8 minute read

Continental Philosophy � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

Timothy Morton, Rice University, USA In The Stuff of Life, Timothy Morton chooses the objects that have shaped and punctuated their life to tell the story of who they are� These objects are 'things' in the richest sense� They are non-human beings that have a presence and force of their own� From Battersea Power Station to a packet of anti-depressants, Morton explores why 'stuff' matters and why the life of these things have so powerfully impinged upon their own� Their realization, through a concealer stick, that they identify as non-binary reveals the strange and wonderful ways that objects can form our worlds�

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 192 pages PB 9781350240483 • £14�99 / $19�95 • HB 9781350240476 • £45�00 / $61�00 ePub 9781350240506 • £13�49 / $19�22 ePdf 9781350240490 • £13�49 / $19�22 Bloomsbury Academic

Philosophy and Psychedelics

Frameworks for Exceptional Experience

Edited by Christine Hauskeller, University of Exeter, UK & Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes, University of Exeter, UK What do psychedelics reveal about consciousness? What impact have psychedelics had on philosophy? Christine Hauskeller and Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes offer the first volume to explore the many connections between philosophy and psychedelics� The chapters respond to questions concerning aesthetics, ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, politics, and religion from Western and non-Western perspectives� In the midst of the surge of psychedelic scientific research, public debate, and rapidly-changing legal orders, this book offers a pivotal philosophic intervention�

UK March 2023 • US March 2023 • 280 pages PB 9781350373419 • £19�99 / $26�95 Previously published in HB 9781350231610 ePub 9781350231634 • £76�50 / $105�78 ePdf 9781350231627 • £76�50 / $105�78 Bloomsbury Academic

Albert Camus and the Philosophy of the Ordinary

Raymond D. Boisvert, Siena College, USA The standard interpretation keeps repeating that Camus is the prototypical “absurdist” thinker� Such a reading freezes Camus at the stage at which he wrote The Stranger and The Myth of Sisyphus. By taking seriously both how Camus was always searching and the rest of his corpus, Raymond D� Boisvert corrects the one-sided, and thus faulty, depiction of Camus as committed to a philosophy of absurdism� His guiding project, which he explicitly acknowledged, was an attempt to get beyond nihilism� Tracing this project via Camus’s works, Boisvert offers a new lens for thinking about the well-known author�

UK February 2023 • US February 2023 • 272 pages HB 9781350347915 • £85�00 / $115�00 ePub 9781350347939 • £76�50 / $105�78 ePdf 9781350347922 • £76�50 / $105�78 Bloomsbury Academic World English

Queer and Deleuzian Temporalities

Toward a Living Present

Rachel Loewen Walker, University of Saskatchewan, Canada Rachel Loewen Walker draws on the notion of nonlinear time in Deleuze’s work to advance a conception of ‘the living present’ as a critical juncture through which new meanings and activism in the fields of feminism, environment, and queerness may be realised� Using literary texts by Jeanette Winterson, and philosophical texts by Julia Kristeva and Luce Irigaray, Walker reflects on monomythic stories about gender, sexuality, and identity in the context of rapid climate change, and posthumanist politics to pinpoint the importance of feminist and queer theory to a critical re-evaluation of time�

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 216 pages PB 9781350185494 • £28�99 / $39�95 Previously published in HB 9781350184343 ePub 9781350184367 • £76�50 / $105�78 ePdf 9781350184350 • £76�50 / $105�78 Bloomsbury Academic

Schizoanalytic Applications

Ian Buchanan & Marcelo Svirsky, University of Wollongong, Australia; David Savat, University of Western Australia

Deleuze, Guattari and Schizoanalysis of the Global Pandemic

Revolutionary Praxis and Neoliberal Crisis

Edited by Saswat Samay Das, Indian Institute of Technology, India & Ananya Roy Pratihar, Institute of Management and Information Science, Odisha, India A vital response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this volume connects the neoliberal underpinnings of the pandemic to the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari� By positioning the worst outcomes of the pandemic in terms of neoliberal normativity, Deleuzo-Guattarian attention towards non-human life finds new meaning in the context of the virus, and our understanding of what constitutes life and inorganic life� Reading crisis, capitalism, and revolution anew through the pandemic and core Deleuzo-Guattarian concepts helps to situate new models of mutual aid, sustainability, and care in the context of anti-capitalist critique�

UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 240 pages HB 9781350276918 • £85�00 / $115�00 ePub 9781350277410 • £76�50 / $105�78 ePdf 9781350277403 • £76�50 / $105�78 Series: Schizoanalytic Applications • Bloomsbury Academic

Deleuze, Guattari and the Schizoanalysis of Postmedia

Edited by Joff P. N. Bradley, Teikyo University, Tokyo, Japan, Alex Taek-Gwang Lee, Kyung Hee University, South Korea & Manoj N.Y., Centre for Culture, Media and Governance, Jamia Millia Islamia, India Breaking new ground for contemporary understandings of technology and capitalism, this volume connects critical postmedia studies to the work of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari� It applies the key philosophical concept of schizoanalysis to postmedia studies together with delving into the ecological sphere, the field of Anthropocene studies, and post-human subjectivities. Authors from Australia, UK, Japan, US, India, South Korea, China, Argentina and Canada explore ecological philosophy as it connects to new media, technologies of the self, the power of algorithms, and technologies of resistance�

