Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, May 2011

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BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198 E-mail: Visit our Websites : http://, Camp Australia/Out of School Hours Care: 9769 8251

12TH MAY 2011



DIARY DATES Friday 13th May Tuesday 17th May Wednesday 18th may Friday 20th May Monday 6th-Wednesday 8th June Wednesday 8th-Friday 10th June

Interschool Winter Sport House Cross Country OPEN NIGHT Interschool Winter Sport (away Maramba PS) 5/6 Camp1 (5T, 5C, 6K, 6N) 5/6 Camp 2 (5H, 5W, 6P, 6N)

Friday 13th May Monday 16th May Tuesday 17th May Friday 20th May Tuesday 24th May Friday 27th May Friday 3rd June

Grade 6 Transition Forms for Year 7 J-Rock Performance Permission forms for Open Night Interschool Winter Sport (away Maramba PS) 5/6 Camp Coolamatong Forms Preps - Basil Safety House 5/6 Camp Coolamatong Final Payment Prep, Grade 1&2 Swimming Program


PRINCIPAL’S REPORT NAPLAN TESTS People often ask me what I think is the value of the NAPLAN tests. These days the tests have assumed an increased importance, primarily because the federal government has decided to use the results to create what is commonly called ‘league tables of schools’ via the My School website. Consequently we can’t ignore NAPLAN tests and all the more so because the Prime Minister has decided to link NAPLAN results to a new initiative, ‘Performance Bonuses’ for the ‘top 10%’ of teachers on an annual basis. Personally, I believe that the NAPLAN tests are a useful diagnostic tool for teachers that provide some valuable information about how students are learning in areas of literacy and numeracy in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. The information that the tests provide can help teachers plan some specific work for both individual and groups of children to either help them improve or capitalise on what they already know and the skills they possess.

Beyond that, the results become problematic when aggregated in ways that lead to comparing school performance or deciding which teachers deserve an annual bonus of up to $10,000. Interestingly, countries such as the USA and the UK are moving away from such an approach to improving student learning outcomes. Indeed, high performing countries in school education, such as Finland do not have national tests nor do they have performance bonuses for teachers. There should be a lesson in this for us. Other reasons for concern include the fact that the NAPLAN tests cover only a small fraction of all that is taught and learnt in our schools, yet none of this is included in the ranking of schools. Insofar as ranking teachers goes, our culture is one of teamwork. Many aspects of our work require a high degree of collegiality and mutual support and planning. Awarding 10% of teachers substantial bonuses each year works in opposition to the teamwork ethic that is crucial in our profession. There a number of other concerns that I have on this issue, yet the most compelling concern of all is that precious little international evidence exists that creating league tables of

school performance or paying teachers performance bonuses actually improves student learning. Surely research evidence should be guiding our policies in education. BER UPDATE On Monday Jodie Norton, our school council president, Lynne Brenner and I met with Andrew Wood our APP project manager for our BER building. Our meeting with Andrew resulted in the following outcomes: (1) Andrew has taken on board our desire to have the seven internal sliding doors be changed to cavity doors. This will be both safer and provide more wall space in the classrooms for displays, as well as being more aesthetically appealing. Most likely this request will be acted on. (2) We will have 4 interactive whiteboards for installation in the building and we can have them placed where we like, provided that they are in practical locations.

(3) Extra water taps and electrical points will be installed. (4) We have a choice of a small gravel car park for staff being constructed at the front of the building or having the area landscaped with trees, shrubs and seats for children. There is no provision for a bitumen car park. A decision on this is being held over (5) The expected completion date is early September this year. (6) Extra attention is being given to the detail of the building to ensure that we have a ‘top quality facility’ upon completion (David Chandler, Orgill BER Implementation Taskforce has given an undertaking that he will personally oversee the quality of workmanship on our building).

amount of money available to us for our companion project. The figure she cited to me was $570,000. I did not share her enthusiasm, drawing her attention to the fact that if this figure was indeed correct then there has been a $430,000 overrun on the budget! That amounts to almost 25% on a $2 million project, hardly a great outcome and not a figure on which any self-respecting building company could stay in business. Julie Alliston agreed to meet with us next Wednesday at 2.00pm and will provide a detailed cost breakdown for our project. I advised her that we would have our Earlier this week Julie Alliston, own professional experts analyse the DEECD BER Manager, contacted me figures that she will be providing. We with what she described as a ‘great should be entitled to $1 million for outcome’ for us with respect to the our companion project and that is

what we will be seeking. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ’s) Q. What medical qualifications do our staff have to treat sick and injured children at school? A. Level 2 First Aid Training. This level is quite adequate for the level of first aid care that staff can reasonably be expected to have for their first aid work. All staff undergo regular training updates in asthma diagnosis and treatment, treating children suffering from an anaphylactic reaction, epileptic seizures and performing CPR. QUOTABLE QUOTE ‘If you don’t believe in yourself then you’re hardly likely to embrace the accolades of others.’



