Theology & Biblical Studies New Books, Jan-June 2020

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Theology & Biblical Studies New Books Catalogue

January-June 2020

Contents Introductions ����������������������������������������������������������������� 1

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Systematic Theology ����������������������������������������������������� 1

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Political Theology ����������������������������������������������������������� 4

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Ethics ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Church History ��������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Schillebeeckx ����������������������������������������������������������������� 5 Catholic Theology ��������������������������������������������������������� 5 Historical and Philosophical Theology ��������������������������� 6 Study Guides ����������������������������������������������������������������� 7 The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies ����� 7 The Library of Hebrew Bible/New Testament Studies � 10 Old Testament ������������������������������������������������������������� 13 Ancient Near East ��������������������������������������������������������� 13 New Testament ������������������������������������������������������������� 14 Bible in History and Culture ����������������������������������������� 15 Representatives, Agents & Distributors ����������������������� 16

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Discourse, Identification and Locality Christopher R. Cotter, University of Edinburgh, UK This book acts as a bridge between two increasingly entrenched positions in contemporary Religious Studies—one that is interested in understanding ‘religion in the real world’, and the other in understanding the discursive processes by which that statement makes sense, or ‘critical religion.’ This book details an approach which avoids constructing ‘religion’ as in some way unique, whilst also fully incorporating ‘non-religious’ subject positions into Religious Studies. It provides a rich engagement with a wide variety of theoretical material, rooted in empirical data, which will be of interest to those interested in critical, sociological and anthropological study of the contemporary non-/religious landscape.

Modern Christian Theology

Christopher Ben Simpson, Lincoln Christian University, USA Christopher Ben Simpson tells the story of modern Christian theology against the backdrop of the history of modernity itself. The book explores the many ways that theology became modern while seeing how modernity arose in no small part from theology. These intertwined stories progress through four parts.This second edition includes a chapter on modern Eastern Orthodox theology and its development, as well as a wide range of pedagogical features, welcomed by instructors and students. UK January 2020 • US March 2020 • 416 pages PB 9780567688446 • £29.99 / $40.95 • HB 9780567688453 • £95.00 / $130.00 Individual eBook 9780567688460 Library eBook 9780567688477 T&T Clark

UK May 2020 • US May 2020 • 256 pages HB 9781350095243 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350095267 Library eBook 9781350095250 Series: Bloomsbury Advances in Religious Studies • Bloomsbury Academic

Christian Doctrine

God, Creation, and Salvation

Geoff Thompson, University of Divinity, Australia

Oliver D. Crisp, Fuller Theological Seminary, USA

A Guide for the Perplexed Geoff Thompson addresses multiple questions on the role of doctrine in the Christian faith, in an engaging narrative which explores the origins of doctrine in the various catechetical, polemical and apologetic pressures the church encountered as it sought to articulate and teach the faith confessed in Jesus Christ, crucified and risen. To provide an overview of some of the classic and variously influential doctrinal projects, he employs brief case studies that illustrate the overlapping influences of contexts (ecclesial and cultural) and tradition on doctrinal discourse. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 208 pages PB 9780567673336 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9780567673343 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9780567673350 Library eBook 9780567673367 Series: Guides for the Perplexed • T&T Clark

A Christology of Liberation in an Age of Globalization and Exclusion Robert J. Rivera, St. John's University, USA

Robert J. Rivera critically engages the contemporary challenges of neo-liberal globalization. Concerned with the ways in which neo-liberal processes of globalization can, and do, exclude the most vulnerable, Rivera offers a Christology of liberation that is rooted in, and privileges, the lived realities of the excluded. This Christology, Rivera argues, is a critical resource that enables the excluded to resist, redeem, and re-imagine globalization. In dialogue with the social sciences and decolonial philosophies, Rivera puts forward an account that is suggestive of the ways in which theologians can respond to contemporary challenges of injustice in our world today.

Studies in Reformed Theology

This collection of studies in theology is written from the perspective of an “aspirational Anselmianism”— that is, from within the Christian faith, and seeking greater understanding of the doctrinal deposit of that faith. The volume focuses on issues concerning the task of theology, studies on God and His external work in creation, and on Christ and salvation. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 240 pages PB 9780567689535 • £26.99 / $36.95 • HB 9780567689542 • £80.00 / $110.00 Individual eBook 9780567689566 Library eBook 9780567689559 T&T Clark

God, Evil and the Limits of Theology Karen Kilby, Durham University, UK

Karen Kilby explores the doctrine of the Trinity and issues of evil, suffering and sin. She offers a critique of the lack of respect for mystery found in the most popular Trinitarian thinking of our time. Kilby gives an apophatic reading of Aquinas on the Trinity and offers a distinct next step in the sequence on the Trinity – the appeal of social doctrines of the Trinity lies principally in their ecclesial and political relevance.

R E L I G I O U S S T U D I E S / T H E O L O G Y / T & T C L A R K – Introductions / Systematic Theology

The Critical Study of NonReligion

UK March 2020 • US March 2020 • 224 pages HB 9780567684578 • £75.00 / $100.00 Individual eBook 9780567684592 Library eBook 9780567684585 T&T Clark

UK April 2020 • US April 2020 • 176 pages HB 9780567688569 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9780567688583 Library eBook 9780567688576 Series: T&T Clark Studies in Edward Schillebeeckx • T&T Clark • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •


T H E O L O G Y / T & T C L A R K – Systematic Theology

Reasons to Hope

Werner G. Jeanrond, University of Oslo, Norway Jeanrond examines various texts by Joseph Ratzinger, Robert Jenson and Anthony Kelly to fully illustrate the subject of hope through a contemporary eschatological viewpoint. The distinction between human hopes, hope as a virtue, and radical hope reopens the conversation on important Christian eschatological symbols, including judgement, heaven and hell. The Christian praxis of hope, Jeanrond shows, can make an important contribution to the multi-religious conversations on hope, death and the human future in a globalized world. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 256 pages PB 9780567668936 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9780567668943 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9780567668967 Library eBook 9780567668950 T&T Clark

God and Knowledge

Herman Bavinck's Theological Epistemology Nathaniel Gray Sutanto, Covenant City Church, Indonesia Does theology belong within the academy or the church? How do Christian teachings – on God, revelation, and humanity – contribute to the activity of knowing? This volume offers a fresh reading of Bavinck’s theological epistemology and argues that his Trinitarian and organic worldview utilizes an eclectic range of sources. Sutanto unfolds Bavinck’s understanding of what he considered to be the two most important aspects of epistemology: the character of the sciences and the correspondence between subjects and objects. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 240 pages HB 9780567692283 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9780567692306 Library eBook 9780567692290 Series: T&T Clark Studies in Systematic Theology • T&T Clark

T&T Clark Systematic Pentecostal and Charismatic Theology Series Editors: Daniela C. Augustine & Wolfgang Vondey

The Spirit Baptized Church A Dogmatic Inquiry

Frank D. Macchia, Vanguard University of Southern California, USA All four Gospels and the book of Acts describe the Son of God as sent of the Father to baptize humanity in the Spirit and fire, and Christ receives the Spirit towards this end. Frank D. Macchia suggests that the Son fulfilled this mission by pouring forth the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost (and continues to fulfill it), incorporating others into himself and into the love of the Father. UK April 2020 • US April 2020 • 256 pages HB 9780567680662 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9780567680686 Library eBook 9780567680679 Series: T&T Clark Systematic Pentecostal and Charismatic Theology • T&T Clark

The Spirit of Atonement

Pentecostal Contributions and Challenges to the Christian Traditions Steven M. Studebaker, McMaster Divinity College, Canada The book moves Pentecostal theology of the atonement from a primarily Christological and crucicentric register to one that articulates the pneumatological and holistic nature of Pentecostal praxis. Studebaker examines the irony of Classical Pentecostalism relying on the Christocentric of Protestant evangelical atonement theology to articulate its experience of the Holy Spirit, as well as the Pneumatological nature of Pentecostal praxis. He then develops a Pentecostal theology of atonement based on the biblical narrative of the Spirit of Pentecost and returns to re-imagine an expanded vision of Pentecostal praxis based on the theological formation of the biblical narrative. UK March 2020 • US March 2020 • 240 pages HB 9780567682369 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9780567682406 Library eBook 9780567682376 Series: T&T Clark Systematic Pentecostal and Charismatic Theology • T&T Clark

