Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, March 2012

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NEWSLETTER N0.5 SCHOOL COUNCIL ELECTIONS 2012 I have received a total of four (4) nominations for the four (4) parent category vacancies on school council and one (1) nomination for the DEECD category vacancy. These five vacancies in total are for a two year term each. As the number of nominations equals the number of vacancies in both categories, I declare all nominated persons duly elected to school council. Please note that our PFA representative is nominated by the PFA . Parent Representatives: Jodie Norton, Karen Tsekouras, Prasad Sujenthiran & Heather Cross DEECD Representative: Sue Naismith PFA Representative: Carly Baker Karen Tsekouras, Heather Cross and Carly Baker are new members of council and we welcome them

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT warmly. Jodie Norton, Prasad Sujenthiran & Sue Naismith are returning members. Our school council is comprised of (12) members in total – (8) parent representatives, including one nominated by our PFA annually and (4) DEECD representatives, including the principal, Ex-Officio. Our next school council meeting, which will involve the transition from our current school council membership to the new membership, including the election of our office-bearers, will be held in our staffroom on Monday 19th March 2012 at 7.00pm. Parents are always welcome to attend. YEAR 7 PLACEMENTS A number of parents have spoken with me this year in regard to the appeal process for secondary placements. We have some time up our sleeves on this important matter. Secondary school placements involve parents completing the initial application forms in early May,

1ST MARCH 2012

indicating their preferred government secondary school for their child in the following year. As a rule students are initially placed by the secondary schools in their neighbourhood secondary college. Following the release of secondary placements, parents have the right of appeal, citing their reasons in writing. It is at this point that I can provide written evidence in support of appeals. I usually meet with parents as the appeal process nears and discuss their appeal options first. I am always happy to meet with parents at any time to discuss secondary placements, but I recommend that my letters of support are not provided until required for the appeal process which commences in late May. Continued..

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT CONTINUED... FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q. Can we buy lunch from the canteen for our children on credit? A.No. This service is not provided by our canteen operators simply because it results too often in an administrative nightmare in following up outstanding payments. Similarly, we do not provide credit for the purchase of lunch orders by children. In the event that a child comes to school without lunch and parents are unable to bring their lunch to school, we provide a basic sandwich – cheese or vegemite with a piece of fruit (except for Tuesdays as the canteen is closed). It is not possible to use Eftpos for the purchase of student lunches because the money involved is far too small a sum to warrant such transactions. QUOTABLE QUOTE ‘One way of viewing ‘miracles’ is that they say more about our ignorance than anything else.’

HENRY GROSSEK DIARY DATES Thursday 1st March Tuesday 6th March

Book Fair Religious Education—Prep to Grade 2 Purple Day Religious Education—Grade 3 & 4 Amy‘s Amazing Adventure Curriculum Day - No students required to attend school National Young Leaders Day Grade 5/6 Bigbuzz Productions: Our Story

Wednesday 7th March Friday 9th March Thursday 15th March Friday 23rd March

NOTICES DUE BACK Friday 2nd March

Amy‘s Amazing Adventure Prep Working with Food in the Classroom National Young Leaders Day Grade 6 Windcheaters Grade 5/6 Bigbuzz Productions: Our Story

Tuesday 6th March Monday 19th March


Congratulations to the following students who received awards over the last week: Sarah PW

Tevin PW

Elise PS Alex PS Seth PW


Fountain Gate S.C High Achiever‘s Program caters for students in Year 7 to 10 who have shown academic skills beyond that of their peers. Grade 6 parents and students who are interested in finding out more about this program can collect a brochure and application form from Mrs Sue Naismith, Room 24. Applications close Monday 30th March 2012.

Isabella PM Zachary PK Lowan PK

Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) 2012 Are now Closed for Period 1

ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT MEET THE TEACHER NIGHTS Thank you for your outstanding support in attending our first Meet the Teacher Night for this year. Attendance levels were very high and teachers welcomed the opportunity to chat with you regarding your child‘s education and wellbeing this year. We also wish to acknowledge the time that our teachers contributed towards making the two evenings a success. BETTER BUDDY LAUNCH – PURPLE DAY On Tuesday all students will be introduced to their 2012 buddies and participate in buddy activities as part of our launch of our involvement in the Alannah and Madeline Foundation Better Buddy Program. To celebrate this day students have been asked to wear purple (the Better Buddy colour) to school on Tuesday. A representative from the Alannah and Madeline Foundation will be visiting the school on this day to take part in our program launch. In addition to our involvement with the Alannah and Madeline Foundation Better Buddy Program we are working towards becoming an eSmart School to promote cyber safety practices with our students and the school community. In today‘s newsletter we have included a flyer from the Australian Communications and Media Authority entitled ‗Say no to cyber bullying‘. We encourage families to read this flyer and discuss its contents with their children. Over the coming months we will send

home other flyers related to this and we suggest that families collect and keep them as a resource. During Term 2 families will be invited to attend a workshop conducted by the Australian Communications and Media Authority dealing with cyber safety issues. Further information will be provided through future newsletters.

