Berwick Lodge PS Newslettter Dec 2010

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BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198 E-mail: Visit our Websites : http://, Camp Australia/Out of School Hours Care: 9769 8251


NEWSLETTER N0.37 DIARY DATES Tuesday 7th December Tuesday 7th December Friday 10th December Friday 10th December Monday 13th December Friday 17th December


Transition Student Banking Last day Gr 5/6 End of year excur. End of year reports Grade 6 Graduation Term 4 end 1:30pm finish

Monday 6th December Monday 6th December

Gr 5/6 End of year excursion Grade 6 Graduation form

DECEMBERBER 17TH END OF TERM 4 1:30PM FI NISH PRINCIPAL’S REPORT EMBRACE THE FESTIVE SPIRIT: HERALD SUN You may have seen in yesterday‟s Herald Sun children from our school featured on page 1 and in an article on page 5 in relation to our new Premier, Ted Bailleau‟s edict that issues of “political correctness” should not deter schools from conducting traditional Christmas celebrations and festivities. Berwick Lodge has provided non-denominational, approved Christian religious education classes for many years. Yesterday‟s concert was in keeping with this program. In saying that, “political correctness” has never been a consideration in our decision-making and our R.E. staff; led by Lisa Badenhop, are to be complimented for their dedication and enthusiasm that they bring to their R.E. classes. The photos of our children on pages 1 & 5 in the nativity scenes were simply stunning. PARKING FINES IN COLLINS CRESCENT A number of parents have been issued with parking fines for parking their cars illegally in Collins Crescent since work began on our BER project last week. If you were booked on the first day that work began and believe that you have a strong case for the fine to be reviewed, please contact me at the school to discuss your case. STAFFING CHANGES We have now finalised our teaching staff for next year, subject as always, to unforeseen last minute changes! Emily Nolde, Andrew Searle and Ashleigh Jacobs will be leaving us at the end of this year and Amy Carlile and Lyn

Chudleigh will be leaving early to mid term 1 next year. In thanking, Andrew, Emily and Ashleigh for their respective contributions to our school, I wish them every success and happiness in the future. Fiona Froelich is returning from Family Leave, having worked in a number of grades at our school for several years prior to taking leave. We have also appointed two graduate class teachers to our school. Robert Kelly and Lucy Harding will be joining us in 2011. Robert is known to many people at our school already – he has been working at our school during this year already in a variety of grades as a Casual Relief Teacher. Robert‟s special interests include journalism and multimedia studies; in particular film making. Robert will be taking a Year 6 class in 2011. Lucy is a qualified palaeontologist in addition to her teaching qualifications and has been a research scientist in a previous career. Lucy‟s passion for teaching led her to forgo a successful career in scientific research, which included a stint in Antarctica. Lucy is a keen sportsperson also and will be in charge of a Year 5 class next year.

WHAT A GREAT MOSAIC MURAL! Work is nearing completion on the stunning mosaic mural on display on the exterior wall of our senior area classroom building (visible from our main courtyard). Children in our senior grades have been working diligently on this wonderful project with Helen Harmer, a mosaic artist, and our Visual Arts teachers Julie McLeod and Jo Zammit. The mosaic has a theme in keeping with our You Can Do It student wellbeing program and is a wonderful example of our school‟s outstanding visual arts program. Well done everyone. Please take the time to enjoy this great piece of artwork.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ’s) Q. How do you work out which teachers teach where? A. Firstly, in consultation with each and every teacher. Teachers have significant input into where they teach. Secondly, the overall needs and priorities of the school are considered. Sometimes the wishes of individuals are secondary to the needs of the school. I can say that we have an open and inclusive process for CONGRATULATIONS ERIN the allocation of teaching responsibilities Erin, one of our Year 5 students has for our staff and I believe that this is a been acknowledged by our former most important pre-condition for premier, John Brumby, in a ceremony at success. Parliament House for her contribution to QUOTABLE QUOTE the MS Read-a-thon. Erin raised $1,745 ‘If rarity is the measure of value, then coming top 5 in Victoria and top 15 in the lessons of hindsight will never be Australia. That was a fantastic effort by Erin, all the more so because it was in worth much.’ support of a very worthy cause indeed.


ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT GRADE PLACEMENT 2011 Class lists for 2011 will be placed on display tomorrow afternoon (after 3:00PM) in the following locations: The Library office windows and doorway, the Performing Arts Room windows, the Art Room external door and side windows and the Staffroom windows at the front of the administration building. These final class lists are a result of an extensive consultation process within teaching teams, as well as across teams. Individual placement of all children has been carefully considered, taking a range of criteria into account. Parent support of our decisions regarding class placement will be greatly appreciated. Students will be told their 2011 grade by their class teacher tomorrow afternoon.

(Prep to Year 5) will be involved in a range of cross age activities in the Library and Art Room for the morning. Most of our current Year 6 students will be attending their respective Year 7 transition programs. Those not involved have been invited to assist in the new prep classes for the morning.

LAST DAY ARRANGEMENTS Parents are reminded that school finishes on Friday 17th December at 1:30PM. Due to the early finish time Camp Australia will operate their program from 1:30PM until 6:30PM. Students not booked into after school care need to be picked up, or make their way home as soon as possible. The yard will be supervised by staff between 1:30PM and 1:45PM. After this time ORIENTATION MORNING children remaining in the grounds will be Next Tuesday morning our current directed to wait at the office area and student in Years Prep to 5, new students parents will be contacted. to the school for next year and our 2011 PARENT HELPERS MORNING prep students will participate in a whole TEA school transition program from 9:30AM Thank you to those until 1:30PM. (the new prep students parents who have will arrive at 9:45AM) The aim of this responded to the program is to familiarise all students with invitations that were their class group and teacher for 2011. sent home with Students will have the opportunity to students last week play in their 2011 play areas and meet for our annual some new friends throughout the Parent Helpers‟ Morning Tea. This will morning. Lunch orders will be collected be held on Tuesday 14th December at and returned to their 2011 classroom. 11:00AM in the school gymnasium. If Students transferring out of the school you have been one of our wonderful

helpers and have missed out on an invitation we apologise for missing you. Please feel most welcome to attend the morning tea. COLES SPORTS FOR SCHOOLS DOCKETS Some families have sought information regarding the final number of dockets collected by our community for this program. We were notified by Coles earlier this week that due to the overwhelming response to this incentive their timeline for counting of dockets and notifying schools has been extended. We should be notified of our final tally before the end of the school year. We will keep you informed. SINGAPORE VISIT 2011 INFORMATION EVENING Parents of Years 4 and 5 students should have received a letter regarding our plans for a visit of students to Tampines Primary School in 2011. An information session will be held next Wednesday 8 th December at 7:00PM for parents of current Year 4 and 5 students who would be eligible to participate in this exciting visit. If you did not receive your letter please contact the office to indicate your interest.



GRADE 2Z MELBOURNE AQUARIUM EXCURSION On a rainy Thursday morning grade 2Z, 2B and 2L were stuck at the front office because the Melbourne Aquarium bus was late. The bus got at school after 9:30am. On the bus me, Hannah and Miss Ziino were sitting in a three. When we got there we ate our snack. Our tour guide Tess showed us around. At first we went to the coral reef. There we saw some eagle rays, a turtle and lots of fish. After that we went to see the jellyfish and the crabs. There our stickers glowed! Continually, we went to see the octopuses. They were very big! Then we went to see the feeding. Kate was feeding the sea animals. After that we saw the penguins. Following this we had to do a quiz. Ours was a seahorse. The

last thing we did was touching the starfish. After that we went back on the bus because unfortunately we couldn‟t go to the gardens to eat lunch because it was too wet. So we went back to school to eat lunch. Overall I had fun! Written by Elizabeth 2Z On Thursday the 25th November, grade 2Z, 2L, 2M, 2V and 2B went to the Melbourne Aquarium. In the morning the bus was late so we had to wait for the bus to come. Then the bus came so we went inside but we had to squish in together. I was in the middle. I did nothing much on the bus. Finally we got there. First we had our snack then we went inside. We saw a penguin light up but not a real one. At the start we saw a tiger shark, a turtle and stingrays. Second we went to the jellyfish and the king crabs. They were big and the jellyfish were

different sizes. Next we went to the octopus. There were two of them. One was camouflaging with the rocks and the second one was looking at us. Next we went to the sharks and I saw a big mouth from a shark. It was bigger than me! It was about the size of a person! Next we went through the fish bowl and we saw people feed the turtles and the stingrays. The stingrays were big! The two turtles put their head in the bucket. It was really funny! The stingrays were going over one of the divers head! Next we went to the penguins. In the morning a baby penguin was born. They were king penguins and other different penguins. After that we went to see the starfish and we got to touch one. Then we went back on the bus and we went back to school and had lunch. Written by Alicia 2Z

