Newsletter 2010_02_04

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BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198 E-mail: Visit our Websites :,


NEWSLETTER N0.01 DIARY DATES Tuesday 9th February Wednesday 10th February Friday 12th February Tuesday 16th February Tuesday 23 February Wednesday 24th February

Prep ‗Mock canteen visit‘ PFA meeting 9:30am OSHC building Swimming Carnival Trials Casey Arc Second hand uniform shop Meet the teacher night 3:00pm-6:00pm Meet the teacher night 3:00pm-6:00pm 6:30pm-8:00pm

NOTICES DUE BACK BY Friday 26th February Monday 8th February

EMA applications close Swimming trials

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT WELCOME I hope that you all had a wonderful break over the Christmas holidays and are fully refreshed for a great year. I certainly enjoyed a relaxing holiday with my family and experienced scuba diving for the first time – enjoying the marvels of the Great Barrier Reef. During the holidays our school underwent several maintenance programs – our annual building paintwork ―refreshment‖ program was completed, the gymnasium floor stripped and resealed and all line markings repainted. In addition, a desalination plant to enable us to access underground water for our grounds was installed and our computers upgraded across the school. Last week staff participated in a one day professional development activity as part of an introduction to the You Can Do It student wellbeing and personal development program that we will be introducing this year. This program will augment and strengthen our existing range of student wellbeing initiatives that we currently provide. OUR FIRST WEEK I am really pleased to report that we have had an outstanding start to the school year. The kids are great, our staff is refreshed and it has been a very smooth and trouble free beginning. It is only early days yet but the first week has been a wonderful

launching pad for the great plans we have for 2010. BUILDING EDUCATION REVOLUTION (BER) UPDATE I have been in regular contact with John Allman, General Manager, Education Partnerships, Office of Government School Education, since early January with respect to moving forward on our P21 project. John‘s brief has been to negotiate a satisfactory resolution to the impasse at which we have been with respect to our project. The discussions have been frank and cordial and John has presented me with a set of proposals for consideration. As I told John, the proposals he offered state nothing new to those already on the table, except for the concession that, ―the DEECD would welcome information/ preliminary work undertaken by the school locally regarding the relocation of the stormwater and sewerage pipes‖. John has taken back to the State BER team my request that the quotes for the rerouting of the services in question be the benchmark for the tendering of that cost item, rather than merely being welcomed. In addition, John has taken on board our concern over a failure by the DEECD to make available to us the tender quotes for our project to ensure transparency and competitive pricing. I will keep you informed of progress in these discussions.

CONDOLENCES It came as quite a shock to learn of the sudden passing of Anne Wills, one of our founding students, during the school holidays. Anne was only 26 years of age and together with her older brother, Gareth, were students at Berwick Lodge P. S. in our first year, 1990. Vin Wills, Anne and Gareth‘s mother was a very active member of our school community in our early years and her contribution to our school was greatly appreciated. Our sincere condolences are extended to Anne‘s family and friends. Earlier this week, Julie McLeod, one of our long term teachers, father died after a long illness. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Julie and her family in this sad time. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q. How useful is the My School website information for comparing school performance? A. In my opinion, not very useful at all. The best that can be said about the NAPLAN results, on which the data about student performance is based, is that it provides some useful diagnostic information about individual children in selected areas of their literacy and numeracy development. QUOTABLE QUOTE ‘League tables of schools fuel more doubts than douse flames.’ HENRY GROSSEK

ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL’ S REPORT WELCOME TO 2010 Welcome back to all our families! We hope that you enjoyed a relaxing holiday break. We also welcome our Prep 2010 students and new students starting at Berwick Lodge in Years 1 to 6. The children have all settled in very well, especially the Prep students who have confidently taken their first steps in their schooling journey. If you see any new faces around the school please welcome them to our school community.