Pentecostal Theology and Jonathan Edwards

Edited by Amos Yong, Fuller Theological Seminary, USA & Steven M. Studebaker, McMaster Divinity College, Canada This is the first volume that provides Pentecostal readings of Jonathan Edwards’ theology that contribute to Pentecostal theology and Edwards scholarship, bringing ‘America’s theologian’ and one of the fastest growing forms of Christianity into dialogue. Edwards and the Pentecostal church descend from the common historical tradition of North American Evangelicalism, and from revivalism and religious/ charismatic experience to pneumatology they also share common theological interests. The contributing essays offer examination of affections and the Spirit, God and Salvation, Church and culture; and mission and witness. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 288 pages HB 9780567687876 • £90.00 / $120.00 Individual eBook 9780567687890 Library eBook 9780567687883 Series: T&T Clark Systematic Pentecostal and Charismatic Theology • T&T Clark


Pentecostal Rationality

Epistemology and Theological Hermeneutics in the Foursquare Tradition Simo Frestadius, Regents Theological College, UK Offers the theological methodology of Pentecostal rationality from a Foursquare perspective. Simo Frestadius first analyses and evaluates some of the main contemporary Pentecostal rationalities and epistemologies to date, with a particular emphasis on the works of Amos Yong and James K.A. Smith, before proposing that Alasdair MacIntyre’s tradition-focused and historically-minded narrative approach is conducive in providing a more tradition-constituted Pentecostal rationality. Frestadius not only articulates a tradition-specific Pentecostal rationality of Biblical Pragmatism, but also provides the first intellectual history of a major British classical Pentecostal denomination. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 240 pages • 2 bw illus HB 9780567689382 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9780567689405 Library eBook 9780567689399 Series: T&T Clark Systematic Pentecostal and Charismatic Theology • T&T Clark • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •

Edited by Myk Habets, Laidlaw College, Auckland, New Zealand & Andrew Picard, Carey Baptist College, New Zealand This is a theological companion to the study of Gunton's theology, and a resource for thinking about Gunton's importance in modern theology. Each of the essays brings Gunton's depth to a broad range of contemporary theological concerns. The volume unveils cutting-edge Gunton scholarship for a new generation, while also enabling readers to see the timely significance of Gunton for today. This handbook not only introduces readers to key themes in the Gunton corpus but also provides readers with fresh interpretations that are fully conversant with theological problems facing the church in our world today.

T&T Clark Handbook of Christology

Edited by Darren O. Sumner, Fuller Seminary Northwest, USA & Chris Tilling, St Mellitus College, UK A ground-breaking volume that gathers together both biblical scholars and systematic theologians to engage contemporary debates concerning the person of Christ. The structure of this book is unique: rather than divide the topics between the disciplines, each topic is addressed by a theologian and a biblical scholar to provide an explicit and overt dialogue. Includes an appendix with the text of ancient creeds in Greek and English parallel along with commentary on critical issues. UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 544 pages HB 9780567675408 • £130.00 / $176.00 Individual eBook 9780567675415 Library eBook 9780567675422 Series: T&T Clark Handbooks • T&T Clark

UK April 2020 • US April 2020 • 512 pages HB 9780567673381 • £130.00 / $176.00 Individual eBook 9780567673398 Library eBook 9780567673404 Series: T&T Clark Handbooks • T&T Clark

T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance

Edited by Paul D. Molnar, St. John's University, New York, USA & Myk Habets, Laidlaw College, Auckland, New Zealand This volume unveils cutting-edge Torrance scholarship for a new generation and also enables readers to see the timely significance of Torrance for today. Each contributor not only introduces readers to key themes in Torrance's extensive published writings, but also provides readers with fresh interpretations that are fully conversant with the theological problems facing the church in our world today. Designed as both a guide for students and a reference point for scholars, it outlines the frameworks of key debates related to Torrance's theology while suggesting fresh interpretative strategies concerning his thought where appropriate. UK February 2020 • US January 2020 • 384 pages HB 9780567670519 • £130.00 / $175.00 Individual eBook 9780567670533 Library eBook 9780567670526 T&T Clark

Suffering and the Christian Life Edited by Rachel Davies, Australian Catholic University, Australia & Karen Kilby, Durham University, UK

This volume approaches questions of the status and meaning of suffering in Christian life and Christian theology through the lens of a variety of theological disciplines—biblical, historical, practical, political and systematic theology. The contributors bring together essays touching on concrete issues such as depression, cancer, mental health, and refugees, and discuss broad themes like vulnerability, kenosis, and tragedy. They examine classic texts, from Paul’s letters, Romans, and Galatians, to Aquinas, Bonaventure, and John of the Cross.

T H E O L O G Y / T & T C L A R K – Systematic Theology

T&T Clark Handbook of Colin Gunton

UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 224 pages HB 9780567687234 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9780567687241 Library eBook 9780567687258 T&T Clark

On Animals

Volume II: Theological Ethics David L. Clough, University of Chester, UK 'On Animals I and II together represent the most significant Christian theological and ethical treatment of animals in the history of Christian ethics as an academic discipline. David Clough's devastating analysis of the systematic human mistreatment of animals, especially in the food industry, will have a revolutionary impact, not just on an academic field but on lived Christian behavior -- including my own. Every so often a book is produced that sets the standard for all other work in a field. This is one of those books.' David P. Gushee, Mercer University, USA. UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 328 pages PB 9780567689528 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567660862 Individual eBook 9780567660886 Library eBook 9780567660879 T&T Clark • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •


T H E O L O G Y / T & T C L A R K – Political Theology / Ethics / Church History

T&T Clark Reader in Political Theology

Edited by Elizabeth Phillips, University of Cambridge, UK, Anna Rowlands, Durham University, UK & Amy Daughton, University of Cambridge, UK How can theology and theological method apply to politics and society? This reader presents a careful selection of readings from key thinkers that can help the inquisitive student think more deeply about political theology. Excerpts are included from Aquinas, Schmitt, Moltmann, Martin Luther, John Howard Yoder and Niebuhr, and are grouped by topic to easily track these thinkers' chronological development. UK December 2019 • US January 2020 • 752 pages PB 9780567666963 • £36.99 / $49.95 • HB 9780567666970 • £120.00 / $160.00 T&T Clark

Cornel West and the Crisis of Contemporary Ethics Scott Thomas Prather, University of Aberdeen, UK This book demonstrates the theological value of West’s philosophical practice and political commitments through an analysis of several interrelated crises besetting contemporary religious and moral life – crises of global capital, of racial identity, of neoliberal democracy, of (post)liberal religion, and of American imperialism. Along the way, Prather draws on and highlights the overlap of West's witness with fresh theological insights from Marxist, womanist, and anti-colonial theory. Prather draws on and highlights the overlap of West’s witness with fresh theological insights from Marxist, womanist, and anticolonial theory. UK March 2020 • US March 2020 • 208 pages HB 9780567684615 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9780567684639 Library eBook 9780567684622 Series: T&T Clark Enquiries in Theological Ethics • T&T Clark

The Polity of Christ

Sabbath Rest as Vocation

Ulrik Nissen, Aarhus University, Denmark

Autumn Alcott Ridenour, Merrimack College, USA

Studies on Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Chalcedonian Christology and Ethics Based on a series of study cases providing a point of departure for a robust reshaping of Christian humanism and responsibility, Nissen claims that Bonhoeffer’s ethics draws on the Chalcedonian Christology from Martin Luther and hereby establishes a ground for endorsing a common humanistic and Christologically specific social political thought at the same time. UK April 2020 • US April 2020 • 192 pages HB 9780567691590 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9780567691606 Library eBook 9780567691613 Series: T&T Clark Enquiries in Theological Ethics • T&T Clark

