Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, March 2011

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BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198 E-mail: Visit our Websites : http://, Camp Australia/Out of School Hours Care: 9769 8251

31ST MARCH 2011

NEWSLETTER N0.09 DIARY DATES Tuesday 5th April Friday 8th April Wednesday 27th April Tuesday 3rd May Friday 13th May

PFA Hot Dog Day Term 1 Finishes 2.30pm Term 2 begins 2nd Hand Uniform Shop Interschool Winter Sport

NOTICES DUE BACK BY Friday 1st April Friday 1st April Thursday 7th April

Singapore Trip 1st instalment Religious Education P-4 5/6 Camp Coolamatong Deposit Interschool Winter Sport



shared over traffic management/car parking at our school. I brought Brett‟s concerns and suggestions to school At Monday‟s school council AGM our council last Monday and later discussed new members were welcomed and office-bearers for 2011 elected. Our new them with the City of Casey‟s Senior Traffic Engineer, Anitha Ajay. Broadly office-bearers are: speaking, there is very little that can be President: Jodie Norton done to alleviate the current situation. Vice President: Michelle Sarjeant Minutes Secretary: Lois Smethurst Suggestions I raised with Anitha Ajay, Correspondence Secretary: Michael were as follows: Tabone 1. That the City of Casey construct Nadine Giaccotto resigned from council a laneway drive through from prior to the AGM for personal reasons the Cyril Molyneux car park to and the consequential one year DEECD the Princes Highway, thereby representative vacancy was filled by Sue reducing the bottleneck of cars Naismith. exiting from the car park onto Our thanks are Mansfield Street. extended to all retiring members 2. The Crossing in Mansfield Street of school council, adjacent to the milk bar be for their excellent moved further up Mansfield contributions – Street beyond the exit from the Richard Power, Cyril Molyneux car park. This Michelle D‟Elsini, would improve traffic flow for Angela Maskery, Nadine Giaccotto, Ailsa cars turning left into Mansfield Aktins and Belle Burgess. In particular, Street. Richard Power deserves 3. Increase the level of car parking acknowledgement for his wonderful zones in the streets around our contribution over the past six years, school. culminating with his final year as school council president in 2011. Richard has Anitha Ajay‟s response to each been an ongoing staunch advocate on suggestion was: behalf of our school and his contribution has been extensive and in many different 1. The City of Casey ways. Thank you. is opposed to creating new laneways for cars through their MANAGEMENT OF ROAD recreational parks for TRAFFIC/CAR PARKING AT such a limited amount OUR SCHOOL of time – two 15 Several weeks ago one of our parents minute periods of peak Brett Slater drew my attention to a congestion before and after number of concerns that he and others

school. The overall cost would be prohibitive, given that this would set a precedent with other schools in a similar position demanding the same treatment. Secondly, the existing traffic regulations do not allow for a car access point to be provided so close to a traffic signalled intersection on a highway. Thirdly, the owners of the homes that would be affected by a new car drive through would in all probability object to being made a virtual „island‟ between two roadways. 2. The school crossing in question in Mansfield Street cannot be moved further up Mansfield Street for three reasons. Firstly, it would be within 250 metres of the next crossing in Mansfield Street, over the hill, and this is against their policy guidelines. Secondly, the new position of the crossing would reduce visibility to the crossing for drivers coming over the hill in Mansfield Street to an unacceptably short distance. Thirdly, moving this crossing would enable a further 4 or 5 cars to exit the Cyril Molyneux car park and turn left, however, the end result would still be a bank up of traffic caused by the traffic lights at the highway intersection.

3. The City of Casey is committed to providing a balance between the needs of people wishing to park in streets and residents whose homes are in those streets. Currently, policy dictates that non-residential parking spaces in many roads adjacent to schools is limited to one side of those roads, this being cognisant of the City of Casey‟s desire to create a balance for all.

DRIVE IN CINEMA NIGHT What a great night it was! The buzz amongst the children and obviously enjoyable time they were having took me back to my own childhood at family and community functions. Congratulations to our PFA for organising this event, one that I am sure will become a regular feature on our annual calendar.

continued maintenance, bearing in mind that we don‟t have alternative revenue streams available to us and we would have to alter our spending priorities? These are the questions that concern us.

QUOTABLE QUOTE ‘Humans can’t survive without passion - football mania is proof of that!


