Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, December 2011

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PRINCIPAL’S REPORT STAFFING UPDATE I am very pleased to inform you that Katrina Dennien has accepted my offer of employment for next year. Katrina will be replacing Lucy Harding in grade 5, as Lucy has accepted a teaching position at Berwick Fields P.S. next year. Katrina has worked at our school regularly this year as a CRT, currently teaching Kylee Ziino’s grade, and has five years teaching experience behind her.

become aware of who they are, and depending on that, you may be in a position to have a wise/stern word with them or let us know at the school or contact the police. Your assistance in this matter might save a child from a consequence they may regret for the rest of their lives.

PREP TRANSITION PROGRAM Our annual Prep Transition program is well under way and feedback to date has been very positive. I always really enjoy the TEENAGE CHILDREN ON OUR occasion – the SHADE SAILS AFTER SCHOOL children are so small HOURS with such big smiles This practice seems to be picking up and an infectious enthusiasm which is lately and it worries me greatly. These completely uplifting. Next Tuesday children are at great risk of serious morning I have the pleasure of injury. We don’t know who they are meeting with parents of our 2012 but perhaps members of our school Prep children and this is one of my community are aware of who they many favourite special occasions. are. They may be a family member of children who attend our school or former students themselves. If you

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ’s) Q. Do I always inform parents when I have discussions with children in my office? A. No. There are many reasons why children come to my office – more often than not the reason has nothing to do possible disciplinary behaviour being incurred by the child. I don’t as a matter of course inform parents of all such meetings between children and myself during the course of the week or year. I draw on my many years of experience in deciding on whether to call parents in such cases. I do believe that there are more than a few occasions when issues can be dealt with at school without having to involve parents in the matter. In saying this I am not referring to the more serious issues or chronic issues that leave us all exasperated. CONTINUED…..

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT C ONTINUED….. Of course, by all means contact me at the school if your child is upset over an issue that involved a meeting with me in my office, and I have not contacted you, and you really feel that we should talk. However, be also aware of the risk of being overly protective of your child, when on occasion it may be best to accept that they may be upset following a meeting with me. QUOTABLE QUOTE ‘Rumours have the longest legs’


Thursday 22nd December end of Term 4 2:30pm Thursday 2nd February 2012 start of Term 1 DIARY DATES Tuesday 6th December Wednesday 14th December Thursday 15th December Thursday 22nd December Thursday 2nd February 2012

5/6 End of Year Excursion Casey Race Last Day for School Banking 3/4 Melbourne Zoo 3/4 Melbourne Zoo Last Day of Term 4 1st Day of Term 1 2012

Friday 9th December Monday 12th December Thursday 15th December

3/4 Melbourne Zoo Grade 6 2012 Windcheater/T-shirt Education Maintenance Allowance/School Start Bonus (Prep)


Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) 2012 and School Start Bonus (SSB) Applications for the 2012 Education Maintenance Allowance and School Start Bonus are now available from the school office. If you have a child under 16, and hold a valid Health Care Card, Pension Card or be a foster parent you may be eligible to receive the EMA. Your Health Care / Pension Card must be valid on the 1st February 2012. The 2012 allowance of $235 is split evenly between the parent and the school and is paid in two instalments, one in March and one in August. The School Start Bonus is provided to assist low-income families with the costs associated with their child starting Prep or Year 7. If you hold a valid Health Care Card, Pension Card or be a foster parent, and have a child starting Prep at Berwick Lodge in 2012 you may be eligible to receive this one-off $300 payment. Closing Date: Parents/Guardians with Prep children commencing in 2012 need to lodge a School Start Bonus form before Thursday 15th December 2011. Education Maintenance Allowance applications must be lodged at Berwick Lodge before 29th February 2012. Please see the school office for application forms or if you have any queries.

A S S I S TA N T P R I N C I PA L S ’ R E P O RT PARENT HELPERS’ MORNING TEA Invitations to this annual event are being sent home with students today. The morning tea will be held on Tuesday 20th December 2011 at 11:00am in the school gymnasium. If you have been one of our wonderful helpers and miss out on an invitation we apologise for missing you. Please feel most welcome to attend the morning tea. BABY NEWS Congratulations to Jo and Marcus Zammit and their family on the safe arrival of Darcy Ronald Zammit on Wednesday 23rd November 2011. Darcy’s birth weight

was a healthy 4800 grams (10lb 7oz). Jo has already visited the school to introduce Darcy to staff and we are certain we will see more of him in the coming weeks. STUDENTS IN THE GROUNDS OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS We have noticed that several students are arriving at school very early each morning and playing in the playground without adult or guardian supervision. We remind parents that our staff are on duty from 8:45am to 9:00am in the morning and 3:30pm to 3:45pm in the afternoon. Dorien Erasmus, our OHSC Coordinator can be contacted directly on 9769 825I if parents would like further information about the excellent before and after school care programs. We have also observed a number

