Newsletter 15th April 2010

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BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198 E-mail: Visit our Websites : http://, Camp Australia/Out of School Hours Care: 9769 8251

15TH APRIL 2010

NEWSLETTER N0.09 DIARY DATES Tuesday 20th April Tuesday 20th April Wednesday 21st April Thursday 22nd April Friday 23rd April Monday 26th April Tuesday 27th April

Gr 4M,3P,4S,3/4K Melbourne Expo Gr 5/6 Big Buzz production Berwick Early Learning Expo Gr 3/4R,3DA,4DR,3/4P Melbourne Expo Preps Basil‘s Safety House ANZAC Day Holiday—no school Second Hand Uniform Shop 2:30-3:15pm

NOTICES DUE BACK BY Friday 16th April Friday 16th April Thursday 22nd April Thursday 29th April Friday 30th April

Gr 5/6 Camp deposit Wakikirri National Story Festival Preps Basil‘s Safety House Show Mother‘s Day Stall money Aust. Maths Comp form/money

ACTING PRINCIPAL’S REPORT SINGAPORE TRIP During the holidays Lois Smethurst, Paul Whitehead and I spent a very busy and productive week in Singapore. The purpose of the trip was to further establish an international exchange program with the view to taking a group of senior grade students to Singapore in 2011. During our time there we visited two schools, Tampines Primary School and Evergreen Primary School who shared with us some of the wonderful programs they are currently running in their school. Evergreen Primary School is the school where Mrs. Alvina Lim (Prep L) taught when she lived in Singapore. At Tampines Primary School we had a tour of their new buildings and were fortunate enough to be able to sit in on several classes and observe the similarities and differences with our own school. We spoke at length with their principal, Bin Eng Tan and other staff members in leadership roles. Tampines School is quite experienced with running international exchange programs that have a focus on immersion in the relevant culture. In recent years they have visited our school both with and without students. They are very keen for us to further our relationship with a reciprocal student visit and this proposed trip would link in strongly with our Asian Studies. During our time in Singapore we investigated suitable accommodation and a possible itinerary for a cultural exchange visit next year.

We found the people of Singapore to be very friendly and the country clean and organised with many interesting features that would be suitable for the purpose of our future visits. Further information about the trip can be found on the ―BerwickLodge-2-Singapore‖ blog which can be accessed from our school web site.

information about their excellent before and after school care program operated at Berwick Lodge by Camp Australia. Dom can be contacted directly on 9769 8251.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ’s) Q. When can we enrol our children who will be starting school next year? PRINCIPAL CONFERENCE A. Enrolment forms for 2011 are now Henry Grossek and Lynne Brenner have available from the office. These may be recently attended the 2010 NZEALS collected anytime and when completed International Educational Leadership may be returned to the office together Conference in Christchurch, New with the child‘s immunisation and birth Zealand. The reports that we have certificates. If you know of any families received from them indicated that the with children who are likely to be conference was beneficial and further commencing school next year let them reports will follow on their return to know that they can contact the school to school. arrange a tour in preparation for their This week Henry is on long service leave child‘s enrolment. and, together with Miss Traceye Rapinett QUOTABLE QUOTES (3/4R), is attending the Smart Move ‗Minds are like parachutes – they only World Festival in Atlanta where the First work when they are open.‘ Thomas Lego League robotic championships are Dewar being held. The students from Glendal Primary School, where Henry‘s wife DEBBIE CUSACK Debbie is principal, are competing in these championships and Traceye is observing with the view to implement the robotics program into our school.


STUDENTS ARRIVING EARLY We have noticed that a number of students are continuing to arrive at school very early each morning and playing in the playground without adult or guardian supervision. We remind parents that our staff are on duty from 8:45am to 9:00am in the morning and from 3:30pm to 3:45pm in the afternoon. Families requiring care outside of school hours are encouraged to contact Dom Marie, our OHSC coordinator, for

As of next Tuesday 20th April the Canteen will be closed every Tuesday for term 2 & 3. Thank you

EMA CHEQUES EMA cheques are now available for collection with ID from the office.

ACTING ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL’ S REPORT EXPO Families are reminded that the annual Early Learning Expo will be held at the City of Casey Civic Centre in Magid Drive on Wednesday 21st April from 5:30 to 7:30PM. This expo is for families with preschool children who are seeking information regarding the preschool and schooling options available in the Berwick area. A flyer advertising the expo will be sent home to families today and we would appreciate this information being passed on to any interested family and friends. SCHOOL CANTEEN We wish to advise families that as of next week our school canteen will not be open on Tuesdays. This decision was made following discussion with Jude Fina Foods (canteen operators) who have advised us of an overall reduction in daily takings. The canteen will still operate as normal on the other days of the week.

