Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, August 2011

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BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198 E-mail: Visit our Websites : http://, Camp Australia/Out of School Hours Care: 9769 8251



DIARY DATES Monday 15th August Tuesday 16th August Wednesday 31st August Thursday 1st September Monday 22nd September Wednesday 21st September

J-Rock Performance Canteen Special Lunch day Grade 6 - CERES Community Environment Park Grade 5 - CERES Community Environment Park Father‘s Day Stall 5/6 Hooptime Clover Cottage Dinner

Friday 12th August

3/4 Camp Rumbug Permission Forms Monday 22nd August Grade 5/6 - CERES Community Environment Park Fridasy 26th August Father‘s Day Stall Monday 29th August 3/4 Camp Balance Thursday 14th September Clover Cottage Dinner Wednesday 17th September 5/6 Hooptime

Canteen Closed on Tuesdays

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT SINGAPORE TRIP Everyone on the trip is having a great time. With the aid of modern technology we are keeping in regular contact via skyping. In fact, a highlight at Monday evening‘s school council meeting was the ten minutes we spent chatting with the teachers while watching them on our plasma screen. The children were having a wonderful time in the pool and all was well. Earlier this week I received a courtesy call from our regional office - acknowledging our school on our inaugural student visit to Singapore, in addition to enquiring to see if all was well. Our team returns on Saturday evening and they should all hopefully be refreshed by Monday morning. GROSSEK’S VIEW For the past 12 years I write a regular column for Themes Educational magazines on topics of my choosing. I do enjoy this activity for a variety of reasons. My current article was written with concerns I have over Disability & Impairments program funding that I believe exists within our education system. It was suggested that I provide you with a

copy via our newsletter as it may be of interest to you. Short changing our disabled students One topic of constant discussion amongst many of my colleagues is that of funding inadequacies for our disabled students in regular schools. It is a hot topic and rightly so. Over my long involvement in state education I have witnessed many fine improvements to our education system. Adequately meeting the needs of our disabled students is, sadly, not one of them in my opinion. Back in the 1970‘s when the move to better integrate disabled students in non-special setting schools had significant traction, a government report warned that it would be costly. That it has proven to be, and in more ways than one. Disturbingly, decades later, many principals are exasperated at what they see as an increasingly harsh model used for assessing the level of Disabilities and Impairments (D&I) funding allocated to students with disabilities. Currently, the consequence of such concern is being played out in Victorian Courts as a number of parents are suing the State of Victoria for allegedly not providing an adequate level of resources to

meet their children‘s special educational needs. For obvious legal reasons no comment on those cases can be made. Nonetheless, it is a sad indictment of the overall state of affairs that such action is being taken in the 21st Century. How has it got to such a state? Two core reasons stand out – parents exercising their right to enrol their disabled children in regular schools coupled with state governments anxious to balance their books. Crucially, the right of parents to enrol disabled children in regular schools presumes that regular schools will receive an appropriate level of funding to meet the individual learning needs of these children. On the face of it, our existing highly sophisticated D&I assessment procedures appear to meet this presumption. There is certainly no lack of evidence required to substantiate additional funding being allocated to the individual children. Quite the contrary! Principals and parents will if anything, complain about information overload – the metaphorical number of hoops through which schools must jump to secure funding is exasperating. Continued...

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT CONTINUED… At the end of the very time-consuming and detailed process of applying for D&I funding, hopes are often high, only to be dashed when the verdict is delivered. This has a quite far reaching impact on all concerned – ranging from anger to disillusionment to frustration and even rage. More often than not the practical consequences are played out in too many classrooms as teachers struggle to juggle their time and resources across all students. No one wins in that situation. Our new state government would do well to reframe what appears to be an approach to D&I funding of one starting with a given bucket of money to one of ascertaining the level of need first, and then finding the right size of bucket. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ’s) Q. Under what circumstances should I approve my child repeating a grade? A.Exceptional circumstances only! Unless you have a high degree of certainty that your child will benefit academically or socially from repeating a grade, then don‘t do it. There are potential social/emotional costs for children repeating a grade and these must be taken into account when making a decision on having your child repeat a grade. I advise parents who are considering such an option for their child to speak with their child‘s class teacher and also one of our principal class members before making the decision. QUOTABLE QUOTE If you want to sound more humble than you really are then try – I’m the first to acknowledge that I’m not perfect!