GRADE 2Z MELBOURNE AQUARIUM EXCURSION CONTINUED... On Thursday the 25th of November 2Z, 2L, 2B, 2V and 2M went to the M e l b o u r n e Aquarium. The bus was late. When it arrived we got on and it was a very long bus ride! When we got to the Aquarium we had our snack. Then we looked at the coral reef. I liked the coral reef because it had a lot of fish. Then we looked at jellyfish. There were big ones and there were small ones and there were crabs in that room too. They were so big! I liked them. Then we looked at an octopus. It was big too. I liked it too. We walked in the fish bowl room but we had to run because Kate was feeding the sea creatures. Then we saw the penguins. I liked the penguins the most. They were cute and they were funny. Some were laying eggs. Then we did a quiz, our answer was a clown fish. It was fun. After that we saw some fish in a big tank, it was cool! We patted some starfish. This was so fun! Then we came to school again. Overall I had a great time. Written by Brodie 2Z Last Thursday the 25th of November, all of the grade 2 classes went to the Melbourne Aquarium by bus. First we all went to the coral reef. We saw a turtle trying to itch its shell. It was great! Next we went to the jelly fish and crabs and then the octopus. The octopus was big! We were rushed through the fish bowl to see the feeding of the fish, turtles and stingrays. Overall I had a great day! Written by Josh 2Z On Thursday 25th of November class 2Z, 2B, 2L, 2M and 2V went to the Melbourne Aquarium. First we went to the coral reef. Second we went to see the jelly fish and crabs. The crabs were big and the jelly fish were small. Thirdly we went to the giant octopus and forth we went to the fish bowl to see the feeding of the sea animals. It was fun! Written by James 2Z On Thursday 25th November 2Z, 2L, 2B, 2V and 2M went to the Melbourne Aquarium. It took us a long time to wait for the bus because the bus was late. When we got to the Melbourne Aquarium we had our snack. When we finished our snack we went inside to the Aquarium. When we were inside it looked so cool! The funniest part was the turtle scratching its shell on the plant. I had a fun time there

but we didn‟t get to eat at the park d r i v e to the because it was too wet. Aquarium. We sang Written by Matthew 2Z songs and watched th On the 25 of November 2Z, 2L, 2B, 2M movies. My partners and 2V went to the Melbourne Aquarium. on the bus were Alli We went by bus. When we got there we and her mum Cherie. had our snack in the foyer. Then Tess took When we arrived at us to the coral reef. We saw lots of fish, the Aquarium we like the white spotted eagle ray. Then we had to walk heaps went to the jellyfish and big crabs. The and then we had to crabs were very scary! When we were in go to the toilet. First we saw the there everything white glowed! We then went to the big octopus. It was Coral Reef. I saw the huge and very scary. After that we had to Triggerfish, the Eagle ray and a cheeky hurry through the fish bowl because Tess green turtle who was scratching its back. I wanted us to see the feeding. We then saw school fish and colourful fish, it was moved on to the penguins and got to sit in amazing! After we saw the coral reef we a pretend boat. Then we did a quiz. After went to see the jumping jellyfish. Some the quiz we got to touch a fresh water sea were pink, some were blue, some were so tiny you had to use a telescope to see star. Overall it was great!!! them. Oh yeah, there were crabs too. Written by Hannah M 2Z There were king crabs and other crabs. On Thursday 25th Next we went to see some octopuses. of November 2Z, There were two in one big tank. Then we 2L, 2B, 2M and 2V went to see the sharks but we rushed went by bus to the through the Fishbowl because Tess wanted M e l b o u r n e to see the animals get fed. After that here Aquarium. The bus comes the fun part, we went and saw the was late but that penguins! Unfortunately we didn‟t get to didn‟t matter because we still got to see a see the baby penguin. lot. Written by Rahni 2Z First we got to see the coral reef. Then we th went to see the jelly fish and the king On Thursday 25 November 2Z, 2L, 2B, crabs. Next the biggest octopus ever! We 2V and 2M went to the Melbourne got to see Kate feeding turtles and sting Aquarium on a bus. First we arrived at the rays! Kate was one of the feeders in the coral reef, it was fantastic! Second we Aquarium. We even got to see the cute appeared at the jellyfish and crabs. They penguins. We went through a little quiz were wonderful! Thirdly the octopus were and we got to see the fresh water animals amazing! That octopus was enormous! like frogs. At the end we got to touch star When we had to rush through to watch fish. My Parent helper was James‟ mum. All the feeding, it was funny! We had a great time! of the classes had a great time. Written by Patrick 2Z Written by Ayden 2Z th On Thursday 25th November 2Z, 2L, 2B, On Thursday 25 November 2B, 2M, 2V, 2V and 2M went to the Melbourne 2L and 2Z went to the Melbourne Aquarium by bus. First we visited the coral Aquarium by bus, we went to go see the reef. We learnt that all sea creatures move coral reef first. I liked seeing the leopard different ways. I liked the green turtle. sharks and the giant clam and sea turtles. After that, we went to see the king crabs After that we saw the jelly fish and giant and sea jellies, the king crabs eat dead crabs. We got to see the jellyfish polyps things and they are huge! The sea jellies are then we got to see an octopus. cute! Next we went to watch the fish, Then we got to see the sharks (in fact my stingrays and turtles get fed (Kate fed group was the sharks!), it was cool! After them)- it was funny when the turtle bit that we went to the fish bowl which was the shark part. Then we saw the penguins. Kate! Finally we got to touch a starfish. Did you They were cute. It was my favourite part. know that if a starfish loses its leg it can Then we got to touch some animals. At the grow into a new starfish! Overall I had a end we got back on the bus and we went home. great time! Written by Hannah W 2Z Written by Eric 2Z On November the 25th 2Z, 2V, 2M, 2B and 2L went to the Melbourne Aquarium but the bus was late and came at 9:30am. Once it arrived we got on and started the long

