Hart Spring / Summer 2020

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Hart Publishing Good Books for Lawyers

January - July


Welcome to our first ever bi-annual catalogue This year we mark the coming of spring with our publishing programme for the first half of 2020. Those eagled-eyed readers might notice that titles now appear in different subject categories and new in paperback titles are included in the main catalogue. We would love to hear what you think! But our catalogue is only as good as our authors who once again this year deliver some truly excellent publications. It is a bumper year for Studies in Private International Law with five titles publishing (pg 43). We publish the first volume of the magisterial work Lawyers in 21st-Century Societies edited by Richard L Abel, Ole Hammerslev, Hilary Sommerlad and Ulrike Schultz (pg 47). We are delighted to see new editions of classic textbooks such as Andrew Burrows’ A Casebook on Contract (pg 21) and Louise Gullifer and Jennifer Payne’s Corporate Finance Law (pg 16). Finally, congratulations to Loveday Hodson and Troy Lavers and all the contributors to Feminist Judgments in International Law which has been awarded the 2020 ASIL Certificate of Merit for a Preeminent Contribution to Creative Scholarship.

Sinéad Moloney Editorial Director, February 2020

CONTENTS Contact Us ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3 Distribution and Sales Contacts ���������������������������������������������������������4 Hart Publishing Conferences ��������������������������������������������������������������6 Hart Publishing Series ������������������������������������������������������������������������7 eBooks ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12 Arbitration and ADR �������������������������������������������������������������������������13 Asian Law ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 Banking and Financial Law ���������������������������������������������������������������15 Charity Law ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 Company, Corporate and Commercial Law �������������������������������������16 Comparative Law ������������������������������������������������������������������������������17 Constitutional and Administrative Law ���������������������������������������������18 Consumer Law ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������21 Contract, Tort and Restitution Law ���������������������������������������������������21 Criminal Law �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23 Education Law ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������24 Energy, Environmental and Natural Resources Law �������������������������24 Equity and Trusts ������������������������������������������������������������������������������25 European Law �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������25 Family Law ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30 Gender and the Law �������������������������������������������������������������������������30 General Law ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31 Human Rights �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������31 Immigration, Asylum, Refugee and Citizenship Law ������������������������32 Intellectual Property Law ������������������������������������������������������������������33 International and Comparative Criminal Law �����������������������������������34 International Economic and Trade Law ��������������������������������������������35 IT and Technology Law ���������������������������������������������������������������������36 Labour and Discrimination Law ��������������������������������������������������������37 Law and Religion ������������������������������������������������������������������������������38 Legal Biography �������������������������������������������������������������������������������39 Legal Education and the Legal Profession ���������������������������������������39 Legal History �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40 Legal Philosophy ������������������������������������������������������������������������������40 Maritime and Shipping Law ��������������������������������������������������������������42 Media Law ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������42 Private International Law ������������������������������������������������������������������43 Property Law �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������44 Public International Law �������������������������������������������������������������������45 Socio-Legal Studies ��������������������������������������������������������������������������47 Tax Law ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48 Backlist ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������49 Index �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������78 Textbooks ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������80 UK, Europe and Rest of the World Order Form �������������������������������81 US Order Form ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������82 1

CH Beck - Hart - Nomos The CH Beck - Hart - Nomos collaboration is a unique joint publishing venture which brings together the very best legal publications from across subjects and jurisdictions. Editors from each publishing house work together to offer commentary and analysis from world-leading scholars and practitioners, distilled into one unique brand. Since its inception in 2014 it has grown to a substantial library of almost 100 titles, many of which have become the leading text in their field. For the international corporate lawyer, international arbitration lawyer or European lawyer, the collection is quite simply essential reading.


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Hart Publishing Conferences The Annual Hart Judicial Review Conference Sharpen your knowledge of the latest issues in Judicial Review with the help of experts in the field

Delegates to the conference will earn 6 CPD points Each year Hart holds a conference on Judicial Review. Now in its 14th year, the conference continues to provide the opportunity for lawyers to sharpen their knowledge and awareness of the latest issues in Judicial Review, with lectures and discussion involving a group of the highest calibre practitioners and judges involved in public law. The 2020 conference is taking place on Friday 11th December.

Praise for the conference from previous delegates ‘Well organised and useful course/conference, thank you Hart’ ‘Very good mix of topics and style of speakers’ ‘I really enjoy this conference’ ‘It is the second time I have attended the conference and its quality was excellent again this year. You seem to have a fairly winning formula... ’ ‘Felt lucky to be able to hear some of the accomplished people on the panel! Excellent event.’

A selection of previous sessions •

An Interview with Lord Judge and the Chair

Professor Jason N E Varuhas – The New Law of Policy

David Anderson QC – Terrorism and Surveillance

Vikram Sachdeva QC – Life and Death Cases

Andrew Lidbetter – Commercial Regulation

Lord Justice Beatson – The New Model Judiciary and the other Two Branches of the State

Shaheed Fatima QC – The Increasing Importance of International Law in Judicial Review Cases

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Michael Fordham QC – Economic and Social Rights and the English Courts

A Conversation with Clive Coleman and Hugh Tomlinson QC – Law and the Press after Leveson

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Lord Justice Carnwath and Professor Richard Macrory – Judicial Review in the New Tribunals

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Philip Havers QC – Bias

If you would like to register your interest for the conference please contact Hart Publishing mail@hartpub.co.uk


Hart Publishing • Hart Publishing Series

NEW! Hart Studies on Judging and the Courts Series editors: Erin F Delaney, James Lee and Andrew Lynch The Hart Series on Judging and the Courts aims to publish exceptional scholarship examining judges, the judiciary and the courts, from a range of doctrinal and theoretical perspectives. The primary focus is on appellate courts in the common law world, but we welcome submissions beyond this, including those offering a comparative angle, such as from civil jurisdictions, or jurisdictions in developing nations. The series supports innovative work by emerging and established scholars in the field.

Hart Publishing Series China and International Economic Law Series

Computers, Privacy and Data Protection

General Editors: Qing Zhang and Xin Zhang

Series Editor: Paul De Hert

This series explores how China interacts on the economic stage with international actors. Written by leading scholars, the series offers unique perspectives into this fascinating and complex aspect of international economic law.

The Computers, Privacy and Data Protection series collects multidisciplinary peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts that are the result of papers that have been presented at the international Computers, Privacy and Data Protection conference (CPDP). The series discusses daring and prospective approaches and serves as an insightful resource for readers with an interest in computers, privacy and data protection.

Civil Justice Systems General Editor: Christopher Hodges This series covers theoretical and empirical research on the mechanisms for resolution of civil disputes, including courts, tribunals, arbitration, compensation schemes, ombudsmen, codes of practice, complaint mechanisms, mediation, and various forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Constitutionalism in Asia Series Editors: Kevin YL Tan and Li-ann Thio Asian constitutionalism is one of the most diverse, rapidly developing and challenging subjects of contemporary legal study. This series interrogates the normative, historical, empirical and conceptual dimensions of constitutionalism, through the lens of the Asian experience. It includes comparative studies between two or more Asian countries; comparisons between Asian and non-Asian jurisdictions; and critical single jurisdiction case studies.

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Hart Publishing • Hart Publishing Series Constitutional Systems of the World

EU Law in the Member States

General Editors: Peter Leyland, Andrew Harding, Benjamin L Berger, Rosalind Dixon and Heinz Klug

This series is dedicated to exploring the impact of landmark CJEU judgments and secondary legislation in legal systems across the European Union. Each book is written by a team of generalist EU lawyers and experts in the relevant field, bringing together perspectives from a wide range of different member states in order to compare and analyse the effect of EU law on domestic legal systems and practice.

This series seeks to provide scholars and students with accessible introductions to the constitutional systems of the world, supplying both a road map for the novice and, at the same time, a deeper understanding of the key historical, political, and legal events which have shaped the constitutional landscape of each country. Each book in the series deals with a single country or a group of countries with a common constitutional history, and each author is an expert in their field.

Contemporary Studies in Corporate Law Series Editors: Marc T Moore and Christopher M Bruner This series seeks to foster intellectually diverse approaches to thinking about the law and its role, scope and effectiveness in the context of corporate activity.

Criminal Law Library This series explores areas of criminal law and criminal justice which are not well covered in the leading textbooks and encyclopaedias.

Debating Law General Editor: Peter Cane Debating Law is an exciting series edited by Peter Cane that gives scholarly experts the opportunity to offer contrasting perspectives on significant topics of contemporary, general interest.

Documents in International Law

European Academy of Legal Theory Series General Editors: Mark Van Hoecke and François Ost This series, published under the auspices of the European Academy of Legal Theory, encompasses original works on legal theory, including the winner of the European Award for Legal Theory. This is an award made biennially to the author of the best European doctoral thesis in the area of legal theory and philosophy of law.

European and National Constitutional Law Series General Editor: Monica Claes The European and National Constitutional Law project was established to advance understanding of the national component of Europe’s composite Constitution. Through a process of comparison and analysis, this series provides insights into the workings of EU constitutional law.

European Competition Law Annual Current Editors: Philip Lowe, Mel Marquis and Giorgio Monti This is a series of volumes following the annual workshops on EU Competition Law and Policy held at the Robert Schuman Centre of the European University in Florence. Each volume contains papers by the EU’s leading experts on competition law.

Finnish Yearbook of International Law

General Editor: SAG Talmon

Editor-in-Chief: Tuomas Tiittala

This series presents the key documents necessary for an understanding of an important episode, issue or conflict dealing with questions of international law. The documents are carefully selected and accompanied by a general analytical introduction to the topic in question, a chronology of events (if applicable), maps (if applicable), and appropriate indexes.

The Finnish Yearbook of International Law aspires to honour and strengthen the Finnish tradition in international legal scholarship. Open to contributions from all over the world and from all persuasions, the Finnish Yearbook stands out as a forum for theoretically informed, high-quality publications on all aspects of public international law, including the international relations law of the European Union.

Essays in European Law This series is dedicated to publishing edited collections on a wide range of topics within European law, focusing particularly on analyses of emerging trends and new developments which are not covered in the standard textbooks. The essays are carefully grouped around selected themes which, while frequently at the cutting edge of scholarship, are nonetheless intended to be of widespread interest to EU scholars and practitioners.


Editors: Jeremias Prassl and Michal Bobek

French Studies in International Law General Editor: Emmanuelle Tourme-Jouannet This is a unique series which aims to bring to the attention of an Englishspeaking audience the most important modern works by leading contemporary French and French-speaking scholars of international law.

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Hart Publishing • Hart Publishing Series Global Energy Law and Policy Series Editors: Peter Cameron, Pieter Bekker and Volker Roeben This series is a forum for innovative interdisciplinary works that use the insights of cognate disciplines to achieve a better understanding of energy law and policy in the 21st century. The perspective of the series is global and its scope is comprehensive, embracing both public and commercial law on energy throughout the energy life-cycle: covering extraction, production, operation, consumption and waste management/decommissioning.

Hart Monographs in Transnational and International Law Editor: Craig Scott The objective of this series is to publish high quality scholarship in public international law and private international law, as well as work that adopts “transnational law” as its thematic, theoretical or doctrinal focus.

Hart Studies in Commercial and Financial Law Series Editor: John Linarelli This series collects works on commercial law as well as on the regulation of banking and finance and the law on insolvency and bankruptcy. It publishes research on the law using the methods of empirical legal studies, behavioural economics, political economy, normative welfare economics, law and society inquiry, socio-legal studies, political theory, and historical methods.

Hart Studies in Comparative Public Law This series provides a new venue for works exploring the full range of modern scholarship in comparative public law. The series is catholic in coverage, embracing topics as diverse as constitutional design and reform, judicial reasoning in constitutional law, Bills of Rights, transand international constitutional theory, international administrative law and justice, and comparative constitutionalism.

Hart Studies in Competition Law This series brings together works exploring the full range of modern scholarship in competition law.

Hart Studies in Constitutional Law

Hart Studies in European Criminal Law Series Editors: Katalin Ligeti, Valsamis Mitsilegas and Anne Weyembergh Since the Lisbon Treaty European criminal law has become an increasingly important field of research and debate. Working with the European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN) this series publishes works of the highest intellectual rigour and cutting edge scholarship and is required reading for all European criminal lawyers.

Hart Studies in Private Law This series brings together in one place two types of book: works which examine in-depth the fundamental doctrines and principles of private law, and works which engage with the theoretical underpinnings of private law. In so doing, it contributes to ever-evolving debates about the nature of private law.

Hart Studies in Private Law: Essays on Defences Editor: James Goudkamp This series offers a systematic treatment of defences in private law as a connected field. It contributes to this theoretically challenging and practically important area of the law. With insights from several jurisdictions and leading judges and academics, the series is of value to academics and practitioners alike.

Hart Studies in Security and Justice Editors: Liora Lazarus and Ben Saul This series pioneers the study of security and justice, whose controversial relationship has taken on particular urgency since the ‘war on terror’ and related phenomena such as targeted killing, preventive pre-trial detention and mass surveillance. A cutting-edge body of scholarship analysing one of the most pressing and controversial issues of our time.

Human Rights Law in Perspective General Editor: Colin Harvey The aim of this series is to provide a forum for scholarly reflection on all aspects of the law of human rights. The series encourages work which engages with the theoretical, comparative and international dimensions of human rights law. The objective is to promote an understanding of the nature and impact of human rights law.

This series provides a forum for the publication of works which engage with the pressing issues in constitutional law today. As such the series is potentially concerned with a wide range of topics, including constitutional theory and practice, the principles of constitutional law, constitutional history, and the modern growth of constitutionalism.

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Hart Publishing • Hart Publishing Series International Studies in the Theory of Private Law

Law and Practical Reason

Editors: Hugh Collins, Christian Joerges and Gunther Teubner

The intention of this series is that it should encompass monographs and collections of essays that address the fundamental issues in legal philosophy. The foci are conceptual and normative in character, not empirical. Studies addressing the idea of law as a species of practical reason are especially welcome.

This series of books edited by a distinguished international team of legal scholars aims to investigate the normative and theoretical foundations of the law governing relations between citizens. The series welcomes a diverse range of theoretical approaches in the examination of these issues including approaches using socio-legal methods, economics, critical theory, systems theory, regulation theory, and moral and political theory.

Irish Yearbook of International Law Current Editors: Fiona de Londras and Siobhán Mullally Started in 2006, the Irish Yearbook of International Law presents, on an annual basis, peer-reviewed academic articles and book reviews on general issues of international law. Beyond items of a general nature, designated correspondents provide reports on: international law developments in Ireland; Irish practice in international fora and the European Union; and relations between the North and the South of Ireland.

Ius Commune Casebooks for the Common Law of Europe Series Editor: Dimitri Droshout This project fosters cooperation among legal scholars from across Europe. The casebooks combine extracts from national case law and other sources from the European level, providing a ‘bottom-up approach’ to the study of the law. Introductions, explanatory and comparative notes and questions tie the materials together, putting it in context.

Key Ideas in Law Series Editor: Nicholas J McBride This series offers short, stimulating introductions to legal subjects written by leading scholars. They present an unparalleled combination of intellectual breadth and originality in legal writing, providing an opportunity to step back from the detail of the law to consider its broader foundations and ideas, and how these work in practice.

Landmark Cases Editor: Paul Mitchell This series seeks to highlight the historical antecedents of what are widely considered to be the leading cases in the common law. The edited volumes feature original archival research by eminent scholars in the field, and are intended to provide a context, or contexts, in which to better understand how and why certain cases came to be regarded as the ‘Landmark’ cases in any given field.


General Editor: George Pavlakos

Legal Theory Today Founding Editor: John Gardner The aim of this series is to publish concise contemporary studies in legal theory which offer a rigorous and crystal-clear treatment of their subject matter as well as an original point of view, developing and challenging established lines of thought.

Modern Studies in European Law This series publishes the best new monographic works on EU law by younger scholars in the subject. The series embraces the full scope of scholarship on EU law from doctrinal analysis to theoretical exploration, and also encourages inter-disciplinary, comparative and historical approaches, the overall aim being to publish innovative work which will widen knowledge and understanding of the place of law in the creation of Europe.

Modern Studies in Property Law Current Editors: Ben McFarlane and Sinéad Agnew The books in this series contain a collection of peer reviewed papers presented at the biennial Modern Studies in Property Law conferences. The conference and its published proceedings have become an established forum for property lawyers from around the world to showcase current research in the discipline.

Oñati International Series in Law and Society General Editors: Rosemary Hunter and David Nelken This series publishes volumes of original research and theory on the relations between law, legal institutions and social processes. Contributions to the volumes are eclectic in their disciplines, methodologies and theoretical perspectives, but they all share a strong comparative emphasis. The volumes originate in workshops hosted by the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law.

Osgoode Readers The Osgoode Readers offer interdisciplinary and cosmopolitan treatments of the essential elements of a variety of legal fields. Each chapter in an Osgoode Reader takes the form of a critical synthesis providing a succinct, engaging overview and analysis of contemporary issues and problems that are both shaping and being shaped by the law.

