Iran and the United States
A Precariat Charter
Subject and Object
An Insider’s View on the Failed Past and the Road to Peace
From Denizens to Citizens
Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Research Scholar, Princeton University, USA
Guy Standing, Professor of Development Studies, SOAS, University of London, UK
Frankfurt School Writings on Epistemology, Ontology and Method
Seyed Hossein Mousavian worked for over 30 years on diplomatic efforts between Iran and the West, alongside now-President Hassan Rouhani and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, serving as confidante, colleague, and peer. Here the former diplomat tells the insider history of the troubled relationship between Iran and the US. His unique firsthand perspective blends memoir, analysis and never before seen details of the many near misses in the quest for rapprochement. With so much at stake, the book concludes with a roadmap for peace that both nations so desperately need.
Building on the success of The Precariat, Guy Standing’s new book, A Precariat Charter, develops a progressive set of political ideas aimed at reducing the instability and marginalisation of the precariat class. The work discusses how rights — political, civil, social and economic — have been denied to the Precariat, and looks at the importance of redefining our social contract around notions of associational freedom, agency and the commons.
UK July 2014 • US May 2014 352 Pages • 216 x 138mm • 8.5 x 5.4 inches HB 9781628920079 £24.00 • $35.00 Library eBook 9781628928709 £69.00 • $106.00 Individual eBook 9781628927603 £17.99 • $30.99 Bloomsbury Academic
UK April 2014 • US June 2014 192 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781472510396 £16.99 • $27.95 HB 9781472505750 £55.00 • $100.00 Library eBook 9781472508478 £51.00 • $82.00 Individual eBook 9781472507983 £16.99 • $26.99 Bloomsbury Academic
Edited by Ruth Groff, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Saint Louis University, USA Subject & Object is a thematic collection of classic works by Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, and Herbert Marcuse, designed to foreground the authors’ philosophical concerns, especially in the areas of epistemology, ontology, and method. The volume, which includes lucid introductions to all of the selections, illustrates Frankfurt School approaches to questions such as the nature of reason; the limits of empiricism, pragmatism and Kantian transcendental idealism; the case for materialism; the difficulty of thinking counterfactually; and the ideological character of mainstream social science. UK June 2014 • US April 2014 352 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781441122865 £27.99 • $47.95 HB 9781441137289 £85.00 • $150.00 Bloomsbury Academic
w w w. b l o o m sb u ry.c om
P O L I T I C S & I N T E R N AT I O N A L R E L AT I O N S Critical Powers On textbook Global Citizenship James Tully in Dialogue James Tully, Distinguished Professor of Political Science, Law, Indigenous Governance and Philosophy, University of Victoria, Canada On Global Citizenship develops James Tully's distinctive and influential approach to political philosophy, and applies it to the field of citizenship. The book contains responses from influential interlocutors including Bonnie Honig and Marc Stears, David Owen and Adam Dunn, Aletta Norval, Antony Laden and Duncan Bell. These provide a commentary not just on the ideas contained in this volume, but on Tully's approach to political philosophy more generally, thus making the book an ideal first source for academics and students wishing to engage with Tully's work. The volume closes with a response from Tully to his interlocutors. UK June 2014 • US July 2014 208 Pages • 216 x 138mm • 8.5 x 5.4 inches PB 9781849664936 £18.99 • $29.95 HB 9781849664929 £60.00 • $110.00 Library eBook 9781849665162 £57.00 • $92.00 Individual eBook 9781849665018 £18.99 • $29.99 Series: Critical Powers Bloomsbury Academic
The Tories
From Winston Churchill to David Cameron Timothy Heppell, Lecturer in British Politics, University of Leeds, UK This is a comprehensive and accessible study of the electoral strategies, governing approaches and ideological thought of the British Conservative Party from Winston Churchill to David Cameron. Heppell integrates a chronological narrative with theoretical evaluation, examining the interplay between the ideology of Conservatism and the political practice of the Conservative Party both in government and in opposition. He considers the ethos of the Party within the context of statecraft theory, looking at the art of winning elections and of governing competently.
Theory for a Global Age Justice, Democracy and the Right to Justification
On Sovereignty and Other Political Delusions
Rainer Forst in Dialogue
Joan Cocks, Professor of Politics, Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts, USA
Rainer Forst, Professor of Political Theory and Philosophy, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany Over the past 15 years, Rainer Forst has developed a fundamental research programme within the tradition of Frankfurt School Critical Theory. This account is put to work by Forst in articulating — both historically and philosophically — the contexts and form of justice and of toleration. The result is a powerful theoretical framework within which to address issues such as transnational justice and multicultural toleration. Forst sets out his ideas in an extended essay, which is responded to by influential interlocutors including Andrea Sangiovanni, Amy Allen, Kevin Olson, Anthony Laden, Eva Erman and Simon Caney. The volume concludes with Forst's response to his interlocutors.
