Corp brochure draft

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Our Approach Delivery

With every Scheme, our key objective is to promote the highest quality deliverable Scheme at the earliest possible stage in order to maximise land value.



Full assessment of constraints and opportunities through early investment in topographical surveys, site investigation and landscape assessments.

Early identification of Earth works, Drainage and High ways Strategies. Preparation of a comprehensive Cost Plan to identify Abnormal Costs and potential savings.

05 Structured “Project Plans” addressing each of the above components and “Key Dates Programmes” to achieve deliverable targets and outcomes.

06 Identify an innovative and deliverable “Road Map” to establish how we achieve the best planning permission and a realistic timetable for delivery.

03 Formulation of a Masterplan which is both deliverable and maximises value.

07 For section 106 and viability negotiations with Councils and Planning Autorities.

04 Preparation of Phasing Plans to identify the most economic phasing strategy and early production of a Scheme Viability and Cashflow.

08 Maximisation of Land Value

Our Approach to Strategic Land 00

Longforth Farm, Wellington

Full planning application for 203 dwellings, infrastructure, open space and allotments. Site allocated for residential development in the Thame Neighbourhood Plan. Neighbourhood Plan includes prescriptive requirements including the prior approval of a Development Brief in advance of any planning applications. An intense period of negotiations with the Neighbourhood Plan body and other stakeholders resulted in the approval of the brief. This pre application work enabled a delegated decision to be made by the local planning authority in the absence of any objections from local members of the Town Council. SignďŹ cant post commencement archaeological ďŹ nds required careful management to achieve build programme targets.

29.4 hectares 500 new homes 10/2011 planning29.4 submission hectares 01/2013 planning permission 500 new homes Summer 2013submission build start 10/2011 planning Spring01/2013 2020 anticipated planning completion permission Summer 2013 build start Spring 2020 anticipated completion

Successful Major Project Delivery and Experience South West 00

Ensleigh Lansdown, Bath

Jointly with a development partner 275 residential dwellings, a 72 bed extra care facility and a new one form entry primary school and retail unit are to be provided Former MOD office and adjoining school playing fields. Constrained being on the edge of the World Heritage City, adjacent to the AONB and impact on a grade 1 listed building. Mainly brownfield site delivered in partnership with IM properties. Jointly developed in collaboration with another house builder. High quality design, building materials and landscaping. Delivery of a serviced extra care site sold to a Registered Provider that formed an element of the 40% affordable housing. Serviced land provided for a new primary school that opened in September 2017.

13.00 hectares 92 new homes 05/2014 planning submission 04/2015 planning permission Winter 2016 build start 2020 anticipated completion

Successful Major Project Delivery and Experience South West 00

Morton Way, Thornbury A hybrid planning application was sumitted which included 35% aordable housing, a retail outlet and a substantial country park. Sensitive green ďŹ eld site on eastern edge of Thornbury. The company recognised that an under supply of housing locally existed and therefore submitted a speculative hybrid application for 109 homes in detail and 300 in outline to demonstrate early delivery potential of the site. The site was granted at appeal when an Inspector agreed that there was an under supply of housing in the town.

Since the appeal, the local Council has visited the site and praised the Company for the quality of the housing provided and the consistent number of homes delivered from the site each year to meet local housing needs.

22.43 hectares 300 new homes 07/2012 planning submission 05/2013 planning permission Summer 2014 build start Summer 2019 anticipated completion

Successful Major Project Delivery and Experience South West 00

Pinhoe, Exeter

Residential development of up to 430 units (outline application with details of appearance, layout, scale and landscaping reserved for subsequent approval) including a local centre comprising retails space of up to 240 sqm, a community centre and care home. An outline planning permission was granted by the Secretary of State following an appeal on this allocated housing site for 430 homes, signiďŹ cant open space, play areas and care facilities. Bloor Homes subsequently obtained a ďŹ rst phase Reserved Matters consent for 150 homes in December 2016.

With a Reserved matters in place, setting the tone for the scheme, Bloor negotiated the purchase of the whole site, outside of the existing contractual arrangements, to ensure the landowner achieved best value. All parties, landowner, agent and Bloor Homes came away from the transaction with a good outcome which has allowed us as a housebuilder to progress and build out the scheme on the edge of the thriving city of Exeter.