Anitha Ajay understands our concerns QUESTIONS (FAQ’s) and is sympathetic to the challenges that Q. What are our long term plans they create. Her advice is that our for our playground shade sails? problems are very similar to those of A. We discussed this issue at school most other schools and that solutions to council and it is a vexing one at that. the problems are either too costly for As the shade sails age, they are the time they exist per day or they becoming more costly to maintain – would contravene existing health and last year alone we spent $15,000 on safety regulations. repairs and maintenance. This cost is I am not surprised by this response as likely to increase as we are forced to we have over the past 21 years discussed replace them when they wear out. We our traffic problems with the City of have decided to seek feedback from Casey on a number of occasions and you on our long term best strategy – short of building our own large car park do we not repair and replace them at our own cost, not much has changed. I and instead emphasise the importance guess this is one of those issues for of wearing hats when outside and which patience and good driver using sunscreen more? Alternatively, behaviour is our best approach. do we allocate more funds to their


TEACHING CONFIDENCE Teach Types of Thinking That Develop Confidence 

 

Have a discussion with the young person and help him/her come up with a list of many positive qualities he/she possesses in different areas of life (different school subjects, sports, music, art, hobbies, personality traits), as well as areas that need to be improved (negative qualities). Discuss with the young person how he/she has great value because of his/her many positive qualities and that it is important for the young person to always remember that he/she is valuable when bad things happen (not doing well in a class at school, being “picked on” by one or more classmates). Explain that people do not lose their good qualities when something bad happens. Indicate that when the young person does something wrong or gets a bad grade, or when more classmates treat him/her badly, he/she is never totally hopeless or a failure.

SCHOOL AWARDS Congratulations to the following students who received awards over the last week:

Emily PC

Judy PC

Goy PM

Lucas PM Lilly PM

Natalia PL Jobin PL

ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT CHANGE OF DATE FOR PUPIL FREE DAY TERM 2 On Monday School Council approved a change of date for our Pupil Free Day in Term Two which is used by staff as a Report Writing Day. The date was originally set and advertised in the school calendar as Friday 10th June. The new date will be Tuesday 14th June.

children in care. Then each quarter you can get 50% of out of pocket child care expenses refunded. Eligible families can also receive a deduction on the cost of using OSHC by registering for Child Care Benefit following the same steps above. Please contact the Family Assistance Office to find out more!

EARLY LEARNING EXPO – WEDNESDAY 30TH MARCH Last night our Prep Team represented our school at the Berwick Early Learning Expo. This expo provides local families with the opportunity to explore the options available in the area for schooling when considering enrolment for their students commencing primary school. We would like to thank our ICT Captains, Nithiya and Jemma for representing the students on the evening, handing out information and answering questions from the students‟ point of view. The feedback from families in attendance was very positive with many of them enjoying the advice provided by the guest speaker.

SCHOOL HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES The City of Casey offers a range of activities and events to suit children of all ages during the school holidays. The program for the Autumn Holidays 2011 is available from the school office.

CASEY STUDENT LEADERS RECEPTION Last night our four School Captains, Michaela, Ethan, Jorden and Jake, together with Sue Naismith and Debbie Cusack, attended a function organised by the City of Casey. This annual function, hosted by the City of Casey Major, is held annually to recognise the student leaders from schools within the municipality. At the function the children listened to a guest speaker, Mr Stan Elves, a former AFL footballer, who provided a very motivational talk inspiring our leaders as they undertake their important role within our school. The students were outstanding representatives of our school and thoroughly enjoyed the experience of networking with other student leaders from nearby schools. REDUCING THE COST OF OSHC SERVICES FOR FAMILIES Our Camp Australia Regional Manager, Vicki Dobson, has raised the concern that families may not be fully informed regarding the benefits that they can receive to assist them with the costs of before and after school care. She has put together the following information for families and encourages families to seek advice regarding their eligibility to receive these benefits. Parents can reduce the cost of child care and OSHC by 50% To pay no more than 50% for each session you should: Contact the Family Assistance Office on 13 61 50 and request individual Customer Reference numbers for yourself and your children. Contact Camp Australia Customer Service on 1300 105 343 or email and provide us with the CRN‟s and Dates of Birth for yourself and your

SAFETY HOUSE We have been advised that Extraordinary General Meeting that was to have been held at the Safety House Head Office in Carrum Downs this Saturday 2nd April 2011 has been cancelled. We will inform families of the new date for this meeting when it has been confirmed. The Berwick Safety House Committee will have their regular meeting this Monday evening at 7:30PM at the home of their secretary Linda Griziano. For information regarding this meeting please call Linda on 0408 521 190. LOST PROPERTY There is currently an overabundance of lost property. This raises two concerns. Firstly, as most of the clothing items are not clearly named, they cannot be returned promptly to their rightful owners. We understand clothing is expensive and it is difficult to distinguish individual ownership of similar items and so we are asking you to please ensure all clothing is clearly named. Secondly, we are concerned with the large number of lost items that are not being collected and ask for your assistance in checking whether your children are missing items of clothing. Lost property will be on display in the corridor of the main building. We encourage you to come along and check for those items you may have noticed have gone missing in recent weeks. END OF TERM ONE Parents are reminded that Term 1 ends next Friday 8th April. In line with our usual practice for the end of term the students will be dismissed from their classrooms at 2:30PM.


HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER? Please ensure you let the school office know if you have changed address or updated mobile phones with new numbers. This information alleviates stressful situations on students when they are ill and we cannot contact parents

BLOSCH NEWS Hi All, How fast has this term come and gone! Only one week to go until the Term 1 holidays. Next Friday 8th April 2011, After School Care will be starting at 2:30pm when school finishes. Also a reminder to book online for the holiday program at Berwick Fields. To book visit NEXT WEEK: All Things Easter M - Bunny Door Hangers T - Easter Bunny Masks W - Easter Egg Baskets T - Easer Egg Tree F - 3D Egg Our operating hours are:

Before school care 6:45am - 8:45am After school care 3:30pm - 6:30pm

Our direct line is 9769 8251 or you can call the admin team at Camp Australia on 8851 4160 Thank you Regards OSHC Team

You Can Schools Program Working with Canteen and the Sony Foundation, Berwick Lodge Primary School will be collecting old mobile phones to be recycled. The funds from these mobile phones will go to much needed funds to build youth cancer centres across Australia. The more mobile phones we collect and recycle the more educational tools Berwick Lodge Primary School will receive. These could include video cameras, laptops, and possibly Interactive Whiteboards which will be a great addition to our school. There is a collection bin in the front foyer, located outside Mrs Cusackâ€&#x;s office. Please hunt around at home, or ask your friends, neighbours, work colleagues and local community groups, to look for any old mobile phones and place them in the collection bin located in the school foyer. Please help Berwick Lodge Primary School support a worthy cause.

Vanessa Porter On behalf of the Junior School Council

CRAZY DRESS UP DAY Donâ€&#x;t forget on Friday 1st April 2011 the Junior School Council have organised a Crazy Dress Up Day. It will be a gold coin donation and all the money raised will go to the Red Cross Victoria Flood Appeal. Please help us help the Flood Victims by wearing your craziest outfit on the day. Some ideas are: odd socks and shoes, painted nails, crazy hair, bright coloured clothes, even a wig!! We are now selling ANZAC badges and wrist bands. Our Junior School Council Members will be visiting our grades everyday till Wednesday 6th April 2011.


THANK YOU PFA We would like to thank the PFA for organising all the fundraising activities to buy these wonderful new flags for the school. Ethan 6N On behalf of all of us here today we would like to say thank you to the PFA because we know how much support and time you spend raising and organising fundraisers for us to have a better time at school and to get new things. Michalea 6N We thank you for your support, your effort means a lot to all of us. We hope that you know that your work is recognised and has a positive impact on our school. Thank you all for hard work lets give the PFA a big round of applause. Jordie 6N

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Grade 5/6 Interschool Winter Sports commences in Term 2 and we need Parents/Grandparents to assist with football, soccer, netball, kickball and T-ball teams. If you are keen to assist either as a coach or assistant, we would love to have your help. Your passion for helping children learn team sports is important to us and so we would like to invite you to join us on Friday mornings. For further details please contact Sue Naismith on 9707 1766. Please note you will need to be available Friday mornings from 9:00am - 11:00am during Term 2 on a weekly basis We look forward to hearing from you!

Parkhill Drive, Berwick 3806 PO Box 2255 Fountain Gate 3805 Ph: 03 9704 2744 Fax: 03 9705 6044

Timbarra P-9 College School Tours School Tours for interested parents of Year 7 students for 2012 are now available on the following dates. Monday 4th April 2011 at 10.00am Tuesday 3rd May 2011 at 10.00am Year 7 Information Evening Tuesday 10th May 20117.00pm - 8.00pm in School Gym Bookings are essential and can be made by contacting the school office on 9704 2744 SCHOOL PHOTOS HAVE ARRIVED! The school photos have arrived at the school this week. Please make sure that you check with your teacher if you have not received them. Alternatively you can contact School Pix on 1300 766 055.

Parents & Friends Association NEXT MEETING: Thursday 7th April 2011 at 1.30pm in Room 16. Everyone is welcome, including toddlers. The PFA welcomes anyone wanting to join the fun and help make a difference. 2ND HAND UNIFORM SHOP: Our next 2nd hand uniform shop will be open in the school canteen on Tuesday 3 May 2011 from 2.30pm until 3.15pm. We would like to thank all those families who have donated as they have assisted other families in our community.

Current Events HOTDOG DAY - THIS TUESDAY 5th APRIL 2011 Due to our ordering deadline, we cannot accept orders past 4pm today. Thank you to the large numbers of parents who have volunteered to help. We cannot run these days without you, so your support is greatly appreciated. SUNSCREEN: We have roll-on sunscreen available for purchase at the front office for $6.00 per stick. They are a great compact size and are very useful for all children to have in their bags now with our lovely sunny weather! MOBILE PHONE RECYCLING: Please remember to bring in your old mobile phones and support our Junior School Council. Don‟t forget, the more phones we collect, the more Sony products we get as a reward.