Aging Toward Death

“Through its insightful interpretations of Augustine and Barth and its deep understanding of the later stages of life, this wonderful book reclaims aging as a moral and spiritual practice, not only for the aging themselves but also for those who accompany them. It is both theologically rich and practically wise, and it deftly manages to be hopeful without being sanguine. I strongly recommend it to everyone who is concerned with the theology, ethics, or pastoral care of the aging and especially to those who are preparing for this stage of life.” Gerald McKenny, University of Notre Dame, USA UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 272 pages PB 9780567692887 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567679208 Individual eBook 9780567679215 Library eBook 9780567679222 Series: T&T Clark Enquiries in Theological Ethics • T&T Clark

A History of Anglican Exorcism

Deliverance and Demonology in Church Ritual Francis Young, Independent Scholar, UK Exorcism is more widespread in contemporary England than perhaps at any other time in history. The Anglican Church is by no means the main provider of this ritual, which predominantly takes place in independent churches. However, every one of the Church of England dioceses in the country now designates at least one member of its clergy to advise on casting out demons. Such 'deliverance ministry' is in theory made available to all those parishioners who desire it. Yet, as Francis Young reveals, present-day exorcism in Anglicanism is an unlikely historical anomaly. It sprang into existence in the 1970s within a church that earlier on had spent whole centuries condemning the expulsion of evil spirits as either Catholic superstition or evangelical excess. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 272 pages PB 9780567692931 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781788313476 Individual eBook 9781838607920 Library eBook 9781838607937 T&T Clark


Let Suffering Speak

John Henry Newman and the Imagination Bernard Dive, Independent Scholar

“This book examines in close detail the development of his ideas, philosophical, theological and psychological – the strands never separate – from his first book and the sermons of his youth as an Anglican priest to the complexities of A Grammar of Assent, the masterpiece of his Catholic maturity. Bernard Dive sheds most welcome light on the creative originality of Newman’s writing, and in particular on his use of the key terms, of which ‘imagination’ is only one, with which he lived and thought for decades.” Lucy Beckett, author of 'In the Light of Christ: Writings in the Western Tradition' UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 480 pages PB 9780567692641 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567581662 Individual eBook 9780567005885 Library eBook 9780567245618 T&T Clark • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •

Metaphysics of Mystery

Christiane Alpers, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany

Marijn de Jong, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

Hope for Redemption in a PostChristendom Context

Revisiting the Question of Universality through Rahner and Schillebeeckx

"This is the best book on Edward Schillebeeckx’s theology that I have read. Alpers demonstrates that Schillebeeckx presents a starting point for political theology today, in our secular age, that can stand up against the alternatives on offer. Combining theoretical rigor and theological sophistication, with this book Alpers establishes herself as a leader among her generation of political theologians." Vincent Lloyd, Villanova University, USA.

This study argues that contemporary theology needs a reconceptualised form of metaphysical theology to readdress this question of universality. In order to develop such a new metaphysical theology, de Jong turns to the work of Karl Rahner and Edward Schillebeeckx. Presenting a new perspective on their theological methods, he demonstrates that these theologians employ a dialectical interplay of hermeneutical and metaphysical arguments yielding a modest theological metaphysics.

UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 240 pages PB 9780567692498 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567679840 Individual eBook 9780567679864 Library eBook 9780567679857 Series: T&T Clark Studies in Edward Schillebeeckx • T&T Clark

UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 320 pages HB 9780567689344 • £95.00 / $130.00 Individual eBook 9780567689368 Library eBook 9780567689351 Series: T&T Clark Studies in Edward Schillebeeckx • T&T Clark

Richard Hooker

Ressourcement Theology

Paul Anthony Dominiak, University of Cambridge, UK

Edited by Patricia Kelly, Leeds Trinity Unviersity, UK

The Architecture of Participation

Explores how the metaphysical concept of participation acts as the key concept that informs and holds together Hooker’s major work. Dominiak analyses how Hooker uses the architectural framework of ‘participation in God’, setting the stage for Hooker’s understanding of the concept and how it is used in the Lawes. He explores Hooker’s use of metaphysical architecture of participation, the forming of laws, extensive and intensive participation, cognitive participation and the politics of the subject. The volume shows how Hooker provides a salutary resource for modern ecumenical dialogue and contemporary political retrievals of participation. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 256 pages HB 9780567685070 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9780567685100 Library eBook 9780567685087 Series: T&T Clark Studies in English Theology • T&T Clark

A Sourcebook

A collection of texts previously not available in English from leading Dominicans and Jesuits, who initiated a movement for renewal that contributed to the reforms of the Second Vatican Council. Patricia Kelly has selected the most significant texts that so far have not been available in English, including the controversial piece by Jean-Marie LeBlond (‘The Analogy of Truth’) that was condemned in the 1950s by the Vatican, as well as the response to Labourdette’s attack on LeBlonde, penned anonymously by a group of Jesuits. This volume allows students of Ressourcement theology to better understand its intellectual context. UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 240 pages HB 9780567672490 • £90.00 / $122.00 Individual eBook 9780567672513 Library eBook 9780567672506 T&T Clark

James Alison and a Girardian Theology

A Theology of Preaching and Dialectic

John P. Edwards

Aaron P. Edwards, Cliff College, UK

Conversion, Theological Reflection and Induction This book connects “mimetic theory”, as developed by René Girard, to the practice of theological reflection within Christian theology. John P. Edwards explores the work of the contemporary, Catholic theologian and ‘Girardian’, James Alison, both as an under-examined bridge for bringing mimetic theory into conversation with Christian theological method and as one of the most compelling and refreshing theological voices of the 21st century. UK April 2020 • US April 2020 • 272 pages HB 9780567689054 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9780567689085 Library eBook 9780567689061 T&T Clark

T H E O L O G Y / T & T C L A R K – Schillebeeckx / Catholic Theology

A Politics of Grace

Scriptural Tension, Heraldic Proclamation and the Pneumatological Moment "Should preachers feel incapacitated by the apparent lack of unity in the biblical message? In this wide-ranging study, Aaron Edwards urges preachers to shake off their lack of confidence and instead to trust that they have been called to preach with abandon in the power of the Spirit – even if the Sunday morning message may seem imbalanced. Edwards’s theology of preaching offers solid reasons to proclaim the gospel with authority in the midst of an apparent cacophony of voices." Hans Boersma, Regent College, Canada UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 264 pages PB 9780567693242 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567678560 Individual eBook 9780567678591 Library eBook 9780567678577 T&T Clark • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •


T H E O L O G Y / T & T C L A R K – Historical and Philosophical Theology

Recovering from the Anabaptist Vision New Essays in Anabaptist Identity and Theological Method

Edited by Laura Schmidt Roberts, Fresno Pacific University, USA, Paul Martens, Baylor University, USA & Myron Penner, Trinity Western University, Canada A critical yet vibrant reconstruction of Anabaptist identity and theological method, in the wake of recent revelations of the sexual abuse perpetrated by the most influential Anabaptist theologian of the twentieth century, John Howard Yoder. Attempting to liberate Anabaptist theology and identity from the constricting vision appropriated and reformulated by Yoder, these essays refuse the determinative categories of the last half century supplied by and carried beyond Harold Bender’s The Anabaptist Vision. While still under the shadow of decades of trauma, a recontexualized conversation about Anabaptist theology and identity emerges in this volume that is ecumenically engaged, philosophically astute, psychologically attuned, and resolutely vulnerable.

