Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, May 2012

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NEWSLETTER N0.12 STAFFING I will be on Long Service Leave for the last four weeks of this term. Lynne Brenner will be our Acting Principal in my absence with Paul Whitehead joining our leadership team in the role of Acting Assistant Principal.

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Tuesday. These equating tests have been undertaken to provide ACARA with additional information about student achievement nationally in the NAPLAN tests which will be conducted on 15th to 17th May.

In recent years there have been a number of criticisms raised in relation to the conduct and validity NAPLAN EQUATING of the NAPLAN tests and these TESTS Our school was randomly selected equating tests I believe are an attempt to address these concerns to participate in an Australia wide series of NAPLAN equating tests by nationally. ACARA on behalf of the Federal FREQUENTLY ASKED Government, with the Australian QUESTIONS Council of Educational Research Q. What can be done about (ACER) commissioned to manage parking for parents in Collins the testing program. One Year 3 and one Year 5 grade were selected Crescent? A. Very little can be by ACER to changed regarding participate with existing arrangements. their external supervisors for the We do have a 2 minute drop-off/pickup tests which were zone adjacent to our conducted last

3RD MAY 2012

school in Collins Crescent and some off street parking nearby. Please be mindful of the fact that City of Casey Bylaws Officers patrol the streets around schools on a regular basis and these days use photographic evidence to support vehicles subject to parking infringements.

QUOTABLE QUOTE ‘The difference between being empowered and knowing you are empowered is having the confidence to make decisions.’

Henry Grossek

DIARY DATES Friday 4th May

Gr 1 & 2 Casey Safety Village 5/6 Interschool Winter Sport (away) Mother‟s day Stall St Margaret‟s Netball Competition Second Hand Uniform 3pm - 4pm PFA Meeting 9.30am Room 31 Fun Maths Activity Day Australian Mathematics Competition

Wednesday 9th May Friday 11th May Wednesday 16th May Wednesday 23rd May Thursday 2nd August


St Margaret's Netball Competition Grade 6 Blue Light Kids Guide Handbook 5/6 Non Participation Forms 5/6 Camp Forms Social Club Books Fun Maths Activity Day Year 7 Transition Forms Australian Maths Competition 5/6 Camp Balance Somers Camp

Thursday 10th May Friday 11th May Monday 14th May Friday 18th May Wednesday 6th June Thursday 7th June


Congratulations to the following students who received awards over the last week: Rune PM Mira PM

Kaitlyn PK

Tehya PK Madison PS Ayana PW Reed PS Corey PW

2013 YEAR 7 TRANSITION NEWS All Year 6 students have now received their Applications forms for Year 7. Please read the information carefully before completing the application form.

All forms MUST BE RETURNED to your child’s class teacher BY FRIDAY 18th MAY 2012. If details are incorrect on the top part of the application form please contact the school office to update your information. Any queries can be directed to Mrs Sue Naismith, Rm 24 or by phone on 9707 1766. Many local secondary schools hold Information Evenings for prospective families at this time of the year. All Grade 5 and 6 parents are strongly encouraged to attend these information sessions to find out about their local secondary schools.


ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT PREP ENROLMENTS FOR 2013 Thank you to our families with Prep students for 2013 who have contacted the office for enrolment forms. At this stage our Prep enrolment numbers are growing daily. For our planning purposes it is beneficial for us to know our projected prep enrolment well in advance. We also need to be aware of students with special needs who may require submissions for extra support at school. Families with queries regarding this matter are encouraged to make contact with us to discuss the options available to provide support. We are currently in the process of arranging school tours for new families who have registered their interest with us and the planning of our „Step into Prep‟ evening. Please keep a look out for more information about this which will be available in coming weeks.

uncomfortable situations to their parents or the school.