Upcoming Events MOTHERS DAY STALL: Thursday 5th May 2011. Forms have been sent out last week for the purchase of our wonderful quality presents for that special Mum or Grandmother in your life. This year you will be able to purchase up to 4 presents per child at $5..00 per present. If you missed out on your form, spare copies are available at the office.

DRIVE-IN THANKYOU What a great night we had on Friday ! The weather was kind to us which allowed lots of our school community to get together and have a great time before the movie started, whether that was on the jumping castle or eating yummy sausages, donuts, slushies, popcorn and fairy floss. Special thanks must go to our wonderful face (& hand) painter “Beanie” from Mad Fun who worked tirelessly all night without a break and even when it got dark. Everyone was delighted with the wonderful artwork that was produced on faces and hands. A big thank you to our advertisers on the night, R J Sanderson & Associates, Lollipops, Mansfield Street Food Mart and MadFun. Sarah, Andrea and the PFA committee would also like to thank everyone for attending and making it such a fabulous night.

The PFA would like to thank you for your continued support.

BUSINESS ADVERTISING Free up your weekends! Need more time for other things in life? Let me do your housework—it costs less than you think! Available Monday to Friday References available from other clients. No subcontractors Call me today for a chat about how I can help you Call Angela Mel’s Guidance Counselling Specialising in: ▪ Relationship / Family violence Grief / Bereavement, including suicide Anger Management Depression Family Breakdown Please call Melissa Child / Adolescent Issues on 0413 333 547 to ▪ Teenage pregnancy arrange an ▪ Eating Disorders appointment ▪ Self esteem ▪ Personal Development You can also visit my website: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

CRYSTAL CLEANING SERVICES P/L For all your carpet/upholstery and general cleaning needs Special Offer 3 rooms/3 seats Professionally steamed cleaned for $77.00 incl. GST Free deodorising Free stain treating Other services: Vacate clean-up/ready for sale For bookings & enquiries contact Steve 0411 752 279 $1.00 from each booking goes back to BLPS. Plus $1.00 to Royal Children's Hospital

Advertisements published by the school are accepted in good faith and should not be regarded as an endorsement of any product or service. Parents and members of the school community are advised to investigate any service or product to determine its suitability to meet their family's needs prior to accessing it.

COMMUNITY NEWS GUIDE DOGS VICTORIA I am the event coordinator at Guide Dogs Victoria and I am currently working on a brand new event called Victoria‟s Biggest Dog Wash. This is the first ever Guide Dogs Victoria Event where the public are invited to bring along their own dogs for a fun day out. It will be held at Flemington Racecourse (The Ascot) Sunday 10th April 2011

FREE GOLF CLINICS Tuesday 19th April 2011 Berwick Golf Range 295 Beaconsfield-Emerald Road 1 hour classes

MUST BOOK! All Equipment Supplied Lessons from a qualifies golg professional Don‟t worry if you‟ve never tried gold before COME AND HAVE FUN IN THE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS

BERWICK AUSKICK Auskick Berwick is about to start again - learning new footy skills, how to play as part of a team and of course having a chance for the family to spend time together in a great, fun, safe community sporting environment. Registration Day: Saturday 9th April 2011 Arch Brown Reserve - 9:00am Registration online is available at By registering online you will be eligible for free tickets to an AFL game. Registration cost is $60 which includes your backpack (with footy and other goodies), insurances and costs to the clinic. A BBQ will be supplied on the day and we will be selling AFL Team Football Jumpers for a cost of $50 (CASH ONLY). We will also be taking orders for shorts, socks, etc. Please invite your friends and family along to this great clinic. The First Auskick Day is Saturday 30th April 2011 Arch Brown reserve at 9:00am We are also looking for 24 Grade 3/4 and Grade 5/6 for the GRID GAME the Carlton vs Adelaide match on Saturday 23rd April 2011 - Etihad Stadium at 7:10pm Please call Sally on 0405 006 106 for further information

NARRE WARREN-BERWICK BLUE LIGHT DISCO BERWICK LEISURE CENTRE, MANUKA ROAD, BERWICK SATURDAY 2nd April 2011 & Saturday 7th May 2011 For Students in year 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 ONLY Times 6:00pm to 10:00pm COST: $10.00 Any enquires to Narre Warren Police Station 9705 3111 YARRA VALLEY RAILWAY Easter Holiday Rides Hourly 10:00am - 4:00pm Opening Dates: 10th, 13th, 17th, 20th, 22nd - 26th April 2011 ◊ Yarra Valley Railway also invites you to attend a family movie night “On The Green” at Rochford Winery on Friday 8th April 2011. Gates open at 6:00pm FERRIS BEULLER‟S DAY OFF For more information visit our website at

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