Berwick Lodge Newsletter 25th March 2010

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BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198 E-mail: Visit our Websites : http://, Camp Australia/Out of School Hours Care: 9769 8251

25TH MARCH 2010

NEWSLETTER N0.08 DIARY DATES Friday 26th March Monday 12th April Tuesday 13th April Wednesday 14th April Tuesday 20th April Tuesday 20th April Wednesday 21st April Thursday 22nd April Friday 23rd April Monday 26th April

END OF TERM 1—2:30PM FINISH START OF TERM 2 PFA meeting 1:30pm OSHC Choir excursion St. Margaret's School Gr 4M,3P,4S,3/4K Melbourne Expo Gr 5/6 Big Buzz production Berwick Early Learning Expo Gr 3/4R,3DA,4DR,3/4P Melbourne Expo Preps Basil’s Safety House ANZAC Day Holiday—no school

NOTICES DUE BACK BY Wednesday 14th April Thursday 15th April Thursday 22nd April

Gr 3/4 Melbourne Excursion Gr 5/6 Big Buzz production Preps Basil’s Safety House Show

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT SCHOOL COUNCIL ELECTION OF OFFICE BEARERS At Monday’s school council meeting, our office bearers for the next twelve months were elected. Congratulations (and thanks for taking on these important executive positions) are extended to: President: Richard Power Vice President: Jodie Norton Correspondence Secretary: Ailsa Atkins Minutes Secretary: Lois Smethurst I wish to acknowledge the wonderful contribution made to our school by our retiring school councillors – Lucienne Stewart (President), Andrew Loewe (Vice President), Stephen Rowe, David Allman, Ellen McDonald and Gloria Knight. Their contributions have been very significant and much appreciated.

in a few instances some parents are behaving badly toward each other. This is all very, very disappointing – how can we expect our children to behave well when we provide such bad role models (albeit that I am referring to a very, very small percentage of parents). Please grow up to those concerned! I have asked the City of Casey Bylaws officers to patrol our neighbourhood more frequently. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) Q. When is it okay for our kids to come to school in the morning before school starts? A. If they are not attending our Before School Care program, then from about 8:45am- 8:55am onwards is ideal. We are very concerned when kids arrive as early as 8:15 am or even earlier as they are not supervised at that time.

PARKING ISSUES QUOTABLE QUOTE Sadly, I have been reminded again ‘The winds of change are that a number of our parents are parking their cars inappropriately in always blowing –where does the streets adjoining our school, that leave you?’ particularly at the end of the school HENRY GROSSEK day, while waiting to pick up their children. Cars are being parked on nature strips, double-parked on the street, blocking other cars in the Collins Crescent car park and even being parked in the bus zone. Worse still, it has come to my attention that

SCHOOL AWARDS Congratulations to the following students who received awards over the last week:

Oscar PC Charlize PL John PM Jade PT

Aislin PC Beren PM Sobin PT

EMA CHEQUES EMA cheques are now available for collection with ID from the office.

SCHOOL START BONUS VOUCHERS Prep parents are reminded to redeem their School Start Bonus vouchers at the Post Office. Lost or damaged vouchers can be reprinted—please see school office.

ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL’ S REPORT CONGRATULATIONS We recently received notification from Spellmasters Australia that Nithiya 5L achieved second place in the Junior Division of the 2010 Round 2 Competition on Sunday March 21st. Nithiya won the Franklin Electronic Publishers second place prize and has earned herself a place in the Junior Grand Final at the end of the year. Congratulations to Nithiya! We are very proud of your efforts.

