Berwick Lodge PS Newsletter 9th Sept 2010

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BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198 E-mail: Visit our Websites : http://, Camp Australia/Out of School Hours Care: 9769 8251


NEWSLETTER N0.27 DIARY DATES Monday 13th September Tuesday 14th September Tuesday 14th September Wednesday 15th September Thursday 16th September Monday 4th October Wednesday 6th October Wednesday 6th October

NOTICES DUE BACK BY Gr 5/6 Film Festival Footy Day Lunch Footy Colours Day Clover Cottage Dinner 6:30pm Lamington Drive Pick up Start of Term 4 Gr 5/6 Hooptime Regional Finals Zone Athletics Competition

Monday 13th September Monday 13th September

Gr 3/4 Hooptime Regional forms Gr 5/6 Hooptime Regional forms


SCHOOL REVIEW At our Staff Meeting and the School Council Meeting on Monday evening Dr Len Cairns, Monash University School Review Team, presented the School Review Report which is the outcome of the self evaluation process that we have been involved in throughout this year. This process has entailed a detailed self evaluation of our performance over the past four years in the areas of Student Learning, Student Engagement and Wellbeing, and Student Pathways and Transitions. The Self Evaluation Report formed the basis of discussions between the leadership team, staff representatives, our School Council Vice President (Jodie Norton) and the School Reviewer (Dr Len Cairns) at the Review Meeting on the 17th August. These discussions informed the development of the School Review Report authored by Dr Cairns following the Review Meeting. In presenting the School Review Report Dr Cairns acknowledged that ‗Berwick Lodge has much to be proud of in its organisation, leadership and staff commitment and the successes of many of its programme elements.‘ In looking to the future Dr Cairns articulated a range of goals, targets and strategies that were identified by the Review Panel as the next stages in moving the school forward. In relation to Student Learning three key focus areas were identified. These included: further consolidation of work in Literacy and Numeracy with a particular focus on ensuring consistency in progress across the levels; a continued

focus on the Measurement, Chance and Data component of Numeracy; and further work to embed and broaden access and involvement of ICT and media across the curriculum areas. In the area of Student Engagement and Wellbeing the specified focus areas were to increase positive attitudes to school, learning and teaching, enhance student engagement, and work with the school community to improve student attendance. In Pathways and Transitions it was recommended that the focus be to maintain the effective Prep entry and Year 6 exit programs, whilst building upon the ‗within‘ school transition practices from one year level to the next. The next step of this process will involve the development of the Strategic Plan 2011-2014 utilising the recommendations of the School Review Report. This Strategic Plan must be completed and endorsed by School Council and our Regional Network Leader by the end of Term 4.

some tickets still available ($50 per head) if you would like to attend. Our hardworking PFA would greatly appreciate your support! FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ’s) Q: Why do teachers have Planning Days? A: Prior to the beginning of each term each of our teaching teams (Prep, Years 1 and 2, Years 3 and 4, Years 5 and 6 and the specialists) are released from their programs for one day to enable them to undertake forward planning of programs in preparation for the following term. The meeting agendas are developed by the Leading Teachers in consultation with the Area Coordinators and team members. In releasing class teachers from their programs we utilise the specialist team and some casual replacement teachers who run curriculum related activities within the classrooms. These planning days complement the weekly planning and preparation meetings held by each team every Wednesday after school. Through a team approach to planning we ensure consistency across grades within each area of the school and continuity across the school.

