Berwick Lodge Primary School Newsletter March 2011

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BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198 E-mail: Visit our Websites : http://, Camp Australia/Out of School Hours Care: 9769 8251


10TH MARCH 2011

DIARY DATES Tuesday 15th March Wednesday 16th March Friday 25th March Tuesday 29th March


You Be The Star Visit National Ride 2 School Day PFA Drive-In Movie Night 2nd Hand Uniform Shop

Friday 11th March

Friday 18th March Friday 1st April

You Be The Star Visit National Ride 2 School Day Gr 5/6 Premier‟s Reading Challenge Prep–Gr 4 Premier‟s Reading Challenge Singapore Trip 1st instalment

CANTEEN IS NOT OPEN ON TUESDAYS PRINCIPAL’S REPORT SCHOOLCOUNCIL ELECTIONS To date I have received a total of two (2) nominations for the two (2) DEECD Category vacancies on school council. I have also received two (2) nominations for the Parent Category vacancies on school council. As there are a total of four (4) Parent Category vacancies for school council, I still require a further two (2) nominations so as to avoid the need to extend nominations for a further week. Please contact office staff by close of business tomorrow if you are interested and willing to nominate for a parent Category vacancy.

BER UPDATE Last week I emailed Julie Alliston, DEECD BER Team, with our request for access to the $1 million (approximately) balance of funds for our BER project so that we could manage the use of this money for our BER companion project. Julie Alliston responded, informing me of the following: (1) The DEECD BER Team would work to achieve the

outcome that I indicated we wanted (2) That she would need up to a fortnight to achieve this result.

argue that the MySchool Website provides little information that is of great value. Of timely relevance is the availability of a video of eminent USA educationist and author, Diane Ravitch, being interviewed recently I indicated to Julie Alliston that, on on the top-rating USA TV program, behalf of our school council, I was The Daily Show, discussing testing in satisfied with her response. This is a schools, poverty and school reform. I very heartening development for our have added the video link for your school and I will keep you informed. reference. I highly recommend it to you. http:scholasticadministrator.type FREQUENTLY ASKED pad.comthisweekineducation/ QUESTIONS (FAQ’s) 2011/03/video-ravitchsreturn -to-the-daily-show.html Q. What sense can be made of the MySchool Website QUOTABLE QUOTE information? ‘The windows through which we allow others to view us are often more telling A. That‟s a very good question and there are no simple answers. I would than that which is seen.’ say that the comparative school financial details HENRY GROSSEK that illustrates the differences between government and nongovernment schools is the most illuminating, though not surprising. Insofar as making judgements about which schools provide better teaching and learning opportunities, then I would

ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT NATIONAL RIDE 2 SCHOOL DAY – WEDNESDAY 16TH MARCH National Ride2School Day is just around the corner. Families are reminded that on this day we will be having the police attend our school from 11:30AM – 1:30PM. They will be here to engrave the children‟s bikes with an identification number to assist in the location of their bicycle should it be lost or stolen. Thank you to the families who have already returned their forms giving us the details of their driver‟s licence as this will be used for the identification. If you have not returned your forms but still wish to have your bike engraved please let the office know and they will send home a new form. All students on wheels (including skaters and scooters are required to wear helmets). Please note that all scooters and bikes must be secured in the bike shed.

conjunction with Casey Cardinia Library Corporation invites you to the „Inspire Your Kids to Read‟ Forum. Authors Michael Wagner, one of Australia‟s most original and successful writers for children and Archie Fusillo, a popular and most sought after speaker in schools and literacy forums, will provide tips on how to encourage and motivate children and teens to read.