HENRY GROSSEK SCHOOL AWARDS Congratulations to the following students who received awards over the last week:

Saritha PM Lilly PM Kane PL Natalia PL Montaya PW

Samudra PW

Daffodil Day Friday 26th August 2011 This year Daffodil Day is celebrating 25 years in Australia. During the month of August we will be selling merchandise to raise much needed funds for cancer research, support and prevention. The daffodil is an international symbol of hope for people who have been affected by cancer including patients, family, carers and friends. If you would like to purchase any daffodil merchandise please go to the office. There is a variety of items to choose from including badges, key rings, pens, bears and even footballs! They range from $5 - $30. Daffodil Day is a day for all of us to give hope for a brighter, cancer-free future, so with your help we can make a difference. Thank you for your support

Jo Zammit

COMING ATTRACTIONS! “The Lodgie Awards” Grade 5/6 FILM FESTIVAL Monday 19th September 2011

ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT SINGAPORE TRIP Last Saturday we said goodbye to our students and teachers as they embarked on their journey to Singapore. They arrived safely and are having wonderful time attending festivals and celebrating special cultural days and events with their hosts. The weather has been about 32 degrees every day and the children have had a great time experiencing a different education system at the Tampanese School. We hear the swimming pool at the hotel is getting a good workout at the end of each day too! We have been very fortunate to be in contact with them several times this week (including a special visit during our School Council Meeting on Monday night) via a Skype video call. They arrive back home this Saturday and we can‘t wait to hear all about their wonderful stories and looking at their photos and video footage when they return.

via email this week, and with a number of outbreaks in our school over the week I thought parents might like to take this opportunity to have a look at the following website. This site is an online community where parents and schools can seek out information about Head Lice and discuss ways to best prevent and treat them. Head Lice 101 will be a space to ask questions and share your advice on how to best stop the spread of Head Lice through our schools. Stop by the Blog to see what they have to say or head over to NitChat to get talking to other community members.

NUDE FUDE AWARDS Over the past few weeks as a part of our Environmental / Sustainability Through line the Prep students have been participating in Nude Food Day on Fridays. Due to the HEAD LICE overwhelming success of the The following information initiative they have invited the regarding Head Lice came through rest of the school to take part

in the challenge. National Nude Food Day is Wednesday 19th October 2011however our students have taken up the challenge this term to make a difference at our school. Nude Food Day is a fantastic opportunity to teach children about their impact on the environment and their health. With positive messages of ‗Healthy Body, Healthy Planet‘, we want our students to be empowered to choose healthy, rubbish free food for their lunches. This week we would like to congratulate Miss Tan and the students in Grade 5T for winning this week‘s Nude Food Award for the least amount of classroom rubbish. Keep up the great work kids, let‘s see if the BLPS staff can win next week‘s award! For more information, facts and interactive activities visit the following website


Thank You

Thank you to all the wonderful students and staff who took the time to record “Get Well” messages for Leida and Marnie’s DVD. Your messages were so encouraging and beautiful and left me quite emotional. It has been the best medication that I have been given! Thank you especially to the two girls for taking the initiative to create the DVD, Mrs Smethurst and Mrs Pope, Selma, Sarah, Nithiya and the Mehr family for seeing to the DVDs personal and safe delivery. Trish Luke

HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER? Please ensure you let the school office know if you have changed address or updated mobile phones with new numbers. This information alleviates stressful situations on students when they are ill and we cannot contact parents

2011 Premier’s Reading Challenge Congratulations to all students participating in this year‘s challenge. It is great to see so many enthusiastic readers eagerly borrowing books from the recommended booklists. Don‘t forget to let your teachers know when you have completed a book so it can be verified on the Premier‘s Reading Challenge website by a coordinator. All books must be entered online and verified by Friday 16th September 2011. Congratulations to the following students who have completed the 2011 Premier’s Reading Challenge. Eden F 6N Chloe H 6N Happy Reading! Bernadette Kelly

Visual Arts THANK YOU ! THANK YOU ! THANK YOU! To the wonderful parents Monique M, Sharon B, Michelle M, Mr McLeod, and Kate N, who helped with the Mosaic grouting on Monday 8th August 2011. We could not have done it without you!!