SCHOOL AWARDS Congratulations to the following students who received awards over the last week: Ruairi PL

Kayjen PC Stephanie PW

Charli PW

Stevie PM

Lachlan PC

Olivia PM Hayley PL

Elia PM

Darcy PC


HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER? Please ensure you let the school office know if you have changed address or updated mobile phones with new numbers. This information alleviates stressful situations on students when they are ill and we cannot contact parents

ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT ENERGY DRINKS Recently we have become aware that a number of our senior students are bringing high energy drinks (eg: Mother, Red Bull, V) to school or buying and consuming these drinks on their way to school. Teachers are concerned that the consumption of these drinks is impacting on the learning and behaviour of some students. Parents may be interested in the following information with regard to the effects of these drinks on children.

STUDENT ENROLMENT DETAILS The office staff are in the process of completing an update of enrolment details for all students to ensure that they are current and accurate. This will mean that families will receive the information we currently have for their children and will be required to review and amend the details for each child separately. This process is necessary as some of the enrolment information is student specific. The information will be ‘Most energy drinks contain the distributed to families stimulant caffeine, which is what by grade level between causes the most concern. Instant now and the end of coffee has a caffeine content of about this term. Families are 60-80 milligrams per 250 millilitres, asked to be prompt in Coca Cola 36mg per 375ml and returning this energy drinks such as Red Bull contain information to facilitate 80mg per 250ml. High amounts of the process. As the caffeine are known to result in data entry is an enormous task it may increased anxiety, reduced take our administrative staff a few concentration, dehydration and weeks to complete the update and insomnia. Although moderate ensure that the new information is amounts of caffeine appear to have active on the system. few health risks for adults, this might not be the case for children. Little is Please note that all forms should known about the potential harmful be returned to school whether effects of long-term caffeine there are any changes or not. consumption by children. In the past We thank you for your support it was illegal in Australia to in this matter. manufacture drinks with high EDUCATION WEEK OPEN concentrations of caffeine. However, NIGHT – WEDNESDAY 18TH the Australia New Zealand Food MAY Authority changed the standards for All families are invited to attend our the manufacture of energy drinks, Open Night on Wednesday 18th May requiring them to be labelled: This from 6:00 to 8:00PM. A program food contains caffeine and is not outlining activities and displays will be recommended for children, pregnant sent home next week. Prospective or lactating women and individuals families are also most welcome to sensitive to caffeine.’ attend. The Student Leaders and While we are able to some of our other senior students discourage students will be conducting guided tours for from consuming first time visitors. If you know of any these drinks at families who may be interested in school as we have a attending our Open Night please ‘no canned drinks/ extend an invitation to them. soft drinks’ policy, it is difficult for us PARENTS VICTORIA ONLINE to address the issue of children CONFERENCE drinking high energy beverages on Parents of primary and secondary their way to school. We ask that students are warmly invited to take parents discuss with their children the part in the fifth annual online ill effects of these drinks and support conference to be held by Parents us in ensuring that students are not Victoria. The conference will be held having these drinks on their way to non-stop on the internet during school. Education Week (Sunday 15th May to Saturday 21st May). No special

software is needed, other than an internet-connected computer and a browser. The online discussions will be very easy to join in, and guidelines about how to participate will be provided. Join in for all days, just some days, or even a few hours, depending on your lifestyle and other commitments. The conference will discuss the following topical issues: Cost of Schooling, Communication, Parents as Volunteers, Fundraising, Parent engagement in their child’s education, training and pathways planning, Homework and Student Safety. To access the conference all participants must be registered. The registration page can be found at pv2011registration.php After submitting the form, registrants will be directed to a confirmation page and will also receive an email confirming their registration. The Parents Victoria Online Conference 2011 website will open from 6am on Sunday 15th May and finish at 12 midnight on Saturday 20th May. We encourage families to take up this opportunity! BEDWETTING Childhood bedwetting is a common dilemma faced by families. We have recently received some information from the Bedwetting Institute of Australia that we felt may be of some use to families struggling with this problem. ‘A new DVD based program, Bedwetting Cured, has been developed by Dr Mark Condon and Physiotherapist, Margaret O’Donovan. It outlines a successful program for parents to implement at home with their children For information and a free Bedwetting Fact Sheet please visit the website: or phone 1300 135 796.’ We hope that this information will be of some value to you.


SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT’S REPORT Welcome everyone to my first School Council President’s Report. I thought it might be of interest to summarise the role of your School Council and our purpose in the school community. WHAT ARE WE A school council is a legally formed body that is the major governing body of the school. It plays an important role in school accountability and improvement processes as well as endorsing key school planning, evaluation and reporting documents. It is important to note that a school council does not manage the running of the school. The Principal and his team manage this area of operations. WHO WE ARE Our school council consists of seven parent members, four DEECD (staff) members and a PFA Co-Optee. The team is: President: Vice-President: Minute Secretary: Correspondence: Parents:

Jodie Norton Michelle Sarjeant Lois Smethurst Michael Tabone Prashah Sujenthiran Craig Benedick Carolyn Mehr Lesley Lees

Principal: Staff: PFA:

Henry Grossek Lynne Brenner Sue Naismith Samantha Cline


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Establish the broad direction and vision of the school Develop, review and update school policies Approve the annual budget and monitor expenditure Maintain the school’s grounds and facilities Report annually to the school community and DEECD


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Manage the school Employ ongoing teaching staff Represent personal interests Determine class allocations Discuss individual issues between staff, students and/or parents

HOW WE CAN HELP YOU Over the next few weeks, I will introduce you to the people who make up our school council. We hope that if you have any issues or concerns, you will then be able to contact any one of us. Please feel free to contact me directly via the school office or you can email me on Jodie Norton School Council President

SCHOOL COUNCIL DIRECTORY President: Vice-President: Minute Secretary: Correspondence Sec.:

Jodie Norton Michelle Sarjeant Lois Smethurst Michael Tabone

Principal: DEECD Members:

Henry Grossek Lynne Brenner Sue Naismith

Parent Members:

Prashad Sujenthiran Craig Benedick Carolyn Mehr Lesley Lees

PFA Co-Optee:

Samantha Cline

Contact Details: Phone: 9707 1766 Email:

Fax: 9796 2198

Dear Parents/Guardians, This year all Grades 3 to 6 children will be participating in the Fantastic Fridays Program in Term 2. This program will run on Friday afternoons (2:30pm to 3:30pm) starting from Week 2 and will run for approximately 8 weeks. It is an elective program where students will be mixed with their peers to learn a variety of different subjects outside the normal curriculum areas of Literacy and Numeracy. The elective programs on offer are:

Gymnastics J-Rock Lego Cooking Art / Craft Construction Billycarts County Fair Fashion / Jewellery Making Science and Technology We have a number of teachers allocated to the various programs but are asking our school community for some support. If you have any expertise in any of the following areas and would like to participate in the program we would greatly appreciate your time and experience. These activities require different materials and resources and we would greatly appreciate any donations to support our Fantastic Fridays Program. These could includeconstruction materials such as wood, screws, wheels, art supplies, foam cups etc. Please see Traceye Rapinett for information or details about the program.

WHAT IS GETTING ALONG? Types of Thinking That Build Getting Along Being Tolerant of Others - means that when someone is mean to you or is different from you, accepting that he or she is not a totally bad person. It means thinking that you may need to find out more about the person and to respect differences. Playing by the Rules - means thinking that by following important school, home and community rules, your community will be a better place to live and learn and you will stay out of trouble and be more successful. Thinking First - means that when someone acts badly or unfairly or you want something, before you take action, you: a) think of alternative courses of action; b) think of the consequences of different actions you can take; and c) predict the impact your actions may have on the feelings of the other person. Social Responsibility - means thinking that it is important to be a good citizen and to help build a world with fairness and justice for all where everyone feels safe and secure. It means being sensitive to the feelings of others, acting honestly, and treating others (especially those who come from different backgrounds) with respect, caring and reaching out to people in need, and working towards protecting the environment.

