Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, September 2011

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BERWICK LODGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Phone: 9707 1766 Fax: 9796 2198 E-mail: Visit our Websites : http://, Camp Australia/Out of School Hours Care: 9769 8251

NEWSLETTER N0.29 DIARY DATES Tuesday 11th October Thursday 13th October Friday 14th October Tuesday 18th October Tuesday 25th October

Gr 5 & 6 Family Life Program 5/6 Hooptime Regionals Divisional Athletics Gr 5 Family Life Program 3/4 Hooptime Regionals 5/6 Interschool Summer Sport Gr 5 & 6 Family Life Program Gr 6 Family Life Program

22ND SEPTEMBER 2011 NOTICES DUE BACK BY Monday 10th October Thursday 13th October Thursday 20th October

Hooptime Regionals PFA Meeting Shopping Tour

Friday 23rd September 2011 2:30pm Finish Monday 10th October 2011 Term 4 Starts

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT SENIOR SCHOOL FILM FESTIVAL What a wonderful night‟s entertainment it was. On Monday evening the second Berwick Lodge Film Festival was screened at the Drum Theatre in Dandenong. Children in grades 5 & 6 were involved in all aspects of the production – from script writing to editing to creating the sound score and of acting and filming of the scenes. Stage Fright Productions were our consultants and Marcello, who attended Monday evening‟s presentation and was involved with last year‟s filming project was „blown away‟ by the progress we have made in just our second year. Our J-Rock team provided the pre-film entertainment – a truly spectacular performance and the „red carpet‟ greeted everyone as they entered the theatre. Congratulations to all staff members and students – you „did us proud‟ as the colloquialism goes!

FREE FRANKSTON ARTS CENTRE TICKETS First in best dressed! I have received two complimentary tickets valued at a total of $36.00 to a Musical Matinee supported by Bill Livingstone and the Best of British Pops on Friday 4th November 2011 at 1.30pm at the3 Frankston Arts Centre. The Frankston Arts Centre provides a wide range of excellent productions throughout the year at highly affordable rates. In the school holidays in particular there is a lot on for our kids. Just check in to their website for details:

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ‟s) Q. What is the most unusual program offered at Berwick Lodge since its opening? A.I would have to say our equestrian program way back in the mid 1990‟s. We had a teacher, Michelle Wilde, who was an accomplished horse rider with a passion to implement an equestrian program at our school. Well, for that year we had a team of children who trained with Michelle Wilde and rode in equestrian events representing our school. Michelle secured sponsorships to ensure that our students were dressed in appropriate gear in our school colours and they did very well.

THANK YOU Gee how this term has flown! Thank you to everyone for your contribution – enjoy the break if you are having a holiday or even just a few days off and let‟s return refreshed for a great term 4.


‘Passion is the fruit of success’


A S S I S TA N T P R I N C I PA L S ’ R E P O RT BERWICK LODGE FILM FESTIVAL Congratulations to staff and students involved in this years‟ BLPS Film Festival and J-Rock Performance. The evening was most enjoyable with families, students and staff getting into the spirit of the gala event by dressing for the occasion. Guests and stars enjoyed „walking the red carpet‟ and I am sure that the paparazzi have some great photos of the arrivals. The show began with a live encore performance of „Beautiful Monster‟, our J-Rock item recently featured at the Hisense Arena. The audience then enjoyed the screening of a range of short films and photo stories highlighting the acting talents of our senior students and providing plenty of laughs. The Film Festival showcases our students‟ skills in writing scripts, sourcing props, locations and costumes, filming and editing. We were extremely impressed with the growth shown since our inaugural film festival in 2011. This sentiment was echoed by the families in attendance. We congratulate the staff and students on the hard work they have put into this project. We are proud of their efforts and grateful to families who have supported the event through their attendance on the evening.

Cambodia. The students enjoyed the day and raised $638 towards the sponsorship costs. Congratulations to the Junior School Council for this initiative. It is most rewarding to see our students supporting children who live in less privileged communities.

realise that families are busy, we feel that it would be a most worthwhile exercise in eradicating lice from the school.