Essential Theological Writings Georges Florovsky

Edited by Brandon Gallaher, University of Exeter, UK & Paul Ladouceur, University of Toronto, Canada This book is a collection of major articles and texts by Georges Florovsky (1893-1979), an important 20th century theologian, historian, ecumenist and patristic scholar. It includes representative and widely influential but now largely inaccessible writings, some newly translated, with explanatory and bibliographical notes, covering all periods of his career and divided into four major thematic sections: 1) creation and incarnation; 2) the nature of theology; 3) ecclesiology and ecumenism; 4) scripture, worship and eschatology. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 392 pages HB 9780567540188 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9780567159748 Library eBook 9780567603562 T&T Clark

UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 208 pages PB 9780567692733 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9780567692740 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9780567692757 Library eBook 9780567692764 T&T Clark

A Guide to Christian Art

Diane Apostolos-Cappadona, Georgetown University, USA A one-volume introduction to and overview of Christian art, from its earliest history to the present day. In the more-than 1000 entries that follow Apostolos-Cappadona gives readers an expert overview of the frequently used symbols and motifs in Christian art as well as the various saints, historical figures, religious events, and biblical scenes most frequently depicted. The entries are organized by topic, so that students and beginners can easily find their way to discussion of the themes and motifs they see before them when looking at a painting. UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 368 pages • 17 color illus, PB 9780567685124 • £18.99 / $25.95 • HB 9780567685117 • £60.00 / $82.00 Individual eBook 9780567685148 Library eBook 9780567685131 T&T Clark

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The Challenge of God

Continental Philosophy and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition Edited by Colby Dickinson, KULeuven, Belgium, Hugh Miller, Loyola University Chicago, USA & Kathleen McNutt, Loyola University Chicago, USA The contributors examine the complicated relationship of God to Being, the meaning of Revelation, as well as they highlight the context and the role of the Spiritual Exercises. They discuss the Catholic Principle and its relevance in contemporary times; by discussing Christian epic visionaries, such as Dante, Milton, Blake and Joyce, the contributors debate on their theological identity and its meaning for the future studies. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 184 pages • 1 bw illus HB 9780567689900 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9780567689917 Library eBook 9780567689924 T&T Clark

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The Patristic Witness of Georges Florovsky


Americas: UK, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia: Australia and New Zealand: • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •

Series Editors: Benny Liew, Pacific School of Religion, USA

Hebrews: An Introduction and Study Guide Amy L. B. Peeler, Wheaton College, USA & Patrick Gray, Rhodes College, USA

This volume offers a compact introduction to one of the most daunting texts in the New Testament. Gray and Peeler survey the salient historical, social, and rhetorical factors to be considered in the interpretation of Hebrews, as well as its theological, liturgical, and cultural legacy. They invite readers to enter the world of one of the boldest Christian thinkers of the first century. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 144 pages PB 9780567674753 • £16.99 / $22.95 Individual eBook 9780567674777 Library eBook 9780567674760 Series: T&T Clark’s Study Guides to the New Testament • T&T Clark

Joel, Obadiah, Habakkuk, Zephaniah

An Introduction and Study Guide Tchavdar S. Hadjiev, Queen's University Belfast, UK Tchavdar S. Hadjiev introduces students to the books of Joel, Obadiah, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah (the Minor Prophets) in their original historical contexts and to the issues surrounding their composition. Hadjiev pays particular attention to interpretative difficulties and important topics, such as: eschatology, prophecy and cult, the reuse of prophetic traditions, theodicy. Readers will come to grips with the key themes of judgment, repentance, and salvation in relation to their historical and canonical contexts. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 128 pages PB 9780567680464 • £16.99 / $22.95 • HB 9780567692832 • £50.00 / $68.00 Individual eBook 9780567680471 Library eBook 9780567680488 Series: T&T Clark’s Study Guides to the Old Testament • T&T Clark

John: An Introduction and Study Guide History, Community, and Ideology

Francisco Lozada Jr, Brite Divinity School, USA The volume offers an introduction to the Fourth Gospel from an ideological perspective, through historical questions about how we come to understand John’s historical identity, exploring literary questions related to John such as its structure, plot, and narrative development, and examining various ideological themes related to otherness, such as the portrayal of women, the Samaritan woman, and “the Jews.” Overall, the volume brings to bear ideological studies to the Fourth Gospel, drawing on identity studies in particular. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 128 pages PB 9780567674876 • £16.99 / $22.95 • HB 9780567692849 • £50.00 / $68.00 Individual eBook 9780567674890 Library eBook 9780567674883 Series: T&T Clark’s Study Guides to the New Testament • T&T Clark

The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies Sexuality and Law in the Torah

Edited by Hilary Lipka, University of New Mexico, USA & Bruce Wells, University of Austin, USA An examination of the laws in the Hebrew Bible governing sexual relations and of the often implicit motivations behind these laws. It also considers narrative and poetic texts where legal traditions and ideas concerning sexual status and behavior intersect and provide important insight into ancient Israel’s social norms and expectations. The book contains extended treatments on the nature and function of marriage and divorce in ancient Israel, the role of sexual regulations in maintaining what biblical authors believed was proper social order, and the different types of sexualities that may have existed in ancient Israel. UK March 2020 • US March 2020 • 336 pages • 8 bw illustrations HB 9780567681591 • £85.00 / $114.00 Library eBook 9780567681607 Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies • T&T Clark

Jonah and the Human Condition Life and Death in Yahweh’s World

Stuart Lasine, Wichita State University, USA

A Theocratic Yehud?

Issues of Government in a Persian Province

Stuart Lasine examines all aspects of the human condition in Yahweh’s cosmos as depicted in the Hebrew Bible, particular human relationships with God and human mortality. In the first part of the book Lasine examines a number of relevant biblical texts which display different aspects of the human condition. Part two engages in a detailed case study of one human life-situation, that of the prophet Jonah. Finally, Lasine draws together his conclusions about life and death in Yahweh’s cosmos, both for characters within the world of the scriptural text and for present-day readers of the Hebrew Bible.

Among the variety of social-political reconstructions of Persian-period Yehud, one "consensus" stands out - one which states that the Jerusalem priesthood enjoyed a prominent level of authority, symbolized in the Jerusalem temple. Unfortunately, this leads easily into conclusions of a theocracy in Yehud. The problem, in part, is due to the immediate association of priests assumed to be authoritative with that of a theocratic governing structure.

UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 184 pages • 2 bw illus HB 9780567683236 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9780567691125 Library eBook 9780567683243 Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies • T&T Clark

UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 240 pages PB 9780567692047 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567599346 Library eBook 9780567542236 Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies • T&T Clark

Jeremiah W. Cataldo, Grand Valley State University, USA • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •

B I B L I C A L S T U D I E S / T & T C L A R K – Study Guides / The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies

T&T Clark’s Study Guides to the New Testament


B I B L I C A L S T U D I E S / T & T C L A R K – The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies

The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies Series Editors: Andrew Mein, University of Cambridge, UK & Claudia V. Camp, Texas Christian University, USA

David in Distress

Glory and Power, Ritual and Relationship

Vivian L. Johnson, United Theological Seminary, USA

Richard J. Bautch, St. Edward's University, USA

His Portrait Through the Historical Psalms

This book analyzes the thirteen historical psalms (3, 7, 18, 34, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 63, 142) in the Psalter that refer to crucial moments in King David's life as recorded in the Samuel narrative (1 Sam 16-1 Kings 2). Because most Psalms research focuses on the original setting, the so-called Sitz-im-Leben, of these late additions to the book of Psalms, they have received little attention. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 176 pages PB 9780567692054 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567027344 Library eBook 9780567381859 Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies • T&T Clark

Covenant Relationships and the Editing of the Hebrew Psalter Adam D. Hensley, Australian Lutheran College, Australia

An examination of the relationship between the Davidic covenant and Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants reflected in the editorial shape and shaping of the Masoretic Psalter. Hensley proposes that the editors of the Psalter understood these covenants as a theological unity, whose common fulfilment centres on an anticipated royal successor to David. To test this hypothesis Hensley examines the Psalter’s references and allusions to covenant(s) in light of editorial evidence. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 328 pages PB 9780567692603 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567679109 Library eBook 9780567679116 Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies • T&T Clark

The Land of Israel in the Book of Ezekiel Wojciech Pikor, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland

Pikor anaylzes the land of Israel in the book of Ezekiel showing how its preoccupation with the Babylonian exile and the loss of the Promised Land that this entails is directly linked to the danger this poses to Israel’s covenant with God. Pikor examines the motif of land in its literary and historical contexts and in relation to the oracles of salvation in chapters 34—39 as well as the vision of the new Israel and the return of Yahweh’s Glory to the temple. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 288 pages • 3 bw illus PB 9780567692665 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567678843 Library eBook 9780567678850 Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies • T&T Clark


