Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, November 2011

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PRINCIPAL’S REPORT WORKFORCE PLANNING FOR 2012 People sometimes ask me about the workforce planning task we undertake in preparation for the following year. The truth of the matter is that it is a complex and very time consuming part of our work. That is not to mention the importance of it. Factors which come into play are our expected enrolments, teachers going on leave, retiring or transferring (and this can change due to unforeseen circumstances occurring right through the holidays) and the consequent appointment of new staff. Grade structure, specialist programs we can offer and the grade placement of children are also key aspects of this process. I have attached below the remaining workforce planning for next year with which we will be preoccupied between now and the end of the year. Incidentally, with our main building refurbishment taking place during term 1 & 2 next year, we also have to consider temporary arrangements for the location of several classes and our administration wing and have these arrangements in place for a smooth start to the 2012 year. Monday 7th November th

Tuesday 8 November th

Expressions of Interest for Teaching Preferences 2012 close (9:00AM) Principal Class Team meet with Leading Teachers to allocate teaching responsibilities

Wednesday 9 November

Principal Class and Leading Teacher Team meet to allocate teacher class teaching positions for 2012 (8:00AM)

Thursday 10th November

Teachers notified of Teaching Responsibilities for 2012 Grade Structure 2012 published in newsletter Parent requests for Grade Placement invited in newsletter


Friday 11 November

Process for the Allocation of Teacher Class Leadership roles commenced by LT’s: Area Coordinators

Thursday 17th November

Teaching Responsibilities Schedule 2012 published in newsletter


Monday 21 November th

Thursday 24 November

Parent requests for Grade Placement 2012 close Grade placement 2012 commences


PRINCIPAL’S REPORT C ONTINUED….. Friday 25th November Wednesday 7th December Friday 9th December

LT’s: Area Coordinators finalise Teacher Class Leadership positions and have them ratified by Principal Class. Grade placement 2012 process completed Grade lists 2012 published

Tuesday 13th December Monday 19th December

Prep Transition, Grade 1 to 6 Orientation Staff Handbook 2012 completed and distributed.

GRADE STRUCTURE FOR 2012 Our grade structure for 2012 will be as follows: PREP AREA - 71 Students 3 Grades (1 x 23, 2 x 24) YEAR 1 - 82 Students 4 Grades (2 x 20, 2 x 21) YEAR 3 - 88 Students 3 Grades (2 x 29, 1 x 30) YEAR 5 - 90 Students 3 Grades (3 x 30)

YEAR 2 - 96 Students 4 Grades (4 x 24) YEAR 4 - 106 Students 4 Grades (2 x 26, 2 x 27) YEAR 6 - 114 Students 4 Grades - 2 x 28, 2 x 29)

PARENT REQUESTS FOR GRADE PLACEMENTS I am now accepting parent requests for grade placement for next year. These requests must be in writing and addressed to me. Please refer to last week’s newsletter for guidelines. The closing date for parent requests is Monday 21st November 2011.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ’s) Q. What is a safe level of exposure to direct sunlight for my child? A. That’s a very good question. The latest advice from the Cancer Council of Victoria indicates that we all need some exposure to direct sunlight, with the proviso that too much exposure is potentially harmful. In short, too much exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays increases the risk of eye and/or skin damage with the risk of life threatening skin cancer occurring. On the other side of the ledger, too little UV from the sun can lead to low vitamin D levels, a vitamin important to our wellbeing. For further advice it is well worth your while checking out the Cancer Council of Victoria website.

QUOTABLE QUOTE ‘The fear for fence sitters is that they may fall off.’