To be successful, every family would need to commit some time to: Check their children‟s hair at least twice over the holidays. (Eg: Week 1 and Week 2) If any live lice are found, treat immediately. (Complete follow-up PFA CLOVER COTTAGE checks and treatment.) DINNER Last night community members and If any eggs are found, apply lots of conditioner, and patiently remove staff attended a most enjoyable all eggs. evening at Clover Cottage. The PFA team had done an excellent job If every family was diligent in this exercise, of making arrangements for this we would be able to event and had a plethora of raffle break the head lice prizes for participants to win. Thank you to the PFA for organising cycle in the school. We thank you in this event which was a great advance for your cooperation, and opportunity for diners to socialise and support the school at the same look forward to „Lice-free Term 4 at B.L.P.S.!” time.

SUNSMART HATS IN TERM 4 Families are reminded that in line with our „Sun Smart Hat Policy‟ all students are required to wear a Sun Smart hat during outdoor activities and at play times during Terms 1 and 4. Children are encouraged to find their slouch, bucket or legionnaires hat ready for the first day of term.

HOLIDAY HEAD LICE CHECKS FOOTY COLOURS DAY During the two week holiday break, Last Thursday all classes participated we would appreciate the support of in a Junior School Council „Footy every family in the school in the Colours Day‟ to raise funds to detection and total eradication of support the BLPS sponsor children, any live lice and/or eggs that are Oshdi in Sri Lanka and Pheear in found in children‟s hair. While we

END OF TERM 3 EARLY DISMISSAL Parents are reminded that Term 3 ends tomorrow. In line with our usual practice for the end of term the students will be dismissed from their classrooms at 2:30PM. We extend holiday wishes to all of our families and hope that all students will return refreshed and healthy for a busy Term 4!


Enrolments for 2012 are now being accepted! Enrolment forms are available from the school office. Original birth certificates and immunisation certificates need to be sighted by the office at the time of enrolment.

SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT’S REPORT BERWICK LODGE FILM FESTIVAL On Monday night, I had the privilege of attending the Berwick Lodge Film Festival at the Drum Theatre in Dandenong. What a fantastic night this was! It was fun to see our students and their families walk the red carpet and then be photographed by the “paparazzi”. The Grade 5 and 6 students have spent the past term writing, filming, editing and creating short films and photo stories. Monday saw all their hard work pay off as their stories and films were screened. It was great to see everyone so enthusiastic about sharing their project with our school community. We were also treated to an encore performance from our J-Rock cast. Congratulations to all our “Lodgie Award” winners. Finally, thank you to our Grade 5/6 team for their tireless support of our students and their assistance with producing these photo stories and short films. A special thank you to Lois Smethurst and Marcello for their overall guidance.

CLOVER COTTAGE Last night, the PFA held their Clover Cottage Dinner. This was a fun night attended by our staff and families. The food was amazing as usual and there were lots of great prizes won on the night. I think a certain few people went home with car loads of goodies! Thank you to the hard working PFA team who ran this successful night. Special thanks must go to our PFA president, Sarah Hartnett and our MC on the night Andrea Douglas. I would like to wish all our staff, students and families a very safe and restful (hopefully) holiday break and looking forward to a great Term 4. Jodie Norton School Council President

SCHOOL COUNCIL DIRECTORY President: Vice-President: Minute Secretary: Correspondence Sec.:

Jodie Norton Michelle Sarjeant Lois Smethurst Michael Tabone

Principal: DEECD Members:

Henry Grossek Lynne Brenner Sue Naismith

Parent Members:

Prashad Sujenthiran Craig Benedick Carolyn Mehr

PFA Co-Optee:

Samantha Cline

Contact Details: Phone: 9707 1766 Email:

Lesley Lees Fax: 9796 2198

PREP LIFE EDUCATION VISIT I liked when the movie came on. Jamison Harold bumped his head all the time. Erin I like Harold because he was funny. Ryan I liked doing magic with Harold. Charli I had a magic finger when I touched the board. Stephanie He was very funny, Anakin We helped Harold sort out his food and I had the Yabby. Zak I liked Harold because he was so funny. Zubair Possum invited Harold to her thank you party. Samundra Prep W

2011 Premier‟s Reading Challenge Congratulations to all students who have completed the 2011 Premier‟s Reading Challenge. This year 370 Berwick Lodge Primary School students completed the challenge from Grades Prep to 6 with a massive total of 11,500 books finished. Certificates will be distributed next term. The Honour Roll listing the names of students whose parents‟ have given consent will be published on Sunday 27th November 2011 in The Sunday Age. Congratulations to the following students who have completed the 2011 Premier’s Reading Challenge. Caeden M 4DR Katia B 4S Dimi E 3D Happy Reading!