importance of leaving the school promptly and travelling via the most direct route with other students/adults and that if the student has concerns the safe options available to them including local Safety Houses and community services such as the local shop, doctors surgery and kindergarten. All students should be encouraged to inform an adult (parent, teacher, school crossing supervisor) if they are feeling unsafe or have noticed The forum is aimed at parents and anything unusual whilst travelling to teachers, providing an insight in how to and from school. inspire and stimulate kids to both enjoy and become involved in reading. We would also suggest that children Melbourne footballers and Read Like a do not arrive at school early, or remain Demon ambassadors Colin Garland in the school grounds, outside of the and Cale Morton will discuss the supervised times (8:45AM to 3:45PM). impact that the Read Like For their own safety students who are a Demon program will in the school grounds outside of these discuss the impact that hours should be enrolled in the OHSC the Read Like a Demon Program or under direct supervision of Program has had on their parent/guardian. students within the City of Casey and share their CONGRATULATIONS experiences. As a school community we would like This forum will take place on Tuesday to acknowledge the initiative shown by 15th March 2011 from 7:00 to Kaitlyn S of 4R who was responsible EMERGENCY CONTACT 9:00PM at the Cranbourne for the school registering and DETAILS Community Centre located at participating in the Clean Parents are reminded of the Cranbourne Secondary College, Up Australia Day last importance of ensuring their contact Brunt Street Cranbourne Friday. It was great to details held at the school are current. (Mel Ref:133 K4) and is free of charge. see so many students This is vital in cases of emergency and their buddies helping where immediate contact with the STUDENT SAFETY to ensure our school parents is required. It is also advisable This week we were alerted by some grounds were cleaned before the for parents to check that the details for members of our community regarding weekend. Kaitlyn was acknowledged alternative emergency contacts are children being approached or followed by the Clean Up Australia Day current. If details have changed, the by a person or persons unknown to organisation with a certificate which changes need to be forwarded to the the child. We were also informed by was presented at our school assembly school office in writing at the earliest DEECD of a similar incident that on Monday. Congratulations Kaitlyn! opportunity. A change of details occurred locally. Whilst this did not proforma is available on request from directly involve any students from our LYNNE BRENNER & DEBBIE the office. school, it is a timely reminder of the need for us to be alert and prepare our CUSACK ‘INSPIRE YOUR KIDS TO READ’ students to deal with this situation FORUM should it arise for them. The Melbourne Football Club in We suggest that parents discuss the

SCHOOL AWARDS Congratulations to the following students who received awards over the last week:

Ella Brooke Jayda Joshua


Stefan Scarlett Ryan Hayley


Introducing Our Specialist Teams Over the past few weeks each of our Specialist team have introduced themselves through a brief description in the newsletter. We are very excited to have a new team this year with Miss Tahnee Planner, Miss Sarah Vine, Mr Nick Pryor and Mrs Olivia Cook joining us. Hi Everyone, My name is Sarah Vine and after teaching in the classroom for eleven years (Lysterfield Primary School, Glendal Primary School and at B.L.P.S) I have made the transition into the specialist team in 2011. I am the new teacher in the Library and have a strong personal interest in Asian Literacy and the language of Indonesian. I am currently studying my Diploma of Languages in Indonesian at Deakin University part-time and will finish at the conclusion of 2012. Learning about the culture and language of another country, especially one so close to Australia, is such a fantastic opportunity. This year students will be listening to and viewing Asian Literacy, as well as literacy from other parts of the world. They will be engaging in role-plays, puppet shows, origami, construction activities, wall stories, drawings, paintings, playing games and many other exciting tasks. The Indonesian language will also be threaded through these activities, so you may just hear your child saying something in Indonesian when they come home from school! The Library is open during the second half of lunchtime in Term 1 for the Year 1 & 2 students on Monday‟s, Year 3 students on Tuesday‟s and the year 4 students on Friday‟s. It is an opportunity for the students to play a quiet game, read quietly or participate in a quiet craft activity. Please feel free to come and say „hello‟ anytime. Our Library at B.L.P.S values your ongoing support and thanks all those who have already offered their help.

Smiles Miss Sarah Vine

WHAT IS CONFIDENCE Definition of ‘Confidence’ Confidence means believing you can do it. It means not being afraid to make mistakes, to try something new, or to express an opinion.

