Berwick Lodge PS Newsletter 2011

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BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198 E-mail: Visit our Websites : http://, Camp Australia/Out of School Hours Care: 9769 8251


NEWSLETTER N0.02 DIARY DATES Friday 11th February Tuesday 22nd February Thursday 24th February Friday 25th February Tuesday 15th March


Swimming Carnival Trials Second Hand Uniform Shop School Photos School Photos BLPS Beach Disco You Be The Star Visit

Wednesday 16th February Friday 18th February Friday 18th February Friday 11th March

R.E Consent Forms BLPS Beach Disco Singapore Deposit You Be The Star Visit

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT CAR PARK ISSUES A number of parents have raised the issue of some parents parking their cars rather carelessly, at strange angles in the Cyril Molyneux car park. The effect of this has been to significantly reduce the available car parking spaces for others to use. Sadly, one parent reported to me that they were abused by another parent when they were asked to park their car correctly in future. Car parking is one of those hot potato issues that bobs up regularly. At the moment with our BER building under construction and car parking in Collins Crescent severely limited, we do need a lot of consideration and patience. Please take heed of my request that we all do the right thing by each other, whether that be in the way we park our cars or how we communicate with others. It is worth remembering that the example we set for our children has every chance of coming back to bite us in the future if we are behaving badly.

several people were booked for driving or parking offences and that is not something that any of us enjoys. The police have indicated to me that they will be regularly patrolling Mansfield Street in the future as there have been a number of complaints from local residents about the driving habits of some people. Please remember that it is a 40KM zone on school days and that there is a No Standing sign just down from the bus stop outside our school.

temporarily transferred one grade to another classroom while the damaged carpet is being replaced.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ’s) Q. Can children bring food to school that we know contains nuts? A. It’s a good question in the light of the prevalence of anaphylaxis. We do not ban children from bringing nut based foodstuffs to school, but we encourage parents to be mindful of the fact that there GREAT EARLY DAYS are children across the school who I’m thrilled to report that your suffer from anaphylaxis and to children have settled in really well moderate provision of nut based in the first week of school and that foodstuffs. We do not allow nut we have had a very smooth start to based foods to be sold at our the school year – just what we aim canteen and children are not for! In saying that, please accept allowed to share their food with my thanks for your support in other children. preparing your child for this school year. I do appreciate that. QUOTABLE QUOTE Thanks also to our very dedicated ‘Emotions and the wind are staff for the great preparatory work cousins in more ways than that they have undertaken to one.’ ensure a great start for the children. We were very fortunate with the POLICE PATROLS IN HENRY GROSSEK flooding rains last weekend. Unlike MANSFIELD STREET You may have noticed that the local a number of other schools in our police were on patrol yesterday in region, we were largely unscathed, Mansfield Street outside our school with only one portable building being seriously affected. We have in the morning. I did notice that

ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT SUNSMART HATS Families are reminded that in line with our ‘Sun Smart Hat Policy’ all students are required to wear a Sun Smart hat during outdoor activities and at play times during Terms 1 and 4. This week we have allowed some flexibility for students who have forgotten to bring their hats. As of Monday next week students without a hat will be restricted to playing in shaded areas during play and lunch breaks and excluded from outdoor class activities such as Phys Ed and Sport. Please ensure that your child brings their Sun Smart hat to school so that they are able to fully participate in outdoor activities. It is important to remember that the your child’s hat, like other items of clothing, need to be clearly named.

SAVER PLUS We have recently received some information regarding a “Super Saver” scheme which is run by the Brotherhood of St Laurence in conjunction with the ANZ bank. This is a savings and financial program that teaches money skills to people on lower incomes and encourages them to build savings to help pay for their children’s education. Participants’ savings are matched $1 for $1 (up to $500) and the money saved is used to pay for educational items such as uniforms, books, excursions and camps. To be eligible you must have:  A child attending school in 2011/12, or be intending to attend vocational training yourself in 2011/12  A current health care card or pension card, and  Regular form of paid employment (yourself or partner) Parents who have previously taken advantage of this program have provided us with very positive feedback. If you are interested in further information regarding this scheme please let the office know and they will pass on the relevant contact details.

GROUNDS IMPROVEMENTS As part of the ‘Transform Us’ program that the Year 4 students will be involved in this year, we have been provided with $500 worth of playground line markings. This includes a twister game layout located in the portables at the end of the main building and five 4-square courts located in the courtyard and behind the 5/6 building. It is great to see the children taking advantage of these new facilities, especially in this fine weather. Families visiting the school will also have noticed the work underway to enhance our school entrance. This will be completed over the next few weeks and includes laying of instant turf and planting of several mature trees.

CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Katherine Merbis, our CRE team leader, is seeking a people interested in training as CRE volunteers to conduct CRE sessions in the City of Casey. A training session will take place at the end of this week. Interested persons can seek further information by contacting Robyn, the CRE Support Officer for this region, on 0418 357 925 or by email at

FLOOD RELIEF CONCERT The City of Casey is conducting a Mayoral Charity Event ‘Floods Benefit Concert’ this Saturday, February 12 th at 7:00PM. This event will take place at the River Gum Performing Arts Centre, Hampton Park Secondary College, Fordholm Road, Hampton Park. All tickets are $12 and online bookings can be made at

Lynne Brenner & Debbie Cusack

Introducing Our Specialist Team Over the next few weeks each of our Specialist Team will be introducing themselves through a brief description in the newsletter. We are excited to have a new team this year with Miss Tahnee Planner, Miss Sarah Vine, Mr Nick Pryor and Mrs Olivia Cook joining us. Hi, my name is Jo Zammit and you will find me in the Art Room teaching Visual Arts for 2011. I work together with Julie McLeod sharing the role part time. I have been at Berwick Lodge for 12 years both full time and part time and have thoroughly enjoyed teaching a variety of year levels. I live in Berwick with my family, including my two children who also attend Berwick Lodge. My interests are walking, catching up with friends, camping with my family and visiting my favourite coffee shop every day!! This will be our third year in the Art Room. I am very excited to work with the students creating, making, developing and exploring many aspects of the Art Program. Please watch in the newsletter for lots of information regarding art competitions, art classes/ school holiday programs and much more. Please feel free to make yourself familiar with the Art Room and be sure to come by and say hi, our door is always open and we are always open to donations of sorts! Jo Zammit Visual Arts Teacher

Student Banking The prep team are looking for donations of: Matchbox cars Magazines Plastic tea sets, pots & pans If you can help with any of these items, please see the Prep Teachers.

Student banking is on every Tuesday! Application forms are available at the office. Please do not send money with the completed application form.

Parents and Friends News Next Meeting: Thursday, 3rd March at 1.30pm in Room 16. Everyone is welcome, including toddlers. The PFA welcomes anyone wanting to join the fun and help make a difference. Our second-hand uniform shop will be open on Tuesday, 22nd February from 2.30pm – 3.15pm.

Current events Friday, 25th Feb from 4:30pm - Beach Theme Disco: We are having a disco so the kids

can get to know their new classmates and have some fun with their old classmates. It is a beach theme, but no bikinis please. There will be great music and dancing games. There will also be prizes awarded for great dancers as well as for best costumes and prizes for games. Drinks will be pre-sold. There are only a limited number of places for each session so get your form back quickly for a fun time!!! If you are able to help as a parent helper on the night please complete and return the form below. Friday, 25th March from 5:00pm – Drive-In Movie Night: We will be having a drive-in movie night at

Akoonah Park on Friday, 25th March. Please come and enjoy watching “TANGLED” with your school community and friends. Bring your picnic rug, chairs or some pillows, get comfortable in or outside your car and celebrate the New Year with a great night out. We are also having a sausage sizzle and popcorn will be available on the night. There will be a coffee van as well as an ice-cream van. There will also be a jumping castle for $2.00 per session as well as free face painting. This will be a great night with lots of fun for everyone!!! Family tickets are $20.00, with some tickets available on the night if you decide to come at the last minute, everyone is welcome!!! Sausages in bread, with or without onion, will be $2.00 each, drinks will be $2.00 each. We will also have chocolate bars for $2.00 each as well as sunscreen for $6.00 per roll. Coffee and gelati will be available at the van’s prices. Please feel free to bring your own food. Sunscreen: The PFA have roll-on sunscreen available for purchase at the office for $6.00 per roll-on. These are a very useful thing for all children to have in their bags now that the weather is hot and sunny!


Beach Theme Disco Parent Helper Form Child’s Name:


I am able to help with the: Prep-Grade 2 Disco 4.30—6.00pm Parent/Guardian Name: Contact Phone Number:

Grades 3-6 Disco 6.30—8.30pm

BLOSHC NEWS Hi All, Welcome Back! Hope you had a safe and enjoyable holiday. We are ready for a new and exciting year in BLOSHC with many fun things ahead! NEXT WEEK: Cultures from Around the World Monday - ‘Hello’ in different languages Tuesday - Making your family Wednesday - Map of your world Thursday - Cultural cooking Friday - Cultural village passport Our operating hours are: Before school care: 6.45am - 8.45am After school care: 3.30pm - 6.30pm Our direct line is 9769 8251 or you can call the admin team at 8851 4160

Camp Australia on

Thank you OSHC Team

School Photos Order forms for the school photos have been sent home today. Additional forms for family photos are available from the office. School photos will be taken on Thursday 24th and Friday 25th February 2011.