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Hart Publishing • Hart Publishing Series Parliamentary Democracy in Europe

Studies in Private International Law – Asia

Editors: Nicola Lupo and Robert Schütze

General Editor: Anselmo Reyes

This series aims to explore the role and task of national parliaments in Europe and how European integration has affected them. Encompassing monographs and edited collections, it offers insights into rules and conventions shaping parliaments and parliamentary democracy in Europe.

Advisory Editor: Paul Beaumont

Studies in International and Comparative Criminal Law General Editor: Michael Bohlander This series includes books on a wide range of topics, including studies of international law, EU law, the work of specific international tribunals, and comparative studies of national systems of criminal law. Given that the different systems to a large extent operate based on the idiosyncrasies of the peoples and states that have created them, the series will also welcome pertinent historical, criminological and socio-legal research into these issues.

Studies in International Law This series contains monographs on all aspects of public international law, embracing a broad range of approaches, from the technical and doctrinal to theoretical and speculative.

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Studies in Private International Law General Editor: Paul Beaumont This series aims to include monographs, edited collections and shorter specialised works which reflect the wide intellectual and practical scope of private international law, providing academics and practitioners with a new source of original and innovative books on the perennial, as well as emerging, problems thrown up by international litigation.

Published under the celebrated series Studies in Private International Law, this monograph sub-series provides a forum for discussion and analysis of private international law in Asia. Comprising both in-depth thematic and country-specific studies, each volume considers the private international law of Asian countries from a variety of perspectives, and discusses how rules in different Asian jurisdictions are either converging with, or diverging from, the patterns identified.

Studies in the History of Tax Law Current Editors: Peter Harris and Dominic de Cogan The books in this series bring together the papers from the Annual Cambridge Tax Law History Conference which are revised and reviewed for publication.

Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law Series Editor: Birke Häcker Advisory Editors: Mark Freedland, Stephen Weatherill and Stefan Enchelmaier A series established by the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law as a forum for the dissemination of its research. Both European and comparative law are understood in the broadest sense, and a particular emphasis is placed on the specific intersection of the two disciplines.

Swedish Studies in European Law This series, from the Swedish Network for European Legal Studies, acts as a forum for studies on European law by Swedish scholars. Each volume consists of articles aimed at spreading Swedish European law research to an international audience. The series provides analytical contributions on European law and its development.

The Rene Cassin Institute of Human Rights Series This series is co-published between Editions Pedone and Hart.

Vienna Lectures on Legal Philosophy Series Editors: Alexander Somek, Christop Bezemek and Michael Potacs The Vienna Lectures series showcases current themes in legal philosophy. Reflecting the richness and diversity of the subject and cutting across subject and intellectual boundaries, it offers a perspective on legal philosophy from Vienna, reinvigorating the city’s rich history in the subject, and providing a new regular international forum for collaboration and discussion.

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Institutional Arbitration

Edited by Rolf A Schütze, Thümmel, Schütze & Partner

Article-by-Article Commentary Edited by Reinmar Wolff, University of Marburg The New York Convention is the most successful and important treaty in the field of international trade law. This commentary provides a comprehensive in-depth discussion of the Convention's sixteen articles while outlining the expert opinions of the authors in relation to the contemporary global discourse. The first edition has not only become a respected point of reference for legal professionals and academics, but has also been drawn upon by courts around the world. The second edition brings the treatise up to date and reflects the most recent developments. Its target group includes lawyers, in-house counsel, judges, and academics.

This seminal text offers a comprehensive article-byarticle commentary to the rules of arbitration by the leading institutions. Institutions examined include: AAA; DIS; ICC; PCA; LCIA and ISCA. Edited by an experienced arbitrator, scholar and practitioner and with contributions from leading global arbitration specialists, this is an essential reference point for all those practising in the field. January 2020 • 1808 pages HB 9781509923915 • £400 / $545 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

November 2019 • 752 pages HB 9781509923854 • £250 / $340 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

The Complete (but Unofficial) Guide to the Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Edited by Jörg Risse, Baker & McKenzie

Dispute Resolution in Transnational Securities Transactions Tiago Andreotti, European University Institute April 2020 • 272 pages PB 9781509937479 • £35 / $48 Hart Publishing

Written specifically for participants of the Vis Moot, this book provides the reader with step-by-step practical advice in order to maximise the Moot experience. It explains registration and offers tips on finding and organising the team, analysing the case, writing memoranda, presenting the case in the oral pleadings, and organising the trips to Vienna or Hong Kong. For any student considering taking part, this really is a ‘must read’: by providing tips, hints and information tailored to the Moot, it will ensure that they have a unique lifetime experience. September 2019 • 256 pages PB 9781509936021 • £40 / $55 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

International Arbitration


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Hart Publishing

ASIAN LAW Chinese Civil Code The General Part

Yuanshi Bu, University of Freiburg Nowadays, the codification of the entire civil law is rare. Nevertheless, lawmakers have decided to create the first Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China. It will comprise of a General Part and separate books covering the law of personality, obligations, property, family, and estate law. This commentary provides a practical guide to this new body of law, namely the General Rules of Civil Law (GRCL). It gives an overview to the GRCL and detailed exploration of its more important provisions. Finally, it advises on which laws apply in the case of conflict between the GRCL and other statutes. June 2019 • 400 pages HB 9781509924172 • £195 / $265 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

China's National Security Endangering Hong Kong's Rule of Law? Edited by Cora Chan, University of Hong Kong & Fiona de Londras, University of Birmingham SEE PAGE 19 March 2020 • 368 pages HB 9781509928156 • £85 / $115 Hart Publishing

Constitutional Bricolage Thailand's Sacred Monarchy vs The Rule of Law Eugénie Mérieau, Harvard Law School SEE PAGE 20 June 2020 • 208 pages HB 9781509927692 • £65 / $90 Series: Constitutionalism in Asia • Hart Publishing

Access to Justice for the Chinese Consumer Handling Consumer Disputes in Contemporary China Ling Zhou, Chinese University of Hong Kong SEE PAGE 21 April 2020 • 176 pages HB 9781509931057 • £55 / $75 Series: Civil Justice Systems • Hart/Beck World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

An Empirical Account of Routine Chinese Injustice Yu Mou, SOAS, University of London SEE PAGE 23 April 2020 • 280 pages HB 9781509913022 • £70 / $95 Series: Studies in International and Comparative Criminal Law • Hart Publishing

Sixty Years of European Integration and Global Power Shifts

From the Colonial to the Contemporary

Perceptions, Interactions and Lessons

Images, Iconography, Memories, and Performances of Law in India's High Courts

Edited by Julien Chaisse, City University of Hong Kong SEE PAGE 27 February 2020 • 520 pages HB 9781509933723 • £85 / $115 Series: Modern Studies in European Law • Hart Publishing


The Construction of Guilt in China

Rahela Khorakiwala, Independent Researcher SEE PAGE 47 January 2020 • 296 pages HB 9781509930654 • £70 / $95 Hart Publishing

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Cross-border Transfer and Collateralisation of Receivables

Corporate Finance Law

A Comparative Analysis of Multiple Legal Systems

Louise Gullifer, University of Cambridge & Jennifer Payne, University of Oxford

Woo-jung Jon, University of Oxford May 2020 • 336 pages PB 9781509938261 • £40 / $55 Hart Publishing

Principles and Policy

SEE PAGE 16 February 2020 • 928 pages PB 9781509929177 • £54.99 / $74.95 Hart Publishing

European Insolvency Regulation A Commentary Edited by Moritz Brinkmann, University of Bonn SEE PAGE 29 October 2019 • 608 pages HB 9781509924110 • £200 / $270 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

CHARITY LAW Debates in Charity Law

Edited by John Picton, University of Liverpool & Jennifer Sigafoos, University of Liverpool Charitable organisations occupy a central place in society across much of the world, accounting for billions of pounds in revenue. As society changes, so does the law which regulates nonprofits. In this book, a team of internationally recognised charity law experts offers a modern take on a fast-changing policy field and identifies the links between law, social change and regulation. Through the concept of policy debates it moves the field forward, providing an important reference point for developing scholarship in charity law and policy. Each chapter explores a policy debate, setting out the fault-lines in play, and offering proposals for reform. April 2020 • 328 pages HB 9781509926831 • £75 / $100 Individual eBook 9781509926848 • £81 / $89.10 Library eBook 9781509926855 Hart Publishing

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Hart Publishing


Laws and Regulations as Applied in the Courts and Judicial Committees of Saudi Arabia Frank E Vogel, Harvard Law School (retired) In this landmark publication, the world's leading expert in the legal system of Saudi Arabia explains the uncodified principles of contract, tort, and property that frame the Kingdom’s business laws. Drawing on 8,500 newly published court decisions, as well as on statutes, interviews, and other material, the book determines the actual practice of Saudi courts, both substantively and as to reasoning and procedure. With its keen insights into this unique jurisdiction, it simply must be read by all engaged with law or business there. Its examination of how Islamic legal rules and principles are applied in practice make it an invaluable resource for Islamic law scholars. October 2019 • 424 pages HB 9781509927227 • £120 / $160 Individual eBook 9781509927203 • £129.60 / $141.26 Library eBook 9781509927210 Hart Publishing

Corporate Finance Law Principles and Policy

Louise Gullifer, University of Cambridge & Jennifer Payne, University of Oxford The third edition of this acclaimed textbook continues to provide a discussion of key theoretical and policy issues in corporate finance law. Focussing in equal measure on the equity and debt sides, it addresses a broad range of topics regarding the debt and equity-raising choices of companies of all sizes, and the mechanisms by which those providing capital are protected. Each chapter provides a critical analysis of the present law to enable the reader to understand the difficulties, risks and tensions in this area, and the attempts by the legislature, regulators, courts, and the parties involved, to deal with them. February 2020 • 928 pages PB 9781509929177 • £54.99 / $74.95 Individual eBook 9781509929191 • £59.39 / $65.19 Library eBook 9781509929184 Hart Publishing

The Future of Commercial Law Ways Forward for Change and Reform

Edited by Orkun Akseli, University of Durham & John Linarelli, University of Durham The reform of commercial law through harmonisation, unification, codification and other means remains one of the most important projects in developing the institutional architecture for the global economy. This edited collection engages with the challenges and contributes to a greater understanding of the problems faced by states, international organisations, and private sector actors in this ongoing reform project for commercial law. The collection informs the debate on the global reform of commercial law and will be of interest to those outside of academia involved in the reform of commercial law around the world.

International and Comparative Secured Transactions Law Essays in Honour of Roderick A Macdonald Edited by Spyridon V Bazinas, UNCITRAL & Orkun Akseli, University of Durham February 2020 • 368 pages PB 9781509936687 • £40 / $55 Hart Publishing

April 2020 • 432 pages HB 9781509914692 • £95 / $130 Individual eBook 9781509914715 • £102.60 / $111.92 Library eBook 9781509914708 Series: Hart Studies in Commercial and Financial Law • Hart Publishing

The Private International Law of Companies in Europe Business and Human Rights The Obligations of the European Home States Dalia Palombo, University of St Gallen SEE PAGE 31 February 2020 • 304 pages HB 9781509928033 • £75 / $100 Hart Publishing


Edited by Carsten Gerner-Beuerle, University College London, Federico M Mucciarelli, University of Modena, Edmund-Philipp Schuster, London School of Economics and Political Science & Mathias Siems, Durham University SEE PAGE 44 September 2019 • 800 pages HB 9781509923878 • £250 / $340 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

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COMPARATIVE LAW The Shifting Meaning of Legal Certainty in Comparative and Transnational Law Edited by Mark Fenwick, Kyushu University, Mathias Siems, Durham University & Stefan Wrbka, University of Applied Sciences for Management and Communication, Vienna January 2020 • 328 pages PB 9781509935123 • £35 / $48 Hart Publishing

Revolutionary Constitutionalism Law, Legitimacy, Power Edited by Richard Albert, The University of Texas at Austin SEE PAGE 18 April 2020 • 408 pages HB 9781509934577 • £45 / $61 Hart Publishing

COMPETITION LAW Competition Law’s Innovation Factor

Competition, Effects and Predictability

Viktoria H S E Robertson, University of Graz

Bruce Wardhaugh, University of Manchester

The Relevant Market in Dynamic Contexts in the EU and the US

Market definition is coming under attack as an analytical tool, with its feasibility being questioned. This criticism is amplified in dynamic markets, which differ radically from those static markets the concept was modelled on. Taking a comparative perspective, this book examines how courts and competition authorities in the EU and US have factored innovationrelated considerations into market delineation. It concludes that the role of market definition in dynamic contexts needs to focus on its function of market characterisation rather than on the assessment of market power. In so doing, it gives a much needed re-assessment of a core tenet of competition law. February 2020 • 384 pages HB 9781509931897 • £85 / $115 Individual eBook 9781509931903 • £91.80 / $99.96 Library eBook 9781509931910 Series: Hart Studies in Competition Law • Hart Publishing

Fighting Cross-Border Cartels

The Perspective of the Young and Small Competition Authorities

Rule of Law and the Economic Approach to Competition This is the first book to explore the tension between Europe’s economic approach, the US’s rule of reason, and the rule of law in the legal analysis of competition cases. It shows that fault lines where these tension comes to the fore are most evident when looking at: - the assumptions in and choice of analytic method; - the institutional agents driving this effects-based approach and their competency to use and assess the results of the methodology they demand; - and, the nature and stability of the legal principles used in modern effects-based competition analysis. Through a forensic examination of these flash points the book forcefully argues that this economic approach to competition law represents a threat to the rule of law. Controversial and thoughtprovoking, this is an important new contribution to theory of competition law. April 2020 • 246 pages HB 9781509926060 • £70 / $95 Individual eBook 9781509926077 • £75.60 / $82.58 Library eBook 9781509926091 Series: Hart Studies in Competition Law • Hart Publishing

Pierre Horna, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development This is the first detailed treatment of the approaches taken to enforce competition laws against cross-border cartels (CBCs) from the perspective of young and small competition authorities. Clearly structured and extensively referenced, the book analyses the extent of the harms caused by CBCs and issues associated with tackling them at a transnational level. It explains why past solutions have failed and proposes novel ideas on how to improve cooperation and coordination in certain types of CBC investigations. The proposals are based on primary source information and observations made by the author as part of his work in the UN, and interviews with leading enforcers. March 2020 • 296 pages HB 9781509933686 • £85 / $115 Individual eBook 9781509933693 • £91.80 / $99.96 Library eBook 9781509933709 Series: Hart Studies in Competition Law • Hart Publishing

The Legality of Bailouts and Buy Nationals International Trade Law in a Crisis Kamala Dawar, University of Sussex January 2020 • 272 pages PB 9781509935130 • £30 / $40 Series: Hart Studies in Competition Law • Hart Publishing

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Hart Publishing


Edited by Jason NE Varuhas, University of Melbourne & Shona Wilson Stark, University of Cambridge This major collection contains selected papers from the third Public Law Conference, held at the University of Melbourne in 2018.

Joanna Bell, University of Oxford

Ambitious and thought-provoking, this book is an important new statement on administrative law. It considers the nature of administrative law doctrine and adjudication by looking at:

In common with the books from the previous Public Law Conferences, it offers authoritative insights by leading academics and senior judges from across the common law world into the important issues emerging in public law.

- administrative law’s ‘anatomy’ - by pulling the subject apart it explores the nature of the legal structures which are in play in adjudication

It explores the cutting-edge issues at the intersection of public law and other fields and focuses on four principal frontiers:

- the importance of recognising the complexity and variety of administrative law’s anatomy in procedural review, legitimate expectations and standing, and

- public law and international law - public law and indigenous peoples - public law and other domestic fields, specifically criminal law and private law, and - public law and public administration. January 2020 • 552 pages HB 9781509930371 • £85 / $115 Individual eBook 9781509930388 • £91.80 / $99.96 Library eBook 9781509930395 Hart Publishing

The Constitution of Social Democracy Essays in Honour of Keith Ewing

Edited by Alan Bogg, University of Bristol, Jacob Rowbottom, University of Oxford & Alison L Young, University of Cambridge This book is based upon the papers written by a group of leading international scholars on the 'constitution of social democracy', delivered at a conference to celebrate Professor Keith Ewing's scholarly legacy in labour law, constitutional law, human rights and the law of democracy. The chapters explore the development of social democracy in theory and political practice from a variety of comparative, legal, and disciplinary perspectives. This collection could not be more timely in addressing these fundamental constitutional questions at the intersection of law, democracy, and political economy. May 2020 • 416 pages HB 9781509916573 • £110 / $150 Individual eBook 9781509916580 • £118.80 / $129.30 Library eBook 9781509916597 Hart Publishing

- the important but under-explored question: is it plausible and useful to attempt to make sense of administrative law doctrine by reference to a singular organising concept or principle? May 2020 • 272 pages HB 9781509925339 • £75 / $100 Individual eBook 9781509925346 • £81 / $89.10 Library eBook 9781509925353 Hart Publishing

Revolutionary Constitutionalism Law, Legitimacy, Power

Edited by Richard Albert, The University of Texas at Austin This book contains contributions from leading scholars in public law who engage critically with Bruce Ackerman’s path-breaking book Revolutionary Constitutions. The book also features a rebuttal chapter by Ackerman in which he responds directly to the contributions. Some contributors advance Ackerman’s theory, others attack it, and others refine it - but all agree that the ideas in the book reset the terms of debate on important subjects in constitutionalism: from the promise and perils of populism to the causes and consequences of democratic backsliding, from the optimal models of constitutional design to the forms and limits of constitutional amendment, and from the role of courts in politics to how we identify when the mythical “people” have spoken. April 2020 • 408 pages HB 9781509934577 • £45 / $61 Individual eBook 9781509934584 • £48.60 / $53.24 Library eBook 9781509934591 Hart Publishing

Essays on the History of Parliamentary Procedure

The Constitution of Myanmar

In Honour of Thomas Erskine May

Melissa Crouch, University of New South Wales

Edited by Paul Evans, Clerk, House of Commons, Westminster April 2020 • 368 pages PB 9781509937523 • £40 / $55 Series: Hart Studies in Constitutional Law • Hart Publishing


The Anatomy of Administrative Law

A Contextual Analysis

April 2020 • 240 pages PB 9781509933143 • £19.99 / $26.95 Series: Constitutional Systems of the World • Hart Publishing

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Hart Publishing


China's National Security

Endangering Hong Kong's Rule of Law?