Examples of Confident Behaviour           

Raising your hand in class to answer a hard question Doing hard work without asking for help Sharing a new idea with your teacher and class Saying “hello” to someone new Asking to play with others Talking in a strong voice Greeting adults with good eye contact and using their names Sharing your ideas with the family Offering to take responsibility for organising as family event (e.g. preparing a dish for a meal) Volunteering to participate in a new activity or experience Saying “no” when being pressured to do something wrong

You Can Schools Program Working with Canteen and the Sony Foundation, Berwick Lodge Primary School will be collecting old mobile phones to be recycled. The funds from these mobile phones will go to much needed funds to build youth cancer centres across Australia. The more mobile phones we collect and recycle the more educational tools Berwick Lodge Primary School will receive. These could include video cameras, laptops, and possibly Interactive Whiteboards which will be a great addition to our school. There is a collection bin in the front foyer, located outside Mrs Cusack‟s office. Please hunt around at home, or ask your friends, neighbours, work colleagues and local community groups, to look for any old mobile phones and place them in the collection bin located in the school foyer. Please help Berwick Lodge Primary School support a worthy cause.

Vanessa Porter On behalf of the Junior School Council

YEAR 7 2012 Transition News Berwick S.C High Achievers Program Information Parents of students currently in Grade 6 who wish to apply for Berwick S.C High Achievers Program are invited to contact Mrs Sue Naismith for the brochure and application form detailing all the information. Closing dates for applications: Friday 25th March 2011 Selection Exam: Saturday 2nd April 2011 Application Fee: $60:00 Please don‟t hesitate to contact Sue Naismith on 9707 1766 for further details.

Mrs. J Doble (Assistant Principal) on 8782 6839. Applications for this program close on 27th March 2011.

School Tour Dates – Berwick S.C Bookings are essential, please call 8768 1000 to make a booking. Parents who have made a booking are to meet in the General Office on the morning of the tour. Tuesday 15th March 9.30am Monday 28th March 9.30 am Saturday 2nd April 9.15am Thursday 28th April 9.30am.

Fountain Gate High Achievers Program Information Fountain Gate S.C High Achievers Program offers students a program to maximise their learning potentials. For further information regarding this program contact

Take part in the School Banking Rewards Program! The Commonwealth Bank School Banking program includes an exciting new Rewards Program designed to encourage children to get into the habit of making regular savings. Our school takes part in the Commonwealth Bank School Banking program. We have a number of children who are actively participating but also have a number of students who have opened accounts but have not started banking each week. We would like to invite these students to commence their banking this term and start collecting tokens which can be redeemed for exclusive Dollarmites reward items. All your child needs to do is bring in their Dollarmites deposit wallet (see picture) with a small amount of money each Tuesday.

for these cool gifts, including money boxes, Dollarmite wallet, water bottle, lunch box and watch. They will also be rewarded with certificates. School Banking helps develop some important behaviours such as:   

Creating regular savings habits Settings goals and saving to achieve them Being responsible by completing their own deposit slip each week

The program is a fun and rewarding way to educate children on how to save. If your child has opened an account please remember to send their banking in each week on Tuesday.

If your child does not have a Youthsaver account and would like to participate in the School Banking program, please contact the Admin Office who will give your child a pack to take home which includes an application form for you to complete. If you are an existing Commonwealth Bank customer with access to NetBank you can apply for your Every time your child makes a deposit they child‟s Youthsaver account online. Simply log into NetBank, receive a Dollarmites token, there will be five reward items all click the “Offers and apply” tab, then select “Accounts” and “Youthsaver”. Please have your child‟s birth certificate handy. worth 10 tokens. These tokens can then be exchanged for a range of gifts. Students will have lots of fun saving their tokens

On Friday 4th March 2011 the 22 captains at our school went to National Young Leaders Day at the Melbourne convention Centre. There were over 4000 children from primary schools all over the state. Some of the guest speakers were Matt Preston from Masterchef, Stevie Nicholson and Tim Maddren from High 5 and Kate Leeming. Kate rode her bicycle from the west coast to the east coast of Africa, crossing the equator twice in only 10 months. She spent many times struggling through very difficult conditions including crossing countries in civil war. We were inspired by all of the guest speakers because their messages gave us good ideas about how to persist and be great leaders. Michaela and Ethan (School Captains)

