Berwick Lodge Primary School Newsletter, Oct 2010

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BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198 E­mail: Visit our Websites : http://, Camp Australia/Out of School Hours Care: 9769 8251


NEWSLETTER N0.30 DIARY DATES Friday 15th October Friday 15th October Monday 18th October Tuesday 19th October Friday 22nd October Monday 25th October Tuesday 26th October Friday 29th October Sunday 31st October Tuesday 2nd November Saturday 6th November

NOTICES DUE BACK BY Gr 5/6 Interschool Sports home Nude Food Day School Council sub-committee Gr 5/6 Resuscitate a Mate Gr 5/6 Interschool Sports away School Council Second Hand Uniform Sale 2:30-3:15pm Gr 5/6 Interschool Sports home Yamaha Information Session 1-5:00pm Melbourne Cup Holiday No School Shopping Tour

Friday 15th October Tuesday 19th October Thursday 21st October Friday 22nd October Friday 29th October

Gr 5/6 Resuscitate a Mate Gr 5/6 Interschool sports away Shopping Tour forms Disco Gr 6 Signature Bear/soccer ball

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT BUILDING EDUCATION REVOLUTION (BER) UPDATE I have been advised by the builder, SJ Wiggins, who has been appointed to construct our BER building that they will be commencing work next Thursday, 21st October. A perimeter safety fence will be constructed first at the site. This fence will take in the entire area of our Collins Crescent car park plus the play area behind the car park extending to our boundary fence adjoining the freeway. We have been told to expect that the entire building project could take up to 12 months to complete, so this area will be out of bounds for up to a year. The builder has assured us that during our morning and afternoon peak traffic times (8.30am-9.15am and 3.00pm-3.45pm) they will endeavour to ensure that they do not have construction materials delivered, so that parents can still have some access to drop off and pick up their children from Collins Crescent. Importantly, our pedestrian access to the school, adjacent to the Collins Crescent crossing will still be available for use by parents and students. I am pleased to report from our discussions with the builder that despite the disruption that the building site will bring, the area will be very well supervised, securely out

of bounds for all non-authorised area of technological skills people and most importantly, safe rather than social skills.’ for our students and staff. I will be advising local residents by letter before next Thursday, alerting HENRY GROSSEK them to the major building work that will be taking place at our school over the next 12 months. If you have any queries or concerns SCHOOL on this matter, please contact me at the school. AWARDS FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ’s)) Q. Is our school hall available for private hire for weekend functions? A. No. Reluctantly school council discontinued this practice a number of years ago following several unfortunate incidents and complaints from local residents. In several cases our facilities were damaged to a cost well beyond the upfront bond and it was difficult to obtain recompense from the hirers. In other instances local residents complained about the noise levels of functions.

Congratulations to the following students who received awards over the last week. Holly PM Zac PL Tayla PW Dakota PT Adam PC

Ben PM Ryan PL Anthony PW Archer PT Madeline PC


Just a reminder to parents and students QUOTABLE QUOTE that there is no ‘The saddest observation that can be made about cyber canteen on Tuesday bullying is the impression it for term 4. creates that our talents for improvement lie more in the

ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT TALKING TO CHILDREN ABOUT SEXUALITY The Parenting and Family Support Centre at the University of Queensland and Family Planning Queensland are currently conducting research evaluating the needs and challenges of parents in relation to the sexuality education of their children. Parents and carers play a vital role in communicating with children about sexuality, however, some parents have doubts about how to talk to their children about sexuality, and what is appropriate for children of different ages. A research project currently underway at the Parenting and Family Support Centre at the University of Queensland and Family Planning Queensland is looking at how parents communicate with their child about sexuality, and what support they would like in teaching their child about sexuality. They are seeking parents of 3 to 10-year-old children to share their thoughts in an online survey, which takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. If you are interested, please visit https:// or for more information about the project email:

The Berwick Safety House Association is seeking support from local families who may be interested in becoming a Safety House, monitoring Safety Houses or joining their committee. A flyer is included with this week’s newsletter for parents to express their interest.

Susan McLean, a cyber safety expert with extensive experience with the Victorian Police Force, presented a confronting session on Cyber Safety for Young People. She discussed some disturbing behaviours of minors that is leading to criminal charges as a result of young people being unaware of the consequences of their online behaviours. She strongly emphasised that the use of Facebook by children under the age of 13 is illegal and that when the police become involved in investigating behaviours of young people using Facebook inappropriately charges can be laid. This resonated strongly with us as we are aware that many students at our school have Facebook accounts and that some of our students have been involved in the inappropriate use of this social networking site. She has recommended that if schools are dealing with issues on online bullying that the matter be referred to the police.