Edited by Mark Elliott, University of Cambridge & Kirsty Hughes, University of Cambridge

Edited by Cora Chan, University of Hong Kong & Fiona de Londras, University of Birmingham

This book offers the first detailed and comparative analysis of the content and role of common law constitutional rights in judicial decision-making.

This timely and important book explores the risks of introducing national security legislation in Hong Kong and considers Hong Kong’s sources of resilience against encroachments on its rule of law that may come under the guise of national security.

There is a developing body of legal reasoning in the United Kingdom Supreme Court that has championed common law constitutional rights. Indeed various members of the senior judiciary have asserted the primary role of common law constitutional rights and critiqued legal arguments based first and foremost on the Human Rights Act 1998. This collection brings together leading constitutional scholars to systematically analyse this significant shift in legal reasoning, described by Lady Hale as ‘UK Constitutionalism on the march’, for the first time. April 2020 • 352 pages HB 9781509906864 • £75 / $100 Individual eBook 9781509906888 • £81 / $89.10 Library eBook 9781509906871 Hart Publishing

World-renowned scholars in comparative public law and national security law present both scholarly and practical perspectives on how Hong Kong may succeed in resisting pressure to advance China’s security interests through repressive law. The book considers what may be needed to maintain its rule of law once China’s 50-year commitment to Hong Kong’s autonomy ends in 2047. March 2020 • 368 pages HB 9781509928156 • £85 / $115 Individual eBook 9781509928163 • £91.80 / $99.96 Library eBook 9781509928170 Hart Publishing

Values in the Supreme Court Decisions, Division and Diversity

Rachel Cahill-O'Callaghan, University of Cardiff This unique book draws on theories and techniques from psychology to understand the role of values in Supreme Court decision making. It centres on a novel method of content analysis of judgments to reveal the values that underpin decision making. It presents cases which divide judicial opinion as a reflection of differences in value priorities and discusses the potential implications this may have for developments in the law and the appointment of the judiciary.

Governance by Numbers The Making of a Legal Model of Allegiance Alain Supiot, Collège de France March 2020 • 336 pages PB 9781509936977 • £30 / $40 Series: Hart Studies in Comparative Public Law • Hart Publishing

February 2020 • 232 pages HB 9781509921850 • £60 / $80 Individual eBook 9781509921867 • £64.80 / $70.62 Library eBook 9781509921874 Series: Hart Studies on Judging and the Courts • Hart Publishing

Information Rights A Practitioner's Guide to Data Protection, Freedom of Information and other Information Rights Philip Coppel QC, Cornerstone Barristers, London SEE PAGE 42

Why Religious Freedom Matters for Democracy Comparative Reflections from Britain and France for a Democratic 'Vivre Ensemble' Myriam Hunter-Henin, University College London SEE PAGE 38

May 2020 • 2308 pages HB Pack 9781509922246 • £200 / $270 Hart Publishing

May 2020 • 160 pages HB 9781509904747 • £50 / $68 Series: Hart Studies in Comparative Public Law • Hart Publishing

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Hart Publishing


Constitutional Bricolage

Thailand's Sacred Monarchy vs The Rule of Law

Legislative Challenges in Federal Systems and the European Union Edited by Patricia Popelier, University of Antwerp, Helen Xanthaki, University of London, William Robinson, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, João Tiago Silveira, University of Lisbon & Felix Uhlmann, University of Zurich Lawmaking is challenging enough in a national setting but even more complex in multi-level settings. Laws must respect the autonomy of the component units, yet be effective and coherent. In a multilevel setting, lawmakers must implement a legislative framework for laws drawn up at a central level. The challenges faced in so doing are explored in this important collection. Covering all multi-tiered systems, it pays particular attention to the EU, where tensions between autonomy and efficacy are most evident. With experts from various fields in both the academic and practioner sphere, it gives the broadest perspective to this complex area of lawmaking. October 2019 • 320 pages HB 9781509936052 • £95 / $130 Nomos/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

The Impact of European Institutions on the Rule of Law and Democracy Slovenia and Beyond Matej Avbelj, New University, Slovenia & Jernej Letnar Cernic, New University, Slovenia SEE PAGE 28

Eugénie Mérieau, Harvard Law School Exploring the unique constitutional model in operation in Thailand, this book provides a comprehensive and critical account of the Thai ‘mixed constitutional monarchy’ from its origins to the present day. It investigates the hybridised semi-authoritarian, semi-liberal monarchy that exists in Thailand and considers the institutionalised nature of the Thai monarchy by studying its constitutional texts in light of local doctrine. These findings challenge commonly accepted claims about Thailand, arguing that any political and constitutional instability is not the result of its borrowing from Western constitutionalism but that the monarchy’s use of constitutionalism is the prime driver of instability. June 2020 • 208 pages HB 9781509927692 • £65 / $90 Individual eBook 9781509927708 • £70.20 / $77.14 Library eBook 9781509927715 Series: Constitutionalism in Asia • Hart Publishing

European Constitutions Compared Albrecht Weber, University of Osnabruck SEE PAGE 29 May 2019 • 224 pages HB 9781509931545 • £130 / $175 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/ Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

April 2020 • 304 pages HB 9781509915057 • £70 / $95 Series: EU Law in the Member States • Hart Publishing

Judicial Review of Immigration Detention in the UK, US and EU From Principles to Practice Justine N Stefanelli, American Society of International Law SEE PAGE 32 January 2020 • 248 pages HB 9781509930456 • £75 / $100 Hart Publishing


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Hart Publishing

CONSUMER LAW Access to Justice for the Chinese Consumer

Handling Consumer Disputes in Contemporary China Ling Zhou, Chinese University of Hong Kong This book offers a socio-legal exploration of the local organisation of consumer complaint processing and dispute resolution in the People’s Republic of China – now the second largest consumer market in the world – and how the consumer, both ordinary and ‘professional’, experiences the local system.

Consumer Vulnerability and Welfare in Mortgage Contracts Irina Domurath, University of Amsterdam March 2020 • 224 pages PB 9781509936939 • £30 / $40 Hart Publishing

Drawing on detailed analysis of an impressive amount of empirical data, this book highlights local Chinese understandings and practice styles of ‘mediation’. By illustrating the processes available at the local level giving access to justice for aggrieved consumers, this innovative book provides a unique contribution to comparative consumer law studies in Asia and elsewhere. April 2020 • 176 pages HB 9781509931057 • £55 / $75 Individual eBook 9781509931071 • £59.40 / $65.19 Library eBook 9781509931064 Series: Civil Justice Systems • Hart/Beck World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)


The Humanity of Private Law

Andrew Burrows, University of Oxford

Part II: Evaluation

This is the seventh, fully updated, edition of Professor Burrows' casebook, offering law students the ideal way to discover and understand contract law through reading highlights from the leading cases.

This radical and prophetic sequel to Part I of The Humanity of Private Law:

The book covers the undergraduate contract law course in a series of clearly presented and carefully structured chapters. The author provides an expert introduction to each topic and his succinct notes and questions seek to guide students to a proper understanding of the cases. The relevant statutes are also set out along with a principled analysis of them. In addition to cross-references to further discussion in the leading textbooks, an innovative feature is the summary of leading academic articles. June 2020 • 992 pages PB 9781509936144 • £36.99 / $49.95 Individual eBook 9781509936151 • £39.95 / $43.46 Library eBook 9781509936168 Hart Publishing

Nicholas J McBride, University of Cambridge

- criticises the vision of human flourishing that currently underlies English private law; - argues that human flourishing involves seeking to lead a truthful life; - explores the implications of this alternative account of human flourishing for the way private law: (i) deals with fraud; (ii) safeguards people’s freedom of speech and attention capacities; (iii) protects people from hateful and degrading treatment; and (iv) enables people to make fresh starts in their lives; - considers whether and when it would be legitimate for the courts to transform English private law in the ways suggested in this book. May 2020 • 224 pages HB 9781509911998 • £70 / $95 Individual eBook 9781509912001 • £75.60 / $82.58 Library eBook 9781509912018 Hart Publishing

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Michael Barnes QC, Wilberforce Chambers This comprehensive work contains an account of all the forms of estoppel in operation today, including estoppel by record (res iudicata), as well as of the associated doctrine of election. The book covers each form of estoppel to help identify the main elements which have to be proved to establish the estoppel and then goes on to explain each element in detail with its various components. At the end of each chapter a brief summary of the estoppel is included so as to guide readers to any question important in any particular case. The book also covers the developments in the law of estoppel in the last few years. February 2020 • 984 pages HB 9781509909384 • £225 / $305 Individual eBook 9781509909391 • £243 / $265.14 Library eBook 9781509909407 Hart Publishing

Revolution and Evolution in Private Law Edited by Sarah Worthington, University of Cambridge, Andrew Robertson, University of Melbourne & Graham Virgo, University of Cambridge May 2020 • 376 pages PB 9781509938230 • £40 / $55 Hart Publishing

The Future of Contract Law in Latin America The Principles of Latin American Contract Law

Reconceptualising Strict Liability for the Tort of Another Christine Beuermann, University of Newcastle

Adopting a novel approach, this book examines how to resolve difficulties experienced by courts in imposing strict liability for the tort of another. Looking beyond the traditional classifications of ‘vicarious liability’ and ‘liability for breach of a non-delegable duty of care’, it explains all instances of strict liability for the tort of another in terms of the various relationships in which the courts impose such liability. It shows there is a unifying feature to these various relationships. That feature is authority. Using this feature, a new expositive framework is constructed within which strict liability for the tort of another is understood. November 2019 • 240 pages HB 9781509917532 • £60 / $80 Individual eBook 9781509917549 • £64.80 / $70.62 Library eBook 9781509917556 Series: Hart Studies in Private Law • Hart Publishing

Wrongful Enrichment A Study in Comparative Law and Culture Nahel Asfour, Tel-Aviv University January 2020 • 216 pages PB 9781509935154 • £30 / $40 Series: International Studies in the Theory of Private Law • Hart Publishing

Edited by Rodrigo Momberg, University of Valparaiso & Stefan Vogenauer, Max Planck Institute for European Legal History January 2020 • 352 pages PB 9781509935147 • £40 / $55 Series: Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law • Hart Publishing

A Unified Approach to Contract Interpretation Ryan Catterwell, University of Queensland

This important book offers a systematic exposition of interpretation/construction in contract law. It also goes further, suggesting practical solutions to disputes regarding questions of interpretation. The book argues that construction is not simply about establishing what words mean; it is a process through which objective intention is inferred from the choice of words in a contract. This interpretive process involves four steps: formulate the question of interpretation in dispute; explore competing answers to the question; analyse the admissible material supporting each interpretation; and weigh and balance the competing considerations. June 2020 • 256 pages HB 9781509927579 • £70 / $95 Individual eBook 9781509927586 • £75.60 / $82.58 Library eBook 9781509927593 Series: Hart Studies in Private Law • Hart Publishing

Better Regulation in EU Contract Law The Code Napoléon Rewritten French Contract Law after the 2016 Reforms Edited by John Cartwright, University of Oxford & Simon Whittaker, University of Oxford February 2020 • 536 pages PB 9781509936557 • £45 / $61 Series: Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law • Hart Publishing


The Fitness Check and the New Deal for Consumers Edited by Esther van Schagen, Utrecht University & Stephen Weatherill, University of Oxford SEE PAGE 28 December 2019 • 232 pages HB 9781509928354 • £70 / $95 Series: Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law • Hart Publishing

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CRIMINAL LAW Accessorial Liability after Jogee Edited by Beatrice Krebs, University of Reading

Hailed as a ‘moment of genuine legal history’ the judgment in R v Jogee [2016] UKSC 8 abolished the head of liability known as parasitic accessory liability and replaced it with (re-stated) principles of assisting and encouraging, fundamentally changing the law of accessibility liability. This edited collection, with contributions by experts in the field of complicity, examines this ground-breaking case. It looks at subsequent Court of Appeal decisions and cases from other jurisdictions that re-considered their own joint enterprise principles in the wake of Jogee and provides solutions to the problems it created for criminal law theory and practice. January 2020 • 296 pages HB 9781509918898 • £70 / $95 Individual eBook 9781509918904 • £75.60 / $82.58 Library eBook 9781509918881 Hart Publishing

The Construction of Guilt in China

An Empirical Account of Routine Chinese Injustice Yu Mou, SOAS, University of London This ground-breaking book examines the functional deficiency of the Chinese criminal justice system in preventing innocent individuals from being wrongly accused and convicted. The book draws on insights from the author’s own empirical data obtained from systematic observation of the daily routines within Chinese criminal justice institutions. Set within a broad socio-legal context, the book outlines the strategic interrelationships between key legal actors and the deep-seated legal culture embedded in practice. The author traces criminal case files to expose the deficiency of integrity within the system and the structural injustices that follow. April 2020 • 280 pages HB 9781509913022 • £70 / $95 Individual eBook 9781509913039 • £75.60 / $82.58 Library eBook 9781509913046 Series: Studies in International and Comparative Criminal Law • Hart Publishing

Sentencing Rape

Nationalist Socialist Criminal Law

Graeme Brown, University of Durham

Kai Ambos, Georg-August-University of Göttingen

A Comparative Analysis This book presents an in-depth comparative study of sentencing practice for rape in England and Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa. It provides a thorough review of the literature on the physical and psychological effects of rape; the literature on the seriousness of the offence; and the victim’s role in sentencing. It also examines recent socio-legal research on technology-facilitated sexual violence and considers the implications for sentencing. The book critically analyses judicial approaches to rape sentencing and suggests possible reforms to rape sentencing in ‘non-guideline’ jurisdictions, with the aim of establishing general principles for sentencing rape. April 2020 • 344 pages HB 9781509917570 • £75 / $100 Individual eBook 9781509917587 • £81 / $89.10 Library eBook 9781509917594 Hart Publishing

Continuity and Radicalization

Building on existing trends, this innovative study interprets Nazi criminal law as a racist, nationalist, and totalitarian construct which naturally developed from the anti-liberal tendencies of the German criminal law of the Weimar Republic. This interpretation is borne out by the systematic analysis of relevant texts. It also shows how the sytem was received in Latin America, underlining its continuity. This challenges the notion that the criminal law of the Nationalist Social regime was unexpected and unrelated to anything that preceded or predated it. It gives an important new perspective to legal historians of one of the darkest historical periods. November 2019 • 208 pages HB 9781509936786 • £75 / $100 Nomos/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

Critical Restorative Justice

The Right to Say No

Edited by Ivo Aertsen, University of Leuven & Brunilda Pali, University of Leuven

Marital Rape and Law Reform in Canada, Ghana, Kenya and Malawi

March 2020 • 352 pages PB 9781509936908 • £35 / $48 Hart Publishing

Edited by Melanie Randall, Western University, Jennifer Koshan, University of Calgary & Patricia Nyaundi, Kenya National Commission on Human Rights February 2020 • 328 pages PB 9781509936694 • £30 / $40 Hart Publishing

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EDUCATION LAW Education, Law and Diversity Schooling for One and All?