Jo Zammit/ Julie McLeod Visual Arts Teachers

Junior School Council News... Dear Parents, As part of our fundraising efforts for our Sponsor Children, Pheear and Oshdi, we have registered with Pauls Collect a Cap. Each specially marked milk bottle cap donated earns our School 10c. We are hoping to raise as much money as possible to enable us to help Pheear, Oshdi and their communities in Cambodia and Sri Lanka. The money we raise helps their community to provide education and school supplies, training in farming skills, medical check-ups and supplies, building materials for new classrooms and clean, safe drinking water. The caps can be placed in the marked collection bin outside Mrs Cusack‘s office.

Thank you for your support Vanessa Stevens and Lianne Morgan On behalf of the Junior School Council

WHAT IS ORGANISATION? Things to Say to Communicate “Setting Goals” 

  

―I can see that you are intent on achieving your goal.‖ ―You see, setting goals helps you do your best.‖ ―How does it feel to have achieved your goals?‖ ―I can see that you wish to achieve your goals for this lesson. This takes discipline and organisation.‖ You seem very committed today to achieve your goal.‖ ―Without goals, it‘s harder to do our best.‖ ―I think you can see that luck is not involved in achieving your goals.‖

Enrolments for 2012 are now being accepted! Enrolment forms are available from the school office. Original birth certificates and immunisation certificates need to be sighted by the office at the time of enrolment.

SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT’S REPORT Welcome everyone to my School Council President‘s Report. SCHOOL COUNCILLOR PROFILES This week I would like to introduce Michelle Sarjeant, one of our parent representatives and Carolyn Mehr, also a parent representative and new to our School Council this year. Michelle Sarjeant: I live in Narre Warren South and was recommended to enrol my son into Berwick Lodge Primary School even though this meant travelling. The school has a high and valued reputation, and has helped us out in many ways. With that in mind I wanted to contribute and volunteer my time to the school, in order to be able to give something back. As such I was part of the PFA for 18 months, and then went onto be part of the school council. I worked for 7 years before having our son, and come from a marketing/sales background. I enjoy being a member of the school council and learning more about what the school does for our children and their development.. Carolyn Mehr: I'm the mother of Yasmin in Grade 3 and Leida in Grade 6. I've been married to Ahmad for almost 13 years and have lived in Berwick for about 8 years. My husband is from Afghanistan so we experience quite a culturally diverse and interesting life. My previous work experience was in retail management and I was Store Manager of 3 Freedom Furniture stores before leaving for a complete change in career. I left to enter the 'rag trade 'and learnt the trade of fabric cutting from my father. Later my husband and I started our own business cutting clothes for high fashion designers along with school uniforms. We work from home so not having to deal with traffic each day is worth its weight in gold. The work is always varied and challenging. Having our own business allows me to be a little flexible with hours so I am able to attend many school events and be involved where possible in the school community. My greatest achievement in my life has been my two beautiful daughters. Mr Grossek may argue the highest point in my life was cutting the suit that Nathan Buckley wore when he won the Brownlow Medal in 2003. I have really enjoyed my first 6 months on School Council. It has given me a greater appreciation and respect for how much work actually goes on out of the classroom to provide our kids with the high level of education they have available to them at Berwick Lodge Primary School. MOSAIC PROJECTS As many of you may have seen, this year we have commenced a number of new mosaic projects to complement the ―You Can Do It‖ mosaic that was completed by our Grade 5 & 6 team last year. This year our Grade 1 and 2‘s completed a mosaic mural on the wall outside the art room and our Grade 3 and 4‘s have nearly completed the music themed mosaic (designed by our own Art Captain—Sophie Tran) on the wall outside the Performing Arts Room. These areas now look fantastic and are a wonderful addition to our school. Special thanks must go to our wonderful art teachers, Julie McLeod and Jo Zammit and our fabulous artist in resident, Helen Harman who have guided and assisted our students in these works. J-ROCK Wishing all our students, teachers and extra special helpers the best of luck next Monday 15 th August 2011 as they compete against 10 other schools at Hisense Arena, in the J-Rock competition. I know you are all going to be great. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly via the school office or you can email me on Jodie Norton School Council President

SCHOOL COUNCIL DIRECTORY President: Vice-President: Minute Secretary: Correspondence Sec.:

Jodie Norton Michelle Sarjeant Lois Smethurst Michael Tabone

Principal: DEECD Members:

Henry Grossek Lynne Brenner Sue Naismith

Parent Members:

Prashad Sujenthiran Craig Benedick Carolyn Mehr Lesley Lees

PFA Co-Optee:

Samantha Cline

Contact Details: Phone: 9707 1766 Email:

