berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, September 2011

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BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198 E-mail: Visit our Websites : http://, Camp Australia/Out of School Hours Care: 9769 8251



DIARY DATES Monday 19th September Tuesday 20th September Wednesday 21st September Thursday 22nd September Tuesday 10th October Wednesday 11th October

Film Festival 2nd Hand Uniform Shop 2:30pm-3:15pm Clover Cottage Dinner Prep Life Education Visit Pie Drive Pick Up Indonesian Food Festival 5/6 Family Life Program 5/6 Family Life Program

Friday 9th September

J-Rock Performance Tickets Prep Life Education Visit Tuesday 13th September 5/6 Interschool Sport Forms Wednesday 14th September Clover Cottage Dinner Thursday 15th September Pie Drive Monday 19th September Indonesian Food Festival Wednesday 21st September 5/6 Family Life Program


PRINCIPAL’S REPORT SCHOOL CROSSING SUPERVISION ON LAST DAY OF TERMS This has become something of an issue recently because of a decision made by the City of Casey. We have been informed that the City of Casey will provide school crossing supervisors at the normal times in the morning of the last day of each term and at 2.30pm on those days. This is fine for terms 1, 2 and 3 but not necessarily for term 4 when schools can close at 1.30pm. We were contacted earlier this term by the City of Casey, as part of a survey of local schools, seeking information as to when schools closed on the last day of each term. We informed the City of Casey, as did other schools that we finished up at 2.30pm on terms 1, 2 and 3 and at 1.30pm on the last day of term 4. Consequently we were very surprised to receive notification that the City of Casey would not be providing school crossing supervisors at the earlier time of 1.30pm on the last day of term 4. At our most recent Network meeting of local

government school principals we raised this issue with Peter Greenwell our regional general manager. He assured us that he would take the matter up with the City of Casey on our collective behalf as a matter of priority. Hopefully the City of Casey will review its decision to close at 2.30pm on the last day of the school year. I will keep you informed as this matter does have an impact on our school closing time in term 4. THANK YOU Thank you to those parents who contacted to express their gratitude for the information I provided in last week‟s newsletter regarding behavioural optometry. As I mentioned, I found the presentation to be one of the most valuable educational presentations I attended in quite a long time. We will be arranging for Norman Russo to attend our school and speak at a parents‟ forum hopefully before the end of the school year. It is always a challenge for me to select information of possible interest to

you to include in my report. There are so many possibilities and I am acutely aware that you are all very busy and don‟t need to be burdened with information overload. FILM: THE EYE OF THE STORM One evening earlier this week I had the privilege of attending a pre -release viewing of „The Eye of the Storm‟. This film is based on the novel by Patrick White, Australia‟s only Nobel Prize-winning novelist. Interestingly, it is the only feature length movie ever to be made from White‟s work. It is directed by legendary Australian director, Fred Shepisi and stars Geoffrey Rush, Judy Davis and Charlotte Rampling. I mention this film because it is remarkable film – an outstanding Australian film, starring outstanding Australian actors. It opens on September 15 and if you enjoy films that intelligently explore the complexities of relationships between family members then „The Eye of the Storm‟ is well worth considering. Continued...

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT CONTINUED… FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ’s) Q. When will we know which teachers will be teaching which grades next year? A.It‟s a bit early yet! As yet I do not know for sure which teachers will be returning from leave – family leave, leave without pay, or sick leave next year. Also, some teachers may be applying for positions at other schools for 2012. The outcome of this and our current round advertised vacancies seeking replacements for those teachers we already now will not be here next year will not be known for several weeks. I expect that by mid -November I will have a clearer picture on this matter and I will inform parents of teachers teaching responsibilities for 2012 during November. Of course the best laid plans can be upturned by unforeseen circumstances at any time of the year. Hopefully these will be kept to a minimum. QUOTABLE QUOTE ‘Underestimate the price of dishonesty at your peril’


2011 Premier’s Reading Challenge SCHOOL AWARDS

Congratulations to the following students who received awards over the last week: Lucas PM Hayley PM

Molly PC

Ashan PC Aris PL

Malindu PL Aaron PW

Congratulations to all students participating in this year‟s challenge. It is great to see so many enthusiastic readers eagerly borrowing books from the recommended booklists. Don‟t forget to let your teachers know when you have completed a book so it can be verified on the Premier‟s Reading Challenge website by a coordinator. All books must be entered online and verified by Friday 16th September 2011. Congratulations to the following students who have completed the 2011 Premier’s Reading Challenge.

Jarrod F 5W Josh S 5W Renee W 6N

Jamison PW Aysha PC Connor PM

2nd INSTALMENT EMA CHEQUES ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR COLLECTION FROM THE OFFICE. Please bring photo ID with you when collecting your cheque.

Happy Reading!

