and Encounter Under Globalization

Philosophy, Freedom, Language, and its Others

Contemporary Legacies of German Idealism

Edited by Elias Kifon Bongmba, Rice University, USA & Robert Manzinger, University of Denver, USA

Kantian and Hegelian conceptions of freedom guide this collection of essays that engage with the linguistic turn in continental philosophy to explore contemporary interpretations of freedom Using a broad approach to the tradition of German Idealism, this volume cultivates and demonstrates the freedom to think and engage philosophy in a critical dialogue with other fields of inquiry. Contributors engage seminal thinkers on freedom including Plato, Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard, and Debord to address the complex legacy of philosophical freedom across subjects including contemporary media, political patrimonial culture, the literary imagination, and the politics of Nelson Mandela

UK July 2023 • US July 2023 • 240 pages

HB 9781350340091 • £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350340114 • £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9781350340107 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

Names and Context

A Use-Sensitive Philosophical Account

Dolf Rami, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

What is astro-culture? In The Babylonian Planet it is an aesthetic, a position, a practice It helps to engineer the shift from a segregated to an integrated world view – from global to planetary; distance to intimacy and where closeness and cosmic distance live side-by-side By combining the Babylonian concept of the encounter and the planetary concept of the whole-earth, Neef creates a space in which she can examine topics as varied as language, modernity, migration and the moon, and instigate a renewed cultural understanding receptive to the kinder forms of cultural encounter and globalisation that she hopes will come

UK June 2023

• US June 2023 • 224 pages

PB 9781350214880 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781350173231 ePub 9781350173262 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350173255 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic World English

The Evolution of Consciousness Representing the Present Moment

Paula Droege, Pennsylvania State University, USA

The Evolution of Consciousness brings together interdisciplinary insights from philosophy, neuroscience, psychology and cognitive science to explain consciousness in terms of the biological function that grounds it in the physical world� Drawing on the novel analogy of a house of cards, Paula Droege pieces together various conceptual questions and shows how they rest on each other to form a coherent, structured argument With examples from evolution, animal cognition, introspection and the free will debate, this is a compelling and animated account of the possible explanations of consciousness

UK June 2023

• US June 2023 • 256 pages

PB 9781350278080 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781350166783

ePub 9781350166806 £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9781350166790 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

Presenting a new contextualist account of names, Dolf Rami introduces two new ways to capture the rigidity of names by proposing a pluralist version of the causal chain picture He covers popular contextualist accounts of names and develops a use-sensitive alternative based on a semantic comparison between names, pronouns and demonstratives Extending and applying his approach to a wide variety of uses, including names in fiction, Rami offers the first comprehensive explanation of why we should interpret proper names as use-sensitive expressions

UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 280 pages

PB 9781350197220 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781350180628 ePub 9781350180642 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350180635 • £76 50 / $105 78

Series: Mind, Meaning and Metaphysics • Bloomsbury Academic

The Prospect of a Humanitarian Artificial Intelligence Agency and Value Alignment

Carlos Montemayor, San Francisco State University, USA

This open access volume illuminates the development of AI machines and draws comparisons between human and animal intelligence Presenting how humans pursue what they find important, interesting and valuable, Carlos Montemayor explains how the best way to guarantee value alignment between humans and intelligent machines is through attention routines that satisfy similar needs Based on the limitations of non-living intelligent systems, he sets out a theoretical framework for AI in terms of collective agents, acknowledging the legal, moral and political implications, and considers a humanitarian approach to the development of AI technologies The ebook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on Open access was funded by Carlos Montemayor and San Francisco State University.

UK February 2023 • US February 2023 • 296 pages

HB 9781350348370

• £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350348394 £0 00 / $0 00

ePdf 9781350348387 £0 00 / $0 00

Bloomsbury Academic • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692


Sonja Neef, Late of Bauhaus University, Weimar, Germany and Évry Val d'Essonne University, France Edited by Martin Neef Translated by Jason Groves
/ Philosophy of Mind
of Language

Thinking in Images

Imagistic Cognition and Nonpropositional Content

Piotr Kozak, University of Bialystok, Poland

We know much more about thinking with language than about thinking with images Presenting a unified theory of different types of images, such as diagrams, maps, technical drawings and photographs, Piotr Kozak argues that images provide a genuine and autonomous form of content and knowledge He puts forward a measurement-theoretic account of images as operations that measures and reveals the outcomes of measurement operations performed on a depicted situation As such, this book demonstrates that we can only understand what an image is if we truly understand the role they play in our thought processes