Bernadette Kelly

Congratulations A number of students from Grades 3 to 6 recently undertook the ICAS English reading assessment which is run by the University of NSW. All students who participated should be extremely proud of their efforts. Special recognition is given to the following students who received Credit or Distinction Awards. Distinction Lachlan and Sophie (Grade 6), Kaaviyansiri (Grade 3) Credit Shenelle, Ebony and Joshua (Grade 5), Phoebe (Grade 4), Joshua, Eric, Stephanie, Damien and Flynn (Grade 3) What a super effort.

Footy Dress Up Day On Thursday 15th September 2011, the JSC had a Footy Dress Up Day. All of the students looked fantastic in their Footy colours and really enjoyed showing support for their teams. We had two competitions running on the day; the longest coin line and the coin line that had the most amount of money. The team that had the longest coin line was Richmond, and the AFL Team that had the most money in their coin line was St. Kilda with $119.25, second was Collingwood with $104.20 and third was Hawthorn with $96.55. Through your donations we raised $638.00 which is going towards our World Vision Sponsor Children, Pheear and Oshdi and their communities in Cambodia and Sri Lanka. The winners of the best dressed competition were: Ella (PC), Kane (PL), Emily (PM), Stevan (PW), Keely (1C), Deegan (1M), Dani (1J), Mickayla (2F), Ella (2L), Summah (2G), Jacinta (2Z), Molly (3B), Cooper T and Josh C (3D), Darion (3K), Stephanie (3M), Victoria (4DR), Brodie (4L), Abbey (4R), Megan (4S), Kayla (5C), Myles (5H), Fischer (5T), Jade (5W), Lizzie (6K), Keely (6N), Marnie (6P), Tahlia Thank you for your continued support

Vanessa Stevens and Lianne Morgan On behalf of the Junior School Council

HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER? Please ensure you let the school office know if you have changed address or updated mobile phones with new numbers. This information alleviates stressful situations on students when they are ill and we cannot contact parents

Berwick Lodge Film Festival I walked into the building, the ground covered with the red carpet. I looked up and saw the film posters. It was the finally the night of the Berwick Lodge Film Festival and boy was I excited! But, before I tell you about this, let’s go back to where it all began.

It was Term 2, the term we started writing our stories. Once I had written my story, I read it out to the class, and I was very proud of it. Later on, the class chose three stories to be made into film. The three that were chosen were Renee’s, Vanessa’s

and Eden’s. I think that they were chosen because they were interesting and they kept you guessing about what was going to happen next.

When that was finished, we were all put into one of the three groups. I was put into Renee’s group. We then had to go over our story, which I think we did really well as we mostly worked together as a real film team.

Our next step was to delegate the roles to everyone. We had to co-operate so that it would be fair. In the end, everyone was happy with the characters that they were going to play.

When we started filming, I felt really excited about it. I also got to work with people who I normally don’t work with and I found that we worked quite well together. My favourite part of film was when I was in the bushes looking for the lights.

Editing the film was my favourite part. I got to use iMovie to edit our film and I also

got to help make the effects and sounds. It was awesome because I got to watch the movie as we were changing it. But now back to the Film Festival, I really enjoyed watching everyone’s hard work and effort that had gone into making the movies. It was a real hand on activity and we all learnt heaps. I would highly recommend this again for next year. By Ethan S. 6N

And now for some comments from our Grade 5 and 6 about the Film Festival…… Lachlan R 6P: “I really liked the movies!” Jackson B 5C: “We got to have photos taken on the red carpet!” Jordan H 5C: “We got to dress like celebrities and walk down the red carpet!” Leida M 6P: “I loved performing in J-Rock!” Edward C 5T: “There weren’t many people when I came so I wasn’t embarrassed!”


Continued…... Aidan W 5T: “There was at least a metre of space in the foyer, so you didn’t run into anyone!” Cailan B 5W: “I loved the J-Rock performance because it was fantastic!” Cooper F 5W: “I loved all of the Grade six films!” Rachel G 5H: “It was an educational experience to make the films and it was really good to share them!” Coby R 5H: ‘I think it was a good experience to find out how to make photo stories and to let people see what you’ve done!” Renee W 6N: “I liked how we had the trailer at the start of the films and played the films after!” Keely P 6N: “I liked every last bit of it and especially the trophy I received!” Jodie F 6K: “You could see all the hard work that everyone put into their films. It was great!” Ryley A 6K: “I liked our film because it was awesome!”



