

Teaching Primary Science
Other titles in the Bloomsbury
Curriculum Basics series:
Teaching Primary Geography by Stephen Scoffham and Paula Owens
Teaching Primary History by Matthew Howorth
Teaching Primary French by Amanda Barton and Angela McLachlan
Teaching Primary Spanish by Amanda Barton and Angela McLachlan
Teaching Primary Computing by Martin Burrett
Teaching Primary PE by Jazz Rose
Teaching Primary Art and Design by Emily Gopaul
Teaching Primary Science
By Peter Riley
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
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First published in Great Britain, 2015 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
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To Mr Richard Wright, staff and children of Settle Church of England Primary School North Yorkshire and
Cody Buye, staff and students at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Meppel, Netherlands
The curriculum
The first edition was written at a time of curriculum change, and this edition is written at a time when new initiatives are being introduced into or alongside the science curriculum.
This revised edition contains the same lesson plans as the first, as they are useful ‘lesson scripts’ for beginning the teaching of primary science before each teacher puts their own impression on the lesson. All the other features, such as further lesson ideas and activities and technical tips, also remain, but since the publication of the first edition, several topics in education have come more to the fore and are becoming curriculum basics. They are: critical thinking; STEM and STEAM; biodiversity; and climate change. I have also included one of my own – the science star – which is helpful for teachers to use to guide the children simply through the scientific method in Key Stage 1. These are described later on in the introduction, with suggestions at the beginning of Parts 1 to 3 on how critical thinking, STEAM and biodiversity can be brought into your teaching.
In addition to building up the children’s knowledge and understanding of the science topics, they must develop the skills needed to carry out the scientific method, and these are presented in a section called ‘Working scientifically skills’. The following table shows how these skills build up as the children move through their primary education.
Key Stage 1 planning
Asking simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways
Key Stage 1 obtaining and presenting evidence
Performing simple tests
Observing closely using simple equipment
Gathering and recording data to help in answering questions
Lower Key Stage 2 planning
Asking relevant questions and using different types of scientific enquiry to answer them
Setting up practical enquiries and comparative and fair tests
Lower Key Stage 2 obtaining and presenting evidence
Making systematic and careful observations and, where appropriate, taking accurate measurements using standard units with a range of equipment, including thermometers and data loggers
Gathering, recording, classifying and presenting data in a variety of ways to help in answering questions
Recording findings using simple scientific language, drawings, labelled diagrams, keys, bar charts and tables
Reporting on findings from enquiries, including oral explanations, displays of presentations of results and conclusions
Upper Key Stage 2 planning
Planning different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions, including recognising and controlling variables where necessary
Upper Key Stage 2 obtaining and presenting evidence
Taking measurements, using a range of scientific equipment, with increasing accuracy and precision, taking repeat readings where appropriate
Recording data and results of increasing complexity using scientific diagrams and labels, classification keys, tables, scatter graphs, bar and line graphs
Reporting and presenting findings from enquiries, including conclusions, causal relationships and explanations of and degree of trust in results, in oral and written forms such as displays
Key Stage 1 considering evidence and evaluating
Using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
Identifying and classifying
Lower Key Stage 2 considering evidence and evaluating
Using results to draw simple conclusions, make predictions for new values, suggest improvements and raise further questions
Identifying differences, similarities or changes related to simple scientific ideas and processes
Using straightforward scientific evidence to answer questions or support their findings
Upper Key Stage 2 considering evidence and evaluating
Using test results to make predictions to set up further comparative and fair tests
Identifying scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute ideas or arguments.
In the curriculum, the programmes of study for science are set out year by year (and, for convenience, the structure of this book mirrors that), but schools are only required to teach the relevant programme of study by the end of the key stage. This means that within each key stage, schools can introduce content earlier or later than set out in the programme of study, to match the aptitude and abilities of the children or to fit in with a themed approach to curriculum planning.
Schools can also introduce content from a higher key stage into a lower key stage if appropriate. An example of this could be a school where there was a strong development of studying electricity – say in making models in Year 2. This could still continue by introducing elements of the electricity content from lower Key Stage 2.
Scientific enquiry
There are five lines of enquiry in the curriculum. They are:
1. Identifying, classifying and grouping: For example, identify and group leaves according to shape and objects according to their material properties.
2. Observing over time: For example, observe growth of flowers and vegetables that they have planted, and record weather features.
3. Comparative and fair testing: For example, look at the effect of water/light/warmth on plant’s growth, the effect of water/warmth on seed germination, the effect of soap on cleaning a material or the effect of temperature on liquid flow, or compare the drainage of different soils.
4. Pattern seeking: For example, investigate the distribution of plants such as daisies or dandelions in a lawn, or the relationship between leg length and stride length, foot size and weight, size of parachute and speed of descent, temperature and wind direction, temperature and cloud cover, or length of stem and leaves.
