Berwick Lodge Newsletter Aug 26th 2010

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BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198 E-mail: Visit our Websites : http://, Camp Australia/Out of School Hours Care: 9769 8251

26TH AUGUST 2010

NEWSLETTER N0.25 DIARY DATES Sunday 29th Aug-4th Sept Monday 30th– 2nd Sep Tuesday 31st August Tuesday 31st August Thursday 2nd September Thursday 2nd September Monday 6th September Monday 6th-8th September Wednesday 8th-10th Sept. Monday 13th September

Diary Dates continued.. National Literacy & Numeracy Week Prep Water awareness Program Second Hand Uniform Sale 2:35-3:15pm Classroom helpers 9:30-11:00am Fathers Day Stall Gr 1-6 Book Week Performance School council Gr 3/4 Camp 1, 3P,3/4P,4DR,4M Gr 3/4 Camp 2. 3DA,3/4R,3/4K,4S Gr 5/6 Film Festival

Tuesday 14th September Wednesday 15th September Thursday 16th September Friday 17th September

Footy Day Lunch Clover Cottage Dinner 6:30pm Lamington Drive Pick up End of term 3. 2:30pm finish

Monday 30th August Friday 3rd September Tuesday 7th September Thursday 9th September

Gr 1-6 Book Week Performance Clover Cottage Dinner notices Lamington Drive forms Footy Day Lunch money & forms


ACTING PRINCIPAL’S REPORT D EE CD P A RE NT O P I N I O N SURVEY As part of school accountability requirements all Victorian Government Schools are required to conduct this survey at this time of the year. The surveys are distributed according to guidelines developed by DEECD, to a randomly selected sample representing 15% of the total student enrolments for the school. The survey data enables the monitoring of school performance with the aim of identifying strengths and areas for improvement. The reliability of the data for the individual school is increased if the response rate is maximised, therefore we would encourage families who receive a survey to take the time to provide their responses. For our school, 131 families will receive their survey package on Monday 30th August and are requested to return the completed survey to the school by Monday 6th September. WAKAKIRRI On Friday evening Debbie Cusack and I attended the Frankston Arts Centre to join many of our families in watching our students perform in the Wakakirri competition. We were highly impressed with the overall standard of the items and very proud of the performance of our students. They presented a polished performance and, judging by the smiles on their faces, clearly enjoyed the experience. The judges feedback was very positive and at the conclusion of the program Berwick Lodge was awarded the

prestigious ‗Teamwork Award‘ which was judged on the basis of their behaviour throughout the day and in preparing for their ‗on-stage‘ appearance. The school also received a certificate for Story-Dance, silver awards for Story, Music, Creative Movement/ Characterisation and Sets and Props, and a gold award for Costumes. We are now anxiously waiting to hear whether our team will be involved in the finals! I am certain that our community will join me in congratulating the large team of students, staff and parents involved in Wakakirri. Well done to all of you! FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ’s) Q: Is smoking allowed in the school grounds? The short answer to this question is no! The longer explanation is that a smoking ban on all Victorian Government School premises was introduced as of 1st July 2009. This action was taken as part of the Victorian Tobacco Control Strategy 2008 -2013. The public consultation that occurred during the development of the strategy found a high level of support for schools to be smoke-free. The ban applies to any person who is present on Victorian Government School premises both during and after school hours, including students, teachers, parents, contractors and the wider community, for example, sporting groups. The ban extends to all activities that take place on school premises including out of school care, cultural, sporting or recreational activities and school fetes and functions.

