Newsletter Oct 29th

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BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198 E-mail: Visit our Websites :,



DIARY DATES Friday 30th October Monday 2nd November Friday 6th November Tuesday 10th November Wednesday 11th November Wednesday 11th November Thursday 12th November Thursday 12th November Monday 23rd November Tuesday 24th November Tuesday 24th November


NOTICES DUE BACK BY Gr 5/6 Summer Sport Home game Normal School Day for children Gr 5/6 Summer Sports away Beaconhills CSIRO Gr 12K,12M,2P,2J CSIRO Gr 1C,1W,2V Preps Myuna Farm CSIRO Gr 1M,1B,2N Gr 5/6 Family Life Gr 1/2 Joffas Toonschool Gr 3/4 Joffas Toonschool Second Hand Uniform shop 2.30-3.15pm

Friday 30th October Thursday 5th November Thursday 5th November Friday 6th November Friday 13th November Wednesday 18th November Thursday 19th November

Show bags for Fete Gr 1/2 CSIRO Gr 5/6 Family Life Preps Myuna Farm Fete wrist band order Gr 1/2 & 3/4 Joffas Toonschool Gr 6-2010 windcheater/t-shirt

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT BER UPDATE Earlier this week I received a phone call from APP who is the overall project managers for our BER project. I was informed that we will have to relocate our new building to another site because a sewerage pipe ran directly underneath the proposed site of our new building. Unfortunately we don’t have another very suitable site available. In the ensuing conversation, it was made clear to me that APP had been unable to obtain permission from the relevant water authorities to have the pipe redirected. Nonetheless, I requested more information and gained some time to make our own enquiries on this issue. I am currently doing this and expect to have fully investigated the matter within the next three weeks. I am hopeful of a positive outcome. I will keep you informed. 20th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS As you would be aware, we are conducting our 20th anniversary celebrations in conjunction with our school fete on Friday 20th November from 3.30pm to 8.30pm. I am very pleased to report that our plans continue to proceed well – we are now contacting all members of our inaugural school council and most if not all will be attending. That is great news. I am very hopeful that Jack Kraan, our inaugural school council president will be able to attend and it will be great to have him speak at the ceremonial part of the festivities. He is an excellent raconteur

and his experiences of our founding days are well worth hearing. ECHOES FROM OUR FIRST 20 YEARS People sometimes ask me if I miss teaching and when was the last time I actually taught on a regular basis. The first part of that question is frequently asked of principals. Many say they do. I say that I don’t. That surprises some and I can read the puzzlement in their eyes. The short answer is that I taught for 15 years before becoming a principal and whilst I enjoyed that very much, I had other goals in my career as well – leadership has always appealed to me and I relish the challenges that being a principal offers. The last time I taught on a regular basis was in 1990 at Berwick Lodge Primary School. I was our school’s first principal and first Physical Education teacher, combining both roles. In hindsight, I believe I erred in doing this – the role of principal is challenging enough without adding a teaching role to it. For the trivia buffs with a good memory, if you are ever asked to name our school’s first P.E. teacher you will know the answer! FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ’s) Q. What is the most important thing that children should learn at school? A. I don’t like answering that question because there is no one thing that is more important than all the others and each child has unique talents and needs. However, when pushed, I would say that believing in the value of learning – and

that comes from having success in learning! QUOTABLE QUOTE

‘Getting away with something is arguably a poisoned chalice.’

HENRY GROSSEK INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIONS AND ASSESSMENTS FOR SCHOOLS - English This year fifty-eight students from Grades 3 to 6 participated in the ICAS English assessment. The students tried extremely hard and all are to be congratulated on their efforts. Overall students from Berwick Lodge received 1 High Distinction, 3 Distinction, 17 Credit and 37 Participation certificates. We would like to especially acknowledge the achievements of the following students who performed exceptionally well to achieve High Distinction, Distinction or Credit recognition. HIGH DISTINCTION Grade 6 – Alana DISTINCTION Grade 3 - Cole Grade 4 - Taylor Grade 6 – Thimira CREDIT Grade 3 - Lilli, Ben, Jemma, Cheran, Josh, Aidan Grade 4 – Caitlin, Eden, Michaela, Caleb, Nithiya, Lachlan, Ethan, Isaac, Renee Grade 5 – Amy, Matthew

ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL’ S REPORT CHILDREN’S WEEK – 24TH OCTOBER TO 1ST NOVEMBER Children’s Week is a fantastic time to recognise the importance of childhood and to celebrate our children. This annual week has become an exciting and enjoyable event on Victoria’s calendar and continues to grow in popularity. This year Children’s Week began last week and the government, together with the Alannah and Madeline Foundation are hosting a Family Fun Day on Sunday 1st November to launch Children356. The concept for Children365 was developed after the tragic death of Darcey Freeman. Following the loss of their precious little girl, Darcey’s mother and her family suggested an annual day to cherish all children. The Alannah and Madeline Foundation helped to make this a reality. This launch will take place at the Melbourne Museum and to encourage families to attend entry is free for concession and children under 16. Adults are also free on Sunday 1st November upon presentation of an admission voucher. Collect your free Adult entry voucher from the Sunday Herald Sun on 1 November 2009. (see for more information) or phone 1800 809 834.

SCHOOL MAGAZINE 2009/ SCHOOL CALENDAR 2010 This year we have decided to publish our annual school magazine on our website for ease of access. In the past we have published hard copies of the magazine and made them available to families via an order and payment system. Over time the cost of publishing the magazine has become very expensive, with the school heavily subsidising the costs to make the magazine affordable to families. The new online format, which will be in full colour, will allow families access to the magazine without any cost. Parents then have the option of downloading part of, or all, the magazine for their children to keep. In preparing the magazine we are mindful that some parents have not previously given permission for their child’s photograph to be published on our website. Teachers will contact these parents seeking the necessary permission and new Student Image and Publicity Permission Forms will need to be signed. As in the past, if children’s names are to be used they will be christian names only. We understand that some families may not want to give approval for their child’s photo to appear in the magazine and we will respect these wishes. The School Calendar will continue to be presented in a hard copy format and families will be provided with a complimentary copy for their use at



The MS Readathon would like to thank the Berwick Lodge students who were involved in the 2009 MS Readathon. A number of students have reached fantastic reading goals as well as raising money for people living with multiple sclerosis. Some have already completed this year’s program, but for those yet to return their sponsorship funds to the MS Readathon, there is still time. The MS Readathon will continue to send reading rewards and certificates out to those who complete the program, even after the official money due date of August 31st. Thanks

A reminder that the pre-order of showbags must be handed into classroom teachers by Friday. Any orders received after this will be sent back to the student. There will be limited showbags to buy on the night but will be at a higher cost. Order forms for the Unlimited Ride wristbands are being sent home tonight. Forms are due no later than Friday 13th November. Thank you to all Parents and Friends who have offered their time in helping at the fete stalls. We still require helpers for the second half of the night and in particular people who can face paint. Thank you.

SCHOOL AWARDS Tayla PT Congratulations to the following Kiara PO students who received awards over the last week.

home. The calendar is currently being compiled, ready for printing and we will notify parents when these are available for distribution. SOMERS CAMP 2010 Our school has been offered the opportunity to send a small group of Year 5 and 6 students to attend the Somer’s Camp from 16th to 24th March next year. The nine day program provides a variety of activities and the children will participate in an exciting environmental studies program. This program includes exploring a variety of habitats such as the beach, wetlands and woodlands. It also enables children to learn about, handle and care for a variety of animals. The children will help feed and care for these animals. The cost of the camp is $140 which will be due before the end of the year. Expressions of interest were sent home with our current Year 4 and 5 students yesterday and will need to be returned by tomorrow, Friday 30th October. No payment is required at this time. Students who have been chosen to go will be notified within the next fortnight. A REMINDER TO FAMILIES THAT MONDAY 2ND NOVEMBER IS A NORMAL SCHOOL DAY FOR STUDENTS. LYNNE BRENNER & DEBBIE CUSACK