relation to national minimum standards. These describe minimum acceptable standards for students NAPLAN TESTING FOR across Australia. YEARS 3 AND 5 Parents of students in Years 3 and 5 The National Assessment Program – will today receive an information Literacy and Numeracy tests for brochure regarding NAPLAN 2012. Years 3 and 5 students will be held We encourage families to read on Tuesday 15th May, Wednesday through this brochure. Further 16th May and Thursday 17th May details about the testing program 2012. The NAPLAN tests are can be accessed by visiting the conducted by the Victorian VCAA website at Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) on behalf of the Ministerial Council for Education, OVERDUE LIBRARY BOOKS Early Childhood Development and This week some families may have Youth Affairs (MCEECDYA). received notices for overdue library The results of the tests provide books. It is our diagnostic information for parents practice to inform and teachers about a child‟s families of books performance in Literacy and that have not been Numeracy. This information can be returned by the due used to support teaching and date. The initial learning programs and improve notice is a reminder student achievement. to check at home for these books All students are encouraged to and return them to the school as participate in NAPLAN tests. promptly as possible. If families Students with special needs may believe the book has been lost or qualify for special provisions which damaged the notice indicates a reflect the support normally replacement value and we request STRANGER DANGER provided in the that this be paid to the office so that Recently one of our families alerted classroom. A the book can be replaced. If there is us to a report in the local media formal exemption a query regarding the return of the regarding a child being approached may be granted for book please contact Sarah Vine to by a person not known to the child. a student who has a discuss the concern. It is important These incidents remind us of the significant that we keep track of our library importance to ensure that our intellectual disability books to ensure that our students children are travelling to and from or who has recently arrived in have access to a range of quality school in a safe manner. We Australia and is from a non-English literature for borrowing and encourage all students to travel speaking background. research. directly home following dismissal Later in the year, you will receive from school and to ensure that they your child‟s personal report. The follow a populated route so that report will describe your child‟s LYNNE BRENNER there are other people around. particular skills in Reading, Writing, & DEBBIE CUSACK Children should also be encouraged Language Conventions and not to speak with people who are Numeracy. The report will also unfamiliar to them and report any show how your child performed in

HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER? Please ensure you let the school office know if you have changed address or updated mobile phones with new numbers. This information alleviates stressful situations on students when they are ill and we cannot contact parents