The Sinai Covenant in the Postexilic Period

Bautch's point of departure is the return from the Exile, which is presented as an opportunity for Jews to interpret anew the relationship between God and Israel. Central to Bautch's argument is that post-exilic writers used a paradigm that was essentially that of the pre-exilic Mosiac covenant. The book describes the process whereby the Mosaic covenant was renovated and updated and examines the Mosaic covenant as a dominant paradigm. In this discussion, familiar topoi of Second Temple Judaism such as penitential prayer, creation theology, and kinship ethos are shown to be integral to a contemporary concept of creation. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 192 pages PB 9780567692061 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567028228 Library eBook 9780567258304 Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies • T&T Clark

The ‘Geometrics’ of the Rahab Story

A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Joshua 2 Andrzej Toczyski SDB, Salesian Pontifical University, Israel An examination of the dialectic relationship between the text, conceived as the vehicle of narrative communication, and the reader conducted through an assessment of the story of Rahab – the prostitute from Jericho – in Josuha 2. Toczyski uses his study to examine how this story has been read by various audiences across time, the different interpretive perspectives and methodologies that have been brought to the text and the influences this has had on the manner in which the story has been interpreted. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 216 pages PB 9780567692610 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567679048 Library eBook 9780567679055 Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies • T&T Clark

Collections, Codes, and Torah

The Re-characterization of Israel's Written Law Michael LeFebvre, Independent Scholar Scholars of biblical law are already widely agreed that ancient Israel did not draft law-texts for legislative purposes. Little attention has yet been given to explaining how and when later Judaism did come to regard Torah as legislative. As a result, the current consensus (that Ezra introduced legislative uses of Torah) is based on assumptions which have been never tested. This study steps into that crucial gap, critiques and challenges the current consensus, and presents an alternative hypothesis. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 320 pages • 4 bw illus PB 9780567692672 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously Published in HB 9780567028822 Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies • T&T Clark • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •

The Origin of Israelite Zion Theology

Antti Laato, Åbo Akademi University, Finland Laato seeks out the early roots of Zion theology through comparison of the Psalms with Ugaritic and other ancient Near Eastern material. In addition Laato argues that Zion theology is closely related to two specific biblical events, the architectural details of the Temple of Solomon (1 Kings 6-7) and the narrative around the Ark of the Covenant in 2 Sam 6. From this Laato builds an argument for a possible setting in Jerusalem at the time of David and Solomon for the Zion theology that emerges in the Psalms. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 352 pages PB 9780567693235 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567680020 Library eBook 9780567680037 Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies • T&T Clark

Riddles and Revelations

Explorations into the Relationship between Wisdom and Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible Edited by Mark J. Boda, McMaster Divinity College, Canada, Russell L. Meek, Louisiana College, USA & William R. Osborne, College of the Ozarks, USA A comprehensive examination of the links between wisdom literature and prophecy. The book is divided into four sections. The first addresses methodological concerns rooted in issues of history and textual relationships. The second examines the role of wisdom in the prophetic corpus more broadly. The third looks at elements of prophecy within the traditional wisdom books such as Job, Proverbs and Qoheleth. Finally a section of conclusions evaluate, critique and raise new questions for scholars to consider. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 320 pages PB 9780567693273 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567671646 Library eBook 9780567671653 Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies • T&T Clark

Even God Cannot Change the Past Reflections on Seventeen Years of the European Seminar in Historical Methodology

Edited by Lester L. Grabbe, University of Hull, UK This volume represents the final publication of the European Seminar in Historical Methodology. In part one, long-term members of the seminar (Bob Becking, Ehud Ben Zvi, Philip R. Davies, Ernst Axel Knauf, Niels Peter Lemche, Thomas L Thompson) provide reflections on its work. Part two includes previously unpublished material on the Persian and Maccabean periods and on issues of orality and writing and provides a fitting conclusion to the work of this valuable scholarly endeavour. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 256 pages PB 9780567693259 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567680563 Library eBook 9780567680570 Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies • T&T Clark

Scriptural Traces Series Editors: Andrew Mein, Claudia V. Camp, Matthew A. Collins

Bertolt Brecht and the David Fragments (1919-1921) An Interdisciplinary Study

David J. Shepherd, The University of Dublin & Nicholas E. Johnson, The University of Dublin An examination of Brecht's fascination with the character David in the context of not only Brecht's tumultuous early career and the theatrical currents of the time, but also Brecht’s later work. Drawing Brecht's personal diaries and notebooks, and on theatrical experiments conducted with an ensemble and the David fragments themselves, (published in English here for the first time), the authors offer new insights into the early Brecht: a writer entranced but not enchanted by the biblical David and utterly committed to translating the biblical tradition into his own evolving theatrical idiom. UK April 2020 • US April 2020 • 224 pages HB 9780567685643 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9780567685674 Library eBook 9780567685650 Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies & Scriptural Traces • T&T Clark World English

Storytelling the Bible at the Creation Museum, Ark Encounter, and the Museum of the Bible Paul Thomas, Radford University, USA

Paul Thomas chronicles a multi-level reception study of the Bible at both the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter in Kentucky, USA. Thomas explores the commercial presentation of biblical narratives and the reception of those narratives by the patrons of each attraction, focusing upon three topics; what do young Creationists believe, how they interpret their beliefs from the Bible, and what is the user experience at the museums? UK April 2020 • US April 2020 • 176 pages HB 9780567687135 • £85.00 / $115.00 Library eBook 9780567687142 Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies & Scriptural Traces • T&T Clark

Searching for Sarah in the Second Temple Era

Images in the Hebrew Bible, the Septuagint, the Genesis Apocryphon, and the Antiquities

B I B L I C A L S T U D I E S / T & T C L A R K – The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies

The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies

Joseph McDonald, Brite Divinity School, USA Seeking to build upon recent scholarship based on Biblical women, Joseph McDonald uses a character-centered literary approach to read the story of Sarah as it was told and retold in the Second Temple period. McDonald offers an alternative to the usual approaches to “rewritten Bible” narratives, which often emphasize near-context, synoptic comparison of retold stories and their scriptural precursors, arguing that examination of retold narratives as narratives reveals important aspects of their internal literary effects, that may otherwise go unnoticed. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 288 pages HB 9780567689122 • £85.00 / $115.00 Library eBook 9780567689139 Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies & Scriptural Traces • T&T Clark • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •


B I B L I C A L S T U D I E S / T & T C L A R K – LHBOTS / The Library of New Testament Studies 10

Scriptural Traces Ireland and the Reception of the Bible

The Politics of Purim

Law, Sovereignty and Hospitality in the Aesthetic Afterlives of Esther

Social and Cultural Perspectives

Edited by Bradford A. Anderson, Dublin City University, Ireland & Jonathan Kearney, Dublin City University, Ireland

Jo Carruthers, University of Lancaster, UK Jo Carruthers considers the political legacy of the biblical story of Esther in festival and art works, exploring carnival and synagogue practices, the purimshpiln (Purim’s own dramatic genre) illuminated Esther scrolls, and artworks by Botticelli, Millais and Jan Steen. Carruthers analyses the complex and astute interrogation of political life in such festival and artworks through theories of sovereignty, law, precarity and hospitality by key political thinkers such as Giorgio Agamben, Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamin, Judith Butler, Jacques Derrida, and Jacques Rancière. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 240 pages • 8 bw illus HB 9780567691866 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9780567693327 Library eBook 9780567691873 Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies & Scriptural Traces • T&T Clark

This volume challenges the perception that the Bible is a static book with a fixed place in the world. Nowhere is this clearer than in Ireland, with its rich and complex religious, cultural, and social history. These chapters examine these issues, highlighting the varied ways in which the Bible has impacted Irish life and society, as well as the ways in which the cultural specificity of Ireland has impacted the use and development of the Bible both in Ireland and further afield. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 416 pages • 15 bw illus PB 9780567692504 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567678874 Individual eBook 9780567680778 Library eBook 9780567678881 Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies & Scriptural Traces • T&T Clark

