3 minute read
Textile Design Theory in the Making
Edited by Elaine Igoe, University of Portsmouth, UK This book distinguishes textiles as a distinctive design discipline, against the backdrop of today’s emerging design issues. With commentaries from a range of international design scholars, it demonstrates how design theory is now being employed in diverse scenarios to encourage innovation beyond the fi eld of design itself. Drawing on qualitative research methods, including auto-ethnography and feminist critique, the book provides a theoretical underpinning for textile designers working in interdisciplinary scenarios. Beautifully illustrated with 40 images, it unites theory and texts from the fi elds of anthropology, philosophy, literature and material design.
UK August 2021 • US August 2021 • 256 pages • 15 bw illus HB 9781350061569 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350061583 • £76.50 / $94.85 ePdf 9781350061576 • £76.50 / $94.85 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Lorinda Cramer, Australian Catholic University, Australia Needlework and Women’s Identity in Colonial Australia explores how women in the newly formed colony of Victoria used their needle skills as a tool in the contest for social position in the turmoil of the gold rush. From decorative needlework to household making and mending, women’s sewing became a vehicle for establishing, asserting, and maintaining social status. Drawing on material culture, written primary sources, and pictorial evidence, the book creates a portrait of the objects and manners that defi ned goldfi elds living. Giving voice to women’s experiences, the book offers a fresh critical perspective on gender and textile history.
UK February 2021 • US February 2021 • 264 pages • 58 bw illus PB 9781350237940 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350069626 ePub 9781350069640 • £26.09 / $33.25 ePdf 9781350069633 • £26.09 / $33.25 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Pictorial Embroidery in England
A Critical History of Needlepainting and Berlin Work
Rosika Desnoyers, Independent Scholar and Artist, UK The little-known art of Berlin Work was once the most commonly practiced art form among European women. Pictorial Embroidery in England is the fi rst academic study of pictorial Berlin Work and its precursor, needlepainting, exploring their cultural status in the 18th and 19th centuries. Delving into its social, cultural and economic context, this book recovers Berlin Work as an art form, and demonstrates how this overlooked practice was once at the centre of cultural life. Drawing on a range of documents and images, the book illuminates the signifi cance of pictorial embroidery to our understanding of the Georgian and Victorian periods.
UK February 2021 • US February 2021 • 184 pages • 19 color and 41 bw illus PB 9781350229396 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350071759 ePub 9781350071773 • £26.09 / $33.25 ePdf 9781350071766 • £26.09 / $33.25 Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Stitching the Self
Identity and the Needle Arts
Edited by Johanna Amos, Queen's University, Ontario, Canada & Lisa Binkley, Mount Allison University, New Brunswick, Canada Bringing together the work of 10 art and craft historians, this collection analyses the interplay between craft and artistry, amateurism and professionalism, and re-evaluates ideas of gendered production from 1850 to the present. Stitching the Self explores how needlework has emerged as an art form through which both objects and identities – social, political, and often non-conformist – are crafted. From quilting in settler Canada to the embroidery of suffragist banners and the needlework of the Bloomsbury Group, it reveals how needlework is a transformative process – one used to express political ideas, forge professional relationships, and document shifting identities.
UK July 2021 • US July 2021 • 256 pages • 17 color and 19 bw illus PB 9781350242418 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350070387 ePub 9781350070400 • £76.50 / $94.85 ePdf 9781350070394 • £76.50 / $94.85 Bloomsbury Visual Arts