Bernadette Kelly

SCHOOL BANKING Due to popular demand, the “Pat The Dog” money box is currently unavailable. The Commonwealth Bank will be sending all back orders to the school as soon as they are available.

Enrolments for 2012 are now being accepted! Enrolment forms are available from the school office. Original birth certificates and immunisation certificates need to be sighted by the office at the time of enrolment.

A S S I S TA N T P R I N C I PA L S ’ R E P O RT SAVER PLUS We have recently received some information regarding a “Super Saver” scheme which is run by the Brotherhood of St Laurence. Saver Plus is a nationally-recognised program that pays people $1 for every $1 you save (up to $500) to help pay for education. By joining Saver Plus you could receive $500 to help pay for school items like computers, community activities, books and uniforms. The program is Australia‟s first matched savings program, designed to help families achieve a savings goal, establish a long-term saving habit and pay for education. It has been recognised by the government and received a Prime Minister‟s award. To be eligible you must have: 1. A child attending school in 2011 -2012, or be intending to attend vocational training yourself in 2011 -2012. 2. A current health care card or pension card and 3. Regular form of paid employment (yourself or partner). Please contact Karmen Dayal at Brotherhood of St Laurence on 8781 5932 or email

If families require further information about this valuable community work they should call the foster care hotline on 1800 013 088 or visit the website

INTEGRATION AIDE COURSE The RMIT University is offering a Certificate of Education (Integration Aide ) to be held in Pakenham during 2011 at Beaconhills College Pakenham. The course consists of 8 six hour Saturday sessions. The course will run from 12th November,2011 to until 11th February 2012. For detailed information contact Debbie Cusack at school.


There are a number of students across the school who have not returned publicity permission forms or internet usage forms. We have requested that class teachers follow these up with students and their families to ensure that we have completed FOSTER CARE MONTH forms for all students. September is Foster Care Month In the case of publicity permission, and the Centre for Excellence in if we do not have a completed Child and Family Welfare are form we must assume that the seeking our support in sourcing family has not given volunteer foster from within our publicity permission local community. Volunteers will and that we cannot be trained, assessed and supported publish their image by local foster care providers who or work in school are members of the organisation. publications,

community publications or on the school website. With respect to internet usage, students without the updated internet forms will not be able to use the internet at school. This may limit the student‟s access to learning resources and activities. If you are unsure as to whether you have completed these forms for your children please check with the class teacher.

CARPARKING ISSUES IN THE DROP OFF PICK UP ZONE Some families have raised concerns about the use of the drop off pick up zone located in Collins Crescent. It appears that some families are ignoring the restrictions and leaving their car parked in this area during the busy before and after school times. This is blocking the flow of traffic and preventing other families from utilising this zone effectively. The City of Casey By Laws Officers have been alerted to this problem and will be conducting regular patrols of the areas around our school.


HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER? Please ensure you let the school office know if you have changed address or updated mobile phones with new numbers. This information alleviates stressful situations on students when they are ill and we cannot contact parents

Answers for the Activities for Numeracy Week Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4:

Marcus has 36 cards Waco 3 or 2 Crazo 3 or 5 2.3m 210 cards

2011 BERWICK LODGE FILM FESTIVAL and J-ROCK PERFORMANCE Looking for a sensational family night out??? Well we have the answer for you!! The Grade 5 and 6 children have been busy writing, filming and creating super short films and photo stories this term and we would like to invite our whole school community to the Berwick Lodge Primary School Film Festival on Monday 19th September 2011. This fantastic night will include a special performance of our star J-Rock cast as a special bonus. Invite your family and friends to a very special night and travel down the red carpet of the Drum Theatre in Dandenong for a night you will not forget! WHEN: Monday 19th September 2011 WHERE: The Drum Theatre, Dandenong Town Hall, 226 Lonsdale St Dandenong (Melways reference 91A E7) TIMES: First screening – 5pm for a 5.30pm screening (finishing around 7.15pm) Second screening – 7.45pm for a 8.15pm screening (finishing around 10pm) TICKETS – available ONLY at the Drum Theatre Either by phoning the theatre directly on (03) 9771 6666, attending the theatre personally or ordering over the internet ( and following the links. $10.00 – primary school aged children $12.00 - concession card holders (pensioners, health care cards, seniors cards etc) $ 16.00 – adults and secondary school students. Get in quickly for the best seats available as tickets will sell fast.



Coordinator: Dorien Erasmus

Spring is in the air! Next week at BLOSHC we will welcome Spring with our crafty creations. Holiday Club Let Camp Australia make your kids smile these holidays. Holiday Club bookings are open. Please visit to book online for the holiday program at Berwick Fields and join in the fun and excursions planned for the holiday. Save on Care You can save 50% or more on Before and After School Care fees with the non-means tested Child Care Rebate. Almost all families are eligible. To find out more call Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 Monday to Friday. Visit our website to register Once registered you can make bookings and cancellations, view your statements and manage your details anytime of the day online. Before school care: 6:45am – 8:45am

After school care:

3.30pm – 6.30pm

Star of the week: Cody E 3B: For his good behaviour and excellent attitude when playing games.