Free Tickets!!!! I have available some free tickets to the upcoming Women’s League Melbourne Victory match, this Saturday 31st October, Round 5. If you are interested, these tickets are available from the Office on a first in best dressed basis. Melbourne Victory Womens’ League Round 5 V’s Newcastle Jets 2pm The Veneto Club- 191 Bulleen Road, Bulleen Amy Carlile P.E Co-ordinator

Xander PT Elly PO

Malcolm PO Darragh PL

Andrew PC

ART NEWS We are so thrilled to announce the winner of the Christmas Card Design Competition – Connor R from Grade 2P. Congratulations to Connor who not only won a $50 Coles Voucher to spend but will have his design printed on a Christmas Card. In the newsletter there is a is a form to order the Christmas card with Connor’s design. Congratulations also must go to all those students who enthusiastically had a go and entered the competition. Well done! We would love to see everyone in our school community support this exciting achievement and place an order. Due to pre-arranged printing schedules, forms with orders and money must be returned no later than next Wednesday 3rd November 2009. Please note this is a beneficial fundraiser for our school as for every $2.00 card that is sold, $1.50 is given straight back to B.L.P.S, with 50c going to CREATE Foundation (a charity to support children in care). We hope to see those orders rolling in!

We would like to thank those parents/grandparents who helped out this week in the Art room with the preps and sewing! You can see their gorgeous environmentally friendly bags on display in the main corridor, or when your child brings them home. Many would ask why sew with the preps? Are we mad? Well, probably yes, but the children have really enjoyed their masterpieces and are very keen to go shopping using their re-usable bags! A big thank you to Tina Herekiuha (Jade’s mum 2P) who kindly donated lots of fantastic paper this week! We are so grateful and know that it will come into good use! Did you know there is an Art Blog? Please have a look! Simply go to our school website and follow the link under art. Jo Zammit/ Julie Mc Leod Visual Art Teacher

Casey Central Shopping Centre Christmas Card Design Competition and Fundraiser Order Form Student Name ——————————————————————————————- Grade————— Quantity ordered ———————————— Cost per unit $2.00. Total cost ————————-——— Please enclose money in an envelope and return to your teacher no later then Wednesday 3rd November 2009.

COMMUNITY NEWS SAFETY HOUSE YELLOW DAY The Berwick Safety house has organised Yellow Day for Monday 9th November. All students are encouraged to wear yellow and IMA will be visiting the Prep grades. Unfortunately this may be our last Yellow Day at BLPS as no one has volunteered to help run the program. If you think you can offer 1 hour every 6 weeks to keep the program running, please call Rose on 0412 743 391.

FOUND Ladies watch found near Prep T. Please contact the office.

FOR SALE Trampoline (hills) 1.4m x 2.6m mat size. National VHS video camera—includes carry case, 2 batteries, battery charger, connecting leads and instructions,. excellent condition. Canon electric portable typewriter, typestar 5, display panel, great for children, excellent condition. Plastic bottles with lids—1ltr, unmarked 4 bags of 150 bottles. Photocopier—Mita DC 1855 with metal cabinet, recently services, includes 2 tone cartridges, A3 and A4 trays and dust cover. Phone Lyn on 9707 2728 for inquiries. Excellent prices or nearest offer.


BUSINESS ADVERTISING The Party Food Shop Your one stop party shop Paul Stemson 0418 141 946 Phone 9704 6940 Fax 9704 6214 New Bigger Shop, Factory 3/12 Deblin Drive, Narre Warren 3805 1300 1 PARTY or 9704 6940


ROB’S British & Irish Products The Best Butcher on the Block. 177 Lonsdale Street Dandenong 9792 5188 Specializing In: British Gammon, Haggis, Irish Boling Bacon, Pork Pies, Welsh Faggots, Scottish Pies. White Puddings, Scottish Black Pudding, English Black Pudding, Scottish Kippers and Much Much More!!!

FRAMING BY BRAD Specialising in Scanning of negatives & slides, Restoration of photos, Framing of photos, All types of photography Brad Norton Chief Framer/Photographer 0417 953 199 Web: Email:

Staycool Heating & Air Conditioning Pty Ltd For all you heating and cooling needs phone 24 hours Call us to get ready for summer 9703 2500

10% discount to Berwick Lodge Customers..

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