Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, March 2012

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15TH MARCH 2012

teachers about what they learnt. Professor Hattie is well worth Earlier this year we upgraded our Professor John Hattie, one of the checking out on Google. telephone system to a modern world’s most respected FREQUENTLY ASKED digital system with educational researchers was more lines and profiled in Monday’s The Age. QUESTIONS better recording Not only is Professor Hattie’s Q. Who decides what staff do and monitoring work highly valued, it is also on curriculum days? features. In all controversial. Many of his A. We do. Considerable thought probability you research findings challenge many is given to our curriculum day may not noticed any changes – popular views on education. In activities – with many DEECD and that’s because our staff, the short, his evidence-based work school-based priorities operators, are very professional can be challenging to digest. competing for time. In short, and maintain an excellent Nonetheless, it is well worth there are always far more standard. From a management taking seriously. I have taken the professional development perspective, the new system liberty of providing school council activities that we would like to do provides us with greater members with a copy of The Age than time to do them. flexibility and greatly improved piece on him. Two of his recent data collection and interpretation books (he has 14 published books QUOTABLE QUOTE capabilities. on education), Visible Learning & ‘Charisma opens doors, but Visible Teaching – emphasise the can break hearts’ importance of teacher feedback to students but, more Henry Grossek importantly, student feedback to



DIARY DATES Tuesday 20th March Wednesday 21st March Friday 23rd March Tuesday 27th March

Hospital Dress Up Day House Athletics Carnival Grade 5/6 Bigbuzz Productions: Our Story Easter Disco Hot Dog Lunch

NOTICES DUE BACK Monday 19th March Thursday 22nd March Monday 26th March

Grade 5/6 Bigbuzz Productions: Our Story House Athletics Carnival Parent Helper Form Easter Disco 5/6 Interschool Winter Sport - Code of Conduct/Medical Form 5/6 Camp Sovereign Hill Deposit

ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT STUDENT WELLBEING extend and develop the children’s We would also suggest that understanding of the topics children do not arrive at school NEWS – early, or remain in the school LIFE EDUCATION VAN covered. As part of our unit on health/ drug education the Life Education mobile classroom will be visiting our school from Wednesday 2nd May until Friday 11th May 2012. Life Education has been visiting schools for many years and is always a highlight of the children’s year and helps to facilitate the development of life skills in students to prevent and minimise the harm of drug misuse. Lessons are always age appropriate and the children will be covering a wide range of health and drug related topics during these sessions ranging from the human body and how it works, healthy eating and nutrition, medicines and drugs, bullying, resilience and social skills. Healthy Harold, the well loved LIFE education giraffe mascot, is always a much anticipated element of the Life Education visit. The Life Education sessions are always fun, interactive and really

Further information about the Life Education van visit will be forwarded to families at the beginning of next term.

STUDENT SAFETY This week we were alerted by a member of our community regarding a student being approached by a person unknown to the child. We feel that it is a timely reminder of the need for us to be alert and prepare our students to deal with this situation should it arise for them. We suggest that parents discuss the importance of travelling to and from the school via the most direct route with other students/ adults. If the student has concerns the safe options available to them include local Safety Houses and community services such as the local shop, doctors surgery and kindergarten. All students should be encouraged to inform an adult (parent, teacher, school crossing supervisor) if they are feeling unsafe or have noticed anything unusual whilst travelling to and from school.

grounds, outside of the supervised times (8:45AM to 3:45PM). For their own safety students who are in the school grounds outside of these hours should be enrolled in the OHSC Program or under direct supervision of their parent/ guardian.

EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS Parents are reminded of the importance of ensuring their contact details held at the school are current. This is vital in cases of emergency where immediate contact with the parents is required. It is also advisable for parents to check that the details for alternative emergency contacts are current. If details have changed, the changes need to be forwarded to the school office in writing at the earliest opportunity. A change of details form is available on request from the office.

Lynne Brenner & Debbie Cusack

HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER? Please ensure you let the school office know if you have changed address or updated mobile phones with new numbers. This information alleviates stressful situations on students when they are ill and we cannot contact parents


Congratulations to the following students who received awards over the last week: Harrison PS Alice PS

Hayley PS

Ben PK

Oliver PM Holly PK

Rune PM

Judd PK

Jordan PS Aaron PW

Jackson PM

Ronan PW

Emelia PK

Maddylin PW

Junior School Council Hospital Day On Tuesday 20th March 2012 we will be having a Hospital Day to raise money for the Good Friday Appeal. Children can come dressed as a doctor, nurse or patient (in their pyjamas). If children dress up they can donate a gold coin.

Aleacia PM

Elizabeth PW

Year 7 2013 Transition News Parents of Grade 6 children are invited to attend a Parent Information Evening at the Berwick Secondary College Performing Arts Centre on Tuesday 24th April 2012 at 7pm. Information will be provided on the Berwick Secondary College programs, pathways, transition process and the BSC school zone.

Miscellaneous Group Photos Order envelopes were sent home yesterday for the miscellaneous group photos (e.g. school leaders, sport teams) These photos are on display in the office window of Grade 5C, room 20, adjacent to the front door of the Grade 5/6 building. All completed photo orders need to be returned to your class teacher no later than Wednesday 28th March 2012.

Grade 5/6 Camp Parent Helpers If you're interested in being a parent helper on camp, please come and collect a form from me (in room 23) or ask your child to come and see me. These forms are due back by Wednesday 21st March 2012. Thanks, Jackie Pope

The Parents & Friends Association Present:

The BLPS Easter Disco Friday 23rd March 2012 Preps — Grade 2 4.30pm—6.00pm Grade 3 — Grade 6 6.30pm—8.30pm

Prizes for best costume & best dancer Only $2.00 entry! Payment forms are being sent home with the newsletter today, or are available at the office

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