Berwick Lodge PS, newsletter, feb 2011

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BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198 E-mail: Visit our Websites : http://, Camp Australia/Out of School Hours Care: 9769 8251



DIARY DATES Thursday 24th February Friday 25th February Tuseday 1st March Friday 4th March Tuesday 8th March Tuesday 15th March


School Photos School Photos BLPS Beach Disco Religious Education Prep-Gr4 National Young Leaders Day Amy’s Amazing Adventure You Be The Star Visit

Friday 18th February Friday 18th February Monday 28th February Friday 4th March Friday 11th March

BLPS Beach Disco Singapore Deposit National Young Leaders Day Amy’s Amazing Adventure You Be The Star Visit

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT TRAFFIC ISSUES Earlier this week I received an email from an exasperated and obviously angry parent complaining that some parents were still parking their cars in the main car park without permission and thus creating the impression of a double standard and a lack of effective management of the situation by me. I wrote back explaining that we do not have the resources to patrol the main car park for three quarters of an hour every day to ensure that no parents used it without permission. Closing the gates does not solve the problem unless we have someone operating it at the same time. Nonetheless, the aggrieved parent has a point. By now all parents must be well aware that the main car park is a no-go zone unless you have an approval card signed by me. Please do not get upset in the future if a frazzled principal or

assistant principal approaches you in the car park if you shouldn’t be there!

STUDENT DISCO FRIDAY Our PFA is again sponsoring a disco night for our students this Friday in our gymnasium. The previous one held in term 4 last year was highly successful and so we decided to provide our children with another disco before the colder weather set in. We will again be employing security staff from U-Nome Security Services to ensure the overall safety of all children. It is a great function and we hope to see as many happy, dancing children there as possible!

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION (FAQ’s) Q. Why have you stayed at Berwick Lodge for so long? A.

Because I have! Being the founding principal of this fabulous school has been a highlight of my life. I did not set out to stay so long, but as with is the case for so much in our lives, things turn out differently to how we plan or contemplate them to be.

QUOTABLE QUOTE ‘If personal wealth could be measured by the number of people you could entrust with your life, how healthy would your credit card look?’


ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT PREP COMMENCEMENT OF FULL DAYS Our Prep Team reports that our prep children have settled in well to the routine of the school day and are now ready to attend school for full days. As of Monday February 28th, the Prep dismissal time will be 3:30PM in line with the rest of the school. Dismissal procedures will remain the same with parents/guardians/OSHC staff collecting students from the classrooms. MEET THE TEACHER NIGHTS A reminder to parents to look out for the appointment times being sent home with the youngest child tomorrow (Friday 25th February 2011) If you are unable to make your appointed time please let the relevant teachers know so that they can reschedule a suitable alternate time with you. All of our staff are looking forward to meeting the parents of their students. HEAD LICE Recently we have had several reports from families of head lice and eggs found in children’s hair. While we realise that families are busy, we would appreciate the support of every family in checking and, if necessary, treating their children for head lice. To be successful in controlling the head lice problem, every family would need to commit some time to: Check their children’s hair weekly If any live lice are found, treat immediately (complete follow up checks and treatment) If any eggs are found, apply lots of conditioner, and patiently remove all eggs If every family is diligent in this exercise we would be able to break the head lice cycle at school. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

At school we will continue to conduct head lice checks and contact families of children with live lice to advise them of the need to collect their children and commence immediate treatment. Parents of students found to have eggs will be notified of the need to continue treatment. We also appreciate notification of lice infestations as this assists us in targeting head lice checks at particular classes or year levels.

all of our students.