CURRICULUM NEWS YEAR 6 INDONESIAN PROGRAM Selamat sore! (Good afternoon) During Term 1 our Year 6 students have enjoyed their introduction to our LOTE (Languages Other Than English) Indonesian Program with Bu Daely. Their lessons have incorporated a study of the Indonesian language and culture. The language covered so far includes numbers, days, months, telling the time, greetings and basic SOMERS CAMP conversation. A display related to the Yesterday we welcomed home our children’s LOTE studies can be viewed weary campers and staff from their in the 5/6 building. nine days at the District Somers Camp. Indonesian has been the LOTE The children reported that they had all selected for introduction at BLPS as it enjoyed an ‘awesome’ time but were leads into the choices offered at the pleased to see their parents again. Secondary Colleges attended by the Thanks to Traceye Rapinett and Nick majority of our students. Pryor for giving up a lot of their personal time (including a weekend) to HARMONY DAY attend the camp with these students. Harmony Day is officially on March Student reflections on their time at 21st but can be celebrated at any time. camp will be included in our first The LEEP students have created a newsletter for Term 2. VoiceThread to record their ideas The opportunity to have students about Harmony Day and cultural participate in this camp is offered to inclusiveness which can be found on the school on a biennial basis so senior the school website at students in 2012 can look forward to this experience. Other schools including some from other countries are contributing their STUDENT WELLBEING NEWS ideas and thoughts as well. We would – BUILDING CONFIDENCE encourage families to take the time to As part of our You Can Do It Program visit our website and keep up with the our students will be focusing on the latest efforts of our students. ‘Confidence Key’. Confidence means Families are reminded that they can knowing you will be successful at many access the school newsletter via the things you attempt. It means not being website. afraid to make mistakes or to try something new. Examples of confident DRIVER BEHAVIOUR behaviour in children include raising This week a number of families, their hand in class to answer a including School Council question, attempting difficult work representatives have raised some without asking for help, sharing a new concerns regarding driver behaviour in idea with a teacher or the class, or and around the school particularly saying hello to someone new. during the peak times before and after In building confidence in children it is school. Apparently drivers are double important to encourage Selfparking or parking illegally, making Acceptance (not thinking badly of access difficult for families dropping off yourself when making a mistake), Risk or picking up their children. These Taking (trying something new even concerns extend to behaviours such as though you might not be able to do it the use of inappropriate/abusive first go), and Independence (thinking language between adults and general it is important to try new activities and rudeness towards others. While we speak up for yourself). acknowledge that it can be frustrating to wait or tolerate some driver behaviour, we request that our adult

community role model patience and good manners to our impressionable students and younger family members. To support us in addressing these issues we have contacted both the City of Casey By-laws officer and our local police who have assured us that they will increase their patrolling of our school parking areas and will issue fines to drivers who are not following road laws or adhering to parking restrictions. HEADLICE HOLIDAY BLITZ During the two week holiday break, we would appreciate the support of every family in the school in the detection and total eradication of any live lice and/or eggs that are found in children’s hair. While we realise that families are busy, we feel that it would be a most worthwhile exercise in eradicating lice from the school. To be successful, every family would need to commit some time to: Check their children’s hair at least twice over the holidays. (Eg: Week 1 and Week 2) If any live lice are found, treat immediately. (Complete follow-up checks and treatment.) If any eggs are found, apply lots of conditioner, and patiently remove all eggs. If every family was diligent in this exercise, we would be able to break the head lice cycle in the school. We thank you in advance for your cooperation, and look forward to ‘Lice-free Term 2 at B.L.P.S.!” We extend holiday wishes to all our families and hope that all students and staff return refreshed and happy for a busy Term 2! LYNNE BRENNER & DEBBIE CUSACK

ART NEWS Grade 5 / 6 Cartoon Club *The Art Room is open every Tuesday and Thursday lunchtime for Grade 5 / 6 students. Come and have a go at drawing cartoons in a fun relaxed atmosphere. Easy step by step instructions! *We are in need of egg cartons for an activity next term, so if there are any spare at your house, bring them in, Thanks! *Also for next term we are in need of little cars, trucks, buses, vans etc to do some tyre printing for the Preps (if you are happy to loan them to us for this activity). Thank you. * A huge thanks to the many students in Grade 4M & 5L who have been a great help to us with the Preps and assisting with many activities! Mrs Zammit and Mrs McLeod Visual Art Teachers