Parents & Friends Association NEXT MEETING: Thursday 7th April 2011 at 1:30pm in Room 16. Everyone is welcome, including toddlers. The PFA welcomes anyone wanting to join the fun and help make a difference. We would also like to offer a warm welcome to our new mums that attended our last meeting. 2ND HAND UNIFORM SHOP: Our next 2nd hand uniform shop will be open in the school canteen on Tuesday 29th March 2011 from 2.30pm until 3.15pm. We would like to send a huge thank you to all those families who have so kindly donated their old uniforms to the shop to be sold. Your generosity has helped other families in our school community

Current Events DRIVE-IN MOVIE NIGHT - Friday 25th March 2011 from 5:00pm: Please come and invite your friends and families. We hope that our extended school community will support this great event. Extra forms for this wonderful evening are available at the office and tickets will be sent out this week. Remember there will be loads of fun and entertainment, including a jumping castle for $2.00 per session as well as free face painting. Lots of delicious food will be available for purchase on the night including sausages from our famous PFA sausage sizzle, popcorn, fairy floss, ice-cream, coffee, slurpies, gelati and donuts !! The PFA are looking for companies who are interested in advertising on the big screen for our drive-in movie night. If you would like more information on what is involved please email us at SUNSCREEN: We have roll-on sunscreen available for purchase at the front office for $6.00 per stick. They are a great compact size and are very useful for all children to have in their bags now with our lovely sunny weather! MOBILE PHONE RECYCLING: Got any of those old mobile phones around? Don‟t let them clutter up your desk or drawers, bring them up to the office at school and drop them into our Mobile Recycling Bin. The Junior School Council is assisting Can Teen in their efforts to help young Australians survive cancer. Every mobile phone that is recycled helps support this worthwhile cause and along the way with the help of the Sony Foundation, schools that recycle a certain number of phones receive Sony products as a reward. These products include Handycams, Notebooks and ActivBoards. We encourage everyone to support our JSC and CanTeen.

Upcoming Events HOTDOG DAY – Tuesday 5th April 2011: forms will be sent out soon. MOTHERS DAY STALL: We will also be holding our Mother‟s Day Stall next term, we have already ordered in great presents that every mum will love! PFA MARKET DAY: Please note that this event will sadly not be going ahead this year as advertised on the school calendar due to a clash of dates with the Casey Kids Carnival.

The PFA would like to thank you for your continued support.


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For all your carpet/upholstery and general cleaning needs Special Offer 3 rooms/3 seats Professionally steamed cleaned for $77.00 incl. GST Free deodorising Free stain treating Other services: Vacate clean-up/ready for sale For bookings & enquiries contact Steve 0411 752 279 $1.00 from each booking goes back to BLPS. Plus $1.00 to Royal Children's Hospital

Monday – Saturday 6.30am – 9.00pm Sunday & Public Holidays 7.00am-9pm

Extending Literacy & Maths

Tutoring Program Prep to Grade 6 Specialised Numeracy, Literacy & Reading Programs   

Private Lesson Group Lessons ASD, ESL & Koori students catered for

0432 127 119

COMMUNITY NEWS FOR SALE Second hand kitchen- pale grey laminate with „as new‟ benchtop in laminate „Urban Granite‟ pattern (black background with earth tones through it). Includes:  Under bench & overhead cabinets  Breakfast bar  One & a half bowl S/S sink with taps  Westinghouse PXL698 Multifunction 5 fan forced wall oven with drawer grill & 6 button programmable timer (with manual)  Old Westinghaouse Rangehood (needs new filters)  Old Dishlex Dishwasher (still works fine) There is a few marks on the bottom of the doors but will be fine with a touch of laminate paint. Asymmetrical shape but benchtop sections can be used separately. Inspections welcome. Assistance with de-installation available. Need to move a.s.a.p. Please call Terryl on 0412 040 241

NARRE WARREN-BERWICK BLUE LIGHT DISCO BERWICK LEISURE CENTRE, MANUKA ROAD, BERWICK SATURDAY 5th March 2011 & 2nd April 2011 For Students in years 5, 6, 7, & 8 only Times 6:00pm to 10:00pm COST: $10.00 Any enquires to Narre Warren Police Station 9705 3111

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