In recent weeks concerns have been raised that some members of our school community are not adhering to the ban. I hope that this explanation will clarify the situation for our families and ensure that smokers are aware that they should refrain from smoking on school premises. Quotable Quote: The happiest people don‘t necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything. LYNNE BRENNER ACTING PRINCIPAL

SCHOOL AWARDS Congratulations to the following students who received awards over the last week: Kyan PW John PM Lily PM Olivia PW Milly PL Ryan PL Madeline PC Joshua PC Nilma PT Taylah PT

ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT WAKAKIRRI Last Friday almost a hundred of our students performed at the Frankston Arts Centre in the Wakakirri competition. These enthusiastic students had devoted many of their lunchtimes to rehearsals for the event and their hard work was reflected in the marvellous presentation they gave in the storydance competition. Many thanks go to the teachers who also gave up their time to plan and choreograph their performance, design and make sets and attend on the day to support and supervise the students: Nadine Giaccotto, Tahnee Planner, Emily Nolde, Vanessa Porter, Jaclyn McLennan, Karise Dell and Traceye Rapinett. Also thanks to Mr and Mrs Planner for design and construction of costumes and transport with the sets. Parents also assisted on the day with hair and make-up. It truly was a team effort. The behaviour of our students was sensational and this was rewarded with the Team Work Award. Well done to all those who were involved, we are very proud of the way you represented our school . TRANSFORM-US! Our school is currently involved in a new DEECD approved program called ‗Transform-Us!’ which aims to improve children‘s health by increasing their physical activity and reducing their sitting time in both the home and school environments.

‗Transform-Us!’ will involve our current Year 3 students and continue with them in Year 4 next year. This year, the grade 3 teachers will be using strategies in class to reduce the student‘s sitting time. For example, they will be changing the delivery method (not the content) of one lesson each say so that the children are standing/moving throughout the lessons. In addition, the teachers will be breaking up long periods of sitting with a short 2 minute standing break. In addition, they will be promoting physical activity during recess and lunchtime. ‗Transform-Us!’ is providing additional equipment (eg, hoops, balls, skipping ropes) and posters to encourage the children to spend their breaks in an active way. If you have any queries regarding this program, feel free to discuss with any of the teachers involved. SPORTS FOR SCHOOLS - COLES This week we have registered our school to take part in the Coles Sports for Schools Program. Through this program we will be able to earn credits towards purchasing additional sports equipment for our school. From Thursday 2nd September until Sunday 31st October 2010, for every $10 spent at Coles or Bi-Lo customers will earn a Coles Sports for Schools voucher worth 1 point (given at the check-out) Students collect these vouchers from family, friends and neighbours and drop them into the voucher collection box.

Early in November these vouchers will be able to be redeemed for new sporting equipment. Watch out for posters advertising this incentive program and remember to collect your vouchers from next Thursday. SCHOOL HOLIDAYS EVENTS The City of Casey has provided us with information for families and children about activities for the school activities. The 35 page booklet, School Holidays Events and Activities, lists a range of activities from Child Vacation Care, workshop activities, theatre shows, places to visit, libraries and shopping centre activities. Parents who wish to have a copy of this brochure should see the ladies in the office. STUDENT TUTORING Often we have requests from parents about tutoring for their children. Some tutoring in the past has been undertaken during school hours but we now have information regarding individual sessions for literacy support which is available after hours. If you are interested please ring Karen on 03 59443777 for more information.




NEXT WEEK: We are focusing on Fathers M: Craft—Special Jars (if anyone can bring in glass jars with or without lid would be great) T: Craft—Table organiser W: Craft—Ties Th: BSC—Free drawing ASC—Cooking: decorating cookies for and with dads or someone special in the children's lives. F: Craft—Fridge Magnets M-F Father‘s Day cards Holiday Care: A new school in Berwick has been approved to run a Holiday Club. This program will be run through Camp Australia at Berwick Fields Primary. Now or very shortly via the Camp Australia website you can check out what‘s running for these holidays. Bookings can only be made online. Our operating hours are: Before school care 6:45am8:45am After school care 3:30pm-6:30pm Our direct line is 9769 8251 or you can call the admin team at Camp Australia on 8851 4160 Thank you OSHC team

