Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, June 2012

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14TH JUNE 2012


CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR JSC The Junior School Council is to be congratulated for their efforts in raising funds to support Oshdi, our Berwick Lodge sponsor child. The students worked together to come up with an innovative approach to fundraising that allowed participants to experience „first hand‟ some of the games and activities that Oshdi may be involved in as a child growing up in Sri Lanka. With the guidance of Jaclyn McLennan and Sue Naismith the students researched appropriate activities and organised the resourcing, setting up and running of these activities over five lunch breaks. Feedback from all involved has been very positive, with high praise being expressed for the level of responsibility taken by the Junior

School Council representatives and the great behaviour of all participating students. A total of $720 was raised which will cover the school‟s sponsorship commitments of $602 for the year. In allocating the balance of funds the JSC will consider contributing to other World Vision initiatives. On behalf of the Junior School Council I would also like to thank families for their support.

program to air is outstanding. I am sure that many of our parents of Years 5 and 6 students tune in to the program, especially when their child is involved. I would also like to encourage families of students at other year levels to listen to the program which goes live to air each Wednesday between 2:00 and 3:00pm on 3SER 97.7fm.

STEP INTO PREP Last night we hosted our „Step Into BERWICK LODGE STUDENT Prep‟ evening for HOUR families of I am currently located in the Radio students Studio as my temporary office so I commencing have had the pleasure of sharing the school in 2013. space with some of our senior The evening was students from 6K who are involved well attended and the audience in producing the Berwick Lodge enjoyed the opportunity to listen to Student Hour. The students‟ our current Prep teachers speak commitment to about the Prep Program and our presenting this guest speaker, Dot Deviney, who weekly program spoke about preparing your child for and enjoyment school. they receive from putting their Continued...

ACTING PRINCIPAL’S REPORT COMTINUED…... I would like to thank the families who braved the cold conditions to attend and our staff for their ongoing commitment. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ’S) Q: Will Berwick Lodge have an Open Day/Night this year? A: Traditionally Berwick Lodge has held an Open Night during Education Week in May. This year with the works being undertaken in our grounds, and the preparations for the refurbishment project, it would have been impractical for us to hold such an event at this time. Alternatively we plan to hold an event during Term 4 where we can showcase and celebrate the improvements to our facilities and invite families into classrooms to celebrate the work of our students. This of course, is all dependent on our project being completed in time. Fingers crossed! QUOTABLE QUOTES Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world. It beats money, power and influence. Henry Chester.

LYNNE BRENNER ACTING PRINCIPAL DIARY DATES Monday 18th -Wednesday 20thJune Wednesday 20th - Friday 22nd June Monday 25th June Tuesday 26th June Friday 29th June Monday 16th July Tuesday 17th - Wednesday 25th July Wednesday 18th - Friday 20th July Monday 23rd July Wednesday 25th July Friday 27th July Tuesday 31st July Thursday 2nd August

5/6 Sovereign Hill Camp 5C, 6P, & 6W 5/6 Sovereign Hill Camp 5D, 5T, 6K, & 6N 5/6 internet Safety Presentation Fountain Gate Discovery Day Last Day Term 2 Start of Term 3 Somers Camp Prep - Grade 2 Swimming Prep - Grade 2 Swimming Prep - Grade 2 Swimming Prep - Grade 2 Swimming English International Competition Australian Mathematics Competition

NOTICES DUE BACK Friday 15th June

Chocolates/ Money International English Competition 5/6 Internet Safety Presentation Fountain Gate Discovery Day

Monday 18th June Tuesday 19th June


Chloe 4R

Luke 3K

Thea 4Y

Rahnu 4R Nicholas 3M

ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT NISSAN COMPETITION Last week we received notification that six of our students were selected among the top 20 finalists in the Berwick Nissan Micra Design Competition. The entries created by Ebony 6K, Natalie 6N, Shenelle 6N, Damien 4K, Sam 4K and Shehara 4K will be on display this weekend at Berwick Nissan, Kangan Drive Berwick. Members of the public are invited to view the top 20 entries and vote for the People‟s Choice Award which closes on Saturday 16th June at 2:00PM. The winner, to be announced at 4:00PM, will receive a $250 Riot Art & Craft Voucher and a $1000 cheque for their school. We encourage families to take the opportunity to support our students in this event by going along and voting for one of our entries.

thoroughly enjoyed our guest speaker, Dot Deviny who spoke about the development of children and their readiness for school. We would like to thank the members of our Prep team who also spoke to families giving an outline of the programs offered at Berwick Lodge and specifically in the Prep area. We look forward to welcoming these new families in 2013.