Fax: 9796 2198

Parents & Friends Association NEXT MEETING: Thursday 1st September 2011 at 1.30pm in Room 16. Everyone is welcome, including toddlers. The PFA welcomes anyone wanting to join the fun and help make a difference. 2ND HAND UNIFORM SHOP: Our next 2nd hand uniform shop will be open in the school canteen on Tuesday 30th August 2011 from 2.30pm until 3.15pm. We would like to thank all those families who have donated as they have assisted other families in our community. PFA CAFÉ: Is open on Thursday afternoon‘s from 2.45pm in Room 16. If you arrive at school early to get a car park close by, or you want to come and keep warm, please come and visit us and enjoy a hot drink for a gold coin donation.

Current events FATHERS DAY STALL: Thursday 1st September 2011 Forms were sent home last Friday for our Fathers Day Stall. There will be a wide variety of gifts to chose from including mugs, photo frames and games, for that special Dad, Grandad or Great Grandad. All forms must be returned by Friday 26th August 2011. If you have a few hours to spare, please fill in the Parent Helper slip at the bottom of the form. We appreciate your assistance in setting up and running the stall. PIE & SLICE DRIVE: The PFA are holding a Pie & Slice Drive this term with our pies and slices being supplied by Emerald Bakery. There will be a variety of savoury and sweet pies and also some yummy slices. Order forms will be sent home this week. Remember to ask family and friends for their much appreciated support of our school.

Upcoming Events CLOVER COTTAGE: Wednesday 21st September 2011. Clover Cottage information forms will be sent home shortly. To assist us on this night, we are still looking for assistance with donations and prizes. If you work for a company that would be willing to donate a product or gift voucher, we would love to hear from you. Any company who donates will receive promotion for their business in our newsletter. Please contact Sarah via email if you can assist. DRIVE IN MOVIE NIGHT: In December we will be holding another fun filled Drive In Movie Night at Akoonah Park. This is a great opportunity to advertise and promote your business. If you work for, or own a company that would like to advertise, please contact Sarah via email.

NeWS SCHOOL PROMOTIONS: Remember to keep collecting your Woolworths Earn and Learn Receipts, Coles Sports for Schools Vouchers and Pauls Collect-A-Caps. Boxes for each promotion can be found at the office or send them through your classroom so you can earn house points too !

THANKS again for your continued support. We are trying to do things to make our school community stronger.

BUSINESS ADVERTISING CRYSTAL CLEANING SERVICES P/L For all your carpet/upholstery and general cleaning needs Special Offer 3 rooms/3 seats Professionally steamed cleaned for $77.00 incl. GST Free deodorising Free stain treating Other services: Vacate clean-up/ready for sale For bookings & enquiries contact Steve 0411 752 279 $1.00 from each booking goes back to BLPS. Plus $1.00 to Royal Children's Hospital

TAX RETURNS       

SELVEY TAXATION SERVICES Individual & Business Returns 14 Day Refund Partnerships, Companies & Trusts Taxation & Business Advice BAS & GST Advice Discounts for Couples, Students & Pensioners Investment Properties REGISTERED TAX AGENT Over 20 years experience Contact Wayne on 0412 714 421 or email:

COMMUNITY NEWS FOR SALE German Shephard Pure Bred Pups  Fully vaccinated  Vet checked 5 Females and 3 Males Black/Tan/Sable Call: Okie on 0401 660 022

FOR SALE Hills 4 Station swing set, including riding horse, slide and baby set. Cost: $160.00 Porta Cot Playpen - as new $60.00 Cubby house furniture (all timber) includes table and chairs, oven, stove, etc $80.00 Please phone 0408 588 449


Do you know a Salesian College past pupil or are one yourself? Why not get in contact with your old class mates and book your tickets for the

2011 Salesian College Past Pupils Annual Reunion & Hall of Fame Dinner! Friday 26 August 2011 The International of Brighton – Georgian Room 81 Bay Street Brighton VIC 3186 $80p.p canapés + drinks (excl. spirits) + 3 Course Dinner RSVP 12 August 2011 – Partners + Families all welcome! For bookings call (03) 9807 2644 or visit http:// We hope to see you there!

Advertisements published by the school are accepted in good faith and should not be regarded as an endorsement of any product or service. Parents and members of the school community are advised to investigate any service or product to determine its suitability to meet their family's needs prior to accessing it.

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