Things to say to encourage organised behaviour. When you catch the young person getting along, say:  ―Doesn‘t it feel good to be organised?‘  ―I bet it saves you time when you find thins so easily.‖  ―Being organised will help you more than you know.‖  ―Are you doing as well with your other teachers?‖ (bringing materials to class)  ―You really focused yourself to get this work in on time.‖  ―I bet it makes school a little easier when you have everything ready.‖  ―You listened and followed all my directions for this assignment.‖  ―I see you have your things with you. You are planning ahead.‖  ―You‘re really organised!‖  ―You‘re good at scheduling time!‖  ―Being prepared tells me you appreciate how important your work is.‖  ―You brought your homework.‖  ―You keep your backpack clean and neat.‖  ―When you are prepared, you can do a good job.‖  ―You planned well. You finished on time.‖

PHYS ED NEWS Yesterday the 25th August, 76 grade 5/6 students represented Berwick Lodge at the McDonalds Senior Hooptime Basketball Competition. There were three categories: All Stars (Rep/A grade players), Future Stars (B grade and lower) and Rookies (no basketball experience). Berwick Lodge had one All Star Girls team, two Future Stars teams and five Rookie teams. It was a very busy day and all students played exceptionally well. I would firstly like to congratulate all the students on their fabulous enthusiasm, teamwork and sportsmanship. Overall the results from the day were: Future Stars #A- Berwick Lodge Bullets won 2 games and lost 2 resulting in Third place Future Stars #B- Berwick Lodge Bears won 2 games, lost 1 game and were runners up in the Grand Final Future Stars #C- Berwick Lodge Boomers won 2 games, lost 1 game Well done again to all the children who resulting in Second place competed on the day and a big thank-you Future Stars #D- Berwick Lodge Blues to Mrs Jinks, Mrs Knight and Mrs Bryan lost 3 games resulting in Fourth place for all their help on the day.

Future Stars #E- Berwick Lodge Bobcats won 1 game, drew 1 and lost 1 game resulting in Third place Rookies #1- Berwick Lodge Bulls lost 3 games Rookies #2- Berwick Lodge Bucks won 1 game and lost 3 games Rookies #3- Berwick Lodge Breakers won 3 games and drew 1 game



A huge Congratulation goes out to the 51 students from grades 3-6 who represented Berwick Lodge Primary School at the Edwin Flack District Athletics Day last Thursday. All children should be very proud of their efforts to make it through to District and have the honour of representing our school- Well Done! A further Congratulations and Good Luck is in order for the following students who have made it through to Zone Athletics; Zoe. H- 9/10 girls 1500 meters & High Jump Matthew. V- 9/10 boys 1500 meters & 800 meters Stephanie. B- 9/10 girls Triple Jump & Long Jump Bailey. M- 12/13 Boys Hurdles Jemma. I- 9/10 Girls 100 meters & 800 meters Jake. M- 9/10 Boys 200 meters & Long Jump Jackson. D- 9/10 Boys High Jump

Dear Parents, We are very excited to be completing an art project in Term 4 with the Year 5/6 students. Along with Julie McLeod and Jo Zammit, artist Helen Harman will work with us to construct a large mosaic mural to adorn the outside of the Senior School building. The mural will reflect our school motto ―Learning for Life‖ with a focus on The 5 Keys to Success from our You Can Do It! Student wellbeing program which was introduced this year. To reduce the cost of our materials we are asking for help in the following ways: 1. If you have any wall tiles lying around at home that you are not using could you bring these to the art room please. We are after mostly coloured tiles. We will need some white and off white but not too many. Floor tiles are too thick and hard to break, so WALL tiles only please. 2. If you, or someone you know, works in the tiling industry and could either organize a donation or a discount on the following products it would be greatly appreciated.  Colourful wall tiles  2 x 20kg bag of tile adhesive (specifically either Davco Ultrflex or Ardex GLUE)  2 x 20kg bags of dark to mid grey grout (any brand)  5 litre bottle of Davco Grout Additive or Ardex Grout Booster Please see the Julie McLeod or Jo Zammit in the art room art if you can help. We will also be looking for volunteers to help work on the project, so if you are interested, please let us know. Thank you for your consideration.

