Newsletter 25th Feb 2010

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BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198 E­mail: Visit our Websites :,


NEWSLETTER N0.04 DIARY DATES Friday 26th February Tuesday 2nd March Tuesday 2nd March Tuesday 2nd March Wednesday 3rd March Wednesday 3rd March Monday 8th March Tuesday 23rd March

Diary dates continued School Photos RE Starts for grade 1 & 2 Water awareness 1M,1C,1J,1K starts District swimming sports 9:10am-2:30pm PFA Meeting 9.30am OSHC building RE starts for grade 3 & 4 Labour Day—No School Second Hand Uniform 2.30pm-3.15pm

Tuesday 9th March Tuesday 9th March Tuesday 9th March

RE starts for Prep Preps Amy’s Amazing Adventure Gr 3/4 Share program

NOTICES DUE BACK BY Friday 26th February Friday 5th March Friday 5th March

EMA PARENT APPLICATIONS Preps Amy's Amazing Adventure Gr 3/4 SHARE program

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT SCHOOL COUNCIL ELECTIONS To date I have received three (3) nominations for Parent Category vacancies on school council. We have a total of five (5) vacancies and we do need at least two more. Please do consider nominating for a position. A phone call to our office on Friday would start the ball rolling and would be greatly appreciated.

CONGRATULATIONS Monique, one of our students has been invited, following a rigorous audition process, to join the Victorian State Schools Melbourne Junior Dance Ensemble for 2010. This is an outstanding achievement for Monique and we can justifiably be very proud of her. Monique joins a long list of Berwick Lodge primary School students who have excelled in a wide variety of pursuits at a very high level. MEET THE TEACHER NIGHT Well done, Monique and I look Please accept my thanks to all parents forward to attending a performance who found the time to “meet their later in the year. child’s teacher” this week. We are very keen to build strong partnerships FREQUENTLY ASKED with our students’ parents and it was QUESTIONS (FAQ’s) very heartening to have so many Q. Where are we up to with our parents able to attend during the Building Education Revolution week. If you were unable to attend I (BER) project? hope that you are able to make A. In limbo at the moment and alternative arrangements with your awaiting the next move from the child’s teacher to meet with them. DEECD. I think we are in the too hard basket at the moment, judging MEDIA ATTENTION ON A by the lack of communication from GROWING KNIFE CULTURE the DEECD for the past fortnight. I IN OUR COMMUNITY AND IN have arranged with Kaye Seton, SCHOOLS Principal of Berwick P.S. to work This is a serious issue and whilst the together with our Federal MP, Jason number of incidents involving knives Wood and our local media outlets in at schools is low, we really don’t need profiling our joint concerns. Our next many to cause us great alarm. It is an step is to present a tale of three local issue to which we give serious primary schools (Berwick Lodge P.S., thought and one that I doubt will Berwick P.S. and St. Michael’s P.S.) in simply fade away by itself. Please find the local papers demonstrating the attached a copy of an article that I difference in outcome between St. have written for publication on this Michael’s P.S. on the one hand, and topic – the title being, “On a knife’s Berwick P.S and ours on the other. edge in our schools”. The principal of St. Michael’s, Michael

Hanney has kindly consented to publicising his school’s satisfaction with their outcome compared with our two schools dissatisfaction in the local papers. QUOTABLE QUOTE

There‛s a bitter irony to living in a lonely state of denial – it‛s actually quite crowded there!


ART NEWS Berwick Lodge will be having an art display at the Berwick Show over the weekend, so if you get the chance to go, have a look at all of our children’s artwork! If you have any of the following items spare at home could you please donate them to the art room Egg carton Roll from cling wrap Clean ice cream containers Suitable storage containers Thank you very much. ART Captains Tiffany and Liam

ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL’ S REPORT MEET THE TEACHER NIGHTS Thank you for your outstanding support in attending our first Meet the Teacher Night for this year. Attendance levels were very high and teachers welcomed the opportunity to chat with you regarding your child’s education and wellbeing this year. We also wish to acknowledge the time that our teachers contributed towards making the two evenings a success. PREP COMMENCEMENT OF FULL DAYS Our Prep Team reports that our prep children have settled in well to the routine of the school day and are now ready to attend school for full days. As of Monday March 1st, the Prep dismissal time will be 3:30PM in line with the rest of the school. Dismissal procedures will remain the same with parents/guardians/OSHC staff collecting students from the classrooms. CARPARK CONCERNS Some parents have approached us regarding clarification of the use of the drop off and pick up zone located in Collins Crescent. For your information, this zone is located between the two school car park driveways in Collins Crescent. It is signed with red ‘No Parking 89:15AM 3-4PM school days’ signs and road markings as well. No Parking is defined in the Road Rules as only allowing vehicles to stop for a maximum of two minutes and that the car is not to be left unattended. It is okay for you to get out of your car to open the door or the boot for your child as long as you have left after 2 minutes.

