PRIZM - A Puzzle Book for the Abled and Differently Abled (Visually)

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PRIZM PRIZM A Puzzle Game for the Abled and Differently Abled
By Gargi Nawani, Tulendra Sahu, Kajal Saini, Palak Chopra and Harshit Rao

1 . All the Pages can be printed in A5 and A4 Page size as well ( For Children with Long Distance Visual Impairment).

2. The Games can be played regardless of Print in Color or Black and White. 3. Level 2,3 and 4 requires Braille print in 16 point size in seperate pages to avoid overlapping of braille dots respectively. 4. Most Important! Have Fun!



The collection of puzzle games is intended to highlight the value of interdependence and how it can enable us to recognise one another's abilities. Depending on the circumstances, sighted and visually impaired people have different capabilities. Understanding each other's capabilities can increase our sensitivity to and depth of understanding of the issues faced by the visually impaired.

LEVEL 1 B R A N D I L L E E S Y H T Z Z O U C H F E E G G W S K K U D B L A Q P Y X A W C O O J U Q X Z T Search the words and mark them with Pencil for Sighted HINT: The words are related to the Visually Impaired WORDSEARCH
LEVEL 1 ANSWERS B R A N D I L L E E S Y H Z Z O T U C H F E E G G W S K K U D B L A Q P Y X A W C O O J U Q X Z T Touch, Feel, Hand, Braille, Eyes
LEVEL 2 Each row, column and square (4 spaces each) needs to be filled out with the numbers 1-4, without repeating any numbers within the row, column or square. Each row, column and square 4 spaces each needs to be filled out with the numbers 1-4, without repeating any numbers within the row, column or square. for Visually Impaired SUDOKU


2 4 4 1 1 2 3 3 3
4 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 1 1 2 3 3 3 4
LEVEL 3 for Sighted & Visually Impaired new delhi Sri Jayawardenepura dhaka thimpu kathmandu Islamabad 1 2 3 4 5 6 Match the right Capital city written in Braille with the right country number given above the shapes. MATCH THE COUNTRY
New Delhi Sri Jayawardenepura Dhaka Thimpu Kathmandu Islamabad 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6
for Sighted & Visually Impaired LEVEL 4 1. What type of rare view mirror is used in Automobiles? 2. Which Fruit has Citric acid? 3. What Animal breathes through its Skin? 4. What are the little pores at the bottom of the Leaf called? Find the Answers to the following Questions by deciphering the letters with Shapes, Draw the right sequence of Shapes. SHAPE IS KEY
a a e o o n l B H D J m m n n c c e o a v v x f g r s t t W U Y Z I P K B I P K Q I P K Q I P K Q I I Q B H D J Q K U U U U U Y 1 2 3 4 Example GATE →
LEVEL 4 ANSWER � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � x � � � � � � 3. FROG 4. STOMATA 1. CONVEX 2. LEMON

Thomas Merton

“Compassion is the keen awareness of the interdependence of all things.”
Compassion is the keen awareness of the interdependence of all things.
Thomas Merton

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