27.19 hectares 430 new homes 05/2012 planning submission 06/2015 planning permission Summer 2017 build start Summer 2022 anticipated completion

Successful Major Project Delivery and Experience South West 00

Hunters Moon, Chippenham

An Outline Planning Application was submitted for the demolition of existing buildings & structures & mixed-use development comprising up to 450 dwellings, up to 2.41 ha of employment (B1, B2 & B8) development, public open space, landscaping, & all associated infrastructure works; with a Full Planning Application for the first phase of the development comprising 142 dwellings, open space, 10 no. B1 employment units, drainage works including attenuation pond; & associated infrastructure.

An outline planning permission was granted by the Secretary of State following an appeal on this allocated housing site for 430 homes, significant open space, play areas and care facilities.

At the time of submission the site was not allocated for any use and was outside the development boundary but was promoted because the Council could not demonstrate a five year housing land supply. To assist the Council’s employment led planning strategy, Bloor Homes has committed to speculatively build 10 employment start up units. Bloor Homes worked closely with the Council and due to the on-site abnormal costs, the company were able to negotiate a reduction of 13% from the affordable housing requirement. The site obtained a resolution to grant planning permission in June 2017 and the company are expecting to be on site within a year. 30.00 hectares 450 new homes 01/2017 planning submission planning permission build start anticipated completion

Successful Major Project Delivery and Experience South West 00

Sulis Down, Bath

Detailed planning application submitted for the erection of 173 residential units, open space, allotments, green infrastructure, landscaping and associated works including provision of vehicular access from Combe Hay Lane. This proposed development on the edge of Bath is a joint venture between Bloor Homes and the landowner, the Hignett Family Trust. The site sits within an AONB and borders a World Heritage Site, being Bath City itself and is therefore high proďŹ le.

The scheme will deliver a high quality, landscapeled approach to southern Bath incorporating high quality open space provision, allotments and ecology mitigation land. The concept for the scheme is and Arts and Crafts theme that was derived by the London Architect, Ben Pentreath, who is also commissioned by the Duchy of Cornwall for his development at Poundbury, Dorchester. There is signiďŹ cant focus on the quality of materials and fenestration detail presenting varied and high quality street scenes. 11 hectares 173 new homes 06/2017 planning submission planning permission build start anticipated completion

Successful Major Project Delivery and Experience South West 00

Seale Hayne, Newton Abbott

Allocated within Teignbridge there is a Local Plan for 1,200 homes, commercial development a new primary school and open space. Prior to the allocation within the Local Plan the key holdings were sold to a mixed group of purchasers who came together under an agreement with one of the landowners leading the development process as promoter. After an initial success with the allocation the complexity of the project led to the need for substantial skill and expertise that the company was able to bring in. Bloor subsequently acquired the promotion company and thus the consortium documentation from the project lead along with some freehold interests. At the same time separate option agreements were secured over the balance of the land within the allocation.

The company is now making the required investments in promotion and utilising our signiďŹ cant in-house expertise to take the site through to a planning application. Bloor is now actively promoting the balance of the land for a further signiďŹ cant extension to the current mixed-use scheme as part of the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan.

The increase in homes will benefit the local community in terms of further facilities, high quality housing and employment opportunities but will also deliver further returns for the land owners in years to come. 160 hectares 1,200 new homes Summer 2018 planning submission planning permission build start anticipated completion

Successful Major Project Delivery and Experience South West 00

Banbury Rise, Banbury

Residential development of 480 homes including 51 units of specialised housing accommodation, 500sqm of small scale employment and training premises and a new country park. Promoted by Bloor Homes through the emerging plan process. On the western urban edge of Banbury. The initial outline consent was for 400 homes, however the combination of reserved matters applications and a new detailed consent will take the development up to 480 Homes.

The Scheme comprises 30% Aordable Housing made up of rented homes, shared ownership, low cost market sale and a specialist housing development comprising 51 apartments. 24 acres of parkland is being provided as a key part of the structural landscaping for the site.

67.36 hectares 480 new homes 03/2013 planning submission 03/2016 planning permission 09/2016 build start 2024 anticipated completion

Our approach to Strategic Land Western 0

Windrush Place, West Witney

Development Comprising up to 1000 homes, an employment area of 25 acres, a local centre, primary school and a possible secondary school with associated public open space, amenity areas and allotments.

The development Comprising up to 1000 homes, an employment area of 25 acres, a local centre, primary school and a possible secondary school with associated public open space, amenity areas and allotments. The development also involves a new junction on the A40. The Site is jointly owned by Bloor Homes, Bovis Homes and Persimmon Homes. Bloor are building 236 homes and has a share with our partners of the commercial land as well as an extra care facility and a retail centre with ats above. The site is delivering 40% Aordable Housing comprising rent/shared ownership/low cost for sale and extra care dwellings.