It is expected that, as a responsible parent, if you intend to park and leave your car you will park elsewhere and leave this area free to be used as a flowing pick up and drop off zone. Parents utilising the pick up zone are asked to remind their children to arrive promptly and wait back from the kerb in the pick up area.

school in ensuring that helmets are worn by both bike and scooter riders. We will be reinforcing this practice at school and following up with families of students who are not complying with these regulations.

CURRICULUM NEWS – LEEP AND STUDENT RADIO PROGRAM This week our students involved in DOGS IN SCHOOL GROUNDS LEEP (Lodgers ELearning Extension A reminder to all families that it is Program) commenced their 2010 our school policy that dogs cannot classes with Lois Smethurst. The be brought into the school grounds students for LEEP are selected on the during school hours. (8:45AM to basis of their academic achievement, 3:45PM) Thank you for your support work habits and commitment to in this matter. producing work of a high standard. They are generally working well STUDENT TUTORING From time to time parents approach above year level expectations. It is expected that these students will the school requesting information regarding private tutors that operate develop the skills to become ICT leaders in their classroom, modelling within the local area. We have and supporting their peers and recently received a letter from somebody offering this service. This teachers to utilise ICT skills to enhance learning. The ICT activities information and other tutoring will involve using web 2.0 tools, multi options are available on request. -media and the internet to establish STUDENT WELLBEING global links and collaboration. NEWS – WEARING OF Another program that is well HELMETS We have been advised by the police underway is our Student Radio that a person who is travelling on Program. Currently students from 6W are involved in the production of a scooter on a road, or road the BLPS Student Hour which is related area (footpath) must broadcast on Wednesday between wear an approved bicycle 2:00PM and 3:00PM on the local helmet securely fitted and community radio station 3SER fastened on the rider’s head. (97.7FM). Families are encouraged The penalty for not wearing an to tune in and follow the progress of approved helmet is currently $146. our young radio stars! We have observed that a large number of students utilising their LYNNE BRENNER & DEBBIE scooters to get to and from school CUSACK are not wearing safety helmets. In the interests of student safety, we request that families support the

RCH GOOD FRIDAY APPEAL The time of year is here again for donations to this very worthwhile cause. Berwick Lodge PS has a long history with this appeal and have always given generously. There are Service Award plaques hanging in the office foyer where you can see our donations. Envelopes are enclosed with the newsletter for donations and these must be returned to school by no later than Monday, 22nd March, 2010.


The Grade 6 jumpers will be arriving early next week and will be handed out to the students who placed an order. We do apologise for the delay but trust that you and your child will be happy with the end result. Thankyou Jodie Luketic On behalf of the Grade 6 team.

PFA NEWS This week the Easter Raffle tickets were sent out and the Hot cross bun drive. Please support our fund raising efforts. We have some great prizes so far for the raffle including 3 x one month Gym memberships for the Rebound Leisure Club worth $89.00 each, as well as one terms free swimming lessons and also a voucher for a Hair salon at Rebound Leisure Club. There is also a huge basket full of chocolate goodies. If you can sell more tickets please ask your teachers and you will be given more raffle books. The Hot cross bun drive is due back on Monday 15th March. We sampled these buns and are fantastic and well worth the money. These all need to be picked up at the canteen on Thursday 25th March from 2:30pm. There is no preservatives so must be picked up on the day. We are also asking for second hand uniforms. So if you want us to sell them for you or you want to donate them to the school please leave them at the office...BUT remember that they must be clean and with current logo PLEASE. If we are selling for you please include all details including how must you want for them. Our next meeting is on Wednesday 3rd March in the OSHC buildings at 9.30am. All parents and toddlers are welcome.


