Visual Arts
New Books Catalogue
April-December 2019
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Essays on the Bodily Experience of Buildings Nathaniel Coleman Interweaving architecture, philosophy and cultual history, Materials and Meaning in Architecture develops a rich and multi-dimensional exploration of materials and materiality in an age when architectural practice seems otherwise preoccupied with image and visual representation. Arguing that architecture is primarily experienced by the whole body, rather than chiefly with the eyes, this broad-ranging study shows how the most engaging built works are as tactile as they are sensuous, communicating directly with the bodily sense, especially touch. It explores the theme of 'material imagination' and the power of establishing 'place identity' in an architect's work, to consider the enduring expressive possibilities of material use in architecture. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 304 pages • 90 BW illus and 16 colour plates PB 9781474287753 • £26.99 / $36.95 • HB 9781474287746 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781474287739 Library eBook 9781474287722 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Sibyl Moholy-Nagy
Architecture, Modernism and its Discontents Hilde Heynen A major voice in the architectural culture of the fifties and sixties, Sibyl Moholy-Nagy was uniquely engaged with modernism and modernity. This book will analyse the significance of the life and works of Moholy-Nagy and explore the paradoxical aspects of the relationship between modernism and feminism. Published as part of the Bloomsbury Studies in Modern Architecture series, which brings to light the work of significant yet overlooked figures in modernism, it is both an examination of her work and legacy, and also a study on the roles of gender and of the changing nature of modernism in its trajectory from Europe to America. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 272 pages • 75 b&w illus HB 9781350094116 • £75.00 / $100.00 Individual eBook 9781350094130 Library eBook 9781350094123 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Modern Architecture • Bloomsbury Visual Arts World All Languages (except Dutch/German)
Architecture and Ugliness Anti-Aesthetics and the Ugly in Postmodern Architecture
Edited by Wouter Van Acker, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium & Thomas Mical, University of South Australia, Australia Whatever 'ugliness' is, it remains a problematic category in architectural aesthetics – either overlooked, vilified, or appropriated to shock or subvert conventions. This book presents eighteen new essays which rethink ugliness in postmodern architecture and design. Chapters address broad theoretical questions as well as specific case studies – together addressing the relation between the aesthetics of ugliness and concepts such as brutalism, kitsch, the formless, the monstrous, and the grotesque.
The Place of Silence
Architecture / Media / Philosophy Edited by Mark Dorrian, University of Edinburgh, UK & Christos Kakalis, Newcastle University, UK The Place of Silence explores the poetics and politics of silence in architecture. Bringing together contributions by internationally recognized scholars in architecture and the humanities, it explores the diverse practices, affects, politics and cultural meanings of silence, silent places and silent buildings in historical and contemporary contexts. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 304 pages • 60 b&w illus HB 9781350076594 • £75.00 / $100.00 Individual eBook 9781350076617 Library eBook 9781350076600 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Soviet Architectural Avant-Gardes
V I S U A L A R T S – Arc hi tec ture
Materials and Meaning in Architecture
Architecture and Stalin’s Cultural Revolution, 1928-1938 Danilo Udovicki-Selb Conventional readings of the history of Soviet art and architecture show modern utopian aspirations as all but prohibited by 1932 under Stalin's totalitarianism. Soviet Architectural Avant-Gardes challenges that view. Radically redefining the historiography of the period, it reveals how the relationship between the Party and practicing architects was much more complex and contradictory than previously believed, and shows, in contrast to the conventional scholarly narrative, how the architectural avant-garde was able to persist at a time when it is widely considered to have been driven underground. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781474299862 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781474299855 Library eBook 9781474299848 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Landscape and Infrastructure
Re-Imagining the Pastoral Paradigm for the 21st Century Margaret Vickery, University of Massachussetts Amherst, USA Examining the relationship between infrastructure, nature and culture from the 17th century to the present. Landscape and Infrastructure looks at the ways in which infrastructure in the urban and rural landscape has been both celebrated and reviled, and provides powerful lessons for architects and landscape designers who are once more seeking to remarry nature, community, sustainability, and infrastructure. Within a broader historical and cultural context, it showcases the innovative work of contemporary designers who are finding inspiring new ways to reintegrate infrastructure projects into our landscapes and communities. By identifying historical precedents, this study sheds new light on contemporary debates and provides valuable insights into current discussions about infrastructure, landscape, and sustainability. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 224 pages • 45 b&w illus HB 9781350071087 • £70.00 / $95.00 Individual eBook 9781350071100 Library eBook 9781350071094 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 304 pages • 40 bw illus HB 9781350068230 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350068254 Library eBook 9781350068247 Bloomsbury Visual Arts • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
V I S U A L A R T S – Art & V i sua l Cul ture
Identity, Community & Australian Artists, 1890-1914 Paris, London and Further Afield
Kate Rebecca Robertson, University of Sydney, Australia Between 1890 and 1914, Australian artists were lured abroad by an overwhelming desire to engage with their artistic and social heritage. In Paris – the centre of art – and London – the heart of the Empire – they developed complex social and professional networks. Artists joined ateliers in Paris, the Chelsea Arts Club and artist colonies including St Ives and Étaples. They formed communities based on their Australianness, performing this identity in private and public. Exploration of these artists reveals the fluid nexus of place, travel and relationships in this transitional juncture in British-Australian history. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 288 pages • 10 colour and 40 bw illus HB 9781501332845 • £102.00 / $130.00 Individual eBook 9781501332852 Library eBook 9781501332869 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Georges Rouault and Material Imagining Jennifer Johnson, University of Oxford, UK
Described as a difficult and dark painter, Georges Rouault’s oeuvre is deeply experimental. Images of the circus emerge from a plethora of chaotic marks, while numerous landscapes appear as if ossified in thick paint. Georges Rouault and Material Imagining approaches Rouault in relation to contemporary theories about making and material, examining how Rouault’s oeuvre constructs a ‘material consciousness’ that departs from other modern painters. The repetitions and re-workings at the heart of Rouault’s process defy conventional chronological treatment, and place the emphasis upon the coming-into-being of the work of art. Ultimately, the process of making is revealed as both a search for understanding and a response to the problematic world of the twentieth century. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 240 pages • 50 bw illus HB 9781501346095 • £80.00 / $110.00 Individual eBook 9781501346118 Series: Material Culture of Art and Design • Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Luxury and Visual Culture John Armitage
From couture fashion to decadent food, the luxury goods and services industry has experienced unprecedented growth despite global recession. But in contemporary digital culture does luxury still reside in material things, or rather the look of things? In this first study of luxury through the lens of visual culture, Armitage argues that luxury is undergoing a shift from the material to the immaterial, offering unparalleled pleasures never before offered to the senses. This book posits luxury as key to understanding contemporary society and is essential reading for students of visual culture, fashion, luxury, media, design and related fields. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 224 pages • 30 bw illus PB 9781474246033 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781474239530 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781474239554 Library eBook 9781474239561 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Jean-Jacques Lebel and French Happenings of the 1960s The Erotics of Revolution
Laurel Jean Fredrickson, Southern Illinois University, USA Filling a significant lacuna, this is the first booklength English-language study of the French poet-artist Jean-Jacques Lebel, a key figure in the transnational avant-garde of the 1960s. Interdisciplinary in scope and approach, Laurel Fredrickson explores in particular the key 'happenings' Funeral of the Thing (1960) and 120 Minutes Dedicated to the Divine Marquis (1966), demonstrating how Lebel interconnected artistic and political countercultures through his activities and associations, and transmitted strategies and ideas across generations, national boundaries, and social realms. This compelling study of a provocative artistic figure expands our understanding of a generation, fifty years following May '68. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 208 pages • 8 colour and 20 bw illus HB 9781501332319 • £88.00 / $110.00 Individual eBook 9781501332326 Library eBook 9781501332333 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Time, Media, and Visuality in PostRevolutionary France