161.00 hectares 1000 new homes 01/2012 planning submission 04/2017 planning permission 09/2017 build start 01/2022 anticipated completion

Our approach to Strategic Land Western 0

Hereford Point, Holmer, Hereford

Residential development of 460 dwellings including affordable housing, public open space, a park & choose site, landscaping and supporting infrastructure. 460 unit urban extension to the north of Hereford with 35% Affordable Housing. Affordable housing will include provision for specialist extra care facility. Park and Choose facility.

Will deliver allotments for new and existing residents Significant areas of public open space including orchard planting. Protection of existing wildlife . The design of the new homes will reflect examples of ‘Arts and Crafts’ vernacular present in the locality.

55.00 hectares 460 new homes 03/2015 planning submission 05/2015 planning permission 08/2017 build start 2024 anticipated completion

Our approach to Strategic Land Western 0

55.00 hectares 800 new homes 10/2009 planning submission 10/2012 planning permission Spring 2018 build start 2026 anticipated completion

West Shottery, Stratford Upon Avon

Residential development of up to 800 dwellings (of which 35% will be affordable), a mixed-use local centre, a new primary school, play areas, a new country park, structural landscaping and highway infrastructure. A key, strategic site within Stratford on Avon district which is being brought forward by Bloor Homes and Hallam Land Management. The development will deliver a major new relief road for the town; connecting Alcester road at the north of the site to Evesham road at the south.

The development will provide: • A high quality development which is sensitive to the location and historic context of the site. • Land for new primary school, doctors surgery and local centre. • A significant country park.

Our approach to Strategic Land Western 0

East Carterton

A mixed-use application including 700 homes and 6 acres of commercial land/district centre that includes land for a new primary school. The site has a resolution to grant outline planning permission. The section 106 is expected to be signed and outline consent issued in November 2017. Greenfield site on the eastern edge of Carterton. Outline application submitted January 2014.

6 acres of commercial and employment land including a district centre and a new fire station site. Land provided for a new primary school. Affordable Housing comprises rented homes, shared ownership and a possible extra care block of 60 apartments.

700 new homes including 35% Affordable Homes.

115.00 hectares 700 new homes 11/2017 planning submission

Our approach to Strategic Land Western 0

Elms Park, North West Cheltenham

A mixed-use application in the Green Belt. A total of 4, 115 homes together with 25 acres of employment land and a district centre together with a country park extension and park and ride to be delivered in conjunction with Persimmon Homes. The site includes land for an all through school and a second primary school.

• 621 acre urban extension in the Greenbelt • 4115 new homes

The application also includes extensive off site highway improvements both next to the site and also extending into the town. The site is included in the emerging Cheltenham/ Tewkesbury and Gloucester joint core strategy as land to be removed from the Green Belt and allocated for the provision of the development proposal submitted.

• 25 acres of employment land • District centre • Park and ride • Country park extension • Extensive off site infrastructure improvements • Affordable Housing

The application site straddles both Cheltenham Borough Council and Tewkesbury Borough Council administrative areas.

• 10 years of active [lanning [romotion and consultation with key stakeholders including 2 district councils.

610.00 hectares 4,115 new homes 09/2016 planning submission

Our approach to Strategic Land Western 0

Š Getmapping plc







5.56 ha

Leighton Hospital


2.20 ha 0.28 ha Local Centre

Local Centre

10.0 ha







7.10 ha


Community Orchard

New Roa

12.01 ha

Community Allotments

d Land for Potential Hospital Expansion



Employment (Offices, Workshops, Health Club, Day Nursery) 5.37 ha

Primary School (One Form Entry) & Community Centre

Primary School

1.27 ha

Local Centre (Convenience Store, Unit Retail, Pub Restaurant, Primary Health)

Community Centre

Green Space


Sports Pitches

Sports Pitches

Residential Plots

5.34 ha

Public Rights of Way

Sports Pitches

New Footways


Widened Road Principal Streets Retained Trees

New Ponds (SUDs)

Bus Hub / Terminus

Junction Improvements

Pyms Lane Employment

Pyms Lane Leighton Site Masterplan (Figure 4)

Scale: 1:2000@A0 Reviewed by: AC

Job: 5840 Drawing: SP(90)003

Improved Gateway to Hospital (Enhanced pedestrian / cycle provision)

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