UK September 2014 • US November 2014 176 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781780933542 £18.99 • $32.95 HB 9781780933535 £50.00 • $86.00 Library eBook 9781780933566 £57.00 • $92.00 Individual eBook 9781780933559 £18.99 • $29.99 Series: Theory for a Global Age Series Bloomsbury Academic
UK June 2014 • US July 2014 176 Pages • 216 x 138mm • 8.5 x 5.4 inches PB 9781780939995 £18.99 • $29.95 HB 9781780932392 £60.00 • $110.00 Library eBook 9781780932866 £57.00 • $92.00 Individual eBook 9781780932859 £18.99 • $29.99 Series: Critical Powers Bloomsbury Academic
The Precariat
David Bruce and Diplomatic Practice
The New Dangerous Class Revised Edition with a new Preface by the Author
Guy Standing, Professor of Development Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK This book introduces the Precariat - the growing number of people facing lives of insecurity, doing work without a past or future. Guy Standing examines why the Precariat is growing, what fears it faces, what political dangers it represents and what might be done politically to ease the situation. UK April 2014 / US June 2014 208 Pages / 216 x 138mm / 8.5 x 5.4 inches PB 9781472536167 £12.99 / $22.95 Bloomsbury Academic
UK March 2014 • US May 2014 208 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781780930404 £18.99 • $29.95 HB 9781780930398 £60.00 • $110.00 Library eBook 9781780931142 £57.00 • $92.00 Individual eBook 9781780931166 £18.99 • $29.99 Bloomsbury Academic
An American Ambassador in London, 1961-69 John W. Young, Chair of International History, University of Nottingham, UK David Bruce (1898-1977) was a prominent American diplomat, who served in France, Germany and the UK. His work is examined here to provide an in-depth look at the practice of diplomacy and the role of the ambassador as diplomatic actor. The thorough survey aims to investigate the relevance of the resident embassy to modern diplomacy. This unique, readable study will appeal to students in diplomacy, international relations, American politics, as well as to trainee and junior diplomats. UK July 2014 • US May 2014 208 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches HB 9781441112019 £70.00 • $130.00 Library eBook 9781441154194 £262.00 • $400.00 Individual eBook 9781441157935 £68.99 • $116.99 Series: Key Studies in Diplomacy Bloomsbury Academic
An Untold History Peo Hansen, Associate Professor, Institute for Research in Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO), Linköping University, Sweden & Stefan Jonsson, Professor of Ethnic Studies, Linköping University, Sweden In order to think theoretically about our global age, it is important to understand how the global has been conceived historically. ‘Eurafrica’ was a political and intellectual project from the 1920s, that saw Europe’s continued role in history as completely bound up with Africa. This book recovers a critical conception of the European-African nexus, showing how it has influenced European integration, African decolonization and the current conflictual relationship between Europe and Africa. UK September 2014 • US November 2014 176 Pages • 216 x 138mm • 8.5 x 5.4 inches HB 9781780930008 £50.00 • $90.00 Library eBook 9781780930015 £150.00 • $241.00 Individual eBook 9781780930176 £49.99 • $77.99 Series: Theory for a Global Age Series Bloomsbury Academic
A State of Play British Politics on Screen, Stage and Page, from Anthony Trollope to The Thick of It
Steven Fielding, Professor of Political History, University of Nottingham, UK How has British democracy been represented in novels, plays and films in a century of political turbulence? Steven Fielding offers the first book length study of the fictionalization of British politics during the rise, consolidation and apparent fall of party politics. UK April 2014 • US June 2014 240 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781780933160 £18.99 • $29.95 HB 9781849669788 £60.00 • $110.00 Library eBook 9781849669818 £57.00 • $92.00 Individual eBook 9781849669801 £18.99 • $29.99 Bloomsbury Academic
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Concepts in Crisis explores politicaltheoretical concepts via substantive essays on particular political flashpoints and is thus appropriate for both theorists and non-theorists. With a particular focus on the concept of sovereignty, Joan Cocks constructs her argument using case studies of the confrontation between Anglo-American settlers and Native American tribes and the search for Jewish sovereignty in the new state of Israel.
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P O L I T I C S & I N T E R N AT I O N A L R E L AT I O N S The Art of War in an Asymmetric World
new in PB
Strategy for the Post-Cold War Era Barry Scott Zellen, Senior Research Scholar, Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, USA
Contemporary Military Strategy and the Global War on Terror US & UK Armed Forces in Afghanistan and Iraq 2001-2012 Alastair Finlan, Lecturer in Strategic Studies, Aberystwyth University, UK
“The Art of War in an Asymmetric World is a much needed work synthesizing modern thinking about war and refreshing it for the 21st century. It offers an interdisciplinary look into the human dimensions of war and the impacts of technology, globalization, and increased complexity... Much like Michael Handel's 1992 classic, Masters of War: Classic Strategic Thought, Zellen's new book is bound to stir debate among America's strategic thinkers.” Youssef H. Aboul-Enein, Adjunct Islamic Studies Chair, National Intelligence University, USA
A comprehensive exploration of contemporary military strategy and its application in Afghanistan and Iraq by American and British military forces. It offers a fresh perspective on strategy in the West and how it has been applied in recent military campaigns and facilitates a deep understanding of how wars have been and will be fought. Including key terms, concepts and discussion questions for each chapter, this book is a crucial text in strategic studies and required reading for anyone interested in the new realities of transnational terrorism and 21st-century warfare.