UK May 2023

• US May 2023 • 256 pages • 20 bw illus

HB 9781350267466 • £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350267480 • £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9781350267473 £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

A History and Philosophy of Expertise

The Nature and Limits of Authority

Jamie Carlin Watson, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, USA

Jamie Carlin Watson tackles the question of expertise and why we can be skeptical of what experts say His review sketches out the ancient origins of the concept, the evolution of the expert in the middle ages into a type of “genius”, moving to the role of psychological research in 16th-century Germany, the influence of Darwin, the impact of behaviorism and its transformation into the largely cognitive concept psychologists study today A comprehensive tour from ancient Greece to the 20th century, this book makes a valuable contribution to the contemporary philosophical debates on authority, testimony, disagreement and trust

• US June 2023

UK June 2023

• 288 pages • 15 bw illus

PB 9781350217676 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781350216488 ePub 9781350216495 £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350217669 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

Epictetus’s 'Encheiridion'

A New Translation and Guide to Stoic Ethics

Scott Aikin, Vanderbilt University, USA & William O. Stephens, Creighton University, USA

Scott Aikin and William O Stephens unravel the core themes of Stoic ethics found within this ancient handbook Focusing on the core themes of selfcontrol, seeing things as they are, living according to nature, owning one’s roles and fulfilling the responsibilities that those roles entail, the authors elucidate the extremely challenging ideas in Epictetus’ brisk chapters Written with clarity and authority, Epictetus’s 'Encheiridion’ provides a foundation from which readers can understand this important text and engage with the fundamental questions of Stoic philosophy and ethics

UK June 2023 US June 2023 336 pages

PB 9781350009516 £17 99 / $24 95 HB 9781350009509 £55 00 / $75 00

ePub 9781350009523 £16 19 / $23 34

ePdf 9781350009530 • £16 19 / $23 34

Bloomsbury Academic World English

Freedom After Kant

From German Idealism to Ethics and the Self

Edited by Joe Saunders, Durham University, UK

Freedom After Kant brings together established experts and emerging scholars to situate Kant’s work on freedom through his contemporaries, successors and critics Beginning with German Idealism in the 18th century, the volume traces critical receptions to Kant’s freedom in the work of Hegel, Marx and Mill through the 19th century, up to the development of freedom in 20th century philosophy through Sartre, Beauvoir, Heidegger, Murdoch and Levinas A collection which pinpoints how Kant's ideas came to shape and develop the history of philosophy more broadly, taking in Idealism, Marxism, existentialism and moral philosophy

UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 256 pages

HB 9781350187757 • £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350187771 • £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9781350187764 £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

Women Philosophers Volume II

Entering Academia in NineteenthCentury America

Dorothy G. Rogers, Montclair State University, USA

This book traces the career development and influence on American intellectual life of the first 20 women to earn a PhD in philosophy in the United States Rogers explores the factors that led these women to pursue careers in academic philosophy, examines the ideas they developed, and evaluates the impact they had on the academic and social worlds they inhabited This volume investigates not only the success stories of such women as Eliza Ritchie, Julia Gulliver, and Christine LaddFranklin, to name a few, but also the policies and practices that made it difficult or impossible for others to succeed.

UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 376 pages

PB 9781350213975 • £39 99 / $54 95

Previously published in HB 9781350070875 ePub 9781350070899 • £117 00 / $162 12 ePdf 9781350070882 • £117 00 / $162 12

The Ethics of Epicurus and its Relation to Contemporary Doctrines

Jean-Marie Guyau

Edited by Keith Ansell-Pearson, University of Warwick, UK & Federico Testa, University of Bristol, UK

Translated by Federico Testa, University of Bristol, UK

The first English translation of a compelling and highly original reading of Epicurus by Jean-Marie Guyau, this book is one of the most concerted attempts to explore this important yet controversial ancient philosopher, whose thought remains vital to contemporary culture With an introduction that contextualizes the work of Guyau within French thought, and notes on both further reading and Epicurean scholarship more generally, this translation also acts as a critical introduction to the philosophy of Guyau and Epicurus

UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 304 pages

PB 9781350261020

• £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781350013919

ePub 9781350013926

ePdf 9781350013902 • USA, Canada, Latin America

• £81 00 / $112 65

• £81 00 / $112 65

Series: Re-inventing Philosophy as a Way of Life • Bloomsbury Academic World English