SCHOOL BANKING Last day of School banking will be on Tuesday 6th December 2011. We will resume next year. Thank you to all the students that have participated in the school banking for 2011. In my final year of primary school, I thought wow this is going to be cool. With graduation getting near, I think I want to curl up in fear. Next year I’m getting older, I feel like crying on a shoulder. High school is so big and new, I’m so scared I’m going to spew. The year is coming to an end, I can see it now, It’s around the bend. I don’t know what I’m going through, What on earth am I going to do. Some of the things this year that I have

of students who appear to return to school after hours, some as late as 6:00pm to 7:00pm in the evening. We are concerned that these students are placing themselves at risk as there is no supervision at this time and there are many areas of the school yard that are isolated. On occasions children have been seen trespassing on the roof of the school and the potential dangers of this practice should be evident. Students have been reminded of the risks involved with being in the grounds outside of the supervision times and we appreciate parent support in this matter.


LOST PROPERTY Please could all parents check in the lost property for any lost items of clothing that their children maybe missing.

done, Have been really, really, really fun. We had a film festival and we made a movie, And I thought ours was really groovy. This year is almost over, I wish I had a four leafed clover. So I could wish to stay another year, Then I wouldn’t have to leave right here. So now I have to finish this, Berwick Lodge is the thing that I will miss. By Renee 6N

Myuna Farm Visit by Prep M Last week we went to Myuna Farm. We got to feed the animals and we got to ride ponies. I saw a big white peacock and a big colourful peacock too. I went on a train ride. I got to milk the goat, it felt funny. It was fun on the bus. It was our first excursion. By Katie, Prep M. I went to Myuna farm. My favourite was the rabbits and the turtles. I went on the train and I got to hold a bunny. I went on a bus. Elia went in a taxi. I had fun. I saw pigs. The boy’s name was farmer Daniel. We watched a movie. We played on the playground. We got to feed the animals. I didn’t hold a guinea pig. I love the sheep. By Jai, Prep M. On Wednesday Prep M went to Myuna farm. I had a ride on a horse and a train. We saw a snake, emus, kangaroos and sheep. I held a rabbit, it was fluffy. I had a good day at Myuna farm. By Elia Prep M. On Wednesday I went to Myuna farm. I saw a pig and I saw a bull. By Zachary, Prep M. On Wednesday I went to see the animals at Myuna farm. I saw some sheep and alpacas and ducks and horses. I saw rabbits and pigs and cows and lambs. By Emily, Prep M. On Wednesday I went to Myuna farm. I got to hold a guinea pig and I got to hold a rabbit. We saw pigs and we saw chickens. I saw the goats getting milked. I had fun feeding the ducks and I saw snakes. I saw the cows and the reindeer. By Molly, Prep M. On Wednesday I went to Myuna farm. I saw sheep and a pig. I saw ducks and a rooster and an emu. By Stevie, Prep M. Last week I went to Myuna farm. I went on the train and I fed the ducks. I saw a rabbit, a horse, a sheep, a pig, cows, lambs and a goat. I saw a bull and I saw an emu. I saw chickens and I saw a rooster and snakes. By Lucas, Prep M. I went to Myuna farm. I saw rabbits. By Goy, Prep M. On Wednesday I went to Myuna farm. I saw a rabbit. I saw a pig. I saw the farmer. I had fun. By Olivia, Prep M. I went to Myuna farm. I saw an alpaca and a big fat pig. I saw a water buffalo and a goat. By Zeke, Prep M. On Wednesday I went to Myuna farm. I saw a guinea pig and rabbits. They were black and white and I went on a train. I had fun. I saw a bull. It had big horns. We fed the animals. It was lots of fun and we saw ducks. By Hayley, Prep M. On Wednesday I went to Myuna farm. I saw a goat and two cows and sheep. I saw some ducks. By Connor, Prep M. Last week I went to Myuna farm. I saw a bull it was a bullock. My favourite animal was the emu. I played tiggy in the maze with my friends. I saw the sheep. I fed some of the animals. My favourite thing to do was feeding the ducks. I went on a train to go and feed the ducks. On the way I went on a bus. By Ajay, Prep M. On Wednesday I went to Myuna farm. I got to hold a rabbit and a guinea pig. I saw a pig and some roosters. I got to feed ducks and feed all the animals. I saw the emus and I saw sheep. By Tanis, Prep M. On Wednesday I went to Myuna farm. I saw a guinea pig and I saw ducks. I saw a horse. By Isabelle, Prep M. On Wednesday I went to Myuna farm. I fed the sheep. By Dion, Prep M. On Wednesday I went to Myuna farm. I saw ducks. I saw a pig. I played on the slides. I saw a horse. I got to hold a guinea pig and a rabbit. I saw a cow. I saw a goat. I saw lambs. I had fun. I played in the maze. I had Mum with me. My favourite animal is the guinea pig. It was a hot day. I saw emus. I fed the goat. I milked the goat. I went on the train. By Lilly, Prep M. On Wednesday I went to Myuna farm. I got to feed the animals. I got to hold the bunnies. I had fun. I saw a horse. I saw a cow. I saw and snake and a rabbit. I got to ride a horse. I saw a maze and I played tiggy in the maze. I got to milk the goat and it felt funny. I got to go on a train. It was bumpy. I played on the playground. By Holly, Prep M.