Coordinator: Dorien Erasmus

We are proud of another successful term at BLOSHC. Thank you to the school, parents and children for your valued support. See you next term with a bunch of new experiences to share. Last day of School Don’t forget to book your child in for the last day of term on Friday 23 rd September 2011. The program will run from 2.30pm – 6.30pm. Hope to see a few new faces! Holiday Club Let Camp Australia make your kids smile these holidays. Please visit to book online for the holiday program at Berwick Fields and join in the fun and excursions planned for the holiday. Register Online Visit our website to register Once registered you can make bookings and cancellations, view your statements and manage your details anytime of the day online. Before school care: 6:45am – 8:45am

After school care:

Star of the week: Campbell L 4R: For most improved behaviour. Well done! Take care over the holiday period. Dorien and the OSHC team

3.30pm – 6.30pm

Parents & Friends Association NEXT MEETING: Thursday 13th October 2011 at 1.30pm in Room 16. Everyone is welcome, including toddlers. 2ND HAND UNIFORM SHOP: Our next 2nd hand uniform shop will be open in the school canteen on Tuesday 25th October 2011 from 2.30pm until 3.15pm.

CLOVER COTTAGE A huge thank you to everyone who came to Clover Cottage Dinner last night, we hope you all had a fantastic night and enjoyed your meal as well as catching up with friends. Congratulations to everyone who won the prizes and were successful with the auctions. A big thank you to all the companies who donated goods for our night and supported our school. It was hugely appreciated.

Current Events PIE & SLICE DRIVE: Thank you to all the families who bought pies and slices from the Emerald Bakery. We hop you enjoy your delicious treats. Some of the great fundraisers we have for Term 4 include a Walk-a-thon, Shopping Tour, Drive In Movie Night and a Halloween Disco. We look forward to your support for these events. DRIVE IN MOVIE NIGHT: Do you own or work for a company that would be willing to advertise on the “big screen”? The school is more than happy to assist in the creating of a presentation. We are hoping to sell tickets to the school and wider community.

SHOP TILL YOU DROP! SHOPPING TOUR: Our shopping tour is coming up on Saturday 5th November 2011, please return your forms and payment by Friday 20th October 2011. Places are limited so get in quickly. We will be visiting lots of shops that include toys, kids clothes, Manchester and kitchen wares just to name a few. Come and have a great day out with morning tea and a 2 course lunch which is included in the price. SUPERMARKET VOUCHERS: A huge thank you to everyone who is sending in their Coles and Safeway Vouchers. Keep collecting as the more Sports for School Vouchers/Earn and Learn Points we have the more sports equipment and educational resources our children can utilise. PAUL‟S CAPS: The Junior School Council are collecting the Paul‟s Caps to raise money for our sponsor children Pheear and Oshdi in Cambodia and Sri Lanka. Money raised will go towards education and school supplies, building materials for new classrooms and clean, safe drinking water. Wishing all our families a very relaxing and happy holiday. Thank you so much for your support this term We appreciated all your help with our fundraisers and in supporting our school community.


CRYSTAL CLEANING SERVICES P/L For all your carpet/upholstery and general cleaning needs Special Offer 3 rooms/3 seats Professionally steamed cleaned for $77.00 incl. GST Free deodorising Free stain treating Other services: Vacate clean-up/ready for sale For bookings & enquiries contact Steve 0411 752 279

$1.00 from each booking goes back to BLPS. Plus $1.00 to Royal Children's Hospital

COMMUNITY NEWS NARRE WARREN-BERWICK BLUE LIGHT DISCO BERWICK LEISURE CENTRE, MANUKA ROAD, BERWICK SATURDAY 8th October 2011 For Students in years 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 only Times 6:00pm to 10:00pm COST: $10.00 Any enquires to Narre Warren Police Station 9705 3111

COMMUNITY NEWS LOST Grade 6 Jumper “RW6N” on the tag. We would really appreciate if Grade 6 parents could check their children‟s jumpers. If found please return to 6N or the office. Thank you!


Advertisements published by the school are accepted in good faith and should not be regarded as an endorsement of any product or service. Parents and members of the school community are advised to investigate any service or product to


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