Spring Flowers

Foam Bead Necklace

Marble Painting


Parents & Friends Association NEXT MEETING: Thursday 13th October 2011 at 1.30pm in Room 16. Everyone is welcome, including toddlers. 2ND HAND UNIFORM SHOP: Our next 2nd hand uniform shop will be open in the school canteen on Tuesday 20th September 2011 from 2.30pm until 3.15pm.

CLOVER COTTAGE Have you organised baby sitting, bought your tickets or invited your family and friends to this wonderful night? Get in quick as tickets are selling out for this spectacular night. Come along and enjoy a delicious three course meal and fully licensed bar whilst supporting our school. Local businesses have kindly donated prizes to be won and some amazing items to be auctioned. Some of the items to be won/auctions include a Digital Camera, 5 piece Ottoman set, Ballooning Adventure, Bedding, Pamper Packages, Dining and Entertainment packages, Adventure Packages, A framed Hawthorn signed team poster, Fantastic fishing equipment plus much more. Tickets are currently selling out fast so be quick and return your form with payment before Thursday 14th September 2011 (unless sold out). PFA CAFÉ: Is open on Thursday afternoon‟s from 2.45pm in Room 16, next to the grade two portables. If you arrive at school early to get a car park close by, or you want to come and keep warm, please come and visit us and enjoy a hot drink for a gold coin donation.

Current Events PIE & SLICE DRIVE: The PFA are currently holding a Pie & Slice Drive, with our pies and slices being supplied by Emerald Bakery. There will be a variety of savory and sweet pies and also some yummy slices. Please remember to ask your family and friends. Orders are due back on Thursday 15th September 2011. Pies can be collected on Thursday 22nd September 2011. HOT DOG DAY: Forms have gone out today for our upcoming Hot Dog Day on Tuesday 20th September 2011. Please return them as soon as possible. Any parents that can help on the day to support our school, would be greatly appreciated.

UPCOMING EVENTS DRIVE IN MOVIE NIGHT: December we will be having another fun filled Drive In Movie Night at Akoonah Park. This is a great opportunity for advertising for your business. If you work for, or own a business and would like to advertise on the night please email us at

Thank you to all the Parents who helped out at the Father’s Day stall, it was much appreciated.


COMMUNITY NEWS SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAM 27th September 2011, 29th September 2011, 4th October 2011 and 6th October 2011 are multi-sport days. Play Cricket, Soccer, Netball, Volleyball, Football and Dodge ball $15 per child per day Both Boys and Girls are welcome LUNCH ORDERS ARE AVAILABLE Cranbourne Indoor Sports 14 Smethurst Street Cranbourne, Vic, 3977 0478 046 708 5996 5411

THE GLOBAL EXPERIENCE – LIVE IT AT HOME HOST FAMILY OPPORTUNITIES IN 2012 In January 2012 we will be receiving exchange students from Japan, Europe, the USA and Latin America. Our new arrivals will live with a host family and attend a local school for 2-10 months. As we plan for their arrival, we are keen to hear from suitable families located in VIC who might be interested to host a student. Hosting an exchange student can be a truly rewarding experience. It allows a family to experience a foreign culture first hand, be exposed to a new language and pass on a bit of our own culture. They might even make a friend for life! Student Exchange Australia New Zealand is a not-for-profit secondary exchange organisation which is registered with education & regulatory authorities in each State and Territory. You can find out more about our organisation by visiting If you have any questions about hosting an exchange student or would like to view profiles of students arriving from other countries, you can call our office on 1300 135 331. No obligation.

COMMUNITY NEWS BELEZA SCHOOL UNIFORMS Shop 7, 151-159 Princess Highway, Hallam (Cnr Wedgewood Road) Ph: 9702 3181

20% off SALE (No Layby) Sale includes membership discount 29th August - 10th September 2011 Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm Note: There will be no VIP nights this year in December Sale excludes Griffo and Clearance Lines

CASEY LITTLE ATHLETICS CENTRE Casey little Athletics Centre is holding Registration Day on Thursday 15th September 2011 6pm - 8pm and Saturday 17th September 2011 9am - 11am at Edwin Flak Reserve, Manuka Road, Berwick Registrations can be done online at as well on registration days. Little Athletics is open to boys and girls from 5 to 15 years of age. Our Track & Field season commences Saturday 8th October 2011. For further details visit our website at or phone 0458 284 154

Advertisements published by the school are accepted in good faith and should not be regarded as an endorsement of any product or service. Parents and members of the school community are advised to investigate any service or product to determine its suitability to meet their family's needs prior to accessing it.

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