MELBOURNE MUSEUM On Friday 27th April the Grade 3/4 team went to the Melbourne Museum to research our Inquiry units - Victoria – The place to be and Science. We went on a bus to get there. As soon as we got there it was already snack time so we had snack very quickly so we could go to into the Museum. Finally we finished having snack and went to the Melbourne Story exhibit. At the Melbourne Story we saw a black and white T.V. There also was duelling pistols, gold, a station wagon and an old fashion house. That‟s the most I can remember. After that we went to the Mind and Body section. That is where we learnt about the Mind and Body. There was a screen showing all about our brain near the entrance. Next, we went to the Forest Gallery where it was like a forest but there were only fish. We got to go under the waterfall where there was lots of steam. Further on there were things you look into that stunk with a spider in it. After all that we had lunch, which was nice. When I finished lunch I was prepared for the Dinosaurs. While I was waiting for the Dinosaur I was just walking around with my group. Eventually we went to the Dinosaur section. There were tonnes of bones but I know they weren‟t real because they are too valuable to display. Moving on we got to the Bugs Alive section. There were 3 bull ant sections but only one of them had a queen bull ant. When I walked around more I saw a massive red-back spider and there was a movie about a spider. Now my second favourite part was the Wild section. I liked the touch screen pad where you tapped the animals to see the big picture of it. I was wondering what was next….. The last one….. we saw a movie. Not an ordinary movie….. it was a 3D movie on volcanoes. It was my favourite section. After all that, we went back to school for an ordinary ½ an hour before home time. By Jamison 3K On the 27th April the Grade 3/4‟s went to the Melbourne Museum. When we were there we saw lots of exhibits. We saw the old-fashioned exhibit. We saw an old house and we were allowed to go inside it and see old fashion beds and other things. Then we went to the Mind and Body section. There we saw some weird mirrors and there were head figures. After that we got a free choice of where we wanted to go next and we all chose the Rainforest gallery. So we all went there. Then we all went to a 3D movie about Earth and Volcanoes. We also got to see all different dinosaur bones. It was a great day. I had lots of fun. My favourite part was the old-fashion section. It was very fun! Written by Apryl 3K On Friday 27th April, Grade 3K and 4Y went to the Melbourne Museum by bus to research our Inquiry Units, Victoria- The Place to be and Science. The first room we went to was the Melbourne Story. The second room we went to was Mind and Body. In the Mind and Body section there was a brainstorm of what happens to your body when you have cancer. After that we went to the Forest Gallery. In the gallery there were snakes, spiders and fish. After this, we went for lunch. Following lunch we went to the dinosaurs section. It had an inside of a Pterodactyl‟s bones but they weren‟t real. Then we went to the Bugs Alive section. In Bugs Alive there were flies and other bugs. Next we went to the Wild section. There were tigers and other dead animals. At the end we watched a 3D movie about volcanoes. It had heaps of explosions! Written by Mitchell 3K On the 27th of April, the Grade 3/4 classes went to the Melbourne Museum. We travelled there in a bus. On the day we were in groups like 3K and 4Y on a bus. While the bus driver was driving, everyone was playing Spotto and it was loud! Once we got there everyone stopped playing Spotto then Mrs Muccignat said, “The left side of the bus can go first.” So that side went then the other side went. When we got out of the bus we went to Carlton Gardens to have snack. After snack we got into our groups then went into the Melbourne Museum. First of all we went to the Melbourne Story section. There was Phar Lap the racing horse. After the Melbourne Story section, we went to the Mind and Body section. In the Mind and Body section, there was a skeleton to show us what we look like inside. We then went to the Forest Gallery. The Forest Gallery had frogs, fish and lots of others. After doing those great things We then headed outside to eat lunch. After lunch, we moved to the Dinosaur section. There were Dinosaur bones and facts on the bottom. After looking at the Dinosaur bones we went to the Wild section. At the Wild section we saw Wild animals. Next we went to go and watch a 3D movie. It was about Volcanoes. My favourite section was the 3D movie. After the 3D movie we were heading back to the bus. On the bus I was sitting next to Mikayla. Once we got back to school, we said, „Thank you,‟ to the parent helpers. I had a great day. By Sienna R 3K Continued….

Continued….. Melbourne Museum On the 3/4 excursion all the Grade 3/4‟s went to the Melbourne Museum. We got on the bus, it took 45 minutes to get there. When 3K and 4Y got off the bus we had snack. After snack we got in to groups. I was with my dad James. First of all, 3K and 4Y went to the Melbourne Story. First my group went to see Phar Lap. Did you know Australia has the skin of Phar Lap and New Zealand has the bones? We also went on a rollercoaster but don‟t worry, it was stiff so it didn‟t move. After that, we went to a model a house from the old days and I learnt if I was born in the old days, I wouldn‟t go to the toilet at all! Next, 3K went to the Mind and Body exhibit we saw a brain. We also saw a human body. It was pretty gross so we moved on to the Forest Gallery. At the Forest Gallery we went in a cave, it was very dark and scary. Then we saw a burnt house. All that was left was a chimney. We also went to the Bugs Alive and Wild Section. The Bugs Alive was scary for me because I hate spiders! The best part of the day was the Forest Gallery because it was very interesting. By Vanessa 3K I am going to talk about the Grade 3/4 excursion to the Melbourne Museum last Friday or the 27 th April. On the day, we met at the courtyard and hurried to the bus. I was SO excited. I got on the bus there was a spot on the back of the bus. I hopped on the back seat and we headed off to the museum. When we arrived, we ate snack and went in to the museum. First we went to the upper floor and went into the History Gallery. We had groups and I was in Mr Atkins group along with Georgia, Madeline, Jake, Drew, Jamison, Vanessa, Andrew and Deegan. There were interesting things like a TV carriage. It looked like we were having a real ride. It was weird there! Next, we went to the Mind and Body gallery. It was also weird because there were some holes that said above them, “have you had this dream before?” I hadn‟t had one of those dreams before! There were three beds there (I didn‟t know what they were for either!). Then we went to the Forest Gallery. There were a lot of plants. We went into a water cave and I felt a bit of cold water vapour. It felt nice and refreshing. We went outside the museum once again and ate lunch. It was YUM! Later, we went back into the museum. We watched a fascinating short movie about how Earth was created and volcanoes erupted when Earth was formed. It turned out, Earth was created by meteors! This was my favourite part of the day because it was very eye popping! After that, we went to the Bugs Alive section. There were some huge spiders but some were only fake. Vanessa was scared but I told her not to worry because they were fake. There was a hole in a table and we could look into a real life ant colony! That was my favourite part of the Bugs Alive section. Finally, we went to the Wild section. There were camera magnifiers planted on the ground. They could twist and turn. If you tapped an animal on the screen, it would tell you information about that specific animal. It was fun and interesting. To sum up, I thought it was an extraordinary day at the museum. Written by Kyle L 3K