UK January 2023 • US January 2023 • 264 pages HB 9781350180505 • £85�00 / $115�00 ePub 9781350180529 • £76�50 / $105�78 ePdf 9781350180512 • £76�50 / $105�78 Series: Schizoanalytic Applications • Bloomsbury Academic

The Philosophy of the Death Penalty in Literature

Aaron Aquilina, Lancaster University, UK Through examination of the death penalty in literature, Aaron Aquilina proposes a new theory of the subject� Reading Sophocles, Dickens, Nabokov, and others, Aquilina demonstrates how portrayals of capital punishment uncover not only the state of non-being that comes with a death sentence, but also, given the pervasiveness of sovereignty and alterity, how this state exists beyond death row� Contesting Heidegger’s being-towards-death, this book argues that, living on with death severs the subject’s relation to itself, the other and political sociality, rendering the human less a recognisable ‘being’ than an anonymous ‘living corpse’, a human thing�

UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 256 pages HB 9781350339484 • £85�00 / $115�00 ePub 9781350339507 • £76�50 / $105�78 ePdf 9781350339491 • £76�50 / $105�78 Bloomsbury Academic

Günther Anders’ Philosophy of Technology

From Phenomenology to Critical Theory

Babette Babich, Fordham University, USA This is the first exploration of the work of Gunther Anders, whose philosophy has become increasingly prescient in our technological age as his work predicts the prevalence of social media, ubiquitous surveillance and the turn to big data� Anders' ouevre also explored the technologies of nuclear power and the biotech concerns for the human and transhuman condition which have become so central to contemporary theory� Anders' relationship with key philosophers like Hannah Arendt and Walter Benjamin is also explored with a focus on the deep impact he made on his peers�

UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 320 pages PB 9781350228627 • £28�99 / $39�95 Previously published in HB 9781350228580 ePub 9781350228603 • £81�00 / $112�65 ePdf 9781350228597 • £81�00 / $112�65 Bloomsbury Academic Ethics of the Image

Kevin Hart, University of Virginia, USA Blanchot and his writings on three major poets, Mallarmé, Hölderlin, and Char, provide a decisive new point of departure for English language criticism of his philosophical writings on narrative in this study by leading Blanchot scholar, Kevin Hart� Connecting his work to later leading figures of 20th-century French philosophy, including Emmanuel Levinas, Simone Weil, and Jacques Derrida, Hart highlights the importance of Jewish philosophy and political thought to his overall conception of literature� By fully discussing Blanchot’s elusive concept of “the Outside” for the first time, this book brings the entire body of his work into sharper focus�

UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 288 pages HB 9781350349056 • £85�00 / $115�00 ePub 9781350349070 • £76�50 / $105�78 ePdf 9781350349063 • £76�50 / $105�78 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Philosophy and Poetry • Bloomsbury Academic

Adorno's 'Minima Moralia' in the 21st Century

Fascism, Work, and Ecology

Edited by Caren Irr, Brandeis University, USA This interdisciplinary volume revisits Adorno’s lesserknown work, Minima Moralia, and makes the case for its application to the most urgent concerns of the 21st century� Contributing authors situate Adorno at the heart of contemporary debates on the current ecological crisis, the changing nature of work, the idea of utopia, and the renewed rise of fascism� These new and timely readings of Adorno’s Minima Moralia teach us to adapt, and make space for the small, poetic, and feral qualities of life and being in the environment to open spaces and borders between us in the spirit of Adorno’s lifelong project�

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 200 pages PB 9781350198937 • £28�99 / $39�95 Previously published in HB 9781350198838 ePub 9781350198852 • £76�50 / $105�78 ePdf 9781350198845 • £76�50 / $105�78 Bloomsbury Academic

Force and Understanding

Writings on Philosophy and Resistance

Howard Caygill, Kingston University, UK Edited by Stephen Howard, KU Leuven, Belgium For the first time, this volume gathers together Howard Caygill’s most significant philosophical essays, the majority of which are not freely available and many of which are previously unpublished� Revealing the philosophical backdrop to Caygill’s acclaimed study of political resistance, On Resistance: A Philosophy of Defiance (2015), whilst also presenting Caygill’s continuing work on the subject through wide-ranging analyses of contemporary culture, this collection introduces readers to the orienting themes of Caygill’s thought� In doing so, it provides the opportunity to engage with one of the most astute, learned, and critical philosophical minds around�

UK September 2022 • US September 2022 • 504 pages PB 9781350366374 • £39�99 / $54�95 Previously published in HB 9781350107861 ePub 9781350107885 • £35�99 / $49�45 ePdf 9781350107854 • £35�99 / $49�45 Bloomsbury Academic

Future Theory

A Handbook to Critical Concepts

Edited by Patricia Waugh, Durham University, UK & Marc Botha, Durham University, UK Future Theory interrogates the terms and concepts most central to the urgent task of examining cultural change as a process of dynamic transition� The volume approaches the question of transition from multiple perspectives, demonstrating how the highly politicized spheres of cultural production, scientific invention and intellectual discourse are entangled in the contemporary world� The volume gathers specially commissioned essays, organized into five clusters of concepts - change, boundaries, ruptures, assemblages, horizons - by leading and emerging thinkers in the arts, humanities and social sciences, and spanning fields including geography, literary studies, cultural theory, philosophy, and politics�

UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 480 pages • 5 mono images PB 9781472567345 • £39�99 / $54�95 Previously published in HB 9781472567352 ePub 9781472567376 • £117�00 / $162�12 ePdf 9781472567369 • £117�00 / $162�12 Bloomsbury Academic

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