The Library of New Testament Studies Series Editor: Chris Keith, St. Mary's University College, Twickenham, UK

The New Testament in Comparison

Validity, Method, and Purpose in Comparing Traditions Edited by John M.G. Barclay, University of Durham, UK & Benjamin G. White, The King College, New York City, USA Scholars such as Dale Martin, Francis Watson and Margaret Mitchell examine the methods of comparison frequently deployed in the study of early Christian texts and raise and reflect upon deep questions regarding the possibility and validity of such comparative exercise; on the methods that are most effective and intellectually defensible; on the purpose of such comparison; and on the perils and pitfalls in these practices. Addressing these queries at both a theoretical, hermeneutical level, and through case-studies of actual examples, this book provides much needed and up-to-date methodological resource for New Testament studies. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 272 pages HB 9780567684783 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9780567684813 Library eBook 9780567684790 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark

Let the Reader Understand

Essays in Honor of Elizabeth Struthers Malbon Edited by Edwin K. Broadhead, Berea College, USA This volume in honor of Elizabeth Struthers Malbon introduces readers to the breadth of her work on the gospel of Mark. In the opening chapter, Werner Kelber places Malbon’s work within the larger context of critical reflection, from antiquity to the modern era, on the role and function of discourse. Kelber locates her approach squarely within the framework of modernity and concludes that "Malbon's supremely creative achievement has been the employment of modern, narrative critical tools with a view toward uncovering the fecundity of the Gospel of Mark. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 384 pages PB 9780567691941 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567674050 Individual eBook 9780567684165 Library eBook 9780567674067 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark

'Hand this man over to Satan'

Commemorative Identities

David Raymond Smith, University of Aberdeen, UK

Mary B. Spaulding, Manchester Wesley Research Centre, UK

Curse, Exclusion and Salvation in 1 Corinthians 5

Jewish Social Memory and the Johannine Feast of Booths

1 Corinthians 5:5 is a curious passage which has been variously interpreted by scholars. For some, it denotes a magical curse which is designed to cause the physical death of the sinner. Others have found such an interpretation unpersuasive. Instead, they maintain that Paul's words at verse five are to be understood as a metaphor for exclusion from the Corinthian community. So, the errant Corinthian is not to die by a curse, but is to be excluded.

Commemorative Identities represents a significantly new approach to the issue of replacement/ abrogation vs. continuation of Jewish thought patterns and practices among Jewish Christ-followers as they are addressed by the Johannine author. Previous studies have been unable to elucidate a comprehensible argument to support continuation of commemoration in the face of explicit Temple replacement terminology in the Gospel.

UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 224 pages PB 9780567691958 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567033871 Library eBook 9780567267467 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark

UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 224 pages PB 9780567692009 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567160614 Library eBook 9780567394453 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •

Early Christian Literature and Intertextuality Volume 1: Thematic Studies

Edited by Craig A. Evans, Acadia Divinity College, Canada & H. Daniel Zacharias, Acadia Divinity College, Canada The chapters in this volume interrogate the concept of intertextuality in order to offer new and better ways to understand the function of older scripture in later scripture. The contributors examine pre-Christian texts, as well as Christian texts, that make use of older sacred tradition. They analyze the respective uses of scripture in diverse Jewish and Christian traditions, whether in discreet bodies of writings, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, or in particular versions of scriptures, such as the Hebrew or Old Greek. In addition to textcritical issues, specific themes also feature such as apocalypticism and eschatology. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 320 pages PB 9780567692016 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567584755 Library eBook 9780567138217 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark

The Challenge of Homer School, Pagan Poets and Early Christianity

Karl Olav Sandnes, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Norway Homer was the gateway to education, to the skills of reading and writing. These skills were necessary for the nascent Church. Knowledge of Homer's writings was a sign of Greekness, of at-home-ness in the society. Education was embedded in the mythology, immorality and idolatry of these writings. This challenged the Christians. This study presents how Christians responded to this. The opinions varied from rejection of Homer and all pagan literature, considering them works of the Devil, to critical involvement with this literature. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 336 pages PB 9780567692030 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567426642 Library eBook 9780567601117 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark

Gospel Women and the Long Ending of Mark Kara Lyons-Pardue, Point Loma Nazarene University, USA

Kara Lyons-Pardue examines the issue of the ending of the gospel of Mark, showing how the later additions to the text function as early receptions of the original gospel tradition providing an ancient “fix” to the problem of the ending in which the women flee the tomb in terror and silence. Lyons-Pardue suggests that the long ending functions canonically, smoothing out the “problem” of 16:8 in ways that support the nascent four-gospel canon. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 224 pages HB 9780567692405 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9780567692436 Library eBook 9780567692412 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark

Text to Praxis

Hermeneutics and Homiletics in Dialogue Abraham Kuruvilla, Dallas Theological Seminary A fundamental issue for preachers of the Bible has always been achieving an approach that is both faithful to the textual intention as well as fitting for the listening audience. What is historical and distant (the text) is, in preaching, made contemporary and near (praxis). Particularly pertinent is how this transaction may be conducted with respect to the self-contained and well-defined quantum of the scriptural text that is regularly employed in liturgical contexts—the pericope. This book answers the question: In a sermon intending to proclaim application from a pericope, what is the hermeneutical basis for moving validly from text to praxis, i.e., with authority and relevance? UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 240 pages PB 9780567692023 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567538543 Library eBook 9780567366849 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark

The Lord's Prayer and the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew's Gospel

Charles Nathan Ridlehoover, North Raleigh Christian Academy, USA Ridlehoover examines the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew’s gospel, focusing on the its centrality and showing how this centrality affects our reading of both the Sermon on the Mount and the prayer itself. Ridlehoover argues that the Lord’s Prayer is structurally, lexically, and thematically central to the Sermon on the Mount and the means through which disciples of Jesus are empowered to live out the kingdom righteousness it defines. In turn, the Sermon on the Mount clarifies what the answer to the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer might look like in the life of the disciple of Jesus. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 256 pages HB 9780567692320 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9780567692351 Library eBook 9780567692337 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark

B I B L I C A L S T U D I E S / T & T C L A R K – The Library of New Testament Studies

The Library of New Testament Studies

Illiterate Apostles

Uneducated Early Christians and the Literates Who Loved Them Allen R. Hilton, Wayzata Community Church, Minnesota, USA Allen R. Hilton examines how pagan critics ridiculed the early Christians for being uneducated and how a few literate Christians took up pen to defend the uneducated members of their churches. Hilton sheds light on the peculiarity of this “defense”, which openly admits that the critics have the facts on their side (Acts even calls Peter and John illiterates). Why did these authors volunteer such a negative detail? The answer to this question reveals a fascinating social exchange that surrounded education levels in antiquity and made its way into the New Testament. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 192 pages PB 9780567692511 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567662880 Individual eBook 9780567684226 Library eBook 9780567662897 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •


B I B L I C A L S T U D I E S / T & T C L A R K – The Library of New Testament Studies

The Library of New Testament Studies Composite Citations in Antiquity

The Violence of the Lamb

Edited by Sean A. Adams, University of Glasgow, UK & Seth M. Ehorn, Wheaton College, USA

Paul Middleton, University of Chester, UK

Volume 2: New Testament Uses

This is the second of two volumes that investigate the phenomenon of composite citations. The following topics are covered: (1) the question of whether the quoting author created the composite text or found it already constructed as such; (2) the question of the rhetorical and/or literary impact of the quotation in its present textual location, and (3) the question of whether the intended audiences would have recognized and ‘reverse engineered’ the composite citation in question and as a result engaged with the original context of each of the component parts.