NATIONAL RIDE 2 SCHOOL DAY – WEDNESDAY 16TH MARCH Let’s get wheelie excited! Berwick Lodge will be celebrating National Ride 2 School Day on Wednesday 16th march, along with thousands of schools around the country. We encourage students and their families to leave the car home on this day and get a taste of the benefits, ease and fun involves in choosing to walk and wheel to school. SUPERVISION BEFORE AND We have arranged to have the police AFTER SCHOOL Recently with the fine weather we have attend our school on this day to engrave noticed that many of our students are the children’s bikes with identification arriving at school very early and numbers to assist in the case of bikes remaining in the school grounds until being lost or stolen. Further information late in the afternoon. Parents are regarding this service will be coming reminded that the yard is supervised home shortly. by staff between 8:45 and 9:00am in the morning and 3:30 and 3:45pm CITY OF CASEY CHILDREN’S after school. Students in the PLAN playground outside of these times are at The City of Casey is seeking risk. If it is necessary for children to be community feedback to assist Council at school either early or late, then develop the Children’s Plan which will parents should consider enrolment in help shape the future for families with the OSHC Program or make other children up to nine years of age in the arrangements. community. The City of Casey is Children are welcome to play on their committed to supporting the needs of allocated playground when they arrive growing communities by planning at school in the morning, or if they are quality services and programs that are waiting to be picked up after school. important to families with children. They should not be playing on the If you would like to provide your views playgrounds of other levels unless their to help develop the Children’s Plan, parents are supervising them. you are invited to complete an online In the coming weeks we will be taking survey at note of students who regularly arrive at currentconsultations. Alternatively, you school early in the morning and parents may obtain a copy of the survey by will be contacted to discuss and resolve contacting the City of Casey Children’s this issue. If for any reason your child Services Department on 9705 5200. has not been picked up by 3:45pm they will be directed to the front office area where they must wait until they are LYNNE BRENNER & collected. These measures are not DEBBIE CUSACK meant to cause any inconvenience. They are for the safety and security of

CANTEEN NEWS Just a reminder that the Canteen is not open on Tuesday’s for the remainder of the year.

SCHOOL AWARDS Congratulations to the following students who received awards over the last week:

Dylan PL Chole PW Riley PC Ajay PM

Amber PL Andrew PW Sharn PC Tanis PM

Introducing Our Specialist Teams Over the next few weeks each of our Specialist team will be introducing themselves through a brief description in the newsletter. We are very excited to have a new team this year with Miss Tahnee Planner, Miss Sarah Vine, Mr Nick Pryor and Mrs Olivia Cook joining us. Hi everyone, this is Tahnee Planner and after three years teaching in the classroom here at B.L.P.S. I am very excited to be the new Performing Arts teacher for 2011. I am extremely passionate for the arts having had twenty years dance experience in classical ballet, jazz, tap, contemporary & hip-hop. I studied VCE drama & dance, majored in drama at university and had wonderful experiences participating in many school, university & amateur theatre productions. This year students will participate in one term of each of the disciplines: drama, dance & music. I hope to instill an enjoyment for performing and look forward to sharing their experiences, discovering their talents and enjoying the rewards of performing arts. There will be lots of exciting opportunities for the students throughout the year, one of which is J Rock (Junior Rock Eisteddfod) open to grades 4, 5 & 6. Please feel free to come and see me anytime. The Performing Arts Department appreciates and welcomes your support with open arms.

Unlock your creativity in Performing Arts!

PERFORMING ARTS NEWS Wakakirri and J Rock are performing arts events incorporating dance, drama and design. They are wonderful opportunities for primary school students, Australia wide, to gain many skills, develop self-confidence, express creativity, and have fun enjoying the experience of performing. Last year B.L.P.S. thoroughly enjoyed participating in the story/dance section of Wakakirri. Wakakirri’s focus is to challenge schools to make an impact on the world around them, to create a story with a community message, make their work sustainable and share it with as many people as possible. J Rock, the primary school version of Rock Eisteddfod, was rested last year and is back for 2011. Their focus is on students making healthy lifestyle choices and learning the importance of being active and eating healthy foods. It gives students an opportunity to express their creativity through music and dance in an eight-minute performance. Supporting J Rock’s focus and our students’ enthusiasm to be involved in a more dance-based performance, we are excited to be participating in J Rock this year. Grades 4, 5 & 6 will have the opportunity to audition. Melbourne performance dates are 8th August 2011 -19th August 2011 at Hisense Arena Melbourne. We aim for a team approach where the whole school community can be involved, for students to be involved not only on stage but backstage, with set design and props and parents to assist in sets, costumes, assisting on performance day and fund raising. A reminder that students who wish to audition need to sign up by Friday 25th February 2011. Our auditions will be held the following week. GOOD LUCK! Tahnee Planner

BLPS Parents and Friends News Next Meeting:

2nd Hand Shop:

Thursday 3rd March 2011 at 1.30pm in Room 16. Everyone is welcome, including toddlers. The PFA welcomes anyone wanting to join the fun and help make a difference.

Uniform As advertised in the 2011 calendar (distributed to students last year), our next 2nd hand uniform shop will be open in the school canteen on Tuesday 29th March 2011 from 2.30pm until 3.15pm.