STUDENT WELLBEING Walk Safely to School Day Friday May 7th is Walk Safely to School Day. Families are encouraged to leave the car at home or a short distance from the school and enjoy a healthy walk to school. The aims are to promote pedestrian safety and reduce car usage for short trips to school. The benefits of walking to school are two fold by promoting an active and healthy lifestyle for students and to improve our environment by reducing greenhouse gases. Walk Safely to School Day is an annual event organised by the Pedestrian Council of Australia.

an audience of around 300 and represented our school with pride. Forty -two students from grades 4, 5 &6 practised once a week with Ms Nadine Giaccotto and Miss Vanessa Porter to prepare the two songs that they sang. We look forward to further performances from the choir later in the year. This term the students will have the opportunity to be involved in Wakakirri, a national story sharing arts festival for schools. Over 130 students from grades 3, 4 and 5 will be working with 4 teachers towards a story dance performance in August. Miss Giaccotto, Miss Porter, Miss Nolde and Miss Planner will be creating the show and rehearsing with students over the coming months at lunch times.

CURRICULUM NEWS PERFORMING ARTS EXTRA CURRICULUM PROGRAM Congratulations to our Choir on their first public performance at The Arts Festival held at St. Margaret‘s School LOIS SMETHURST (Acting Berwick. The choir performed in front of

Assistant Principal)

PERFORMING ART NEWS On Wednesday 14th of April Berwick Lodge Primary School Choir students performed at the South East Arts Festival held at St Magaret‘s School. The students sang two contrasting songs ‗I Still Call Australia Home‘ and ‗Circle of Life.‘ I would like to congratulation all the students involved, they sang and behaved beautifully and should be very pleased with their achievements. The students had very little time to prepare for the competition and did their best on the day. They sang ‗I Still Call Australia Home‘ particularly well highlighting two Grade six soloist Catherine Power 6C and Monique Cerdor 6C. It was a great experience for all the students to perform to an audience while observing other school choirs. I am very proud of each student and thank them for their dedication. I would also like to thank the following parents for their help on the day: Conrad Downs, Lynda Campbell, Rose Hughes, Deborah Moody and Veronique Oldham. Berwick Lodge Primary School Choir includes: Alannah 6P Caitlyn 4DR Jery 5J Monique 6C Eden 5L Jordyn 4S Maddison 4S Morgan 5E Con 34K Kristy 6P Stephanie 4S Jessica F 34K Jennifer 34P Courtney 6P Sarah 5J Michaela 5L Chloe 5J Elizabeth 5J Courtney 34P Karla 4S Casey 4S Kayla 4S Jemma 4S Taylor 5J Marnie 5J Elise 6P Ebony 4DR Ellen 5J Leida 5J Katie 5L Briannah 4DR Alanah 5E Britney 4M Ashleigh 4S Keely 5L Catherine 6C Jade 34P Natalie 4DR Courtney 5L Alice 6P Amy 34K Renee 5E WELL DONE!!!!! Yesterday the grade 4, 5, 6 choir, Miss Giaccotto and Miss Porter went to St. Margaret‘s in Berwick for a Choir Competition. We practised at school at 9:30am before the bus came. The bus came at 10:00 am. When we got off the bus we had our snack, then we went inside the theatre to sing. We sang after the first choir and we were the 2 nd group. We sang ‗Circle of Life‘ and ‗I still call Australia Home‘ by Peter Allen. The other groups sang their songs pretty well. After everyone had sung they handed out the awards to the choirs. Our choir did not win an award, but we were still happy that we had a great time there. Miss Giaccotto said we did a great job and we all got a treat on the way back to school. By Jenny and Jade 3/4P

PFA NEWS We would like to say a big THANK YOU to all who participated in our Easter Fundraising. A big congratulations to those who won our Eater Hampers. A friendly reminder to let everyone know that Mother‘s Day stall money needs to be returned by Thursday 29th April. Many thanks again PFA Committee

‘YOU CAN DO IT!’ AT BLPS This year Berwick Lodge Primary School is excited to be introducing the ‗You Can Do It!‘ program into our classrooms, specialist areas and the playground. We are currently focusing upon confidence, which is one of the 5 keys to success. Confidence means believing that you will be successful and not being afraid of making mistakes. The four ways of thinking that promote confidence are: I Can Do It - thinking that I'm more likely to be successful than I am to fail. Accepting Myself- not thinking badly about myself when I make a mistake. Taking Risks- thinking that it's good to try something new even though I might not be able to do it. Being Independent- thinking that it's important to try new activities and to speak up even if my classmates think I'm silly or stupid. At home you can help your child to become confident by: Encouraging him/her to start conversations over dinner. Encouraging him/her to ‗have a go‘ at a project or activity they have been wishing to do. Celebrating his/her current achievements. Being confident in front of your child/children as a role