COMMUNITY NEWS LOST Navy button up jacket size 6, named with ‘Brittany’ embroidered on lapel. Contact Belinda 9769 5614 FOUND A pair of reading glasses. Please contact the office. FREE to good home 2 x kittens 5 weeks old, 1 x grey & white, 1 x black & white Ready to go in 1-2 weeks. Please phone Anita 8772 2945

Join us on Sunday Feb 28 for Guide Dogs Victoria Open Day! For over 12 years, Guide Dogs Victoria’s annual Open Day has been entertaining kids and adults alike with a range of fun and educational experiences. Where: Chandler Highway, Kew (Melway Ref: 45 B1. ) When: Sunday, February 28, 2010 Time: 10am-4pm Cost: Entry is via gold coin donation Sorry, no pets allowed Parking is available off site at the following locations:  Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre, 1 Yarra Boulevard, Kew (Melway 45 A1)  Earl Street Reserve Earl Street, Kew Melway 45 C2/ D2 A shuttle bus service will be provided from parking destinations to the venue.

Fountain Gate Auskick 30th Birthday Year Registration Day Saturday 20th March 10:00am-12:00pm Sausage sizzle on the day Cost $60.00 per child includes AFL Pack. Register and pay online before 19th March you will be eligible to receive 2 Adult and 2 child tickets to watch your favourite team play at the MCG in 2010 NEW COACHES WANTED All enquiries please contact :Ken or Mandy 0414 253 116 Stephen 0409 544 038 AVOCARE Are you a Parent or Carer returning to earning? You may be eligible to $1000.00 grant towards the costs associated with re-training. Eligible individuals are able to use this money towards any qualification we offer at Avocare. To find out more information and for eligibility criteria please contact Gill on 9793 9766 Or go to



Fun classes in Hip Hop & Tap Exam classes in Ballet, Jazz & Tap

Have fun, get fit & meet new friends For enquires call Danny

9646 2820 The Party Food Shop Your one stop party shop Paul Stemson 0418 141 946 Phone 9704 6940 Fax 9704 6214 New Bigger Shop, Factory 3/12 Deblin Drive, Narre Warren 3805 1300 1 PARTY or 9704 6940

ROB’S British & Irish Products The Best Butcher on the Block. 177 Lonsdale Street Dandenong 9792 5188 Specializing In: British Gammon, Haggis, Irish Boling Bacon, Pork Pies, Welsh Faggots, Scottish Pies. White Puddings, Scottish Black Pudding, English Black Pudding, Scottish Kippers and Much Much More!!!

Mel’s Guidance Counselling Specialising in: ▪ Relationship / Family violence ▪ Grief / Bereavement, including suicide ▪ Anger Management ▪ Depression ▪ Family Breakdown ▪ Child / Adolescent Issues ▪ Teenage pregnancy Please call ▪ Eating Disorders Melissa on ▪ Self esteem 0413 333 547 ▪ Personal Development You can also visit my website:

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Are you looking for care for your child?

PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT Family Day Care provide quality, flexible and affordable childcare in a home environment. If you would like to know more about what Family Day Care can provide for your individual needs, come along to our Family Day Care information night. Monday 12th April 2010 7.00pm - 8.30pm Room 7 Civic Offices Magid Drive, Narre Warren RSVP - Contact Family Day Care Office by Friday 9th April on 9705 5410 Cranbourne Centro Cranbourne Narre Warren Magid Drive Narre Warren South Amberly Park Shopping Centre

Telephone: 03 9705 5200 Facsimile: 03 9704 9544 TTY: 03 9705 5568 TIS: 131 450 (Translating and Interpreting Service)

Magid Drive, PO Box 1000 Narre Warren Vic 3805 Email: Website:

STUDENT BANKING As you all know the Student Banking program helps our students learn the benefits of saving by allowing them to open and manage their own savings account at school. At Berwick Lodge PS we have a large number of students banking every Tuesday – in fact (according to the Commonwealth Bank) we have the largest number of students that bank on a weekly basis in our area. Earlier this week the Prep students were given an envelope with an application form to open their first account along with details of a new incentive program that the Commonwealth Bank have implemented this year. This incentive program is not only for new students but also for students that already have Youthsaver Accounts. For each time you deposit you will receive a token - if you check the redemption information (see below) you can redeem the tokens for prizes.

Come on students who haven’t banked for a little while – even if you bank 50cents a week you will receive a token. Student Banking is also a great way to raise money for our school as we get $5 for every Youthsaver Account opened and 5% commission on each deposit processed electronically at our school (up to $10 per individual deposit). In 2009 we raised over $1500 in commission and we would really love to raise more in 2010. If you are interested in opening an account please just ask at the office for an application package.

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