Radio Show The first radio show of the year was broadcast yesterday. It was really exciting to think that we got to be the first presenters. We only had two days to prepare the show but we did write a bit during the holidays. It was a bit nerve wracking because we had to set the standard for everyone else. We also did some pre-recorded interviews with two new grade 5/6 students and six Preps. We got to stand up and have some free time while the music was on and check how everything was going on the computer. Don’t forget to tune in to 97.7FM Casey Radio, Sound of the Southeast Berwick Lodge student hour on Wednesdays at 2pm By Ethan and Michaela 6N School Captains

Berwick Lodge Student Hour Radio Show Th e Ber w ick Lo d g e St u d en t Ho u r is o f f t o a g o o d st ar t w it h t h e Sch o o l Cap t ain s (Et h an , Mich aela, Jo r d en , & Jake) h o st in g t h e sh o w f o r t h e f ir st w eek. Th ey in clu d ed in t er view s w it h t h e p ast Sch o o l Cap t ain s, so m e o f o u r n ew Pr ep st u d en t s an d 2 o t h er st u d en t s n ew t o t h e sen io r p ar t o f t h e sch o o l. Th e st u d en t s w o r ked h ar d t o p r ep ar e t h e sh o w so q u ickly, w r it in g t h e scr ip t , r eco r d in g an d ed it in g t h e in t er view s an d cr eat in g t h e m u sic p lay list . Rad io Sh o w o f f er s o u r st u d en t s au t h en t ic o p p o r t u n it ies t o d evelo p a h u g e r an g e o f skills, n o t t o m en t io n t h e excit em en t o f p er f o r m in g live o n air . All st u d en t s in g r ad es 5 an d 6 w ill b e ab le t o h o st a sh o w u sin g o ur o w n Rad io St u d io . Fo r t h e n ext f ew w eeks yo u w ill b e ab le t o h ear Mr s Naism it h ’ s g r ad e o n t h e r ad io . Th e Ber w ick Lo d g e St u d en t Ho u r can b e h ear d o n 97.7 FM SER Casey Rad io ever y Wed n esd ay b et w een 2 an d 3 p m o r yo u can st r e a m the sh o w from h t t p :// w w w .3ser .o r g .au By Mr s. Lois Sm e t h ur st ICT Le ad in g Te ach e r

COMMUNITY NEWS Casey Panthers Junior Soccer Club Registration Day Sunday February 13th 11am-1pm At our home ground - 79 Kurrajong Road, Narre Warren For more information please call Darren on 0400 800 807 or Madryn on 0421 016 744 Registration, BBQ and soccer activities on the day. All old and new players welcome

Casey Hockey Club Registration Day Date : Sunday 13th February Time : 11.30 to 2.30 BBQ Lunch Venue: Berwick Secondary College Address: Manuka Road, Berwick Information : Jeff Reidy 0407 511 206 or

Timbarra Junior Football Club Registration Day Sunday 13th February 2011 11am - 2pm At Timbarra P-9 College Parkhill Drive Under 9, 10 & 11 players required Contact: Dean 0425 825 593

Fountain Gate Junior Football Club

Casey Hockey Club

Currently seeking football players for age groups Under 9’s - Under 16’s Coaches have been appointed and pre-season training is underway. GIRLS WELCOME For the first time FGJFC are also fielding a Youth Girls football team! If you are aged between 13-17 (18 after 01/01/11 can still play) Don’t sit on a waiting list, come have a game with the gators! All enquiries please contact the secretary Mary 0417 351 045 FREE Evening with Chris James “Harmony in the Community” The Big Sing! Thursday 10th February at 7.15pm Brentwood Community Centre Bemersyde Drive, Berwick Contact: Barb Horne 0438 045 305

Hook in2 Hockey is Australia's national recruitment program and is designed as a fun and safe introduction to the sport of hockey. Four week program commencing : Monday 14thth Feb until Monday 14th March 5.30pm to 6.30 pm Berwick Secondary College, Manuka Road, Berwick Cost: $50.00 For Further Information & Bookings: Jeff Reidy: 5941 5492 or 0407 511 206

Bargain Booksale Saturday 12th February Cranbourne Library 8.30am-2.00pm Great books from 50c to $5!

COMMUNITY NEWS Triathlon Victoria Kids Open Day Now is the time to get ready for the upcoming Weetbix Tryathlon or to join one of the many junior clubs. Triathlon Victoria is running Free Open Days designed designed for 7-15 years old to learn and improve your triathlon skills. Affiliated coaches will be presenting these days. To register for this free event in your area, please visit There is a limited number of spots available at each site to don’t delay.



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