Neville Harris, University of Manchester This new edition provides an extensively updated critical analysis of how the education system responds to social diversity and how the relevant social and cultural rights of individuals and groups, including children’s rights, are affected. Focusing on the law in England, but with reference to other jurisdictions, it looks at: - types of school (including faith and selective schools) - the school curriculum - choice of school - the position of religion in schools - equal access - out-of-school settings, and - duties towards children with special needs and disabilities. The second edition also includes substantial new material on a range of issues, including relationships and sex education, exclusion from school, home education, equality, counter-extremism and academisation. January 2020 • 616 pages HB 9781509906703 • £85 / $115 Individual eBook 9781509906710 • £91.80 / $99.96 Library eBook 9781509906727 Hart Publishing

ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCES LAW The Role of Multilateral Environmental Agreements

A Reconciliatory Approach to Environmental Protection in Armed Conflict Britta Sjostedt, Lund University This is the first in-depth scholarly examination of how environmental treaties can apply in wartime to protect the environment. It suggests that - apart from the protection offered under the law of armed conflict - environmental treaties or multilateral agreements (MEAs) can complement and strengthen environmental protection in times of armed conflict. The book analyses the latest developments in the area including a study of the work of the International Law Commission on the topic. May 2020 • 304 pages HB 9781509922536 • £80 / $110 Individual eBook 9781509922543 • £86.40 / $94.53 Library eBook 9781509922550 Series: Studies in International Law • Hart Publishing

Irresolute Clay

Shaping the Foundations of Modern Environmental Law Richard Macrory, Brick Court Chambers This book provides exclusive insights into the current position of environmental law in the United Kingdom as well as the future challenges faced at this time of profound change. It offers a personal account of the inside stories as experienced by one of the key architects of modern environmental law. Taking a thematic approach it charts the fundamental tenets of the subject (influencing public policy, developing the academic discipline of environmental law, environmental courts and tribunals) from their inception to the present day. April 2020 • 192 pages HB 9781509928118 • £25 / $35 Individual eBook 9781509928125 • £27 / $30.42 Library eBook 9781509928132 Hart Publishing

Environmental Crime in Europe Edited by Andrew Farmer, Institute for European Environmental Policy, Michael Faure, Erasmus University & Grazia Maria Vagliasindi, University of Catania April 2020 • 392 pages PB 9781509937455 • £35 / $48 Series: Modern Studies in European Law • Hart Publishing


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EQUITY AND TRUSTS Guernsey Trust Law

Tony Pursall, Mourant Ozannes & Matthew Guthrie This book is a comprehensive treatise of Guernsey trust law providing answers for practitioners advising on Guernsey trusts and trustees administering them. In particular, it provides a detailed analysis of the provisions of the Trusts (Guernsey) Law 2007 (as amended), a consideration of Guernsey trust cases, relevant case law from Jersey (such as Alhamrani ), cases from other jurisdictions, and analysis of the legal principles underpinning Guernsey trust law. March 2020 • 400 pages HB 9781509919307 • £150 / $200 Individual eBook 9781509919314 • £162 / $177.12 Library eBook 9781509919321 Hart Publishing

The Ownership of Goods and Chattels Stephen Hackett, 3 Hare Court

This book provides the first comprehensive and accessible account of the law on acquiring, surrendering and transferring ownership rights in goods and chattels. These are issues that have the potential to present themselves in contentious and non-contentious matters of various kinds, for example in the contexts of testamentary and lifetime gifts and the law of mixtures, finding and bailment. It will therefore be of interest to a broad range of practitioners, as well as academics with an interest in property. January 2020 • 184 pages HB 9781782258568 • £40 / $55 Individual eBook 9781782258575 • £43.20 / $47.80 Library eBook 9781782258582 Hart Publishing

Rationalising Constructive Trusts Ying Khai Liew, University of Melbourne January 2020 • 416 pages PB 9781509935161 • £45 / $61 Series: Hart Studies in Private Law • Hart Publishing

EUROPEAN LAW EU External Relations Law Text, Cases and Materials

Ramses A Wessel, University of Groningen & Joris Larik, Leiden University On publication, this textbook had an immediate impact on teaching in its field. This new, fully updated edition retains the hallmarks of that success: ie its dual perspective, looking at questions from both the EU constitutional and international law perspective. Key policy areas explored include trade, security, environment and justice and home affairs. Taking a ‘text, cases and materials’ approach, it ensures students gain a meaningful understanding of vital primary documents and milestone cases. The commentary provides interpretative and substantive guidance. Each chapter ends with a ‘big picture’ discussion, providing coherence to the diverse and complex material and stimulates critical discussion. April 2020 • 536 pages PB 9781509926763 • £44.99 / $60.95 Individual eBook 9781509926756 • £48.58 / $53.24 Library eBook 9781509926749 Hart Publishing

The Fundamental Rights of Companies

EU, US and International Law Compared Peter J Oliver, Université Libre de Bruxelles and Monckton Chambers This is the first comprehensive examination of the fundamental rights of companies under EU law and the ECHR. It also contains a detailed comparison with the case law of the US Supreme Court and a chapter devoted to international law. Although no rights are fully entrenched in English law, it serves as a major point of reference on numerous issues (eg the 'Gay Cake' case). Case law covering all the principle substantive rights (eg speech, property, privacy, procedural rights in competition cases) is examined in great depth. The author contends that companies must enjoy some fundamental rights, but highlights the grave consequences of granting them excessive rights. On this pressing but overlooked issue, he proposes a middle course. July 2020 • 208 pages HB 9781841136899 • £63 / $85 Individual eBook 9781509901371 • £68.04 / $74.97 Library eBook 9781509901364 Hart Publishing

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EUROPEAN LAW European Court Procedure A Practical Guide

Viktor Luszcz, Previous Référendaire at the General Court of the EU No lawyer appearing before the EU Courts should be without this magisterial reference. Giving a detailed and practice-oriented overview of the entire litigation procedure before the EU judiciary, it is required reading. The study includes a discussion of the significant case law developments in wake of recent reforms, explaining the resulting changes in the Courts’ practice. It will enable practising lawyers to present their cases effectively, while at the same time offering valuable guidance to national judges dealing with cases raising points of EU law. Moreover, it provides insights into the reasoning process of the EU Courts, which will be of interest to scholars in the field, and is built around a structure that facilitates its use as a teaching material. June 2020 • 544 pages HB 9781841130538 • £150 / $200 Individual eBook 9781782252658 • £162 / $177.12 Library eBook 9781509900916 Hart Publishing

Trade Relations after Brexit

Edited by Friedemann Kainer, University of Mannheim & René Repasi, European Research Centre for Economic and Financial Governance The United Kingdom’s exit from the EU represents the first large-scale reversal of European integration. It will, in particular, have a transformative impact on trade relations with the European continent. In this book, both lawyers and economists explore the challenges that arise with respect to the Brexit negotiations. Looking at and beyond the withdrawal agreement to future trade relations between both parties, they lay out a reliable and realistic blueprint for the negotiation process. The expert insights into the legal, economic, and political factors at play make this required reading for all those interested in how Brexit finally concludes. September 2019 • 415 pages HB 9781509925513 • £110 / $150 Nomos/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

Fundamental Rights and Mutual Trust in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice A Role for Proportionality?

Ermioni Xanthopoulou, Brunel Law School This book explores the relationship of mutual trust and fundamental rights in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) of the European Union and asks whether there is any role for proportionality. After thoroughly reviewing the relationship, the book offers a comprehensive framework of proportionality and explores its impact on the protection of fundamental rights in a mutual trust environment. Drawing on casestudies of EU criminal law and asylum law the book offers a carefully constructed analysis with useful parallels for readers. April 2020 • 224 pages HB 9781509922253 • £70 / $95 Individual eBook 9781509922260 • £75.60 / $82.58 Library eBook 9781509922277 Series: Modern Studies in European Law • Hart Publishing

The Division of Competences between the EU and the Member States Reflections on the Past, the Present and the Future Edited by Sacha Garben, College of Europe & Inge Govaere, Ghent University February 2020 • 360 pages PB 9781509936540 • £35 / $48 Series: Modern Studies in European Law • Hart Publishing

The Use of Force and Article 2 of the ECHR in Light of European Conflicts

The European Union under Transnational Law

Hannah Russell, Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission

Matej Avbelj, New University, Slovenia

March 2020 • 304 pages PB 9781509936915 • £35 / $48 Series: Modern Studies in European Law • Hart Publishing


A Pluralist Appraisal

May 2020 • 192 pages PB 9781509938254 • £25 / $35 Series: Modern Studies in European Law • Hart Publishing

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EUROPEAN LAW The Juridification of Individual Sanctions and the Politics of EU Law Eva Nanopoulos, Queen Mary University of London

This book sheds light on the constitutive dynamics and causes of developments in the field of sanctions with a focus on the juridification of individual sanctions at the European level. First the author revisits the phenomenon of individualisation – moving beyond the conventional narrative that individual sanctions emerged because of humanitarian and effectiveness concerns – and situates the ‘smarting’ of sanctions within the context of broader structural transformations characterised by the consolidation of the global neoliberal order. Second, the book explores why the role of law has been so pronounced in the European context by unearthing the connections between EU law and capitalist order building.

Sixty Years of European Integration and Global Power Shifts Perceptions, Interactions and Lessons Edited by Julien Chaisse, City University of Hong Kong How have sixty years of case law and regulatory activity transformed the European Union and by extension the world? This book provides the answer by critically analysing the key features of EU integration and how this integration is perceived, both internally and externally. It also explores the EU’s interactions with a number of other countries and organisations, charting its role in global governance. This important book holds up a mirror to one of the world’s key global powers. February 2020 • 520 pages HB 9781509933723 • £85 / $115 Individual eBook 9781509933730 • £91.80 / $99.96 Library eBook 9781509933747 Series: Modern Studies in European Law • Hart Publishing

February 2020 • 352 pages HB 9781509909797 • £80 / $110 Individual eBook 9781509909803 • £86.40 / $94.53 Library eBook 9781509909810 Series: Modern Studies in European Law • Hart Publishing

Private Regulation and Enforcement in the EU

Finding the Right Balance from a Citizen’s Perspective Edited by Madeleine de Cock Buning, Utrecht University & Linda Senden, Utrecht University Can private actors be trusted to regulate and enforce significant aspects of people’s daily lives: from environmental and social protection to the areas of food safety, advertisement and financial markets? This innovative book investigates the trust vested in private actors from the perspective of European citizens. It explores whether private actors live up to citizens’ expectations or whether more should be done to safeguard citizens’ interests. Several cross-cutting studies across different policy fields explore how private regulation and enforcement is embedded in EU law. May 2020 • 480 pages HB 9781509919529 • £95 / $130 Individual eBook 9781509919536 • £102.60 / $111.92 Library eBook 9781509919543 Hart Publishing

Unity in Adversity EU Citizenship, Social Justice and the Cautionary Tale of the UK

Questioning EU Citizenship Judges and the Limits of Free Movement and Solidarity in the EU Edited by Daniel Thym, University of Konstanz April 2020 • 344 pages PB 9781509937516 • £35 / $48 Series: Modern Studies in European Law • Hart Publishing

The Rule of Law in the European Union The Internal Dimension

Charlotte O'Brien, University of York

Theodore Konstadinides, University of Essex

March 2020 • 304 pages PB 9781509936953 • £30 / $40 Series: Modern Studies in European Law • Hart Publishing

January 2020 • 200 pages PB 9781509935178 • £25 / $35 Series: Modern Studies in European Law • Hart Publishing

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EUROPEAN LAW The Impact of European Institutions on the Rule of Law and Democracy

Better Regulation in EU Contract Law

Matej Avbelj, New University, Slovenia & Jernej Letnar Cernic, New University, Slovenia

Edited by Esther van Schagen, Utrecht University & Stephen Weatherill, University of Oxford

Slovenia and Beyond

Since 2010 the EU has been plagued by crises of the rule of law and democracy, spreading from Central and Eastern Europe, which have caught many by surprise. This important new work states that this surprise is unjustified. It shows how the perceived success of earlier enlargement was simply that: perceived. Taking Slovenia as their case study, the authors argue that as a Member state, it fares even worse than its contemporary constitutionally-backsliding central European counterparts. On the basis of this more nuanced, legal, economic and sociological approach, a better understanding of the crisis can be gained and more workable solutions prescribed.

This book is the first critical investigation of EU better regulation from the contract law perspective. The Commission’s ‘New Deal for EU Consumers’ implements both the Better Regulation Guidelines and the combined evaluation of multiple Directives in the form of a ‘fitness check’. This allows difficulties and best practices at a national level to be explored as demonstrated by experience with the EU’s Unfair Terms Directive. Both the fitness check and the impact assessment should facilitate critical reflection on the design of EU contract law. This book asks questions to assess if, ultimately, the potential of better regulation is being realised.

April 2020 • 304 pages HB 9781509915057 • £70 / $95 Individual eBook 9781509915064 • £75.60 / $82.58 Library eBook 9781509915040 Series: EU Law in the Member States • Hart Publishing

December 2019 • 232 pages HB 9781509928354 • £70 / $95 Individual eBook 9781509928361 • £75.60 / $82.58 Library eBook 9781509928378 Series: Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law • Hart Publishing

EU Anti-Discrimination Law Beyond Gender

Regulating Risks in the European Union

Edited by Uladzislau Belavusau, University of Amsterdam & Kristin Henrard, Erasmus University of Rotterdam

The Co-production of Expert and Executive Power

March 2020 • 392 pages PB 9781509938681 • £30 / $40 Hart Publishing

Intelligence Law and Policies in Europe

Edited by Maria Weimer, University of Amsterdam & Anniek de Ruijter, University of Amsterdam February 2020 • 296 pages PB 9781509936601 • £30 / $40 Hart Publishing

Allocating Authority

A Handbook

Who Should Do What in European and International Law?

Edited by Jan-Hendrik Dietrich, Federal University of Administrative Science & Satish Sule, European Commission

Edited by Joana Mendes, University of Luxembourg & Ingo Venzke, University of Amsterdam

SEE PAGE 36 January 2020 • 800 pages HB 9781509926176 • £195 / $265 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)


The Fitness Check and the New Deal for Consumers

May 2020 • 312 pages PB 9781509938223 • £35 / $48 Hart Publishing

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EUROPEAN LAW European Insolvency Regulation A Commentary

Edited by Moritz Brinkmann, University of Bonn The new European Insolvency Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on insolvency proceedings) heralds significant reform of insolvency law. The central changes include: its extension to preventive insolvency proceedings; the creation of publicly accessible online insolvency registers; the curtailment of ‘forum shopping’; and the facilitation of cross-border coordination. A team of insolvency law professionals (judges, practitioners, and academics) expertly guide the reader through the Regulation articleby-article. Their focus is not just limited to the new provisions, they also examine relevant case law of the European Court of Justice and Member States. October 2019 • 608 pages HB 9781509924110 • £200 / $270 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

European Constitutions Compared

Albrecht Weber, University of Osnabruck This is one of the most ambitious and authoritative examinations of the institutional setting of European constitutions. It provides a systematic study of constitutional principles and organisation of state powers. A coherent structure organises the material into the following categories: terminology; notion and functions of constitutions; sources; constituent and amending power; protecting the constitution; directive principles; fundamental principles; division of powers and functions; parliament; heads of state; government and administration; the judiciary. This clear, consistent approach gives shape to a broad-ranging, complex body of law, allowing the reader to navigate it with confidence. May 2019 • 224 pages HB 9781509931545 • £130 / $175 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

The Court of Justice of the European Union

The European Union and International Dispute Settlement

Multidisciplinary Perspectives Edited by Mattias Derlén, Umeå University & Johan Lindholm, Umeå University

Edited by Marise Cremona, European University Institute, Anne Thies, University of Reading & Ramses A Wessel, University of Groningen

May 2020 • 248 pages PB 9781509938278 • £30 / $40 Series: Swedish Studies in European Law • Hart Publishing

January 2020 • 320 pages PB 9781509935116 • £35 / $48 Hart Publishing

The Italian Parliament in the European Union

The Needed Balances in EU Criminal Law

Edited by Nicola Lupo, LUISS Guido Carli University & Giovanni Piccirilli, LUISS Guido Carli University

Past, Present and Future

February 2020 • 384 pages PB 9781509936670 • £30 / $40 Series: Parliamentary Democracy in Europe • Hart Publishing

Edited by Chloé Brière, Université Libre de Bruxelles & Anne Weyembergh, Université Libre de Bruxelles April 2020 • 472 pages PB 9781509937493 • £45 / $61 Series: Hart Studies in European Criminal Law • Hart Publishing

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FAMILY LAW A Failure of Proportion

Non-Consensual Adoption in England and Wales Samantha M Davey, University of Essex This book focuses on the circumstances in which non-consensual adoption may be regarded as a proportionate measure and when less severe forms of intervention, such as long-term foster care or kinship care, may also meet children’s needs while providing protection to children’s rights under the European Convention on Human Rights. The book emphasises the need to scrutinise children’s and parents’ rights throughout the process, not simply when parents appeal against the making of an adoption order, and to routinely consider key provisions from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child when determining whether an adoption order is a proportionate measure. June 2020 • 208 pages HB 9781509929139 • £60 / $80 Individual eBook 9781509929146 • £64.80 / $70.62 Library eBook 9781509929153 Hart Publishing

Brussels IIa - Rome III An Article-by-Article Commentary Edited by Christoph Althammer, University of Regensburg SEE PAGE 44 March 2019 • 464 pages HB 9781509930883 • £195 / $265 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

Rewriting Children’s Rights Judgments From Academic Vision to New Practice Edited by Helen Stalford, University of Liverpool, Kathryn Hollingsworth, Newcastle Law School & Stephen Gilmore, King’s College London March 2020 • 616 pages PB 9781509936885 • £40 / $55 Hart Publishing

GENDER AND THE LAW Feminist Judgments of Aotearoa New Zealand Te Rino: A Two-Stranded Rope Edited by Elisabeth McDonald, University of Canterbury, Rhonda Powell, University of Canterbury, Mamari Stephens, University of Wellington & Rosemary Hunter, University of Kent March 2020 • 576 pages PB 9781509936960 • £45 / $61 Hart Publishing


Feminist Engagement with International Criminal Law Norm Transfer, Complementarity, Rape and Consent Eithne Dowds, Queen’s University, Belfast SEE PAGE 34 January 2020 • 280 pages HB 9781509921898 • £70 / $95 Series: Studies in International Law • Hart Publishing

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GENERAL LAW US Law for Civil Lawyers A Practical Reference Guide

Kirk W Junker, University of Cologne This book is a must read for civil lawyers requiring an understanding of the US legal system. Each chapter is written by a recognised specialist in their field. As a practitioner’s guide, it ensures that that every term of art, regardless of the field of law, is translated into both German and French. That practical focus continues with practice tips, checklists, and illustrative examples, clearly set out in the text. Tables, example draft documents and templates make the book easy to use as a reference guide. A comprehensive introduction by its the editor gives context and coherence to the study.