BERWICK SAFETY HOUSE The Safety House Association which began in 1979 aims to help keep Victorians safe in neighbourhood communities. Today, there are over 8,000 Safety Houses; identified by their iconic yellow triangles, providing places for children and senior Victorians to turn to when they feel unsafe or need urgent assistance. Safety Houses are screened and supported by around 120 Local Volunteer Committees across the state.

P R I N C I P A L C L A S S CONFERENCE Last Thursday and Friday we attended the Casey Cardinia Principal Class Conference at Cape Schanck. The focus of the conference was Futurevasion – A new Education Frontier. We attended several valuable workshops looking at ICT and its impact on education now and in the future. One keynote speaker was Morris Miselowski, a business futurist and consultant who spoke about the direction of ICT and its impact on the way in which we live our daily lives. We found some of the information he presented to be quite amazing and challenging in the respect to how we are going to prepare ourselves for dealing with the impact of ICT in future education. Some interesting facts are Morris’s predictions that in the next two years we will see the equivalent of 100 years of change in technology, and in the next ten years, one thousand years of change. The average student of today will have a minimum of six careers throughout their life with an average stay in any one job of eighteen months. We enjoyed an exciting session with Nick May, from Lyndhurst Primary School who demonstrated how they are utilising IPads in their school and this enthused us to look at ways in which we might be able to introduce and implement this engaging learning tool into our own school.




The second instalments of EMA cheques are now available at the office. Please bring identification with you when you come for collection. Thank you for your patience.

We are in need of clean, washed small yoghurt containers and lots of shoe box lids please. We have began our mosaic project, so if you have any spare wall tiles, bring them in. Thanks Jo Zammit and Julie McLeod

Nude Food Day On Friday 15th October, the Junior School Council is having a Nude Food Day. On the day, students are encouraged to bring their food to school in recyclable containers rather than wrappers and glad wrap to reduce the amount of litter at our school. The Grade that has the least amount of rubbish will win a prize in consultation with their class teacher. Vanessa Porter on behalf of the JSC.

SPECIAL SCHOOL 4 CASEYCARDINIA The Supporters for a Special School for Casey- Cardinia have invited interested community members to a public meeting to highlight the need for the development of a Special School in the Casey Cardinia growth corridor. The meeting will take place at the Cardinia Culture Centre, Pakenham, on Thursday 11th November at 7:00PM-8:30PM. Further information can be found at the Supporters for a Special School for CaseyCardinia’s website: through their Facebook site Support For A Specialist School for Casey-Cardinia or by email to LYNNE BRENNER CUSACK




YOU CAN DO IT! Examples of “Emotional Resilience’ 

Backpack orders. To be eligible you must have 30 silver / 3 gold tokens. You can not use the card that were sent out last term at the bank, they were only advertising the gold tokens. Also you cannot pool your tokens. It is 30 tokens per child. Once you reached 28 tokens please let me know which money box your child would like. This program will continue next year, Thanks Denise.

Not getting overly angry when peers are mean to you (staying calm). Not retaliating by fighting when an adult treats you unfairly or a peer treats you disrespectfully. Not getting too down when being teased or ignored by friends. Being calm when meeting someone new, and not getting extremely nervous. Stopping yourself from getting extremely worked up when you want to stand up and say “No” to someone who is putting pressure on you to do the wrong thing. Not losing your cool when you have lots of homework to do. Staying in control when your parents say “No” and the parents of your friends seem to be saying “Yes’. Bouncing back to play when your feelings are hurt by peers. Bouncing back to schoolwork after receiving a disappointing result.

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BLPS OSHC NEWS Next week: M: Craft—Halo pictures T: Cooking—chocolate cupcakes W: Craft– all things beads TH: Craft– sand painting F: Craft-chalk drawing and huma beads See something you’d like to join in with?? Book in and don’t miss out! Our operating hours are: Before school care 6:45am-8:45am After school care 3:30pm-6:30pm Our direct line is 9769 8251 or you can call the admin team at Camp Australia on 8851 4160 Thank you, OSHC team

Shopping Tour 2010 PAYMENT FORM

Child’s Name: Name: Number of people attending (including self): I have enclosed payment of $


Phone Number:

$45.00 per person



Amount authorised: $____________ Card No:



Cardholders Name:

Expiry Date:


BLPS Parents and Friends News

Next Meeting: Thursday 4th November at 1:30pm in the after school care building. Everyone is welcome including toddlers. PFA welcomes anyone wanting to join the fun and make a difference.