MICHAEL GROSE PARENTING TIPS This week is National Cyber Safety Week so we have included another „Insight‟ article from Michael Grose entitled „Keeping Kids Safe in a Cyber World‟. This flyer addresses CYBER SAFETY the concerns parents may have with PRESENTATION regard to their children‟s online We would like to remind families of safety. Michael offers some practical The Cybersafety Outreach— suggestions on how parents can deal Internet Safety Awareness with these issues. We encourage presentation for parents which will parents to read his advice and give it be held on Monday 25th June 2012 some consideration. at 7:00pm. This free Parents are reminded that they can presentation is an access Michael‟s website at excellent opportunity for YEAR 5 AND 6 LIGHTNING families to gain an PREMIERSHIP insight into a range Congratulations to all our Year 5 of issues including: and 6 students who yesterday  the ways children use the participated in the District Winter internet and emerging technologies Lightning Premiership event which  potential risks for children was held at Sweeney Reserve and online, such as cyberbullying, identity Beaconhills theft, inappropriate contact and Village Campus. exposure to inappropriate content The children tips to help children stay safe online competed in a The notices to indicate numbers range of winter attending is due to be returned to sports including football, school by Monday 18th June netball, t-ball, soccer and kickball. 2012. Their behaviour was exemplary and their sportsmanship was something STEP INTO PREP EVENING Last night we held our annual „Step to be proud of. Congratulations to the Netball A team who were Into Prep‟ evening which was well runners up and the soccer team attended by families who have children enrolling for primary school who were successful in bringing back the winner‟s pennant. Thank you to next year. Those who attended the wonderful parents who attended

on the day to provide support for our students. We would also like to congratulate Tara 4R, Sam 4K, Jake 6W and Indi 5C who have qualified to compete in the Regional Cross Country. The event will take place on Monday at Frankston We pass on our best wishes to these students. SAVER PLUS We have recently received some information regarding a “Super Saver” scheme which is run by the Brotherhood of St Laurence in conjunction with the ANZ bank. This is a savings and financial program that teaches money skills to people on lower incomes and encourages them to build savings to help pay for their children‟s education. Participants‟ savings are matched $1 for $1 (up to $500) and the money saved is used to pay for educational items such as uniforms, books, excursions and camps. To be eligible you or your partner must have: A child attending school, or be intending to attend vocational training yourself in 2012 A current Centrelink Health Care Card or Pension Concession Card, and Regular form of paid employment Parents who have previously taken advantage of this program have provided us with very positive feedback. If you are interested in further information regarding this scheme please let the office know. Alternatively you may contact Karmen Dayal, the Saver Plus Worker at the Brotherhood of St Laurence, on 5940 1016 or 1300 610 355 or by email at


2012 Premier’s Reading Challenge Congratulations to all students participating in this year‟s challenge. It is great to see so many enthusiastic readers eagerly borrowing books from the recommended booklists. Don‟t forget to let your teachers know when you have completed a book so it can be verified on the Premier‟s Reading Challenge website by a coordinator. All books must be entered online and verified by 10th September 2012. Congratulations to the following students who have completed the 2012 Premier’s Reading Challenge. Struan A 6N Jarrod F 6N

Clayton 6N Ryan C 6N

Yesterday our Grade 5 /6 students proudly represented Berwick Lodge Primary School at the Edwin Flack District Winter Interschool Sports Competition. The weather was perfect for our teams and a great day was had by everyone. There were five different sports played on the day; Football, Soccer, Kickball, Netball and T-ball. All teams played a round robin competition during the morning against Berwick Fields P.S, Brentwood Park P.S and Kilberry Valley P.S. At the conclusion of the morning two of our teams had successfully made it into the Grand Final game. Our Netball A team played Maramba P.S in the final. The Maramba team was a very experienced team who defeated our girls, 27-3. Although the final score was disappointing for our girls they played a super game at the end of a long day, and were wonderful and gracious in their defeat. The Netball A team proudly returned to school with the “Runners-up” flag to display in the 5/6 building. Our Soccer team was also successful in making it to the Grand Final. They too experienced a tough team, Berwick P.S, and played their hearts out for their entire game. At the conclusion of the game the scores were 2-1 in our favour. Congratulations to all the players in the soccer team as they are the 2012 Edwin Flack District Soccer Champions. They too returned with the champion‟s flag to proudly display! Well done to everyone who participated on the day. Our students were wonderful ambassadors for our school and displayed super behaviour throughout the day. A huge thankyou to all the parents, grandparents, friends and teachers who have supported the teams throughout the term. We look forward to the Summer Competition now in Term 4!

HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER? Please ensure you let the school office know if you have changed address or updated mobile phones with new numbers. This information alleviates stressful situations on students when they are ill and we cannot contact parents



CRYSTAL CLEANING SERVICES P/L For all your carpet/upholstery and general cleaning needs Special Offer 3 rooms/3 seats Professionally steamed cleaned for $77.00 incl. GST Free deodorising Free stain treating Other services: Vacate clean-up/ready for sale For bookings & enquiries contact Steve 0411 752 279 $1.00 from each booking goes back to BLPS. Plus $1.00 to Royal Children's Hospital


DONATIONS Grade 3 & 4 are requesting donations of any wool/knitting needles for their social program. If you have any spare could you please take them to Mrs Knight’s Room 33 (BER building).

For Students in years 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 only Times 6:00pm to 10:00pm COST: $10.00 Any enquires to Narre Warren Police Station 9705 3111

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