ROSE QC Hilary Heilbron QC, practising barrister and international arbitrator, London SEE PAGE 39 November 2019 • 416 pages PB 9781509933631 • £12.99 / $17.95 Hart Publishing

January 2020 • 304 pages HB 9781509936618 • £120 / $160 Nomos/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

HUMAN RIGHTS Human Rights Imperialists

Business and Human Rights

Conall Mallory, Newcastle University

Dalia Palombo, University of St Gallen

The Extraterritorial Application of the European Convention on Human Rights This book explores the challenges posed by the extraterritorial application of the European Convention on Human Rights. It does so by reflecting on how the issue has been approached by the primary interpreters of the treaty: the Strasbourg Court, state parties and national courts. This is achieved through a detailed engagement with the previous jurisprudence on the Convention’s extraterritorial application, and a particular focus on the activities of British authorities and judges during and after the Iraq War (2003). The analysis enables a clear understanding of how the law has developed as well as exploring possible solutions to the challenge. April 2020 • 242 pages HB 9781509914739 • £70 / $95 Individual eBook 9781509914753 • £75.60 / $82.58 Library eBook 9781509914746 Hart Publishing

Common Law Constitutional Rights Edited by Mark Elliott, University of Cambridge & Kirsty Hughes, University of Cambridge SEE PAGE 19 April 2020 • 352 pages HB 9781509906864 • £75 / $100 Hart Publishing

The Obligations of the European Home States This book argues for a reconfiguration of the relationship between multinational enterprises and individuals, both of which have been profoundly changed by globalisation. It demonstrates that, under the European Convention on Human Rights, States have extraterritorial obligations to secure the rights of victims vis-á-vis European multinationals. It puts forward an innovative business and human rights litigation strategy that would allow for advocates to file cases against European states at the European Court of Human Rights. The goal is to empower victims from developing countries against European States which are failing to hold multinational enterprises to account for human rights abuses. February 2020 • 304 pages HB 9781509928033 • £75 / $100 Individual eBook 9781509928040 • £81 / $89.10 Library eBook 9781509928057 Hart Publishing

Protecting Human Rights and Building Peace in Post-Violence Societies Nasia Hadjigeorgiou, University of Central Lancashire SEE PAGE 46 February 2020 • 272 pages HB 9781509923427 • £70 / $95 Series: Human Rights Law in Perspective • Hart Publishing

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HUMAN RIGHTS The Human Right to a Dignified Existence in an International Context Legal and Philosophical Perspectives

Edited by Logi Gunnarsson, University of Potsdam, Ulrike Mürbe, University of Potsdam & Norman Weiß, University of Potsdam How does the foundational role of human dignity co-exist with more concrete demands of addressing basic human needs such as ending poverty? The expert voices in this collection connect with general philoshopical reasoning to answer that question. Their legal and political arguments are based on recent rulings of regional courts and international human rights bodies. Taking the discussion out of the realm of abstract, they not only discuss obligations resulting from human rights, they also ask which institutions or corporations are responsible for their realisation.

The Fundamental Rights of Companies EU, US and International Law Compared Peter J Oliver, Université Libre de Bruxelles and Monckton Chambers SEE PAGE 25 July 2020 • 208 pages HB 9781841136899 • £63 / $85 Hart Publishing

July 2019 • 160 pages HB 9781509934072 • £40 / $55 Nomos/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)


Judicial Review of Immigration Detention in the UK, US and EU From Principles to Practice

Justine N Stefanelli, American Society of International Law Immigration detention is considered by many states necessary when implementing immigration policy. Despite its key role, the law on detention is vague, leaving courts adjudicating with scant legal tools at their disposal. This book explores such adjudications in the lower courts of the UK and the US, contrasting them with judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Although using similar tests to establish legality, outcomes significantly differ. A key factor in this divergence is the role that fundamental rights play in each jurisdiction. By evaluating almost 200 judgments, this book compares the laws on detention in three jurisdictions, making recommendations for improvement. January 2020 • 248 pages HB 9781509930456 • £75 / $100 Individual eBook 9781509930463 • £81 / $89.10 Library eBook 9781509930470 Hart Publishing


The Readmission of Asylum Seekers under International Law Mariagiulia Giuffré, Edge Hill University

This timely book explores the extent to which readmission can hamper refugees’ access to protection. It looks at the questions which lie at the junction of migration control and refugee law standards. Though it draws mainly on European law, notably the European Convention of Human Rights, it also examines other international frameworks, including those at the United Nations level and instruments such as the Refugee Convention. It offers an analysis of both the legal and policy questions at play in order to ensure its full engagement with widelydisputed cases concerning readmission agreements, deportation with assurances, and interception at sea. February 2020 • 408 pages HB 9781509902491 • £80 / $110 Individual eBook 9781509902521 • £86.40 / $94.53 Library eBook 9781509902507 Series: Studies in International Law • Hart Publishing

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INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW Copyright Protection of Unpublished Works in the Common Law World

Patrick Masiyakurima, University of Leicester Drawing on a rich array of sources, this timely book provides a rigorous analysis of the issues connected with the copyright protection of unpublished works in the common law world, including recent British and Australian attempts at reforming copyright exceptions. The types of unpublished works analysed include letters, diaries, manuscripts, photographs, memoranda, sketches, private journals, government records and drafts intended for future publication. This engaging work asks whether copyright in unpublished works is justified, a task which is prosecuted from historical, normative and legal perspectives, and contributes to the understanding of why cumulative protection of unpublished works emerged, and how exceptions to rights in unpublished works evolved. March 2020 • 240 pages HB 9781509916962 • £65 / $90 Individual eBook 9781509916986 • £70.20 / $77.14 Library eBook 9781509916979 Hart Publishing

Patent Games in the Global South Pharmaceutical Patent Law-Making in Brazil, India and Nigeria Amaka Vanni, Legal Scholar and Documentary Filmmaker SEE PAGE 35 February 2020 • 256 pages HB 9781509927395 • £65 / $90 Series: Studies in International Trade and Investment Law • Hart Publishing

Landmark Cases in Intellectual Property Law Edited by Jose Bellido, University of Kent January 2020 • 416 pages PB 9781509935109 • £34.99 / $47.95 Series: Landmark Cases • Hart Publishing

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Hart Publishing

INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE CRIMINAL LAW The Amicus Curiae in International Criminal Justice

Sarah Williams, University of New South Wales, Hannah Woolaver, University of Cape Town & Emma Palmer, Griffith University Who can appear as an amicus curiae and when can they do so? What functions do – and should – amici perform? How do judges decide whether to accept amicus submissions? What impact might amicus participation have on the efficiency, fair trial rights, judicial decision-making and the legitimacy of an institution? This book answers these questions with a focus on six international criminal tribunals, particularly the International Criminal Court. The book also draws on comparative analysis from inter-state and human rights tribunals, and key national jurisdictions. The book provides a comprehensive and fresh take on an important mechanism in international criminal justice. February 2020 • 424 pages HB 9781509913329 • £80 / $110 Individual eBook 9781509913336 • £86.40 / $94.53 Library eBook 9781509913343 Series: Studies in International and Comparative Criminal Law • Hart Publishing

Anni Pues, University of Glasgow

This timely book provides a comprehensive guide to, and rigorous analysis of, prosecutorial discretion at the International Criminal Court. It is the first study that takes the reader through all the key stages of the Proscecutor’s decision-making process. Starting from preliminary examinations and the decision to investigate, the book also explores case selection processes, plea agreements, culminating in the question of how to end engagement in specific country situations. With its unique combination of legal theory and specific policy analysis, it addresses broader questions that will be relevant to other international and hybrid criminal courts and tribunals. June 2020 • 224 pages HB 9781509928682 • £75 / $100 Individual eBook 9781509928699 • £81 / $89.10 Library eBook 9781509928705 Series: Studies in International Law • Hart Publishing

Feminist Engagement with International Criminal Law

Evidence in International Criminal Procedure

Eithne Dowds, Queen’s University, Belfast

Edited by Kai Ambos, Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Alexander Heinze, Georg-AugustUniversity of Göttingen & Philipp Ambach, International Criminal Court

Norm Transfer, Complementarity, Rape and Consent This work develops the feminist strategy of ‘norm transfer’: ie that feminist informed standards at the international level should move into domestic contexts. Taking the definition of rape at the International Criminal Court (ICC) as a case study, it offers a new perspective on the relationship between consent and coercion. As well as arguing that the definition of rape needs revision, the book goes further by setting out draft legislative amendments to the ICC ‘Elements of Crimes’ and its Rules of Procedure and Evidence. Moving onto the domestic landscape, it drafts amendments to the United Kingdom (UK) Sexual Offences Act 2003 and to the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999. January 2020 • 280 pages HB 9781509921898 • £70 / $95 Individual eBook 9781509921904 • £75.60 / $82.58 Library eBook 9781509921911 Series: Studies in International Law • Hart Publishing

Redefining Organised Crime: A Challenge for the European Union? Edited by Stefania Carnevale, University of Ferrara, Serena Forlati, University of Ferrara & Orsetta Giolo, University of Ferrara April 2020 • 408 pages PB 9781509937691 • £40 / $55 Series: Hart Studies in European Criminal Law • Hart Publishing


Prosecutorial Discretion at the International Criminal Court

A Commentary

This commentary brings together the relevant body of law on evidence at international criminal courts and tribunals and provides both a detailed description and analysis thereof. This includes a critical assessment of differing approaches across the institutions as well as jurisprudential trends and developments. It therefore serves as a comprehensive guide to the law on evidence and international criminal procedures for practitioners and scholars alike. March 2020 • 800 pages HB 9781509924134 • £350 / $475 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

Transitional Justice and the Prosecution of Political Leaders in the Arab Region A Comparative Study of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen Noha Aboueldahab, Brookings Doha Center February 2020 • 200 pages PB 9781509936403 • £25 / $35 Series: Studies in International and Comparative Criminal Law • Hart Publishing

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Wolfgang Weiß, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer Does WTO law impact on domestic autonomy and if so, how? This is the central question explored in this important work. It identifies and analyses the mechanisms in WTO law that interfere with domestic law and act as a restraint on the regulatory autonomy of WTO members. But it goes further than simply identifying a problem; it suggests how WTO law can be conceptualised to enhance the policy space of its members. Demonstrating flexibilities in interpreting and applying WTO principles and exploring interpretive conceptions, it charts a pathway to the greater allocation of policy leeway to WTO members. January 2020 • 512 pages HB 9781509937998 • £160 / $220 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

Public Procurement and Labour Rights Towards Coherence in International Instruments of Procurement Regulation Maria Anna Corvaglia, University of Birmingham January 2020 • 296 pages PB 9781509935185 • £30 / $40 Series: Studies in International Trade and Investment Law Hart Publishing

New York Convention Article-by-Article Commentary Edited by Reinmar Wolff, University of Marburg SEE PAGE 13

Patent Games in the Global South

Pharmaceutical Patent Law-Making in Brazil, India and Nigeria

November 2019 • 752 pages HB 9781509923854 • £250 / $340 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

Amaka Vanni, Legal Scholar and Documentary Filmmaker Winner of the 2018 SIEL–Hart Prize in International Economic Law This thought-provoking book takes three examples of emerging markets (Brazil, India, and Nigeria) and tells their stories of pharmaceutical patent law-making. Adopting historiographical and socio-legal approaches, focus is drawn to the role of history and to how social networks shape the framing of, and subsequently the responses to, national implementation of international patent law. This book makes an original and useful contribution to the understanding of how both states and non-state actors conceptualise, establish and interpret pharmaceutical patents law, and its domestic implications on medicines access, public health and development.

Trade Relations after Brexit Edited by Friedemann Kainer, University of Mannheim & René Repasi, European Research Centre for Economic and Financial Governance SEE PAGE 26 September 2019 • 415 pages HB 9781509925513 • £110 / $150 Nomos/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

UK February 2020 • 256 pages HB 9781509927395 • £65 / $90 Individual eBook 9781509927418 • £70.20 / $77.14 Library eBook 9781509927401 Series: Studies in International Trade and Investment Law • Hart Publishing

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IT AND TECHNOLOGY LAW Data Protection and Privacy Data Protection and Democracy

Edited by Dara Hallinan, FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure, Ronald Leenes, Tilburg University, Serge Gutwirth, Vrije Universiteit Brussel & Paul De Hert, Vrije Universiteit Brussel This volume collects a selection of papers presented at the International Conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (2019). The topics explored are more relevant than ever, especially in light of the raft of electoral scandals concerning voter profiling. These include: the substance and essence of the right to data protection; public registers and data protection; modelling and verification in data protection impact assessments; and the protection of children’s digital rights in the GDPR.

Data Protection and Privacy The Age of Intelligent Machines Edited by Ronald Leenes, Tilburg University, Rosamunde van Brakel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Serge Gutwirth, Vrije Universiteit Brussel & Paul De Hert, Vrije Universiteit Brussel April 2020 • 256 pages PB 9781509937486 • £25 / $35 Series: Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Hart Publishing

Discussing open issues as well as daring approaches, this book will serve as an insightful resource at a time when the scale and impact of data processing on society is becoming ever starker. January 2020 • 336 pages HB 9781509932740 • £50 / $68 Individual eBook 9781509932764 • £54 / $59.76 Library eBook 9781509932757 Series: Computers, Privacy and Data Protection • Hart Publishing

Big Data and Law

Edited by Maria Cristina Caldarola, CUBIC & Joachim Schrey, Noerr Today data is viewed as the oil of the 21st century, and a source of signficant business profits. However, only those with a clear understanding of the legal landscape can safely exploit its potential. This book illuminates the law of Big Data. It explores personal and non-personal data (technical data or anonymous data). This distinction is crucial as both might originate from different rightholders and may be subject to different national laws. With helpful integrated guidelines and graphic illustrations, it provides essential practice-oriented support. It is written for lawyers, managing directors, auditors, and data protection officers. April 2020 • 304 pages HB 9781509931934 • £200 / $270 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

EU Digital Law

Edited by Reiner Schulze, University of Münster & Dirk Staudenmayer, University of Münster The Commentary contains an in-depth, article-byarticle analysis of core provisions concerning the supply of digital content: from the pre-contractual information duties and cancellation rights to conformity and portability of digital content. The contributors are legal experts from across the EU. Their comments give not only detailed explanations of the background and purpose of the provisions in order to assist interpretation, but also indicate potential difficulties and solutions in order to ease transposition and implementation of the rules on the supply of digital content. It will be an essential guide for legislators, practitioners and scholars. March 2020 • 1504 pages HB 9781509923595 • £275 / $375 Nomos/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

Intelligence Law and Policies in Europe A Handbook

Space Law

Edited by Stephan Hobe, University of Köln


Edited by Jan-Hendrik Dietrich, Federal University of Administrative Science & Satish Sule, European Commission

Regulating human activity in outer space is increasingly important as the realm is developed by space tourism, military activities and satellite launches. This study describes the legal grounds for such undertakings. It opens with an overview of the history of space flight and space law as well as discussing international space law. It goes on to set out the national and international legal regime for space activities. Finally, it discusses the main legal and legislative tasks of the future. Recognising how novel the subject is, it includes illustrations and chapter summaries to quickly orientate the reader in this fascinating field.

The Snowden documents revealed a surveillance practice of unimagined scope. No longer the preserve of state organisations or political decision-makers; technical innovation allows mass surveillance of individuals' communication. The media and politicians have responded with demands for legal limitations of such practices. This books explores intelligence activities in Europe spanning from chapters on intelligence operations to intelligence cooperation within different policies in Europe, within and outside the EU. Political, social and historical analyses are brought into context with the legal discourse. Suitable for academics and practitioners, this is an important and much needed resource on intelligence law.

