A promise is an allegiance dedicated, an oath taken and a pledge guaranteed. The one who made the promise has an obligation to fulfill whatever vow has been sworn. Promising does not always have to be spoken because, at times, people choose to show their devotion through actions or by any means of giving any palpable gift to whomever they devote themselves to instead of divulging their covenant with their significant ones.
Many couples today use ring as a symbol of their commitment and way to seal their promises to their better half. The meaning of a promise ring depends from couple to couple. It can be a sign of pre-engagement, life-long friendship, or whatsoever. Its appeal is derived widely from the many meanings that it can represent. Most couples’ promise rings signify a future wedding, but others just simply wear them as their means of showing their full devotion to each other.
Although it doesn't carry the same levity of an engagement ring, a promise ring should not be treated lightly. "A promise ring should be given after a couple has dated for a significant amount of time—a year or more—to show how serious you are about the relationship," says Kelly McLeskey-Dolata, founder of Bay Area event planning and design company, A Savvy Event.
In terms of style, anything goes with a promise ring. Common themes include hearts and the infinity sign. Customizing the design of your own promise ring is also possible. One thing that differentiates an engagement ring to a promise ring is that an engagement ring has this sacred nature while a promise ring is more of a fashion piece because it can either be from someone who commits a relationship to you or from you who pledges to do something to make yourself better for you. Either way, they both serve a purpose.
There isn’t a right way of giving a promise ring. It completely depends on the person. As to which finger a promise ring should go on completely depends on the one to wear it too, but usually, they are worn on the ring finger of the left hand if not yet married or the right if married. While promise rings are intended to fulfill a lifelong vow, we all know that things don't always go according to plan. Even if the oath is revoked, promise rings are not always returned. Again, it depends on the nature of the breakup.
More info: http://promiseringsforcouples.net/ http://erater.bravesites.com/entries/general/the-etiquette-to-promises