SCHOOL MAGAZINE 2009 In the past Berwick Lodge has produced a hard copy of their annual school magazine and sold it to families at a subsidised cost. With rising costs of producing the school magazine, a decision was made to produce and online magazine that families would be able to easily access through our school website. This magazine was placed on the website prior to the holidays and feedback from families who have viewed the magazine has been very positive. We SAVER PLUS encourage families to visit our website at We have recently received some to view information regarding a ―Super Saver‖ scheme which is run by the Brotherhood the 2009 magazine and check out other features of our updated website. of St Laurence in conjunction with the ANZ bank. This is a savings and financial HOLIDAY PROJECTS program that teaches money skills to During the school holidays several people on lower incomes and projects were undertaken around our encourages them to build savings to help school as part of our ongoing efforts to pay for their children‘s education. provide a safe, attractive and well Participants‘ savings are matched $1 for equipped learning environment for our $1 (up to $500) and the money saved is students. To enhance the building and used to pay for educational items such as grounds we have completed the annual uniforms, books, excursions and camps. painting upgrade to the permanent Parents who have previously taken buildings, steam cleaned all carpets, advantage of this program have provided tidied up the garden beds and us with very positive feedback. surrounding areas and commenced the If you are interested in further installation of the desalination plant for information regarding this scheme please our ground water system. We have also let the office know and they will pass on undertaken repairs to some of our shade the relevant contact details. sales that have been vandal damaged. Thanks to the fundraising efforts of our STUDENT ACCIDENT dedicated PFA, new interactive INSURANCE ARRANGEMENTS whiteboards have been installed in each Parents and guardians are advised that they are generally responsible for paying of our Prep classrooms and the prep the cost of medical treatment for injured teachers are very enthusiastic about utilising these in their classroom students, including any transport costs. Most medical costs will be refundable by programs. Medicare. If you are a member of an ambulance or health insurance fund, you may also be able to claim transport or other expenses from the fund. The Department of Education and Training does not hold accident insurance for school students, however, other insurance cover is available. The Department is aware of two insurers, JUA Underwriting Agency Pty Ltd and Willis Australia Ltd, that provide accident insurance policies for students. These policies provide specific benefits for students who are injured in accidents for a reasonably low cost. Other insurers may also do so. It is recommended that families consider Ambulance Membership as ambulance costs are incurred for an ambulance to attend, regardless of whether transportation to hospital is necessary.

2009 and we are in the process of electing other leaders. Elections for our eight House Captain will be held tomorrow (Friday) and will be announced at next Monday‘s school assembly. In past years we have had 8 sports captains but this year we will be having two Sports Captains, two Visual Art Captains, two Performing Arts Captains, two Library Captains, and two ICT Captains. These positions will be appointed by staff and will also be announced at the assembly. This new structure will allow us to offer leadership roles to children with a greater range of interests. Parents are invited to come along to our next assembly to witness the announcements being made on Monday 8th February. CARPARKING Parents are reminded that the car parks provided at the Mansfield Street Milkbar and the Berwick Lodge Medical Centre are for patrons of these facilities only and are not available for the use of parents picking up students from our school. Likewise the car park at the front of the school is intended for staff usage. Limited parking is available for people with disabilities in the staff carpark and the Cyril Molyneux Reserve car park. It would be appreciated if our community could be mindful of leaving these spaces available for those in need. Parents may have also observed that there is now a sign on the ground at the entrance to the staff carpark to remind pedestrians that access to the school grounds is not available through this gate. This is for safety reasons.

STUDENT REQUISITE PAYMENTS LYNNE BRENNER & DEBBIE Thank you to the many families who CUSACK have already paid the compulsory student requisites payment for 2010. The BPay option of payment has proven to be very successful in allowing parents to organise their payment from home. Parents using this method to pay school costs need to be mindful that the payment takes one to two working days to show up on our banking records, at which time the receipt will be issued and sent home with your eldest child. If you have any queries regarding payments please contact the school office. STUDENT LEADERS This year we have made some minor changes to the structure of our student leadership roles. Our 2010 School Captains were appointed at the end of



Our lovely second-hand uniform shop is running low on stock. So if you have any uniforms you wish to sell or donate, please bring them to the front office for collection. If you would like the PFA to sell uniforms, please clearly label with your name and telephone number and price you would like to sell at. Please note: uniforms must be clean and in good condition with current logo. Next second hand shop to open is Tuesday February 16th 2010 2:30pm-3:15pm From the PFA team.

The Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) is provided to assist eligible families with the costs associated with the education of their children. To be eligible for receipt of the EMA you must: be either a parent or guardian of a primary or secondary school student up to the age of sixteen; and be an eligible beneficiary of a Centrelink pension, allowance or benefit within the meaning of the State Concessions Act 2004 or be a Veterans Affairs (TPI) pensioner or be a foster parent. Consequently parents/guardians are able to access the EMA if they have a valid Health Care Card or valid Pension Card. The eligibility criteria must be met as at the first day of Term 1 (27 January 2010 which is the first day for teaching staff) and Term 3 (12 July 2010). The EMA application must be submitted to the school by 26 February 2010 . The EMA provides an annual amount of $225 for primary students. This amount is split evenly between the parents/ guardians and the school. Parents with continuing eligibility, who are paid the first instalment of 2010 through this school will not be required to complete a new application for the second instalment. Parents who transfer children to another school after 26 February 2010 and prior to or on 6 August 2010, must reapply at the new school for the second instalment .