June 2019 • 400 pages HB 9781509924097 • £200 / $270 Nomos/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

January 2020 • 800 pages HB 9781509926176 • £195 / $265 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

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LABOUR AND DISCRIMINATION LAW The Right to Strike in International Law

Jeffrey Vogt, Solidarity Center, Janice Bellace, University of Pennsylvania, Lance Compa, Cornell University, K D Ewing, King's College London, John Hendy QC, Old Square Chambers, Klaus Lörcher, Former Legal Adviser to the European Trade Union Confederation & Tonia Novitz, University of Bristol Combining the voices of leading European and US labour law academics and practitioners, this book does not merely refute the claim by the International Organization of Employers that the right to strike is not protected in international law; it is the only complete and exhaustive analysis on this subject. Based on extensive legal research, it finds that the right to strike not only enjoys the protection of international law but indeed has attained the status of customary international law. The book was originally developed as a direct response to the employers' claim made at the 2012 International Labour Conference. March 2020 • 272 pages HB 9781509933556 • £65 / $90 Individual eBook 9781509933570 • £70.20 / $77.14 Library eBook 9781509933563 Hart Publishing

Re-Inventing Labour Law Enforcement A Socio-Legal Analysis

Louise Munkholm, Roskilde University This book investigates labour law enforcement from a socio-legal perspective. It analyses how local Italian enforcement actors promote the protection of workers in Prato – a city that has seen a significant influx of Chinese migrants who run small workshops as part of the local clothing industry. Many of the Chinese firms fail to live up to core labour standards, such as maximum working hours, safety and health at work and payment of social security contributions. Based on interviews, observations and document material, the book analyses the strategies and practices employed by three types of local enforcement actors (inspectors, unionists and consultants) in their efforts to assist Chinese firms in improving their level of labour law compliance.

Restatement of Labour Law in Europe Vol II

Edited by Bernd Waas, University of Frankfurt & Guus Heerma van Voss, Leiden University This second volume in a magisterial examination of the rules governing employment in the EU looks at atypical employment relationships. It offers an opening restatement, with comparative commentary on how fixed-term employment relationships, part-time employment relationships and temporary agency work is regulated by law. The book goes on to systematically explore the national regulatory framework of the individual member states as well as several other European countries. In this area, which is largely shaped by EU law in many countries, the commonalities and differences with regard to the relevant regulatory issues are examined. This important new project provides the definitive survey of labour law in Europe today. January 2020 • 1112 pages HB 9781509912476 • £175 / $236 Individual eBook 9781509912469 • £189 / $206.46 Library eBook 9781509912452 Hart Publishing

The Constitution of Social Democracy Essays in Honour of Keith Ewing Edited by Alan Bogg, University of Bristol, Jacob Rowbottom, University of Oxford & Alison L Young, University of Cambridge SEE PAGE 18 May 2020 • 416 pages HB 9781509916573 • £110 / $150 Hart Publishing

April 2020 • 192 pages HB 9781509926374 • £60 / $80 Individual eBook 9781509926381 • £64.80 / $70.62 Library eBook 9781509926398 Hart Publishing

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Hart Publishing

LAW AND RELIGION Law and Religion in the Liberal State

Edited by Md Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan, Southeast University, Bangladesh & Darryn Jensen, Australian National University This work brings together reflections on the relationship between religion and the law from the perspectives of different sub-traditions within the broader liberal project. Looking at the UK, European, US and international law regulatory environment, it plots how liberal states accommodate religion. Contributors pay particular attention to the question in the face of contemporary challenges faced by secular authority and religious beliefs. May 2020 • 240 pages HB 9781509926336 • £65 / $90 Individual eBook 9781509926343 • £70.20 / $77.14 Library eBook 9781509926350 Hart Publishing

Why Religious Freedom Matters for Democracy

Comparative Reflections from Britain and France for a Democratic 'Vivre Ensemble' Myriam Hunter-Henin, University College London Should an employee be allowed to wear a religious symbol at work?

Freedom of Religion

An Ambiguous Right in the Contemporary European Legal Order Edited by Hedvig Bernitz, Stockholm University & Victoria Enkvist, Uppsala University This book presents a variety of perspectives on, and interpretations of, the concept of freedom of religion in different European countries and against the background of the European Convention of Human Rights, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and other international treaties. The book contains contributions by leading legal scholars working in the field in Sweden, the Nordic countries and wider Europe. February 2020 • 224 pages HB 9781509935864 • £80 / $110 Individual eBook 9781509935871 • £86.40 / $94.53 Library eBook 9781509935888 Series: Swedish Studies in European Law • Hart Publishing

The Rule of Law, Freedom of Expression and Islamic Law Hossein Esmaeili, Flinders University, Irmgard Marboe, University of Vienna & Javaid Rehman, Brunel University April 2020 • 312 pages PB 9781509937462 • £35 / $48 Hart Publishing

Should a religious employer be allowed to impose constraints on employees’ private lives for the sake of enforcing a religious work ethos? Should an employee be allowed, on religious grounds, to refuse to work with customers of the opposite sex or of a same-sex sexual orientation? Through a comparative analysis of French and English solutions, this book explores how judges decide these issues and fills a gap in the literature, by defending a democratic approach, which highlights the vital connections between religious freedom, pluralism and democracy. May 2020 • 160 pages HB 9781509904747 • £50 / $68 Individual eBook 9781509904754 • £54 / $59.76 Library eBook 9781509904761 Series: Hart Studies in Comparative Public Law • Hart Publishing


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Hilary Heilbron QC, practising barrister and international arbitrator, London Re-issued to celebrate the centenary of women first entering the legal profession, this fascinating biography provides a unique and memorable insight into the remarkable life of Rose Heilbron QC (later Dame Rose Heilbron), one of England’s most famous lawyers of the 20th century. She was one of the two first women King's Counsel and the first senior woman Judge in England. Charting her rise to prominence and success against the odds it tells how she championed many women's causes in an era when it was not fashionable to do so. Written by her daughter, it offers an intimate portrait of a towering and trailblazing figure. November 2019 • 416 pages PB 9781509933631 • £12.99 / $17.95 Hart Publishing

Irresolute Clay Shaping the Foundations of Modern Environmental Law Richard Macrory, Brick Court Chambers SEE PAGE 24 April 2020 • 192 pages HB 9781509928118 • £25 / $35 Hart Publishing

A Man of Many Flags Memoirs of a War Crimes Investigator M Cherif Bassiouni SEE PAGE 45 April 2020 • 208 pages HB 9781509934492 • £20 / $27 Hart Publishing


Organisation, Culture and Changing Professionalism Atalanta Goulandris, City, University of London What is it like working as a barrister in the 21st century? This book provides the first empirical overview of the depth, scope and effects of a multi-faceted reform programme that has been imposed on the independent Bar in the last 30 years. Based on interviews with, and observation of, barristers and chambers’ staff, the book identifies key changes that have taken place at the Bar and explores how these are reshaping and reformulating barristers’ professionalism and working culture. It further considers what these changes mean for the prospects of the Bar in England and Wales. May 2020 • 176 pages HB 9781509928767 • £60 / $80 Individual eBook 9781509928774 • £64.80 / $70.62 Library eBook 9781509929085 Hart Publishing

Lawyers in 21st-Century Societies Vol. 1: National Reports Edited by Richard L Abel, UCLA (Emeritus), Ole Hammerslev, University of Southern Denmark, Hilary Sommerlad, University of Leeds & Ulrike Schultz, FernUniversität in Hagen (Retired) SEE PAGE 47 April 2020 • 976 pages HB 9781509915149 • £250 / $340 Hart Publishing

International Perspectives on the Regulation of Lawyers and Legal Services March 2020 • 304 pages PB 9781509936946 • £35 / $48 Hart Publishing

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LEGAL HISTORY English Legal Histories

Law Reform in Early Modern England

Ian Ward, Newcastle University

This book presents an exciting and innovative approach to the study of English law. Written in an accessible style, designed for both a student and a broader audience, it takes the reader beyond the narrower confines of legal doctrines and cases, and invites them to consider the myriad contexts within which English law has been shaped; the politics, the economics, the art, the poetry.

Crown, Parliament and the Press

Barbara J Shapiro, University of California, Berkeley This book provides an illuminating commentary of law reform in the early modern era (1500–1740) and views the moves to improve law and legal institutions in the context of changing political and governmental environments in this period. It considers two law reform movements: the moderate movement which had a lengthy history and whose chief supporters were the governmental and parliamentary elites, and which focused on improving existing law and legal institutions, and the radical reform movement, which was concentrated in the revolutionary decades and which sought to overthrow the common law, the legal profession and the existing system of courts. February 2020 • 280 pages HB 9781509934218 • £65 / $90 Individual eBook 9781509934225 • £70.20 / $77.14 Library eBook 9781509934232 Hart Publishing

Reaching from the Reformation through to the age of Reform, it tells stories, the ‘histories’, of English law. Histories of the constitution and government, of crime and contracts, tort and trespass, property and equity. Of the people who made that law, those who wrote it, and those who suffered it. January 2020 • 648 pages PB 9781509912292 • £75 / $100 Individual eBook 9781509912308 • £81 / $89.10 Library eBook 9781509912315 Hart Publishing

LEGAL PHILOSOPHY Artefacts of Legal Inquiry

Virtue, Emotion and Imagination in Law and Legal Reasoning

The Value of Imagination in Adjudication

Edited by Amalia Amaya, University of Edinburgh and National Autonomous University of Mexico & Maksymilian Del Mar, Queen Mary University of London

Maksymilian Del Mar, Queen Mary University of London What is the value of fictions, metaphors, figures and scenarios in adjudication? Drawing on the philosophy of imagination, the theory and history of rhetoric, and the cognitive humanities, this book offers an interdisciplinary defence of the importance of artefactual language and imagination in adjudication. It sets out the three models of inquiry, artefacts and imagination, before going on to examine four case studies:

What is the role and value of virtue, emotion and imagination in law and legal reasoning? This collection of papers from both legal scholars and philosophers takes a holistic approach to this neglected question, examining relations between virtue, emotion and imagination. Examples of contexts examined include:

- fictions

- adjudication

- metaphors

- criminal law sentencing

- figures, and

- the Black Lives Matter movement, and

- scenarios.

- professional ethics.

The book argues that artefacts and related processes of imagination are valuable insofar as they enable inquiry in adjudication, ie the social process of making insight into what values, vulnerabilities and interests might be at stake in a case and in cases like it in the future.

Examples of issues explored include:

March 2020 • 496 pages HB 9781849468138 • £70 / $95 Individual eBook 9781509936199 • £75.60 / $82.58 Library eBook 9781509936182 Hart Publishing

- benefits and limits of empathy in legal reasoning - the role of attention and perception in judicial reasoning - identification of judicial virtues and judicial vices - values and dangers of certain imaginative devices, and - interactive and social dimensions of virtue, emotion and imagination. February 2020 • 288 pages HB 9781509925131 • £70 / $95 Individual eBook 9781509925148 • £75.60 / $82.58 Library eBook 9781509925155 Hart Publishing


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LEGAL PHILOSOPHY The Humanity of Private Law Part II: Evaluation Nicholas J McBride, University of Cambridge SEE PAGE 21 UK May 2020 • US May 2020 • 224 pages HB 9781509911998 • £70 / $95 Individual eBook 9781509912001 • £75.60 / $82.58 Library eBook 9781509912018 Hart Publishing

The Nature and Value of Vagueness in the Law

Hrafn Asgeirsson, University of Surrey Lawmaking is - paradigmatically - a type of speech act: people make law by saying things. It is natural to think, therefore, that the content of the law is determined by what lawmakers communicate. However, it is sometimes vague what content they communicate, and even when it is clear, the content itself is sometimes vague.

Democracy and Ontology Agonism between Political Liberalism, Foucault and Psychoanalysis Irena Rosenthal, University of Amsterdam May 2020 • 228 pages PB 9781509938285 • £30 / $40 Series: European Academy of Legal Theory Series Hart Publishing

Time, Law, and Change An Interdisciplinary Study

Edited by Sofia Ranchordás, University of Groningen & Yaniv Roznai, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya This edited collection brings together worldleading experts to consider how time and social, political, and technological change affect the legislative process, the interpretation of laws, the powers of the executive and the ability of legal orders to promote innovation.

This book examines the nature and consequences of these two linguistic sources of indeterminacy and answers three related questions:

The book addresses three main themes:

1. In virtue of what is the law vague?

- the phenomenon of inter-temporality in the constitutional process as well as a theoretical and empirical reflection upon the principles of legal certainty and legitimate expectations, and

2. What might be good about vague law? 3. How should courts resolve cases of vagueness? April 2020 • 216 pages HB 9781849466066 • £65 / $90 Individual eBook 9781509904457 • £70.20 / $77.14 Library eBook 9781509904440 Series: Law and Practical Reason • Hart Publishing

- the influence of time and change on law-making, legal interpretation, legislative quality, and constitutional resilience

- the complex relationship between technological change and lawmaking. April 2020 • 408 pages HB 9781509930937 • £75 / $100 Individual eBook 9781509930944 • £81 / $89.10 Library eBook 9781509930951 Hart Publishing

Ordoliberalism, Law and the Rule of Economics

The Idea of a Pure Theory of Law

Edited by Josef Hien, University of Milan & Christian Joerges, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin

Christoph Kletzer, King's College London

April 2020 • 344 pages PB 9781509937509 • £40 / $55 Hart Publishing

An Interpretation and Defence

May 2020 • 156 pages PB 9781509938292 • £25 / $35 Hart Publishing

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Edited by Melis Özdel, University College London This book unravels the complexities of bridging the gap between common law and civil law in commercial maritime law and discusses whether the title 'Commercial Maritime Law' will remain a misnomer despite the countless attempts at harmonisation. In the book, internationally renowned legal scholars and practitioners discuss the areas in which the common law and civil law are divided; the impact of these differences on the drafting and ratification of international conventions; the search for a common framework; and the procedural aspects of the common law and civil law divide in commercial maritime law. April 2020 • 208 pages HB 9781849466752 • £70 / $95 Individual eBook 9781509901050 • £75.60 / $82.58 Library eBook 9781509901043 Hart Publishing

MEDIA LAW Information Rights

Positive Free Speech

Philip Coppel QC, Cornerstone Barristers, London

Edited by Andrew T Kenyon, University of Melbourne & Andrew Scott, London School of Economics and Political Science

A Practitioner's Guide to Data Protection, Freedom of Information and other Information Rights Data protection, freedom of information (FOI), environmental and other information rights are all comprehensively and authoritatively covered in the latest, two-volume edition of this highly acclaimed work. The leading practitioner text in the field, it has been approvingly cited in the courts and tribunals, from the Supreme Court to the First-tier Tribunal. The enlarged reach of the work reflects the evolution of information rights. The 1,200-page commentary draws succinct principles from over 2,000 cited cases, including all UK courts and tribunals and the CJEU. Extensive statutory and other material is included in the second volume. An essential tool for the judiciary, for those involved in data protection, privacy, or FOI and environmental law, and for all in or dealing with government. March 2020 • 2308 pages HB Pack 9781509922246 • £200 / $270 Individual eBook 9781509922475 • £199.99 / $217.32 Library eBook 9781509922482 Hart Publishing

Rationales, Methods and Implications

Underpinning rationales for freedom of speech imply that the concept also has important positive aspects, and that to be truly ‘democratic’ the contemporary polity requires more than negative freedom. This book considers matters including media diversity or pluralism, the concept of voice and access to the public sphere, access to information, and the need to rethink the audience in relation to public speech. This edited collection: - interrogates the rationales of positive free speech - considers the legislative and juridical methods by which it is more fully reflected in contemporary states, and - analyses the range of practical contexts in which its valorisation has significant implications. May 2020 • 208 pages HB 9781509908295 • £65 / $90 Individual eBook 9781509908301 • £70.20 / $77.14 Library eBook 9781509908318 Hart Publishing

A Free and Regulated Press

Defending Coercive Independent Press Regulation Paul Wragg, University of Leeds This thought-provoking monograph provides a systematic reconceptualisation of press freedom and press regulation. In a major departure from orthodox norms, the book argues that press freedom and coercive independent press regulation are not mutually exclusive; that newspapers could be made to compensate their victims, through regulation, without jeopardising their free speech rights; that their perceived public watchdog status does not exempt them; and, ultimately, that mandatory press regulation is not unconstitutional. In doing so, the book questions our most deeplyheld, intuitive beliefs about the press and its role in society. June 2020 • 288 pages HB 9781509927234 • £70 / $95 Individual eBook 9781509927258 • £75.60 / $82.58 Library eBook 9781509927241 Hart Publishing


The Illusion of the Free Press John Charney, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile May 2020 • 216 pages PB 9781509938247 • £25 / $35 Hart Publishing

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PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW Rethinking Judicial Jurisdiction in Private International Law Party Autonomy, Categorical Equality and Sovereignty

Economic Sanctions in EU Private International Law

Tamás Szabados, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University

Focusing on the existing rules of jurisdiction in the European Union and the Russian Federation the book offers a fresh analysis on the values justifying the power of courts to hear and decide cross-border disputes. The author demonstrates the need for a re-conceptualisation of jurisdiction with the focus on the interests of private actors, and proposes ways to improve the current rules.