Edited by Iris Moon, European Sculpture and Decorative Arts Department, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, USA & Richard Taws, Department of History of Art, University College London, UK The radical break with the past heralded by the French Revolution in 1789 has become one of the mythic narratives of our time. Yet in the drawn-out afterlife of the Revolution, and through subsequent periods of Empire, Restoration, and Republic, the question of what such a temporal transformation might involve found complex, often unresolved expression in visual and material culture. This diverse collection of essays draws attention to the multiple points of view and refracted forms of visuality that emerged in France from the beginning of the French Revolution through to the end of the July Monarchy in 1848. It offers a new account of the story of French art’s modernity by exploring the work of genre painters and miniaturists, sign-painters and animal artists, landscapists, architects, and restorers, as they worked out what it meant to be "post-revolutionary." UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 272 pages • 70 bw illus HB 9781501348396 • £80.00 / $110.00 Individual eBook 9781501348402 Library eBook 9781501348419 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
2 • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
The Witches and Femmes Fatales of Hans Baldung Grien Yvonne Owens Hans Baldung Grien’s paintings, drawings and prints offer some of the most iconic early modern depictions of witches, crones and "poison maids." In her groundbreaking study of these images, Yvonne Owens reconstructs the humanist intellectual milieu of Renaissance Germany to show how classical and medieval ideas about medicine and natural philosophy shaped perceptions of the female body. In particular, she demonstrates that the female body was regarded as a toxic and defective entity, and that Grien referenced these ideas to please his erudite, wealthy patrons. Using this lens to reevaluate Grien’s work has allowed Owens to advance new interpretations of the artist’s previously mysterious iconography. UK August 2019 • US November 2019 • 288 pages • 25 bw illus HB 9781784537296 • £69.00 / $94.00 I.B.Tauris
Relational Art A Guided Tour Craig Smith Taking place in the skies over London, the plazas of Rotterdam, and the hallways of museums worldwide, a new kind of art has emerged since the 1990s. Known as Relational Art, this controversial practice features audience participation in ways never before realised, often using new media and social networking. In this book, academic and artist Craig Smith outlines a rigorous theory of Relational Art, explaining why audience interaction and collective art production has become so relevant. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 224 pages • 23 bw illus HB 9781780762555 • £72.00 / $99.00 I.B.Tauris
Antarctica through Art and the Archive Refractions of the Life of Edward Wilson Polly Gould Recent centenaries have commemorated the heroic era of Antarctic exploration and the work of pioneers such as Edward Wilson. He was a polar polymath who was an explorer, doctor, scientist and artist. Yet, how did Wilson manage the impossible practice of en plein air (open air) watercolour painting in the sub-zero conditions of this extreme environment? In this book, Polly Gould refracts the literature on anthropological studies, scientific experiments and art to arrive at her own cross-disciplinary reading. Through her use of the anthropologist Franz Boas’ work on the colour of water, however, Gould uncovers a cache of work that challenges current readers’ understanding of the Antarctic and explores the realities of that environment. UK July 2019 • US January 2020 • 368 pages • 121 bw illus HB 9781788311694 • £75.00 / $110.00 I.B.Tauris
Challenging the Limits of the Portrait Edited by Kirstie Imber & Fiona Johnstone
V I S U A L A R T S – Art & V i sua l Cul ture
Abject Eroticism in Northern Renaissance Art
The portrait has historically been understood as an artistic representation of a human subject. Its purpose was to create visual or psychological likenesses or the expression of personal, familial or social identity, it was typically associated with the privileged individual. Recent scholarship in the humanities and social sciences however has responded to the complex nature of twenty-first century subjectivity and proffered fresh conceptual models and theories to analyse it. In Anti-Portraiture, Kirstie Imber and Fiona Johnstone examine individuality via a range of media including sculpture, photography, installation and sound art, and make a convincing case for an expanded definition of portraiture. UK September 2019 • 256 pages • 20 bw illus HB 9781784534127 • £72.00 I.B.Tauris
Feminism and Art in Postwar Italy The Legacy of Carla Lonzi
Francesco Ventrella & Giovanna Zapperi A renowned art critic of the 1960s, Carla Lonzi abandoned the art world in 1970 to found Rivolta Femminile, a pioneering feminist collective in Italy. Rather than separating the art world luminary from the activist, however, this book looks at the two together. It demonstrates that even as Lonzi refused art, she articulated how feminist spaces and communities drew strength from creativity. Her written work and activism represents a crucial, but previously overlooked, feminist intervention in traditional art history from beyond the Anglo-American canon. This book is a timely and urgent addition to our understanding of radical politics, separatist feminism and art criticism in the post-war period. UK September 2019 • US December 2019 • 304 pages HB 9781784537326 • £72.00 / $99.00 Bloomsbury Visual Arts • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
V I S U A L A R T S – Art & V i sua l Cul ture
Gustave Caillebotte as Worker, Collector, Painter Samuel Raybone, Aberystwyth University, UK
Gustave Caillebotte was more than a painter of the working man: he collected and researched postage stamps; designed and built yachts; administered and participated in the sport of yachting; collected paintings; cultivated and collected rare orchids; designed and tended his gardens; and engaged in local politics. Samuel Raybone presents the first comprehensive account of Caillebotte’s manifold activities, with completely new critical interpretations of Caillebotte’s broad career that highlights the singular salience of ‘labor’, and which intersects histories and theories of visual culture, ideology, and psychoanalysis. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 272 pages • 8 colour and 46 bw illus HB 9781501339943 • £95.00 / $130.00 Individual eBook 9781501339950 Library eBook 9781501339967 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
AIDS and Representation
Portraits and Self Portraits During the AIDS Crisis in America Fiona Johnstone This is the first volume to comprehensively examine portraiture, particularly self-portraits, of those suffering from AIDS at the height of the pandemic in America. In reexamining the work of contemporary American artists ranging from Nan Goldin to Felix Gonzalez-Torres, AIDS and Self-Representation offers a new view of AIDS patients and underscores their right to self-representation in political and academic discourse. Addressing themes of sickness, mortality, desire, sexual identity, love, and loss, this is an important contribution to both queer and art history. UK September 2019 • US December 2019 • 304 pages • 40 bw illus HB 9781788311885 • £69.00 / $95.00 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Ethics of Contemporary Art
Gender, Orientalism and the Jewish Nation at the German Fin de Siècle Women in the Work of Ephraim Moses Lilien Lynne M. Swarts, University of Sydney, Australia Ephraim Moses Lilien (1874-1925) was one of the most important Jewish artists of modern times. Concentrating mainly on his illustrations for journals and books, Lynne Swarts acknowledges the importance of Lilien’s groundbreaking male iconography in Zionist art, but is the first to examine Lilien’s complex and nuanced depiction of women, which comprised a major dimension of his work. Using an interdisciplinary approach to integrate intellectual and cultural history with issues of gender, Jewish history and visual culture, Swarts also explores the important fin de siècle tensions between European and Oriental expressions of Jewish femininity. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 320 pages • 32 color and 125 bw illus HB 9781501336140 • £96.00 / $120.00 Individual eBook 9781501336157 Library eBook 9781501336164 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Deleuze and the Map-Image Aesthetics, Information, Code, and Digital Art
Jakub Zdebik, University of Ottawa, Canada The map, as it appears in Gilles Deleuze’s writings, is a concept guiding the exploration of new territories, no matter how abstract. With the advent of new media and digital technologies, contemporary artists have imagined a panoply of new spaces that put Deleuze’s concept to the test. Deleuze’s concept of the map bridges the gap between the analog and the digital, information and representation, virtual and actual, canvas and screen and is therefore best suited for the contemporary artistic landscape. Deleuze and the Map-Image explores cartography from philosophical and aesthetic perspectives and argues that the concept of the map is a critical touchstone for contemporary multidisciplinary art. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 224 pages • 21 bw illus HB 9781501346781 • £88.00 / $110.00 Individual eBook 9781501346798 Library eBook 9781501346804 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
In the Shadow of Transgression
Theo Reeves-Evison, Birmingham School of Art, UK As the first full-length study of its kind to outline a positive vision of the ethics of contemporary art, this book distances itself from previous accounts that focus on transgression. The critique of transgressive art is not made on the basis that it is wrong, but that it no longer succeeds on its own terms in societies where language, prohibition and morality are more plastic than they once were. By drawing on the work of Félix Guattari and Jacques Lacan, the book develops a novel theoretical framework that emphasizes the effect of art on subjectivity. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 192 pages • 20 bw illus HB 9781501339905 • £88.00 / $110.00 Individual eBook 9781501339912 Library eBook 9781501339936 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
4 • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
Series Editor: Kathryn Brown, Loughborough University, UK This research series reconceives the scope and function of art markets throughout history by examining them in the context of broader institutional practices, knowledge networks, social structures, collecting activities, and creative strategies. The volumes encourage increased dialogue between art historians, artists, curators, economists, gallerists, and other market professionals by contextualizing art markets around the world within wider art historical discourses and institutional practices.