UK March 2014 • US January 2014 352 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781628920888 £31.99 • $46.95 Library eBook 9781441154316 £101.00 • $144.00 Individual eBook 9781441120991 £23.99 • $41.99 Previously published in HB 9781441195555 Bloomsbury Academic
UK August 2014 • US June 2014 224 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches • 10 illus PB 9781628921458 £19.99 • $29.95 HB 9781628927955 £80.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781628928143 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781628929621 £14.99 • $25.99 Bloomsbury Academic
Alternative Development Strategies in the Post-2015 Era Edited by Jose Antonio Alonso, Professor of Applied Economics, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain, Giovanni Andrea Cornea, Professor of Economics, Florence University, Italy & Rob Vos, Affiliated Professor, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and Food and Agriculture Association of The United Nations, Italy Reporting on the outcome of a major UN funded research programme, this book provides new ideas to address today's global development challenges, evaluating past experience and exploring answers for the future. It is a major contribution to redefining the global development agenda following the Millennium Development Goals 2015 deadline. UK January 2014 • US January 2014 400 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches HB 9781472532404 £55.00 • $94.00 Library eBook 9781472533265 £165.00 • $265.00 Individual eBook 9781472531643 £54.99 • $84.99 Series: The United Nations Series on Development Bloomsbury Academic
American Foreign Policy
U.S.-Iran Misperceptions
Out of Bounds
Alliance Politics in a Century of War, 1914-2014
A Dialogue
Academic Freedom and the Question of Palestine
James W. Peterson, Head of the Department of Political Science, Valdosta State University, USA
Edited by Abbas Maleki, former Deputy Foreign Minister, Iran, now teaches at Sharif University, Iran & John Tirman, Executive Director, MIT Center for International Studies, USA
This study of America's foreign policy focuses on alliance building as the method of dealing with war between 1914 and 2014. Each chapter features case studies, a summary, references, and web links. In addition, the book utilises primary sources, such as US Department of Defense and State documents and presidential statements. An exhaustive study of containment and alliance, this text will be an essential resource for anyone studying US foreign policy, international relations, and national security.
Can Iranians and Americans find common ground to overcome their troubled history? U.S.-Iran Misperceptions: A Dialogue is the first-ever written dialogue on the key issues that separate the two great countries. Bringing together former policy makers and international relations experts from the United States and Iran, the work provides new insights and arguments about how each country’s elites view the other, and how misperceptions have blocked the two from forging a normal and productive relationship.
UK May 2014 • US March 2014 240 Pages • 228 x 152mm • 8.9 x 5.9 inches PB 9781623560737 £22.99 • $39.95 HB 9781623561802 £70.00 • $130.00 Library eBook 9781623564094 £84.00 • $120.00 Individual eBook 9781623564889 £20.99 • $34.99 Bloomsbury Academic
UK April 2014 • US February 2014 176 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781623569365 £19.99 • $29.95 HB 9781623569273 £80.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781623568429 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781623565350 £14.99 • $25.99 Bloomsbury Academic
Matthew Abraham, Associate Professor of English, DePaul University, USA
This unique work examines how the knowledge-power nexus is shaping the discourse around the Israel-Palestine conflict and restricting academic freedom. The discussions are supported by prominent cases, such as Norman G. Finkelstein's denial of tenure, the Middle East Studies Department at Columbia University, and Mearsheimer and Walt's book, The Israel Lobby. This scholarly study will appeal to a broad audience of faculty, students, and readers who seek to understand the importance of academic freedom and the thorny debates surrounding the Israel-Palestine conflict. UK February 2014 • US January 2014 384 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches • 1 halftone illus PB 9781441127235 £19.99 • $29.95 HB 9781441142542 £74.00 • $110.00 Library eBook 9781441138231 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781441198020 £14.99 • $25.99 Bloomsbury Academic
Enduring Conflict
Are South Africans Free?
Imperial Subjects
Challenging the Signature of Peace and Democracy
Lawrence Hamilton, Professor of Politics, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
Citizenship in an Age of Crisis and Empire
Adrian Little, Professor of Political Theory, University of Melbourne, Australia
This unique text challenges the notion that absence of conflict is the foundation and norm of a stable political environment. Combining complexity theory and the notion of signature with case studies, it argues that political processes need to be understood within their social and cultural contexts. This text is a significant contribution to the literature as it highlights the limitations of conflict resolution strategies and identifies the issues that pertain to conflicts throughout global politics. UK April 2014 • US February 2014 192 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781780937687 £21.99 • $34.95 HB 9781780937090 £65.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781780936697 £69.00 • $106.00 Individual eBook 9781780936505 £17.99 • $30.99 Bloomsbury Academic
Colin Mooers, Professor of Politics and Cultural Theory, Ryerson University, Canada
Despite South Africa’s successful transition to democracy and lauded constitution, political freedom for the majority of South Africans remains elusive. In this unique book, political theorist Hamilton brings ideas to the fore to understand a contemporary political conundrum. Are South Africans Free? aims not only to explain the current state of South Africa, but to provide positive new directions and suggestions for institutional change.