Economic sanctions are instruments of foreign policy but they also have the power to affect legal relations between private parties. In such cases, the court or arbitration tribunal seized must decide whether to give effect to the economic sanction in question. A coherent EU foreign policy position would assume a uniform approach by the EU concerning the application of economic sanctions but, as this book illustrates, this is simply not the case. Exploring the application of economic sanctions by Member States’ courts and arbitral tribunals, a surprising degree of divergence can be seen. This book argues that this can be explained by the divergence of Member States’ private international law approaches.

February 2020 • 272 pages HB 9781509924776 • £75 / $100 Individual eBook 9781509924783 • £81 / $89.10 Library eBook 9781509924790 Series: Studies in Private International Law • Hart Publishing

January 2020 • 280 pages HB 9781509933518 • £80 / $110 Individual eBook 9781509933525 • £86.40 / $94.53 Library eBook 9781509933532 Series: Studies in Private International Law • Hart Publishing

Milana Karayanidi, Trinity College Dublin This book explores the theory and practice of judicial jurisdiction within the field of private international law.

Place of Performance A Comparative Analysis

Chukwuma Okoli, TMC Asser Institute and PC Mbadiwe & Co This book provides an unprecedented analysis on the place of performance. The book challenges the approach of the European legislator for not explicitly giving special significance to the place of performance in determining the applicable law in the absence of choice for commercial contracts. It also contains an analogy to matters of foreign country mandatory rules, and the coherence between jurisdiction and choice of law. It concludes by proposing a revised Article 4 of Rome I Regulation, which could be used as an international solution for those who wish to reform their choice of law rules. May 2020 • 288 pages HB 9781509936205 • £80 / $110 Individual eBook 9781509936212 • £86.40 / $94.53 Library eBook 9781509936229 Series: Studies in Private International Law • Hart Publishing

Clawback Law in the Context of Succession Jayne Holliday, University of Aberdeen

This book offers a global solution for determining the law applicable to a claim to clawback an inter vivos gift from a third party within the context of a succession. The book aims to identify an appropriate and applicable legal framework which supports legal certainty for cross-border estate planning and protects the legitimate expectations of the relevant parties. This is an area of private international law that has yet to be handled satisfactorily as can be seen by the inadequate treatment of clawback from third parties in the 1989 Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Succession to the Estates of Deceased Persons, and the 2012 EU Succession Regulation.

Private International Law in Nigeria

Chukwuma Okoli, TMC Asser Institute and PC Mbadiwe & Co & Richard Oppong, Thompson Rivers University This instructive and practical book examines the rules, principles, and doctrines in Nigerian law for resolving cases involving cross-border issues. It is the first book-length treatise devoted to the full spectrum of private international law issues in Nigeria. Drawing on over 500 Nigerian cases, relevant statutes, and academic commentaries, this book examines jurisdiction in interstate and international disputes, choice of law, the enforcement of foreign judgments and international arbitral awards, domestic remedies affecting foreign proceedings, and international judicial assistance in the service of legal processes and taking of evidence. May 2020 • 480 pages HB 9781509911134 • £100 / $135 Individual eBook 9781509911141 • £108 / $118.44 Library eBook 9781509911165 Series: Studies in Private International Law • Hart Publishing

Cross-Border Litigation in Europe Edited by Paul Beaumont, University of Aberdeen, Mihail Danov, University of Exeter, Katarina Trimmings, University of Aberdeen & Burcu Yüksel, University of Aberdeen March 2020 • 864 pages PB 9781509936922 • £45 / $61 Series: Studies in Private International Law • Hart Publishing

April 2020 • 240 pages HB 9781509932320 • £70 / $95 Individual eBook 9781509932337 • £75.60 / $82.58 Library eBook 9781509932344 Series: Studies in Private International Law • Hart Publishing

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The Nature and Enforcement of Choice of Court Agreements A Comparative Study Mukarrum Ahmed, Lancaster University February 2020 • 336 pages PB 9781509936410 • £40 / $55 Series: Studies in Private International Law • Hart Publishing

Brussels IIa - Rome III

An Article-by-Article Commentary Edited by Christoph Althammer, University of Regensburg In this globalised world, European and international family law is increasingly important. This commentary is the authority on the cornerstones of European divorce law: the Rome III Regulation on enhanced cooperation in the field of separation and divorce and the Brussels IIa Regulation on the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and custody matters (European Marriage Regulation). Both are directly applicable, making up the central tenet of divorce law in Europe. They are of paramount importance in binational family law cases. The commentary is supplemented by other material, for example the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children.

The Private International Law of Companies in Europe

Edited by Carsten Gerner-Beuerle, University College London, Federico M Mucciarelli, University of Modena, Edmund-Philipp Schuster, London School of Economics and Political Science & Mathias Siems, Durham University Can firms freely choose their place of corporation and by extension the applicable law? Can they subsequently reincorporate in another country, effectively changing that country’s law? In the European Union, the answer to these questions must be considered through the prism of freedom of establishment and the corresponding case law of the Court of Justice. Beyond some general principles, however, there is considerable diversity between the laws of Member States. This book provides an analysis of the relevant law of all Member States, making it an essential tool when considering how to establish a corporate entity in the European Union. September 2019 • 800 pages HB 9781509923878 • £250 / $340 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

March 2019 • 464 pages HB 9781509930883 • £195 / $265 Beck/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

PROPERTY LAW An Expressive Theory of Possession

Michael J R Crawford, University of New South Wales This book challenges the conventional wisdom that possession is an ambiguous and amorphous concept. It sets out that the key to understanding the nature and function of possession in the law is to appreciate that the possession 'rule' is, first and foremost, a spontaneously emergent phenomenon. Possession describes those acts that, as a matter of an extra-legal convention, constitute the accepted way in which we stake our claim to resources from cinema seats to cattle stations. Fusing traditional legal analysis with insights from philosophy and economics, this book provides a coherent explanation of possession and its role in law and life. June 2020 • 208 pages HB 9781509929924 • £65 / $90 Individual eBook 9781509929931 • £70.20 / $77.14 Library eBook 9781509929948 Hart Publishing


The Law of Estoppel Michael Barnes QC, Wilberforce Chambers SEE PAGE 22 February 2020 • 984 pages HB 9781509909384 • £225 / $305 Hart Publishing

The Ownership of Goods and Chattels Stephen Hackett, 3 Hare Court SEE PAGE 25 January 2020 • 184 pages HB 9781782258568 • £40 / $55 Hart Publishing

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Memoirs of a War Crimes Investigator M Cherif Bassiouni This fascinating memoir of a towering figure in international law gives an immediate and personal eye-witness account into the operation of international events from the tumultuous post war period to the opening years of the new millenium. M Cherif Bassiouni was personally connected to some of the most historically relevant moments of the past century: the Suez War; the Camp David Accords; the fall of Muammar el-Qaddafi in Libya and the establishment of the International Criminal Court. A true global citizen – raised in Egypt, educated in Europe and later émigré to the United States – his life cut across cultures and religions. April 2020 • 208 pages HB 9781509934492 • £20 / $27 Individual eBook 9781509934508 • £21.60 / $23.90 Library eBook 9781509934515 Hart Publishing

Intertemporal Linguistics in International Law Beyond Contemporaneous and Evolutionary Treaty Interpretation

Julian Wyatt, Australian National University This book examines, and offers a much-needed solution to, a specific problem central to the everincreasing number of international legal disputes: how to interpret a treaty with terms that change in meaning over time. Using an analytical approach inspired by the comparative method and drawing on specific concepts from external fields including private law, legal theory and linguistics, it restructures the most relevant international case law around a new conceptual framework that offers fresh insight into the process of treaty interpretation. It gives international lawyers a predictable and appropriate method for solving this complex problem of international law. December 2019 • 336 pages HB 9781509929498 • £80 / $110 Individual eBook 9781509929504 • £86.40 / $94.53 Library eBook 9781509929511 Series: Studies in International Law • Hart Publishing

The Responsibility to Protect and the Failures of the United Nations Security Council P M Butchard, Edge Hill University

What can be done if the United Nations Security Council fails to protect people from mass atrocities? This book takes a fresh look at the responsibility to protect and offers new and compelling insights into the powers and limits of the UN Security Council. In a persuasive and detailed examination of the legal framework, the author identifies options for coercive measures to be taken beyond the Council that could be used to break the deadlock, including through the General Assembly and regional organisations. April 2020 • 304 pages HB 9781509930807 • £80 / $110 Individual eBook 9781509930814 • £86.40 / $94.53 Library eBook 9781509930821 Series: Studies in International Law • Hart Publishing

The Role of Multilateral Environmental Agreements A Reconciliatory Approach to Environmental Protection in Armed Conflict Britta Sjostedt, Lund University SEE PAGE 24 May 2020 • 304 pages HB 9781509922536 • £80 / $110 Series: Studies in International Law • Hart Publishing

The Readmission of Asylum Seekers under International Law Mariagiulia Giuffré, Edge Hill University SEE PAGE 32 February 2020 • 408 pages HB 9781509902491 • £80 / $110 Series: Studies in International Law • Hart Publishing

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PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW The Human Right to a Dignified Existence in an International Context

The Right to Strike in International Law Jeffrey Vogt, Solidarity Center, Janice Bellace, University of Pennsylvania, Lance Compa, Cornell University, K D Ewing, King's College London, John Hendy QC, Old Square Chambers, Klaus Lörcher, Former Legal Adviser to the European Trade Union Confederation & Tonia Novitz, University of Bristol

Legal and Philosophical Perspectives Edited by Logi Gunnarsson, University of Potsdam, Ulrike Mürbe, University of Potsdam & Norman Weiß, University of Potsdam SEE PAGE 32 July 2019 • 160 pages HB 9781509934072 • £40 / $55 Nomos/Hart World English (excluding Austria/Czech Republic/Germany/Japan/Poland/Switzerland)

Protecting Human Rights and Building Peace in Post-Violence Societies Nasia Hadjigeorgiou, University of Central Lancashire

This book critically examines the relationship between protecting human rights and building peace in post-violence societies. It explores the conditions that must be present, and strategies that should be adopted, for the former to contribute to the latter. Through an interdisciplinary and comparative analysis of four case studies: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cyprus, Northern Ireland and South Africa, the book identifies the conditions that can support the effective use of human rights as peacebuilding tools. Developing these, the book recommends a series of strategies that peacebuilders should adopt and rely on. February 2020 • 272 pages HB 9781509923427 • £70 / $95 Individual eBook 9781509923434 • £75.60 / $82.58 Library eBook 9781509923441 Series: Human Rights Law in Perspective • Hart Publishing

SEE PAGE 37 March 2020 • 272 pages HB 9781509933556 • £65 / $90 Hart Publishing

The Irish Yearbook of International Law, Volume 13, 2018

Edited by Siobhán Mullally, National University of Ireland, Galway & Fiona de Londras, University of Birmingham This new volume of the Yearbook includes a symposium on law and peacekeeping, and an article on the rights of migrants and refugees under the ECHR from Judge Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque. On an annual basis, the Yearbook presents peer-reviewed academic articles and book reviews on general issues of international law. Designated correspondents provide reports on international law developments in Ireland, Irish practice in international bodies, and the law of the European Union as relevant to developments in Ireland. In addition, the Yearbook reproduces key documents that reflect Irish practice on contemporary issues of international law. April 2020 • 344 pages HB 9781509936717 • £180 / $245 Individual eBook 9781509936724 • £194.40 / $211.89 Library eBook 9781509936731 Series: Irish Yearbook of International Law • Hart Publishing

Landmark Cases in Public International Law Edited by Eirik Bjorge, University of Bristol & Cameron Miles, 3 Verulam Buildings April 2020 • 640 pages PB 9781509937707 • £35 / $48 Series: Landmark Cases • Hart Publishing


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SOCIO-LEGAL STUDIES Lawyers in 21st-Century Societies Vol. 1: National Reports

Edited by Richard L Abel, UCLA (Emeritus), Ole Hammerslev, University of Southern Denmark, Hilary Sommerlad, University of Leeds & Ulrike Schultz, FernUniversität in Hagen (Retired) The world’s legal professions have undergone dramatic changes since publication of the landmark Lawyers in Society in 1988. This is the first of two volumes in which scholars from a range of disciplines, countries and cultures document and analyse those changes. National reports from 46 countries address the impact of globalisation and neoliberalism on:

Spaces of Care

Edited by Loraine Gelsthorpe, University of Cambridge, Perveez Mody, University of Cambridge & Brian Sloan, University of Cambridge Coordinated by the Cambridge Socio-Legal Group this edited collection interrogates the ways in which the interdisciplinary study of care challenges and provokes a reassessment of the points of connection and disjuncture between care and governance, ethics, and public, personal and professional identities. Leading lawyers, anthropologists, sociologists and criminologists reflect on specific aspects of conceptualising caring relations in ‘spaces’ including: - communities of care and abandonment

- legal professions

- self-care and kinship care

- changes in lawyer demography

- spaces as ‘gaps’ in care

- legal education

- the meanings of marketised care, and

- production structures

- the ways in which care is constructed and constrained in different ways in venues such as homes, prisons, workplaces and virtual spaces.

- distribution of lawyers across roles, and - access to justice. The reports demonstrate the dramatic transformations of professional rationales, labour markets, working practices and the multiple contingencies of the roles of lawyers in societies experiencing increasing juridification within a new geopolitical order.

April 2020 • 280 pages HB 9781509929634 • £65 / $90 Individual eBook 9781509929641 • £70.20 / $77.14 Library eBook 9781509929658 Hart Publishing

April 2020 • 976 pages HB 9781509915149 • £250 / $340 Individual eBook 9781509915156 • £270 / $294.48 Library eBook 9781509915163 Hart Publishing

From the Colonial to the Contemporary

Images, Iconography, Memories, and Performances of Law in India's High Courts Rahela Khorakiwala, Independent Researcher The historical tension between Indian and British notions of justice is at the centre of this ethnographic study of the first three colonial high courts of India, at Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras.

Time, Law, and Change An Interdisciplinary Study Edited by Sofia Ranchordás, University of Groningen & Yaniv Roznai, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya SEE PAGE 41 April 2020 • 408 pages HB 9781509930937 • £75 / $100 Hart Publishing

Based on interviews with judges, lawyers and staff at the courts, this book considers: - the impact of the architecture of the courts - debates over the use of English versus regional languages

Re-Inventing Labour Law Enforcement

- forms of addressing the court

A Socio-Legal Analysis

- the contestation around the renaming of the high courts

- the dress worn by different court actors - rules on photography, video recording, live telecasting, and - ceremony and ritual that exists in daily proceedings. January 2020 • 296 pages HB 9781509930654 • £70 / $95 Individual eBook 9781509930661 • £75.60 / $82.58 Library eBook 9781509930678 Series: series • Hart Publishing

Louise Munkholm, Roskilde University SEE PAGE 37 April 2020 • 192 pages HB 9781509926374 • £60 / $80 Hart Publishing

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TAX LAW Tax Authority Advice and the Public Stephen Daly, King's College London

There is now almost universal acceptance that tax law is overly complex and indeterminate; and yet, there has to date been no comprehensive assessment of the role of the tax authority in the current arrangement. This timely and ambitious work explains the deficiencies in the current system, highlighting the pitfalls for taxpayers and practitioners as well as the potential remedies, and assessing potential reforms. Providing many potential arguments which could be raised before courts, and explaining the merits of alternative avenues for redress, this book is essential reading for practitioners and academics engaged in the area. April 2020 • 240 pages HB 9781509930531 • £80 / $110 Individual eBook 9781509930555 • £86.40 / $94.53 Library eBook 9781509930548 Hart Publishing


Beneficial Ownership in Tax Law and Tax Treaties Pablo A Hernández González-Barreda, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

This book explores the concept of beneficial ownership in equity law and in the domestic tax laws of the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States, as well as its varied and increasing uses in international tax law. The book draws a roadmap for dealing with beneficial ownership in tax law and international tax law, highlighting those common misconceptions that can be avoided by understanding the origins of the concept and its engagement with equity, as well as the differences with tax law. Offering both academic commentary and a practitioner focus, the book will be of the utmost interest to practitioners and scholars from common and civil law countries dealing with tax and estate law. April 2020 • 352 pages HB 9781509923076 • £90 / $120 Individual eBook 9781509923083 • £97.20 / $106.48 Library eBook 9781509923090 Hart Publishing

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A Debt Restructuring Mechanism for Sovereigns, Paulus Hbk 9781849467407 2014 £130 $175

Regulating Financial Services and Markets in the 21st Century, Ferran, Goodhart Hbk 9781841132792 2001 £110 $150

A Comparative Examination of Multi-Party Actions, Blennerhassett Hbk 9781509905294 2016 £65 $90

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Secured Credit in Europe, Juutilainen Hbk 9781509910069 2018 £90 $120

