Assembly 1 ∙ My Favourite Things
Treasure by S Garratt Hugs with my family, smiles from our neighbours, Playing with friends, the kindness of strangers. Cheering my team, singing a song, Learning new things, and getting along All of these things give me so much more pleasure Than any amount of riches and treasure. The wonders of nature: white clouds in blue sky, The silvery moon, the heat of July, A perfect pink rosebud, a blackbird’s refrain, The sweet scent of lilacs, refreshing cool rain, Summer’s bright sun and winter’s ice-cold Bring me more joy than silver and gold. Colossal whales and slow-moving snails, The freedom to roam through mountains and dales, Watching the sun set over the sea, Fields full of poppies, wind in the trees. To me, a forest of oak, beech and ash Is worth so much more than a pocket of cash. My hands that help others, that carry and soothe, My ears that hear poetry, music and truth, My mouth that tastes mangoes and curry and cheese, Ripe strawberries, caramel, fresh-podded peas. My eyes that see beauty, colours and light My legs that can run, jump and dance, day and night The beat of my heart, laughter, good health Have more value to me than money and wealth.
Assemblies for All © Paul Stanley, 2021