Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, February 2012

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NEWSLETTER N0.3 SCHOOL COUNCIL ELECTIONS 2012 It is that time of the year and as Returning Officer, I am formally declaring our 2012 School Council election process open. We have a total of four (4) parent representative category vacancies – all for a two (2) year term. We also have one (1) DEECD representative category vacancy, also for two years.

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Please note that you can be nominated either by yourself or by another member of your category (parent or DEECD). In the event that a person is nominated by someone else for election to school council, then the person being nominated must give their signed consent on the nomination form.



(1) Eligibility to be nominated: Persons who have been convicted of an indictable offence or are an undischarged bankrupt are ineligible. To nominate as a parent representative candidate you must have a child enrolled at our school and are not employed at any government school in Victoria for more than 8 hours per week. To nominate as a DEECD representative Parents retiring from school council TIMEFRAME FOR ELECTIONS candidate, you must be employed at a are: Victorian government school for at Jodie Norton, Michael Tabone, (1) Friday 17th February: Call for least 8 hours per week. Prasad Sujenthiran and Lesley Nominations Lees (2) Friday 24th February: (2) A ballot will only be called if we Our DEECD member retiring is: Nominations Close receive more nominations than Sue Naismith (3) Friday 2nd March: Ballot vacancies in either or both categories. Nominations for election to school Papers distributed in event of In the event that we receive the same council to fill these vacancies are now election being required number of nominations as there are th invited from our parent community (4) Friday 9 March: Counting of vacancies, then as Returning Officer, I for parent vacancies and staff for Ballot & Declaration of Poll will declare all those people DEECD vacancies. Nomination forms (5) Monday 19th March: First & nominated duly elected. are available from our general office Second School Council meetings or can be requested by email or by after the Poll telephone, again from our office staff.

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT CONTINUED... (3) Retiring members, if eligible, can be renominated for a further term. Please consider nomination for council as school council is a most important decision-making body of our school and a great way to learn about school education and how a school operates. Call me or drop in for a chat should you wish to discuss any aspect of school council participation or the election process further. Nomination forms are available at the office and nominations close on Friday 24 th February 2012 at 4.00pm. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q. What avenues for supporting school council exist for me if I do not have the time to be on council? A. Sub committees are a great way to participate. Eight meetings of about one hour each are held throughout the year and their work is directed by school council. Please contact me if you are interested in this alternative. QUOTABLE QUOTE ‘Ironic indeed that one of the most popular of contemporary games – the blame game – leaves us all the poorer for playing it in the end.’


DIARY DATES Monday 20th February Thursday 23rd February Friday 24th February Tuesday 28th February Thursday 1st March Tuesday 6th March Wednesday 7th March

Edwin Flack District Swimming School Photos School Photos Book Fair Religious Education—Prep to Grade 2 Religious Education—Grade 3 & 4 Amy’s Amazing Adventure

NOTICES DUE BACK Friday 17th February Wednesday 29th February Friday 2nd March

Edwin Flack District Swimming EMA Applications Amy’s Amazing Adventure CANTEEN NEWS


Congratulations to the following students who received awards over the last week: Briani PM Joshua PM Joshua PS

Nathan PS Taj PK

Kingston PW Daisy PK Brianna PW

The new Price list for the school canteen has been given to all students today. These prices are effective form Monday 20th February 2012. CANTEEN WILL BE CLOSED ON TUESDAYS! Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) 2012 Applications for the 2012 Education Maintenance Allowance and School Start Bonus are now available from the school office. If you have a child under 16, and hold a valid Health Care Card, Pension Card or be a foster parent you may be eligible to receive the EMA. Your Health Care / Pension Card must be valid on the 1st February 2012. The 2012 allowance of $235 is split evenly between the parent and the school and is paid in two instalments, one in March and one in August. Education Maintenance Allowance applications must be lodged at Berwick Lodge before 29th February 2012. Please see the school office for application forms or if you have any queries.

ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT ‘PREP FOR PARENTS’ Did your child start Prep this year? Would you like tips on how to support your child in their first year at school? Then subscribe to the DEECD’s new weekly Prep for Parents email. You will be sent an email every Wednesday during school term that will include tips, advice and information about the day to day experiences children have in the classroom and things you can do at home to assist and encourage your child. To subscribe to Prep for Parents, see: aboutschool/prepare/prepforparents/ default.htm PREP EARLY DISMISSAL ARRANGMENTS We request that parents collecting Prep students at 2:00pm be mindful that this is also the lunchbreak of our other students. For this reason we are suggesting that parents who wish to remain in the yard after collecting their child from the classroom, move to the Prep play area on the south side of the main building. This enables teachers on duty to distinguish between prep students who are playing under the supervision of their parents, and other students for whom they are responsible. It is really good to see our prep families socialising with each other in such a positive way.

individual photos will be taken on Thursday 23rd February 2012. Family and miscellaneous photos (eg: student leaders/JSC) will be taken on Friday 24th February 2012. ANAPHYLACTIC CHILDREN Across the school we have a significant number of children with serious allergies that can result in anaphylactic responses which in extreme cases can be life threatening. Some of these allergies are to food products such as nuts and eggs. In an endeavour to avoid situations where an anaphylactic child is exposed to the allergen our school has a no food -sharing policy including the education of all students about why food-sharing can be a health risk for some students. Teachers of anaphylactic students are also required to put the following measures in place: 1. Encouragement of students to wash hands both before and after handling food. 2. Students eating lunch inside under adult supervision. 3. Ensuring allergic students are not seated with children consuming foods that are known to trigger allergic reactions. 4. Thorough cleaning of table surfaces following the consumption of food. 5. Ensuring that an allergic student is quarantined from allergens in all class situations. Eg: cooking, science experiments, art.

Wilson House Captains: Phoebe 6P, Clayton 6N Sports Captains: Jaime 6K, Hayley 6K ICT Captains: Cooper 6W, Grace 6N Library Captains: Con 6W, Shenelle 6N Visual Arts Captains: Edward 6W, Ashlea 6W Performing Arts Captains: Kyle 6K, Lilli 6W A photo of our student leaders has been included in this newsletter and families are requested to keep a look out for a feature article in the local newspaper. MEET THE TEACHER NIGHTS All families should have received notification of the arrangements for Meet the Teacher Evenings to be held on Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th February 2012. We remind families that these are due back at school tomorrow (Friday 17th February 2012).

YEAR 6 MENTOR PROGRAM Following the success of our staff/ student mentor program which has been in place for the past two years, we have decided to continue this popular initiative. All Year 6 students are allocated a staff mentor for the year. Staff involved in the program include all teachers, integration aides, administration staff and Principal Class. Both the staff and students are very excited about the opportunities this program will provide for staff and our senior students to create stronger While it is not our policy to ban specific connections. Today the staff hosted a foods we do request that families are special morning tea for the Year 6 SCHOOL PHOTOS mindful of this situation. students to enable students to meet and This week families should have received greet their 2012 staff mentors. SCHOOL LEADERS information regarding School Photos. At our school assembly on Monday CANTEEN PRICE LIST Individually named order forms were morning we announced our Student The 2012 canteen price list has been distributed by class teachers. Photos Leaders for 2012. We congratulate the sent home with the newsletter today. can be pre-ordered online with Please note that there are price additional designs, special products and following students and are confident that they will be effective leaders and increases on a number of items and promotions available only online. Please positive role models for the other these prices are refer to the forms for detailed students. effective information. Forms can also be School Captains: Jessica 6P, Ben 6P immediately. These returned to school via the class teacher. School Vice Captains: Ebony 6K, Liam increases were Additional 6K approved by School individual forms Buchanan House Captains: Ashleigh 6N, Council at the meeting earlier this week. and Sibling Zac 6W Envelopes are Casey House Captains: Jemma 6K, available from the LYNNE BRENNER & Aaron 6W school office. Langmore House Captains: Hayley 6W, DEBBIE CUSACK Class and Liam 6P

SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT’S REPORT Welcome everyone to my School Council President’s Report. SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING UPDATE Our most recent school council meeting was held on Monday night. Some of the items we discussed included:

 