Martyrdom, in the worldview of the Apocalypse, was an exemplification of non-violent resistance. Paul Middleton, however, sees it as a representation of direct participation by Christians in divine violence against those portrayed in the book of Revelation as God's enemies. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 304 pages PB 9780567692597 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567257123 Library eBook 9780567467225 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark

UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 288 pages PB 9780567692528 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567665058 Library eBook 9780567665065 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark

Christ, Creation and the Cosmic Goal of Redemption A Study of Pauline Creation Theology as Read by Irenaeus and Applied to Ecotheology

J.J. Johnson Leese, Seattle Pacific University, USA J.J. Johnson Leese shows that the apostle Paul’s writing about Christ’s relationship to creation read alongside the astute interpretation of these texts by Irenaeus of Lyon can provide a meaningful contribution to the contemporary ecotheological conversation. Leese shows how Irenaeus’ creation theology was constructed through connecting and organizing biblical creation texts into a Christological framework. Irenaeus’ approach provides possibilities for Paul to contribute to ecotheology, not as a set of unconnected proof texts, but by way of a theological vision where the whole of reality in relationship to Christ and creation are central components of Paul’s theology.

The Parables in Q

Dieter T. Roth, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany Roth uses the latest research in parables scholarship and a novel, intertextual approach to studying Q to provide the first monograph-length treatment of the 27 Q parables. Roth considers Q not as a text behind Matthew and Luke that needs to be reconstructed but rather as an intertext between Matthew and Luke that offered plots, characters, and images in parables that were taken up by Matthew and Luke and utilized in their own respective texts. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 488 pages PB 9780567692634 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567678720 Individual eBook 9780567684233 Library eBook 9780567678737 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark

UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 248 pages PB 9780567692627 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567678072 Individual eBook 9780567684752 Library eBook 9780567678089 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark

Old Testament Conceptual Metaphors and the Christology of Luke’s Gospel Gregory R. Lanier, Reformed Theological Seminary, USA

This volume sits at the intersection of three sub-fields of New Testament scholarship: early Christology, the use of Israel’s Scriptures in the New Testament, and contemporary metaphor theory. Lanier argues that the gospel of Luke employs certain conceptual metaphors reflected in Israel’s traditions—“horn of salvation,” “dawn from on high,” “mother bird gathering Jerusalem’s children,” and “crushing stone”— to portray the identity of Jesus as both an agent of salvation and, more provocatively, the one God of Israel. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 304 pages PB 9780567693280 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567681058 Library eBook 9780567681065 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark


Martyrs as Agents of Divine Judgement in the Book of Revelation

Gospel Interpretation and the Q-Hypothesis Edited by Mogens Müller, University of Copenhagen, Denmark & Heike Omerzu, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

The Q-Hypothesis has functioned as a mainstay of study of the synoptic gospels for many years. Increasingly it comes under fire. In this volume leading proponents of Q as well as of the case against Q offer the latest arguments based on the most recent research into this literary conundrum. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 312 pages PB 9780567692481 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567670045 Individual eBook 9780567683229 Library eBook 9780567670052 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies & International Studies in Christian Origins • T&T Clark • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •

Scripture as Social Discourse

Social-Scientific Perspectives on Early Jewish and Christian Writings Edited by Todd Klutz, University of Manchester, UK, Casey Strine, University of Sheffield, UK & Jessica M. Keady, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, UK

The Maccabaean Revolt, Hasmonaean Rule, and Herod the Great (175-4 BCE) Lester L. Grabbe, University of Hull, UK The third volume of Grabbe's history of the Second Temple period, collecting all that is known about the Jews from the period of the Maccabaean revolt to Hasmonean rule and Herod the Great. Based directly on primary sources, Grabbe addresses aspects such as Jewish literary sources, economy, Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Diaspora, causes of the Maccabaen revolt, and the beginning and end of the Hasmonean kingdom and the reign of Herod the Great. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 560 pages HB 9780567692948 • £130.00 / $175.00 Library eBook 9780567692955 Series: The Library of Second Temple Studies • T&T Clark

In this examination of the bible in the social sciences the contributors explore a wide range of broadly socialscientific disciplines and discourses – cultural anthropology, sociology, archaeology, political science, the New Historicism, forced migration studies, gender studies – and provide multiple examples of the ways in which diverse methods and theories, if intentionally chosen for their fitness for a given interpreter’s inquiry, can shed new and often fascinating light on the ancient texts, light that a single preferred meta-theory might not consistently be able to give. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 280 pages PB 9780567692900 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567676047 Individual eBook 9780567684998 Library eBook 9780567676054 T&T Clark

Ecclesiastes 1-5

Persian Influence on Daniel and Jewish Apocalyptic Literature

A Critical and Exegetical Commentary

Vincente Dobroruka, University of Brasilia, Brazil

Stuart Weeks, University of Durham, UK This new volume in the ICC on Ecclesiastes 1-5 brings together all the relevant aids to exegesis linguistic, textual, archaeological, historical, literary and theological - to enable the scholar to have a complete knowledge and understanding of this Old Testament book. Stuart D. Weeks incorporates new evidence available in the field, surveys the wealth of secondary literature and provides an extensive introduction to Ecclesiastes as a whole.

Dobroruka investigates the nature of the Iranian influence on Second Temple Judaism, addressing during this the problems created by a dualistic worldview, the Indo-European origins of Zoaster and his ideas, and the long term implications for the notion of free will. Dobroruka refers to a number of concepts that illuminate this influence, including the idea of an 'Anointed One', as well as shamanistic visionary experience type and the resurrection.

UK March 2020 • US March 2020 • 784 pages HB 9780567031136 • £85.00 / $114.00 Library eBook 9780567693525 Series: International Critical Commentary • T&T Clark

UK May 2020 • US May 2020 • 228 pages HB 9780567205056 • £85.00 / $114.00 Series: Jewish and Christian Texts • T&T Clark

Earth Bible Commentary Series Editor: Norman C. Habel, Flinders University of South Australia, Australia

Ruth: An Earth Bible Commentary

Jonah: An Earth Bible Commentary

Alice Sinnott highlights ecological dimensions of the book of Ruth and shows how the narrator gives voice to the way in which the Earth functions throughout the story. Sinnott considers non-human characters as legitimate determining factors in the structuring of the narrative and recognizes Earth and members of the Earth community as valid subjects in the narrative. Integral to Sinnott’s reading of the text is a concern for Earth and matters such as food, famine, death, harvests, grain, day and night and members of the Earth community.

Jione Havea reads Jonah through the lens of climate change, using this present reality to reconsider the significance of Jonah for contemporary struggles and contexts. Havea approaches the text in two ways: first, by reading Jonah forward, giving special attention to the orientation of the narrative toward the sea and Nineveh, and then backward, highlighting the significance of sea and (is)land lives to the flow of the narrative. Second, by reminding readers that the fish, plant, worm and other beasts are also crucial in this narrative and considering how this affects our reading of the text.

Alice M. Sinnott, University of Auckland, New Zealand

UK May 2020 • US May 2020 • 224 pages HB 9780567676221 • £85.00 / $114.00 Library eBook 9780567676238 Series: Earth Bible Commentary • T&T Clark

B I B L I C A L S T U D I E S / T & T C L A R K – Old Testament / Ancient Near East

A History of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period, Volume 3

Jione Havea, Charles Sturt University, Australia

UK April 2020 • US April 2020 • 224 pages HB 9780567674548 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9780567693778 Library eBook 9780567674555 Series: Earth Bible Commentary • T&T Clark • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •


B I B L I C A L S T U D I E S / T & T C L A R K – New Testament

Earth Bible Commentary Acts: An Earth Bible Commentary

Michael Trainor, Australian Catholic University, Australia In this Earth Bible Commentary on Acts, Michael Trainor allows our environmental concerns to shape his interpretative approach, and thus ecological nuances emerge. As Trainor traces Luke’s vast geographical journey around the Mediterranean, key moments highlight fresh environmental insights that offer new hope for contemporary disciples seeking ecological affirmation at this particular time in world history. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 224 pages • 11 bw figures, 11 bw photos, 4 bw maps HB 9780567672940 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9780567672964 Library eBook 9780567672957 Series: Earth Bible Commentary • T&T Clark

Romans: Three Exegetical Interpretations and the History of Reception Volume 1: Romans 1:1-32

Daniel Patte, Vanderbilt University, USA "The magisterial work of an excellent biblical scholar." Kathy Ehrensperger, University of Potsdam, Germany Daniel Patte here presents the systematic application of his threefold interpretation of the letter to the Romans. The first part of the approach reads the letter for its theological argument, the second as a call to mission and the third reads it as a work of apocalyptic writing. In this first of a projected three-volume work Patte outlines the development of this approach. He then outlines how it may be applied, before then presenting his three parallel readings of the first chapter of Romans.