Self-Acceptance (not thinking badly of yourself when making a mistake), Risk Taking (trying something new even though you might not be able to do it first go), and Independence (thinking it is important to try new activities).

SUPERVISION OF STUDENTS BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL We have noticed that many of our GET TO KNOW YOUR students are still arriving at school NEIGHBOUR BROCHURE very early and remaining in the The City of Casey has produced a school grounds until late in the brochure entitled ―Get to Know afternoon. Parents Your Neighbour‖, an initiative from are reminded that the the City of Casey‘s New Estates yard is supervised by Community Development Program. staff between 8:45 The brochure outlines opportunities and 9:00am in the for Casey‘s residents to connect morning and 3:30 and with one another and to link in to 3:45pm after school. Students in the Council‘s existing programs. The playground outside of these times brochure is currently being are at risk. If it is necessary for translated into eight different children to be at school either early community languages in recognition or late, then parents should consider of the residents in the municipality. enrolment in the OSHC Program or A flyer accompanying this newsletter make other arrangements. outlines the contents of the ―Getting to Know Your Neighbour‖ kit. The Children are welcome to play on brochure can be accessed via the their allocated playground when City of Casey website they arrive at school in the morning, or if they are waiting to be picked up after school. They should not be STUDENT WELLBEING playing on the playgrounds of other NEWS – BUILDING levels unless their parents are CONFIDENCE supervising them. As part of our You Can Do It Program our students will be If for any reason your child has not focusing on the ‗Confidence Key‘. been picked up by 3:45pm they will Confidence means knowing you will be directed to the front office area be successful at many things you where they must wait until they are attempt. It means not being afraid collected. These measures are not to make mistakes or to try meant to cause any inconvenience. something new. Examples of They are for the safety and security confident behaviour in children of all of our students. include raising their hand in class to answer a question, attempting difficult work without asking for LYNNE BRENNER help, sharing a new idea with a teacher or the class, or saying hello & DEBBIE CUSACK to someone new. In building confidence in children it is important to encourage

Library On Show – Book Fair Time! This week we held our Scholastic Book Fair and showcased our wonderful new library! I must begin by acknowledging the students who entered the competitions that were run last week; everyone did such a terrific job. Our winners were: Regan G – Prep K Lilly M– 1J Meg G – 2FR Shinae C– 3M Stephanie K – 4Y Kayla W– 6P Imagin M – 6W These students all received a $10 voucher to spend at our fair! Secondly, I would like to recognize the amazing support and help from Denise Aurisch, Jodie Norton and the specialist team. Without them I could not have achieved such a fantastic result for our school. The first day of our fair was very reminiscent of the Myer Boxing Day Sales. As I was teaching my last class for the day I began to notice many enthusiastic parents congregating outside the library; this was my first inkling that our fair was going to be one of success. After two and half hours we had sold $3700 in books and variety items! Wow! The second day was also very successful; however there was definitely more room to move. I cannot pass on my thanks and appreciation enough to all of you, our parents and friends, for the way you have embraced and supported this event. It means that many more new books can be added to our library for all the kids to enjoy. Today is our final afternoon of the fair, so if you haven‘t managed to come and see the new library or visit the fair yet you still have time! Many smiles Miss Sarah Vine

Year 7 2013 Transition News Parents of Grade 6 children who are interested in the Berwick S.C High Achievers Program are invited to collect the brochure outlining all the information about the program from Mrs Sue Naismith in Room 24. Applications for this program close at 4pm on Monday 26th March 2012. Emerald S.C have also sent information about their SEAL Program, (Select Entry Accelerated Learning). Any parents interested in considering this school are welcome to collect the relevant information from Mrs Sue Naismith. PARENTS OF GRADE 5 and 6 children are invited to attend a school tour of Berwick S.C. Bookings are essential for these tours. Please contact the Berwick S.C school office on 8768 1000 to register for a tour. Tour Dates areTuesday 13th March 2012 at 9.30am Thursday 15th March 2012 at 9.30am Saturday 28th April 2012 at 9.30am Monday 30th April 2012 at 9.30am Thursday 3rd May 2012 at 9.30am Thursday 10th May 2012 at 9.30am Thursday 16th August 2012 at 9.30am Thursday 13th September 2012 at 9.30am For further information about Berwick S.C please contactMrs Linda Bourke on 8768 1000 or For any queries about zoning restriction at Berwick S.C please contact Mr Spencer Davenport


Congratulations to the first ever Berwick Lodge Primary School tennis team. Eight students were selected to represent the school at the inaugural Edwin Flack District tennis cup, held by the Casey Tennis Centre at Sweeney Reserve. It was a long day of matches for our players, who gave their all against some pretty tough opposition at times. So well done to the following students: Hayley E 6K Phoebe B 6P