WHAT IS PERSISTENCE? Things to Say to Encourage Persistent Behaviour When you catch the young person behaving persistently say:                

“You really put a lot of energy into that.” “Your results have improved due to your sustained effort.” “Great effort.” “You stuck to that like glue.” “Boy, you are on task all the time.” “You didn't give up!” “You really tried hard.” “You sure don’t give up easy.” “Doesn’t that feel good?” “Making that effort will help you learn.” “You’re not going to let mistakes stop you.” “Your effort is so important. It will help you succeed.” “You worked hard on this.” (written on a note) “Look at this. It comes from giving it her best shot!” (holding up student’s work in class) “You continued even when the going got tough.” “Your on-task behaviour is much improved. Your results continue to get better.”

Parents & Friends Association 2ND HAND UNIFORM SHOP: If you have any uniforms at home that are still in wearable condition we would greatly appreciate some donations or, we can sell them on your behalf. As we have had the last 2nd hand uniform shop for the year, donations can be dropped off at the PFA café, Room 16 on a Thursday afternoon (2.45 - 3.30).

PFA CAFÉ: Is open on Thursday afternoon’s from 2.45pm in Room 16, next to the grade two portables. As the weather gets warmer we will be providing cold drinks, for a gold coin donation. So don’t wait outside your child’s classroom in the heat, come in and grab a cool drink. We will still have tea & coffee available so make sure you drop in for a chat.

Upcoming events

DRIVE IN MOVIE NIGHT: In December we will be having another fun filled Drive In Movie Night at Akoonah Park. There will be a jumping castle, face painting, fairy floss, pop corn and a delicious sausage sizzle to cover all your dinner needs!! This is a great opportunity for advertising for your business. If you work for, or own a business, and would like to advertise on the night please email us at We will be glad to offer any assistance in organising your advertisement. Do you know someone who does face painting? Our usual face painter is unavailable to attend our Drive In Movie Night and we are experiencing difficulties in locating a new one. If you are able to help please could you email the PFA at

BILLY G’S COOKIE DOUGH: Thank-you to all the families that placed a Cookie Dough order. The orders will be distributed via your child’s classroom at the end of the day on Tuesday 13th December 2011. As the tubs of dough are quite heavy please ensure that you arrange for someone to collect your order if you are unavailable, as they are too heavy for a child to carry. Tubs must be collected on Tuesday 13th December as they need to be kept cool and there is no storage at the school. Orders are due for collection on Tuesday 13th December 2011. SUNSCREEN: We are selling roll on sunscreen which is available to purchase for $6.00. It is a perfect size to place in your child’s school bag, your handbag or in the glove box! It can be purchased from the office or from the PFA café on a Thursday afternoon.

BUSINESS ADVERTISING CRYSTAL CLEANING SERVICES P/L For all your carpet/upholstery and general cleaning needs Special Offer 3 rooms/3 seats Professionally steamed cleaned for $77.00 incl. GST Free deodorising Free stain treating Other services: Vacate clean-up/ready for sale For bookings & enquiries contact Steve 0411 752 279

$1.00 from each booking goes back to BLPS. Plus $1.00 to Royal Children's Hospital


Robert Day Sales Consultant Dandenong Hyundai 179 Princes Highway, Dandenong 3175 Telephone: (03) 8791 3199 Fax: (03) 9791 6302 Mobile: 0423 699 279 Email: Web:

COMMUNITY ADVERTISING MELBOURNE PLAYGROUNDS Melbourne Playgrounds is a free on-line guide to thousands of Melbourne activities for the entire family! Activities cover playgrounds (more than 2800 reviewed with photos), Play Centres, Aquatic Centres, Skate Parks. BMX tracks, miniature train rides, sport and recreation, nature activities, museum & science, educational pursuits, indoor activities, hobbies and cultural activities such as music and dance. Melbourne Playgrounds is unique in that it provides reviews, ratings and photos of activities. There is also a extensive list of family activities outside Melbourne covering all of Victoria which is useful when planning a day trip or longer holidays within the State. The Melbourne Playgrounds is

FOR SALE Thomas the Tank engine “Figure 8 Set� Wooden Figure 8 Track Thomas Train and Carriage and, 2 other trains & carriages. Cost $50 Contact Sally 0402 027 007

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