This is an historical and theoretical analysis of citizenship and resistance in contemporary neoliberal globalization and imperialism through the lens of the capitalist commodity-form and circulation process. By expanding the debate on global citizenship, Imperial Subjects will engage readers in political and social sciences interested in contemporary political thought, citizenship and globalization.
UK April 2014 • US June 2014 144 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781472534613 £16.99 • $29.95 HB 9781472526939 £50.00 • $86.00 Library eBook 9781472528889 £52.00 • $82.00 Bloomsbury Academic
UK October 2014 • US August 2014 192 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781441192516 £17.99 • $29.95 HB 9781441152497 £55.00 • $100.00 Library eBook 9781441135148 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781441164933 £14.99 • $25.99 Bloomsbury Academic
P O L I T I C S & I N T E R N AT I O N A L R E L AT I O N S Contemporary Marxist Theory
Contemporary Anarchist Studies Philosophical Anarchism and Political Obligation
Angelic Troublemakers
Magda Egoumenides, Visiting Lecturer, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
A. Terrance Wiley, Assistant Professor of Religion and African American Studies, Carleton College, USA
new in PB
The Incoherent System of Contemporary Politics Rasmus Ugilt, Assistant Professor, Department of Culture and Society, Aarhus University, Denmark This study provides a philosophical analysis of the phenomenon of terror, in particular the political reactions to it, such as public anxiety and pre-emptive wars, and re-articulates the understanding of metaphysics through a consideration of its political implications. UK April 2014 • US February 2014 240 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781628920567 £19.99 • $29.95 Library eBook 9781441170538 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781441164728 £14.99 • $25.99 Previously published in HB 9781441182524 Series: Political Theory and Contemporary Philosophy Bloomsbury Academic
Angelic Troublemakers investigates religious and philosophical sources of modern American anarchism. It delves in-depth into the political implications of the religious-ethical visions of three American social justice aspirants. Chapters are devoted to analysing the political philosophies and actions of Thoreau, Day and Rustin as they manifest in their participation in various social justice movements. UK March 2014 • US January 2014 208 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781623566012 £17.99 • $29.95 HB 9781623568139 £55.00 • $100.00 Library eBook 9781623569952 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781623564063 £14.99 • $25.99 Series: Contemporary Anarchist Studies Bloomsbury Academic
UK October 2014 • US August 2014 272 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781441144119 £19.99 • $34.95 HB 9781441193575 £65.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781441151827 £69.00 • $106.00 Individual eBook 9781441124456 £17.99 • $30.99 Series: Contemporary Anarchist Studies Bloomsbury Academic
The Metaphysics of Terror
Edited by Andrew Pendakis, Brock University, Canada, Jeff Diamanti, University of Alberta, Canada, Nicholas Brown, University of Illinois-Chicago, Josh Robinson,Cardiff University, UK, Imre Szeman, University of Alberta, Canada
Religion and Anarchism in America
This Contemporary Anarchist Studies volume focuses on anarchism's contribution to the debate on political authority, specifically how philosophical anarchism challenges the idea of political obligation. This accessible book builds on the works of philosophical anarchists such as John Simmons and Leslie Green, and discusses key theorists, including Rousseau, Rawls and Horton. This key resource will make an important contribution to anarchist political theory and to anarchist studies more generally.
This anthology brings together major texts in contemporary Marxist thought, focusing on works from international thinkers since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The work is organised thematically, with sections covering the present historical conjuncture, the contemporary shapes of the social, philosophical concepts, theories of culture, and the status of the political today. This new formulation of the unity and nature of contemporary Marxist theory will be an invaluable resource to any humanities and social science student learning about social and political thought and theory. UK September 2014 • US July 2014 336 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781441106285 £24.99 • $42.95 HB 9781441103420 £85.00 • $150.00 Bloomsbury Academic
The Aesthetic Turn in Political Thought
The Aesthetico-Political The Question of Democracy in Merleau-Ponty, Arendt, and Ranciere
Edited by Nikolas Kompridis, Professorial Fellow, Centre for Citizenship and Public Policy, University of Western Sydney, Australia The growing exploration of political life from an aesthetic perspective has become so prominent that we must now speak of an “aesthetic turn” in political thought. But what does it mean and what makes it an aesthetic turn? Why now? This diverse and path-breaking collection of essays answers these questions, provoking new ways to think about the possibilities and debilities of democratic politics. A major contribution to contemporary theoretical debates, The Aesthetic Turn in Political Thought will be essential reading to anyone interested in the interdisciplinary conjuncture of aesthetic and politics. UK June 2014 • US April 2014 272 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781441148346 £23.99 • $34.95 HB 9781441149954 £80.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781441196699 £84.00 • $120.00 Individual eBook 9781441185167 £20.99 • $34.99 Bloomsbury Academic
Martín Plot, Faculty Member, Aesthetics and Politics Program, School of Critical Studies, California Institute of the Arts, USA This study uses new arguments to reinvestigate the relation between aesthetics and politics in the contemporary debates on democratic theory and radical democracy. This search for new connections between the political and the aesthetic thought of Arendt and Merleau-Ponty on one hand and the current widespread interest in Rancière's aesthetic politics on the other makes this book a unique study that will appeal to anyone who is interested in political theory and contemporary continental philosophy. UK October 2014 • US August 2014 176 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches HB 9781441196637 £65.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781441195661 £242.00 • $369.00 Individual eBook 9781441180469 £62.99 • $107.99 Bloomsbury Academic