SCHOOL BANKING The School Banking program includes an exciting Rewards Program designed to encourage children to get into the habit of making regular saving. Every time your child makes a deposit at school they receive a silver coloured Dollarmites token. The first token will be received upon the first deposit at school. Once your child has individually saved 10 tokens they can redeem them for an exclusive Dollarmites reward item. Students will have lots of fun saving their tokens for these cool rewards items. School Banking is also a great fundraiser for our school. The school receives $5 when children make their first deposit at school and a commission on every deposit made through the School Banking program. Taking part in School Banking is easy. If your child has an existing Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account they can start banking straight away. They just need to bring their deposit in every week using their Dollarmites deposit wallet. If your child has misplaced their Dollarmites deposit book or deposit wallet, they can request a new one from either the local branch or contact the School Banking Co-ordinator. If your child does not have a Youthsaver account, you can open one at any Commonwealth Bank branch, no forms to fill in! Alternatively, if you are an existing Commonwealth Bank customer with access to NetBank you can apply online. Another option is to download a paper-based application form from Please note this option may take up to 2 weeks before a Dollarmites wallet and deposit book is sent to your home address to start banking at school.


It has been a HUGE few weeks in sport at Berwick Lodge PS. We have had our House cross country, district cross country and district and divisional team trials. A week ago we held the Berwick Lodge PS house cross country championships. Students in grades 3 and 4 ran a 2km course around the school, and grade 5/6 students covered three kilometres in the wet conditions. Everybody who ran should take pride in their performance, and a special congratulations goes to the 60 students who qualified for the district event. Well done to the winning house on the day, Wilson House. The Berwick Lodge PS cross country age champions are: Daniel 3S Annalise 3S Indi 5C Tara 4R Jackson 5D Katie 6P Jake 6W Lilli 6W District cross country. The Edwin Flack District cross country trials were held yesterday in cold, wet conditions, and Berwick Lodge sent their best 60 runners to compete for the chance to advance through to the divisional event. All runners ran extremely well against tough competition (there were 70 students in each race!). Congratulations to all runners on the day and thank you for representing Berwick Lodge with distinction. Extra congratulations goes to the following students who finished in the top ten: Lilli 6W Indi 5C Jake 6W Katie 6P Tara 4R Sam 4K District team trials. April and May also saw the running of the Edwin Flack District team sports trials. A select number of students from netball, aussie rules, soccer and basketball received an invitation to attend selection trials in which they had the opportunity to be selected to represent Edwin Flack district in their chosen team sport. The following students were selected to represent Edwin Flack in the divisional team trials: Soccer: Aaron 6W Struan 6N Jarn 6K Josh 6N Basketball: Myles 6P Lauren 6K Aussie Rules: Cailan 6W

Clayton 6N

Grace 6N

Shenelle 6N

Stephanie 6P

Jemma 6K

Alex 6W

Good luck to the following students who were selected to represent Casey North Division in the Regional team trials: Cailan 6W Grace 6N Struan 6N Finally, I would love to thank all parent helpers who have come along and given their time to assist in the running of these events or supervision/transport of students. Without your help these events would not happen and our children would not be given the opportunity to strut their stuff in higher levels of competition. Nick Pryor Phys ED Coordinator

AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICS COMPETITION The Australian Mathematics Competition Awards is a competition open to any student in Grades 3 - 6. Following our successes in past years, we are pleased to announce that we will once again be offering the opportunity for Grade 3 - 6 students to participate in this competition. All students who participate will receive a certificate showing their level of achievement and a detailed report of their performance on each problem with comparative statistics. The competition will be undertaken at school on Thursday 2nd August 2012. The cost for entering the competition is $5.50 per student. If you are interested in having your child/children participate in this competition, please complete the reply slip below, include the registration fees and return to your childâ€&#x;s class teacher by Friday 18th May 2012. Should you have any further queries about the competition please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Paul Whitehead in Room 18. Forms are available from the office. Participation in the competition is NOT compulsory! (Only children in Grade 3-6 are eligible to enrol).

Parents & Friends Association Mothers Day Stall

This year the Mothers Day Stall will be held on Wednesday 9th May 2012. Thanks to everyone who has returned their orders, the response has been great. Feedback on the pricing of the gifts has also been very positive. The PFA are very aware that the costs of schooling can add up quickly and are taking this into account with the planning of our fundraising events for the year. Due to the support of our suppliers we are also able to extend the due date for Mothers Day stall money. Orders will now be accepted until Monday 7th May 2012. Could each child please bring a plastic shopping bag on the day so that gifs can be safely packaged for the trip home!!

Cadbury Chocolate Drive

The Cadbury Chocolate Drive will commence later this month. Each family will receive a mixed box of delicious Cadbury Freddo Frogs to sell. Once again Cadbury has been extremely generous and they have given us a fantastic mountain bike to award to the family that is able sell the most chocolates as well as other sporting goods for the school. So start wording up your family and friends, tell them to save those $1 coins and you could be the one taking home this fantastic prize!!

Second Had Uniform Shop

The Second Hand Uniform Shop will be opened this Friday 4th May 2012 from 3pm till 4pm in room 31. There are lots of fantastic items in including plenty of jumpers and jackets with prices starting at just $2. With the weather cooling down fast now is a great time to stock up for winter.


Monday 7th May 2012 - Mothers Day notice due Wednesday 9th May 2012 - Mother Day Stall Friday 11th May 2012 - Second Hand Uniform Shop 3-4pm The next PFA meeting will be held on Wednesday 16th May 2012 at 9.30am in Room 31. All welcome, feel free to bring the kids!!

BUSINESS ADVERTISING CRYSTAL CLEANING SERVICES P/L For all your carpet/upholstery and general cleaning needs Special Offer 3 rooms/3 seats Professionally steamed cleaned for $77.00 incl. GST Free deodorising Free stain treating Other services: Vacate clean-up/ready for sale For bookings & enquiries contact Steve 0411 752 279 $1.00 from each booking goes back to BLPS. Plus $1.00 to Royal Children's Hospital

COMMUNITY ADVERTISING FOR SALE 6x4 Blue Felt Pool Table: comes with variety of Cues, Cue Stand, x 1 Set of Balls, x 1 Set of Competition Balls. $700.00 Beech/Grey office desk: „Empire‟ brand with round end 90cm W x 290cm L $180.00 2 door cupboards: x3 beech 800 W x 410 D x 890mm H $120.00 White Board: comes with or without stand 1500mm x 1200mm $50.00 All Enquires please call Kellie 0407 329 122

LOST Purple Tupperware lunchbox. If found please return to 1K room 14

NARRE WARREN-BERWICK BLUE LIGHT DISCO BERWICK LEISURE CENTRE, MANUKA ROAD, BERWICK SATURDAY 5th May 2012 “Berwick Flames is a basketball organisation that is focused on core values that include family, friendships and fair play. We exist to promote healthy competitive competition whilst maintaining our core values. We focus on our kids playing, practising, while growing physically, mentally and socially”. Registration for Winter Season is now open at Berwick Flames Basketball Club Winter Season starts Saturday 14th April 2012 All are welcome! For more information please looks at our website:

For Students in years 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 only Times 6:00pm to 10:00pm COST: $10.00 Any enquires to Narre Warren Police Station 9705 3111

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