Current Events BEACH THEMED DISCO – This Friday night from 4:30pm: The time has finally arrived for our fantastic beach-themed disco! We are glad to say that there are lots of you coming and it promises to be an amazing and fun night with great music by Traceye Rapinett and dancing games as well as prizes awarded for great dancing and best costumes. And remember, no bikinis please! SUNSCREEN: We have roll-on sunscreen available for purchase at the front office for $6.00 per stick. They are a great compact size and are very useful for all children to have in their bags now with our lovely sunny weather!

Upcoming Events DRIVE-IN MOVIE NIGHT - Friday 25th March 2011 from 5:00pm: There is only one more month left before our wonderful night at the movies! “TANGLED” will be screened at Akoonah Park on Friday 25th March 2011. Bring your car or stretch out on a picnic rug with some pillows, perch on some chairs, get comfortable in or outside your car and enjoy the great entertainment! There will be loads of food available for purchase including a sausage sizzle with sausages in bread, with or without onion, available at a cost of $2.00 each, drinks will be $2.00 each. There will be popcorn as well as a coffee van, an ice-cream van and a slurpee stall! Coffee and gelati will also be available at the van’s prices. And of course you are also welcome to bring your own food. There will also be stacks of entertainment for the kids with a jumping castle for $2.00 per session as well as free face painting. And should you be feeling the heat we will also have sunscreen available for purchase for $6.00 per roll. Loads of fun for everyone! Tickets are available at a cost of $20.00 per family, $5.00 per child and $10.00 per adult. There will be some tickets also available on the night if you decide to come at the last minute, everyone is welcome!

The PFA would like to thank you for your continued support.

BUSINESS ADVERTISING Extending Literacy & Maths

Tutoring Program Prep to Grade 6 Specialised Numeracy, Literacy & Reading Programs   

Private Lesson Group Lessons ASD, ESL & Koori students catered for

0432 127 119

COMMUNITY NEWS St Andrew’s Uniting Church 105 High Street, Berwick, 3806 (Enter off the Service road)

Pre-Loved books


Saturday 19th March 2011 8:30am—1:00 pm

BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS Lots of categories of pre-loved books Andy’s CAFÉ open Casey Hockey Club Hook in2 Hockey is Australia's national recruitment program and is designed as a fun and safe introduction to the sport of hockey. Four week program commencing : Monday 14thth Feb until Monday 14th March 5.30pm to 6.30 pm Berwick Secondary College, Manuka Road, Berwick Cost: $50.00 For Further Information & Bookings: Jeff Reidy: 5941 5492 or 0407 511 206

TAKE HOME A BIG BROTHER OR BIG SISTER Give your children the wonderful opportunity to have an international big brother or big sister by hosting one of our exceptional international students arriving in Australia in July for their 5 or 10 month programs. Our international students from France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Spain, Japan and the Scandinavian countries will live as a local, attend a local secondary school, arrive with their own spending money and comprehensive insurance cover – all arranged by Southern Cross Cultural Exchange. Visit us at, email or call us toll free on 1800 500 501, request our little booklets of international student profiles, and capture the spirit of family and friendship!

BERWICK SHOW Be sure to go and have a look at our School Art Display this weekend at the Berwick Show. The Berwick Show is on Saturday 26th February and Sunday 27th February 2011. It is located at Akoonah Park, Pricess Highway, Berwick.

BECOME A WEP HOST FAMILY Open your door to an international exchange student and expand your knowledge of other countries, cultures, languages and cuisines!

A place to call home World Education Program (WEP) is inviting you to experience another culture in your own home by becoming a volunteer host family to one of our international students arriving in July 2011. Our students from Italy, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Japan, Brazil and Chile are looking forward to experiencing life in Australia, making new friends and becoming a member of an Australian family soon.

Messages from Overseas "I’ve always wanted to visit this country and I want to improve my English and I want to know a new way of living in another country." ~ Georgio, Italy "Australia is a beautiful country and I have always wanted to go there." ~ Jana, Switzerland "Because of everything that’s told me, the people are so nice and open." ~ Roxan, Netherlands

Find out more! Getting to know your student before he or she arrives brings fun and joy to everyone involved. Take the next step and contact WEP today to receive a full information pack for your family.

Nikki Medwell Inbound Exchange Administrator Phone: 1300 884 733 Email: Online:

It’s easier than you think and a fantastic experience for all!

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