5. Research using secondary sources: For example, having learned that some animals are herbivores and some are carnivores, use sources to find out more, or find out about cloud types and use them in weather reports.
Note that lines of enquiry can be linked together. For example, a number of different soils could be grouped according to whether they are clay soils or sandy soils (identifying and classifying). They could then be compared to see how they drain a certain amount of water (fair testing). The results may show that the sandier the soil, the more quickly it drains the water (pattern seeking).
Glossary of terms in practical science
Anomaly: A result that does not fit in with a trend or pattern, which may be due to some error in carrying out the investigation
Comparative test: An investigation involving a comparison, perhaps about how particular features differ between two different plants or animals
Conclusion: A statement based on the data collected, describing what the investigation showed
Control: Part of an experiment, also called a control variable, that stays the same while other parts may be changed to find out an answer to a question (see also factor, dependent variable and independent variable)
Data: The information collected during an investigation
Dependent variable: In a controlled experiment, the variable is the thing that changes as a result of varying a particular factor
Experiment: The practical part of an investigation
Factor: Something that may affect a process – for example, light is a factor in plants producing food; factors are sometimes called variables (see dependent and independent variables)
Fair test: A test in which all the factors are controlled except one, such as temperature, which is varied
Hypothesis: An idea based on previous knowledge that is used to set up an investigation
Independent variable: The variable that is altered in a fair test
Prediction: A guess as to what the outcome of an experiment will be, based on knowledge of the subject being studied
New features in the second edition
Critical thinking
Critical thinking is the ability to use information that has been gathered to make a judgement when presented with a question or a problem to solve. This ability can be divided up into levels. In Bloom’s Taxonomy there are six levels and in Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
there are four; to provide examples, the levels in critical thinking developed in both Bloom’s Taxonomy and Webb’s Depth of Knowledge are presented here. The levels form a hierarchy, starting with the simplest form of thinking and ending with the most complex.
The idea of critical thinking may seen daunting, but we use these different levels all the time as adults (without thinking!), and it is essential that we develop all these levels in the children whom we teach as they grow up, so that they too can use them in their adult lives.
The way in which to test the children’s ability to think at a certain level is to ask questions that set off the appropriate thought processes and then examine the children’s responses.
Bloom’s Taxonomy
This table sets out the levels in critical thinking in Bloom’s Taxonomy, starting with the simplest, and gives examples of questions and question stems that you can use to test the level.
Critical thinking level
Questions and question stems
Explain (use ‘how’)
Predict (what do you think will happen?)
How could we use what we know to solve this problem?
Make a model of…
Arrange in order
Divide up
Separate into groups
Draw a conclusion
Does it fit in with your ideas?
Assess its use
Make a plan
Make a design
Can you invent?
How could this be modified?
The lesson plans throughout the book contain questions that examine all the levels of critical thinking in Bloom’s Taxonomy. Here are just a few examples:
Critical thinking level Example
Year 1: Plants, Lesson 1 (p. 29). Getting started: Do you recognise this place?
Understanding Year 4: Electricity, Lesson 1 (p. 190). Plenary: Review the children’s knowledge of current electricity.
Year 2: Uses of everyday materials, Lesson 3 (p. 91). Plenary: How are the properties of a material useful?
Analysing Year 5: Forces, Lesson 2 (p. 246). Plenary: Compare the results of the two tests.
Year 6: Evolution and inheritance, Lesson 2 (p. 273). Plenary: Conclude that variation occurs widely in living things.
Creating Year 3: Plants, Lesson 3 (p. 106). Last activity: Devise a real experiment .
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
This table sets out the levels in critical thinking in Webb’s Depth of Knowledge, starting with the simplest, and gives examples of the questions and question stems that you can use to test the level.
Critical thinking level
Level 1: Recall and reproduction
Level 2: Skills and concepts
Level 3: Strategic thinking
Level 4: Extended thinking
Questions and question stems
When, where, who, label, name, identify
Compare, classify, predict
Investigate, assess, explain with reasons, draw a conclusion
Apply, analyse, design, create, evaluate
The lesson plans throughout the book contain questions that examine all the levels of critical thinking in Webb’s Depth of Knowledge. Here are just a few examples:
Critical thinking level
Level 1: Recall and reproduction
Level 2: Skills and concepts
Level 3: Strategic thinking
Level 4: Extended thinking
Questions and question stem
Year 6: Animals including humans, Lesson 2 (p. 265). Getting started: Recall their work on muscles and bones in Year 3.
Year 1: Everyday materials, Lesson 3 (p. 49). Getting started: Comparing a wooden and metal spoon.
Year 3: Forces and magnets, Lesson 3 (p. 142). Class activities: Drawing conclusions from the experiments.
Year 5: Forces, Lesson 3 (p. 248). Last activity: Making gear wheel combinations.