BLOSHC NEWS Welcome back to all parents, teachers and students to an exciting second term filled with fun pack activities. We would like to get involved with the children throughout the school year, so we would like to hear your ideas, suggestions and feedback on things in our program. Just a reminder Camp Australia are bringing in some new practices including: -All new customers can register for a new account online via the website. (more information in regards to this can be received at the OSHC building.) -A customer portal, which aims for all previously enrolled/ registered parents will be able to make changes/bookings online. (Camp Australia account number and their password are required to access this.) -As of 2010 there are some new fees, > An annual enrolment fee ($20.) > An overdue account fee ( $20) With the new online roll marking system the 7 days cancellation policy is enforced (check your parents hand book , we have some

in the OSHC building.). Charges will apply, but you will still be able to receive the CCB and CCR‘s. Any questions see staff in the OSHC building. Please Note: Grades 1-6 students make their own way to and from OSHC. Preps are brought to and picked up from their classrooms. NEXT WEEK: M- Sock Puppets (bring in an pair of old socks to decorate) T- Sock Puppets (bring in an old pair of socks to decorate) W- Cooking: ANZAC biscuits T- Butterfly paintings F- Adding to our world map (locating where we come from) Our operating hours are, Before school care 6:45am – 8:45am After school care 3.30pm – 6.30pm Our direct line is 9769 8251 or you can call the admin team at Camp Australia on 8851 4160 Stay tuned for more BLOSHC news throughout the term. Thank you. Regards OSHC team Dom: Co-ordinator Olivia: Assistant Co-ordinator Robin; Adrianna; Jessica: Assistants.

AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICS COMPETITION The Australian Mathematics Competition Awards is a competition open to any student in Grades 3 - 6. Following our successes in past years, we are pleased to announce that we will once again be offering the opportunity for Grade 3 - 6 students to participate in this competition. All students who participate will receive a certificate showing their level of achievement and a detailed report of their performance on each problem with comparative statistics. The competition will be undertaken at school (numbers permitting) on Thursday 5th August, 2010. The cost for entering the competition is $5.00 per student. If you are interested in having your child/children participate in this competition, please complete the reply slip below, include the registration fees and return to your child‘s class teacher by Friday 30th April, 2010. Should you have any further queries about the competition please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Paul Whitehead, Numeracy Co-ordinator in Room 24. Please note that no late registrations will be accepted. (Only children in Grade 3-6 are eligible to enrol). PAYMENT ADVICE 2010 AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICS COMPETITION Name of Student/s :

_____________________________ Grade______ _____________________________ Grade ______

Total moneys enclosed at $5.00 per child is $ ___________ Parent / Guardian Signature : _________________________________________________


SCHOOL AWARDS Congratulations to the following students who received awards over the last week:

Beheshta PL Ryan PL Madeline PC Keely PT Deegan PW Ryan S PW Ben PM Larissa 1J

Marcus PL Adam PC Freyja PC Kailan PT Olivia PW Makani PW Jasmine PM Zack 1J

I couldn‘t believe my eyes, there I was next to my mates running onto the MCG. I felt all different emotions going through my head, scared of being in front of 70,000 people watching me and my friend‘s playing at half time on the oval, happy to be playing on the MCG, and confident that I would go out there and play the best that I could and most of all have fun. I set myself a goal to get a disposal and have a shot for goal. It was annoying that I didn‘t get to play the first half but I said to myself, ―Who really cares, it‘s a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I‘m lucky I‘m even here!‖ But it didn‘t take long until I was playing on the field in the centre getting ready for Rhys to smack the ball down for us to go running for the ball. The whistle blew, the ball went up, and as I thought, Rhys smacked the ball straight into our forward line. It took me a while to go for goal but I still had some disposals. But finally my chance had arrived, Rhys got a free kick and I was in the forward line screaming for the ball. He saw me, took three steps back and belted it straight to me but it went over my head, and all that was left in between me and getting my goal was another person neck and neck with me. I sprinted off ahead, picked up the ball and snapped it from the right angle. I fell over with only one thing on my mind, the red ball going in the goals. It was in the air and I started to smile because it was going in, it bounced in front and hit the far post! I was still happy I achieved my goal, even though it was a point, but it was the best experience I‘ve ever had. By Jake P 6W

Grade 3 Parents Computer Network and Internet Acceptable Usage Policy Students in Grade 3 will be bringing home the Acceptable Usage Policy that is expected of senior grade students. Please discuss the policy with your child and return it to school as soon as possible. Thank you, Lois Smethurst ICT Leading Teacher

SECOND HAND UNIFORMS We are asking for second hand uniforms. So if you want us to sell them for you or you want to donate them to the school please leave them at the office...BUT remember that they must be clean and with current logo PLEASE. If we are selling for you please include all details including how must you want for them.