Women, Art and Money in Late Victorian and Edwardian England The Hustle and the Scramble Maria Quirk Women, Art and Money in Late Victorian and Edwardian England establishes the importance of women artists’ commercial dealings to their professional identities and reputations in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Grounded in economic, social and art history, the book draws on and synthesises data from a broad range of documentary and archival sources to present a comprehensive history of women artists’ professional status and business relationships within the complex and changing art market of late-Victorian England. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 192 pages • 5 tables HB 9781501343056 • £88.00 / $110.00 Individual eBook 9781501343063 Library eBook 9781501343070 Series: Contextualizing Art Markets • Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Old Masters Worldwide
An International Market Between the Napoleonic Era and the Great Depression Edited by Susanna Avery-Quash, National Gallery London, UK & Barbara Pezzini As a result of the Napoleonic wars, vast numbers of Old Master paintings were released on to the market from public and private collections across Continental Europe. The knock-on effect was the growth of the market for Old Masters from the 1790s up to the early 1930s, when the Great Depression put an end to its expansion. This book explores for the first time the global movement of Old Master paintings and investigates some of the changes in the art market that took place as a result of this new interest. Arguably, the most important phenomenon was the diminishing of the traditional figure of the art agent and the rise of more visible, increasingly professional, dealerships; the book explores the ways in which the pioneering practices of such businesses contributed to shape a changing market. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 304 pages • 87 bw illus HB 9781501348143 • £90.00 / $120.00 Individual eBook 9781501348150 Library eBook 9781501348167 Series: Contextualizing Art Markets • Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Corporate Patronage of Art & Architecture in the United States, Late 19th Century to the Present Edited by Monica E. Jovanovich, Golden West College, USA & Melissa Renn, Harvard University, USA
This interdisciplinary collection of case-studies examines corporate patronage in the US and highlights the central role corporations have played in shaping American culture – and presents new methodologies for future study of this fertile field of inquiry. Featuring studies on artists such as Margaret Bourke-White, Diego Rivera, Maxfield Parrish, Picasso, and Eugene Savage, and patrons like Mellon and Carnegie, it includes the first comprehensive bibliography on American corporate patronage and support of the arts, as well as many recent archival discoveries. UK April 2019 • US April 2019 • 304 pages • 17 colour and 28 bw illus HB 9781501343735 • £96.00 / $120.00 Individual eBook 9781501343742 Library eBook 9781501343766 Series: Contextualizing Art Markets • Bloomsbury Visual Arts
V I S U A L A R T S – Art & V i sua l Cul ture
Contextualizing Art Markets
Reframing Japonisme
Women and the Asian Art Market in Nineteenth-Century France (1853-1914) Elizabeth Emery, Montclair University, USA Japonisme, the nineteenth-century fascination for Japanese art, has generated an enormous body of scholarship over the last twenty years, but most of it neglects women, who also acquired objects from the Far East and displayed them in their homes before selling or bequeathing them to museums. The present volume thus brings to light the culturally important, yet largely forgotten artistic activities of women who began collecting Japanese and Chinese chimeras in the 1840s, built a house for them in the 1870s, and bequeathed the ‘Musée d’Ennery’ to the state as a free public museum in 1893. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 272 pages • 50 bw illus HB 9781501344633 • £90.00 / $120.00 Individual eBook 9781501344664 Library eBook 9781501344640 Series: Contextualizing Art Markets • Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Collecting Prints, Posters and Ephemera Perspectives in a Global World
Edited by Ruth E. Iskin & Britany Salsbury, Cleveland Museum of Art, USA Why did collectors seek out posters and collect ephemera during the late-nineteenth and the twentieth centuries? How have such materials been integrated into institutional collections today? These are among the questions tackled in this volume—the first to examine the practices of collecting prints, posters, and ephemera during the modern and contemporary periods. Fourteen essays and one roundtable discussion, all specially commissioned from art historians, curators, and collectors for this volume, explore key issues such as the roles of class, politics, and gender, and address historical contexts, social roles, value, and national and transnational aspects of collecting practices. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 288 pages • 32 colour illus, 60 bw illus HB 9781501338496 • £96.00 / $120.00 Individual eBook 9781501338502 Library eBook 9781501338519 Series: Contextualizing Art Markets • Bloomsbury Visual Arts • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
V I S U A L A R T S – Adverti si ng / Desi gn
Epica Book 32
The Social Design Reader
Epica Awards
Elizabeth Resnick demonstrates how to use design as a catalyst for social change. Bringing together writings by practitioners, the reader explores the authentic voices of thinkers, writers, and designers who are helping to build a ‘canon’ of informed literature to document the development of the discipline.
Creative Communications Beautifully illustrated with over 1000 colour images, the 32nd edition of the Epica Book showcases more than 850 creative projects honoured in the 2018 Epica Awards - including fascinating background stories on all the latest Epica d'Or winners. Featuring work from communication agencies, film production companies, media consultancies, photographers and design studios, the Epica Book is a unique source of information and inspiration for all those interested in contemporary worldwide advertising trends. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 400 pages • 1000 colour illus HB 9781350065789 • £55.00 / $74.00 Library eBook 9781350065772 Series: Epica • Bloomsbury Visual Arts World English
Format for Graphic Designers
Gavin Ambrose, University of Brighton, UK & Paul Harris, Freelance Author, UK A clear introduction to the creative use of format in graphic design, from traditional print to digital formats for mobile and desktop screens. Includes over 200 inspirational examples from contemporary international designers, covering everything from books and magazines, point-of-purchase displays, packaging, direct mail, brochures, and screen-based formats. The new edition features new work and a new layout design. UK September 2019 • US October 2019 • 208 pages • 200 colour illus PB 9781474290630 • £26.99 / $36.95 Individual eBook 9781350031821 Library eBook 9781474299060 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Elizabeth Resnick
UK July 2019 • US August 2019 • 416 pages • 50 BW illus PB 9781350026056 • £25.99 / $35.95 • HB 9781350026063 • £75.00 / $102.00 Individual eBook 9781350026032 Library eBook 9781350026025 Bloomsbury Visual Arts World English
The Fundamentals of Graphic Design
Gavin Ambrose, University of Brighton, UK, Paul Harris, Freelance Author, UK & Nigel Ball Introducing students to the field of graphic design through inspirational examples and clear, practical advice. Fully updated to reflect the changes in today's technologies and graphic design practice. With a new section expanding the coverage of digital design tools and new material on social media, apps plus more on design for the Web, this book gives students a unique overview of what graphic designers do and how they work, historical influences on the field, and coverage of design thinking and the production process. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 192 pages • 200 colour illus PB 9781474269971 • £26.99 / $36.95 Individual eBook 9781474270298 Library eBook 9781474269988 Series: Fundamentals • Bloomsbury Visual Arts
User Experience Design A Practical Introduction
Gavin Allanwood, UCLAN, UK & Peter Beare, University of Central Lancashire Covering everything from personas and user involvement to aesthetics, branding and platforms, this book explains in detail how to create digital projects which both look good and work well. This second edition includes new sections on responsive design, accessibility, virtual reality and additional ‘micro-activities’ which allow you to try out suggested techniques in your own designs. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 176 pages • 200 colour illus PB 9781350021709 • £23.99 / $32.95 Individual eBook 9781350021730 Library eBook 9781350021716 Series: Basics Design • Bloomsbury Visual Arts
6 • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
Neil Leonard, University of the West of England, UK, Andrew Way & Frédérique Santune This book covers all you need to know about designing for the web and digital, from initial concepts and client needs to basic coding, e-commerce and working with different platforms. The companion website provides step-by-step tutorial videos, HTML and CSS styling tips and links to further useful resources. Featuring interviews with international designers and critical commentaries looking at best practice and theoretical considerations, Web and Digital for Graphic Designers is a complete overview of designing for the web. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 216 pages • 200 colour illus PB 9781350027558 • £28.99 / $39.95 Individual eBook 9781350027565 Library eBook 9781350027664 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