current events

Shopping Tour - Saturday 6th November: The cost is $45 and includes a buffet lunch. This is an all-day event. Seats are limited and full payment must be made ASAP to secure your spot. Full payment and numbers are needed by the 2 nd week back in Term 4, which means this week please let the office know if you want to come. This Event has been very popular in the past so get in quick with your money so you don’t miss out. This Event is going to be run by Jodie Warwick, who has run the shopping tour for the past few years. Ask some friends and make a day of it!!!! Recipe Book: We are putting together a recipe book which we will be selling at the end of the year. If you have any recipes you would like to share please send them to the office. We are looking for all types of recipes including recipes from different cultures, and special dietary recipes. You Childs name will be with the recipes given. Please send in the Recipes now as well need to start putting this book together!! I have set up an email address if you prefer to email recipes to us, the email address is when Emailing us, please let us know the child or children’s names and grades, we will send a thank you back when we receive it so you know we have your recipe. WE need these recipes NOW. So please email or give to your teachers!! MORE RECIPES NEEDED PLEASE!!!!!! Halloween Disco: WE still need some parent helpers (male and female) for the senior disco. Thank you to all those who put down to help for the junior disco we will let you know soon as we had a huge response to help. Remember we have limited numbers per session and both are filling fast so if you want to come please get your form in. Chocolates- We have boxes of Chocolates left for sale at the office. If you would like to buy some we have reduced the price to $2.00 per block or $48.00 per box. If you want to take these they must be prepaid and boxes are as they come. Outdoor Twilight Cinema: We are having an outdoor cinema on the oval at the end of term (Friday 10 th December). If your company would like to advertise before the movie please send a note to the office for the PFA. Forms will be sent out later in the term. 2nd Hand Uniform Shop: We are running very low on many sizes so we are offering a $1.00 Canteen Voucher per item for any uniforms donated to the school that are clean and in good condition. Vouchers will be sent home once uniforms are looked at. You can come to the 2nd hand uniform shop to donate items if you wish to pick up the vouchers yourself. Garments must be in GOOD condition. Items can also be left at the office. The next 2 nd hand uniform shop is on Tuesday 26th October.

The PFA would like to thank you for your continued support.

Halloween Disco Parent Helper Reply Child’s Name:


Yes, I am able to help with Halloween Disco Friday 29th October 2010

Grade Preps-Grades 2 4:30pm-6:00pm

Grade 3—Grade 6 6:30pm—8:00pm

Parent’s Name:

Contact Phone Number:

PHYS ED NEWS Congratulations to the Senior Girls All Star Hoop Time team who competed last Wednesday at the Regional Hoop Time competition at Dandenong Basketball Stadium. The girls: Madi, 6C, Matilda 6W, Charlotte 5/6N, Emily 6C, Georgia 5L & Chelsea 5J are all to be congratulated on their fabulous efforts to have progressed so far in the competition. The girls were successful in all four of their games, which saw them proceed to the Grand final on the day, the girls showed outstanding teamwork and consequently won their game 14-9. They have now proceeded through to the State Finals on Thursday 25th November. All the girls are to be congratulated on their fabulous team skills, determination and overall wonderful sportsmanship and I wish them all the best of luck for the next round! A huge thank-you goes out to Mrs Percival who drove us to the event, Mrs Sexton for her outstanding scoring and all the other parents and grandparents for their support and encouragement. It was a fabulous day and the girls were all an absolute pleasure to take. Congratulations also goes to the Junior Girls and Boys All Star Hoop Time teams who competed last Thursday at the Regional Hoop Time competition at Dandenong Basketball Stadium. The girls team: Grace 4S, Ebony 4DR, Imagin 4M & Jemma 4S and their coaches Emily 6C & Matilda 6W. The boys team: Myles 3/4K, Joel 3/4K, Cailan 4S, Alex 4M & Liam 4S and their coaches Timm 5/6N & Reid 5/6N are all to be congratulated on their fabulous efforts to have progressed so far in the competition. Both teams played a tremendous four games of Basketball, showing great teamwork, sportsmanship, determination and most importantly enjoyment in their games. The girls’ team won two games, drew one game and lost

one game; these results saw them proceed to the Grand final on the day. The girls sadly lost their final game 14 to 10 but gave their best and worked extremely hard. They awarded two Wild card places to proceed through to the State Finals and the girls won a place! So the Junior Girls team will also be proceeding through to the State Finals on Tuesday 23rd November! The boys’ team did a tremendous job winning two games and sadly losing two games. However, due to percentages on wins the team proceeded through to the Grand final on the day also. The boys worked extremely hard together and gave 100% but unfortunately lost their game 10 to 28. Thank-you to Mrs Morris, Mrs Nowak & Mr Keller for assisting with transport and scoring on the day and also all the other parents who came to support and encourage the children too.