BLOSHC NEWS We believe everyone is settling in well with the new coordinator and a few changes. At Camp Australia we aim to make kids Smile and so far we are doing just that! Curriculum Day : Tuesday14th June is coming up and we have an Expression of Interest form, so please fill one in if you think you’ll need care for this day. The session would run from 6:45am - 6:30pm. However, we need a minimum of 20 children to run a program on this day. Expression of interest forms need to be returned no later than Friday 3rd June. Reminder: Parents please go through the OSHC rules with your child/ren and return the slip on the second page. So far at BLOSHC we made beautiful things to give to that special mum in our lives, including a beaded key ring and a hand painted calico shopping bag. This week we will be focusing on thinkgs that work with the wind. M: Pin Wheel T: Beaded Wind Charm W: Wind Mill T: Wind Spinner F: Wind Sock Our Star of the week: Hayley 5T for being most helpful and always having fantastic manners. Congratulations Hayley. Our operating hours:

Before school care 6:45am - 8:45am After school care 3:30pm - 6:30pm

Our direct line is 9769 8251 or you can call the admin team at Camp Australia on 8851 4160. Thank you Dorien and the OSHC Team

Library News The Library Program at Berwick Lodge Primary School for 2011 has received many positive comments, both from the students and parents. Olivia and myself would like to thank those who have provided us with feedback and welcome your continued support. This term the Library is open during the second half of lunch time on a Monday, Tuesday and Friday for those students who would like to do some quiet reading or participate in a quiet game/activity. It is open for all students in Years 1-6. On Friday 13th May a BIG order of new and exciting books will be arriving for the library! Over the coming weeks our two Library Captains, Selma and Lizzy, will be featuring some of these books in our school newsletter and at our assemblies. The Gruffalo is a children’s book by writer/playwright Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler, telling the story of a mouse taking a walk through a deep, dark wood. The book has sold over 3.5 million copies, has won several prizes for children’s literature, and has been made into a play. This wonderful book has been adapted to the stage by London’s Tall Stories Theatre Company and has played sell out seasons throughout the world including the West End and Broadway. After winning the 2009 Sydney Theatre Award for Best Production for Children, The Gruffalo played to packed houses throughout Australia and New Zealand last year, including here in Melbourne, and we’re delighted to bring the show back. The Gruffalo is ideal for children aged 3-8, and so for students from Prep to Year 2, many of whom will be familiar with – and love – the book. The Gruffalo is playing from 28th June - 2nd July, 2011 at the Arts Centre. Please see the Arts Centre website for more details if you are interested in taking your children along to see a wonderful play! Smiles Miss Sarah Vine

Parents & Friends Association NEXT MEETING: Thursday 2nd June 2011 at 1.30pm in Room 16. Everyone is welcome, including toddlers. The PFA welcomes anyone wanting to join the fun and help make a difference. 2ND HAND UNIFORM SHOP: Our next 2nd hand uniform shop will be open in the school canteen on Tuesday 28 June 2011 from 2.30pm until 3.15pm. We would like to thank all those families who have donated as they have assisted other families in our community. There will be a table with $1.00 items. Get in quick!!

Current events CHOCOLATE DRIVE: Thursday 12th May 2011. Our major fundraiser this term is our chocolate drive. Chocolate carry packs will be distributed today. We hope that as many families as possible support our fundraiser. We have great individual prize program for everyone who sells a box. There are also prizes for the family who sells the most box, and prizes for the child in each grade that sells the most boxes. This year we have made it so you can pay by BPay, credit card, cheque or cash.

UPCOMING EVENTS Family Portrait Event: We will be holding a Family Portrait event. Further details will be announced soon.

News As of next week, every Thursday from 2.45pm, for a gold coin donation the PFA will be offering Tea, Coffee or Hot Milo in Room 16. Everyone is welcome. The PFA page on the Berwick Lodge Primary School Website has been updated. You will find a listing of all our meeting dates and 2nd Hand Uniform Shops as well as all the major fundraising events for this year. If you have any ideas or suggestions to help the PFA in any way please contact us via the school office or by email on

The PFA would like to thank you for your continued support.

Adult Disco Yes I would like to participate in the Adult Disco Parent/Guardian’s Name: ___________________________________________ Child’s Name: Contact Phone Number:




For Students in years 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 only Times 6:00pm to 10:00pm COST: $10.00 Any enquires to Narre Warren Police Station 9705 3111

Advertisements published by the school are accepted in good faith and should not be regarded as an endorsement of any product or service. Parents and members of the school community are advised to investigate any service or product to determine its suitability to meet their family's needs prior to accessing it.

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