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Fighting Cross-Border Cartels Horna �������������������������� 17

Crawford Expressive Theory of Possession, An ������������ 44

Free and Regulated Press, A Wragg ��������������������������� 42 Freedom of Religion Bernitz, Enkvist ��������������������������� 38

Cremona, Thies, Wessel European Union and International Dispute Settlement, The ����������������������� 29 Critical Restorative Justice Aertsen, Pali ��������������������� 23 Cross-Border Litigation in Europe Beaumont, Danov, Trimmings, Yüksel ������������������������������������������������������� 43 Cross-border Transfer and Collateralisation of Receivables Woo-jung Jon ���������������������������������������� 15 Crouch Constitution of Myanmar, The �������������������������� 18 Daly Tax Authority Advice and the Public ��������������������� 48 Data Protection and Privacy Hallinan, Leenes, Gutwirth, De Hert ������������������������������������������������������� 36 Data Protection and Privacy Leenes, van Brakel, Gutwirth, De Hert ������������������������������������������������������� 36 Davey Failure of Proportion, A �������������������������������������� 30 Dawar Legality of Bailouts and Buy Nationals, The ������ 17

From the Colonial to the Contemporary Khorakiwala 47 Frontiers of Public Law, The Varuhas, Wilson Stark ����� 18 Fundamental Rights and Mutual Trust in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice Xanthopoulou ���� 26 Fundamental Rights of Companies, The Oliver, Chambers ������������������������������������������������������������������� 25 Future of Commercial Law, The Akseli, Linarelli ���������� 16 Future of Contract Law in Latin America, The Momberg, Vogenauer ������������������������������������������������ 22 Garben, Govaere Division of Competences between the EU and the Member States, The �������������������������� 26 Gelsthorpe, Mody, Sloan Spaces of Care �������������������� 47 Gerner-Beuerle, Mucciarelli, Schuster, Siems Private International Law of Companies in Europe, The �������� 44

Debates in Charity Law Picton, Sigafoos ��������������������� 15

Giuffré Readmission of Asylum Seekers under International Law, The ������������������������������������������������ 32

de Cock Buning, Senden Private Regulation and Enforcement in the EU ����������������������������������������������� 27

Goulandris Enterprising Barrister, The �������������������������� 39

Del Mar Artefacts of Legal Inquiry �������������������������������� 40

Governance by Numbers Supiot ��������������������������������� 19 Guernsey Trust Law Pursall, Ozannes, Guthrie ������������ 25

Democracy and Ontology Rosenthal ��������������������������� 41 Derlén, Lindholm Court of Justice of the European Union, The ������������������������������������������������������������������ 29 Dietrich, Sule Intelligence Law and Policies in Europe 36 Dispute Resolution in Transnational Securities Transactions Andreotti ����������������������������������������������� 13 Division of Competences between the EU and the Member States, The Garben, Govaere ��������������������� 26 Domurath Consumer Vulnerability and Welfare in Mortgage Contracts ��������������������������������������������������� 21

Butchard Responsibility to Protect and the Failures of the United Nations Security Council, The ������������������ 45

Dowds Feminist Engagement with International Criminal Law ��������������������������������������������������������������� 34

Caldarola, Schrey Big Data and Law ���������������������������� 36

Economic Sanctions in EU Private International Law Szabados �������������������������������������������������������������������� 43 Education, Law and Diversity Harris ��������������������������� 24

Cartwright, Whittaker Code Napoléon Rewritten, The ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22

Elliott, Hughes Common Law Constitutional Rights ���� 19

Casebook on Contract Law, 7th Edition, A Burrows �� 21

Enterprising Barrister, The Goulandris ������������������������ 39

Catterwell Unified Approach to Contract Interpretation, A ��������������������������������������������������������� 22

EU Anti-Discrimination Law Beyond Gender Belavusau, Henrard ���������������������������������������������������� 28

Corvaglia Public Procurement and Labour Rights �������� 35

Business and Human Rights Palombo ������������������������� 31

Carnevale, Forlati, Giolo Redefining Organised Crime: A Challenge for the European Union? ������������ 34


Charney Illusion of the Free Press, The ������������������������� 42

English Legal Histories Ward ��������������������������������������� 40 Environmental Crime in Europe Farmer, Faure, Vagliasindi ������������������������������������������������������������������ 24

Gullifer, Payne Corporate Finance Law ������������������������ 16 Gunnarsson, Mürbe, Weiß Human Right to a Dignified Existence in an International Context, The � 32 Hackett Ownership of Goods and Chattels, The ���������� 25 Hadjigeorgiou Protecting Human Rights and Building Peace in Post-Violence Societies �������������������������������� 46 Hallinan, Leenes, Gutwirth, De Hert Data Protection and Privacy ����������������������������������������������������������������� 36 Harris Education, Law and Diversity ����������������������������� 24 Heilbron ROSE QC ������������������������������������������������������� 39 Hernández González-Barreda Beneficial Ownership in Tax Law and Tax Treaties ���������������������������������������� 48 Hien, Joerges Ordoliberalism, Law and the Rule of Economics ������������������������������������������������������������������ 41 Hobe Space Law ����������������������������������������������������������� 36 Holliday Clawback Law in the Context of Succession ��� 43 Horna Fighting Cross-Border Cartels ���������������������������� 17 Humanity of Private Law, The McBride ����������������������� 21 Human Rights Imperialists Mallory ������������������������������ 31

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Hart Publishing • Index Human Right to a Dignified Existence in an International Context, The Gunnarsson, Mürbe, Weiß ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32 Hunter-Henin Why Religious Freedom Matters for Democracy ����������������������������������������������������������������� 38 Idea of a Pure Theory of Law, The Kletzer ������������������ 41 Illusion of the Free Press, The Charney ���������������������� 42 Impact of European Institutions on the Rule of Law and Democracy, The Avbelj, Cernic �������������������������� 28 Information Rights Coppel ������������������������������������������ 42 Institutional Arbitration Schütze ���������������������������������� 13 Intelligence Law and Policies in Europe Dietrich, Sule ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36 International and Comparative Secured Transactions Law Bazinas, Akseli ������������������������������� 16

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International Perspectives on the Regulation of Lawyers and Legal Services �������������������������������������� 39

Palombo Business and Human Rights �������������������������� 31

Intertemporal Linguistics in International Law Wyatt 45

Picton, Sigafoos Debates in Charity Law ��������������������� 15

Irish Yearbook of International Law, Volume 13, 2018, The Mullally, de Londras ���������������������������������� 46 Irresolute Clay Macrory ������������������������������������������������ 24 Italian Parliament in the European Union, The Lupo, Piccirilli ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 29 Judicial Review of Immigration Detention in the UK, US and EU Stefanelli ������������������������������������������� 32 Junker US Law for Civil Lawyers ����������������������������������� 31 Juridification of Individual Sanctions and the Politics of EU Law, The Nanopoulos ������������������������� 27 Kainer, Repasi Trade Relations after Brexit ������������������� 26 Karayanidi Rethinking Judicial Jurisdiction in Private International Law �������������������������������������������������������� 43 Kenyon, Scott Positive Free Speech ���������������������������� 42 Khorakiwala From the Colonial to the Contemporary � 47

Patent Games in the Global South Vanni ������������������� 35 Place of Performance Okoli ����������������������������������������� 43 Popelier, Xanthaki, Robinson, Silviera, Uhlmann Lawmaking in Multi-level Settings ������������������������������ 20 Positive Free Speech Kenyon, Scott ���������������������������� 42 Private International Law in Nigeria Okoli, Oppong �� 43 Private International Law of Companies in Europe, The Gerner-Beuerle, Mucciarelli, Schuster, Siems ������ 44 Private Regulation and Enforcement in the EU de Cock Buning, Senden ������������������������������������������������� 27 Prosecutorial Discretion at the International Criminal Court Pues �������������������������������������������������� 34 Protecting Human Rights and Building Peace in Post-Violence Societies Hadjigeorgiou �������������������� 46 Public Procurement and Labour Rights Corvaglia ������ 35

Kletzer Idea of a Pure Theory of Law, The ������������������� 41

Pues Prosecutorial Discretion at the International Criminal Court ������������������������������������������������������������ 34

Konstadinides Rule of Law in the European Union, The ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27

Pursall, Ozannes, Guthrie Guernsey Trust Law ������������ 25

Krebs Accessorial Liability after Jogee ������������������������� 23

Questioning EU Citizenship Thym ������������������������������� 27 Ranchordás, Roznai Time, Law, and Change ��������������� 41

Landmark Cases in Intellectual Property Law Bellido 33 Landmark Cases in Public International Law Bjorge, Miles ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46 Law and Religion in the Liberal State Bhuiyan, Jensen ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 38 Lawmaking in Multi-level Settings Popelier, Xanthaki, Robinson, Silveira, Uhlmann ����������������������� 20 Law of Estoppel, The Barnes ��������������������������������������� 22 Law Reform in Early Modern England Shapiro ���������� 40 Lawyers in 21st-Century Societies Abel, Sommerlad, Schultz ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 47 Leenes, van Brakel, Gutwirth, De Hert Data Protection and Privacy ������������������������������������������������ 36 Legality of Bailouts and Buy Nationals Dawar ����������� 17 Liew<b> Rationalising Constructive Trusts �������������������� 25 Lupo, Piccirilli Italian Parliament in the European Union, The ������������������������������������������������������������������ 29 Luszcz European Court Procedure �������������������������������� 26 Macrory Irresolute Clay ������������������������������������������������� 24 Mallory Human Rights Imperialists ������������������������������� 31 Man of Many Flags, A Bassiouni ���������������������������������� 45 Masiyakurima Copyright Protection of Unpublished Works in the Common Law World ����������������������������� 33 McBride Humanity of Private Law, The ������������������������� 21 McDonald, Powell, Stephens, Hunter Feminist Judgments of Aotearoa New Zealand ����������������������� 30 Mendes, Venzke Allocating Authority �������������������������� 28 Mérieau Constitutional Bricolage ��������������������������������� 20 Momberg, Vogenauer Future of Contract Law in Latin America, The ����������������������������������������������������� 22 Mullally, de Londras Irish Yearbook of International Law, Volume 13, 2018, The ���������������������������������������� 46 Munkholm Re-Inventing Labour Law Enforcement ������� 37 Nanopoulos Juridification of Individual Sanctions and the Politics of EU Law, The ����������������������������������������� 27 Nationalist Socialist Criminal Law Ambos ������������������� 23 Nature and Enforcement of Choice of Court Agreements, The Ahmed ������������������������������������������ 44

Randall, Koshan, Nyaundi Right to Say No, The ��������� 23 Rationalising Constructive Trusts Liew ������������������������ 25 Readmission of Asylum Seekers under International Law, The Giuffré ��������������������������������������������������������� 32 Reconceptualising Strict Liability for the Tort of Another Beuermann �������������������������������������������������� 22 Redefining Organised Crime: A Challenge for the European Union? Carnevale, Forlati, Giolo �������������� 34 Regulating Risks in the European Union Weimer, de Ruijter ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28

Rule of Law in the European Union, The Konstadinides ������������������������������������������������������������� 27 Russell Use of Force and Article 2 of the ECHR in Light of European Conflicts, The �������������������������������� 26 Saudi Business Law in Practice Vogel ������������������������� 16 Schulze, Staudenmayer EU Digital Law ����������������������� 36 Schütze Institutional Arbitration ������������������������������������ 13 Sentencing Rape Brown ����������������������������������������������� 23 Shapiro Law Reform in Early Modern England ������������� 40 Shifting Meaning of Legal Certainty in Comparative and Transnational Law, The Fenwick, Siems, Wrbka 17 Sixty Years of European Integration and Global Power Shifts Chaisse ������������������������������������������������� 27 Sjostedt Role of Multilateral Environmental Agreements, The �������������������������������������������������������� 24 Space Law Hobe ����������������������������������������������������������� 36 Spaces of Care Gelsthorpe, Mody, Sloan ��������������������� 47 Stalford, Hollingsworth, Gilmore Rewriting Children’s Rights Judgments �������������������������������������� 30 Stefanelli Judicial Review of Immigration Detention in the UK, US and EU ����������������������������������������������������� 32 Supiot Governance by Numbers ���������������������������������� 19 Szabados Economic Sanctions in EU Private International Law �������������������������������������������������������� 43 Tax Authority Advice and the Public Daly ������������������ 48 Thym Questioning EU Citizenship �������������������������������� 27 Time, Law, and Change Ranchordás, Roznai ��������������� 41 Trade Relations after Brexit Kainer, Repasi ����������������� 26 Transitional Justice and the Prosecution of Political Leaders in the Arab Region Aboueldahab ��������������� 34 Unified Approach to Contract Interpretation, A Catterwell ������������������������������������������������������������������� 22 Unity in Adversity O'Brien ������������������������������������������� 27 Use of Force and Article 2 of the ECHR in Light of European Conflicts, The Russell ������������������������������� 26 US Law for Civil Lawyers Junker ���������������������������������� 31 Values in the Supreme Court O'Callaghan ����������������� 19 Vanni Patent Games in the Global South ���������������������� 35 van Schagen, Weatherill Better Regulation in EU Contract Law �������������������������������������������������������������� 28 Varuhas, Wilson Stark Frontiers of Public Law, The ����� 18 Virtue, Emotion and Imagination in Law and Legal Reasoning Amaya, Del Mar ��������������������������������������� 40 Vogel Saudi Business Law in Practice ��������������������������� 16 Vogt, Bellace, Compa, Ewing, Hendy, Lörcher, Novitz Right to Strike in International Law, The �������� 37

Re-Inventing Labour Law Enforcement Munkholm ���� 37

Waas, van Voss Restatement of Labour Law in Europe 37

Responsibility to Protect and the Failures of the United Nations Security Council, The Butchard ������ 45

Ward English Legal Histories ���������������������������������������� 40 Wardhaugh Competition, Effects and Predictability ����� 17

Restatement of Labour Law in Europe Waas, van Voss ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37

Weber European Constitutions Compared ������������������ 29

Rethinking Judicial Jurisdiction in Private International Law Karayanidi ������������������������������������ 43 Revolution and Evolution in Private Law Worthington, Robertson, Virgo ���������������������������������� 22 Revolutionary Constitutionalism Albert ���������������������� 18 Rewriting Children’s Rights Judgments Stalford, Hollingsworth, Gilmore ���������������������������������������������� 30 Right to Say No, The Randall, Koshan, Nyaundi ��������� 23 Right to Strike in International Law, The Vogt, Bellace, Compa, Ewing, Hendy, Lörcher, Novitz �������� 37 Risse Complete (but Unofficial) Guide to the Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, The � 13 Robertson Competition Law’s Innovation Factor ���������� 17 Role of Multilateral Environmental Agreements, The Sjostedt ��������������������������������������������������������������� 24 Rosenthal Democracy and Ontology ���������������������������� 41 ROSE QC Heilbron �������������������������������������������������������� 39 Rule of Law, Freedom of Expression and Islamic Law, The Esmaeili, Marboe, Rehman ������������������������� 38

Weimer, de Ruijter Regulating Risks in the European Union �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28 Weiß WTO Law and Domestic Regulation �������������������� 35 Wessel, Larik EU External Relations Law ���������������������� 25 Why Religious Freedom Matters for Democracy Hunter-Henin �������������������������������������������������������������� 38 Williams, Woolaver, Palmer Amicus Curiae in International Criminal Justice, The ����������������������������� 34 Wolff New York Convention ������������������������������������������ 13 Woo-jung Jon Cross-border Transfer and Collateralisation of Receivables ��������������������������������� 15 Worthington, Robertson, Virgo Revolution and Evolution in Private Law ��������������������������������������������� 22 Wragg Free and Regulated Press, A ����������������������������� 42 Wrongful Enrichment Asfour ��������������������������������������� 22 WTO Law and Domestic Regulation Weiß ����������������� 35 Wyatt Intertemporal Linguistics in International Law ���� 45 Xanthopoulou Fundamental Rights and Mutual Trust in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice ������������ 26 Yuanshi Bu Chinese Civil Code ������������������������������������� 14 Yu Mou Construction of Guilt in China, The ����������������� 23 Zhou Access to Justice for the Chinese Consumer ������� 21

Nature and Value of Vagueness in the Law, The

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Labour and Discrimination Law A Casebook on Labour Law, Ewan McGaughey (Nov 2018) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� p69

Legal History English Legal Histories, Ian Ward (Jan 2020) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� p40

Legal Philosophy Modern Jurisprudence, 2nd Edition, Sean Coyle (Aug 2017) ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������p71

Public International Law EU External Relations Law, 2nd Edition, Ramses A Wessel and Joris Larik (Apr 2020) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ p25 International Law, Jan Wouters, Cedric Ryngaert, Tom Ruys and Geert De Baere (Dec 2018) ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� p74 International Law, 2nd Edition, Wade Mansell and Karen Openshaw (Aug 2019) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� p74

Tax Law Tiley’s Revenue Law, 9th Edition, Glen Loutzenhiser (Aug 2019) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� p77





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