The All Stars Girls Team players were: Madi 6C, Matilda 6W, Charlotte 5/6N, Emily 6C, Georgia 5L & Chelsea 5J. The girls played a tremendous 4 games and proceeded to the Grand Final which they won! The All Star team is now going through to the Regional Hoop Time Competition. A huge thank -you goes to Mrs Casciannelli, Mr Pryor, Traceye Percival, Amanda Hinchcliffe, Sandra Kelly, and all the other amazing parents and grandparents that came on the day to support coach and help score; your help is greatly appreciated. I am very proud of all our students at Berwick Lodge and they are all to be congratulated their personal accomplishments- Well Done!

Amy Carlile Physical Education Co-ordinator

Hey kids, this years Premier‘s Reading Challenge ends next Tuesday 31st August. Start finalising your books and make sure you have them entered online and verified by your teacher by the end of August. Congratulations to the following students who have completed the Premiers Reading Challenge for 2010 and all the children who have already finished the challenge. Well done. Britney 4M Olivia 4M Fischer 4M National Literacy and Numeracy Week 29th August to 4th September 2010.

BLPS Parents and Friends Association News

Next Meeting : Thursday 2nd September at 1:30pm in the after school care building. Everyone is welcome including toddlers.

Clover Cottage

Come and enjoy a wonderful dinner and fun filled evening on Wednesday 15th September. There will be a $2 and a $5 raffle as well as silent auctions, $10 balloons for sale (each balloon will contain a mystery gift voucher). As well as all of this there will also be a lucky envelope board. You purchase an envelope for $5 and if you are the lucky winner you will walk away with $100! (one $100 prize to be won)


There are many prizes to be won. So come and join the fun and score yourself some great prizes! Forms and payment are due by Friday 3rd September.

Current events

Forms and money due back Thursday 26th August. Stall Thursday 2nd September. Lamington Drive: Forms and money due back Tuesday 7th September, pickup Thursday 16th September. nd 2 Hand Uniform Shop: Tuesday 31st August at 2:30pm until 3:15pm in the canteen. Recipe Book: If you have any recipes you would like to share please send them to the office. Fathers Day:

Term 4

The PFA are running a disco in the Hall on Friday 29th October. The theme will be Halloween. Shopping Tour - Saturday 6th November. The cost is $45 and includes a buffet lunch. The PFA would like to thank you for your continued support.

The PFA would like to thank the following business for their donations for the Clover Cottage Evening:

The Vibrosaun Clinic Suite 5, 1-9 Lyall Road Berwick Ph: 9707 0022

Hampton Park P1 Operations Pty Ltd Back Beach Road Cowes

Moods Café Shop 1, 4 Wheeler Street Berwick Ph: 9707 0300

Sage at Parkhill 215-225 Parkhill Drive Parkhill Plaza Berwick Ph: 8790 1733

Video Ezy Berwick Ph: 9704 5000 Moonlit Sanctuary 550 Tyabb-Tooradin Road Pearcedale Ph: 5978 7935 Hotel Fountain Gate Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Overland Drive Ph: 9704 7922 Splash‘s Swimming School 60 Kangan Drive Berwick Ph: 9707 5922 Multicare Tractive Therapies (Melb) Shop 60, Spring Square Hallam Ph: 9796 4974 Target Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Paul Sadler Swimland 101 Seebeck Drive Narre Warren South Ph: 8790 5540 Narre Warren Super Bowl 14-22 Lauderdale Road Narre Warren Ph: 9704 2955 Casey Arc Cnr. Overland Drive and Princess Highway Narre Warren Ph: 9705 5000 Mode Hair and Beauty Shop 33, Hampton Park Shopping Centre Somerville Road

Puffing Billy Railway Old Monbulk Road Belgrave Ph: 9757 0700

South Melbourne House Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Ph: 8790 1644 Russel Athletic 6 Dalmore Drive Scoresby Ph: 1300 367 587 Stacey Martin 23 Smethurst Avenue Pakenham

