BLOOM is a collaborative magazine created by today's youth, giving young, independent artists a chance to unapologetically show the world exactly who they are. BLOOM strives to remind readers that slowly but surely, things do get better. Maybe not in linear fashion, but that's the beauty of healing - the unexpectedness of what you'll find along the way. The unexpectedness of how you'll BLOOM. Credits: Amanda Edwards - Founder / Executive Editor / Everything, Sophie Bouquillon - Head Photographer / Writer / Model, Bella Bienenstock - Photographer / Model, Anna Genik - Photographer / Head Model, Elora Jackson - Photographer / Model, Daisey Matheson-Schweitzer - Model, Hayden Azim-Wong - Writer, Sara Arriaza - Photographer, Maddy Thompson - Model, Craig Studden - Model, Liam Jeffares - Model, Julia Happy - Model
Humphrey - Model, Jeno Futo - Artist.