Henry Grossek DIARY DATES Friday 11th November Tuesday 15th November Friday 18th November Tuesday 22nd November Wednesday 23rd November Monday 28th November Tuesday 29th November Thursday 1st December

5/6 Interschool Summer Sport Berwick Lodge Walkathon 5/6 interschool Summer Sport 3/4 Joffas Toonschool Prep Myuna Farm Excursion Senior Outdoor & Water Safety Program Prep Polly/Pete’s Day Show Second-hand Uniform Shop 2:30pm PFA Annual General Meeting 1:30pm

NOTICES DUE BACK BY Thursday 10th November Monday 14th November Wednesday 16th November Friday 18th November Monday 21st November Tuesday 22nd November Tuesday 29th November Wednesday 30th November

Grade 6 Graduation Bear/Soccer Social Club Books 3/4 Joffas Toonschool Prep Myuna Farm Excursion Senior Outdoor & Water Safety Program Berwick Lodge Walkathon PFA Nomination Forms Prep Polly/Pete’s Day Show

A S S I S TA N T P R I N C I PA L S ’ R E P O RT PFA WALKATHON Regretfully the PFA Walkathon planned for Tuesday of this week was unable to proceed due to the stormy weather conditions. We are planning to reschedule the Walkathon on Tuesday next week (15th November 2011) in the morning. Students are requested to come dressed in house colours. It is important that the clothing worn for the day be sunsmart and that they have appropriate footwear, a sunsmart hat, and a drink bottle. Hopefully the weather will be more cooperative and we will be able to enjoy the morning!

and much, much more with eight to ten camps each year. The Family Fun Day will include a sausage sizzle, face painting, ball games, children’s entertainment and fun galore. This free event will take place at Alma Park East, 100 Alma Road, St Kilda (Mel. Ref: 58 E9). Please RSVP for the event for catering purposes to Moush on 0430504119 or email to

FIRST AID TRAINING Yesterday eleven staff members undertook their Level 2 First Aid Training at our school. Participants included Principal Class, teaching staff, integration aides and office staff. Those who attended found the program to be very engaging and will now be SINGLE PARENTS – more confident in ACTIVE KIDS FAMILY FUN handling first aid DAY situations. We We have received information plan to offer this from Single Parents Active Kids program to regarding a Family Fun Day to be additional staff in held on Sunday 27th November 2012 and are considering offering 2011from 12 noon to 5PM. parents the opportunity to also Single Parents Active Kids is a take part in this valuable training. non-profit group run by single Through offering this course on parents for single parents and the school premises we are able their active kids. They offer to keep the costs to a minimum. coordinated activities all over This training program Melbourne. They run four to complements the annual training five events each week include for all staff in CPR, Anaphylaxis parks, beaches, dinners, parents and Asthma management. only nights, movies, zoo visits

CRE CHRISTMAS PRESENTATION The CRE program will culminate in their annual Christmas Presentations to be held on Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th November 2011. Families of children who attend the CRE Program are invited to come along and watch the Christmas celebration performance. The programs involving Preps (When Jesus was Born), Year 1 (The Greatest Present) and Year 2 (You Are Special) will take place on Tuesday 29th November 2011 between 2:15 and 3:30PM in the school gymnasium. The Years 3 and 4 performance (The Legend of the Three Christmas Trees) will take place on Wednesday 30th November 2011 between 2:15 and 3:30PM in the school gymnasium.



Congratulations to the following students who received awards over the last week: Emily PC

Kane PL

Steven PW

Zeke PM

Lachlan PC Erin PW

Lilly PM

Natalia PL

SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT’S REPORT Welcome everyone to my School Council President’s Report. SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING UPDATE Our most recent school council meeting was held on Monday night. Some of the items we discussed I have noted below for your interest. “BER” Project: As you will have seen our new BER building is now structurally complete. Also the landscaping has been completed. However a number of outstanding issues remain including compliance of the building. We are currently waiting for these issues to be addressed and will notify you once we have a handover date. Our request to install air conditioners along with inside blinds or additional joinery with the additional $50,000 received from BER Taskforce has been approved by the DEECD. This has been a significant achievement for Berwick Lodge. Outstanding Service Award for Staff: As per the notice that was distributed on Tuesday, this year we are presenting our first Outstanding Service Award for staff. If you believe that one of our staff, be they teaching or non-teaching, has provided an outstanding contribution to the Berwick Lodge school community this year, then please nominate them for this award. Nomination forms are available from the school office. These nomination forms must be returned to the office by Wednesday 30th November 2011. REMEMBRANCE DAY POPPIES Congratulations to all our Junior School Council Representatives and our office staff on the fantastic job that they have done with selling poppies. The money raised from the sale of the poppies, badges and wristbands goes to the RSL to assist them with the support of veterans and their dependents. As school council president, I am very interested in any comments that our parent community has to offer. If you wish to discuss any other issue, please feel free to contact me directly or any one of the school council team. We look forward to hearing from you. I can be contacted via the school office or you can email me on

