7 minute read
October 2021 192 pages 234 x 156mm 9781472986412 Bloomsbury Education
August 2021 176 pages 234 x 156mm 9781472984524 Bloomsbury Education
November 2021 13 mono illus 352 pages • 234 x 156mm 2nd edition 9781350176447 Bloomsbury Academic
Rights sold: Chinese simplified, Turkish
The Wellbeing Curriculum
Embedding children’s wellbeing in primary schools Andrew Cowley
The ultimate guide for primary schools looking to develop a practical, principled and values-driven wellbeing curriculum for their pupils.
Developing an explicit wellbeing curriculum for primary-aged children is crucial: when taught how to make good life choices and care for their physical and mental health, children will thrive both at primary school and beyond. The Wellbeing Curriculum covers a range of issues from self-awareness, looking after others and building trust, to exercise, healthy eating, cyberbullying, leadership, diversity and empowerment. It offers practical ideas for embedding a wellbeing curriculum into lessons, assemblies, PSHE and RSE sessions and as part of the school ethos. This is the must-have book for schools looking to put pupil wellbeing at the heart of their curriculum. Andrew Cowley is a deputy headteacher in London and co-founder of Healthy Toolkit, an organisation dedicated to encouraging and advancing teacher wellbeing.
Across the Spectrum
A journey towards understanding and supporting individuals with autism Francine Brower and Keith MacKenzie Cox
'A beautifully informative and sensitively written book that will assist both parents and professionals to understand and celebrate the differences of children and young people with autism.' – Laura Watkins, CEO of The Donaldson Trust
This book explores the diverse presentations of autism in children, covering a range of autism characteristics, including sensory differences, communication, behaviour and socialisation. Using real-life examples, Francine Brower and Keith MacKenzie Cox explain how to identify diverse characteristics of autism, explore key challenges that individuals and schools face and offer practical, effective strategies to support pupils with ASD. This is the ideal book for mainstream and special school teachers looking to improve their special educational needs provision, and develop the best possible learning outcomes for all pupils with ASD. Francine Brower is a consultant working with schools and individual children. She was previously a headteacher in an ASD specialist school and Team Leader for the National Autistic Society. Keith MacKenzie Cox has been the headteacher of three specialist provision settings for pupils with autism.
Early Childhood and Neuroscience
Theory, Research and Implications for Practice Mine Conkbayir
A balanced introduction that bridges the gap between current neuroscience research and early childhood practice.
This is a practical guide to understanding the complex and challenging subject of neuroscience and its use (and abuse) in early childhood policy and practice. Including a new Foreword by Laura Jana, this edition features new chapters on the effects of childhood trauma, school readiness and neurodiversity. The chapters discuss questions, such as Why should practitioners know about neuroscience? and how can neuroscience help? It explores the nature vs. nurture debate through the lens of neuroscience and how critical the first three years of life are to healthy brain development, providing a balanced overview of the debates by weaving discussion on the opportunities of using neuroscience in early childhood practice with in-depth discussion on the limitations and ethical implications. Dr Mine Conkbayir is an award-winning author and trainer.
Give Children the Vote
On Democratizing Democracy John Wall
A comprehensive argument for why suffrage should be universal, regardless of age.
Drawing on political theory and childhood studies, this book argues that it is time to give children the vote. John Wall shows why suffrage cannot legitimately be limited according to age, as well as why truly universal voting is beneficial to all. He responds to a wide range of objections concerning competence, knowledge, adult rights, power relations, harms to children, and more. The book maps out a new vision of democratic voting that is at last genuinely democratic. John Wall is Professor of Philosophy, Religion, and Childhood Studies, and Director of the Childism Institute, at Rutgers University, USA.
November 2021 • 240 pages 216 x 138mm • 9781350196261 Bloomsbury Academic
100 Ideas for Primary Teachers
Sensory Processing Differences Kim Griffin
A must-have book for all teachers wanting to understand sensory processing differences, identify them in the primary classroom and implement effective strategies to support their pupils.