The Key Concepts D.J. Huppatz, Swinburne University, Australia This essential guide covers fundamental design concepts: thinking, service, context, interaction, experience, and systems. Each concept is fully contextualised and supported by pedagogical aids. Illustrated case studies include such brands and products as Uber, Apple, and IKEA. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 192 pages • 16 BW illus PB 9781350068148 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350068155 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350068162 Library eBook 9781350068179 Series: The Key Concepts • Bloomsbury Visual Arts
For the Love of Letterpress
A Printing Handbook for Instructors and Students Cathie Ruggie Saunders, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA & Martha Chiplis, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA With a focus on the practical, For the Love of Letterpress explores everything from the technology of letterpress and studio efficiency to advanced techniques like embossing and relief. This new edition also looks at 3D printing and abstract compositions, and further videos, interviews and assignment ideas are all available on the book's companion website. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 208 pages • 242 colour illustrations PB 9781350051287 • £24.99 / $34.95 Individual eBook 9781350051256 Library eBook 9781350051263 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
V I S U A L A R T S – Desi gn
Web and Digital for Graphic Designers
Reading Graphic Design History Image, Text and Context David Raizman Reading Graphic Design History uses a series of key texts from the history of print culture to explore issues of class, race, and gender. David Raizman re-examines ‘icons’ of graphic design to examine attitudes about women’s roles in society, and the relationship between print, race, and ethnicity. UK January 2020 • US January 2020 • 256 pages • 80 BW illus + colour plates PB 9781474299411 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781474299398 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781474299381 Library eBook 9781474299374 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
3D Printing Design
Additive Manufacturing and the Materials Revolution Francis Bitonti 3D printing is a technology that designers and brands will need to understand if they hope to be competitive in the future. Francis Bitonti gives an insider’s view from his design studio on how additive manufacturing is already shaking up the industry, and where it’s likely to go next. Complete with interviews from designers and 3D experts, Bitonti explores whether 3D body scans mean couture for all, how rapid prototyping can change your design method, if 3D printed materials can enhance medical design, and more. This is inspirational reading for the designers of tomorrow. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 168 pages • 58 bw illus PB 9781474220965 • £23.99 / $32.95 • HB 9781350065529 • £75.00 / $100.00 Individual eBook 9781350032194 Library eBook 9781474220972 Bloomsbury Visual Arts • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
V I S U A L A R T S – Desi gn
The Graphic Design Process
Ceramics and the Museum
Anitra Nottingham & Jeremy Stout
Laura Breen interrogates the relationship between art-oriented ceramic and museum practice in Britain since 1970. She proposes that ‘gestures of showing’ - such as exhibitions and installation art - can be read as statements that reveal the identities of the ceramics themselves.
How to be successful in design school This book demystifies what design school is really like and explains what will be experienced at each stage, with particular focus on practical advice on topics like responding to design briefs and developing ideas, building up confidence and understanding what is expected. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 200 pages • 200 colour illus PB 9781350050785 • £19.99 / $26.95 Individual eBook 9781350050808 Library eBook 9781350050792 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Contemporary Studio Porcelain Materials, techniques and expressions Peter Lane Porcelain is known and sought after for its translucency, fineness and whiteness but it is a notoriously difficult medium to master. Peter Lane looks closely at the unique properties of porcelain, focusing on the wide variety of techniques used by artists, and examining the technical achievements and aesthetics of the resulting stunning artworks. Covering everything from sources of inspiration to surface treatments and glazes, the book is lavishly illustrated throughout, offering a rich exploration of porcelain in its contemporary forms. The excellent quality and innovation offered by the huge range of artists represented gives the book a truly international perspective, and delivers a broad overview of the exciting world of porcelain today. UK July 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781472568991 • £35.00 Bloomsbury Academic
The Politics of Vietnamese Craft American Diplomacy and Domestication
Jennifer Way, Professor of Art History, University of North Texas, Dallas Forth Worth, USA Jennifer Way uncovers a little-known chapter in the history of American diplomacy, wherein postwar Vietnamese craft production was shaped by the US government as an object for consumption by middle-class America. Way explores how the US guided the marketing of Vietnamese craft in order to advance American diplomatic and domestic interests.
Laura Breen
UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 256 pages • 38 bw illus PB 9781350047846 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350047822 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9781350047853 Library eBook 9781350047860 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Designing the Department Store Display and Retail at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Emily M. Orr, Assistant Curator of American Design, Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, USA Changing practices in design and architecture contributed to a major shift in retail display at the turn of the 20th century. Focusing on the role of the 'displayman' and drawing on a wealth of previously unexplored archival sources, Emily Orr's case studies include Whiteley's, Schlesinger and Mayer and Wanamaker's. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 288 pages • 50 BW illus HB 9781350054370 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350054387 Library eBook 9781350054394 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Encyclopedia of East Asian Design
Edited by Haruhiko Fujita, Osaka University, Japan & Christine Guth The first comprehensive reference guide to the design histories of East Asia. Placing design within the historical and cultural contexts of China, Japan, Korea, Macao, Mongolia, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, contributors address a wide range of craft and design disciplines. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 752 pages • 28 BW illus + 16pp colour plates HB 9781350036475 • £195.00 / $265.00 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 208 pages • 15 BW illus HB 9781350007048 • £85.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9781350007031 Library eBook 9781350007024 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
8 • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
Spectacular Fashion Kerry Taylor Galliano: Spectacular Fashion is the first detailed guide to the work of one of fashion’s greatest talents. Renowned fashion expert Kerry Taylor looks at John Galliano’s collections from his 1984 graduate show to his triumphs at Dior and Margiela. With never-before-seen images of designs from private couture archives, close-ups revealing the intricacies of garments, and iconic runway shots, the book also features interviews with the designer and the people who worked closely with him throughout his career. A must-have for fashion lovers and researchers, Galliano: Spectacular Fashion is the ultimate overview of the work of a design genius. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 368 pages • 492 color illus HB 9781474277846 • £48.00 / $50.00 Individual eBook 9781474277853 Library eBook 9781474277877 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
The Fashion Business Reader Edited by Joseph H. Hancock II, Drexel University, USA & Anne Peirson-Smith
The first comprehensive anthology of classic and cutting-edge writings on the global fashion business from production to consumption. Bringing together a rich interdisciplinary and international range of writings in one volume, this essential text encompasses creative, theoretical and practical approaches from scholarship spanning business, the social sciences, arts and humanities. Topics covered include fashion history, product development, sourcing and manufacturing, sustainability, and much more. UK June 2019 • US July 2019 • 512 pages • 38 b&w illus PB 9781474279543 • £29.99 / $40.95 • HB 9781474279536 • £95.00 / $130.00 Bloomsbury Visual Arts World English
Paris, Capital of Fashion
Edited by Valerie Steele, Director and Chief Curator of The Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, USA Lavishly-illustrated, this book accompanies the major 2019 exhibition at The Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York and includes the museum director Valerie Steele's ruminations on how and why Paris became famous as "the capital of fashion." Paris was mythologized as the capital of modernity, art, and revolution— which would influence its image as the capital of fashion. During and since WW2, Paris faced repeated challenges from other fashion cities, especially London, Milan, and New York. In the 21st century, globalization has also revised the traditional paradigm of center versus periphery, as cities from Shanghai to Sao Paolo have become major fashion centers. Yet Paris has retained a unique place in the geography of fashion.