PFA CLOVER COTTAGE FUNDRAISER Next Wednesday night (15th September) the PFA are holding their Clover Cottage Fundraiser. The evening Quotable Quote: If everybody promises to be a great night with remembered the past, nobody would numerous opportunities for those in ever forgive anybody. (Robert Lynd) attendance to come away with some fantastic raffle prizes. I have had the pleasure of attending some of these LYNNE BRENNER evenings in the past and have always ACTING PRINCIPAL found them to be most enjoyable and excellent value for money. There are

ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT 3/4 CAMP RUMBUG – ‘FOSTER NORTH’ Our first group of Year 3 and 4 students have returned safely from Camp Rumbug with many exciting tales to tell of their time away. The only exception was someone‘s teddy who liked his time at camp so much he decided to stay for a few extra days!! The children were very happy but very tired after their time away. The teachers have reported that the behaviour of these students was excellent, the food was wonderful (and there was plenty of it for everyone) and the parent helpers were fabulous. All of these things make the camp an enjoyable experience for all concerned. We hope that the response from our second group of campers, who arrived safely at Camp Rumbug yesterday, is just as positive. URGENT REMINDER – DEECD PARENT OPINION SURVEYS Please note that up until today we have only received 60 replies from the 130 Parent Opinion Surveys which were sent home. As Lynne Brenner mentioned in last week‘s newsletter, it is a DEECD requirement that the survey be conducted on a randomly selected group of families, and a low response rate is taken by the DEECD as a poor reflection on our school. We encourage those families who received the forms to take the opportunity to have their say on how they view our school. Please return the completed surveys to school in the sealed envelopes as soon as possible.

BERWICK LODGE FILM FESTIVAL Our Year 5 and 6 students, together with the teachers, are excitedly looking forward to Monday night‘s ‗World Premier‘ of the Berwick Lodge Film Festival. This festival will showcase the Year 6 short films and the Year 5 photo stories which the students have devoted a great deal of time and effort into creating over the past few weeks. We look forward to seeing the students walk the red carpet and wish them luck for the ‗Lodgie Awards‘ which will be presented at both screenings. Tickets may be purchased by phoning the theatre directly on (03) 9771 6666 or can be ordered on the internet at http:// BRINGING UP GREAT KIDS The Australian Childhood Foundation has provided us with information regarding a program which they will be running locally called ‗Bringing Up Great Kids‘. This parenting program focuses on how parents communicate with their children. It is facilitated by qualified parenting educators and involves weekly sessions for six weeks. The program is scheduled to run from 7:00PM – 9:00PM commencing on Thursday 14th October at Berwick Chase Primary School, Bridgewater Road, Berwick. The feedback from parents who have attended previous sessions is very positive and numbers are limited so parent wishing to attend will need to register by phoning 1800 176 453.

JSC NEWS—FOOTY COLOURS DAY On Tuesday 14th September, the Junior School Council is having a Footy Colours Day. On the day, you are able to wear your footy team‘s jumper or colours to school. It can be any footy team from AFL, Rugby or Soccer. We ask that you bring a gold coin donation. All the money raised will go towards our sponsor children, Oshdi in Sri Lanka and Pheear in Cambodia. Oshdi and Pheear live in small, poor communities and the money we raise helps their community to provide education and school supplies, training in farming skills, medical check-ups and supplies, building materials for new classrooms and clean, safe drinking water. So wear your team‘s colours on Tuesday 14 th September and help us raise money for our sponsor children and their communities.

SAVER PLUS We have recently received some information regarding a ―Super Saver‖ scheme which is run by the Brotherhood of St Laurence in conjunction with the ANZ bank. This is a savings and financial program that teaches money skills to people on lower incomes and encourages them to build savings to help pay for their children‘s education. Participants‘ savings are matched $1 for $1 (up to $500) and the money saved is used to pay for educational items such as uniforms, books, excursions and camps. Parents who have previously taken advantage of this program have provided us with very positive feedback. If you are interested in further information regarding this scheme please let the office know and they will pass on the relevant contact details. DISCOUNT SHOES The Bata Shoe Company have informed us that they are offering a 20% discount to families who may like to purchase school shoes from one of their factory outlets. The outlets are located in Carrum Downs and Mornington. Both of the factory outlets offer a full fitting service if families wish to make use of this. Their stores will be closed over the Christmas break from 22nd December until 3rd January and there is no end date on the discount voucher which has been included in this newsletter. This might be a good opportunity for families wishing to purchase new school shoes for 2011.