Colossians: An Earth Bible Commentary

Victoria S. Balabanski, Flinders University of South Australia, Australia This commentary analyses Colossians as a coauthored letter, written during Paul’s Roman imprisonment by Timothy with the input of Epaphras, and sent with Paul’s introductory and concluding greetings. Balabanski draws particularly on Stoic thought, arguing that this is crucial to understanding the letter. Balabanski sees the gospel as having been welcomed in Colossae by groups shaped by Stoic thought, who experienced Christ as the visible expression of the One God who permeates reality. This theology of divine permeation invites us to notice the ecological potential of this letter. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 240 pages HB 9780567674395 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9780567693013 Library eBook 9780567674401 Series: Earth Bible Commentary • T&T Clark

Reading Other Peoples’ Texts Social Identity and the Reception of Authoritative Traditions

Edited by Brennan Breed, Columbia Theological Seminary, USA, Ken S. Brown, Johannes Gutenberg University, Germany & Alison L. Joseph, Jewish Theological Seminary, USA This volume draws together ten essays by scholars of the Hebrew Bible, New Testament, Greco-Roman religion and early Judaism, to address the varying ways that conceptions of identity and otherness shape the interpretation of biblical and other religiously authoritative texts. UK April 2020 • US April 2020 • 240 pages • Six bw photos HB 9780567687333 • £85.00 / $115.00 Library eBook 9780567687340 Series: Scriptural Traces & The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies • T&T Clark

UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 560 pages PB 9780567693297 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567681430 Individual eBook 9780567681461 Library eBook 9780567681447 T&T Clark

Luke: A Social Identity Commentary

Robert L. Brawley, McCormick Theological Seminary, USA In this Social Identity Commentary, Robert Brawley provides a comprehensive coverage of the issues and concerns related to Luke from the perspective of social identity. Brawley outlines his interpretation of the theoretical issues concerned, and then applies this to provide a clear overview of historical and critical issues related to the study of Luke. This provides a clear engagement with the text that will serve as a useful resource for scholars, students, clergy, and people interested in the formation and purpose of the gospel of Luke. UK February 2020 • US February 2020 • 288 pages HB 9780567669391 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9780567693228 Library eBook 9780567669407 Series: T&T Clark Social Identity Commentaries on the New Testament • T&T Clark


From the Passion to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Memories of Jesus in Place, Pilgrimage, and Early Holy Sites Over the First Three Centuries Jordan J. Ryan, Wheaton College, USA Since the early 4th century, Christian pilgrims and visitors to Judea and Galilee have worshipped at and been inspired by monumental churches erected at sites traditionally connected with the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. This book examines the history and archaeology of early Christian holy sites and traditions connected with specific places in order to understand them as interpretations of Jesus and to explore them as instantiations of memories of him. UK June 2020 • US June 2020 • 224 pages HB 9780567677457 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9780567677488 Library eBook 9780567677464 Series: The Reception of Jesus in the First Three Centuries • T&T Clark • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •

An Australian Feminist Reading of the Gospel of Mark Michele A. Connolly, Catholic Institute of Sydney, Australia Connolly examines how Mark portrays Jesus bringing the order of the Reign of God. Connolly sees this as a markedly male project against which 11 female characters are portrayed as disorderly distractions who are managed by being marginalised, silenced and denigrated. This contradicts Jesus’ message of mutual service and non-domination. In his death under apocalyptic power, Jesus is depicted as isolated, silenced and denigrated. Connolly argues that this subtly associates femaleness with chaos, failure and disgrace and that such sexism must be exposed and rejected.

The Daily Discoveries of a Bible Scholar and Manuscript Hunter: A Biography of James Rendel Harris (1852–1941) Alessandro Falcetta, Independent Scholar

This is the first full biography of James Rendel Harris (1852-1941), Bible and patristic scholar, manuscript collector, Quaker theologian, devotional writer, traveler, folklorist, and relief worker. Drawing on published and unpublished sources, many of which were previously unknown, Alessandro Falcetta tells the story of Harris’s life and works set against the background of his times. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 704 pages PB 9780567692658 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567674180 Individual eBook 9780567684776 Library eBook 9780567674197 T&T Clark

UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 224 pages PB 9780567692535 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567674111 Individual eBook 9780567680617 Library eBook 9780567674142 T&T Clark

Archetypes and the Fourth Gospel

Literature and Theology in Conversation Brian Larsen, Simpson University, USA Explores the interaction of literature and theology by means of archetypal criticism with reference to characters in the Gospel of John. Specifically, Northrop Frye’s system of archetypal literary criticism is employed, which consists of four meta-archetypes (mythoi): romance, tragedy, irony and satire, and comedy. These archetypes offer a compelling summary of literature and form the essential governing framework and means of exchange between literature and theology. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 232 pages PB 9780567692894 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567676474 Individual eBook 9780567676498 Library eBook 9780567676481 T&T Clark

Ethnicity, Race, Religion

Identities and Ideologies in Early Jewish and Christian Texts, and in Modern Biblical Interpretation Edited by Katherine M. Hockey, University of Exeter, UK & David G. Horrell, University of Exeter, UK Religion, ethnicity and race are facets of identity that have become increasingly contested. The modern discipline of biblical studies developed in the context of Western Europe, concurrent with the emergence of various racial and imperial ideologies. The essays in this volume deal both with historical facets of ethnicity and race in antiquity, in particular in relation to the identities of Jews and Christians, and also with the critique of scholarly ideologies and racial assumptions which have shaped biblical studies. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 256 pages PB 9780567692924 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567677303 Individual eBook 9780567677327 Library eBook 9780567677310 T&T Clark

Biblical Reception, 5

Biblical Women and the Arts Edited by J. Cheryl Exum, Sheffield University, UK, David J. A. Clines, Sheffield University, UK & Diane Apostolos-Cappadona, Georgetown University, USA A range of biblical characters and their afterlives in art are examined in this guest-edited issue of Biblical Reception. Biblical women provide a focus, with two pieces on Eve, one of which compares representations of her with those of the Virgin Mary, the other which looks at Eve's portrayal in Islamic texts and images. Other contributions examine Judith and Salome, Mary Magdalene and the women at the peripheries such as the woman with the hemorrhage and the woman of Samaria. The volume concludes with a consideration of apocalyptic imagery and the woman clothed with the sun of Rev 12. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 248 pages • 60 color illus PB 9780567692917 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567674609 Individual eBook 9780567685162 Library eBook 9780567674616 Series: Biblical Reception • T&T Clark

The Bible, Centres and Margins Dialogues Between Postcolonial African and British Biblical Scholars

B I B L I C A L S T U D I E S / T & T C L A R K – New Testament / Bible in History and Culture

Disorderly Women and the Order of God

Edited by Johanna Stiebert, University of Leeds, UK & Musa W. Dube, University of Botswana, Botswana This volume addresses the lack of dialogue between British and African scholars, including with respect to the role of British missionaries in the introduction of the Bible and Christianity to many parts of Africa. To break this silence, Musa W. Dube and Johanna Stiebert collect expressions from both emerging and established biblical scholars in the United Kingdom and (predominantly) southern African states. Divided into three sets of papers, these contributions range from the injustices of colonialism to postcolonial critical readings of texts, suppression and appropriation. Each section is completed with a responding essay. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 176 pages • 3 bw illus PB 9780567693266 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9780567667243 Individual eBook 9780567667267 Library eBook 9780567667250 T&T Clark • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •


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