V I S U A L A R T S – F a shi on
UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 240 pages • 140 color illus HB 9781350102941 • £40.00 / $50.00 Individual eBook 9781350102958 Library eBook 9781350102965 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Fashion Forecasting
Bundle Book + Studio Access Card Lorynn Divita, Baylor University, USA Learn how to anticipate emerging trends and how to prepare and present your own fashion forecast. Three new chapters on fashion eras, world cultures, and subcultures show you influences on fashion innovation yesterday and today, so that you can spot those of tomorrow. New Influencer profiles focus on trend creators, rather than trend popularizers, to show you how to find key people from many creative fields who shape popular fashion. A new appendix covers how to create a fashion forecast and a streamlined chapter organization is concise without sacrificing depth. UK October 2019 • US September 2019 • 384 pages PB 9781501338649 • £88.00 / $110.00 Individual eBook 9781501338656 Library eBook 9781501338632 Fairchild Books • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
V I S U A L A R T S – F a shi on
Fashion in European Art
Dress and Identity, Politics and the Body, 1775-1925 Edited by Justine De Young Fashion reveals not only who we are, but whom we aspire to be. From 1775 to 1925, artists in Europe were especially attuned to the gaps between appearance and reality, participating in and often critiquing the making of the self and image. Fashion in European Art explores representations of fashion and dress, revealing how artists and their sitters engaged with the fashion and culture of their times. Its essays explore the politics of dress, its inspirations and the reactions it provoked, as well as the many meanings of fashion in European art, to show its importance in understanding modernity itself. UK April 2019 • US April 2019 • 288 pages • 40 integrated bw illus PB 9781788314480 • £19.99 / $25.00 Previously published in HB 9781784534622 Individual eBook 9781786722249 Library eBook 9781786732248 Series: Dress Cultures • Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Bond Girls
Body, Fashion and Gender Monica Germanà This ground-breaking interdisciplinary study examines the iconic women of the Bond franchise, from the viewpoint of fashion, style, body and gender. Providing a comprehensive evaluation and new readings of all principle female characters, this exciting study investigates themes of power dressing, fetish, ‘deviant femininity’, the ‘phallic woman’ and the foreign ‘other’. Bond Girls reveals that through subversive sartorial and narrative behaviours, these women interrogate the controlling influence of Bond’s male gaze by both exploiting the power of display and exercising – as female spies – their own ability to ‘see’. Essential reading for undergraduate students and above, studying fashion, film and media. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 256 pages • 18 bw illus PB 9780857855329 • £24.99 / $26.95 • HB 9780857856432 • £75.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350124707 Library eBook 9781350124714 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
The Book of Pockets
A Practical Guide for Fashion Designers Adriana Gorea, Katya Roelse & Martha L. Hall Pockets on our clothes are not only functional, they are fundamental design elements that can make a garment unique. This is a practical guide to a wide range of pocket constructions, fabrications, applications, details and styles that can be used as inspiration for developing new designs, from activewear to couture. Written by experienced fashion designers and featuring interviews with practitioners from curators to technology developers, every chapter includes sewing tutorials, design and construction challenges. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 208 pages • 250 color illus PB 9781474272490 • £28.99 / $39.95 Library eBook 9781474272506 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Styling Shanghai
Edited by Christopher Breward, University of Edinburgh, UK Styling Shanghai is the first book dedicated to exploring the city’s fashion cultures, examining its growing status as one of the world’s foremost fashion cities. From its origins as an international treaty port in the nineteenth century, Shanghai has emerged as a global leader in the production, mediation and consumption of fashion. This book reveals how the material and imaginative context of this thriving urban center has produced vivid interpretations of fashion as object, image, and idea. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 272 pages • 55 bw illus PB 9781350051133 • £26.99 / $36.95 • HB 9781350051140 • £80.00 / $108.00 Individual eBook 9781350051157 Library eBook 9781350051164 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Fashion Installation
Body, Space, and Performance Adam Geczy, Sydney College of the Arts, Australia & Vicki Karaminas, Massey University Wellington, New Zealand Today, design houses are thinking beyond traditional methods of display to stimulate interest in their collections, such as to the internet, fashion film and, more recently, fashion installations. This book offers a critical evaluation of the changing ways in which fashion has been exhibited, focusing specifically on the recent turn toward installation, whether in the form of static presentations, interactive performances or the more conventional curated designer exhibition. Focusing on pioneering designers from Prada to Van Beirendonck, Fashion Installation also looks back to early influential fashion displays by designers like Worth and Poiret. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 144 pages • 22 bw illus PB 9781350032521 • £16.99 / $22.95 • HB 9781350032514 • £50.00 / $68.00 Individual eBook 9781350032538 Library eBook 9781350032507 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Paris Fashion and World War Two Global Diffusion and Nazi Control
Edited by Lou Taylor & Marie McLoughlin This pioneering book explores fashion’s economic and symbolic importance in wartime France. Challenging the traditional view that French couture was severely curtailed during WWII, it demonstrates how Paris retained its international hold on the haute couture industry amid the trauma of Nazi occupation. Bringing together the writing of eminent dress historians and curators, the volume takes us from renowned Parisian salons to the streets of Rio, and the glittering department stores of New York. Highlighting tensions between luxury fashion and the everyday reality of wartime life, it examines how Parisian journalism and photography enabled France to maintain its eminence in global fashion. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 368 pages • 36 bw and 32 colour illus PB 9781350000261 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350000278 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350000292 Library eBook 9781350000285 Bloomsbury Visual Arts • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
Dressing for Deviance
Clothing and Discipline in the Modern World
Edited by Joanne Turney, Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, UK
Edited by Jane Tynan & Lisa Godson, National College of Art and Design, Ireland
Both revealing and concealing, fashionable clothing is an excellent communicator of identity and in turn assumes social and moral significance by coding wearers as ‘respectable’ or ‘deviant’. This interdisciplinary book develops new ways of seeing everyday dress and the individual body in public space. Exploring Hoodies and trench-coats, knitted Norwegian Lustkoffe sweaters and low-slung trousers, it reveals how innocuous objects have been coded as deviant, both socially and in the media. Fashion Crimes shows where morality, social control and criminality meet, demonstrating how dress codes and terms such as ‘suitability’ or ‘glamour’ can be renegotiated.
Examining the roles uniform plays in public life and private experience, this collection considers how uniform dress embodies gender, class, sexuality, race, nationality, and belief. With thematic sections on the meaning of uniform in the military, its use in fashion, in the workplace and at leisure, a series of case studies consider what sartorial uniformity means to the history of the body and society. With original contributions from emerging and established academics, Uniform draws attention to a visual and material practice with the power to regulate or disrupt civil society.
UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 256 pages • 27 b&w illus HB 9781780766980 • £75.00 / $100.00 Individual eBook 9781788315647 Library eBook 9781788315630 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 272 pages • 32 bw illus HB 9781350045552 • £80.00 / $110.00 Individual eBook 9781350045569 Library eBook 9781350045576 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Wearing the Cheongsam
Contemporary Indonesian Fashion
Dress and Culture in a Chinese Diaspora
Through the Looking Glass
Cheryl Sim
Alessandra B. Lopez y Royo
Associations between the cheongsam dress and Chinese cultural identity are well known but what are the meanings of the cheongsam for members of the Chinese diaspora? In a study grounded in firsthand accounts of wearing, Cheryl Sim explores the practices and experiences of women in Canada, a major Chinese diaspora, and carries out the first in-depth study of the cheongsam from this critical point of view. Covering issues such as heritage, ethnic identity, authenticity, nationalism, patriarchy and assimilation, Sim reveals the many meanings of the cheongsam. This book is the entry-point into discussions of Chinese dress and diaspora.
This book explores how contemporary Indonesian fashion has moved away from ‘national dress’ and ‘colonial fashion’ to claim its own distinct identity. Challenging the dominant Eurocentric model of fashion and beauty discourses, it explores the diversity and complexity of the Indonesia’s sartorial offerings, from traditional ikatweaving to contemporary fashion blogging.
UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 256 pages • 29 bw illus HB 9781788310819 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350109872 Library eBook 9781350109865 Series: Dress Cultures • Bloomsbury Visual Arts
V I S U A L A R T S – F a shi on
Fashion Crimes
Exploring clothing on the streets and in shopping malls, on the catwalk, in magazines, and online, the book examines how Indonesian fashion is made, presented, and consumed. Beautifully illustrated and deeply researched, it offers a new perspective on a rapidly developing new fashion capital. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 256 pages • 40 bw illus HB 9781350061309 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350061323 Library eBook 9781350061316 Series: Dress and Fashion Research • Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Fashion and Materiality
Cultural Practices in Global Contexts Edited by Heike Jenss, Parsons School of Design, The New School, USA & Viola Hofmann, Institute of Arts and Material Culture, TU Dortmund University, Germany This cutting-edge study offers new insights into the relationships between fashion, bodies, and material culture, focusing on diverse cultural practices. Drawing on a series of historical and contemporary case studies, the collection explores how fashion and clothing shape our sense of body and self, and our social relationships. With contributions from leading international scholars, Fashion and Materiality takes the reader from Chinoiserie clothing in 18th century Europe to fast fashion in today’s China. Illustrated with 45 images, the book shows how dress and cultural identity are part of everyday actions like buying, wearing, and making clothing. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 288 pages • 40 bw illus HB 9781350057814 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350057838 Library eBook 9781350057821 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Footwear, Attachment and Affects of Wear Ellen Sampson In a culture and fashion system obsessed with newness, what is our attachment to clothes which are marked through use? How are our relationships to footwear produced through the embodied practices of wearing, maintenance and repair? Through a focus on a single garment, the shoe, this book seeks to explore questions about the embodied experience of wearing and the affect of the worn. Originating in a practice-based methodology with wearing at its centre, this book proposes embodied experiences as tools for developing knowledge and calls readers to reconsider the value of the worn at a time when fast fashion reigns supreme and interest in damaged garments quietly increases. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350087187 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350087194 Library eBook 9781350087200 Bloomsbury Visual Arts • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
V I S U A L A R T S – F a shi on
The Third Realm of Luxury
Patternmaking History and Theory
Connecting Real Places and Imaginary Spaces
Edited by Jennifer Grayer Moore, The Pratt Institute, New York, USA
Edited by John Armitage & Joanne Roberts The Third Realm of Luxury is the first book to explore the interplay between the real and imaginary realms of luxury, considering the most significant developments in the theories and practices of luxurious places and spaces over the last fifty years. Providing a critical approach to contemporary interpretations of luxury, the book brings together an interdisciplinary group of leading scholars, it features a range of case studies which take the reader from the luxurious image of Coco Chanel to the expression of sensuality in the 1970s domestic interior. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 256 pages • 30 bw illus HB 9781350062771 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350062795 Library eBook 9781350062788 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Clothing and Landscape in Victorian England
This collection reveals the crucial foundational art and craft of patternmaking design, with essays that explore the practice in specific historical and cultural contexts. Probing the theoretical underpinnings that inform patternmaking, Patternmaking History and Theory interrogates topics that span cultures and time periods, ranging from high fashion to home sewing and Jamaican dress history. Beautifully illustrated with over 60 images, and rooted in original research, Patternmaking History and Theory brings together a group of leading international scholars to provide a range of perspectives on a key but often overlooked aspect of design. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 256 pages • 46 b&w illus HB 9781350062641 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350062665 Library eBook 9781350062658 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Clothing in 17th Century Provincial England
Working-Class Dress and Rural Life Rachel Worth, Arts Institute at Bournemouth, UK At the beginning of the Victorian period, most of England's population lived in the countryside; by its end, the balance had tipped towards urban and suburban living. In this rapidly changing context, Rachel Worth explores representations of rural working class clothing in paintings, photographs, literary sources and by museum collections. Her compelling study considers the history of dress within social and cultural contexts and shows how clothing enriches our understanding of Victorian social history. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 224 pages • 29 bw illus, 8pp colour plates PB 9781350122840 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784533960 Individual eBook 9781786723451 Library eBook 9781786733450 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Digital Research Methods in Fashion and Textile Studies
Amanda Sikarskie, University of MichiganDearborn, USA Are you a researcher struggling to mine mountains of fashion data? Are you interested in enhancing your research using digital methods? Have you considered ways to engage in academic conversations on social media? Have you wondered how digital technologies are internationalizing fashion and textile studies? This book empowers the reader with a variety of digital methodologies to help build skills in searching for, analyzing, and discussing photography, vintage design, and fashion writing, as well as historic and ethnographic dress and textile objects. Each chapter focuses on a different method, problem, or research site. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 208 pages • 35 bw illus HB 9781350042506 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350042520 Library eBook 9781350042513 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Danae Tankard
Providing a detailed analysis of 17th-century provincial clothing culture, this book draws on previously unexploited sources and provides an intimate and nuanced portrait of people and their clothes. Using Sussex as a case study, it illuminates early modern ideas about clothing, the individual and society, the relationship between London and the provinces, and the causes and consequences of conspicuous consumption. Covering the clothing of the poor, ‘middle’ and ‘upper’ sorts, this is a new window onto early modern clothing experiences. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 272 pages • 44 bw illus HB 9781350098404 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350098411 Library eBook 9781350098428 Bloomsbury Visual Arts World English
Fashioning Indie
Popular Fashion, Music and Gender Rachel Lifter When indie rocker Pete Doherty began a relationship with supermodel Kate Moss in 2005, the indie music scene, which first appeared in the 1980s, became mainstream. Its signature look – slender bodies clad in skinny jeans – had reached the height of popular fashion. Fashioning Indie explores what happened next. It charts the rise of the skinny-jeans look and the subsequent emergence of 'festival fashion' – an indie-inspired trend that would prove to be both a persuasive fashion media trope and a lucrative marketing tool for the British and American high streets. Rachel Lifter argues that, amidst these changes, the ideal figure of indie also transformed: from the slender, white, guitar-playing man into the festival fashionista. It is she, not he, who artfully negotiates the blurred lines of alternative style and mainstream fashion cultures – a blurring that defines 21st-century popular culture. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 256 pages • 20 bw illus HB 9781350126329 • £75.00 / $100.00 Individual eBook 9781350126343 Library eBook 9781350126336 Series: Dress Cultures • Bloomsbury Visual Arts
12 • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
Lynne Mesher, University of Portsmouth, UK & Stephen Anderson, University of Portsmouth, UK Designing retail interiors is a complex process and the aim of the designer is to find ways to entice, excite and enthrall the consumer. This second edition of Retail Design is fully updated with four new international case studies, end of chapter summaries and exercises for the student, plus the new chapter on consumer psychology. With more diagrams and plans and over 40% new illustrations, the new edition will be an even more valuable resource for any interior design student interested in the retail environment. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 184 pages • 200 colour illus PB 9781474289252 • £24.99 / $33.95 Individual eBook 9781350031364 Library eBook 9781474294294 Series: Basics Interior Design • Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Construction Detailing for Interior Design
Revit Architecture 2020 for Designers Douglas R. Seidler, Marymount University, USA
Building information modeling (BIM) is the new AutoCAD® for architects and interior designers—and Revit® Architecture is the leading software package in the BIM marketplace. Revit® Architecture 2020 for Designers is written specifically for architects and interior designers as they transition from CAD to BIM. Beginning with the building blocks of BIM modeling (walls, windows, and doors), the text progresses through dynamically generated 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional views to advanced features—such as photorealistic rendering, custom title blocks, and exporting drawings to AutoCAD® and SketchUp. This new edition is updated to include coverage on the latest changes in Revit® Architecture 2020. Instructions are fully illustrated, creating a smooth transition to the BIM environment for all designers. UK October 2019 • US August 2019 • 312 pages • 430 2-color illus PB 9781501352980 • £62.00 / $85.00 Individual eBook 9781501353000 Library eBook 9781501352997 Fairchild Books
Shaping Interior Space
PJ do Val, Endicott College, USA
Bundle Book + Studio Access Card
"The amount of illustrations with straightforward explanation is a huge help." Cristina McCarthy, North Coast College, USA
Roberto J. Rengel, University of WisconsinMadison, USA
Improve your drafting skills and constructiondocuments literacy. With this book you can follow step-by-step details of interior elements, learn drafting terms, develop and customize details, create full construction document sets, and adhere to the 2015 International Building Codes and the 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines codes. Each chapter shows you key terms, Tips and Tricks, questions, equations, practical problems, and a sample plan with new elements. There's also an illustrated glossary. UK October 2019 • US September 2019 • 336 pages PB 9781501326400 • £56.00 / $85.00 Individual eBook 9781501326424 Library eBook 9781501326417 Fairchild Books
Interior Design Fundamentals Bundle Book + Studio Access Card
Shaping Interior Space, 4th Edition, emphasizes the experiential contributions of interior design. Intended for all design students, the author covers strategies for creating interior environments that work as a total system to enhance the experience of the user. The book is organized into three parts, a background part introduces ways of designing for experience and reviews design principles and strategies. Part Two focuses on the three experiential goals that form the backbone of the book, order, enrichment, and expression. These serve as overall umbrellas that capture the many dimensions of users' experiences in the built environment. Part Three is devoted to design process. The process is broken up into understanding, ideation, and development and covers many tasks performed during the early and intermediate stages of design.