Fitout of our new BER building, including airconditioning, joinery, blinds Progress on our refurbishment project, we have had regular meetings with our architect and approved our Schematic Design. We are still anticipating beginning construction in late March.  Continuing work on our eSmart (Cybersafety) program  Acceptance of our school as a Better Buddies School  Thank you to everyone who has paid their fees. We noted the positive response to ICT Contribution and the discount structure applied to our Essential Items Fees.  Acknowledgement that the PFA have raised $19,000 for our 2011 year. Congratulations on your hard work. Announcement of our AGM in March and school council elections to be held. THANK YOU To our retiring members, thank you for all your hard work and effort over the past year. Your time and commitment to our school and the School Council is greatly appreciated. As school council president, I am very interested in any comments that our parent community has to offer. If you wish to discuss any other issue, please feel free to contact me directly or any one of the school council team. We look forward to hearing from you. I can be contacted via the school office or you can email me on Jodie Norton School Council President

SCHOOL COUNCIL DIRECTORY President: Vice-President: Minute Secretary: Correspondence Sec.:

Jodie Norton Michelle Sarjeant Lois Smethurst Michael Tabone

Principal: DEECD Members:

Henry Grossek Lynne Brenner Sue Naismith

Parent Members:

Prashad Sujenthiran Craig Benedick Carolyn Mehr Lesley Lees

PFA Co-Optee:

Carly Baker

Contact Details: Phone: 9707 1766 Email:

Fax: 9796 2198

2012 SCHOOL LEADERS Last Monday, our 2012 school leaders were announced at our whole school assembly and they were presented with their badges. Congratulations to the following students and we look forward to a great year ahead. SCHOOL CAPTAINS: Jessica M , Ben H SCHOOL VICE CAPTAINS: Ebony L Liam McD HOUSE CAPTAINS: LANGMORE- Hayley B , Liam K CASEYJemma I , Aaron G WILSONPhoebe B , Clayton T BUCHANAN- Ashleigh P , Zac L SPORTS CAPTAINS- Jaime F , Hayley E PERFORMING ARTS CAPTAINS- Kyle A , Lilli A VISUAL ARTS CAPTAINS- Edward C , Ashlea M ICT CAPTAINS- Cooper F , Grace P LIBRARY CAPTAINS- Con E, Shenelle K

Welcome to Asia Studies in the Library! I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and also tell you about the Asia Studies Program that will be running in the Library this year! My name is Sarah Vine and this is my 13th year of teaching, but only my 2nd year being a specialist teacher. Being a specialist teacher means that I have the privilege of teaching each and every student which is such a wonderful opportunity. It is my aim to create a happy, friendly and exciting atmosphere for the students to learn in. In Term 1 the Asia Studies Program will be focusing on literature & language: The Preps will be listening to an Asian picture storybook each week and then completing a simple craft activity that they will be able to take home and share with their family. The Year 1 students will be listening to an Indonesian folktale each week and then acting them out in small groups. They will learn the Indonesian words for some of the animals in the stories; as well as how to count to ten in Indonesian. The Year 2 children will be watching a movie called ‘Mulan’; which is set in China. Each week there will be fun quizzes relating to specific sections of the film. The Great Wall of China will be investigated and the children will be making small Lego models of The Great Wall. The Year 3 students will be listening to the story ‘Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes’. Over the course of the term they will learn about Japan’s flag, haiku poetry, counting to five in Japanese, ‘cherry blossom’ artwork, origami and the use of chopsticks. The Year 4 children will be listening to two Indonesian folktales about a ‘kancil’. From these folktales they will identify the characteristics of the ‘kancil’ and create their own class ‘Crafty Kancil Adventure’ story. At the end of the term each student will take home a picture book of the class story they helped to develop. It’s going to be a fantastic term with all the kids filled with fun and laughter!