Jodie Norton School Council President

SCHOOL COUNCIL DIRECTORY President: Vice-President: Minute Secretary: Correspondence Sec.:

Jodie Norton Michelle Sarjeant Lois Smethurst Michael Tabone

Principal: DEECD Members:

Henry Grossek Lynne Brenner Sue Naismith

Parent Members:

Prashad Sujenthiran Craig Benedick Carolyn Mehr Lesley Lees

PFA Co-Optee:

Samantha Cline

Contact Details: Phone: 9707 1766 Email:

Fax: 9796 2198

Visual Arts News

As you may have noticed, the wall outside the canteen is looking amazing with the colourful mosaic design. Next Wednesday 16th November 2011 we are in desperate need for some adults to assist with the grouting. If you, or a friend or relative, are able to assist with this please let Mrs McLeod or Mrs Whitelaw know. Please wear protective clothing. Also, if you have any old, clean rags at home to clean the mosaic, please bring those along as well. Even an hour of your time would be a great help. Thank you Julie McLeod & Lia Whitelaw Visual Arts

WHAT IS PERSISTENCE? Examples of Persistent Behaviour             

Continuing to try, even when schoolwork is hard Not being distracted by others Completing assignments on time Finishing work rather than playing Taking time to listen to instructions and directions carefully Not giving up too quickly Checking work when it is finished to make sure it’s correct Completing chores without having to be reminded Putting things away rather than leaving in a mess Making the effort to return telephone calls Doing what you say you are going to do Staying up late until the work is finished Following through when you say you will do something you find tough to do

Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) 2012 and School Start Bonus (SSB) Applications for the 2012 Education Maintenance Allowance and School Start Bonus are now available from the school office. If you have a child under 16, and hold a valid Health Care Card, Pension Card or be a foster parent you may be eligible to receive the EMA. Your Health Care / Pension Card must be valid on the 1 st February 2012. The 2012 allowance of $235 is split evenly between the parent and the school and is paid in two instalments, one in March and one in August. The School Start Bonus is provided to assist low-income families with the costs associated with their child starting Prep or Year 7. If you hold a valid Health Care Card, Pension Card or be a foster parent, and have a child starting Prep at Berwick Lodge in 2012 you may be eligible to receive this one-off $300 payment. Closing Date: Parents/Guardians with Prep children commencing in 2012 need to lodge a School Start Bonus form before Thursday 15th December 2011. Education Maintenance Allowance applications must be lodged at Berwick Lodge before 29th February 2012. Please see the school office for application forms or if you have any queries.

Dear Parents/Guardians, This year all Grades 3 to 6 children will be participating in the Fantastic Fridays Program in Term 4. This program will run on Friday afternoons (2:30pm to 3:30pm) starting from Week 3 and will run for approximately 6 weeks. It is an elective program where students will be mixed with their peers to learn a variety of different subjects outside the normal curriculum areas of Literacy and Numeracy. The elective programs on offer are:

Gymnastics Lego Cooking Art / Craft/Scrapbooking Woodwork Sport Photography Playing Musical Instruments Science and Technology

We have a number of teachers allocated to the various programs but are asking our school community for some support. If you have any expertise in any of the following areas and would like to participate in the program we would greatly appreciate your time and experience. These activities require different materials and resources and we would greatly appreciate any donations to support our Fantastic Fridays Program. These could include-construction materials such as wood, screws, wheels, art supplies, foam cups etc. Please see Traceye Rapinett for information or details about the program.