Critical Theory and Contemporary Society Critical Theory of Legal Revolutions Evolutionary Perspectives Hauke Brunkhorst, Professor of Sociology and Head of the Institute of Sociology, University of Flensburg, Germany This unique work analyses the crisis in modern society, building on the ideas of the Frankfurt School thinkers. Emphasising social evolution and learning processes, it argues that crisis is mediated by social class conflicts and collective learning, the results of which are embodied in constitutional and public law. This volume provides a new approach to critical theory that will appeal to anyone studying political sociology, political theory, and law. UK July 2014 • US June 2014 384 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781623564186 £29.99 • $44.95 HB 9781441178640 £90.00 • $140.00 Library eBook 9781441102492 £90.00 • $137.00 Individual eBook 9781441137005 £22.99 • $39.99 Series: Critical Theory and Contemporary Society Bloomsbury Academic
Critical new Theory and in PB Contemporary Europe
Critical Theory and the Critique of Political Economy
William Outhwaite, Chair and Professor of Sociology, Newcastle University, UK
On Subversion and Negative Reason
“This is an important, stimulating and deeply engaging book, which is vital reading for students and researchers concerned with the legacy of Critical Theory. It presents a brilliantly intricate and erudite picture of the evolution of Critical Theory across generations, and it persuasively identifies the continuing relevance of the original impulse in Critical Theory for current analysis of constitutions, civil society, the welfare state and — above all — European integration.” Chris Thornhill, Professor of European Political Thought, University of Glasgow, UK UK January 2014 • US December 2013 184 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781623562298 £23.99 • $34.95 Library eBook 9781441149794 £69.00 • $106.00 Individual eBook 9781441158840 £17.99 • $30.99 Previously published in HB 9781441116260 Series: Critical Theory and Contemporary Society Bloomsbury Academic
Werner Bonefeld, teaches in the Department of Politics, University of York, UK The current crisis has reinvigorated the debate on the relationship between the national state and the global economy, the social nature of economy, and the possible paths towards a libertarian transformation of 21st-century society. This work develops a critique of political economy as a critical social theory and aims to decipher economic and political categories as inverted forms of social relations, analysing the social constitution of the political economy of market freedom. UK July 2014 • US May 2014 192 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches HB 9781441161390 £65.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781441152275 £242.00 • $369.00 Individual eBook 9781623563318 £62.99 • $107.99 Series: Critical Theory and Contemporary Society Bloomsbury Academic
Critical Theory and the Digital David M. Berry, teaches in the Department of Political and Cultural Studies, Swansea University, UK This volume offers an original analysis of the role of the digital in today's society. It rearticulates critical theory by engaging it with the challenges of the digital revolution to show how the digital is changing the ways in which we lead our politics, societies, economies, media, and even private lives. In particular, the work examines how the enlightenment values embedded within the culture and materiality of digital technology can be used to explain the changes that are occurring across society. UK March 2014 • US January 2014 272 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches HB 9781441166395 £65.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781441118301 £242.00 • $369.00 Individual eBook 9781441173607 £62.99 • $107.99 Series: Critical Theory and Contemporary Society Bloomsbury Academic
P O L I T I C S & I N T E R N AT I O N A L R E L AT I O N S The Aporia of Rights
New Directions in Terrorism Studies Terrorism and Affordance
new in PB
Edited by Max Taylor, Professor of International Relations, University of St Andrews, UK and P.M. Currie, Senior Visiting Fellow, School of International Relations, St Andrews University, UK This collection of essays by leading experts explores the usefulness of the concept of affordance in helping to understand terrorism and political violence. Essays discuss such topics as affordance in relation to counterterrorism, technology, cyber-jihad, ideology and political ecologies. By importing the concept of affordance and a new set of research to the study of terrorism, the authors offer an innovative and original work that challenges and adds to various aspects of situational crime prevention and counterterrorism. UK April 2014 • US February 2014 196 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781628920215 £26.99 • $39.95 Library eBook 9781441127822 £84.00 • $120.00 Individual eBook 9781441173423 £20.99 • $34.99 Previously published in HB 9781441133816 Series: New Directions in Terrorism Studies Bloomsbury Academic
Moments of Decision Political History and the Crises of Radicalism
Stephen Eric Bronner, Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Director of Global Relations, Rutgers University, USA In this updated and expanded second edition, the radical classic Moments of Decision has been updated in the 20 years since it was first published. Reexamining observations made in the immediate rubble left after the fall of communism, Bronner blends political meditation, philosophical critique, and history lesson to illuminate the crises of radicalism that have defined the 20th and 21st century socio-political landscape. It is a critical part of the conversation surrounding socialist historiography, and the development of the West as we now conceive of it. With clear, accessible prose, Bronner's classic text is revived and revised in this volume, ideal for students, scholars, and any interested in political history, theory, and international relations.