Matthew K 6K Matthew I 6P

Struan A 6N Imagin M 6W

Blake C 6N Britney O 6W

Extra congratulations to Matthew I and Struan A for finishing equal first in the elite doubles draw. Still on sports, good luck to the Berwick Lodge Swimmers competing in the divisional finals on Monday 5thMarch 2012. WALKATHON PRIZES Thank you for the patience of all students awaiting prizes from last year‘s Walkathon. The prizes are on the way and will be delivered to students‘ classrooms as soon as they arrive. Thank you, Mr. Pryor

Berwick Lodge OSHC phone: 9769 8251

Coordinator: Dorien Erasmus

Things are going well at BLOSHC, which means lots of smiling faces coming and going! The children made some beautiful crafts for Valentine’s Day. This week our theme was Water Sports and we could surely make use of the boats, paddles and snorkels during the heavy rain. A few reminders for the New Year:  Please remember to CANCEL your child if you know he/she will not be attending ASC.  To ensure the safe arrival of your child at OSHC, please make a booking online or call us to confirm attendance.  Update your contact details when it changes.  We will only allow those people you nominate on your Enrolment Form to collect your child/ children.  No child is allowed to play outside without a hat – please send an extra hat for OSHC. Curriculum Day Friday 9th March 2012 is a Curriculum Day. It is important to note that Camp Australia requires a minimum number of bookings (20 children) to operate a program on this day. The service would operate between the hours of 6.45am to 6.30pm. The cost per child per day will be $51.00 (CCB is available). Please contact the OSHC coordinator, Dorien at 9769 8251, BEFORE Wednesday 7 th March 2012 if you need care for your child/ children that day. Save on Care You can save 50% or more on before and After School Care fees with the non-means tested Child Care Rebate. Almost all families are eligible. And remember – permanent bookings are cheaper than casual bookings. To find out more call Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 Monday to Friday. Visit our website to register Once registered you can make bookings and cancellations, view your statements and manage your details anytime of the day online. Hours of operation Before school care: 6:45am – 8:45am

After school care:

3.30pm – 6.30pm

Star of the week: Amanda H 1C: For working very hard to settle into a new school and OSHC and always being kind and polite. WHAT’S ON NEXT WEEK: Toy Story (Thank you Stephanie K for your contribution) AFTER MONDAY SCHOOL Buzz’s Rocket CARE Globe

TUESDAY Three-eyed Alien Pal

WEDNESDAY Rex Placemat

THURSDAY Jessie – Calico Doll

FRIDAY Curriculum Day

Parents & Friends Association Easter Raffle The EASTER RAFFLE is coming up. Thanks to all who have sent in donations for our prize hampers but we still need more! So this week throw an extra Easter egg into the shopping trolley and pass them onto your classroom teacher. Tickets will be sent home on Monday 6th March 2012 and due back to your classroom teacher by Monday 19th March 2012. The raffle will be drawn on Monday 26th March 2012 at Assembly.

You could be a winner!!




CRYSTAL CLEANING SERVICES P/L For all your carpet/upholstery and general cleaning needs Special Offer 3 rooms/3 seats Professionally steamed cleaned for $77.00 incl. GST Free deodorising Free stain treating Other services: Vacate clean-up/ready for sale For bookings & enquiries contact Steve 0411 752 279

$1.00 from each booking goes back to BLPS. Plus $1.00 to Royal Children's Hospital

COMMUNITY NEWS St Andrew’s Uniting Church 105 High Street Berwick (Enter of the Service Road)

Pre-Loved BOOK SALE Happening regularly in 2012 Saturday 24th March 2012 8.30am - 1.00pm Bring a friend St Andy‘s Café is open too



STS Student Exchange is a not for profit student exchange organisation, with over 50 years of BERWICK LEISURE CENTRE, experience and a global network of 22 offices. Our MANUKA ROAD, BERWICK organisation is registered with the Department of SATURDAY 3rd March & 31st Education of Victoria and a funding member of CASEO March 2012 (Council of Australian Student Exchange (NO APRIL DISCO) Organisations). STS has placed many students from all over the world For Students in years 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 with Australian host families over the last 25 years. We only have a number of exchange students arriving in July 2012 and are keen to become part of an Australian Times 6:00pm to 10:00pm family while going to the local high school. COST: $10.00 Therefore we welcome all families willing to offer one Any enquires to Narre Warren of our exchange students a bed to sleep in, their meals Police Station 9705 3111 each day and treat their host son or daughter as a member of their own family. Exchange student have their own spending money and medical insurance. While your exchange student is learning about Australian Culture, you family members will learn about theirs. What a great way for your children to lean FOR SALE about another country! 8yr old Cavalier x King Charles Call us today to start your adventure! 1800 263 964 or email Free to a good home us at Please call Kylie on 0458 031 181 for more Website: details

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