COMMUNITY NEWS Employment Focus and the Australian Apprenticeships Access Program

Prepare for work in Home & Community Care (HACC) ACCV/Selected units from CHC30202 : Certificate III in Home and Community Care 24th May 2010 in Doveton

Supported, flexible training for 5 weeks Offering 4 accredited units Job search training/Employer visits/Interviews Support in obtaining a traineeship Post placement support Contact Louise at Employment Focus on

(03) 9450 5700 The Australian Apprenticeships Access Program is funded by the Australian Government. Employment Focus is the Registered Business Name of the Heidelberg Training & Resource Centre Inc. (Reg. No A0011660X) (TOID 3854)

For Sale—4 x baby budgies 2 weeks old lovely colours. 1 being hand tamed inside. Phone Ken 9705 1302 after 6pm

TAKE HOME AN INTERNATIONAL BIG BROTHER OR BIG SISTER. Capture the spirit of family and friendship by hosting an international exchange student from Southern Cross Cultural Exchange. Carefully selected students will arrive in July 2010 for 5 months from Europe and Scandinavia. They will attend your local secondary school, are fully insured and have their own spending money. If you would like your children to have the opportunity to have a big brother or big sister from overseas for a semester, please call us now. CONTACT : 1800 500 501 email :

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN AGED CARE? The South Eastern Region Migrant Resource Centre is looking for people who are interested in working in Aged Care facilities? This program is funded under the Victoriaworks for Jobseekers with Employment Challenges program (DIIRD). Eligibility Criteria: ESL level 3 For further information and application forms please contact the South Eastern Migrant Resource Centre Level 1, 314 Thomas Street, Dandenong 3175 Or call Salore Craig - (03) 9706 8933

BUSINESS ADVERTISING The Party Food Shop Your one stop party shop Paul Stemson 0418 141 946 Phone 9704 6940 Fax 9704 6214 New Bigger Shop, Factory 3/12 Deblin Drive, Narre Warren 3805

ROB’S British & Irish Products The Best Butcher on the Block. 177 Lonsdale Street Dandenong 9792 5188 Specializing In: British Gammon, Haggis, Irish Boling Bacon, Pork Pies, Welsh Faggots, Scottish Pies. White Puddings, Scottish Black Pudding, English Black Pudding, Scottish Kippers and Much Much More!!!

CRYSTAL CLEANING SERVICES P/L For all your carpet/upholstery and general cleaning needs Special Offer 3 rooms/3 seats Professionally steamed cleaned for $77.00 incl. gst Free deodorising Free stain treating Other services: Vacate clean-up/ready for sale For bookings & enquiries contact Steve 0411 752 279 $1.00 from each booking goes back to BLPS. Plus $1.00 to Royal Children's Hospital

I’m Joanne, your Personal Travel Manager. I‘ve worked in the travel industry for many years, with Harvey World and Travelscene, and lived overseas in Europe and Asia for 9 years. With my extensive retail and personal experiences, let me help you plan your next trip, whether it‘s big, or small, near or far. Specialising in Europe, Asia, cruising, weddings, all domestic and overseas travel needs. From airfares, to car hire, hotels, attraction tickets, sporting or show tickets, I can tailor make the perfect holiday for you. I offer personal one on one service, including home and office visits at a time that will suit you. I am happy to meet with groups of friends, large families, or sporting groups planning a trip. Let me take all the stress out of helping you plan your perfect holiday! Tel: 9769 9932 or 0404 032 482 Email: **15% DISCOUNT ON TRAVEL INSURANCE WHEN YOU MENTION BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL**

Osteopathy & Clinical Pilates At Casey Allied Health 548 Kangan Drive Berwick Vic 3806 Phone Fax

8774 9600 8774 9611 u

Mel’s Guidance Counselling Specialising in: ▪ Relationship / Family violence ▪ Grief / Bereavement, including suicide ▪ Anger Management ▪ Depression ▪ Family Breakdown ▪ Child / Adolescent Issues ▪ Teenage pregnancy Please call ▪ Eating Disorders ▪ Self esteem Melissa on 0413 ▪ Personal Development 333 547 to You can also visit my website:

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