Terry White Chemist 51 High Street Berwick Ph: 9707 1555

Toyworld Casey Central Shopping Centre Narre Warren South

Scienceworks Museum Victoria Melbourne Ph: 131 102

Bunnings Narre Warren Cranbourne Road Narre Warren

Kennards Hire Monash University LPO Clayton Ph: 9704 0444

General Trader Shop 1009 Fountain Gate Shopping Centre

Endota Spa 1/11 Gloucester Avenue Berwick Ph: 9769 4684

Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd 181 Victoria Parade Collingwood

Hagemeyer 35 Centre Road Scoresby Ph: 8756 7842 Lotus Wellbeing 10 Jomary Court Berwick Ph: 0400 990 100 Phils Pies and Pastries 5b Parkhill Plaza Shopping Centre Parkhill Drive Berwick Ph: 8790 1113

Harris Scarfe Shop 1 Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Toy Kingdom Shop 2028, Level 2 Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Pets Paradise Shop 2043, Level 2 Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Ph: 9704 6633

Shop 1160 Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Ph: 9704 6460 Picture Corner Shop 2025a Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Ph: 9705 8177 Framing to a T 16 Gloucester Avenue Berwick Ph: 9769 8686 Eternal Love Shop 8 28-32 Gloucester Avenue Berwick Ph: 9768 9799 Angus & Robertson Shop 2040, Level 2 Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Ph: 9704 9466 Angus & Robertson Shop 1120, Level 1 Fountain Gate Ph: 9705 9798 Kennys Cardiology Fountain Gate Bordo Industrial Tools Chemmart Pharmacy 2 Victor Cresent Narre Warren Ph: 9704 8844 Hawthorn Football Club Community Department Mt Waverley Carlton Football Club North Carlton Mervyn & Sue Hughes

Sanity Headoffice Berwick Potteries 350 Princes Hwy Castello‘s Berwick Springs Ph: 02 9774 8111 Officer 3806 Cnr Clyde & Greaves Roads Berwick Supercheap Auto Ph: 9702 6223 Narre Warren/Cranbourne Road Spotlight Narre Warren Level 5 111 Cecil Street

Fountain Gate Pharmacy

BUSINESS ADVERTISING BELEZA PTY LTD School uniform manufacturer Store wide sale on NOW!!! Till 19th September when we move. 15% off everything 72 Wedgewood Road Hallam VIC 3803 Does not include hair accessories 5% lay-by only applies * see Assistant principals report

- Mansfield St. Food Mart Mansfield Street, Berwick

Monday – Saturday 6.30am – 9.00pm Sunday & Public Holidays 7.00am-9pm

TAX RETURNS Selvey Taxation Services       

CRYSTAL CLEANING SERVICES P/L For all your carpet/upholstery and general cleaning needs Special Offer 3 rooms/3 seats Professionally steamed cleaned for $77.00 incl. gst Free deodorising Free stain treating Other services: Vacate clean-up/ready for sale For bookings & enquiries contact Steve 0411 752 279 $1.00 from each booking goes back to BLPS. Plus $1.00 to Royal Children's Hospital

Individual & Business Returns 14 Day Refund Partnerships, Companies & Trusts Investment Properties Taxation & Business Advice BAS & GST Advice Discounts for couples, students & pensioners Registered Tax Agent Contact Wayne on 0412 714 421 or email

Mel’s Guidance Counselling Specialising in: ▪ Relationship / Family violence ▪ Grief / Bereavement, including suicide ▪ Anger Management ▪ Depression Please call Melissa on ▪ Family Breakdown ▪ Child / Adolescent Issues 0413 333 547 to ▪ Teenage pregnancy arrange an ▪ Eating Disorders appointment ▪ Self esteem ▪ Personal Development You can also visit my website:

COMMUNITY NEWS FOR SALE Ex-display home furniture  1 x couch 3m long-material cream $650.00  1 x 2 seater couch-patterned blues/pinks with matching cushions $200.00  1 x TV unit lowline-chocolate-4 drawers $250.00  1 x double mattress $50.00  1 x computer desk-glass, keyboard, pull out shelf & shelves above desk $220.00  1 x student desk-light brown $80.00 Phone 9707 3983 or 0411 416 349

LOST Grade 6 windcheater size 14 has AF 6W on the label. Please return to 6W if found.

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