• 888-330-8477


Philosophy of Mind
History of Philosophy
Ancient Philosophy

Aristotle on Human Nature

The Animal with Logos

Edited by Gregory Kirk, Northern Arizona University, USA & Joseph Arel, University of Maine, USA

Exploring Aristotle’s concept of logos as a foundational concept of human nature, this volume explores its place in the history of philosophy

Expert contributors re-position our understanding of it as a singular additional feature of human nature by arguing that logos is the organizing principle of human life itself The essays argue that we can see logos in human thinking, the organizing principles of our bodies, perception, social and political life, and through productive arts

Through this focus logos reveals itself as the feature that organizes all of life from the most “animal” to the most “spiritual ”

UK June 2023

• US June 2023 • 240 pages

HB 9781350348318 • £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350348332 • £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9781350348325 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Fichte

Edited by Marina F. Bykova, North Carolina State University, USA

This handbook follows the philosophical life and thought of a founding figure of German idealism, presenting a comprehensive overview of Johan Gottlieb Fichte's philosophy, from his engagement with Kant to his version of transcendental idealism Arranged chronologically, chapters written by a team of international contributors chart Fichte’s intellectual and philosophical development and the progression of his thought, identifying what motivated his philosophical inquiry and revealing why his ideas continues to shape discussion today

UK November 2022

• US November 2022 • 600 pages

PB 9781350375673 • £39 99 / $54 95

Previously published in HB 9781350036611 ePub 9781350036628 £35 99 / $49 45 ePdf 9781350036635 £35 99 / $49 45

Series: Bloomsbury Handbooks Bloomsbury Academic

Ideas Against Ideocracy

Non-Marxist Thought of the Late Soviet Period (1953–1991)

Mikhail Epstein, Emory University, USA

Countering the traditional view of an intellectual wilderness under the Soviet regime, Mikhail Epstein provides a comprehensive account of Russian thought of the second half of the 20th century that is highly sophisticated without losing clarity It provides new insights into late Soviet Russian nationalism and Eurasianism, religious thought, cosmism and esoterism, and postmodernism and conceptualism Epstein shows how Russian philosophy has long been trapped in an intellectual prison of its own making as it sought to create its own utopia A new and exciting interpretation of recent Russian intellectual history and an opportunity to rethink our philosophical heritage

UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 280 pages

Previously published in HB 9781501350597

Bloomsbury Academic

The Legacy of Aristotelian Enthymeme

Proof and Belief in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Edited by Fosca Mariani Zini, University of Tours, France

The Legacy of Aristotelian Enthymeme provides a historical-logical analysis of Aristotle’s rhetorical syllogism, the enthymeme, through its medieval and Renaissance interpretations Bringing together notions of credibility and proof, an international team of scholars highlight the fierce debates around this form of argumentation during two key periods for Aristotle’s beliefs As a method for achieving the standards for proof and credibility that persist across diverse fields of study today including the law, politics, medicine and morality, this book takes in Latin and Persian interpretations of enthymeme and casts contemporary argumentation in a new historical light

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 240 pages • 10 bw illus

HB 9781350248809 • £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9781350248823 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350248816 • £76 50 / $105 78

Series: Bloomsbury Studies in the Aristotelian Tradition • Bloomsbury Academic

The Philosophy of Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi

On the Contradiction between System and Freedom

Birgit Sandkaulen, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany

Translated by Matt Erlin

Translated into English for the first time, Birgit Sandkaulen makes a major contribution to reading the life, work and legacy of Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi She interprets his philosophical writings in their intellectual context, gives new perspectives on Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel, and focuses on Jacobi’s specific conception of practical realism Sandkaulen explores why, from Jacobi’s standpoint, the postKantian systems of German Idealism were bound to fail She recounts how Jacobi articulated a practical, ethical, personal realism that is as philosophically appealing and relevant today as it was in its time

UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 304 pages

HB 9781350235717 £90 00 / $120 00 ePub 9781350235731 £81 00 / $112 65 ePdf 9781350235724 • £81 00 / $112 65

Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Modern German Philosophy • Bloomsbury Academic World English • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692


PB 9781501380914 • £28 99 / $39 95
ePub 9781501350610 • £79 34 / $108 00
ePdf 9781501350603 • £79 34 / $108 00
& 20th-Century Philosopy
PHILOSOPHY –Ancient & Medieval Philosophy



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