School Name


Coordinator: Dorien Erasmus

We always thought we have wonderful little chefs in BLOSHC - now we know it! Corporate Express and Camp Australia launched a “Happy little bakers” competition in Term 3 to encourage OSHC services to create healthy recipes using no butter or eggs. The results are out and Berwick Lodge OSHC was voted one of the top 5 with our yummy chocolate cake. For our effort we received a $50 gift voucher from Myer to buy something special for our OSHC program. Congratulations BLOSHC! HOLIDAY CLUB coming soon! Watch this space for really exciting news about the Camp Australia vacation program that will now be available at Berwick Lodge - starting Monday 9th January 2012. Visit for more information. Save on Care You can save 50% or more on Before and After School Care fees with the non-means tested Child Care Rebate. Almost all families are eligible. And remember – permanent bookings are cheaper than casual bookings. To find out more call Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 Monday to Friday. Visit our website to register Once registered you can make bookings and cancellations, view your statements and manage your details anytime of the day online. Parents, please remember to CANCEL your child if you know he/she will not be attending ASC. That saves us from running around to find your child in the afternoon. Before school care: 6:45am – 8:45am

After school care:

3.30pm – 6.30pm

Star of the week: David G 6K: For being a good example, treating staff and other children with respect. WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK Walk like an Egyptian AFTER SCHOOL CARE



Pharaoh mask

Make a mummy


Build a pyramid


Hietoglyphics bracelet



Parents & Friends Association NEXT MEETING: Thursday 1st December 2011 at 1.30pm in Room 16. Everyone is welcome, including toddlers. 2ND HAND UNIFORM SHOP: Our next 2nd hand uniform shop will be open in the school canteen on Tuesday 29th November 2011 from 2.30pm until 3.15pm.

AGM AGM - Thursday 1st December 2011 at 1.30pm: The Parents and Friends Association will be holding their Annual General Meeting at which Office Bearers for 2012 will be elected. Vacancies exist for all executive positions:

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer It is a condition of election to an office bearer position, and/or voting of these elections, that you register prior to the annual elections being conducted. Registration forms are available from the school office. Nomination forms have been included with this newsletter. PFA CAFÉ: Is open on Thursday afternoon’s from 2.45pm in Room 16, next to the grade two portables. As the weather gets warmer we will be providing cold drinks, for a gold coin donation. So don’t wait outside your child’s classroom in the heat, come in and grab a cool drink. We will still have tea & coffee available so make sure you drop in for a chat.

WALK-A-THON Walk-A-Thon - Tuesday 15th November 2011: Due to the inclement weather we were unable to hold our Walk-A-Thon this week. We are looking forward to holding this event next Tuesday 15th November 2011. We would like parent helpers for this event next week, please come to the school office and complete a parent helper form. We hope to see you next week!!!

Upcoming events BILLY G’S COOKIE DOUGH: Next week you will be receiving your order form for the very famous and yummy Billy G Cookie drive (same as last year). You can thaw and re-freeze this cookie dough several times. These are the easiest biscuits you will ever make!! The kids can be involved, there is no mess, no mixing, barely any dishes!! Scoop and Bake!! There are also Christmas cakes available and lots of great incentive prizes to be won. Flavours available include; * ANZAC Biscuit * Choc Chunk

* Choc Muffin * Christmas cake

*Ginger *Shortbread

*Triple Choc *White Choc Chunk Macadamia

Prices will range from $15 - $17 per tub and each tub makes about 52 x 25g cookies, that's between 29c - 31c each and 26 x 50g muffins which is 62c each.



Kalinda Primary School Kalinda Road, Ringwood. ** Saturday 19th 9am – 5pm Sunday 20th 10am4pm** LARGE VARIETY OF MODEL TRAIN LAYOUTS Adults $6.00 Children 5 -15years $4.00 Family (2 adults + 2 children or 1Adult + 3 children) $16.00 Concession $5.00 PRESENT THIS COUPON TO RECEIVE 1 FREE CHILD ENTRY WITH 1 PAYING ADULT ENTRY


For more information please call Mat. 03 9001 6082 Or visit our website at



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