SCHOOL AWARDS Congratulations to the following students who received awards over the last week. Ainsley PM Jessica PL Liam PL

Jackson PM Emily PL Marcelo PM

Emily PM Keely PT Sayaara PM

Jasmine PM Nilma PT

Salena PC Tahlia PT

Elle Louise PC Oscar PC Meg PT James PL

BLPS Parents and Friends News Next Meeting: Thursday 10th February at 1.30pm in the after school care building. First one for the Year. Everyone is welcome including toddlers. PFA welcomes anyone wanting to join the fun and make a difference.

Current events

AGM MEETING FOR PFA: Our AGM was this morning for 2011 we welcome President – Sarah Hartnett, Vice President- Andrea Douglas, School Council Rep – Sam Cline, Secretary - Nikki Taylor, Assistant Secretary – Tracy Walsh , Treasurer – Jodie Norton. Also we would like to welcome the new mums that have joined our PFA. Thanks to everyone who helped and supported The PFA this Year. OUTDOOR TWILIGHT CINEMA: We are having an outdoor cinema on the oval at the end of term (Friday 10 th December). Please come and enjoy watching Despicable Me with your school community or bring your friends. Bring your picnic rug, chairs or some pillows, get comfortable and finish off the year with a great night on our oval. We are also having a sausage sizzle and popcorn will be available. There will be a coffee Van and we are trying for an Ice-Cream Van. This will be a great night!!! If you need to notice for the night you can get it from the office. Family tickets are $20.00. If weather inclement it will become a drive in at Akoonah park Berwick. Sunscreen: The PFA has purchased Sunscreen Roll-ons sold at the office for $6.00 per roll on. These are a great thing for all children to have in there bags now that the Sun has come out. We will be selling this at the start of Next year also but why wait, get some now for the end of school year and school holidays. RECIPE BOOK: I would firstly like to thank everyone who made the time to email or give us recipes for the Recipe Book. Because of time constraints and printing issues we have decided to hold on to recipes until next year. We will recontact everyone as soon as we know what is going on. If you know someone in printing or someone who can donate paper please let us know so we can keep costs down. I would like to personally thank ALL the mums who were able to come and help us for the Hotdog Lunch we had on Tuesday. Without your help we could not have got everything done. Also I would like to thank Rose Hughes, Belle Burgess, Andrea Douglas, Jodie Norton, Sam Cline and Karen as well as the couple of dads who came to help at the Election BBQ we had a great morning before we were flooded out. Thanks again for taking the time to volunteer for this event.