Explorations in Citizenship in the Era of Human Rights
The Al-Qaeda Doctrine Evolving Narratives of the Core Leadership Donald Holbrook, Research Fellow, Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV), University of St. Andrews, UK This New Directions in Terrorism Studies volume describes Al-Qaeda's evolving religious and political doctrine by analysing statements made by Bin Ladin and Al-Zawahiri. This unique evidence-based analysis of Al-Qaeda will attract academics specialising in terrorism and counterterrorism as well as the policy community.
new in PB
The Subject of Liberation Slavoj Žižek and the Politics of Lacanian Psychoanalysis Charles Wells, Assistant Professor of Contemporary Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
• Highlights the ambiguity in Žižek's polemic against poststructuralism and for the Enlightenment • Examines how political ideologies mobilize and the unconscious drives of the Lacanian subject • Addresses Žižek's uses of Lacanian theory in a clear and accessible manner UK July 2014 • US May 2014 240 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches HB 9781623563684 £65.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781623569471 £242.00 • $369.00 Individual eBook 9781623564988 £62.99 • $107.99 Bloomsbury Academic
Norms, Environmental Regions and Transboundary Cooperation in the Orange-Senqu and Nile Rivers Inga M. Jacobs, Research Manager for Water-Centred Knowledge, South African Water Research Commission (WRC), Pretoria, South Africa With a wide range of examples, this comparative study of transboundary water governance in Southern and East Africa analyses the management norms that shape cooperative governance and regional water security. The book will help shape the debate on how water conflict and cooperative governance should evolve and will interest anyone studying African politics, hydropolitics, and issues of development. UK March 2014 • US January 2014 264 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781628922905 £26.99 • $39.95 Library eBook 9781441194213 £81.00 • $123.00 Individual eBook 9781441149688 £20.99 • $34.99 Previously published in HB 9781441149824 Bloomsbury Academic
Seguridad Crime, Police Power, and Democracy in Argentina
Enemies of the American Way
new in PB
Identity and Presidential Foreign Policymaking David Bell Mislan, Assistant Professor, US Foreign Policy Program, American University, USA The book examines the role of identity in the decisionmaking of presidents Cleveland, Harrison, and McKinley to develop a theory applicable to today's presidential policymaking. “[Mislan] has done a service in reminding us how important individual presidents’ own preconceptions and mindsets were then and still are now in shaping global foreign policy.” Paul Brighton, LSE Review of Books UK March 2014 • US January 2014 240 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781628924053 £19.99 • $29.95 Library eBook 9781441175540 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781441188847 £14.99 • $25.99 Previously published in HB 9781441110442 Bloomsbury Academic
new in PB
Guillermina Seri, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Union College, USA
Based on 90 interviews with police officers, this book examines the governing roles of the police in Argentina, focusing on Seguridad, a concept which conflates personal safety with state security. The study brings together key issues of governance that involve the police, democracy, and the quality of citizenship. It sheds light on how the police act as gatekeepers of citizenship and administrators of rights and law. UK January 2014 • US November 2013 248 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781623564193 £26.99 • $39.95 Library eBook 9781441123077 £84.00 • $120.00 Individual eBook 9781441148797 £20.99 • $34.99 Previously published in HB 9781441145789 Bloomsbury Academic
The Aporia of Rights is an exploration of the perplexities of human rights, and their inevitable and important intersection with the idea of citizenship. Written by political theorists and philosophers, essays canvass the complexities involved in any consideration of rights at this time. Yeatman and Birmingham show through this collection of works a space for a vital engagement with the politics of human rights. UK September 2014 • US July 2014 288 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches HB 9781623569778 £74.00 • $110.00 Library eBook 9781623565602 £222.00 • $339.00 Individual eBook 9781623568764 £57.99 • $98.99 Bloomsbury Academic
UK July 2014 • US May 2014 256 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches HB 9781623563141 £70.00 • $130.00 Library eBook 9781623566678 £262.00 • $400.00 Individual eBook 9781623564766 £68.99 • $116.99 Series: New Directions in Terrorism Studies Bloomsbury Academic
UK August 2014 • US July 2014 176 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781623567002 £16.99 • $24.95 Library eBook 9781623568122 £45.00 • $75.00 Individual eBook 9781623564148 £12.99 • $21.99 Bloomsbury Academic
The Politics of Water in Africa
Edited by Anna Yeatman, Professor and Director, Centre for Citizenship and Public Policy, University of Western Sydney, Australia & Peg Birmingham, Professor of Philosophy, DePaul University, USA
Gun Policy in the United States and Canada
new in PB
The Impact of Mass Murders and Assassinations on Gun Control Anthony K. Fleming, Visiting Professor of Political Science, University of West Georgia, USA “Fleming's penetrating analysis shows conclusively that institutions trump political culture in explaining why triggering events cause policy innovation in Canada but not in the United States. The key variables are the governmental structure, political parties, and interest groups, because both Americans and Canadians favor gun controls. This volume is perfect for courses in public policy analysis and comparative US-Canadian politics.” Raymond Tatalovich, Professor of Political Science, Loyola University Chicago, USA UK January 2014 • US November 2013 176 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781623567682 £26.99 • $34.95 Library eBook 9781441130525 £69.00 • $106.00 Individual eBook 9781441112934 £17.99 • $30.99 Previously published in HB 9781441106506 Bloomsbury Academic