PFA NEWS Hi and welcome all, to another year at B.L.P.S.!!! The PFA committee would like to welcome everyone back from the nice long Christmas break. We have a fantastic line up for fundraising this year, starting off in March with an Open market and Easter raffle. The Open market is for anyone wanting to book a stall to sell and/or promote their business. Forms will be distributed in the next few days. As well as the market, there will be some fantastic rides, cake stall, showbags and a huge sausage sizzle. Next PFA Meeting is to be held 9.30am Wednesday 10 th February 2010, at the OSHC building. The PFA is looking for new members, everyone is welcome including toddlers!! Cheers Michelle Sarjeant and PFA Committee

MANSFIELD STREET MILK BAR NEWS To Parents and Guardians, As the school year commences for 2010 we would like to issue a friendly reminder that the limited parking spaces we have on our premises are strictly for customers use with a limit of 5 minute time limit applying between the times of 2:00pm-4:00pm on weekdays. These times are clearly outlined by parking signs displayed on the premises. This carpark is not to be used for parents waiting to collect students and students may be at risk of altercations with vehicles during the rush to get home as traffic accumulates down Mansfield Street. By cooperation we can ensure that 2010 will be a safe and successful year. Sincerely the friendly staff at Mansfield Street Food Mart

Beleza, our uniform store will be relocating to their new warehouse at 72 Wedgewood Road, Hallam Melway 96 D3 as of Monday 15th February.


Welcome back to all parents, teachers, students and especially to our new comers at Berwick Lodge. We are ready for a fun and jam-packed New Year! We would like to get involved with the children throughout the school year, so we would like to hear your ideas, suggestions and feed back on things in our program. Camp Australia are bringing in some new practices including:  All new customers can register for a new account online via the website. (more information in regards to this can be received at the OSHC building)  A customer portal, which aims for all previously enrolled/registered parents will be able to make changes/bookings online. (Camp Australia account number and their password are required to access this.) As of 2010 there are some new fees,  An annual enrolment fee  An overdue account fee. (Registered customers should or will receive this information in the mail/email. Please note: grades 1-6 students make their own way to and from OSHC. Preps are brought to and picked up from their classrooms. Our operating hours are: Before school care 6:45am—8:45am After school care 3:30pm—6:30pm Our direct line is 9769 8251 or you can call the admin team at Camp Australia on 8851 4160. Stay tuned for more BLOSHC news throughout the term. Thankyou Regards OSHC team Dom: Co-ordinator Olivia: Assistant Co-ordinator Yvonne & Robin: Assistants

BUSINESS ADVERTISING The Party Food Shop Your one stop party shop Paul Stemson 0418 141 946 Phone 9704 6940 Fax 9704 6214 New Bigger Shop, Factory 3/12 Deblin Drive, Narre Warren 3805 1300 1 PARTY or 9704 6940

DANCIN DIVA CELEBRATE LIFE & DANCE Fun classes in Hip Hop & Tap Exam classes in Ballet, Jazz & Tap

Have fun, get fit & meet new friends

ROB’S British & Irish Products The Best Butcher on the Block. 177 Lonsdale Street Dandenong 9792 5188 Specializing In: British Gammon, Haggis, Irish Boling Bacon, Pork Pies, Welsh Faggots, Scottish Pies. White Puddings, Scottish Black Pudding, English Black Pudding, Scottish Kippers and Much Much More!!!

FRAMING BY BRAD Specialising in Scanning of negatives & slides, Restoration of photos, Framing of photos, All types of photography Brad Norton Chief Framer/Photographer 0417 953 199 Web: Email:

CRYSTAL CLEANING SERVICES P/L MUMS CLEAN UP AFTER THE KIDS!! For all your carpet/upholstery and general cleaning needs Special Offer 3 rooms/3 seats Professionally steamed cleaned for $77.00 incl. gst Free deodorising Free stain treating Other services Vacate clean-up/ready for sale For bookings & enquiries contact Steve 0411 752 279 $1.00 from each booking goes back to BLPS. Plus $1.00 to Royal Children's Hospital

BARGAIN BOOKSALE CRANBOURNE LIBRARY SATURDAY 13TH FEBRUARY 8:30AM—2:00PM Conference Room, Casey Indoor Leisure Complex, Berwick-Cranbourne Road, Cranbourne GRAB YOURSELF A BARGAIN Great books from 50c to $5.00

For enquires call Danny

9646 2820 GROUP GUITAR LESSONS FOR TERM 1 2010 New Enrolments for group guitar lessons are currently being accepted for Term 1, 2010. These lessons are held after school on Wednesdays in the music room. You can obtain an enrolment form for these lessons from the school office. If you would like to enroll your child please fill in an enrolment form and fax or post it to Excel Music. Small Reminder Re-enrolment from one term to the next (including from one year to the next) is automatic so, once enrolled, you do not need to send a new enrolment form each term in order to continue. Cancellation Procedure If you would like your child to discontinue lessons, please notify Excel Music directly (not the school office) in writing. This can be via: - fax (9801 8992) - mail (PO Box 5319, Studfield VIC, 3152), For further information, please contact Excel Music on (03) 9801 8991.