Yesterday Jemma, Jake and Bailey three of our rising sports stars competed at the Regional Athletics competition at Ballam Park. They are firstly to be congratulated on their tremendous efforts to have gone so far in the competition and represent themselves and our school at such a large event! Well Done to: Bailey 6C who came 2nd in the Hurdles and now will compete at the State Athletics competition! Jake who came 2nd in Long Jump and will also now compete at the State Athletics competition! And Jemma achieved 5th place in the 100m, but sadly due to a severe stitch did not finish in the 800m Congratulations once again to these students who all received fabulous results yesterday, I am so extremely A huge Congratulations proud of you all! goes to the 11 students who represented the A huge Congratulations goes to Myles Edwin Flack District last from 3/4K who competed at the Wednesday at the Zone Adelaide National Titles during the Athletics competition at school holidays. Myles competed in the Knox Athletics Track. Gymnastics field of Trampolining; he All the students did a tremendous job achieved outstanding accomplishments and came out with some fantastic by winning the 10 & Under National results! Title. Well done to Myles on such an Jemma 4S; came 2nd in the 800m and outstanding achievement! 100m which saw her progress through Congratulations to all the children who to the Regional Athletics Competition. nd Jake 4M; came 2 in Long Jump have competed in various sporting progressing him through to the Regional events during the past two weeks, I can’t express enough just how proud I am of Athletics Competition, each and every one of you. You have th and he also placed 4 in the 200m. st Bailey 6C; came 1 in hurdles which saw been committed to training sessions and him also progress through to the have always applied yourselves 110%. Well done. Regional Athletics Competition rd Stephanie 4DR; came 3 in Long Jump A reminder to all Prep Grade 1 & 2 students and 4th in Triple Jump to continue practising their skipping skills Zoe 5L; came 4th in High Jump and keep on finding sponsors for their Matt 3/4K; came 6th in the 1500m and 8th already tremendous fundraising efforts over in the 800m the next three weeks in preparation for our Well Done to these students for getting Jump Off Day on Friday 29th October! so far in the Athletics competition, they have given 100% effort and applied sheer Amy Carlile determination to get so far-well done! Physical Education Coordinator

LOST Xander J 1C has misplaced his school bomber jacket. Would parents please check to ensure that it hasn’t been accidently brought home. Thank you.


4 BIKES :- 1 x suitable for ages 6-10 (blue) new brake pads needed, 1 x suitable for ages 8-12 (red), 1 Dunlop full size (26”) ladies bike, 1 x boys bike (green) suitable for ages 8-12 but in poor condition, suitable for bits. Phone Mark or Kylie 8790 4043


Come join us for a fun night at Amstel Golf Club Cranbourne‐Frankston Road Cranbourne Monday nights Eyes down 7;30pm For further information contact Dave on 0418 391 996 Proudly sponsoring Cranbourne Cricket Club

Individual Literacy Sessions now available. Would your child benefit from an intensive individualized program to help improve their reading and writing skills? For all enquiries please call Karen Perrin on 03 5944 3777 or leave a message at the school office.

BUSINESS ADVERTISING - Mansfield St. Food Mart -

TRANQUILITY Relaxation Massage and Reiki $50.00 per Hour $30.00 per ½ Hour Beautifully Relaxing and highly recommended Please Call Samantha Cline 0435185002

Mansfield Street, Berwick

Foam Suppliers 13 Hazel Ave Dandenong Ph 9792 1884 Foam Suppliers supply wholesale and retail for acoustic foam, packaging foam, and die cut foam cut to size. We also supply king, queen, double, king single and single mattresses from latex foam and upholstery foam (non standard mattresses made to order). Foam Suppliers can supply foam in any shape any size and anywhere, with our Australia wide delivery service (conditions apply).

Monday – Saturday 6.30am – 9.00pm Sunday & Public Holidays 7.00am­9pm

CRYSTAL CLEANING SERVICES P/L For all your carpet/upholstery and general cleaning needs Special Offer 3 rooms/3 seats Professionally steamed cleaned for $77.00 incl. gst Free deodorising Free stain treating Other services: Vacate clean-up/ready for sale For bookings & enquiries contact Steve 0411 752 279 $1.00 from each booking goes back to BLPS. Plus $1.00 to Royal Children's Hospital

TAX RETURNS Selvey Taxation Services       

Individual & Business Returns 14 Day Refund Partnerships, Companies & Trusts Investment Properties Taxation & Business Advice BAS & GST Advice Discounts for couples, students & pensioners Registered Tax Agent Contact Wayne on 0412 714 421 or email

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