P O L I T I C S & I N T E R N AT I O N A L R E L AT I O N S Security in Cyberspace
Why War
Targeting Nations, Infrastructures, Individuals
Capitalism and the Nation-State
Edited by Giampiero Giacomello, Assistant Professor of International Relations, University of Bologna, Italy
Experts in technology and politics examine security in cyberspace from the perspective of the sovereign state, the Internet's infrastructure and stakeholders, and the individual. The essays explore such issues as information ownership, censorship, cyberwars, cyberterrorism, privacy, and rebellion, bringing together expert knowledge from computer science and the social sciences with case studies. This authoritative analysis of one of the most controversial and compelling security debates of the 21st century will appeal to scholars and practitioners interested in security, international relations and policymaking. UK September 2014 • US July 2014 256 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches HB 9781623568030 £70.00 • $130.00 Library eBook 9781623565701 £262.00 • $400.00 Individual eBook 9781623566999 £68.99 • $116.99 Bloomsbury Academic
Transnational Citizenship in the European Union
new in PB
Past, Present, and Future Espen D.H. Olsen, Senior Researcher, Arena, University of Oslo, Norway
“Olsen critically examines claims about the supposed supranational or postnational nature of EU citizenship and concludes instead that it is transnational: despite increasingly complex multilevel and international configurations of rights and membership, citizenship in Europe remains tied to established political communities. A wonderful addition to the literature on the most significant and exciting transformation of citizenship and nationality in the contemporary world.” Willem Maas, York University, UK UK March 2014 • US January 2014 208 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781628926798 £19.99 • $29.95 Library eBook 9781441169679 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781441179999 £14.99 • $25.99 Previously published in HB 9781441116932 Bloomsbury Academic
Greek Tragedy and Contemporary Democracy
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“The West often lazily claims it inherited democracy from ancient Greece. It did no such thing of course. Two and a half thousand years of intervening history, intervening cultures and contaminations later, the West went 'democratic' in a way very different from Greece. But Mark Chou makes an extraordinarily lucid and elegant argument that we have many great things to learn from the Greeks as to what democratic pitfalls are to be avoided, and what we must do to make our own version of democracy multivocal and actually democratic. Chou's reading of Aeschylus is brilliant and moving.” Stephen Chan, School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, UK
Simon Stander, economist and writer and formerly of Middlesex University in London, UK
The Failed Jihadist Struggle Against the Near and Far Enemy Anthony Celso, Associate Professor, Department for Security Studies, Angelo State University, USA
This ground-breaking survey explains why war remains predominant in today's world by showing how the spread of nationalism and capitalism has brought about modern warfare. The work provides new insights into the causes and nature of modern war that will appeal to any student concerned with peace and violent conflict within the various fields of international relations, political economy, peace studies and more.
This examination of Al-Qaeda's decline since the 9/11 attacks focuses on the terror organization's mutation and fragmentation. It looks at its partnership with the local and regional jihadist networks that played a pivotal role in the Madrid, London, and Fort Hood attacks, arguing that, although initially successful, such alliances actually unraveled following both anti-terror policies and a growing rejection of violent jihadism in the Muslim world.
UK April 2014 • US February 2014 304 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches HB 9781441182494 £70.00 • $130.00 Library eBook 9781441143228 £262.00 • $400.00 Individual eBook 9781441162687 £68.99 • $116.99 Bloomsbury Academic
UK April 2014 • US February 2014 224 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches HB 9781441155894 £65.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781441180421 £242.00 • $369.00 Individual eBook 9781441152893 £62.99 • $107.99 Bloomsbury Academic
Cities at the End of the World
God and International new in PB Relations
Using Utopian and Dystopian Stories to Reflect Critically on our Political Beliefs, Communities, and Ways of Life
Christian Theology and World Politics Mika Luoma-aho, Head of the Department of Social Studies and Lecturer in International Relations, University of Lapland, Finland
David J. Lorenzo, Visiting Fellow, Department of Diplomacy, National Chengchi University, Taiwan (ROC) & Batten Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Virginia Wesleyan College, USA
“This is an iconoclastic book. The need for this radical thinking is great when the dangers of extreme nationalism and state isolationism are threatening global solidarity.” James Walters, LSE Review of Books
In this book, questions about human nature, social organization, rationality, wealth, resources, and political power and its use are examined through classic utopian and dystopian texts. Selected stories from Morris, Orwell, More, Bellamy, Neville and Zamyatin are used as a form of political philosophy to generate questions about fundamental economic, political, and social problems, human nature and the notion of the good life.
A critique of secular international relations from the perspective of Carl Schmitt's political theology, this book examines the relations between international relations and Christian theology.