PFA NEWS PFA meeting is to be held on Tuesday 13th April in the OSHC building at 1:30pm. All parents and toddlers welcome. We are asking for second hand uniforms. So if you want us to sell them for you or you want to donate them to the school please leave them at the office...BUT remember that they must be clean and with current logo PLEASE. If we are selling for you please include all details including how must you want for them. Thank you again for supporting the PFA Michelle & Sarah

COMMUNITY NEWS NARRE WARREN—BERWICK BLUE LIGHT DISCO Berwick Leisure Centre, Manuka Road, Berwick SATURDAY 10TH APRIL For students in years 5, 6, 7 & 8 only Times 6:00pm to 10:00pm COST $10.00 Any enquiries to Narre Warren Police Station 9705 3111 LOST—from grade 5/6 cross country training on Wednesday 24th March. Long sleeve black jacket. Please return to Georgia in 5L. For Sale—electronic games/goods PS2 consol and variety of games/attachments Game Cube and XBOX with variety games/attachments 3 game boys 2 blue/1 red and games Assortment of electrical goods Details and prices on notice board (opposite lost property) or phone Carmen 0419 015 277 For sale Spiny Leaf Stick Insects Great low maintenance pets. Easy to set-up. Fantastic introductory pet for your child, watch then grow, hold them or just watch them do their thing! $8.00 each! Contact Seona 0438 561 900

AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICS COMPETITION The Australian Mathematics Competition Awards is a competition open to any student in Grades 3 - 6. Following our successes in past years, we are pleased to announce that we will once again be offering the opportunity for Grade 3 - 6 students to participate in this competition. All students who participate will receive a certificate showing their level of achievement and a detailed report of their performance on each problem with comparative statistics. The competition will be undertaken at school (numbers permitting) on Thursday 5th August, 2010. The cost for entering the competition is $5.00 per student. If you are interested in having your child/children participate in this competition, please complete the reply slip below, include the registration fees and return to your child’s class teacher by Friday 30th April, 2010. Should you have any further queries about the competition please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Paul Whitehead, Numeracy Co-ordinator in Room 24. Please note that no late registrations will be accepted. (Only children in Grade 3-6 are eligible to enrol). PAYMENT ADVICE 2010 AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICS COMPETITION Name of Student/s :

_____________________________ Grade______ _____________________________ Grade ______

Total moneys enclosed at $5.00 per child is $ ___________ Parent / Guardian Signature : _________________________________________________

BUSINESS ADVERTISING The Party Food Shop Your one stop party shop Paul Stemson 0418 141 946 Phone 9704 6940 Fax 9704 6214 New Bigger Shop, Factory 3/12 Deblin Drive, Narre Warren 3805

ROB’S British & Irish Products The Best Butcher on the Block. 177 Lonsdale Street Dandenong 9792 5188 Specializing In: British Gammon, Haggis, Irish Boling Bacon, Pork Pies, Welsh Faggots, Scottish Pies. White Puddings, Scottish Black Pudding, English Black Pudding, Scottish Kippers and Much Much More!!!

Osteopathy & Clinical Pilates At Casey Allied Health 548 Kangan Drive Berwick Vic 3806 Phone Fax

8774 9600 8774 9611 u CRYSTAL CLEANING SERVICES P/L MUMS CLEAN UP AFTER THE KIDS!! For all your carpet/upholstery and general cleaning needs Special Offer 3 rooms/3 seats Professionally steamed cleaned for $77.00 incl. gst Free deodorising Free stain treating Other services Vacate clean-up/ready for sale For bookings & enquiries contact Steve 0411 752 279 $1.00 from each booking goes back to BLPS. Plus $1.00 to Royal Children's Hospital

Mel’s Guidance Counselling Specialising in: ▪ Relationship / Family violence ▪ Grief / Bereavement, including suicide ▪ Anger Management ▪ Depression ▪ Family Breakdown ▪ Child / Adolescent Issues ▪ Teenage pregnancy Please call ▪ Eating Disorders Melissa on 0413 ▪ Self esteem 333 547 to ▪ Personal Development You can also visit my website:

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