LOST PROPERTY For all the children that have misplaced clothing or toys please make sure you check the lost property bins in the main hallway. As from Monday the items will be on display in the hallway for parents as well as children to check till the last week of term.

GRADE 3/4 NEWS If you can help to cover some books for the 3/4 s please see Jackie McLennan in room 27. Thank you

SCHOOL AWARDS Congratulations to the following students who received awards over the last week. Nikkitah PC Joshua PL Kristen PM Jak PW

Salena PC Whitney PL Sarah PW Indra PW

Joshua PC Marcelo PM Caitlyn PW

Movie Night Come to the inaugural Berwick Lodge Film Festival and witness the Lodgie Awards! Be a part of this red carpet event on Monday 13th September At the Drum Theatre, Dandenong Tickets are selling fast. Don’t miss out! Book your tickets on line or at the theatre On 9771 6666 Or

YOU CAN DO IT! Things to say to communicate ‘Setting Goals’  ―I can see that you are intent on achieving you goal.‖  ―You see, setting goals helps you do your best.‖  ―How does it feel to have achieved you goal?‖  ―I can see that you wish to achieve your goals for this lesson,. This takes discipline and organisation.‖  ―You seen very committed today to achieve your goal.‖  ―Without goals, it‘s harder to do your best.‖  ―I think you can see that luck is not involved in achieving your goals.‖

EMA CHEQUES The second instalments of EMA cheques have not been received at the office as yet. We will have a notice in the newsletter and also a sign at the office when the cheques are available for pick up. Thank you for your patience.

BLOSHC NEWS A huge Thank You to all the Dads/Mums/Uncles/Friends who came in to share an afternoon with their children/niece/nephew decorating cookies with icing sugar and a range of lollies. All staff loved seeing the interactions between the parents and their child/ren. All the children who had someone coming in were very excited. This was evident by the children‘s facial expression and voices getting louder and louder. Priceless moments! NEXT WEEK: Footy Week M: Craft—Medals eg: Brownlow T: Footy dress-up day. Also running through Footy drills AKA teaching Olivia how to kick a footy! W: Craft—Footy mascots Th: Cooking– Campbell‘s Footy Balls F: Craft—Footy T-shirts Frames CHRISTMAS Child Box: Reminder that our Term BLOSHC project is due back to the OSHC building. We would like them all back by Friday 10th September. A BIG thank you to all the families who have participated in this worthy project. Our operating hours are: Before school care 6:45am-8:45am After school care 3:30pm-6:30pm Our direct line is 9769 8251 or you can call the admin team at Camp Australia on 8851 4160 Thank you OSHC team

LOST Grade 6 windcheater size 14 has AF 6W on the label. Please return to 6W if found. School bomber jacket size 10.Name of Robertson. PLEASE RETURN to 2L.

Baby Bunnies For Sale Mini Lops x 4. Very cute and friendly. Handled from birth. Excellent pets. Both parents can be seen. Ready from 26th September (8 weeks old). Will give you some food and hay to start with. $50 each - Call Suzanne - 0438 054981 FOR SALE 6 seater outdoor setting (metal & glass), 2 lounges. Grey and white VGC $250.00 Phone Colin 0414 317 608

BLPS Parents and Friends News Next Meeting: Thursday 7th October at 1:30pm in the after school care building. Everyone is welcome including toddlers. PFA welcomes anyone wanting to join the fun and make a difference.

Current events

Recipe Book: We are putting together a recipe book which we will be selling at the end of the year. If you have any recipes you would like to share please send them to the office. We are looking for all types of recipes including recipes from Eggs, Flour, different cultures and special dietary recipes. You Child’s name will be with your Butter recipes. Please send in the recipes now as we need to start putting this book together!! I have set up an email address if you prefer to email recipes to us, the email address is when emailing us, please let us know the child or children’s names and grades, we will send a thank you back when we receive it so you know we have your recipe. The students will also be involved in the design of the art work in the form of a competition.