UK June 2014 • US April 2014 208 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches HB 9781441141552 £65.00 • $120.00 Library eBook 9781441144232 £242.00 • $369.00 Individual eBook 9781441142566 £62.99 • $107.99 Bloomsbury Academic
Mark Chou, Lecturer in Politics, Australian Catholic University, Australia
UK April 2014 • US February 2014 208 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781628922509 £19.99 • $29.95 Library eBook 9781441178305 £62.00 • $89.00 Individual eBook 9781441190482 £14.99 • $25.99 Previously published in HB 9781441171887 Bloomsbury Academic
Al-Qaeda's Post 9/11 Devolution
Justice as Welfare Equity and Solidarity
new in PB
Adam Gearey, Reader in Law at Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
Justice as Welfare provides an egalitarian account of distributive justice by rethinking notions of welfare. This philosophically informed argument about egalitarian justice will appeal to anyone researching issues of social welfare, political theory, and applied political philosophy. UK January 2014 • US November 2013 272 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781623565534 £26.99 • $39.95 Library eBook 9781441170194 £84.00 • $120.00 Individual eBook 9781441136206 £20.99 • $34.99 Previously published in HB 9781441184412 Bloomsbury Academic
UK January 2014 • US November 2013 192 Pages • 152 x 229mm • 6 x 9 inches PB 9781623561284 £23.99 • $34.95 Library eBook 9781441122322 £69.00 • $106.00 Individual eBook 9781441160720 £17.99 • $30.99 Previously published in HB 9781441138668 Bloomsbury Academic
Globalizing Sport Studies Globalizing Boxing
Sport and Social Movements
Kath Woodward, Professor of Sociology, Open University, UK
From the Local to the Global
Boxing is a traditional sport in many ways, characterized by continuities in the form of practices and regulations and heavy with legends and heroes reflecting its traditional/historical values.
Jean Harvey, John Horne, Parissa Safai, Simon Darnell, Sebastien Courchesne-O'Neill
This book is the first to use boxing as a vehicle for exploring social, cultural and political change in a global context. It considers to what degree and in what ways boxing reflects social transformations, and whether and how it contributes to those transformations. In exploring the relationship it provides new ways of thinking critically about the everyday.
Sport and Social Movements: From the Local to the Global is the first book-length treatment of the way social movements have intersected and continue to intersect with sport. It traces the history of various social movements associated with labor, women, peace, the environment and rights (civil, racial, disability and sexual), and their relationship to sport and sports mega-events such as the Olympic Games. UK November 2013 • US January 2014 208 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches HB 9781780934143 Library eBook 9781780935577 £150.00 • $241.00 Individual eBook 9781780935560 £49.99 • $77.99 Series: Globalizing Sport Studies Bloomsbury Academic
UK February 2014 • US April 2014 176 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches HB 9781849668101 £50.00 • $75.00 Library eBook 9781849667975 £150.00 • $241.00 Individual eBook 9781849667999 £49.99 • $77.99 Series: Globalizing Sport Studies Bloomsbury Academic
New in Paperback! Globalizing Cricket
Global Media Sport
Englishness, Empire and Identity
David Rowe
Dominic Malcolm
This book investigates the integration of media and sport over the last century. At a time when the stability of the Western media sport order is under challenge, it analyzes a range of key structures, practices and issues, whose ramifications extend far beyond the fields of play and national contexts in which sport events take place.
Globalizing Cricket examines the global role of the sport – how it developed and spread around the world, and its role in structuring contemporary identities among and between the English, the British and postcolonial communities.
UK June 2014 • US June 2014 208 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781472576576 £16.99 • $29.95 Library eBook 9781849665599 £150.00 • $241.00 Individual eBook 9781849665612 £49.99 • $77.99 Series: Globalizing Sport Studies Bloomsbury Academic
UK November 2013 • US January 2014 208 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781472539427 £16.99 • $29.95 Library eBook 9781849666763 £150.00 • $241.00 Individual eBook 9781849666756 £49.99 • $77.99 Series: Globalizing Sport Studies Bloomsbury Academic
Japanese Women and Sport
Sport for Development and Peace
Beyond Baseball and Sumo
A Critical Sociology
Robin Kietlinski Japanese Women and Sport aims to explore both why and how in the past century athletics have stood out as an arena in which excellence by Japanese women is so actively encouraged.
Simon Darnell
UK November 2013 • US January 2014 208 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781849666688 £16.99 • $29.95 Library eBook 9781849666695 £150.00 • $241.00 Individual eBook 9781780935560 £49.99 • $77.99 Series: Globalizing Sport Studies Bloomsbury Academic
Sport for Development and Peace offers a critical sociological analysis of the emerging Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) movement. The book addresses a gap in the literature by focusing on the social and political implications of sport on development. It is a timely and important addition to the series. UK November 2013 • US December 2013 192 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781472539540 £16.99 • $29.95 Library eBook 9781849665919 £150.00 • $241.00 Individual eBook 9781849665902 £49.99 • $77.99 Series: Globalizing Sport Studies Bloomsbury Academic
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