Sarah Hartnett - PFA President The PFA would like to thank you for your continued support.

Moonlit Sanctuary Summer School Holidays Young Ranger Program Environmental Activities, Native Animal Care, Fun and Games in January 2011.

Wednesday 5th, Friday 7th, Monday 10th, Wednesday 12th, Friday 14th, , Monday 17th, Wednesday 19th, Friday 21st, Monday 24th, Friday 28th. Teams Under 9 to Under 16 Especially looking for Under 16 players Registration Day at the Club Sunday 13th February 2011 10.00am —12.00noon Registrar: Rosemary Westwood 0403 583 240

Cost: $39.00 per day, or $105 for 3 days. Bookings essential - suitable 8-14 years. Hours: 10AM – 3PM Wear closed-toe shoes and long pants and remember your hat. Lunches: BYO or available for $7.50

Moonlit Sanctuary

550 Tyabb-Tooradin Rd, Pearcedale Ph. 5978-7935 Web: Open daily between

10am and 5pm

BUSINESS ADVERTISING Christine’s Custom Cakes Cakes for all occasions Novelty cakes, to serve 20 people start from Birthday cakes, to serve 20 people start from Cupcake towers, cupcakes with swirl icing from Visit us at Or call now for an obligation free quote on

$60 $40 $3ea

0423 119 955 (Narre Warren)

I’m Joanne Haines your Personal Travel Manager (Angus 5E’s Mum) Thinking of a holiday next year??? Well, now is the time to be planning. Loads of great Earlybird Specials on cruises and Europe, and there‟s never been a better time to travel, especially to the US, with the high Australian Dollar $$$$$$ Check out my website, and add yourself to my mailing list to be kept up to date with all the great specials. Give me a call or send me an email I‟d love to help you plan your next trip! Tel: Email: Webpage:

- Mansfield St. Food Mart Mansfield Street, Berwick

9769 9932 or 0404 032 483

**15% DISCOUNT ON TRAVEL INSURANCE IF YOU MENTION Berwick Lodge Primary School** Monday – Saturday 6.30am – 9.00pm Sunday & Public Holidays 7.00am-9pm

Mel’s Guidance Counselling Specialising in: ▪ Relationship / Family violence ▪ Grief / Bereavement, including suicide ▪ Anger Management ▪ Depression ▪ Family Breakdown Please call Melissa on ▪ Child / Adolescent Issues 0413 333 547 to ▪ Teenage pregnancy arrange an ▪ Eating Disorders appointment ▪ Self esteem ▪ Personal Development You can also visit my website:

CRYSTAL CLEANING SERVICES P/L For all your carpet/upholstery and general cleaning needs Special Offer 3 rooms/3 seats Professionally steamed cleaned for $77.00 incl. gst Free deodorising Free stain treating Other services: Vacate clean-up/ready for sale For bookings & enquiries contact Steve 0411 752 279 $1.00 from each booking goes back to BLPS. Plus $1.00 to Royal Children's Hospital

Casey Panthers Junior Soccer Club are holding a coaches information night on Wednesday December 8th, 7pm at Oatlands Primary School. You are invited to come along and see how our club is getting ready for season 2011. We will also be discussing coaching courses for parents and helpers who may wish to involve their children in the club. For more information please Darryn Ricketts on 0400 800 807 or 1300 500 057.

FOR SALE CASIO CTK-481 electronic keyboard, over 100 song bank, 100 rythym,100 tones with song book controller with stand $100.00 Phone 0427 509 805 BMX GT jumps bike 2008 red good condition $150.00 Please phone 0427 509 805 Alkira Secondary College Boys uniform for sale 2 x long pants size 14/72 $15ea, 3 x long sleeve shirt size 12 $15ea, 1 x sports shorts size 14/ XS $20., 1 x sport top size 14/XS $15. Please phone 0419 566 509 after 3.30pm LOST Watch, black wristband, blue analogue face please return to 6P Grade 6 windcheater „AFâ€&#x; on label please return to Adam 6W SEEKING WITNESS If anyone witnessed a car backing out of a driveway in Collins Crescent into a silver Fairmont. The incident occurred on Monday morning this week between 8:45and 11:00am about 100 metres from the school, could you please contact Andrea 0423 677 280.

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