V I S U A L A R T S – Interi or Desi gn & Interi or Arch ite ctu re
Retail Design
This bundle includes Shaping Interior Space, 4th Edition and Shaping Interior Space STUDIO Access Card. UK November 2019 • US October 2019 • 336 pages • 500 bw illus PB 9781501326592 • £88.00 / $110.00 Individual eBook 9781501326615 Library eBook 9781501326608 Fairchild Books
Steven B. Webber Learn the basics of interior design, design thinking, and the design process. Envision yourself in the role of professional designer as you learn about design phases, spatial well-being, color theory, professional practice, finishes, furnishings, lighting, environmental systems, and more. Case studies, review questions, and exercises in every chapter will help you see how the topics will affect your career. The online STUDIO includes self-quizzes and vocabulary flashcards to help you study. UK November 2019 • US October 2019 • 288 pages • 377 color illus PB 9781501327018 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9781501327032 Library eBook 9781501327025 Fairchild Books
Soft Goods Guidebook for Interiors Stephanie Sickler
A comprehensive guidebook to soft goods, from bedding to window treatments to accessories, it includes detailed information about industry standards, and the processes of selection, specification, and fabrication. Soft Goods Guidebook for Interiors provides students and practitioners the means to seamlessly incorporate soft goods into their designs, and communicate effectively with clients and industry workrooms. UK November 2019 • US October 2019 • 208 pages • 200 color illus PB 9781501329869 • £48.00 / $60.00 Individual eBook 9781501329883 Library eBook 9781501329876 Fairchild Books • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
V I S U A L A R T S – Photogra py
Documentary Photography Reconsidered History, Theory and Practice
Michelle Bogre, Parsons New School, USA Documentary photography is undergoing an unprecedented transformation as it adapts to the impact of digital technology. Documentary Photography Reconsidered contextualizes these changes, offering a historical, theoretical and practical perspective on documentary photography from its inception to the present day. Including interviews with some of the world's leading contemporary practitioners, readers are guided through the variety of techniques and topics available to new photographers. Each concept is illustrated with work from a range of innovative photographers. There are creative projects designed to help you produce your own meaningful documentary projects and a companion website featuring videos of the interviews and additional resources. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 224 pages • 150 colour illus PB 9781472586698 • £29.99 / $40.95 Individual eBook 9781350031647 Library eBook 9781472586704 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Conversations on Conflict Photography
Context and Narrative in Photography
Maria Short, University of Brighton, UK, SriKartini Leet, University of Northampton, UK & Elisavet Kalpaxi, University of Northampton, UK Context and Narrative in Photography introduces practical methods to help you plan, develop and present meaningful, communicative images. With dozens of examples from some of the world's most thoughtprovoking photographers, this is a beautiful introduction to a fascinating aspect of photography. New to this edition are extended projects, additional exercises and discussion questions, expanded case studies, around 25% of the images and an expanded Chapter 6 on integrating text into photographic projects. Beginning with an exploration of different narrative techniques, you'll be guided through selecting and developing a compelling concept for your project and how it might be conveyed either through a single image or a series of photographs. You'll also learn ways to incorporate signs, symbols and text into your work and how to present the finished piece to best reach your audience. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 192 pages • 150 colour illus PB 9781474291170 • £23.99 / $32.95 Individual eBook 9781474294287 Library eBook 9781474291187 Series: Basics Creative Photography • Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Lauren Walsh, The New School, NY, USA
Why do we look at pictures of conflict? Should pictures of conflict even exist, and if so, how should they be used? In this book Lauren Walsh interviews photographers, human rights organisations and news editors to discuss the point of the conflict image, whether they can have a positive impact and whether in today's world of quick, soundbite information, do they still have a place in the media. This book includes challenging images and features interviews and photography from Benjamin Lowy, Spencer Platt, Susan Meiselas, Newsha Tavakolian and many more. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 320 pages • 110 colour illus PB 9781350049178 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350049185 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9781350049208 Library eBook 9781350049192 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Practical Projects for Photographers
Learning Through Practice and Research Tim Daly, University of Chester, UK Expert photographer and instructor Tim Daly presents over 20 practical projects for the budding photographer to develop their technical and research skills. Each project is a ready-made resource - the assignments vary in size and complexity, exploring a wide range of outputs (print, photobook, blog) and are mindful of limited resources, travelling distances and access to expensive equipment. Within each section are examples of notable photographers from around the world, suggested responses, practice tips, readings from key thinkers and further resources.
Setting Up a Successful Photography Business Lisa Pritchard, Photography Agent, UK
To be able to earn a living taking pictures sounds like a great idea, but where do you start? This revised and updated edition of the bestselling handbook is aimed at anyone who wants to be a professional photographer- whether studying to become one, thinking of a change of career or wanting to know how to improve their existing photography business. Packed with words of wisdom and invaluable advice from many leading photographers and commissioners working in all areas of the profession today and contains lots of useful checklists, charts and handy business templates. Updated to take account of changes in the industry, copyright and codes of conduct, and the increasing importance of digital marketing and social media, the book provides fresh insight and inspiration for the budding and established professional. Written from the perspective of a photographer's agent and not one particular photographer, the book offers the perfect viewpoint to honestly assess what works and what doesn't, why some photographers succeed whilst others fail. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 176 pages • 50 colour illus. PB 9781350053069 • £16.99 / $22.95 Individual eBook 9781350053090 Library eBook 9781350053076 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
UK April 2019 • US April 2019 • 176 pages • 200 colour illus PB 9781350056084 • £24.99 / $34.95 Individual eBook 9781350056107 Library eBook 9781350056091 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
14 • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
Concepts and Debates
Sally Miller, University of Brighton, UK Exploring contemporary theory and practice in photography, Contemporary Photography and Theory moves beyond introductory studies to cover more advanced concepts for the upper-level student. Building on a foundational understanding of photography, it addresses five key topics: identity, place, the politics of looking, psychoanalysis and the event. Explaining significant interdisciplinary concepts from current debates within the arts and humanities, Contemporary Thinking on Photography and Theory is essential reading for upper-level undergraduate and MA students of photography, as well as those taking relevant courses in art history, visual arts and cultural studies. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 256 pages • 40 bw illus PB 9781350003316 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350003323 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350003330 Library eBook 9781350003347 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
New Ways of Seeing
The Democratic Language of Photography Grant Scott, University of Gloucestershire, UK
Photography, Truth and Reconciliation
Melissa Miles, Monash University, Australia Photography, Truth and Reconciliation charts the connections between photography and a crucial issue in contemporary social history. The book examines the prevalence of photography in cultural responses to processes of truth and reconciliation, and argues that photographs are a valuable means through which stories can be retold and historiography can be rethought. Through five compelling case studies from Argentina, Canada, Australia, South Africa and Cambodia the book underscores the special role that this medium has played in facilitating processes of recovery, and in reconstructing suppressed histories, even when a documentary record of the events does not exist. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 248 pages • 50 colour illus PB 9781474296069 • £22.99 / $30.95 • HB 9781474296076 • £75.00 / $100.00 Individual eBook 9781474296083 Library eBook 9781474296090 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
V I S U A L A R T S – Photogra py
Contemporary Photography and Theory
Landscapes Between Then And Now
Recent Histories in Southern African Photography, Performance and Video Art Nicola Brandt, John Cabot University, Italy
Grant Scott moves away from the preoccupation with grading and the false idea of a single 'good image', and instead explores the concept of narrative within photography. Crossing boundaries from traditional photography to digital 'photosketching', New Ways of Seeing questions the barriers between theory and practice, commissioned photography and art, in a way which references the current debates around 21st century photography. With transferable tools to develop a creative voice, this book provides students with the skills to be a successful visual storyteller across all forms of photography.
This book examines critical aesthetic innovations and responses to contemporary social and political issues visible through marks, structures and absences on the land. Investigating emerging critical documentary aesthetics in relation to landscape and identity by examining the work of photographers, artists and filmmakers in Southern Africa and its diaspora. These practitioners engage with landscape as a social product that can reveal something about the highly complex and fractured nature of postcolonial and contemporary identities. In this context, the enquiry both challenges and re-evaluates the politics of place and the original grounds of more traditional documentary approaches.
UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 160 pages • 60 colour illus PB 9781350049314 • £19.99 / $26.95 Individual eBook 9781350049345 Library eBook 9781350049338 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 240 pages • 70 bw illus HB 9781350024007 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350024021 Library eBook 9781350024014 Series: Photography, Place, Environment • Bloomsbury Visual Arts
The Gender of Photography
How Masculine and Feminine Values Shaped the History of Nineteenth-Century Photography Nicole Hudgins, University of Baltimore, USA For many years the gendered language of American, British and French photographic literature made it appear that women's interactions with early photography did not count as significant contributions. Using photo journals, cartoons, art criticism, novels, and early career guides aimed at women, this volume will show why and how early photographic clubs, exhibitions and studios insisted on masculine values and authority, and how Victorian women engaged with photography despite that dominant trend. Focusing on the period before 1890, this study probes the mechanisms by which exclusion took place and explores how women practiced photography anyway, both as amateurs and professionals. Essential reading for students and scholars of photography, history and gender studies. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 256 pages • 80 bw illus HB 9781474271561 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781474271578 Library eBook 9781474271585 Bloomsbury Visual Arts • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
V I S U A L A R T S – Photogra py
Photography, Film, and Exhibition Culture in 1930s Germany and Italy Vanessa Rocco, Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, UK Photography and fascism in interwar Europe developed into a highly toxic and combustible formula. Particularly in concert with aggressive display techniques, the European fascists were utterly convinced of their ability to use the medium of photography to manufacture consent among their publics. Other dictatorial regimes in the 1930s harnessed this powerful combination of photography and exhibitions for their own odious purposes. But this book, for the first time, will focus on the particularly consequential dialectic between Germany and Italy in the early-to-mid 1930s, and within each of those countries vis-à-vis display culture. It is as urgent as ever in our global political environment to deeply understand the central role of visual imagery in what transpired. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 192 pages • 50 bw illus HB 9781501347061 • £80.00 / $110.00 Individual eBook 9781501347078 Library eBook 9781501347085 Series: Visual Cultures and German Contexts • Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Photography and Its Publics
Edited by Melissa Miles, Monash University, Australia & Edward Welch Photography is a ubiquitous part of the public sphere. Yet we rarely stop to think about the important role that photography plays in helping to define what and who constitute the public. Photography and Its Publics brings together leading experts and emerging thinkers to consider the special role of photography in shaping how the public is addressed, seen and represented. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 288 pages • 70 B&W and 10 colour illus (plates) HB 9781350054967 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350054981 Library eBook 9781350054974 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Handbook of Photography Studies
Edited by Gil Pasternak, De Montfort University, UK
Hybrid Photography
Intermedial Practice in Science and Humanities Edited by Sara Hillnhuetter, Humboldt-Universität, Germany With the advent of photography, images became the object of scholarly research in a new way. The collective singular term "photography" encapsulated a hybridity from the very beginning, deriving from a variety of manual and visual techniques that were transferred to the medium. Hybrid Photography explores the epistemic moments of photo media which is entangled with print techniques or drawings to clarify the role of light-based images and the ways they were utilized and regarded in science and humanities. This realisation demonstrates that in photography, the individual details of the technical process are just as important as the respective use of the pictures. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 304 pages • 100 colour illus. HB 9781501341656 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781501341663 Library eBook 9781501341670 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Archaeology and Photography Time, Objectivity and Archive
Edited by Lesley McFadyen, Birkbeck, University of London, UK & Dan Hicks, School of Archaeology, University of Oxford, UK This book introduces new thinking in archaeology and photography for both interdisciplinary and international readerships, finally bringing together a range of theoretical perspectives on the various relationships the two disciplines share. Focusing on seven key themes, this text examines the legacy of historical photography on contemporary archaeological fieldwork and image-making and explores what the vision for the future relationship between the two might be. Featuring previously unseen case studies and an outstanding roster of contributors from European and North American archaeology, this text marks an exciting emergence for a new generation of studies in archaeological photography. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 256 pages • 60 bw illus HB 9781350029682 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350029705 Library eBook 9781350029699 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Divided into five core sections, the Handbook draws out the main concerns of photography studies, analysing its histories and theories, leading debates, interdisciplinary concerns, geoculture and the public encounters. A team of international experts offer critical descriptions of approaches across the field, taking an in-depth look at its historiography and reviewing its key debates. This pioneering and comprehensive volume presents a systematic overview of the subject that will be an invaluable resource for researchers and students of photography history and theory from all disciplinary backgrounds. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 576 pages • 65 bw illus HB 9781474242202 • £130.00 / $175.00 Individual eBook 9781474242219 Library eBook 9781474242226 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
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Identity and the Needle Arts Edited by Johanna Amos & Lisa Binkley Bringing together the work of 10 art and craft historians, this collection analyses the interplay between craft and artistry, amateurism and professionalism, and re-evaluates ideas of gendered production from 1850 to the present. Stitching the Self explores how needlework has emerged as an art form through which both objects and identities – social, political, and often non-conformist – are crafted. From quilting in settler Canada to the embroidery of suffragist banners and the needlework of the Bloomsbury Group, it reveals how needlework is a transformative process – one used to express political ideas, forge professional relationships, and document shifting identities. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 256 pages • 24 bw and 16 colour illus HB 9781350070387 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350070400 Library eBook 9781350070394 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Needlework and Women’s Identity in Colonial Australia Lorinda Cramer
Needlework and Women’s Identity in Colonial Australia explores how women in the newly formed colony of Victoria used their needle skills as a tool in the contest for social position in the turmoil of the gold rush. From decorative needlework to household making and mending, women’s sewing became a vehicle for establishing, asserting, and maintaining social status. Drawing on material culture, written primary sources, and pictorial evidence, the book creates a portrait of the objects and manners that defined goldfields living. Giving voice to women’s experiences, the book offers a fresh critical perspective on gender and textile history. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 256 pages • 60 bw illus HB 9781350069626 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350069640 Library eBook 9781350069633 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
V I S U A L A R T S – Texti l es
Stitching the Self
Encyclopedia of Embroidery from Central Asia, the Iranian Plateau and the Indian Subcontinent
Gillian Vogelsang-Eastwood & Willem Vogelsang This encyclopedia is the first reference work to describe the history of embroidery throughout Central Asia, the Iranian Plateau, and the Indian Subcontinent from the medieval period through to the present. It offers an authoritative guide to all the major embroidery traditions of the region and a detailed examination of the material, technical, artistic, and design dimensions of the subject, including its use by today’s fashion designers. With 500 images of clothes, accessories, and soft furnishings such as cushions, bed linen, curtains, floor coverings, and wall hangings, the Encyclopedia is an essential resource for students and scholars of the subject. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 512 pages • 508 colour illus HB 9781350017245 • £150.00 / $240.00 Individual eBook 9781350019430 Library eBook 9781350019423 Bloomsbury Visual Arts • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
V I S U A L A R T S – M a j or Referenc e Works 18
Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture
21st edition 2-Volume Set
Edited by Murray Fraser, The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, UK “Book of the Century … A thundering classic. No serious fan of architecture should be without it” (Review of the 20th edition), The American Institute of Architects Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture is the acknowledged classic reference work for architectural history – providing essential reading for generations of architects and students since the first edition was published in 1896. The 21st edition presents the most up-to-date and authoritative account of the history of architecture available in any form, publishing for the first time in two volumes and full colour throughout. The seven parts and 102 chapters that form this landmark edition of Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture have been entirely rewritten by leading international architectural scholars, historians, and archaeologists, to reflect the latest scholarship. With a new, more global and cultural focus, the set features descriptions of thousands of major buildings, ancient and contemporary, accompanied by over 2,200 photographs, drawings, maps, and plans, bringing a thoroughly contemporary understanding to over 5,500 years of the world’s architectural history. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 2 vols • c. 2,640 pages HB Pack 9781472589989 • £395.00 / $534.00 Special introductory price of £350.00 / $472.00 valid for 3 months after publication 2,200 bw & colour illus Bloomsbury Visual Arts • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
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