Many smiles, Miss Sarah Vine

Library On Show – Book Fair Time! To showcase our wonderful new library the school will be holding a ‘Scholastic Book Fair’ from Tuesday 28 th February 2012 – Thursday 1st March 2012! Tuesday 28th February 2012 – 3:30 to 6pm Wednesday 29th February 2012 – 3:30 to 6pm Thursday 1st March 2012 – 3:30 – 5pm This is a great opportunity for everyone to come and visit our new library. Scholastic Book Fairs are lively and fun events that enable children, parents and teachers to purchase quality books and classroom materials at reasonable prices, while earning free books for our school. The fair will have a huge range of books, including fantasy, classics, reference, award-winners, humour, non-fiction and mystery. There will be books suitable for both girls and boys within each age group that capture their imaginations and excite them about reading. ‘Clifford’ the dog will also be making an appearance at our school assembly on Monday 20th February 2012 to launch our Book Fair competition and tell you how to win some great prizes! Many smiles, Miss Sarah Vine

Well the year has barely started and it is full steam ahead in the sporting department. On the third school day of the year Berwick Lodge held the annual swimming trials to select a team for the district swimming carnival. Thank you to all students who tried out. An extra big congratulations goes to the following students who have qualified to represent BLPS on the 20th February 2012: Jemma I 6K Jayden M 5D Victoria T 5T Amy P 5D

Brodie B 5T Aleece S 4R Jake M 6W Tanisha D 5T Britney O 6W Abbey D 4K Blake I 3S

Yasmin M 4Y Trinity S 3S Shenae K 4K

Matthew K 6K Aaron G 6W Josh S 6N Ashlea M 6W Brandon Z 3M Joel K 3S

These students have been training hard in preparation for the trials. Best of luck. Mr. Pryor PE Co-ordinator

Parents & Friends Association We are off and running in 2012!!! Great to see all the kids back and so excited for the year ahead. Big thanks to all who attended the first PFA meeting for the year this week. If you were unable to attend the meeting don’t worry, there are still plenty of opportunities to get involved!!

Easter Raffle Donations have started to come in, big thanks to all who have contributed so far. We are looking for donations of easter eggs or other easter themed gifts to add to our prize hampers. Please pass any donations onto your classroom teachers, with your help we hope to put together some fantastic prize packs!!!

Zumba Fitness Hope you're all pumped for another awesome night of Zumba Fitness fun next Tuesday 21st Feb. Doors open at 6pm for a 6.30 start, $5 per person payable on the night. Children are most welcome but don't forget that it will be an adult class with adult content!!

The next PFA meeting will be Wednesday 14th March 2012 at 9.30 am in room 31. As always children are most welcome!

BUSINESS ADVERTISING BOXERCISE CLASSES Fight for your fitness Don't let the name scare you off, boxercise is a fun and efficient way to burn calories, lose weight and get fit in a safe and friendly environment. Work at your own pace using correct boxing and self defence techniques to experience the benefits of boxing for yourself and improve your fitness. Classes are non contact and protective equipment is used at all times to ensure classes remain safe and fun. All equipment is supplied, so all you need to worry about is fighting for your fitness! Classes at the Berwick Leisure Centre Suitable for anyone aged 13+ and who wants to get fit and have some fun! Tuesdays 9.30am (mums class) Fridays 7.30pm (mixed class)

CRYSTAL CLEANING SERVICES P/L For all your carpet/upholstery and general cleaning needs Special Offer 3 rooms/3 seats Professionally steamed cleaned for $77.00 incl. GST Free deodorising Free stain treating Other services: Vacate clean-up/ready for sale For bookings & enquiries contact Steve 0411 752 279

$1.00 from each booking goes back to BLPS. Plus $1.00 to Royal Children's Hospital


CALL NOW FOR YOUR FREE TRIAL CLASS! Book in now - Limited spots available! Call Rachel on 0400 343 848 or email

RABBIT AND ENCLOSURE FREE TO GOOD HOME 1 and a half year old black rabbit requires a good home with a secure and safe area to roam freely. All enquires please call: Vanessa: 0425 833 648 or Brett: 0430 833 648.

GRAND OPENING! AWESOME PLAYGROUNDS 239 Princes Hwy, Hallam Come and join us in our Grand opening on Saturday 18th February 2012 Specialising in: Cubbies Outdoor Furniture Forts Sandpits Swings Trampolines Slides Monkey Bars Accessories and more All things for ‘Outdoor Play’ for kids and/or Adults!

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