2nd Hand Uniform Shop: We are running very low on many sizes so we are offering a $1.00

Canteen Voucher per item for any uniforms donated to the school that are clean and in good condition. Vouchers will be sent home once uniforms are looked at. You can come to the 2 nd hand uniform shop to donate items if you wish to pick up the vouchers yourself. Garments must be in GOOD condition. Items can also be left at the office.

Term 4

HALLOWEEN DISCO: The PFA will be running a Halloween themed disco in the Hall on Friday 29th October. The Cost will be $5.00 per child which includes Entry and Glow Band. This will be a locked in event. We have hired a DJ who specialises in School Discos. We will be selling pop tops on the night. There will be a junior disco for the preps to grade 2s from 4.30pm – 6pm and a senior disco for the Grade 3’s to Grade 6’s from 6.30pm – 8.00 pm. We are going to need parent helpers for both sessions. Forms will go out early in term 4. We can only have a maximum of 200 children per session, so forms need to be returned promptly. We are offering an early bird and best dressed prize for each session. This will be a lot of fun and we hope to see you there.

Shopping Tour - Saturday 6th November. The cost is $45 and includes a buffet lunch. If you would like to reserve a spot on the tour before the forms go out please let the office know. Forms will be sent out on the 1st day of Term 4. This is an all-day event. Seats are limited and will be secured on receipt of a deposit.

Election BBQ: There will be another Election in Term 4. The PFA will be running a BBQ on the day and we will need volunteers to help out. The PFA is a very small group of mums who are trying hard to organise everything, so we can raise much needed funds for the school. So please if you can help in any way we would very much appreciate your time. Forms will be sent out requesting Volunteers closer to the date.

The PFA would like to thank you for your continued support.

The PFA would like to thank the following business for their donations for the Clover Cottage Evening:

The Vibrosaun Clinic Suite 5, 1-9 Lyall Road Berwick Ph: 9707 0022

Hampton Park P1 Operations Pty Ltd Back Beach Road Cowes

Moods Café Shop 1, 4 Wheeler Street Berwick Ph: 9707 0300

Sage at Parkhill 215-225 Parkhill Drive Parkhill Plaza Berwick Ph: 8790 1733

Video Ezy Berwick Ph: 9704 5000 Moonlit Sanctuary 550 Tyabb-Tooradin Road Pearcedale Ph: 5978 7935 Hotel Fountain Gate Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Overland Drive Ph: 9704 7922 Splash‘s Swimming School 60 Kangan Drive Berwick Ph: 9707 5922 Multicare Tractive Therapies (Melb) Shop 60, Spring Square Hallam Ph: 9796 4974 Target Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Paul Sadler Swimland 101 Seebeck Drive Narre Warren South Ph: 8790 5540 Narre Warren Super Bowl 14-22 Lauderdale Road Narre Warren Ph: 9704 2955 Casey Arc Cnr. Overland Drive and Princess Highway Narre Warren Ph: 9705 5000 Mode Hair and Beauty Shop 33, Hampton Park Shopping Centre Somerville Road

Puffing Billy Railway Old Monbulk Road Belgrave Ph: 9757 0700

South Melbourne House Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Ph: 8790 1644 Russel Athletic 6 Dalmore Drive Scoresby Ph: 1300 367 587 Stacey Martin 23 Smethurst Avenue Pakenham

Terry White Chemist 51 High Street Berwick Ph: 9707 1555

Toyworld Casey Central Shopping Centre Narre Warren South

Scienceworks Museum Victoria Melbourne Ph: 131 102

Bunnings Narre Warren Cranbourne Road Narre Warren

Kennards Hire Monash University LPO Clayton Ph: 9704 0444

General Trader Shop 1009 Fountain Gate Shopping Centre

Endota Spa 1/11 Gloucester Avenue Berwick Ph: 9769 4684

Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd 181 Victoria Parade Collingwood