Kim Griffin introduces 100 informative, easy-to-use ideas for recognising common sensory differences, to help improve learning experiences for both teachers and pupils. Ideal for teachers, teaching assistants and SENDCos in both mainstream and special schools, this book will help teachers recognise when challenging behaviour is caused by sensory processing differences, and enable them to take the best approach. Kim Griffin is an occupational therapist specialising in helping children with sensory processing differences and motor skill challenges, and founder of GriffinOT, which offers online occupational therapy support and resources for educators and parents.
August 2021 • 144 pages 198 x 129mm • 9781472986948 Bloomsbury Education Series: 100 Ideas for Teachers
50 Fantastic Ideas for Making Music
Judith Harries
50 fun, easy-to-follow activities for making music with young children.
This book is packed full of fun and accessible ideas for making music, exploring sounds, singing and creating instruments from recycled materials. Whether you are a specialist music teacher or a non-specialist looking for inspiration, it is perfect for anyone looking to put the magic back into music in an Early Years setting. All ideas include step-by-step instructions, tips to understand music terminology and suggestions for further development. Judith Harries has taught music and drama, as well as other subjects, at primary schools and nurseries for over 25 years. Series Editor Alistair Bryce-Clegg is a leading educational consultant specialising in the education of children in the Early Years.
August 2021 • 64 pages 245 x 170mm • 9781472984111 Featherstone Series: 50 Fantastic Ideas
July 2021 112 pages 216 x 138mm 9781472985286 Bloomsbury Education
November 2021 128 pages 244 x 169mm 9781472974655 Bloomsbury Education
Teaching for Realists
Making the education system work for you and your pupils Omar Akbar
A funny and honest guide to surviving and thriving as a newly qualified teacher, in spite of the challenges of the education system.
This book presents a ground-up approach to help you manage the obstacles you might encounter and implement day-today methods to maintain your love for the profession, teach effective lessons and ensure pupil progress.
Omar Akbar, author of The (Un)official Teacher's Manual, offers a wealth of hard-won practical advice for avoiding frustration and developing teaching techniques that have a real impact in the classroom. Full of hilarious anecdotes and exploring hot topics such as pupil apathy, enriching the curriculum, Ofsted, data and behaviour, this book is a refreshing and uplifting take on what NQTs can do to have a happy, healthy and successful career in education – starting now. Omar Akbar is a science teacher at a secondary school in Birmingham.
The Emotionally Intelligent Teacher
Niomi Clyde-Roberts
Explores how to boost emotional intelligence to enhance teaching, improve wellbeing and dispel workplace politics in educational settings.
This is a unique guide to managing your emotions in order to enhance teaching, boost wellbeing and combat power struggles in schools. Using scientific research and real-life examples, Niomi Clyde-Roberts demonstrates how empathy and clear communication can make every teacher and leader feel motivated, fulfilled and respected. From knowing when to say no and responding to negativity, to working effectively as a team and letting every member know they’re valued, Niomi believes emotional intelligence in education is the key to enhanced productivity and superb teaching, benefiting both staff and students.
The Emotionally Intelligent Teacher will uplift every teacher from NQTs to senior leaders, inspiring them to build positive staff relationships and paving the way for a successful teaching career. Niomi Clyde-Roberts is an assistant headteacher with a passion for effective pedagogy.
August 2021 • 320 pages 234 x 156mm • 9781472975423 Bloomsbury Education
The Headteacher's Handbook
The essential guide to leading a primary school Rae Snape
Offers practical guidance and advice on all aspects of primary headship to support and inspire new, current and aspiring headteachers.
This is an indispensable manual to understanding the role of a headteacher as both an instructional coach and community leader. Rae Snape presents invaluable advice, models, research, motivational quotes and self-reflection questions on a wealth of topics. The book features examples from some of the most influential and forward-thinking school leaders today and is a compendium of all you need to excel as a headteacher. Rae Snape is an experienced headteacher in Cambridge, National Leader of Education and co-founder of Cambridgeshire Festival of Education.