Parents Building Solutions

Connected Parenting Do you want to stay connected to your child? Do you wonder why they aren’t listening to you or how to deal with their anger? Do you find living with kids exhausting? Are they just driving you completely batty? Come along and share your frustrations, skills and maybe get new ideas on parenting Who:

Dads, mums & carers of children 0 – 12 years


1.00 pm - 3.00 pm Wednesday 17th & 24th February and 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th March


Berwick Neighbourhood House, 112 High Street, Berwick




Helena at Parentzone on 59912200 or 0488 550 490

(please ring to book)





BERWICK BOYS SQUADRON: Will be held on Wednesday night 24th February 2010 from7:00pm - 9:00pm In the Gymnasium

At the Berwick Lodge Primary School Mansfield Street Berwick. BERWICK GIRLS SQUADRON: Will be held on Monday Night 22nd February 2010 From 7:00pm – 9:00pm. In the Narre Warren Mechanics hall At 59 Webb Street Narre Warren.

For more information about the Squadrons, Call 1800 502 175

COMMUNITY NEWS Casey Chiefs Junior Rugby League Club Welcome all new members, friends and family to our Club.

Registration Days Casey Fields, Berwick – Cranbourne Rd, Cranbourne. Saturday February 6th 2010 2pm to 4pm Melways: 134 E7

Ballam Park, Cranbourne Rd, Frankston. Saturday February 13th 2010 2pm to 4pm Melways: 103 B4

Mornington Park, Esplanade, Mornington. Saturday 20th February 2010 2pm to 4pm Melways: 104 D10

Ray Bastin Reserve, Narre Warren – Cranbourne Rd, Narre Warren. Saturday 27th February 2010 2pm to 4pm Melways: 110 E8

Age Groups: UNDER 7’s – UNDER 18’s Girls Flag Touch: UNDER 12’s – 18’s For more information regarding registration requirements please go to or please contact – Chris Howard – 0407 688 709 Leanne Howard – 0407 688 719 Or via email at

TIMBARRA & COMMUNITY JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB …is being held at Timbarra Primary School (Mel Way 110 J3) on Sunday 14th & 21st of February from 11am-1pm. We are looking for players in Under 9, 10, 11 & 12 age groups for the 2010 season. Male & female players of all skill levels are most welcome. Any queries can be answered by Dean (0425 825 593) or Alison (0419 344 252). Please ask Mum/Dad to bring along a copy of your proof of your age so that we can register you in the correct team. See you there…..

Salesian College Chadstone Bosco Street Chadstone

Open Evenings Monday 8 February Thursday 18 February

Commencing at 7.00pm Tours are conducted every Monday morning at 9.30am. Applications for Year 7 2011 are closing on

Friday 26 February 2010 Please contact College Registrar on 9807 2644.

FOUNTAIN GATE JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB Registration Day Sunday 21st February 2010 12.00pm--3.00pm Sausage sizzle on the day Looking for all age groups u/9 to u/16 All new players must bring proof of age to register on the day Big discounts for all under 9 registrations All enquiries please contact the Secretary Mary on 0417 351 045 WANTED GIRLS BORN IN 2000 WHO WOULD LIKE TO JOIN A GIRLS’ UNDER-10 TEAM TO START PLAYING IN FEBRUARY 2010 CONTACT DENNIS: 9707 1286


Cathy-Lea A C A D E MY




“Experts in Entertainment Education”

•Ballet • Tap • Jazz • Hip Hop •Street Dance •Contemporary •Drama • Singing • Music •Kinder Dance •Acrobatics • Pilates • Bollywood Studios : 5/15-19 Narre Warren (opposite Casey ARC) •Pre-school classes for ages 2-6 • Boys only classes •“Fun & Fitness” Classes • Special Needs Dance •Extension Classes • Optional Exams & Eisteddfods

• Qualified teachers - affiliated with Cecchetti International, A.T.O.D., S.F.D. & Trinity Guildhalll


9 7 0 4

7 3 2 4

Principal: Cathy-Lea Smith (B.Ed., M.Ed., L.C.I.C.B., L.S.F.D)

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