Hagemeyer 35 Centre Road Scoresby Ph: 8756 7842 Lotus Wellbeing 10 Jomary Court Berwick Ph: 0400 990 100 Phils Pies and Pastries 5b Parkhill Plaza Shopping Centre Parkhill Drive Berwick Ph: 8790 1113

Harris Scarfe Shop 1 Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Toy Kingdom Shop 2028, Level 2 Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Pets Paradise Shop 2043, Level 2 Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Ph: 9704 6633

Shop 1160 Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Ph: 9704 6460 Picture Corner Shop 2025a Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Ph: 9705 8177 Framing to a T 16 Gloucester Avenue Berwick Ph: 9769 8686 Eternal Love Shop 8 28-32 Gloucester Avenue Berwick Ph: 9768 9799 Angus & Robertson Shop 2040, Level 2 Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Ph: 9704 9466 Angus & Robertson Shop 1120, Level 1 Fountain Gate Ph: 9705 9798 Kennys Cardiology Fountain Gate Bordo Industrial Tools Chemmart Pharmacy 2 Victor Cresent Narre Warren Ph: 9704 8844 Hawthorn Football Club Community Department Mt Waverley Carlton Football Club North Carlton Mervyn & Sue Hughes

Sanity Headoffice Berwick Potteries 350 Princes Hwy Castello‘s Berwick Springs Ph: 02 9774 8111 Officer 3806 Cnr Clyde & Greaves Roads Berwick Supercheap Auto Foam Suppliers Ph: 9702 6223 Narre Warren/Cranbourne 13 hazel Ave Road Spotlight Dandenong Narre Warren Level 5 111 Cecil Street

Fountain Gate Pharmacy

BUSINESS ADVERTISING - Mansfield St. Food Mart Mansfield Street, Berwick

Monday – Saturday 6.30am – 9.00pm Sunday & Public Holidays 7.00am-9pm

CRYSTAL CLEANING SERVICES P/L For all your carpet/upholstery and general cleaning needs Special Offer 3 rooms/3 seats Professionally steamed cleaned for $77.00 incl. gst Free deodorising Free stain treating Other services: Vacate clean-up/ready for sale For bookings & enquiries contact Steve 0411 752 279 $1.00 from each booking goes back to BLPS. Plus $1.00 to Royal Children's Hospital

TAX RETURNS Selvey Taxation Services       

Individual & Business Returns 14 Day Refund Partnerships, Companies & Trusts Investment Properties Taxation & Business Advice BAS & GST Advice Discounts for couples, students & pensioners Registered Tax Agent Contact Wayne on 0412 714 421 or email

Mel’s Guidance Counselling Specialising in: ▪ Relationship / Family violence ▪ Grief / Bereavement, including suicide ▪ Anger Management ▪ Depression Please call Melissa on ▪ Family Breakdown ▪ Child / Adolescent Issues 0413 333 547 to ▪ Teenage pregnancy arrange an ▪ Eating Disorders appointment ▪ Self esteem ▪ Personal Development You can also visit my website:


PeeWee & Hot Shots Tennis 4 – 12 yrs

NARRE WARREN SOUTH TENNIS CLUB School Court, Off Ormond Rd Next to Amberley Park SC Mel Ref 130 A1

UP COMING TENNIS EVENTS  PEE WEE & JUNIOR HOT SHOTS FREE COME & TRY TENNIS Saturday 2nd October 1pm to 2pm  HOLIDAY CLINICS: Thursday 30th Sept & Friday 1st Oct 9am to 11am From $20  HOLIDAY TOURNAMENT: Friday 1st Oct 12pm to 2pm $20  TERM 4 TENNIS LESSONS: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday afternoons NEW PEE WEE & HOT SHOTS PROGRAM AVAILABLE SATURDAY MORNINGS TERM 4 SPECIAL OFFER: New Enrolments: Receive a RACQUET & CAP FOR BOOKINGS & FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CALL ADRIAN ON 0417 591 911 Email: Website:

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